The Production of Callus Capable of Plant Regeneration From Immature Embryos Zea Mays

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Planta (1985)165:322 332 Planta

9 Springer-Verlag 1985

The production of callus capable of plant regeneration

from immature embryos of numerous Zea mays genotypes
D.R. Duncan, M.E. Williams, B.E. Zehr and J.M. Widholm
Department of Agronomy, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, USA

Abstract. In the summer of 1983, immature regeneration from immature embryos of most
embryos from 101 selfed inbred lines and maize genotypes.
germplasm stocks of Zea mays L. were examined
Key words: Embryo (tissue culture) Tissue culture
for their ability to produce callus cultures capable
(plant regeneration) - Zea (plant regeneration).
of plant regeneration (regenerable cultures) using
a medium with which some limited success had
previously been obtained. Forty-nine of the
genotypes (49%) produced callus which visually
appeared similar to callus previously cultured and
shown to be capable of plant regeneration. After The regeneration of plants from tissue cultures of
five months, 38 of these genotypes were alive in Zea mays L. was first reported by Green and
culture and plants were subsequently regenerated Phillips (1975) utilizing immature embryos as the
from 35 (92%) of them. No correlation was tissue source. Using the same tissue system,
observed between plant regeneration and callus Springer et al. (1979) demonstrated that the plant
growth rate, the vivipary mutation (genes vpl, 2, 5, regeneration was by means of organogenesis.
7, 8 and 9), or published vigor ratings based on However, Rice et al. (1978) and Lu et al. (1982)
K + uptake by roots. When F 1hybrid embryos were found that plant regeneration could also occur by
cultured, 97% of the hybrids having at least one somatic embryogenesis. Both types of regeneration
regenerable parent also produced callus capable of arise from hard, white or yellow callus that appears
plant regeneration. No regenerable cultures were distinctly different from the granular, gray-yellow
obtained from any hybrid lacking a parent capable and translucent callus incapable of plant regener-
of producing a regenerable callus culture. ation. Consequently, visual selection of regener-
In the summer of 1984, immature embryos from ation-competent calli has become the method of
218 additional inbred lines and germplasm stocks choice for detecting and maintaining plant
were plated and examined for their ability to regeneration capability in Z. mays tissue cultures
produce regenerable callus cultures on media (Springer et al. 1979; Tome et al. 1980; Armstrong
containing altered micronutrient concentrations, and Green 1982; Green 1982; Lu et al. 1982, 1983;
3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid (dicamba), glucose, and Rhodes et al. 1982; Sachs et al. 1982).
elevated levels of vitamin-free casamino acids and As published to date, there are only about a
thiamine. Of these genotypes 199 (91%) produced dozen maize stocks that can be cultured and
callus that was regenerable in appearance. In the maintained in a state capable of plant regeneration
1984 study, plant regeneration was noted in many (Hibberd 1984). These consist of a few inbred lines,
commercially important inbreds, including B73, populations, F 1 hybrids and open-pollinated
Mo17, B84, A632, A634, Ms71, Wl17, H993H95 hybrids (Green and Phillips 1975; Freeling et al.
and Cml05. Thus tissue-culture techniques are now 1976; Harms et al. 1976; Green 1977; Torne et al.
available to obtain callus cultures capable of plant 1980; Rice 1982; Sachs et al. 1982; Earle 1983).
They do not include many commercially important
Abbreviations, trade names: 2,4-D=2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic inbreds nor the vast majority of the maize
acid; dicamba = 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid germplasm stocks. The culturing and regeneration
D.R. Duncan et al.: The production of callus capable of plant regeneration 323

