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Auditory Peripersonal Space in Humans

Alessandro Farnè1,2 and Elisabetta Làdavas1,3

& In the present study we report neuropsychological evi- from behind the head, thus showing that the back space is
dence of the existence of an auditory peripersonal space more sensitive than the front space to the sensory interaction
representation around the head in humans and its character- of auditory – tactile inputs. Finally, when cross-modal effects
istics. In a group of right brain-damaged patients with tactile were investigated by reversing the spatial arrangement of
extinction, we found that a sound delivered near the cross-modal stimuli (i.e., touch on the right and sound on the
ipsilesional side of the head (20 cm) strongly extinguished a left), we found that an ipsilesional tactile stimulus, although
tactile stimulus delivered to the contralesional side of the head inducing a small amount of cross-modal tactile – auditory
(cross-modal auditory – tactile extinction). By contrast, when extinction, did not produce any spatial-specific effect. There-
an auditory stimulus was presented far from the head (70 cm), fore, the selective aspects of cross-modal interaction found
cross-modal extinction was dramatically reduced. This spatially near the head cannot be explained by a competition between a
specific cross-modal extinction was most consistently found damaged left spatial representation and an intact right spatial
(i.e., both in the front and back spaces) when a complex sound representation. Thus, consistent with neurophysiological
was presented, like a white noise burst. Pure tones produced evidence from monkeys, our findings strongly support the
spatially specific cross-modal extinction when presented in the existence, in humans, of an integrated cross-modal system
back space, but not in the front space. In addition, the most coding auditory and tactile stimuli near the body, that is, in the
severe cross-modal extinction emerged when sounds came peripersonal space. &

(Graziano & Gross, 1995), and ventral intraparietal areas
Similar to other psychological domains, research in (VIP; Duhamel, Colby, & Goldberg, 1991), have tactile
neuropsychology has historically focused on a single receptive fields (RFs) on the hand or on the face and
sensory modality at a time. However, we typically receive correspondent visual RFs in the space immediately
a simultaneous flow of information from each of our adjacent the tactile fields. These neurons typically
different senses in real word situations. Therefore, our respond best, that is, with the highest firing rate, to
perception of objects in the world is the product of an visual stimuli presented near the skin surface. In con-
integrated multisensory processing. trast, weak responses are evoked when the same visual
Some of the sensory integrated systems responsible of stimuli are presented far from the skin (Duhamel, Colby,
such processing have now been documented physiolog- & Goldberg, 1998; Graziano, Hu, & Gross, 1997; Fogassi
ically, and their relevance for the coding of the space et al., 1996; Gentilucci, Scandolara, Pigarev, & Rizzolatti,
has been shown. For instance, animal experiments have 1983; Gentilucci et al., 1988).
revealed brain areas specialized for the coding of visual In close analogy with monkey data, recent neuro-
space surrounding the body (peripersonal space). psychological findings from our laboratory provided
Neurons have been reported in parietal and frontal the first evidence that the human brain forms integrated
lobes that effectively respond only when visual stimuli visual – tactile representations of the peripersonal space
are located in spatial proximity to a particular body part surrounding the hand (Làdavas, Farnè, Zeloni, & di
(e.g., face and hand). In particular, these bimodal Pellegrino, 2000; Làdavas, di Pellegrino, Farnè, & Zeloni,
neurons located in different brain structures, such as 1998; di Pellegrino, Làdavas, & Farnè, 1997) and the face
the putamen (Graziano & Gross, 1993), the ventral (Làdavas, Zeloni, & Farnè, 1998). In these studies, a
premotor cortex (areas F4) (Rizzolatti, Scandolara, cross-modal (visual – tactile) stimulation paradigm was
Matelli, & Gentilucci, 1981), the parietal areas 7b used in right brain-damaged (RBD) patients with left
tactile extinction. Extinction is a clinical sign whereby
patients are able to detect a single stimulus presented
CNC Centro Neuroscienze Cognitive, Dipartimento di Psico- either to the ipsi- or contralesional side of the body, but
logia, Università di Bologna, 2S. Camillo Hospital, Venice, Italy, fail to report the contralesional stimulus when a con-
INRCA Hospital ‘‘I Fraticini,’’ Florence, Italy current stimulus is presented on the ipsilesional side.

