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Table of content

PREFACE ......................................................................................................................3
OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................................. 4
LIMITATIONS ..............................................................................................................6
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 7
Goals of the company: .......................................................................................... 13
Objectives of the company: ...................................................................................13
Principles of Company ..........................................................................................14
The strategy ...........................................................................................................14
The workforce ....................................................................................................... 14
The technology ......................................................................................................15
FACTORY PROFILE OF PASIFIC JEANS ...............................................................16
Basic Corporate Structure ..................................................................................... 18
PRODUCTION DIVISION OF PACIFIC JEANS LIMITED .................................... 19
The Organogram of Production Division ..............................................................19
Products of the Pacific Jeans limited: ................................................................... 20
Buyers’ contract .................................................................................................... 20
Communicating process ........................................................................................ 20
Registered Buyers of the Pacific Jeans Limited: ...................................................21
Raw materials ........................................................................................................21
Quality maintaining procedure: .............................................................................22
Procedure for maintaining inventory: ................................................................... 22
Machineries ........................................................................................................... 22
Production Process: ...............................................................................................23
Store /Warehouse division: ..........................................................................................23
Cutting division ............................................................................................................24
Sewing division ............................................................................................................24
Leger division .............................................................................................................. 24
Wet and dry division ....................................................................................................25
Washing division: ........................................................................................................ 25
Post wash quality division .......................................................................................... 25
Production capacity ......................................................................................................26
Production process flow ...............................................................................................27
HRM DIVISION OF PACIFIC JEANS LIMITED .....................................................28
HRM Structure of Pacific Jeans limited ...................................................................... 28
MANPOWER PLANNING .........................................................................................29
Pacific Jeans Ltd emphasize on manpower planning for the following reasons- . 29
Job analysis and job design in the company ......................................................... 29
Procedure of Employment: ................................................................................... 29
Source of recruitment ............................................................................................30
1. Internal source: ........................................................................................... 30
2. External source : ......................................................................................... 30
Walk-ins and Write-ins: ........................................................................................ 31
Employee referrals: ............................................................................................... 31
Advertising ............................................................................................................31
WORKER RECRUITMENTS PROCESS .................................................................. 32
For worker: ............................................................................................................32
For staff: ................................................................................................................ 32
For Junior Manager/Brand Manager: ....................................................................33

For Senior Manager: ............................................................................................. 33
On the job training ................................................................................................ 33
Apprenticeship training .......................................................................................33
For workers: ....................................................................................................34
For technical staff: ..........................................................................................34
For officials: ................................................................................................... 34
Quality people ....................................................................................................... 34
Promotion ..............................................................................................................34
Training Division: ................................................................................................. 35
CODE OF CONDUCT OF PACIFIC JEANS LTD ....................................................35
Procedure for Leave Application .......................................................................... 35
INSTRUCTION FOR NEWLY APPOINTED WORKER ......................................... 36
WORKERS PROTECTED RIGHTS .......................................................................... 37
EMPLOYEE SAFETY AND HEALTH ..................................................................... 38
Every employee shall be treated with respect and dignity. No employee shall be
subject to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse. Written
disciplinary procedures are applied fairly among all workers of Pacific Jeans Ltd. ... 38
Important Instructions for work safety: .................................................................38
EMPLOYEE WORKING CONDITION .....................................................................39
WORKERS’ COMPENSATION ................................................................................ 39
Pacific Jeans paid Workers’ compensation claims for- ....................................... 39
Provided Fund ....................................................................................................... 40
Incentives: ............................................................................................................. 40
Bonuses ................................................................................................................. 40
Discretionary Benefits ...........................................................................................40
Benefits include: ....................................................................................................40
Pacific jeans also paid during the following terms- .............................................. 41
WORKER’S RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................ 41
CAUSES OF MISCONDUCT .....................................................................................43
GRIEVANCES HANDLING PROCEDURE ............................................................. 44
PUNISHMENT ............................................................................................................45
RESEARCHES AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION .................................................45
SOCIAL PROGRAM OF PACIFIC JEANS ...............................................................46
CHALLENGES FACED BY PACIFIC JEANS LTD ................................................ 46
RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................................... 47
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................48
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 48


For a student, it is more important to have both theoretical and practical knowledge.
But there are not many theories in our academic study. Practical knowledge is
necessary for educational perfection. In this century, the nature of global business is
undoubtedly changing. The world now compares theoretical knowledge to practical
knowledge. For this reason, the CBIFT's AMT and FDT student has access to an
industrial tour program. Every student has the chance to take an industrial tour for the
third semester final exam in order to theoretically and practically get closer to the
business world. We have already been to "Pacific Jeans Limited" in this manner. Here,
we saw that theoretical research should be backed up by empirical research.