of these other materials are essential if maize tissue Materials and methods
culture is to be effectively used in physiological and Embryos used. Opaque, approx. 1.5-ram-long, immature
genetic research. embryos were excised aseptically using methods similar to those
The apparent lack of success with the majority of Green and Phillips (1975) from irrigated plants of Zea mays
of the available maize material, as evident in the L. Embryos were harvested from cross-pollinated F1 hybrids,
limited number of publications, indicates: a) that self-pollinated inbred lines and germplasm stocks, and
randomly-mated RSSSC (Kauffmann and Dudley 1979) and
there is a definite genetic limitation to culturing RSL X South African Composite (Alexander and Spencer 1982)
maize, b) that the media and-or the methods so far populations grown in the field during the summers of 1983 and
used for culturing maize are inappropriate in most 1984 in Urbana. Seed was obtained from Illinois Foundation
circumstances, or c) that there has been an Seeds (tFS), Champaign, Ill., Holden's Foundation Seeds,
Williamsburg, Ia., from the Maize Genetics Cooperative,
inadequate survey of available material to ascertain Department of Agronomy, University of Illinois, Urbana, USA
the culturability of maize. The work presented here or from other universities.
was carried out to study these three potential
Summer 1983 survey. Fifty embryos collected from one to three
problems of maize tissue culture. plants of each genotype were placed in presterilized, disposable,
The general approach to this research was plastic Petri dishes (100 mm diameter, 15 mm high) on approx.
first to survey a large number of inbred lines, 25ml of "A" and "E" media (Table 1). All cultures were
germplasm stocks, populations and FI hybrids for incubated in the dark at 28~ and maintained with a 14-d
transfer cycle on "A" medium.
formation of regeneration-competent callus from After five months in culture, plant regeneration was initiated
immature embryos formed using controlled by transferring regeneration-competent callus onto either "E"
pollinations. The inbred lines and populations or "F" medium (Table 1), as suggested by Green (1982) and Lu
could possibly indicate breeding stocks that have a et al. (1982). These cultures were subsequently incubated at
greater potential for culturing regenerable callus. 28~ in continuous light (fluorescent lamps; F20TI2 cool-
white, Sylvania, Fall River, Mass., USA; approx. 80pmol
Similarly, the germplasm stocks of maize include photons m-2s-1). Mature embryos with a visible coleoptile
numerous mutants that, if cultured, might shed developing on either of these media were transferred to "G"
some light on the genetic and physiological nature medium (Table 1) in 150-ram-long, 25-ram-diameter test tubes
of culture formation and plant regeneration. For capped with Kaputs (Bellco Glass, Vineland, N.J., USA).
Plantlets which formed were transplanted into a 1:1 (v/v)
instance, precocious germination of seed on an ear potting mixture of coarse Vermiculite and sieved peat moss in
(vivipary) is induced by several genes (vpl, 2, 5, 7, 4-cm-wide, 6.5-cm-deep conical compressed-peat-moss pots,
8, and 9; Neuffer et al. 1968) and perhaps the same and were grown in a greenhouse until vigorous growth was
physiological system that operates to produce noted. Once roots appeared at the pot edge the plants, including
vivipary is required to regenerate plants from tissue the pots, were transplanted to soil in the field or to a 3:3:1 (by
vol.) potting mixture of coarse Vermiculite, peat moss and field
culture. The production of cultures from germ- soil in the greenhouse. Greenhouse conditions were a 14-h day
plasm stocks possessing these and other genes may produced by 1000-W metal-halide iamps, 27~ day and 16~
elucidate the mechanism of plant regeneration night, and no humidity control. Plants were fertilized once a
from maize tissue culture; consequently, such week with a 20-20-20 (N-P-K) fertilizer (Robert D. Peters,
Allantown, Pa., USA) supplemented with the MgSO4 and
germplasm stocks were included in the survey. micronutrients of Hoagland's solution (Hoagland and Arnon
Over the past 50 years of breeding maize, 1950).
selections have produced modern maize lines with Summer 1984 survey. Thirty embryos collected from one to three
less efficient uptake and assimilation of nitrate and plants of each genotype were placed on "A", "B", "C" and "D"
sulfate (Cacco et al. 1983). On the other hand, media (Table 1). Calli were incubated as in 1983 but were
Frick and Bauman (1978) found a positive maintained on the medium which induced the most rapid callus
growth from the embryos.
correlation between the heterosis expressed by
Regeneration was initiated by transferring callus to "H"
hybrids and the potassium uptake of those hybrids medium (Table 1), instead of "E" and "F" media as was done
and their parents. These observations indicate that in 1983. Once plantlets developed, they were transferred to 25-
to culture a large number of maize lines, factors ram-diameter, 150-ram-long test tubes as in 1983 but with 17 ml
such as the quantity and the type of nutrients made of Murashige-Skoog medium (1962) lacking growth regulators,
instead of medium "G". These changes in regeneration pro-
available to the cultured tissue may need to be cedure had previously proven useful in decreasing the time
altered to accommodate the variation in nutrient required to regenerate a plant from callus. When a substantial
demand seen at the whole-plant level. Consequent- root system and a shoot were formed (the shoot touching the
ly, modifications of media were examined to tube cap), the plantlet was transplanted to the greenhouse as in
determine what, if any, influence they might have 1983.
on tissue culture formation and plant regeneration
Results and discussion
in maize; and a number of the lines used by Frick
and Bauman (1978) were included to examine any 1983 survey. Calli initiated from immature embryos
possible correlations. on media "A" or "E" (Table 1) were visually
324 D . R . D u n c a n et al.: T h e p r o d u c t i o n o f callus capable o f p l a n t regeneration

Table 1. M e d i a used in 1983 a n d - o r 1984 e x p e r i m e n t s a

Ingredients Maintenance media Regeneration media

"A . . . . B. . . . C. . . . D. . . . E. . . . F. . . . G. . . . H"

