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Year 2023 – HOPE

Dear helpers, benefactors, friends,

We are going to start 2023. In His mercy God gave us the past years. Let us dedicate this coming year
as a year of THANKSGIVING to God almighty.

I strongly believe that God kept me alive not on my own merits but to help his orphanage in Peru for
some time more. And you dear friends, why did God kept you alive. He wants something from you
this year. Search what it is and offer it with all your heart’s love.

‘’Lord help us not to miss you… this year 2023 through our business, negligence or indifference’’. It
will be the greatest tragedy the ONE whom we will meet for all eternity, in His goodness and beauty.

What is life? What is death? What is eternity? I am meditating more and more on these subjects for
my health is declining. Preparing to pass into eternity.

Will the Providence of God fail us this New Year? We firmly believe that this will not happen. For 34
years the orphanage has undergone great trials. A religious community, which by the grace of God I
was preparing to run the orphanage, was taken from me in my absence and directed to join another
religious congregation. God has seen all this.

Although this has caused me acute pain. I forgave to follow Christ Jesus. The works of God pass through
great trials. But, ‘’the wagon of love’’ moves on, whatever it is. God is the owner, and is moving it, we
are just helpers of God.

The more love we give the more we receive. Who can beat God? So we move on in spite of all the evil
we face on the way.

Let us give thanks this year, lets wipe tears, let us say a kind word, a kind deed, care more.

To the Helpers of the infants of God, whom I love.

You have joined the “wagon of love’’ apostolate. Life is so beautiful, too precious! Life starts at
conception, as you know, and ends with death. Who are we to destroy it? Who are we to disqualify
other’s life to qualify our life? Before we were born, we were not a ‘thing’, nor a tissue, but a living
human being. My friends help mothers-to-be, as much as you can. They too are precious and need
our help. You know all this. Remember that I am praying for you Helpers. You are doing a powerful
apostolate of love: to protect the most vulnerable humans. You are God’s preferred missionaries of

Have a wonderful New Year, filled with wonderful surprises of God. I am with you, pray for you and
wait for you in heaven.

At this blessed time of Christmas and coming of the New Year, as a priest of God, I give you my blessing.
You are truly missionaries of the most poor. This is your mission which will lead you to the bosom of
God for all eternity.

Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later. (Rom 8:18)
From the orphanage: IRID Christmas message

As I kneel before you -

One day at a time -

O Sanctissima -

You raise me up -

Immacolata Vergine Bella -

Christus vincit -

Make Me a Channel of Your Peace -

I Am Here, I’m Your -

Hail Mary - Gentle Woman -

Be not afraid -

Abide with me -

Salve dolce vergine -

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