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Care of Mother and Child At-Risk or

with Problems (Acute and Chronic)-RLE

Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

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Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:

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Lesson Title: Complementary and Alternative Therapies Materials:

SAS, OB book, pens
Learning Targets:
At the end of the module, students will be able to: Reference:
1. Define the recommendations for complementary and
alternative therapies that could be use during labor Pilliteri, Adele and Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne
and delivery. (2018) Maternal and Child Health
Nursing, 8th Edition. USA: Lippincott
2. Integrate the knowledge of recommendations for
Williams and Wilkins
complementary and alternative therapies that could be
use during labor and delivery and describe specific
management on these recommendations in
formulating nursing care plan in giving quality maternal
and child health nursing care.


Please refer Chapter 16: The Nursing Role in Providing Comfort During Labor and Birth p. 377


 is taught in most preparation for childbirth  Concentrating intently on an object is
classes but can be taught in early labor another method of distraction, or another
as well. method of keeping sensory input from
 Relaxation keeps the abdominal wall from reaching the cortex of the brain.
becoming tense, allowing the uterus to  For this technique, a woman uses a
rise with contractions without pressing photograph of someone important to her
against the hard abdominal wall. or some setting she finds appealing such
 It also serves as a distraction technique as a beautiful sunset.
because, while concentrating on relaxing,  She concentrates on the photo during
a woman cannot concentrate on pain. contractions (focusing).
 Asking a woman to bring favorite music or  A woman can also concentrate on a
aromatherapy with her to enjoy in the mental image, such as waves rolling onto
birthing room, although not evidence a beach (imagery), or chant a word or

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Care of Mother and Child At-Risk or
with Problems (Acute and Chronic)-RLE
Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Class number:

_________________________________________________________________ _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:

________________________________________ ________________

based, can help with relaxation. phrase such as the new baby’s name
 Remember, no aromatic candles should during contractions, all of which help
be used because of nearby oxygen prevent her from concentrating on the
outlets. pain of contractions.
 If a woman has never used these
techniques before, she may question how
effective they are.
 Urge her to try one of them at least for a
few contractions before she dismisses
them entirely, as evidence supports their
 Do not ask questions or talk while a
woman is using focusing, imagery, or
chanting because that is apt to break her
concentration and let the sensation of
pain break through.
 For many women, prayer may be the first  Breathing patterns are taught in most
measure they use to relieve a stress they preparation for childbirth classes and are
are facing. well documented to decrease pain in
 Provide uninterrupted time as needed. labor
 Women may bring helpful worship objects  They are largely distraction techniques
such as a Bible or Qur’an into their because a woman concentrating on slow-
birthing setting to use during prayer. paced breathing cannot concentrate on
 Remember, these are sacred objects; be pain.
careful when changing sheets that you do  Breathing strategies can be taught to a
not accidentally throw such important woman in labor if she is not familiar with
objects away or let them fall to the floor. their advantages before labor.
 Stay with her until she appreciates how
useful slow-paced breathing can be and
feels comfortable using this technique
 Several herbal preparations have  Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic oils
traditionally been used to reduce pain to complement emotional and physical
with dysmenorrhea or labor, although well-being.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Care of Mother and Child At-Risk or
with Problems (Acute and Chronic)-RLE
Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Class number:

_________________________________________________________________ _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:

________________________________________ ________________

there is little evidence-based support for  Their use is based on the principle that
their effectiveness. the sense of smell plays a significant role
 Examples include chamomile tea for its in overall health. When an essential oil is
relaxing properties; raspberry leaf tea inhaled, its molecules are transported via
(women freeze it into ice cubes to suck the olfactory system to the limbic system
on), which is thought to strengthen in the brain.
uterine contractions; skullcap; and catnip,  The brain then responds to particular
which are thought to help with pain. aromas with emotional responses such
 Black cohosh (squawroot), an herb that as relaxation.
induces uterine contractions, is not  These oils should not be applied directly
recommended because of the risk of to the skin to avoid irritation but are used
acute toxic effects such as in a mister so they are inhaled and then
cerebrovascular accident to the mother or carried throughout the body.
fetus  The oils may be able to penetrate cell
walls and transport nutrients or oxygen to
the inside of cells. The effects of
aromatherapy can range from reducing
postcesarean incisional pain to reducing
anxiety in the first stage of labor
 The evidence regarding the efficacy of
aromatherapy continues to be studied
with mixed results.
 The application of heat and cold has  Standing under a warm shower or
always been used for pain relief after soaking in a tub of warm water, jet
injuries such as minor burns or strained hydrotherapy tub, or whirlpool is another
muscles. way to apply heat to help reduce the pain
 It is only lately that their use has been of labor.
investigated as effective ways to help  The temperature of water used should be
relieve the pain of labor. 37°C to prevent hyperthermia of the
 Women who are having back pain may woman and also the newborn at birth.
find the application of heat to the lower  Remind women that plastic or porcelain
back by a heating pad, instant hot pack, tubs are slippery, so they should ask for
or warm moist compress extremely help stepping into and out of them.
comforting. Do not leave women unsupervised in a
 Heat applied to the perineum is proven to tub as they could slip and have difficulty