N 6 macronutrients b + + + + + + + +
N 6 micronutrients b + + - _ + + + -
N 6 organic n u t r i e n t s b + + - - + + + -
B5 m i c r o n u t r i e n t s c - - + + - - -- +
2 , 4 - D i c h l o r o p h e n o x y a c e t i c acid 4.5 - 4.5 - 4.5 - - -
(2,4-D) d, g M
3,6-Dichloro-o-anisic acid - 15 - 15 . . . .
( D i c a m b a ) e, laM
L-proline d, m M 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
R T V i t a m i n s fig, ml 1-1 - - 1.0 1.0 - - - 1.0
E n z y m a t i c casein h y d r o l y s a t e d, g 1 I 0.1 0.1 - - 0.1 0.1 0.1 -
Vitamin-free c a s a m i n o acids h, g 1 1 _ _ 0.5 0.5 - - - 0.1
N a F e E D T A i, ml 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
KNO3, mM 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0
T h i a m i n e - H C l d, g M - - 1. t 1.1 - - - 1.1
Sucrose, m M 60 60 60 60 360 180 60 60
G l u c o s e g, m M - - 56 56 - - - 56
Difco B a c t o - a g a r h, g 1-1 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
Activated charcoal k, g 1 1 . . . . . 5.0 5.0 -
p H before a u t o c l a v i n g 1 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8

a Ingredients for N 6, B 5, N a F e E D T A a n d R T v i t a m i n s are listed in Table 2

b N 6 ingredients prepared a c c o r d i n g to C h u et al. (1975)
c B 5 ingredients prepared according to G a m b o r g et al. (1968)
d S i g m a C h e m i c a l Co., St. Louis, Mo., U S A
e Velsicol C h e m i c a l Co., Chicago, Itl., U S A
f R T V i t a m i n s p r e p a r e d according to H o r n et al. (1983)
g Filter-sterilized into m e d i u m after a u t o c l a v i n g
h Difco L a b o r a t o r i e s , Detroit, Mich., U S A
i N a F e E D T A (ethytenediaminetetraacetic acid) p r e p a r e d according to J a c o b s o n (1951)
k Fisher Scientific, St. Louis, Mo., U S A ; catalog No. C-170, c a r b o n , decolorizing (Norit)
I p H adjusted to 5.8 with K O H a n d H C l

Table 2. C o m p o s i t i o n o f n u t r i e n t m i x t u r e s used in Table 1

N 6 m a c r o n u t r i e n t s (raM) a N 6 m i c r o n u t r i e n t s (p,M) a N 6 organic n u t r i e n t s (ixM) a

( N H 4) 2SO 4 3.50 M n S O 4'H 2 0 19.73 Glycine b 26.64

K H 2PO 4 2.30 Z n S O 4"7H 2 0 5.22 Thiamine-HC1 b 2.96
M g S O 4"H 2 0 0.75 ' H 3BO 3 25.88 Nicotinic acid c 4.06
CaC12-2H 2 0 1.13 KI 4.82 Pyridoxine-HC1 b 2.44

B5 m i c r o n u t r i e n t s ( g M ) a RT vitamins (gM) d N a F e E D T A (pM) d

M n S O 4"H 2 0 59.17 Choline-HC1 b 0.70 N a 2 E D T A ' 2 H 2~ b, e 100.10

H 3BO 3 48.52 Riboflavin b 0.13 F e S O 4 7H 20 99.99
Z n S O 4"7H 2 0 6.96 D-Biotin 6 0.41
Na2MoO4'2H20 1.03 Folic acid b 0.11
C u S O 4"5H 2 0 0.10 Nicotinic acid c 1.62
CoC12"6H 2 0 0.11 Thiamine-HC1 b 0.30
KI 4.52 Ca p a n t o t h e n a t e c 0.21
Pyridoxine-HC1 b 0.97
Cyanocobalamin b 0.10 n M
p - A m i n o b e n z o i c acid b 0.36

a Final c o n c e n t r a t i o n s in m e d i u m
b S i g m a C h e m i c a l Co., St. Louis, Mo., U S A
c I C N N u t r i t i o n a l Biochemicats, Cleveland, O., U S A
d Stock c o n c e n t r a t i o n s ; stocks used as indicated in T a b l e 1
e E t h y l e n e d i a m i n e t e t r a a c e t i c acid; Sigma, catalog No. ED2SS
D.R. Duncan et al.: The production of callus capable of plant regeneration 325