We must be aware of how to apply this knowledge in the challenging circumstances

of practical life after acquiring both academic education—theoretical education and
practical education.


The main objective of this study is to fulfill the academic requirement as well as
together practical and theatrical knowledge about the company. This practical
knowledge will help us face challenges in our future business career. In addition to
the principle objectives, the following are some of the common but significant
objectives of this type of study:

 To know about the company profile.

 To gather knowledge about Company quality policy.
 To measure productivity of the Company.
 To have an idea about their production performance.
 To evaluate the rule of Pacific Garment production division.
 To develop a clear and comprehensive view of Human Resource Management
practices of Pacific Jeans Limited.
 To study the challenges of Pacific Jeans Limited.
 To evaluate the overall Production, HRM, R & D performance of Pacific Jeans
 To acquire knowledge about organizational pattern.
 To know about performance evaluation system of employees and labors.


This report is prepared as a requirement of AMT 3rd semester program and was
confined to only one sample enterprise “Pacific Jeans Limited”.
Factories like, Pacific Jeans Limited may not be representative of the Garment
industry as a whole.
A lot of materials and information were required for the preparation of this Industrial
Tour Report. The methodology followed for the purpose of the study has been Desk
research as well as field survey. We have collected Information from both primary
and secondary sources with the help of a questionnaire to prepare this report. The
main sources of primary data are:

 Desk to desk practical experience.

 Personal interview of the General Manager, Production manager and HR
manger of Pacific Jeans limited.
 Web site of the Organization.
 Various documents such as organization organogram, Workers guidelines,
booklet, Code of conduct guidelines are used in preparing this report.

In this report I have followed the guidelines provided by my honorable lecturer

“Imon Biswas Shuva”


 We have been allowed only one day for the Industrial tour, which is not enough
to study the Industry in depth.
 For the Company strategy, the authority not providing confidential financial and
marketing data. In view of the business strategic division, the company has been
found to be hesitant in furnishing relevant data.
 The rate of success of my study may be limited as I might have failed to collect
proper information due to lack of my experience,
 Lack of adequate information due to not resourceful web materials.

I, therefore, hope that this report will be evaluated with an approach subject to the
recognition of the above-mentioned shortcomings.


Due to their wide-ranging influence across numerous domains, Ready-made Garment

factories must be studied. These factories make a sizable economic contribution to
international trade and employment, especially in developing countries. For
evaluating economic growth, identifying obstacles, and boosting industry
competitiveness, it is crucial to comprehend their operations. Additionally, examining
RMG factories is essential for assessing human rights and working conditions. In
order to implement policies for better working conditions and treating workers fairly,
research illuminates workplace safety, fair wages, and potential labor rights violations.
The development of a more moral and responsible industry depends on this scrutiny.
A crucial component of researching RMG factories is the impact on the environment.
Finding sustainable practices, promoting the adoption of eco-friendly manufacturing
techniques, and lowering the industry's environmental footprint are all made possible
by analyzing resource consumption, waste management practices. Supply chain
dynamics, logistics, sourcing techniques, and distribution networks are all better
understood when RMG factories are examined. For production process optimization
and supply chain streamlining, which results in increased efficiency and lower
operational costs, it is crucial to comprehend these mechanisms. Additionally, this
field's research reveals innovations and technological advancements in the garment
manufacturing industry. Productivity, quality, and competitiveness are improved by
evaluating automation, digitization, new manufacturing techniques. Finally, by raising
awareness of ethical consumption, understanding RMG factories affects consumer
behavior. Consumers who are aware of the benefits of supporting companies that
place a high priority on ethical and sustainable practices can change the industry. In
essence, the study of RMG factories focuses on economic factors, labor rights
analysis, environmental impact assessment, supply chain optimization, technological
innovation, and promoting ethical consumption, all of which help the garment
industry grow and sustainably.

Pacific Jeans: A trusted name in Jeans Mechanism
Every day, Pacific Jeans Group's factories produce about 15,000 pieces of jeans,
which will total 36 million pieces over the course of a fiscal year. It is located in
Bangladesh's Chittagong EPZ. This enormous task is being worked on by Pacific
Jeans 'Founder Chairman and Managing Director, Mr. Nasir Uddin. Syed Mohammad
Tanvir, his oldest son, will now travel with him. Under the guidance of his illustrious
father, his latent talent and ability are emerging day by day. He was chosen as the
nation's youngest CIP in 2011 as a result. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina recently
honored both of them and presented them with two gold and two silver trophies in
recognition of their significant contributions to the nation's export.