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Care of Mother and Child At-Risk or
with Problems (Acute and Chronic)-RLE
Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Class number:

_________________________________________________________________ _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:

________________________________________ ________________

provide the dual benefits of soothing and getting their head above water.
softening the perineum and decreasing  A support person can join the woman in a
the risk of perineal tears. tub or shower if she wishes and can
 Caution women if they are going to heat continue with back massage or other
pads in a microwave to test the measures she finds soothing.
temperature of the pad on the forearm  Timing of contractions, auscultation of
before applying it to their perineum. fetal heart rate, and vaginal examinations
 Pressure anesthesia (pressure to an area can all be done without the woman
of the body that interferes with pain needing to leave the water.
receptors) can dull sensation and, with an  The birth environment, including the use
overheated pack, patients could sustain a of hydrotherapy in labor, can help support
perineal burn without realizing it. physiologic birth.
 Women who become warm from the  Remind women that plastic or porcelain
exertion of labor find a cool washcloth to tubs are slippery, so they should ask for
the forehead, chest, or back of the neck help stepping into and out of them.
comforting. Sucking on ice chips to  Do not leave women unsupervised in a
relieve mouth dryness is also refreshing. tub as they could slip and have difficulty
 Immediately following birth, an ice pack getting their head above water.
applied to the perineum feels soothing,  A support person can join the woman in a
and it helps reduce edema and swelling. tub or shower if she wishes and can
 Cultural differences exist with preference continue with back massage or other
to heat and cold. measures she finds soothing.
 This may be evident in dietary choices or  Timing of contractions, auscultation of
compress application. fetal heart rate, and vaginal examinations
 It is imperative that nurses to provide care can all be done without the woman
that is culturally competent and respectful needing to leave the water.
of the practices of their patients.  The birth environment, including the use
of hydrotherapy in labor, can help support
physiologic birth.
 In a classic work, Krieger (1990) defined  Yoga, a term derived from the Sanskrit
therapeutic touch as the laying on of word for “union,” describes a series of
hands to redirect energy fields that lead exercises that were originally designed to
to pain. bring people closer to a divine power.
 It is based on the concept that everyone’s  It offers a significant variety of proven
body contains energy fields that, when health benefits, including increasing the

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Care of Mother and Child At-Risk or
with Problems (Acute and Chronic)-RLE
Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Class number:

_________________________________________________________________ _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:

________________________________________ ________________

plentiful, lead to health or, when in low efficiency of the heart, slowing the
supply, result in illness. respiratory rate, improving fitness,
 Effleurage, the technique of gentle lowering blood pressure, promoting
abdominal massage often taught with relaxation, reducing stress, and allaying
Lamaze in preparation for childbirth anxiety.
classes is a classic example of  Exercises consist of deep breathing
therapeutic touch. exercises, body postures to stretch and
 Reiki can also promote healing. strengthen muscles, and meditation to
 The term Reiki consists of two Japanese focus the mind and relax the body.
words: rei, which means “God’s wisdom  It may be helpful in reducing the pain of
or the higher power,” and ki, which means labor through its ability to relax the body
“life force energy.” and possibly through the release of
 So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life endorphins.
force energy.”  Mothers who engage in yoga prenatally
 The technique includes “laying on of have been shown to have a greater
hands” and is based on the theory that an sense of self-efficacy and may
unseen “life force energy” flows through experience fewer episodes of antenatal
us and is what causes us to be alive. depression.
 If one’s life force energy is low, then a  Meditation is a self-directed practice for
person is more likely to get sick or feel relaxing the body and calming the mind.
stress.  Mindfulness-based stress reduction
 If it is high, a person is more capable of (MBSR), an 8-week intervention program
being happy and healthy. developed by Dr. John Kabat Zinn for
 Although the effectiveness of therapeutic patients dealing with issues of chronic
touch is not well documented, both touch pain, is based on the cultivation of
and massage probably work to relieve intentional awareness of experiences in
pain by increasing the release of the present moment.
endorphins.  Transcendental meditation (TM) is a
 Both techniques may also work because simple, natural, and effortless activity
they serve as forms of distraction. done while resting comfortably with the
 Many women find massage, especially of eyes closed. Using one of these
the lower back or feet, helpful in the first techniques, an individual experiences a
and second stages of labor. state of deep rest that can change
physical and emotional responses to
 Women can meditate in any position.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Care of Mother and Child At-Risk or
with Problems (Acute and Chronic)-RLE
Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Class number:

_________________________________________________________________ _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:

________________________________________ ________________

 Do not interrupt a woman using

meditation as a pain relief technique if at
all possible in order to not break her

 Reflexology is the practice of stimulating  Hypnosis is yet another method that can
the hands, feet, and ears as a form of be used for pain relief in labor.
therapy.  A woman who wants to use this modality
 Professional reflexologists apply pressure needs to meet with her hypnotherapist
to specific areas of the hands, feet, and during pregnancy.
ears to alleviate common ailments such  At these visits, she is evaluated for and
as headache, back pain, sinus colds, and conditioned for susceptibility to hypnotic
stress. suggestion.
 The theory behind reflexology holds that  Close to her last weeks of pregnancy, she
the body is divided into 10 zones that run is given a posthypnotic suggestion that
in longitudinal lines from the top of the she will experience a reduction in or
head to the tips of the toes. absence of pain during labor.
 Each of the body’s organs and glands is  Fully awake and able to participate in
linked to corresponding areas of the labor, the woman who is susceptible to
hands and feet. hypnotic suggestion may find this may
 Application of pressure to a specific area provide a very satisfactory and drug-free
aims to restore energy to the body and method of pain relief
improve the overall condition.  A woman who wants to use this system
 The point that corresponds to the uterus but began labor before the posthypnotic
is located on the inside ankle about suggestion was given may be very
halfway between the ankle bone disappointed to find herself in labor
(malleolus) and the heel. without the help she envisioned.
 Massaging this area is believed to begin  Some hypnotists may visit during labor or
labor or hurry labor, thus creating less supply the suggestion over the telephone
pain. so a woman can still use the method.
 Further research is needed to determine
the effectiveness of the effects of
hypnosis on pain relief in labor

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Care of Mother and Child At-Risk or
with Problems (Acute and Chronic)-RLE
Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Class number:

_________________________________________________________________ _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:

________________________________________ ________________

 Biofeedback is based on the belief that STIMULATION(TENS)

people have control and can regulate  Transcutaneous electrical nerve
internal events such as heart rate and stimulation (TENS) works to relieve pain
pain responses. by applying counterirritation to
 Women who are interested in using nociceptors.
biofeedback for pain relief in labor must  When two pairs of electrodes are
attend several sessions during pregnancy attached to a woman’s back to coincide
to condition themselves to regulate their with the T10 through L1 nerve pathways,
pain response. low-intensity electrical stimulation is given
 During these sessions, a biofeedback continuously or is applied by the woman
apparatus is used to measure muscle herself as a contraction begins.
tone or the woman’s ability to relax.  This stimulation blocks the afferent fibers,
 Evidence is continuing to emerge that preventing pain from traveling to the
shows biofeedback is an effective method spinal cord synapses from the uterus.
for reducing the pain of labor  As labor and descent progress, the
electrodes are moved to stimulate the S2
through S4 level. High-intensity
stimulation is generally needed to control
the pain at this stage.
 TENS can be as effective as epidural
anesthesia for pain relief in labor,
although some women object to being
“tied down” to the equipment.
 Women with extreme back pain may
benefit most from a TENS unit because
this type of pain is difficult to relieve with
controlled breathing exercises.
 This method may not only reduce the
need for epidural anesthesia but also
postpone the use of pharmacologic
 TENS is further discussed in as it applies
to postoperative pain of a cesarean birth.