Fig. 1. Regenerable (R) and non-regenerable (NR), 20-d-old

callus of Pa91 grown on medium " D ' . Bar= 1 cm

assessed, when 10-20d old, for regeneration-

competence in accordance with descriptions by
Rice etal. (1978), Green (1982), and Lu etal.
(1982). Regenerable calli were hard, irregularly
shaped, nodular, and white or yellow in color
(Fig. 1). Calli incapable of plant regeneration were
soft and appeared granular, translucent and gray-
yellow in color (Fig. 1). After five months in
culture, the initial assessments were verified by the
fact that whole plants were regenerated from 92%
of the genotypes that were scored as regenerable.
Genotypes which appeared to be regenerable but
grew too slowly to regenerate plants included L289,
B84 and Mo17. Regeneration appeared to be by
somatic embryogenesis as described by Rice et al.
(1978) and Lu etal. (1982), a scutellum and Fig. 2A, B. Embryos newly formed on medium "H" of 14-d-old
maize H99 callus; C=coleoptile, S=scutellum. A shows an
coleoptile at maturity being the primary evidence immature embryo while the embryo in B is commencing
of embryogenesis (Fig. 2). Embryogenesis was germination. Bar = 1 cm
particularly evident when "E" medium was used in
the regeneration procedure.
Of the 101 selfed inbreds or experimental and (Tables 3, 4, 7). In the case of callus growth rate,
mutant germplasm stocks tested, 49 (49%) both regenerable (H99, H60, W64A) and non-
produced regenerable calli (Tables 3, 4). Of the regenerable callus (A632, B14, germplasm stock
inbreds which were found to be regenerable only 987) grew very rapidly (Table 5). The viviparous
A188, A619, Wf9 and W64A had been shown mutants examined can be divided into two groups,
previously to be capable of plant regeneration vp2, 5, 7, 9 and vpl, 8. In the former group,
(Green and Phillips 1975). Even though other premature germination is repressed by abscisic acid
authors have reported success with Black Mexican (ABA) and seed color is white or pale yellow
(Sachs et al. 1982) and B37 and W22 (C.E. Green, whereas the latter group of mutants respond
Molecular Genetics, Minneapolis, Mn., USA, minimally to ABA and have normal seed color
personal communication), we were not successful (Fong et al. 1983). In some cases, lines from each
with these. group were capable of regeneration from culture
No clear correlations could be seen between (vp5, 7, 8; Table 3) and in other cases no
regeneration capability and callus growth rate regeneration was evident (vpl, 2, 9, Table 4).
(Table 5), vivipary (Tables 3, 4), or the vigor ratings In the case of K + uptake, Frick and Bauman
of Frick and Bauman (1978), which are based on (1978) rated B77 the highest and A632 the second
measurements of K + uptake by seedling roots lowest in their system of measuring K § uptake.
326 D.R. Duncan et al. The production of callus capable of plant regeneration

Table 3. Selfed inbreds and germplasm stocks of maize that Table 4. Selfed inbreds and germplasm stocks of maize from
produced regenerable callus cultures on "A" or "E" medium which no regenerable callus was obtained on "A" or '~ me-
in 1983 dium in 1983
Genotype Plants Genotypes Plants
formed formed A632 a B73 a Fr23 H98 a
Bt4a B77 Fr24 Hy2
A188 + H99 b + B14A CI-187-2 Fr25 R802A
A619 b a L289 - B37 a Frl6 Fr27rhm R805
A658 + L317 + B68 a Fr22 H84 a W23
B79 + M14 a
B84 - Mo17 b - Germplasm stocks
C103 a Oh7 +
CI540 a Os420 a Vp 1 FrB73/Teo 26 BSI-5878 SSI-5733
Fr20A a Pa91 + Vp 2 75-R091 BSI-5881 SSI-5739
H60 b + R806 + Vp 9 74-R215 BSI-5891 SSI-5745
H97 b + Wf9 + 474-2 W77-R035 BSI-5892 SSI-5782
W64A b § 987 RSC-129 BSI-5898 SSI-5784
Black Mex. Sweet BSI-5841 BSI-5902 SSI-5807
Silver Queen BSI-5859 BSI-5910 SSI-5820
Germplasm stocks B73/Teo 16 BSI-5868 SSI-5730 SSI-5826
Genotype Plants Genotype Plants a Lines used in study by Frick and Bauman (1978) of K +
formed formed uptake in maize

Bs10-676 a SSI-5744 a
Bs10-844 + SSI-5754 a Table 5. Growth a of embryo derived callus of several Zea rnays
Bsi-5867 a SSI-5755 + inbred lines
Bsl0-ca/SA Photo 3 + SSI-5773 +
(ETO./Ill.HEO2) - SSI-5780 + Callus diameter (mm)
S 2-Med. 2
Ill. Ear. Ear. Syn. + SSI-5825 +
Ill. High Oil + vp 5 a 2~4 4 7 7-10
Ill. High Prot. + vp 7 +
Ill. Low Prot. + vp 8 + A685 B37 A632
Ill. Rev. High Prot. + W77-R3019 + B73 B68 Black Mexican
Iojap + 38-11 + B77 H98 B14
RSC-98 + 121-9 + B84 Hy2 H60
RSC-520 a (1028 X 987)F2 + CI- 187-2 R802A H99
SA Photo 3 + (Mo17XH99)F2 + Mo 17 W64A
Oh7 987
a Culture lost before plants could be regenerated Oh43
b Lines used in study by Frick and Bauman (1978) of K + R805
uptake in maize W23

