Ilp Semester 1

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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)
Revised 6.1.17
Directions: The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells after POP Cycle is completed.
Cells will expand as
needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies/images of pre/post assessments/directions and the Pre/Post Assessment Data Table.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level

kwilson@abidingsavior Multiple Subject 3rd
Wilson .com
Mentor Email School/District Date

Allysha Neebe Abiding Savior 10/11/23

Section 2: CSTP Areas of Inquiry
Directions: Identify 2-3 CSTP elements for ILP focus, including at least one as required: Semester 2 – CSTP 1/2/3; Semester 3 – CSTP 4/5/6; Semester 4 -all. Use most
recent CSTP Assessment for
Initial Rating. Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
CST Element Initial Rating Description Goal Rating Description
T- I currently am using knowledge from data T- My goal is to gather additional data on
students by using pre-assessments to identify
1.1 Using sheets provided by the previous year teacher and where students need additional support. Also
T- emerging data provided via school wide assessments. T- exploring using the knowledge of students’ likes and
knowledge of dislikes I gained during the first week of school
when creating lessons.
students to
engage them in s- emerging S- exploring

learning S- Some students engage in lessons via the S- Students will be able to engage in lessons
and will have adjustments/ differentiations
school provided curriculum and worksheets based on their learning needs and scores from
during whole group instruction. the pre-assessments taken before lessons.

My goal is to implement centers during
T- T- I am currently using differentiated T- applying grammar units as a way to differentiate and
1.4 Using a variety exploring re-teach lessons during grammar units that
instructional strategies during math, but I students may struggle with. I will differentiate
of instructional would like to implement more during grammar. by forming groups of students for each center
based on their learning needs and develop
strategies, I use an interactive grammar notebook for S- applying worksheets or activities to help meet their
students to take notes in and differentiate the learning needs. For example, for more tactile
resources, and learners I would have them cut out different
technologies to S- amount of notes students write based on their singular and plural nouns and glue them into
the appropriate box labeled singular and plural
exploring learning needs/ supports.
meet students’
diverse S- Students are given time to discuss and
learning needs work with partners during work time on the
grammar worksheets,and will participate in
S- Students will receive instruction during
movement activities(ex: stand up or sit down if centers to meet their learning needs based on
the word is a noun or verb) during grammar as their IEPs and their pre-assessment scores.
they like to move and walk around.
Section 3: Inquiry Focus and Planning (Attach Pre/Post Assessments to ILP)
Inquiry Focus Inquiry question Pre-Assessment Post-Assessment Expected Results
Based on your selected CSTP Pose measurable and observable
What will you use as your baseline What will you use as your How do you expect student
elements, identify a focus of inquiry question in terms of students (e.g.,
assessment of student final assessment of performance to change? Use
(e.g., group what impact will
discussion, strategy X have on student actions/performance? student percentages to describe anticipated
differentiation, performance as measured by Y?) actions/performance? growth.
Use of centers to differentiate and What impact will differentiated centers have on
There will be a 20% increase in the average
student performance as measured by the
support student learning needs. post-assessment (Unit test)?
Previous examination scores New chapter exam exam score for students who participated in class
and the learning centers.

The pre-assessment will The same test will be

How can I create successful consist of 20 questions. administered for the
1.4 using a variety of centers differentiated to meet These questions will pre-assessment and I expect students to score
instructional strategies, represent the content that post-assessment, so I can
and support student learning we will be learning in the analyze student growth at least a 70% or higher
resources, and technologies grammar unit (singular, post-grammar unit.
needs to identify/ create plural, and irregular plural on the post-assessment.
to meet students’ diverse
learning needs. singular and plural nouns? nouns).
Focus Students
Directions: Identify three focus students for your inquiry. Identify special characteristics of the students and include performance data. Explain why you have selected them for
this inquiry focus. Do not use actual names of students. (Note: At least one focus student should be an English learner and at least one must have an ILP/504 accommodation.
The third is your choice, but please
identify someone that poses an instructional challenge.) Identify expected results for each focus student.
Focus Student 2: Student with
Focus Student 1: English Learner ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
FS2 is a student with an IEP FS3 is a student who has a hard time
Focus student 1 is an English for reading comprehension staying focused and will disrupt the
learner who has been getting an struggles and needs additional class. FS3 has been getting an 86%
Performance 80% overall average for her time.She has been getting a
70% overall average for her overall average for his trimester
Data trimester grade in grammar. From grade in grammar. From previous
trimester in grammar.From
previous grammar units, she scores previous grammar units, grammar units, he scored an
an average of 80% to 75% on post student 2 scored an average average of 84% on post
assessments. of 69% on post assessments. assessments.