D 2002 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 14:7, pp. 1030 – 1043
Although extinction phenomena have long been studied
within different sensory modalities (vision, touch, audi-
tion, and olfaction), they also occur between sensory
modalities (Mattingley, Driver, Beschin, & Robertson,
1997). Most interestingly, cross-modal studies in RBD
patients with tactile extinction showed that visual stimuli
presented near (5 cm) the patient’s ipsilesional hand
(or cheek) produce a very strong extinction of concur-
rent tactile stimuli delivered on the contralesional hand a b
(or cheek). In contrast, visual stimuli presented far
(35 cm) from the patients ipsilesional hand (or cheek)
only mildly extinguish tactile stimuli simultaneously Figure 1. Experiment 1: Schematic drawing of experimental setup.
delivered on the contralesional side of the body (a) Location of tactile stimuli (indicated by arrows) for the assessment
of tactile extinction at the level of the neck. (b) The four possible
(Làdavas, di Pellegrino, et al., 1998; Làdavas, Zeloni, loudspeaker positions relative to patient’s head (near and far position
et al., 1998; di Pellegrino, Làdavas, et al., 1997). from right front and back spaces). Tactile stimulus location on the left
This pattern of results is what should be expected if an side of the neck is also indicated by an arrow. Two types of sound
ipsilesional visual stimulus presented near the body (white noise and pure tone) could be delivered from each position
were processed by an integrated visual – tactile system (sound pressure level constantly held at 70 dB).
coding peripersonal space, functionally analogous to the
one described in monkeys. Due to this sensory integra-
tion, a visual stimulus presented near ipsilesional body Here, we verified whether a similar integrated system
parts strongly activates the corresponding somatosen- exists in humans by investigating cross-modal extinction
sory representation of those body parts, thus extinguish- between a sound and a touch in a group of 18 RBD
ing the contralesional tactile stimulation. patients with left tactile extinction. The existence of such
While the existence of a visual peripersonal space in system would predict that an ipsilesional auditory stim-
humans has been well documented by group studies, ulus should extinguish a contralesional tactile stimulus
only preliminary evidence based on a single-case study is (cross-modal auditory – tactile extinction). In particular,
available to support the existence of a similar integrated this phenomenon should be evident when an auditory
system coding auditory peripersonal space (Làdavas, stimulus is presented near the ipsilesional side of the
Pavani, & Farnè, 2001). In other words, the question head and a tactile stimulus is simultaneously delivered to
to be addressed now is whether the space immediately the contralesional side of the head. This is because, due
surrounding our body can be activated by an auditory to the activity of this integrated system, an acoustic
stimulus. This would be possible if the human brain can stimulus close to the head would activate the corre-
process both tactile and auditory information in an sponding somatosensory representation of that side of
integrated auditory –tactile system. the head. The simultaneous activation of the somato-
Neurophysiological results provide relevant clues sensory representation of the left side of the head (by a
related to this question. Recently, Graziano, Reis, and tactile stimulus) and of the right side of the head (by an
Gross (1999) documented neurons in monkey’s ventral acoustic stimulus) should result in an extinction of those
premotor cortex with tactile RFs covering the whole stimuli presented in the weaker representation, that is,
contralateral side of the animal’s head. Most of these that corresponding to the contralesional side of the
neurons were multimodal. They were strongly activated head (Duncan, 1996; Ward, Goodrich, & Driver, 1994).
by tactile stimuli and also by visual and acoustic stimuli In contrast, a significant reduction of cross-modal extinc-
presented close to the head, for example, within the tion should be expected when the auditory stimulus is
extension of auditory RFs whose location matched the presented in the ipsilesional side, but far from the head.
location of tactile RFs. Importantly, neuronal responses This is because an auditory stimulus presented at greater
almost disappeared when auditory stimuli were pre- distance should activate the system encoding periper-
sented at longer distances, that is, 30 or 50 cm away sonal space to a lesser degree.
from the head. Another interesting functional property Moreover, on the basis of the neurophysiological
of these neurons was that they could be strongly acti- findings (Graziano et al., 1999) auditory– tactile extinc-
vated by complex sounds (e.g., burst of white noise, tion was expected to occur in the whole space immedi-
jingling keys, claps, or crinkling paper), whereas pure ately surrounding the head. This is because the
tones of various frequencies (200 – 3200 Hz) did not topographical distribution of auditory – tactile RFs has
elicit any response. Due to their functional character- been shown to include both the front and the back
istics, these neurons may constitute the neurophysio- spaces of the animal’s head. For this reason, we inves-
logical substrate of an integrated auditory– tactile system tigated cross-modal effects with sound sources located
coding the peripersonal space near the head, that is the either in the front or in the back space of the patients’
peri-head space. head (see Figure 1).

Farnè and Làdavas 1031

Finally, cross-modal extinction was expected to be sional detection obtained under bilateral cross-modal
modulated by the complexity of the acoustic stimulus. stimulation, that is, right sound and left touch, was
Since the integrated system described in monkeys by compared to that obtained under unilateral left tactile
Graziano et al. (1999) was not sensitive to simple sounds stimulation. Significantly fewer contralesional detection
(i.e., pure tones), a strong cross-modal extinction was in bilateral trials compared to unilateral trials indicates
expected following the presentation of a complex cross-modal auditory –tactile extinction.
sound, like a white noise burst, but not following the A repeated measure ANOVA with sound (white noise,
presentation of a pure tone. pure tone), space (front, back), and type of stimulation
These questions were investigated in 18 RBD patients (unilateral left tactile stimulation, bilateral cross-modal
who participated to the first experiment. stimulation in near and far position) as within-subject
factors revealed a significant main effect of sound,
F(1,17) = 54.72, p < .0001, with pure tones being
associated to more correct responses (77%) than white
Results noise (67%). The main factor type of stimulation was
Patients almost never produced false alarms in the also significant, F(2,34) = 47.02, p < .0001. Newman –
no-stimulation catch trials, and they never reported Keuls post hoc analysis showed that patients were
spurious ‘‘both’’ responses relative to unilateral stimu- significantly more accurate in detecting left tactile
lation. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was stimuli when presented alone (92.3%) than on bilateral
performed on the arc sin-transformed percentage of cross-modal presentations (near 54%; far 70%, p < .0001
accuracy obtained in the unimodal tactile condition, in both comparisons). Most important, cross-modal
with type of stimulation (unilateral, bilateral) as within- extinction varied according to the sound distance, being
subject factor. This source of variance was highly sig- more pronounced when the sound source was near
nificant, F(1,17) = 71.86, p < .0001. Patients performed the patients’ head (54%) than when it was far from
near ceiling on trials consisting of unilateral left stim- it (70%, p < .003).
ulation (91% of correct responses) showing that their The interaction Sound  Space  Type of stimulation
tactile sensitivity was well preserved for single-stimulus was also significant, F(2,34) = 5.02, p < .01. As shown in
detection on the left side of the neck. In contrast, Figure 3A, when the sound was a pure tone, cross-modal
patients only reported a small proportion of left stimuli extinction was not modulated by the proximity of the
under bilateral stimulation (36%, p < .0001) showing sound source to the patient’s head in the front space
that they were affected by a severe form of unimodal (near 68% vs. far 72%, ns). Instead, the modulation was
tactile extinction (see Figure 2). evident in back space (near 61% vs. far 76%, p < .0001).
To verify whether a right acoustic stimulus may In contrast, when the sound was a burst of white noise
extinguish a left tactile stimulus, the amount of contrale- (see Figure 3B), the specificity of cross-modal extinction
for the near compared to the far space was evident both
in the front (46% vs. 69%, p < .0002) and in the back
spaces (41% vs. 63%, p < .0002).
Unimodal tactile extinction The interaction also revealed that the back space was
more sensitive to cross-modal effects than the front
Left tactile detection (% accuracy)