a Callus on the original explanted embryos grown for 30 d on

"A" medium was used to obtain callus diameter measure-
N e i t h e r o f t h e s e lines p r o d u c e d r e g e n e r a b l e c a l l u s ments. Initial explants were approx. 1.5 mm long
u n d e r t h e c o n d i t i o n s o f t h e 1983 s t u d y ( T a b l e 4).
O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , t h e y r a t e d A 6 1 9 as t h e s e c o n d
h i g h e s t a n d H 9 7 as t h e l o w e s t in t h e i r s y s t e m a n d ( T a b l e 6). P o o r g r o w t h a n d o n l y s l i g h t l y re-
b o t h o f t h e s e lines p r o d u c e d r e g e n e r a b l e c a l l u s g e n e r a b l e c a l l u s w a s p r o d u c e d , in m o s t cases, f r o m
( T a b l e 3). A s i m i l a r p a t t e r n c a n be seen in t h o s e the RSSSC population (Kauffmann and Dudley
hybrids examined by Frick and Bauman that we 1979), a s t i f f - s t a l k p o p u l a t i o n s i m i l a r to t h o s e u s e d
a l s o c u l t u r e d ( T a b l e 7). T h e h y b r i d B73 X H 9 9 w a s to p r o d u c e t h e c o m m e r c i a l l y i m p o r t a n t i n b r e d s
ranked second highest while W64A X H99 was B37, B73, B84, a n d f r o m w h i c h t h e S S I a n d R S C
ranked second lowest and both of these hybrids lines w e r e d e r i v e d ( T a b l e s 3, 4). O n t h e o t h e r h a n d ,
p r o d u c e d r e g e n e r a b l e callus. O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , the RSL X South African composite population
H98 X Mo17 was ranked highest while H98 X ( A l e x a n d e r a n d S p e n c e r 1982), a m o d i f i e d L a n -
A632 was ranked lowest and neither of these c a s t e r p o p u l a t i o n , p r o d u c e d t h r e e t i m e s as m u c h
h y b r i d s p r o d u c e d r e g e n e r a b l e callus. r e g e n e r a b l e c a l l u s w h i c h , in g e n e r a l , g r e w r a p i d l y .
Regenerable-callus production by two random- O f t h e i n b r e d lines p r o d u c i n g r e g e n e r a b l e callus,
mated maize populations was distinctly different 3 3 % w e r e e a s i l y i d e n t i f i a b l e as b e i n g L a n c a s t e r -
D.R. Duncan et al.: The production of callus capable of plant regeneration 327

Table 6. Regenerable callus production of two random-mated Table 7. Regenerable callus formation in 1983 from Fl-hybrid
maize populations plated on medium "A" in 1983 immature embryos

Population No. of No. of embryos Regen- Genotype Cultured Genotype Cultured

ears erable embryos embryos
sampled Plated Forming callus forming forming
regen- formed embryogenic- embryogenic-
erable (%) appearing appearing
callus callus on callus on
medium "A" medium "A"
RSSSC a 165 4125 370 9.0 (%) (%)
RSL X South
African 114 2987 921 30.8 W64A X H99 c 40.0 H98 X Mo17 c 0.0
compositeb H99 X H60 c t00.0 W64A X Bt4 c 0.0
A632 X H99 c 10.0 B68 X H98 c 0.0
a Kauffmann and Dudley (1979) B73 X H99 c 3.0 B73 X Mo17 c 0.0
b Alexander and Spencer (1982) B68 X H99 c 6.5 B73 X H98 c 0.0
H99 X Mo17 c 33.3 B37 X Mo17 c 0.0
A188 X A619 a H98 X A632 c 0.0
population-derived (lines A619, C103, Fr20a, A188 X B84 73.5 (65.5) b
L289, L317, Mo17). On the other hand, only 10% A188 X Pa91 93.5 (89.5)b
A 1 8 8 X F r M o 1 7 71.5 (50.0)u
of the regenerable cultures were easily identifiable A188 X FrB73 15.6 (14.0) b
as being derived from a stiff-stalk population (lines A188 X RSC- 5.7 (0.0)b
B79, B84). For lines not producing regenerable 193
callus, 50% were from stiff-stalk populations (lines A188 X W64A 6.7
B73 X H97 c 3.0
A632, B14, BI4A, B37, B68, B73, B77, Fr27rhm,
H84 X H97 c 80.0
H84, R802A) and 25% were from Lancaster B37 X H97 c 3.0
populations (lines Fr22, Fr23, Fr24, Fr25, H98). Mo17 X H97 c 11.2
These data indicate that the capacity to form B37 X H60 c 66.7
regenerable callus cultures in maize has a heritable B73 X H60 c 3.0
Mo17 X W64A a
Examination of the pedigree of some of the a Percent embryogenesis could not be obtained since plants
regenerable inbred lines has shown that one or were regenerated from cultures initiated on medium "E"
more of the parental lines are also regenerable b Reciprocal cross
c Lines used in study by Frick and Bauman (1978) of K +
(where regeneration capacity has been tested): e.g.,
uptake in maize
R806, parental population Alexho (Freeling et al.
1976); A188, parental germplasm Silver King and
N.W. Dent (E. Green, personal communication); reciprocal crosses of A188 with other inbred lines
Pa91, parental lines Wf9, 38-11 and L-317 (Table (Table 7). With one exception, the frequency of
3); MolT, parental line C103 (Table 3); and W64A, regenerable callus formation by embryos from each
parental line Wf9 (Table 3). As with the population cross was similar to its reciprocal cross. The one
data, these pedigree observations (pedigree list; exception was the A188 X RSC-193 hybrid. In this
Henderson 1980) also indicate that, under the case, only 5.7% of the embryos plated produced
conditions described, plant regeneration in maize is regenerable callus, whereas the reciprocal cross
genetically determined. These observations also produced no regenerable callus. In general, this
have the potential utility of predicting the re- study of reciprocal crosses indicated that there were
generation capability of an untested line by probably no maternal effects regulating the
examining its parentage. regeneration process. We have also noted that calli
In studies of F 1 hybrids, regenerable callus was formed from these F~ hybrids generally grew faster
found in 97% of the cases where at least one of the than calli from inbreds.
parents exhibited regeneration (Table 7). The cross The dominant expression of plant regeneration
of W64A X B14 did not produce regenerable callus in a hybrid and the apparent expression of hybrid
(Table 7) even though the inbred W64A produced vigor in maize tissue cultures has been demon-
some regenerable callus. As with the population strated previously with one reciprocal cross by
and pedigree data, the Fl-hybrid results again Green (1977, 1981). The present data expand these
indicate a genetic basis for regenerable callus observations on the genetic control of regeneration
formation. to a larger number of hybrids, to populations, and
Of the F 1 hybrid combinations tested, five were to the parentage of inbreds in general.
328 D.R. Duncan et al.- The productionof calIus capable of plant regeneration