 Intracutaneous nerve stimulation (INS) is a technique of counterirritation involving the

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Care of Mother and Child At-Risk or
with Problems (Acute and Chronic)-RLE
Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Class number:

_________________________________________________________________ _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:

________________________________________ ________________

intradermal injection of sterile water or saline along the borders of the sacrum to relieve low
back pain during labor.
 Although some women find the technique helpful, there is little evidence as to its
effectiveness; other women prefer to bear back pain or relieve it by massage rather than
submit to injections.
 Acupuncture is based on the concept that  Acupressure is the application of
illness results from an imbalance of pressure or massage at these same
energy. points.
 To correct the imbalance, needles are  It seems to be most effective for low back
inserted into the skin at designated pain.
susceptible body points (tsubos) located  A common point used for women in labor
along meridians that course throughout is Co4 (Hoku or Hegu point), which is
the body to supply the organs of the body located between the first finger and
with energy. thumb on the back of the hand.
 Activation of these points (which are not  Women may report their contractions feel
necessarily near the affected organ) lighter when a support person holds and
results in a release of endorphins, which squeezes their hand because the support
makes this system helpful, especially in person is accidentally triggering this point.
the first stage of labor.  Acupressure can reduce maternal anxiety
 Acupuncture may also decrease the as well as the length of labor when
duration of labor specific pressure points are used

Check for Understanding

You will answer these questions below and it will be recorded as your quiz.

1. Marissa a laboring woman becomes anxious during the transition phase of the first stage of labor
and develops a rapid and deep respiratory pattern. She complains of feeling dizzy and light-headed.
The nurse's immediate response would be to:
A. encourage the woman to breathe more slowly.
B. help the woman breathe into a paper bag.
C. turn the woman on her side.
D. administer a sedative.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Care of Mother and Child At-Risk or
with Problems (Acute and Chronic)-RLE
Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Class number:

_________________________________________________________________ _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:

________________________________________ ________________

2. Reychel is experiencing back labor and complains of constant, intense pain in her lower back. An
effective relief measure is to use:
A. counterpressure against the sacrum.
B. pant-blow (breaths and puffs) breathing techniques.
C. effleurage.
D. biofeedback.

3. Nurses should be aware of the difference experience can make in labor pain, such as:
A. sensory pain for nulliparous women often is greater than for multiparous women during early labor.
B. affective pain for nulliparous women usually is less than for multiparous women throughout the first stage of
C. women with a history of substance abuse experience more pain during labor.
D. multiparous women have more fatigue from labor and therefore experience more pain.

4. With regard to what might be called the tactile approaches to comfort management, nurses should
be aware that:
A. either hot or cold applications may provide relief, but they should never be used together in the same
B. acupuncture can be performed by a skilled nurse with just a little training.
C. hand and foot massage may be especially relaxing in advanced labor when a woman's tolerance for touch
is limited.
D. therapeutic touch (TT) uses handheld electronic stimulators that produce sympathetic vibrations.

5. It is based on the belief that people have control and can regulate internal events such as heart rate
and pain responses:
A. Acupuncture
B. Acupressure
C. Biofeedback
D. Intracutaneous Nerve Stimulation

6. It the application of pressure or massage at these same points and it is the most effective for low
back pain:
A. Acupuncture
B. Acupressure
C. Biofeedback
D. Intracutaneous Nerve Stimulation

7. It is based on the concept that illness results from an imbalance of energy and to correct the imbalance,
needles are inserted into the skin at designated susceptible body points (tsubos) located along meridians that
course throughout the body to supply the organs of the body with energy:

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Care of Mother and Child At-Risk or
with Problems (Acute and Chronic)-RLE
Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Class number:

_________________________________________________________________ _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:

________________________________________ ________________

A. Acupuncture
B. Acupressure
C. Biofeedback
D. Intracutaneous Nerve Stimulation

8. Mia Thermopolis is having labor and she was instructed by the Nurse-Midwife to stand under a warm
shower or soaking in a tub of warm water, jet hydrotherapy tub, or whirlpool is another way to apply
heat to help reduce the pain of labor: You as a Student Nurse knows that this is:
A. Yoga and Meditation
B. Application of Heat and Cold
C. Therapeutic Touch and Massage
D. Hydrotherapy

9. It offers a significant variety of proven health benefits, including increasing the efficiency of the
heart, slowing the respiratory rate, improving fitness, lowering blood pressure, promoting relaxation,
reducing stress, and allaying anxiety
A. Yoga and Meditation
B. Application of Heat and Cold
C. Therapeutic Touch and Massage
D. Hydrotherapy

10. It is based on the concept that everyone’s body contains energy fields that, when plentiful, lead to
health or, when in low supply, result in illness:
A. Yoga and Meditation
B. Application of Heat and Cold
C. Therapeutic Touch and Massage
D. Hydrotherapy

AL Strategy: Minute Paper
1. Please prepare a question or write a question in an index cards or half-sheets of paper to write
feedback to the following questions:
a. What was the most useful or the most meaningful thing you have learned this session?
b. What question(s) do you have as we end this session?

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