space. As can be seen in Figure 3B, cross-modal extinc-

100 tion induced by white noise was more severe in the back
than in the front space, both in the near (back 41% vs.
front 46%, p < .04) and in the far space (back 63% vs.
80 front 69%, p < .02). A similar pattern of results was
70 present with pure tones (Figure 3A), but only for the
60 near space (back 61% vs. front 68%, p < .001).
50 To investigate the severity of cross-modal extinction,
40 the amount of contralesional detection obtained under
30 bilateral cross-modal stimulation (i.e., right sound and
left touch) has been compared to that obtained under
bilateral unimodal stimulation (i.e., right touch and left
10 touch). A further one-way ANOVA with bilateral stimu-
0 lation (unimodal tactile, cross-modal near, cross-modal
Unilateral tactile Bilateral tactile far) as within-subject factor was separately performed for
each sound (white noise and pure tone) and space of
Figure 2. The mean percentage of left contralesional detection is presentation (front and back).
reported (bars show standard error) as a function of unilateral and The analyses showed that unimodal tactile extinction
bilateral stimulation in the unimodal tactile condition. (36% of correct responses) did not significantly differ

1032 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 14, Number 7

Figure 3. The mean percen-
tage of left contralesional A
detection is reported (bars Auditory-Tactile cross-modal extinction
show standard error) as a func-

Left tactile detection (% accuracy)

tion of unilateral and bilateral 100
stimulation in the cross-modal
auditory – tactile conditions with 90
sounds presented in the near
and far locations both in the 80
front and back spaces. (A)
Accuracy following presentation 70
of pure tones. (B) Accuracy
following presentation of white 60
noise bursts. Note that accuracy
in unilateral tactile stimulation 50
is separately reported from the
condition in which sounds were
presented in the front (F) or
back (B) space.
Unilateral Unilateral Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral
tactile (F) tactile (B) Front Near Front Far Back Near Back Far

B Auditory-Tactile cross-modal extinction

Left tactile detection (% accuracy)

Unilateral Unilateral Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral
tactile (F) tactile (B) Front Near Front Far Back Near Back Far

from cross-modal extinction when white noise bursts Since in the preliminary auditory testing session
were presented near the patient’s head, either in the (see Methods) half of the patients failed the front/ back
front (46%) or in the back space (41%, p > .05 in both discrimination of sound source location, the differential
comparisons). In other words, the degree of interfer- auditory localization abilities of patients could have
ence exerted on the contralesional tactile perception by somewhat affected the spatial distribution of cross-
a touch or a burst of white noise was comparable. modal extinction. In order to verify this possibility, the
When white noise bursts were presented far from the same set of experimental data were also analyzed by a
patient’s head however, unimodal tactile extinction separate ANOVA in which the performance to the front/
(36%) was stronger than cross-modal extinction, both back test (correct, incorrect) was examined as between-
in the front (69%, p < .0001) and in the back spaces subjects factor, with the same within-subject factors as
(63%, p < .0005). the previous analysis. The latter analysis, besides repli-
In stark contrast, unimodal tactile extinction (36% cating the previous results, showed that this was not the
correct) was more severe than cross-modal extinction case because the factor front/back test was not signifi-
induced by pure tones presented near patients’ head, cant, nor included in any significant interaction.
both in the front (68% correct, p < .001) and in the
back spaces (60% correct, p < .001). Similarly, unimodal
tactile extinction (36% correct) was stronger than
cross-modal extinction when pure tones were presented The results of Experiment 1 showed that in RBD patients
far from patients’ head, either in the front (72% correct, with left tactile extinction at the level of the neck, an
p < .0001) or in the back space (76% correct, p < .001). acoustic stimulus presented near the right side of the

Farnè and Làdavas 1033

head strongly interfered with the processing of a tactile
stimulus simultaneously presented on the left side of the
neck (cross-modal auditory – tactile extinction). By con-
trast, a significantly weaker interference of audition on
touch perception was observed when the same acoustic
stimulus was presented far from the patient’s right side a b
of the head. The differential effects produced by acous-
tic stimulation in the near versus far space were
obtained despite the fact that sound’s salience, at least Figure 4. Experiment 2: Schematic drawing of the experimental
in terms of sound pressure level, was the same (70 dB) setup. (a) The two possible loudspeaker positions relative to patient’s
independent of the distance of the sound source. This head (near and far positions from left back space). Tactile stimulus
finding clearly points to the processing of other auditory location on the right side of the neck is also indicated by an arrow.
Only white noise bursts could be delivered from each position. (b) The
cues that may be relevant for the coding of distance in
two mirror positions included in Experiment 1 are reported for
audition (see note 1). comparative purposes.
This finding clearly shows that cross-modal auditory –
tactile extinction was mainly segregated into the peri-
personal space surrounding the head. Moreover, the is not predicted by the integrated competition model.
effect was most consistent when a complex sound Here, the degree of auditory – tactile extinction that
was presented. In particular, the spatial specificity of followed the presentation of white noise burst in the
auditory –tactile extinction for the peri-head space was near-peripersonal space was actually comparable to the
evident both in the front and back spaces when the amount of extinction produced by bilateral unimodal
acoustic stimulus was constituted by a white noise tactile stimulation. Thus, a model of integrated competi-
burst. In contrast, when the acoustic stimulus was tion between left- and right-sided spatial representations
constituted by a pure tone the specificity for peri-head cannot explain the finding of the differential cross-modal
space was present only in the back space. Thus, the extinction found in the present study as a function of
back space appeared to be more sensitive than the front distance from the head (near vs. far), sound complexity
space in mediating peripersonal cross-modal effects, as (white noise vs. pure tone), or space of stimulation
shown by the fact that both sound types induced the (back vs. front). Therefore, the integrated competition
strongest auditory – tactile extinction when presented model (Duncan, 1996) can account only for more gen-
behind the head. These findings cannot be solely eral aspects of cross-modal effects, for example the
explained within the theoretical framework of an inte- reduced, but significant amount of extinction observed
grated competition between a weak representation of in the far-peripersonal space.
the contralesional tactile input and an intact represen- As another consequence of the unbalanced competi-
tation of the ipsilesional auditory stimulus. Models of tion produced by the brain lesion, the presentation of a
selective attention (Driver, Mattingley, Borden, & Davis, stimulus into the impaired contralesional space in a
1997; Duncan & Humphreys, 1989; Duncan, 1980) have given modality evokes a weak and slowly rising activity
suggested that unimodal extinction is the product (Rorden, Mattingley, Karnath, & Driver, 1997). This
of unequal strength between competitive weights, implies that left cross-modal extinction after right brain
assigned to ipsi- and contralesional stimuli, for accessing damage can be found when the contralesional space
to a limited pool of attentional resources (Driver, 1998; representation in one modality has been impaired by the
di Pellegrino & De Renzi, 1995). As we outlined in relation lesion and the ipsilesional space representation is intact.
to visuo-tactile effects (Farnè, Pavani, Meneghello, & As a corollary, left cross-modal extinction should not be
Làdavas, 2000), an account based on the integrated evident when both the contra- and the ipsilesional space
competition model would predict that the unbalance representations are intact.
caused by a unilateral lesion within a given modality In order to test this issue, a second investigation was
(e.g., touch) would affect other modalities (e.g., audi- conducted in which the spatial arrangement of cross-
tion) to a lesser degree, because the competitive modal stimulation was mirror-reversed (see Figure 4).
advantage spreads to intact areas that are intercon- Eight out of 18 patients took part to both investigations.
nected to the damaged one. By referring to the results None of them manifested left neglect or contralesional
of the present study, this competitive mechanism can extinction in the auditory modality (see Methods). The
well explain the weak cross-modal extinction observed second experiment was constituted by two additional
when a contralesional tactile stimulus was delivered conditions (run at the same time as conditions of Experi-
concurrently with an ipsilesional auditory stimulus, ment 1) in which a tactile stimulus was applied to the
presented in the far-peripersonal space (see also right side of the neck and a left auditory stimulus could
Làdavas et al., 2001). However, the marked cross-modal be applied near the head (a) or far from the head (b).
extinction obtained by presenting an ipsilesional audi- In this experiment, only white noise bursts were used
tory stimulus in the near-peripersonal space of the head as acoustic stimuli and they were presented only in the