The data collected in 1983 demonstrate that a (2,4-D). Preliminary experiments indicated that, as
wide variety of maize genotypes, when cultured on with orchardgrass (Conger etal. 1983), 3,6-
"A" or "E" medium, produced calli capable of dichloro-o-anisic acid (dicamba), a chlorinated
plant regeneration. However, in many instances benzoic-acid derivative, might be helpful in the
these media did not support the production of production and growth of regenerable maize callus.
regenerable callus (Tables 4, 7) or even callus The results of the winter survey produced media
growth (Table 5). Several cultures initiated from "B", "C" and "D". These media contained di-
embryos of Mo17 and B84 appeared to be camba and-or elevated levels of reduced nitrogen
regenerable (Table 3), but their slow growth rate in the form of vitamin-free casamino acids, elevated
prevented their maintenance and subsequent plant levels of thiamine, a complex mixture of vitamins
regeneration. The growth of these cultures and glucose. In addition, molybdate, copper and
indicated that possibly modifying the culture cobalt were added to the regular micronutrients of
medium was needed so as to stimulate the growth the N 6 medium.
of recalcitrant lines and to expand perhaps the list In the summer of 1984, another survey of maize
of useful regeneration-competent maize genotypes. inbred lines was conducted, using both the old
1984 survey. The 1983 data indicated that mo- ("A') and new media ("B", "C", "D"; Table 1).
difications of the culture medium might improve In this survey we examined some previously tested
the growth and plant regeneration capabilities of lines but concentrated specifically on the commerci-
maize inbred lines. The lack ofmolybdate, a known ally useful inbred lines listed by Zuber and Darrah
cofactor of nitrate reductase, in the 1983 N6-based (1980), leaf-blight resistant lines (W. L. Pedersen,
media directed research efforts towards modifying personal communication), elite and experimental
the nitrogen content of the media. Using a non- lines of Illinois Foundation Seeds and Holden's
regenerating suspension of Black Mexican sweet Foundation Seeds.
corn developed by Chourey and Zurawski (1981), Since 92% of the callus that appeared to be
preliminary experiments leaving out the reduced regenerable in the 1983 survey did indeed produce
nitrogen of medium "A" indicated that, at least for plants after five months in culture, regenerability in
this culture, the major sources of nitrogen available the 1984 survey was again based on visual
to the cells were casein hydrolysate and proline. appearance of the calli. Of the 218 selfed inbred
Furthermore, substantial increases in growth could lines and germplasm stocks tested, 199 (91%)
be obtained by both increasing the casein hydro- produced calli appearing capable of plant
lysate concentration in the medium and by adding regeneration (Table 8). Because of the numbers
molybdate to the medium (data not presented). involved and the fact that the calli produced were
In the winter of 1983-1984 a survey was to be used in other experiments not discussed here,
conducted to examine embryo-derived callus regeneration of each line producing what appeared
growth on medium modified in nitrogen content. to be regenerable callus was not attempted.
Preliminary results from that survey indicated that Consequently, depending on the intended experi-
increasing the available nitrogen in the medium mental use, from 5 to 2000 plants were regenerated
greatly enhanced growth (data not presented). The from A619, A634, B73, B84, Bs10-676, F84-700,
use of vitamin-free casamino acids facilitated the F84-267, F84-275, F84-278, Fr22, Fr27rhm, H99,
increase in reduced nitrogen in the medium while LH51, LH123, Mo17, Ms71, Oh545, Pa91, Wl17,
maintaining a known level of vitamins. Except for W77-R3029A, 79-R4443, Down's Tester, Parker's
thiamine, which preliminary experiments indicated Flint, Wilber's Flint, and Tama Flint. These plants
was needed in greater quantities than previously were grown in either a greenhouse or a Florida
used, the vitamin requirements were not tested. The nursery, and yielded normal-looking plants in
addition of Bs micronutrients to the medium terms of height, tassel and ear appearance, and
supplied motybdate, copper and cobalt to the basic pollen shed. The F84 series produced ears in place
N 6 medium. of tassels in 2% of the plants; this had not been
In addition to examining the effects of nitrogen seen under normal growing conditions with plants
sources and levels on the growth of embryo-derived grown from seed.
callus, various compounds with growth-regulating In 1983, 49 % of all lines tested on medium "A"
activity were studied. These studies were prompted formed regenerable callus; in 1984 the yield was
by the report of Conger et al. (1983) indicating that 54% on medium "A" (Tables 9, 10). While the
there were possibly better growth regulators results obtained in the two years with medium "A"
available for monocotyledons, such as maize, than are very similar, they are lower than those obtained
the often-used 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid with the modified media ("B', "C", "D") tested
D.R. Duncan et al.: The production of callus capable of plant regeneration 329