Nasir Uddin, the chairman of Pacific Jeans, is a visionary. In Bangladesh, he was the
country's first producer of jeans. In this industry, he is a legend. He had been able to
foresee the prospects for the world's jeans market. At Patharghata fisherighat in
Chittagong city in 1984, he launched "NZN fashion" with just 500 employees. He was
employed by an Italian buyer at the time. Since washing was the first priority for the
jeans mechanism, he built the nation's first washing facility in 1986. After witnessing
his success, many business people have stepped forward. The Denim sector of
Bangladesh currently has a market value of about$ 3.50 billion, or$ 28 crore, Taka.
By 2021, the government hopes to have doubled it. We currently have 500 factories in
Bangladesh that are directly involved in the denim export industry, according to the
BGMEA source. Each year, they are able to export 400 million pieces of clothing
abroad. The Pacific Jeans Limited exports about 36 million pairs of jeans pant to more
than 50 nations worldwide, including Europe, America, Japan, and more.


Be a Global Life wear Solution Company

Hit the Billion by 2028

Production Units




Pacific jeans 2000 limited started its journey in 2004. Jeans limited is a subsidiary
company of Pacific group. Pacific Jeans Limited located in Chittagong Export
Processing Zone (CEPZ) and it is the biggest Jeans Garment Manufacturer in
Bangladesh. The Company was incorporated as a private limited company in the year
of 1994 and started commercial production in that year. Pacific Jeans Limited is a “C”
category company that means there are 100% local investors. Within a very short time
of span the company achieved some significance success. Pacific group has achieved
GAP and BSCI certificates. 20000 employees are working in Pacific Group. Among
them, 3211employees are working in the Jeans 2000 limited unit. Pacific Jeans
limited is a 100% export oriented readymade Garments Industry.

Md. Nasir Uddin is the Managing Director of the Company. He is a well experienced
business personnel and industrialist. He has the vast marketing experience and for
exploring the export business. He had the opportunity to travel many countries and
established a good business relationship with the overseas buyers. Pacific Jeans
Limited has created their position and image through excellent quality maintaining.

Goals of the company:

The strategic Goals and Objectives of the Company are to strive hard labor and
sincere efforts to provide quality and value added products to their esteemed clients
obeying the national and international code of conduct and to create more competitive
in the internal and external market.

Objectives of the company:

 To ensure 100% security.

 To ensure 100% delivery in just time.
 To ensure 100% product quality at first time.
 To maintain 100% commitment.

 To ensure 100% utilization of wealth and resources.
 To ensure 100% transference.
 To ensure 100% honesty, discipline, and sincerity.

Principles of Company

 All the employees, customers/consumers and suppliers are behaved with morality.
 All types of corruption must be prevented when and where it is occurred.
 To recognize the contribution of all workers and help others to contribute.
 To ensure the equal facility for all workers and to avoid all types of partiality.
 Always ensure the maximum utility of wealth and resources.
 To ensure the health care of employees and provide the safe work environment.

The strategy

The company strategy is to sustain in the market and expand the company through
quality maintaining. The company is also trying to maintain quality line of the
products during economic rescission period. With the growing difficulties faced with
the import of almost 100 % Garment raw materials, Pacific Jeans Ltd has installed the
world most latest high –tech in production process. The mother organization pacific
group is a leading Jeans Garment producer firstly in Bangladesh and then in Asia-
pacific region. Through its operational process, the company is restructuring its
business in recent years and targeted 80%growth but the company is now facing
financial challenges due to global economic recession.

The workforce

Pacific Jeans Ltd is a well example of work-force diversity in Bangladesh. The people
who are making it happen –the employees are dedicated and energetic and
experienced in their work. Both male and female workers are being well represented
here. There are 3211 workers are working in the company. Among them
Skilledworkers-1000, semi-skilled-1500, unskilled workers-500, supervisor-192, and

quality control manager-262 are working in the company. Even through in the
administration level fresh graduates are employed as management trainee.

The technology

Pacific Jeans Ltd is using the world best technology in their production process. By
using latest technology and producing quality product, the company creating a unique
position in the international market.


Name of the Organization: Pacific Jeans Limited (Manufacturing

Location of the Company: plot # 14-19 Sector #5 Cepz Chittagong,
Chittagong, Bangladesh
Head office: Plot # 14-19, Sector-5 Chittagong Export
Processing Zone Chittagong, Bangladesh
Communication Media: Phone: +88 09678741006
Fax:+88 031 740153
Category of the Company: C-Type (100% Bangladeshi Investment)
Date of Incorporation: 12 April 1994
Date of Commercial production: 1994
Production Line: Jeans (Men, Women, Boys, Girls)
Total employees: 3211 (Male-1402, Female-1809)
Tax exemption period: 10 years (2004-2014)
Directors of the Company: Mr. Nasir Uddin
Mrs. Syeda Umme Habiba Begum
Mrs. Syed Mohammed Tanvir
Chairman of the company Mrs. Syeda Umme 7a/i/a 5egum
Founder Mr. Nasir Uddin
Bank Name: City Bank The Hong Kong and Shanghai
Bank, Credit Agricol Indosuez, Agrani
Bank, Chartered Credit.
Floor Area: 425000 FT.
Production Capacity: 1, 25,000 pieces of jeans pant every day
that will accumulate about 36 million
pieces of jeans in a fiscal year.
Material Searching Area: Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China,