1034 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 14, Number 7

back space (Figure 4). This is because a preliminary the near and far space, thus confirming that the auditory
inspection of the results obtained in 10 patients showed modality had been spared by the lesion. However, a
that the most severe cross-modal extinction emerged certain reduction in accuracy was found when a tactile
when a white noise was presented in the back space. stimulus was simultaneously presented on the right
Therefore, this combination of sound and space of stim- ipsilesional side of their neck (Figure 5B). In the latter
ulation was the most likely to reveal the presence of a case, error consisted of incorrect ‘‘right’’ responses
mirror-reversed tactile– auditory cross-modal extinction. instead of the correct ‘‘both’’ response, that is, patients
extinguished the contralesional auditory stimulus.
EXPERIMENT 2 To verify the presence and amount of cross-modal
effects as a function of the side of acoustical stimulation,
Results patients’ performance (arcsin values of accuracy) was
Patients performed without error when sounds were submitted to a three-way ANOVA with side of sound
presented singly from the left side of their head, both in (right, left), location of sound (near, far), and type of

Figure 5. The mean percen-

tage of left contralesional A
detection is reported (bars Auditory-Tactile cross-modal extinction
show standard error) as a func-
tion of unilateral and bilateral
Left tactile detection (% accuracy)

stimulation in the cross-modal

conditions with sounds 100
presented in the near and far
locations in the back space. 90
(A) Tactile accuracy following
presentation of white noise 80
from the right. (B) Acoustic
accuracy following presentation 70
of white noise from the left.
Note that accuracy in unilateral
tactile stimulation is separately
reported from the condition in
which sounds were presented 50
in the near (N) or far (F)
location. 40

Unilateral Unilateral Bilateral Bilateral
Touch (N) Touch (F) S-T Near S-T Far

Tactile-Auditory cross-modal extinction
Left acoustic detection (% accuracy)