Table 8. Selfed inbreds and germplasm stocks of maize that Table 9. A summary of maize embryos producing regenerable
produced regenerable callus culture in the 1984 survey a, b callus in the 1984 survey

Inbreds No. of embryos producing regenerable callus/

No. of embryos plated
A545trf F84-252-3 Fr29 R168
A554 F84-267 Fr31 R802w "A . . . . B. . . . C. . . . D"
A619Ht2 F84-275 Fr35 Roh43HtA
A632 c F84-278 Fr52 Rw64AHtA Generalsurvey 710/3202 933/3131 1 112/2960 1462/3121
A632wx F84-440 Frl40 Tama Flint Holden's 19/345 55/345 95/360 84/315
A634 F84-453 Fr303 Tx601 (LH lines)
A635 F84-459 Fr619 Va26Ht
A637 F84-700 FrVa26 W23 AC Stock 2/169 1/119 2/105 1/75
A639 F84-729 H49 W77-R3021 Sweet Corn 552/1545 465/1430 749/1623 882/1626
A654 F84-762 H93 W77-R3025 (sh2 mutants,
A664 F84-765 H98 c W77-R3027 F84 lines)
A665 F84-767 H993H95 W77-R3029A Miscellaneous 48/305 78/385 83/380 81/395
B37 c F84-709-1 Hy2 c W77-R3048 (Pro 1,
B37Ht2 F84-803 Ky228 W77-R3288 ADH null)
B64 F84-812 LH51 Wl17
B73 c F84-820 LH 123 W 117Ht Mu stocks 20/209 71/235 136/236 122/201
B84 c F84-1147 LHI45 W153R [FS Lines 1 4 9 / 1 2 4 0 223/1174 359/1308 386/1280
Bs10-676 F84-1224-1 LHI50 Wilber's Flint (FR lines)
C103 c F84-1231 Mo17 c 50783
Cl03Dtrf F84-1242-I Ms71 52746 Total 1500/70t5 1826/6819 2536/6972 3018/7013
CH591-36 F84-1327 Mt42 75-R333 Regenerable 21.38 26.79 36.37 43.03
CM105 F84-1399 Mang. Tester 78-5048 (%)
CM109 Fr2A N28 78-5159
CM174 Fr2B N7A 78-R375
Co109 Fr4A ND203 79-1130
Co220 Fr4CA N28Htrhm 79-A1282 Table 10. A summary of maize lines showing regenerable callus
Down's Tester Frl4A Oh07B 79-R0090 in the 1984 survey
F84-153-1 Fr20A c Oh545 79-R0098
F84-168-1 Fr22 c P887p 79-R4326 No. of lines showing regenerable callus/
F84-176 Fr23 ~ Pa762 79-R4443 No. of lines plated
F84-183 Fr27rhm c Parker's Flint 83-40,191
F84-214 "A . . . . B. . . . C. . . . D"

Germplasm Stocks General survey 68/126 89/129 97/121 109/125

Holden's 1/7 3/7 4/7 4/7
ADH null 02846487 02846506 SSI- 17 c (LH lines)
bx/bx 02846488 02846507 SSI-56 c
AC Stock 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1
Bx/Bx 02846490 02846509 SSI-92 c
02846476 02846492 02846510 SSI-99 c Sweet Corn 22/29 25/29 30/30 30/30
02846478 02846493 02846511 Stock 6 (sh2 mutants,
02846479 02846495 02846512 wxBfl F84 lines)
02846480 02846498 pro 1121 w2 Flint Corn 2/3 0/3 3/3 3/3
02846482 02846501 pro 1058 842347
02846483 02846502 SSI-2 c 842350 Miscellaneous 5/6 6/6 6/6 6/6
02846486 02846503 SSI-5 c 842351 (Pro 1,
ADH null)
a Does not include lines that were successfully cultured in 1983 Mu stocks 4/5 5/5 5/5 5/5
b Lines unsuccessfully cultured: A619Ht3, A656, A659, B68 c, IFS Lines 10/26 14/26 19/27 24/26
B68Ht, B37trf, CI66, Frl6, FrK55Ht, H95, K55, LH38, (FR lines)
LH74, LHI19, Oh509A, 02846475, 02846485, 02846491,
02846497, 02846499, 02846505, 02846508, Rw153RHtA, Total 113/203 143/206 165/200 183/203
SSI-79, T220, W77-R3047
c Lines unsuccessfully cultured in 1983 and retested in I984 Regenerable 55.67 69.42 82.50 90.15

in 1984. When 23 lines which produced no percent of lines producing regenerable callus,
regenerable callus in 1983 were again tested in 1984, however, were less than values obtained in the
approx. 83% of the lines produced regenerable general survey (Tables 9, 10, 11). The lines chosen
callus (lines used are indicated in Table 8). In these for retesting were derived from populations similar
cases, the quantity of callus produced and the to the RSSSC stiff-stalk population (Table 6) and
330 D.R. Duncan et al.: The production of callus capable of plant regeneration