I expect FS2 to raise her

I expect Focus Student 1 to raise overall grade to a 75%, and I expect FS3 to raise his overall grade to
her overall grade to at least an score at least a 75% on the a 90%, and score at least a 90% on his
Expected post-assessment for
Results 85%, and score at least an 85% on post-assessment for identifying singular
identifying singular and
the post assessment for identifying plural nouns. and plural nouns.
singular and plural nouns.
Inquiry Lesson Implementation Plan
Administer Pre-Assessment Deliver Lesson(s) Post- Analyze Results Discuss Results with
Identify dates for activities.
10/23 10/26 10/27 10/27 10/28
My inquiry will be focused on a 1-week grammar unit on singular and plural/ irregular plural nouns. The
Provide 1-2 sentence
lessons are section 2.3 singular and plural nouns, section 2.4 covering more plural nouns and 2.5
irregular plural nouns. Students will take a pretest showing me the knowledge they know of singular and
summary of your lesson
plural nouns before the lessons, will complete taking notes and worksheets for each lesson, and will work
in centers at the end of this unit for additional supplementation before the assessment. Standards that will
be covered:,, CCSS.ELA.L.3.le, CCSS.ELA.L.3.1f
Summarize process for
administering and
The pre-assessment will be given the day before the grammar unit. The post-assessment will be given
analyzing pre- and the day after the last lesson in the unit/ centers.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and statement of what
was learned.)

School, T. (2022, October 14). Learning centers meet students’ individual learning needs - tessa international school. Tessa
International School - Bilingual Preschool Hoboken.
Guide to Small Group Learning - Harvard Kennedy School. (n.d.).,the%2’s%20
0more%20students%20will%20learn . Office/Guide%20to%20Small-Group%20Learning.pdf

This article covers why learning centers are important. Centers help to This article from Harvard Kennedy School covers small group
differentiate learning needs and allow students to develop skills in a learning and tips to implement small groups into the classroom.One
more in-depth setting. The author explains that centers help students to takeaway I learned from the article was that not only does small
gain confidence due to the fact that centers are at an appropriate group learning help students with success academically, but also
challenge level for the students. socially. In small groups, students are more apt to share and feel
safer, as they are not sharing in front of the whole class.

Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed this issue in their classroom. Identify grade level, subject, and summary
of ideas.)
After talking with Colleague 2 ( fellow 3rd grade teacher at my school)
about this inquiry topic, we came up with some different classroom
After talking with Colleague 1 ( Kindergarten teacher at my school) about management strategies to use to make sure the centers flow
this inquiry topic, we came up with different ways to differentiate learning smoothly. To make sure students know what to do for each center, I
centers/ small group instruction. For example, I can provide a choice should begin by explaining and giving directions for each rotation. I
should also use a noise meter for students to maintain a proper
board for students to select which learning modality they would like to volume inside the classroom during the different rotations.
use to complete/ show their knowledge of the specific learning unit
(singing a song, completing a worksheet, organizing words into charts,
Special Emphasis: Instructional Strategy, ISTE Standards, NBPTS Core Propositions
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated

Section 5: Results and Reflection
Directions: Record Pre- and post- assessment data into Pre/Post Assessment Data Table (see end of document). Include copies/images of pre/post
assessments/directions and the Pre/Post
Assessment Data Table with submission.
Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Whole Class Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Three Focus
All three focus students scored higher on their
The class average for the pre-assessment was 72% and the pre-assessment scores. All three also scored higher than a
class average for the post assessment was 85%. The class 70% (meeting the learning objective for the lesson).
was successful in meeting the learning objectives for singular FS1 raised her score from 95% to 100%.
to plural nouns.Three students received below a 70% on the FS2 raised her score from 25% to 95%.
post-assessment. These students will be pulled during FS3 raised his score from 75% to 95%.
independent work time to my back table where I will reteach the
concepts of changing singular nouns to plural nouns.