Unilateral Unilateral Bilateral Bilateral
Sound Near Sound Far T-S Near T-S Far

Farnè and Làdavas 1035

stimulation (unilateral, bilateral) as within-subject fac- advantage is low when competing with an intact con-
tors. The main effect side of sound was significant, tralesional representation. In these patients, the right
F(1,7) = 38.73, p < .0005, showing that patients’ tactile representation is competing with the left auditory
accuracy was overall better when sounds were located representation (spared by the lesion) and, as a conse-
in the left (96%) as compared to the right side of their quence, the ipsilesional stimulus induces a much weaker
head (71%). Since the interaction involving the three interference on contralesional perception than that
factors was significant, F(1,7) = 7.42, p < .03, we will exerted upon an impaired representation. In other
focus on the description of this highest source of words, the possibility of unveiling strong cross-modal
variance. When sounds were presented in the right effects seem to depend upon the presence of a clear
space, the analysis performed on this subset of data competitive bias favoring the ipsilesional modality.
exactly replicated the results obtained in the larger In the same line of reasoning, the occurrence of peri-
group examined in Experiment 1. Newman – Keuls test head left-sound extinction following right-touch stimu-
showed that patients were more accurate in detecting lation might be found in patients whose peripersonal
left touches under unilateral presentation (88% mean auditory representation has been affected by the lesion.
accuracy) than under bilateral cross-modal presentation Our findings suggest that such a deficit might be pro-
(near 42%; far 65%, p < .002 in both comparisons). Most duced by a lesion involving, or disconnecting, the brain
important, cross-modal extinction again varied accord- structures contributing to the representation of auditory
ing to sound distance (see Figure 5A), being stronger peripersonal space. Instead, the functional integrity of at
near patients’ head (42%) than far from it (65%, p < least part of these areas would be necessary for coding
.005). In contrast, when sounds were presented from peripersonal auditory space and for inducing spatial
the left space, only a general effect of cross-modal selective cross-modal effects of audition on touch per-
extinction was found. Patients were more accurate in ception, as found in the present study. It would be
reporting left sounds under unilateral presentation interesting to relate the presence and the degree of
(100% mean accuracy) than under bilateral cross-modal selective auditory –tactile extinction for the near-head
presentation (near 93%; far 92%, p < .03 in both space with the lesion location in the population of RBD
comparisons). As can be clearly seen in Figure 5B, patients investigated. However, due to the large size and
however, no sign of spatial selectivity was found with variable extent of the lesion in our group of patients, it is
respect to the sound distance from patients’ head. difficult to precisely relate their cross-modal behavioral
Finally, the severity of cross-modal extinction was phenomena with a defined cerebral location. Neuro-
much stronger following presentation of sounds in the physiological studies in monkeys and fMRI evidence in
right than in the left space, both near (right 42% vs. left humans (Bremmer et al., 2001) have indicated that the
93%, p < .0005) and far from the head (right 65% vs. left cerebral structures responsible of multimodal process-
92%, p < .002). ing of the peripersonal space include the frontal pre-
motor areas, parietal areas (in particular VIP), and the
putamen. As suggested above (see also Làdavas,
di Pellegrino, et al., 1998), these multimodal areas
When the right acoustic stimulus and the left tactile should be (at least partially) spared by the lesion to
stimulus were competing for processing resources, the obtain a clear segregation of cross-modal effects near the
results of the present experiment replicated those found head. In agreement with this prediction, the most
in Experiment 1. Auditory events strongly interfered selective cross-modal effect found in the present inves-
with left tactile stimuli when they were presented in tigation (44% of near vs. far difference, averaged across
the peri-head space, and the competition was much front and back spaces) was shown by patient B. O.,
reduced when the auditory events were presented in whose lesion involved the parieto-temporal region,
the far space. In contrast, when the competition was whereas the least selective effect (0% of difference)
between a right tactile stimulus and a left acoustic was shown by patient C. V., whose lesion affected frontal
stimulus, the ipsilesional stimulus induced only a weak, as well as parietal and temporal areas. A similar tendency
although significant extinction of the contralesional emerged when considering data on a group basis:
contender. In addition, the amount of competition was Patients showing strong selective effects for the near
comparable in the near and far space. space (30% of near – far difference) were less fre-
This finding is in accordance with a modular organ- quently affected by fronto- parietal lesions (33%) than
ization of space, which predicts a redundancy of sepa- patients with less selective effects (42%). However, we
rate spatial maps coding space with the competition would like to make clear that these data are only
operating among topographical maps that are function- preliminary, and more detailed analyses of the extent
ally linked. The unbalance produced by a unilateral and precise locus of the damage are needed.
lesion within a given modality (e.g., touch) only mildly In this respect, recent ERP studies have shown that
affects other modalities that are not impaired (e.g., multisensory interactions can occur early in the cortical
audition), probably because the ipsilesional competitive processing hierarchy, in putative unimodal brain regions

1036 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 14, Number 7

Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Details for the Two Subgroups of Patients That Satisfied or Not (Yes, No) the Following
Criterion: When Cross-modal Extinction Produced by White Noise Burst (WN) Was Stronger in the Near versus Far Space by 30% or
More (Averaged Across Front and Back Space Stimulation) Patients Were Considered as Showing a Clear Spatial-Specific Effect

D  30% WN Sex (Female/Male) Age Education ( Years) Months Poststroke Neglect (%)
Yes (n = 6) 2/4 69 6 9 30
No (n = 12) 5/7 62 6 6 75

The proportional incidence of visual neglect associated to unimodal tactile extinction is also reported.

(Foxe et al., 2000). By specifically manipulating spatial modalities. For example, Stein and Meredith (1993)
attention, several behavioral and ERP studies have shown summarize a large number of single-cell studies on
that cross-modal links among vision, audition, and touch multimodal neurons showing that cellular responses
can affect sensory perceptual processes within modality- can indeed be enhanced by multimodal stimulation at
specific cortical regions (for a review, see Eimer & Driver, a common location, as compared with unimodal base-
2001). These findings point to the possible (non mutually lines. Another example, which is also more relevant to
exclusive) existence of bottom-up, feed-forward integra- the purpose of the present study, is related to a recent
tion in early sensory processing, and top-down modu- study by Graziano et al. (1999) in which they reported
lation of unimodal processing through backward neurons in monkey’s ventral premotor cortex with
propagated activity of multimodal areas. tactile RFs that covered the contralateral side of the
Besides the neuroanatomical considerations, it is also head, including the back of the animal’s head, which
important to establish whether other factors may affect also responded to acoustic stimuli presented near the
the presence and strength of spatially selective cross- head. Importantly, neurons’ responses almost disap-
modal effects. A retrospective analysis on the patient peared when the auditory stimulus was presented 30
populations investigated in previous studies on visuo- or 50 cm away from the head. Thus, this integrated
tactile extinction from our laboratory (unpublished system is the best candidate system responsible of
data) suggested that symptoms like visual neglect asso- coding auditory peripersonal space around the head.
ciated to tactile extinction and a relatively short time The behavioral correlate of this neurophysiological
elapsed from the illness onset to patient’s testing may evidence has been revealed in the present study in
represent negative concomitant factors to the emer- RBD patients affected by left tactile extinction at the
gence of selective cross-modal effects in the near- level of the neck. An acoustic stimulus presented near
peripersonal space. When considering the presence of the right side of the head (20 cm of distance) strongly
neglect, Table 1 shows that the incidence of visual interfered with the processing of a tactile stimulus
neglect was higher (75%) in the subgroup of patients simultaneously presented on the left side of the neck
who showed a weak spatial selectivity of cross-modal (cross-modal auditory – tactile extinction). By contrast, a
extinction, as compared to those showing strongly much weaker interference of audition on touch percep-
selective effects (30%). Table 1 also shows that spatial- tion was observed when the same acoustic stimulus was
specific effects emerge more clearly in chronic patients. presented far from the patient’s right side of the head
These findings suggest that the severity of patients’ (70 cm), despite the fact that auditory stimulus intensity
clinical condition (in terms of presence of neglect and at patient’s ear remained constant. This finding clearly
the acute/chronic phase of testing) should be consid- shows that cross-modal auditory – tactile extinction was
ered as a negative factor, potentially obscuring the fine- mainly segregated into the peripersonal space surround-
grained spatial distribution of cross-modal extinction. ing the head.
Further studies are needed to clarify whether and how Our study clearly indicates that cross-modal competi-
these factors may interact. tion between audition and touch is modulated by the
distance in peripersonal space of the sound source.
Distant acoustic events presented in the far space did
not compete with left tactile stimuli as did acoustic events
It has become abundantly clear that space is constructed presented in the near space. Moreover, an ipsilesional
by computations involving considerable integration be- tactile stimulus only mildly extinguished a contralesional
tween different senses. One intriguing question is how acoustic stimulus presented either in the near or in the
the brain can integrate spatial information deriving from far space. Thus, our findings are best explained as result-
separate modalities, given that each modality initially ing from the processing activity of an integrated system
uses different coordinates to code space (e.g., vision in that control both auditory and tactile inputs within
retinotopic, but touch in somatotopic, etc.). One answer peripersonal space of the head (peri-head). Due to this
to this question is that several neural structures contain integrated system, a right peri-head acoustic stimulus
neurons that have been shown to respond to multiple strongly activates the somatosensory representation of