Table 11. Number of embryos and maize lines producing regenerable callus from 23 inbred lines grown in both 1983 and 1984

Media 1983 1984

"A . . . . B. . . . C. . . . D"

No. of embryos producing regenerable 10/1105 58/895 124/871 143/813 222/906

callus/total embryos plated
Yield of regenerable callus (%) 0.91 6.86 14.24 17.59 24.50
No. of regenerable lines/total lines plated 0/20 10/23 13/23 14/23 19/23
Yield of lines (%) 0.0 43.88 56.92 60.87 82.81

the lower values of regenerable callus production latter conclusion. Crafts (1964) reported that the
are consistent with the observed poor culturability chlorobenzoic acids such as dicamba were not
of lines selected from the stiff-stalk population. altered by plants, whereas the chlorophenoxy acids
Some success (44%) was obtained with medium such as 2,4-D were readily metabolized.
"A" in 1984 as compared with 0% in 1983. This Extensive modifications of the basic N 6 medium
44% value, however, was still lower than the 83% with elevated levels of thiamine, reduced nitrogen,
obtained with the modified media. The reason for and the addition of glucose and a wide assortment
the higher values in 1984 on medium "A" might be of vitamins, as in media "C" and "D" (Table 1),
that the 1984 growing season was more favorable increased callus production and increased the
in comparison with the dry conditions during number of regenerable lines cultured more than the
anthesis in 1983. dicamba substitution alone (Tables 9, 10). These
The extreme alterations in the composition of media changes (media "C", "D"; Table 1) also
the culture media ("D" versus "A") had the effect stimulated the growth of many lines, e.g, Mo17,
of nearly doubling the number of maize lines B84 and C103, that would not grow on media "A"
producing regenerable callus (Table 10) and and "B" (Table 5). At least in the case of these lines,
doubling the quantity of regenerable callus pro- which appeared regenerable in 1983 but would not
duced (Table 9). As seen in the 1983 survey, seldom grow, the formation of a usable regenerable culture
did every embryo plated produce regenerable would seem to be solely associated with supplying
callus. The 1984 production varied from 1.0% (e.g. the nutrition needed for growth and not in the
B73) to 100% (e.g. H99) of the embryos plated. induction of some "regeneration activity" that
The number of genotypes which formed previously was not present.
regenerable cultures was increased with the use of Groups of genotypes also responded differently
media "B" or "D", where dicamba was substituted on the various media tested. For example, sweet
for the 2,4-D of media "A" and "C", respectively corn (F84 lines) in general produced large
(Table 10). With the addition of dicamba to these quantities of regenerable callus on any of the media
media, there was also a decrease in the amount of (Tables 9, 10). On the other hand, IFS lines and
shoot formation and callus browning which was Holden's lines (Tables 9, 10) showed less re-
usually produced by 20- to 30-d-old callus grown generation capability and media-dependent dif-
on media containing 2,4-D. Dicamba also ferences in both callus production and regenera-
increased the time required for plantlet formation bility. The sweet corn lines (sh2 mutants) tested are
on regeneration media by approx. 7 d. In addition, derived from Flint corn, and of the limited material
several genotypes behaved differently in the tested, Flint corn lines produce regenerable callus
presence of the two herbicides; an extreme example abundantly (Table 10), indicating again that
of this was A554. In this case, the harvested regeneration-competence is in some manner
immature embryos germinated directly on the heritable. It is also possible that the sh2 mutation
media containing 2,4-D, while on media containing may be beneficial to plant regeneration but isogenic
dicamba, embryo germination was suppressed and stocks with and without sh2 have not yet been
typical regenerable callus was formed. These results tested.
indicate that either dicamba is a more powerful A similar pattern is seen with the IFS and
growth regulator than 2,4-D at the concentrations Holden's material. Many of these lines are derived
used or it is not metabolized as rapidly, thus for commercial use from the commercially
remains active longer. The literature supports the important stiff-stalk background (Fr27rhm, Fr31,
D.R. Duncan et al.: The production of callus capable of plant regeneration 331

Frl40) or from the more difficult-to-culture Chourey, P.S., Zurawski, D.B. (1981) Callus formation fi-om
inbreds, such as Mo17 (Fr20A, Fr22, Fr23, Fr24, protoplasts of a maize cell culture. Theor. AppI. Genet. 59,
Fr303). Both groups of lines produced fewer 341 344
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