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1. Should Indira endorse the new People Support function? Explain. (6 marks)

In my opinion, Indira should back the new People function. However, HR VP Indira
needs to weigh the pros and downsides of officially endorsing Parivar's People Support
department before she can commit to supporting the move. With competition in the
market and employee turnover on the rise, it is more important than ever to conduct
such an analysis to ensure the company's long-term viability.

Increasing employee happiness and loyalty is one of the People Support function's main
benefits. It can help establish a more positive culture at work by listening to employees'
problems and responding accordingly. A distinct and caring business culture may be a
major differentiator in the fiercely competitive IT industry, drawing in and keeping the
best employees. The culture of creativity and collaboration that Parivar encourages has
the potential to increase the company's productivity as a whole.

However, there are certain difficulties in putting the People Support function into
action. The necessary investment of funds is a key cause for trepidation. Indira needs
to think long and hard about whether the potential gains warrant the large investment
required. Furthermore, the existing culture of Parivar, which is defined by a sense of
family and inclusion, may not easily convert into codified processes. The potential for
misunderstandings between the desired and actual cultures should be given careful
thought. Furthermore, Amal's analysis suggests that some employees may view this
function as intrusive, which presents additional concerns about resistance and

It's crucial to give the selected "listeners" the right kind of training. Indira should make
sure they are kind and understanding people who will be handling employee
complaints. This education is critical for establishing credibility and reducing
suspicions of interference among employees. Parivar should launch a test project to
reduce potential problems. The organization may see how well the idea works, what
problems it encounters, and what tweaks need to be made before implementing it across
the board. It is crucial to establish transparent evaluation metrics. Metrics should
include things like how satisfied and creative a company's workers are, in addition to
retention rates. The success of the program and any areas for development can be better
understood with periodic assessments.

In conclusion, Indira's support of the People Support function should be well-

considered and conditional, based on a strategic approach that accounts for the
disadvantages and makes the most of the advantages. By committing to planning,
evaluating critically, and being flexible, Parivar can meet the challenges of its changing
organizational landscape and successfully incorporate the People Support function into
the company's preexisting cultural framework.
2. What is the glaring organizational culture of the organization? (6 marks)

The culture mix of IT services provider Parivar in Chennai is important to the

company's identity, and it helps to create a welcoming atmosphere where all employees
feel valued. The company places a high value on its employees' well-being, both in and
out of the workplace. The importance that Sudhir places on caring for his employees
outside of work has become ingrained in the company's culture.

The people of Parivar place a high value on employee dialogue. In this company,
everyone's opinion is held in the highest regard. Staff members are not only encouraged
but also given the opportunity to raise and act upon any issues, thoughts, or suggestions
they may have. This transparency and trust foster an environment where ideas and
criticism can be freely exchanged. As a result, everyone's ideas and input are taken into
account, and decisions are made with the full picture in mind.

At the heart of the Parivar culture is a real concern for the well-being of its employees
in all aspects of their lives, not just the workplace. The mindset of CEO Sudhir Gupta,
which places a premium on caring about each employee as an individual, is central to
the company's way of life. This kind of concern transcends casual interactions and helps
everyone involved feel like they truly belong. Trust and camaraderie are built on the
firm's dedication to its employees' well-being as individuals.

In conclusion, Parivar's company culture is a model of the positive effects of diversity,

openness, and honesty in the workplace. This one-of-a-kind combination not only
promotes employee development and happiness but also drives the business toward
cutting-edge success. By adopting these cultural norms, Parivar not only sets itself apart
from the competition but also provides an environment in which its employees may
flourish by striking a balance between their working and personal lives.
3. Identify the differences people felt against Sudhir’s idea. (8 marks)

There are only a select few people in the Parivar firm who will likely have input on the
new People Support Function. There were some of them that were quite supportive, and
there were some of them that did not favour the idea overall.

Amal, a former worker, had a pessimistic outlook on the situation because, in her view,
only a select few workers received individual attention from senior management figures
like Sudhir. He was of the opinion that workers needed more money rather than more
attention from their supervisors, and he thought the People Support concept was
frightening and evocative of the show "Big Brother."

Vikram, on the other hand, was of the opinion that Sudhir's philosophy of showing
concern for staff members was exemplified in the People Support concept. He believed
that it might be used as a selling point for attracting and retaining bright people,
particularly those who thrive on intimate relationships and a sense of community while
they are at work.

In addition, Indira, who is the Vice President of Human Resources, had some concerns
about whether or not the People Support job could be sustained and expanded. She had
her doubts that the one-of-a-kind culture of the Parivar family could be codified in an
appropriate manner into procedures and obligations. She was concerned that issues
would develop if an attempt was made to implement this culture as the corporation
expanded its operations into new countries.

CEO Sudhir was enthused about the People Support concept because he saw it as a way
to bring his individualized approach to a broader and more diverse workforce. This was
one of the reasons why he was so passionate about the concept. He saw it as an
opportunity to address employee concerns and enhance their work-life balance, which
was in line with his vision of a business culture that cared about its employees.

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