Farnè and Làdavas 1037

the head ipsilesionally, which then competes with the left body1 (Graziano et al., 1999). Since these neurons are
somatosensory representation of the head, activated by a not activated by pure tones, the distance between near
tactile stimulus. In patients with left tactile extinction, and far tones cannot be estimated and, as a consequence,
competition favors the ipsilesional stimulus that, as a cross-modal extinction is much less spatially specific.
result, extinguishes the contralesional stimulus whose Although this selective activation of multimodal neurons
representation is assigned with weaker competitive in PMv can appear somehow surprising, it may result
weights (Ward et al., 1994; di Pellegrino, Basso, & Frassi- from adaptive processes. It has been suggested that the
netti, 1997). In contrast, a distant acoustic stimulus functional properties of monkeys’ multimodal neurons
weakly activates the somatosensory representation of are hardwired (Graziano et al., 1997) and the spatial
the ipsilesional side. As a consequence, the competitive correspondence between RFs can be calibrated through
bias is much reduced, as shown by the reduction of experience, perhaps within a critical period early in life
cross-modal auditory– tactile extinction found far from (Graziano et al., 1997; Salinas & Abbot, 1995). In the case
patient’s head. It is worthwhile to remember that, as for of auditory– tactile neurons, the obvious crucial experi-
visuo-tactile neurons coding visual peripersonal space ence through which spatial calibration could be achieved
around the face (Graziano et al., 1995; Duhamel et al., consists in the repeated exposition to ecological sounds
1991, 1998), neurons coding auditory peri-head space that are more similar to a white noise burst than to a pure
also show a gradient of firing that varies as a function of tone. Thus, the reduced effect operated by a pure tone
stimulus distance. That is, the activation of some audi- might reflect a sort of impenetrability of the integrated
tory – tactile cells is greater at closer distances, being auditory – tactile system to a sound that has a little chance
reduced at longer distances. It is therefore possible that to occur in nature.
the mild cross-modal extinction found in the far space A further important aspect of the head peripersonal
reflects the reduced neurons’ response to stimuli pre- space that has been reported in monkeys is that tactile
sented at longer distance from the head. RFs of multimodal neurons are rarely restricted to the
Interestingly, this pattern of results emerged mainly back of the head and instead include part of the cheek,
with complex sounds, that is, when a white noise burst eyebrows, snout, and jaw, thus forming a complete
was presented. Although pure tones produced a mild representation of the space around the head (Graziano
cross-modal extinction, this effect appeared to be seg- et al., 1999). In agreement with these neurophysiological
regated in the peripersonal space only behind patients’ findings, the peri-head selectivity of cross-modal extinc-
head. In the front space, there was no differential cross- tion following presentation of white noise bursts was
modal extinction for the near versus the far space. These found both in the front and in the back spaces. How-
findings suggest that patients could extract relevant ever, we also found that peri-head cross-modal extinc-
distance cues, despite the fact that sound pressure level tion induced by white noise was stronger in the back
was kept identical irrespective of sound distance to space, thus suggesting that the back space may play a
avoid salience differences between auditory stimulation. major role in mediating cross-modal integration of audi-
In addition, the present results point to the possibility tion and touch. This possibility is further supported by
that binaural distance cues can contribute to pure tone’s the fact that some selectivity for the peri-head space was
localization, at least in the rear space. also evident when pure tones were used, but only if they
Finally, the amount of peri-head cross-modal extinc- were presented in the back space. Therefore, we suggest
tion obtained with white noise bursts (in both the front that the latter space might represent the ideal space to
and back spaces) was comparable to that obtained with reveal auditory – tactile interactions. This better sen-
bilateral touches. In other words, the degree of peri- sitivity could emerge during the adaptation processes
personal cross-modal auditory – tactile and unimodal because an object approaching the head from the back
tactile extinction did not differ in case of a complex space can be perceived only through the noise it pro-
sound. In contrast, the degree of interference produced duces, in sharp contrast with an object approaching the
by pure tones on contralesional tactile detection was head from the front space that, in normal situations,
significantly smaller than that induced by a touch, even would also benefit of visual information.
when the pure tone was presented close to the head. The cross-modal effects described in the present
The different pattern of results found with white study were found while patients were blindfolded and,
noise and pure tone is in accordance with the neuro- thus, did not have any visual cue about the spatial
physiological observation reported by Graziano et al. source of auditory stimuli. This suggests that the audi-
(1999) showing that pure tones were not efficacious in tory peripersonal space can be coded by an integrated
activating multimodal neurons responsible for coding system that controls directly auditory and tactile stimuli,
auditory peripersonal space near the head. One way to and that visual inputs are not necessary for achieving
interpret the different effects of types of sound in the bimodal auditory – tactile integration. Finally, the results
peripersonal space is by considering the functional role of the second experiment further demonstrated that
of ventral premotor (PMv) neurons that might encode cross-modal auditory –tactile effects in the peripersonal
directly the position of the sound with respect to the space were not dependent upon a general competition

