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DHL one of the biggest company

Mary Parker Follett Edgar Schein

“Mother of Modern Management” 1. Artifacts
- These are the “visible” symbols of the culture. Provide an insight into
1. Integrating
how the organization wants to appear at first sight and how it appear to
- High concern for self and others. Useful for
us. It is visible organizational structure and processes that are easy to
effectively dealing with complex problems. observe but difficult to interpret.
2. Compromising 2. Espoused value
- Intermediate in concern for self and others. Give and - Organization stated values and norms and present and form rules
take style. under which the organization works
3. Dominating often found on company websites and also the area which has the
- High concern for self and low concern for others. greatest change of being disconnected from reality.
Identified with win-lose orientation. A dominating or 3. Basic assumptions
competing person goes all out to win his or her - An assumption is a kind of belief that is taken for granted as a fact and
objective and, as a result, often ignores the needs and so it is never challenged.
expectations of the other party. the beliefs that people use to make day-to day decisions within an
organization. Routine and norm in everyday life that we neither
challenge nor debatable, therefore extremely difficult to change
Peter Senge
1. Personel mastery (self-awareness)
- How much we know about ourselves and the impact our Igor Ansoff Matrix
behaviour has on others. Personel mastery is the human face of Market expansion grid. Tool to firms analyze and plan their strategies for growth.
change. i. Market penetration
2. Mental mode - Focus on increasing sales of existing products to an existing
- One key to change success is in surfacing deep-seated mental market.
models. beliefs, values, mind-sets and assumptions that ii. Product development
determine the way people think and act. - Focus on introducing new product to an existing market.
3. Shared vision iii. Market development
- The key vision question is ‘What do we want to create - Focus on entering a new market using existing product. It
together?’ expanding into new geographic regions, customer segments.
iv. Diversification
4. Team learning
- Focus on entering a new market with a new products. Riskiest
- happens when teams start ‘thinking together’. Teams develop
strategy of all four. Firm is moving into an unfamiliar market.
reflection, inquiry and discussion skills

Daniel Goleman : emotional intelligence

William Ouchi (Theory Z) - Critical part of social. Emotional intelligence describes the ability, capacity, skill, to identify,
Bring the different management of mindset, decision making and assess and manage the emotions of one’s self, of others and of groups.
so on. focuses on organizational culture and quality. i. self-awareness
Characteristic of Theory Z having a realistic assessment of his abilities. the ability to understand your emotions,
- Collective decision making recognize their impact and use them to inform decisions.
- Slow evaluation & promotion ii. Self-regulation
- individual responsibility Ability to control emotions and impulses
- focus on training iii. Motivation
- pay attention to its employees personel circumstances Deepest preference to achieve our goals
- long term employment iv. Empathy
Ability to identify with and understand the wants, needs and viewpoints of other people.
Michael Porter = v. Social skills
national diamond : have 4 factors;- People with good social skill can manage disputes, excellence communicators and master at
– firm strategy & structure rivalry building and maintaining relationships.
- condition – capital & human resources, raw material
- Demand
- related and supporting industry Ethical and Responsibility

i. Philanthropic responsibility
1. Competitive Rivalry - Be a good corporate citizen. More than just doing what is right, but it is
looks at the number and strength of your competitors. In an industry where something that holds true to the company’s values, to give back to society.
rivalry is intense, companies attract customers by aggressively cutting prices ii. Environmental CSR
and launching high-impact marketing campaigns. However, this can make it - Aims to reduce any damaging effects on the environment from operations of
easy for suppliers and buyers to go elsewhere if they feel that they're not business.
iii. Economic responsibility
getting a good deal from the company.
- Focus to strike a balance between business, environmental and philanthropic
On the other hand, where competitive rivalry is minimal, and no one else is practices. Performing this responsibility companies try to find out a solution
doing what you do, then you'll likely have tremendous competitor power, as that can facilitate their business growth and generate profits by benefiting the
well as healthy profits. community and society.
2. Supplier power iv. Ethical responsibility
- Companies in every industry purchase various inputs from - Obey the law and do their business ethically. Doing the right thing, being fair
suppliers, which account for differing proportions of cost. in all situations and avoiding harm. Not only show stakeholders that they are
moral, but people will feel more comfortable purchasing good from the
Powerful suppliers can use their negotiating leverage to charge company as well
higher prices or demand more favourable terms from industry
3. Buyer power Environmental sustainability
- Responsible interaction with the environment to avoid degradation of natural
- Powerful customer can use their clout to force prices down or
resources and allow for long-term environmental quality. ensure that the needs of
demand more service at existing prices. Buyer power are highest
today's population are met without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to
when buyers are large relative to the competitors serving them.
meet their needs.
4. Threat new entrants Waste Management
- Force current players to keep prices down and spend more to
retain customers. This threat depends on the size of a series of
barriers to entry.
Well-Being : Physical Safety
management of all

Physical wellbeing
- Assesses physical health and risk factor
Social wellbeing
practices, procedures,
- Relates to an individual level of happiness and purpose
3. Psychological wellbeing
- Refer to an individual emotion health and overall

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