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The method used for the "Real men grill vegetables" research was the following:

1. The first step taken was choosing the platform on which they would base their
research off. Because they are trying to "examine the discourse representation
on men in a vegan community", they had to join a community in which they
would be able to collect more than enough data for this research. For
example, the social media platform Reddit was chosen because its content is
versatile and mostly user generated. It would be able to give off the most data
and it is also the platform that is able to track down specific topics like the
vegan community.
2. The next step was to determine how to search up reddit threads on that
specific topic and which keywords would be the best to narrow down their
research. In order to avoid threads that discussed other topics aside the
discourse of masculinity in veganism, keywords such as "male, men, man, etc.
had to be included in order to efficiently conduct research and also get narrow
down your search engine.
3. After collecting enough data, with the recommendations of a research article
on online qualitative data, they began to remove all names, locations and any
other information that would give away the identity of any of the Reddit
users. This is done because you want to avoid any bias, or any errors in the
analysis. Also, a persons background is not involved in this specific study so it
would not push the research forward.
4. The writers then began to analyze the discourse t at a textual level. This
means that they have to identify the linguistic structure of the discourse. For
example, they payed close attention for the users diction.
5. Then, they had to analyze it at discourse practice. This involves them taking
into interpretation the context and purpose of the found discourse and how it
connects to their study. For example, they need to figure out why it was
posted, what conversations was it supposed to spark or why it's significant.
6. Lastly, they are to conclude on how their findings are stemmed of social
practices and expectations.

After analyzing the research method from this article, I think I would definitely use the
keywords and special phrases when searching through scholarly websites. I need more
than 1 source and in order to work efficiently and acquire the best data, I would have to
use search limiters and keywords to avoid irrelevant articles.
Personally, I feel as the writers began discussion the general paper in the background
section of the article. They began by going back a few years, and discussing the social
expectations and norms between men and woman and how it has created a series of
issues. After giving a background, they then present their exigence, men who are vegan
are consider to be weaker and less masculine as other men. In this section they provided
more than enough data and background on similar topics and how it correlated with
their own studies. They didn't pose direct research questions in this section of the article
but rather they did include statements in which they would go back and touch base on in
their research and findings. Luckily, the writers offered visualization of their data. They
included a few of the threads they found to be most relevant to their study in the
findings section of the article. They present their findings by first providing data
collected, and following it up with a clear explanation on why it is relevant and significant
to the study. What was the most notable to me about the final discussion was that the
writers included a section in which they briefly clarified that there were no outside
factors or relationships which could have influenced the paper. This in itself is an
important clarification because even though they gave an in depth description of their
research, bias and influence could have been something that we as readers would
wonder if it is what ultimately resulted in their findings. The aspects of this research that
intimidate me is the analysis. When doing these kinds of articles, it is important to
examine every piece of data and even background knowledge and that is something I
struggle on. However, collecting my research is something I'm not intimidated by and
actually feel confident in doing.
Based of the findings, I think a real man is someone who is able to make their own
decisions and not truly care about what anyone has to say or feel insecure in their
masculinity because their lifestyle choices. The significance of the post "real men grill
vegetables" is to debunk the social construct that men who chose to follow a vegan
lifestyle are less masculine. It essentially saying that there is no one idea or definition to
what a "real man" is supposed to be or do.
The writers chose reddit because it is known to promote different goals and topics such
as veganism, which would give them space to examine how social media platforms
challenge and influence ideas.

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