1038 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 14, Number 7

between left and right spatial representations. When the In some circumstances, however, objects moving
spatial arrangement of tactile and auditory stimuli was towards the body are not visible, as in the dark or when
mirror-reversed, a small but significant amount of tac- they come from the back. In these cases, the presence of
tile – auditory extinction was indeed found, but this was an object can be detected only by the noise it may
absolutely nonselective for the space near the head. produce in approaching the body. On the basis of the
Our findings shed new light on humans’ multisensory results of the present study, we suggest that the auditory
integration occurring in the peripersonal space (Làdavas, peripersonal space representation could allow detection
2002; in press) by showing the existence of an auditory and localization of nonvisible objects approaching the
space representation surrounding the head. The finding head through the noise they produce, before they reach
that multimodal integration involves not only somato- the body. This, in turn, would help preparing an appro-
sensory and visual inputs (Làdavas et al., 2000; Làdavas, priate orienting or avoiding reaction in response to
di Pellegrino, et al., 1998; Làdavas, Zeloni, et al., 1998), these objects. This function would be especially relevant
but also somatosensory and auditory inputs has impor- in case of objects approaching the head from the back,
tant implications relative to the functional role played by since they are always outside visual control.
peripersonal space representations. As far as the visual –
tactile input is concerned, converging evidence from METHODS
both animal and human studies suggested that their
integrated processing in the peripersonal space would Subjects
allow to detect and localize an object approaching the Eighteen patients with contralesional tactile extinction
head (or the hand), before the contact with the skin were tested in the present study. Characteristics of
occurs, and to prepare an adequate response to it patients are outlined in Table 2. All of them partici-
(Graziano & Gross, 1998; Rizzolatti, Luppino, & Matelli, pated in Experiment 1 (see below). A subgroup of 8
1998). Depending upon its nature, the object could be patients also took part in Experiment 2. All patients
either avoided or reached and grasped. suffered a right-hemisphere stroke, as determined by

Table 2. Clinical and Demographic Details of RBD Patients

Education Months Visual Auditory Auditory

Patient Sex Age ( Years) Poststroke Lesion Site Neglect Neglect Extinction
C. A. female 83 5 19 F, T, P no no –
C. E. male 51 8 10 F, Ic, Wm no no –
T. M. male 84 0 >24 P, O, Wm no no –
G. N. male 73 5 12 T, O, Wm yes no –
D. M. female 48 5 12 T, P yes no –
P. P. male 79 5 1 BG yes no –
L. M. G. female 60 3 1 BG yes no –
G. S. male 82 3 1 P, Ic yes no –
P. A. male 53 18 3 P, O, Ic no no no
R. M. F. female 52 8 >24 T, P no no no
B. O. male 52 5 3 P, T, Wm no no no*
R. E. female 77 5 3 F, T, P yes no no*
F. F. male 65 5 2 T, P yes no no*
G. G. female 50 8 3 F, T, P no no no*
D. L. female 56 5 2 F, T, P no no no*
T. O. male 64 5 2 F, T, P, Ic yes no no*
C. V. male 69 14 4 F, T, P yes no no*
B. L. male 65 5 1 F, T, P no no no*

‘‘Lesion site’’ column indicates which structures were involved by the lesion. F = frontal; T = temporal, P = parietal; O = occipital; Ic = internal
capsule; BG = basal ganglia; Wm = white matter. The table also shows that patients who participated to the second experiment (indicated by an
asterisk) were not affected by auditory extinction (see Methods).

Farnè and Làdavas 1039

cranial CT scan. Nine of them showed signs of visual patient, with the sensor firmly attached to the index
neglect. finger of her/his left hand, and checked the patient’s
Patients were selected according to the absence of head position before each trial. The loudspeaker was
acoustical sensory loss and right – left ear difference mounted at ear level on an adjustable metal stand and it
(>10 dB) in hearing, as assessed by an audiometry test. was positioned on the right of the patient’s head, either
Moreover, patients did not show any sign of auditory in front or behind it (see Figure 1b). Specifically, the
neglect, when tested with the same auditory stimuli loudspeaker was silently placed in one of four locations
employed in the experimental investigation (white noise along a line between sagittal and coronal planes: (1) in
bursts and 1.5 kHz pure tones). When 20 unilateral left the front right quadrant 20 cm from the patient’s head;
and right acoustic stimuli were resented, patients’ per- (2) in the front right quadrant 70 cm from the patient’s
formance was nearly perfect. head; (3) in the back right quadrant 20 cm from the
Patients were also selected according to the absence patient’s head; (4) in the back right quadrant 70 cm from
of obvious tactile sensory loss. Tactile stimuli were the patient’s head. Sound intensity was identical for
delivered behind the ears on the lateral surface of the each loudspeaker position and type of sound. Sound
neck, just below the mastoid process of the temporal pressure level, as measured at the patient’s ear was set at
bone. In order to be included in the study, patients had 70 dB by adjusting sound intensity by means of a sound
to show a good performance (80% correct) in detect- meter.
ing single left and right tactile stimulation, showing in The angular position of the loudspeaker was the same
this way a well-preserved tactile sensitivity in relation to in both the front and the back spaces, and it was
the neck. Most important, patients were selected accord- determined for each subject in order to fall outside
ing to the presence of left tactile extinction (left right her/his cone of acoustical confusion (Moore, 1995;
difference 20%) under the condition of double simul- Moore & King, 1999). To this aim, subjects were sub-
taneous stimulation applied at the level of the neck. mitted to a front/back discrimination task in which they
Patients who also participated in Experiment 2 were were required to localize the source of singly emitted
submitted to an additional evaluation of unimodal audi- sounds. Two identical loudspeakers were initially
tory extinction, as assessed by using the same sounds located at 458 from the sagittal plane in both spaces. A
employed for the experimental investigation. When 20 sound (either a white noise or a pure tone, assessed in
unilateral left and right acoustic stimuli were presented separate blocks) was randomly delivered through one of
either unilaterally or bilaterally at ear level, the perform- the loudspeakers and the subject was required to ver-
ance of each patient was almost errorless, thus showing bally judge whether it came from the front or the rear
no sign of auditory extinction. space. In case of correct performance (80% correct on
10 trials per each type of sound and distance), the
experiment was successively run with the loudspeaker
Materials and Procedure
located at 458 from the sagittal plane in both quadrants.
The apparatus for presentation of stimuli consisted of Otherwise (80% correct), both loudspeakers were
a loudspeaker (0.3 W, 8 ), a touch-sensitive sensor displaced by 158 toward the sagittal plane, and the test
(1 cm2), and a remote switch that was connected to an was repeated. If the patient was still unable to correctly
optically isolated electric circuit. Two positions of the locate sounds in the front or in the back space after two
switch (pressed = on; released = off ) controlled sound displacements (i.e., at 158 from the sagittal plane), the
emission through the loudspeaker. With the switch set experiment was run with the loudspeaker along the
in the ‘‘on’’ position, the contact of the sensor with 458 line between sagittal and coronal axes. Half of the
the skin triggered, besides the tactile stimulation, the subjects correctly performed the task with a 458 posi-
simultaneous production of a sound whose duration tioning whereas the remaining half was still incorrect
was identical to the time of contact between the sensor after 308 of displacement. Therefore, the angular posi-
and the skin. Two types of sounds could be delivered, tion of the loudspeaker during the experimental inves-
either wideband white noise bursts or pure tones tigation was 458 for all the subjects. As it has been
(1.5 kHz). Tactile stimuli were brief (<1 sec) light con- reported for normal people (Brungart, 1999), near/far
tacts of the sensor with the patient’s skin. Tactile stimuli discrimination appeared to be a very difficult task and
were applied on the lateral surface of the neck, behind was not assessed systematically in our group of patients;
the ear, and just below the mastoid process of the a few patients, among those who performed correctly
temporal bone. the front/ back discrimination test, failed to judge
whether a sound came from the near or far location
when submitted to a near/far discrimination test.
Experiment 1
Experiment 1 consisted of nine different conditions:
Each patient sat blindfolded in a silent room and was a unimodal tactile condition and eight cross-modal
instructed to keep the head straight throughout the auditory – tactile conditions, one for each combination
entire experiment. The experimenter sat behind the of loudspeaker location (front and back spaces),