Initial Evidence/Rational for Rating

CST Element Rating Revised Rating (Summarize from POP Section 3) Suggestions for Moving Forward

During the center group with me I

Using T- emerging
chose fun and engaging words In order to move onto the applying
knowledge that students recognized to level, I will work on using student
of students s- emerging
T- exploring change into plural nouns. I also personal information and
to engage asked each student in the center academic data like formal and
them in groups what nouns they want to informal sources to guide how I
S- exploring
learning change into plurals to keep them teach lessons. For example, if
engaged during the learning students take an informal
process. assessment before a unit, I will be
able to identify what the students
already know and what they are
struggling with. I can focus more
on what they are struggling with
and use the information they
already know as review. This way
they will not get “bored” during a
T- Throughout the whole lesson, I
Using a exploring provided multiple modalities to In order to move onto the
variety of meet the needs of all students. To
1.4 instructional
Integrating level for this CTSP, I
T- applying start the lesson, I played a fun
strategies, S- rap video that sang about
need to continue working on
resources, exploring irregular plurals and how to developing multiple modalities
and S- applying for students to access the
change certain nouns into plural
technologies nouns. During my center group, learning objectives during
to meet we used white boards and two lessons. I will work on
students’ different colored expo markers to continuing research on strategies
diverse practice changing the ending of to implement in the classroom
learning certain singular nouns into the
needs and continuing to develop
plural form. I also used fun
sayings like kicking the -y out of
relationships with the students to
the house and moving in -ies. identify what specifically helps
them be successful and access
the information in a lesson.

Special Emphasis (Skills, Themes, ISTE Standards·Teachers, NBPTS Core Propositions

(if applicable)
Results of Incorporation into Lesson Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge
Developed by Teacher


Action Items
In order to further my development of curriculum design/ lesson planning, I will be more mindful of
timing by adjusting the timing of tests. Based on centers, I would like to implement centers more often
For curriculum design, for their success, adjust student activities from curriculum based on student levels, adjust projector to
lesson planning, see full screen, and remember to start timer at start of centers.
assessment planning

For classroom practice Possibly the use of whiteboards during whole class lessons to demonstrate their knowledge as a
quick informal assessment while teaching.

In order to meet the needs of ELL students and those with special needs, I will continue to work
on adding more visual representations into my lessons. bI will also adjust the amount of work
For teaching English given to the students to focus more on the quality of the work versus the quantity. I also need to
learners, students with continue finding ways to include brain breaks in between lessons to give students time to move
special needs, and around before the next lesson.
students with other
instructional challenges

For future professional I will continue to strengthen parent communications and build up accommodations for students.

Reading comprehension and strategies to help engage and deepen understanding of the text.
For future inquiry/ILP

I want to work on reading comprehension and engagement strategies for the next POP Cycle.
For next POP cycle


Other Notes

Pre-/Post- Assessment Data Table follows this document.

Include copies/images of pre-/post- assessments/directions and the Pre/Post Assessment Data Table with

Pre/Post Assessment
Fullerton Online Teacher Induction
Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)
Revised 5.1.17
Directions: Record student pre and post scores in this table. Do not use student’s
actual names.
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade
Katelyn Wilson Multiple Subject 3rd
Pre-Assessment Data Range and Average Post-Assessment Data Range and Average
Class Average: 72% Class Average: 85%
20/20 (100%) = 0 20/20 (100%) = 4
18/20 (90%) = 5 18/20 (90%) = 8
16/20 (80%)= 2 16/20 (80%)= 2
14/20 (70%)= 7 14/20 (70%)= 2
12/20 (60%)= 1 12/20 (60%)= 0
10/20 and below(50% and below)= 3 10/20 and below(50% and below)= 3


Student Pre-Assessment Score Post-Assessment Score Comments
1. Focus Student: EL
95% 100% Met Standard

2. Focus Student: 504/IEP

25% 95% Met Standard
3. Focus Student: Teacher
75% 95% Met Standard
Student 1 95% 95%
Met Standard
Student 2 75% 90% Met Standard

Student 4 75% 100%

Met Standard
Student 5 60% 50% Did not Meet Standard
Student 6 75% 85%
Met Standard
Student 7 75% 75%
Met Standard
Student 8 75% 95%
Met Standard
Student 9 20% 50% Did Not Meet
Student 10 80% 100%
Met Standard
Student 11 75% 95%
Met Standard
Student 12 90% 100%
Met Standard
Student 13 80% 80% Met Standard
Student 14 95% 90%
Met Standard
Student 15 60% 55% Did not Meet
Student 16 40% 70%
Met Standard
Student 17 95% 95% Met Standard


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