Botany: Stems Reviewer

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● Decumbent – reclining on the ground

STEMS — — — — — — — — — — — — — -
Stems – an organ,, collection of integrated tissues
arranged as nodes and internodes ● Prostrate /
Procumbent – lying
● Nodes – leaves, buds & flowers attach
flat on the ground
● Internodes – b/w nodes


● Support leaves and reproductive structures
● Creeping – rooting at the nodes when
● Provide internal transport (xylem - water ;
phloem - food)
closely pressed to the ground,, w/ runners /
● Produce new living tissues stolons
● Some are modified to store food
● If green: can photosynthesize (manufactures

TYPES OF STEMS ● Scandent / Climbing – stems

● Herbaceous ascend by means support
○ Monocot*,, lacks secondary growth
○ Grow to small diameter Based on Location
○ Soft & flexible Aboveground
○ Buds w/o protective scales ● Tendrils – long coiling structures,, for
○ Covered with epidermis attachment & support of climbing plant
○ Lives for only 1 season
*includes some dicots e.g. pechay ● Stolons / Runners – horizontally oriented
stem,, grows along the solid surface,, for
● Woody vegetative reproduction (ex. Strawberry,
○ Dicot,, has secondary growth bermuda grass)
○ Increasing diameter of the stem
○ Covered with periderm/bark ● Thorns – modified stems,, protects from
○ Lives after a year grazers (ex. Bougainvillea, roses)

Based on Visibility ● Cladodes / Cladophylls – flat,, leaf-like,,

● Acaulescent – No obvious stem above the modified for photosynthesis (ex. Asparagus,
ground,, Only leaves are seen (ex: grasses) cactus)

● Caulescent – w/ obvious stems above ● Culms – hollow / solid stem,, w/ distinct

ground (ex: roses) nodes & internodes,, sometimes forms roots
at the nodes (ex. sugarcane, bamboo)
Based on Texture
● Herbaceous – Soft and fleshy,, lives for only ● Succulent – store large amounts of water,,
a short period of time common in desert plants (ex. cactus)

● Woody – Permanent woody tissues,, hard Underground

and covered w/ bark ● Bulb – large & round-ish bud,, w/ small
basal stem at its lower part (stores nutrients)
● Suffrutescent – Only base is woody,, mix of (ex. onions, tulips)
the two above
● Corm – stubby, short, fleshy vertically
Based on Direction of Growth oriented stems,, stores nutrients (ex. gabi
● Erect – perpendicular to the
● Rhizomes – grow horizontally near the soil
surface,, roots & buds develop @ nodes to
grow into new plants (ex. ginger)
● Ascending – obliquely
● Tubers – swollen regions that store food,, w/ ● Vascular Bundles – scattered throughout
buds called eyes (ex. potatoes) the stem,, each is enclosed in bundle
sheath (sclerenchyma cells) for support
● Bud – undeveloped shoot,, w/ embryonic ● Ground Tissue – where vascular tissues
meristems are,, same functions as cortex & pith (dicot)
○ Terminal Bud – @ the tip of the stem
○ Axillary Bud – “lateral buds”,, @ the *no lateral meristems,, primary growth only,, don’t
axilis produce secondary tissues wood & bark
*Forms stems w/ leaves / flowers when they
Secondary Growth – activity of 2 lateral meristems
● Cork Cambium – cells of outer lateral
● Bud Scale – modified leaves,, outer meristems
protective layer (lateral & terminal bud),, ○ cork cells
covers dormant terminal bud ○ cork parenchyma (phelloderm)
Periderm (outer bark) = cork cambium + cork cells +
● Bud Scale Scars – develop when bud scale phelloderm
falls off ● Vascular Cambium – gives rise to
● Leaf Scar – shows where leaf was attached ○ Xylem (wood) – water & minerals
to the stem ○ Phloem (inner bark) – carbohydrates
● Bundle Scar – tiny bumps / small dots in
leaf scar,, broken ends of vascular bundles ● Cork Cambium (Phellogen) – cylinder of
passing fr. stem to leaves dividing cells

● Lenticels – sites of loosely arranged cells ● Cork Cells (Phellem) – dead @ maturity,,
that allow gas exchange,, aid in identifying waterproof,, protect woody stem
the plant
● Cork Parenchyma (Phelloderm) – stores
● Nodes & Internodes – (check 1st page) water & food

INTERNAL STRUCTURES OF STEMS ● Rays – chains of parenchyma cells,,

On Dicots pathways for lateral transport of water,
● Epidermis – outer covering,, provides materials & carbohydrates
protection,, w/ cuticle
Thickening of stem due to secondary growth
● Cortex – complex tissue (parenchyma, ● Epidermis & stomata die
collenchyma, sclerenchyma),, part of ground ● Stomata replaced by lenticels
tissue system
● Bark – old, inactive secondary phloem
● Vascular Tissues – support & conduction,, ● Sapwood – secondary xylem,, softer,, water
extend throughout the stem & continuous w/ can pass through
the roots and leaves ● Heartwood – hard,, older @ the center,, not
conducting water
● Vascular Bundles
○ Xylem – inner side
■ Tracheids,, vessel elements
○ Phloem – towards the outside
■ Fibers,, phloem fiber cap
○ Vascular Cambium – b/w xylem &

● Pith – center,, for storage

On Monocots
● Epidermis – outer covering,, provides
protection,, w/ cuticle

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