1040 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 14, Number 7

distance of the loudspeaker from the patient’s head the first experiment. Experiment 2 consisted of two
(near and far), and type of sound (white noise and pure cross-modal tactile– auditory conditions, one for each
tone). In the unimodal tactile condition, the experi- distance of the loudspeaker from patients’ head. Only
menter had a touch-sensitive sensor attached to the white noise bursts were presented. Four types of trials
index finger of both hands. In this condition, the switch were presented: (1) a single touch on the right; (2) a
was in the ‘‘off’’ position, that is, sensors did not trigger single sound on the left; (3) a touch on the right and a
any sound and they were used to obtain identical tactile simultaneous sound on the left; (4) no stimulation at all
stimulation on both sides of the neck. Four types of (catch trials). Patients were informed they would feel a
trials were presented: (1) a single touch on the left; (2) a light touch on the right side of the neck or hear a sound
single touch on the right; (3) two simultaneous touches, on the left side of the head or both stimuli simulta-
one on the left and the other on the right; (4) no tactile neously and that, occasionally, they would feel and hear
stimulation (catch trials). Patients were informed they nothing at all.
would feel a light touch on the left or the right side of
the neck or on both sides simultaneously. They were
also informed that occasionally they would feel nothing Acknowledgments
at all. Before each stimulation, they were verbally We thank all the subjects for their collaboration. We also thank
prompted by the experimenter to summon attention N. Allegri and C. Soncini for their help in collecting the data,
to the next upcoming event. In cross-modal conditions, and Daniele Maurizzi for his technical support in constructing
the remote switch was held by the experimenter in the experimental apparatus. We also thank F. Frassinetti for
reading CT scans. This work was supported by grants from
her/his right hand to control sound emission. Four
types of trials were presented: (1) a single touch on
the left; (2) a single sound on the right (obtained by a Reprint requests should be sent to Alessandro Farnè, Diparti-
mento di Psicologia, Università di Bologna, via le Berti Pichat,
contact between the sensor and the experimenter’s
5-40127 Bologna, Italy, or via e-mail:
thumb); (3) a touch on the left and a simultaneous
sound on the right; (4) no stimulation (catch trials).
Patients were informed they would feel a light touch on Note
the left side of the neck or hear a sound on the right
side of the head or a touch on the left side and a 1. The auditory system processes different spatial acoustic
cues, including time of arrival and level differences at each ear,
simultaneous sound on the right side while, occasion- and spectral cues generated by filtering effects of head and
ally, they would neither feel nor hear anything. external ears (King, Schnupp, & Doubell, 2001; Blauert, 1983).
In all conditions, patients were asked to verbally This computation is partly done at brainstem level (Middle-
report what they perceived by saying ‘‘left,’’ ‘‘right,’’ brooks & Green, 1991), with a substantial contribution of
‘‘both,’’ or ‘‘none’’ irrespective of the sensory modality, primary auditory cortex and parieto-prefrontal regions that
also integrate information from other sensory modalities
immediately after the stimulation. Whenever they failed (Schroeder et al., 2001; Bushara et al., 1999; Weeks et al.,
to respond spontaneously, they were prompted by the 1999). Many details of auditory distance perception in humans
experimenter. A second experimenter recorded the remain obscure. When free-field, amplitude-constant sounds
response after each trial. Each condition was composed are presented in closed room, as in the present study, auditory
by 40 trials presented in the same pseudorandom order distance is mainly coded through reverberation cues based on
the ratio between the sound energy reaching the ears directly
in each condition: 10 single left stimulation, 10 single and via reflections on the walls (Bronkhorst & Houtgast, 1999),
right stimulation, 10 bilateral stimulation, and 10 catch especially when sounds originate within 1 m from the ears. In
trials. Conditions were run per block, and their order this proximal region, monaural spectral cues and interaural
was randomized across sessions and subjects. Patients level differences are modified by distance (Brungart, Durlach,
were submitted twice to the entire protocol, run in & Rabinowitz, 1999; Brungart & Rabinowitz, 1999; Moore &
King, 1999) and localization performance reliably rely on
separate sessions the same day and/or in two consec- binaural distance cues, whose relevance is comparable to that
utive days. provided by amplitude cues (Brungart, 1999).

Experiment 2
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