India, Dubai, Pakistan, Mexico, Japan,
South Korea.
Export To: USA, Europe, Japan, and Canada.
Insurance Name: Pragati Insurance Limited
Nature of the Employee: Permanent worker (Skilled, Semi –
Skilled, Unskilled.)
Working Environment: Good
Business Strategy: Capture the Market through quality
Future Prospect: Bright
Mode of Transaction: By letter of Credit
Social Welfare: Present
Collective bargaining association: Present (By election)

Basic Corporate Structure


Managing Director

General Manager

Deputy General Manager


Assist. General Manager

Cutting Maintenance Washing


HRD Merchandising Accounts Production Store

Deputy Manager

Accounts HRD Commercial

Assistant deputy manager

Accounts Store Production

Senior Executive

Junior Executive




The Organogram of Production Division

Each division in the production process has one manager, one assistant manager, and other junior and
production executives.

General Manager

A.G.M (Production)

Store I.E QAD Cut. Sewing Fin. Sample W.P.


Mgr Mgr Mgr Mgr Mgr Mgr Mgr Mgr Mg


Dy.mgr Dy.mgr Dy.mgr Dy.mgr Dy.mgr Dy.mgr Dy.mgr



Exe Exe Exe Exe Exe Exe Exe Exe



Products of the Pacific Jeans limited:

Pacific Jeans 2000 Limited manufactured various types of Garments-

 Long Pant
 Short Pant
 Three Quarter Length Trousers
 Long Skirt
 Short Skirt
 Jacket
 Denim Dress
 Joggers
 Kids Pant
 Ladies Overall

Buyers’ contract

Pacific Jeans Ltd has goodwill and a unique position in the international market for
quality Jeans Garments. For that reason the company enjoying great advantage for
Pacific Jeans 2000 Ltd has no specific rules and regulation to contract with the buyers.
Buyers are classified into two groups-
 Fixed buyers (registered)
 New buyers
New buyers are communicated through the following channels of communication-
 International seminar attending by Directors,
 Referrals by the existing buyers,
 Participation in international trade fair.
 Video conferencing

Communicating process

New buyers are sometimes influenced by the fixed buyers and are not well known
about the company. So Pacific Jens Ltd invites the group of delegated referred the
specific buyers to visit the company. After visiting, if the delegates are satisfied with
the process and product of the company, they finalized of a lump sum amount for
testing the ability of the company to fulfill the target. After trail order, the buyer

orders the bulk amount. Fixed buyers are already well known about the company,
company product, and quality of the product.
Pacific Jeans Ltd regularly participates in international trade fair. Moreover Pacific
Jeans Ltd has its own display house.
The company sometimes sends delegate foreign to bring orders. Buyer house is also
using as a communicating process for the new buyers.

Registered Buyers of the Pacific Jeans Limited:

 Gap
 Lee
 Wrangler
 H&M
 Charles Vogele
 V.F Asia
 Henri and Laurence
 Miles
 Tesco

Raw materials

Raw materials which are used for production purposes are as follows-
 70% Fabric,
 Jipper (Long Jipper, Short Jipper),
 Thread,
 Label (Main Label, Size Label, Item Label),
 Lining Paper
 Dice
 Buttons,
 Tabs,
 Tags,
 Polybags,
 Cartoons,

 Chemicals,
 Interlinings.
The raw materials are imported from the following countries
Most of the cases raw materials are imported from India. The other countries are-
 Indonesia,
 Hong Kong,
 Taiwan,
 China,
 Dubai,
 Pakistan,
 Mexico,
 Japan,
 South Korea.

Quality maintaining procedure:

To maintain the quality of the products the company follows the following measures:
 Quality Control Procedure (Internal and buyer consent)
 100 % audit. Third party aduits from buyer side.
 Raw material inspection
 Dangerous article protection (Steel fragmented, Niddle parts, safety measures)
 Accepted quality Level(AQL) –Quality assurance 2.5
 TQM is followed for maintaining product quality.
 Quality fabrics, accessories and chemical used.
 Sewing quality is maintained through skilled worker.
 Best quality thread is using in sewing
 Washing the Garments in the Italian imported washing plant.

Procedure for maintaining inventory:

For raw materials-software system (tally)

Work-in-progress-manual reporting


The machines which are used in production of Pacific Jeans Ltd-

 Single needle plain machine,
 Two needle plain machine
 Over lock machine
 Interlock machine,
 Bar tack machine,
 Bolton hole ,
 Vale crow

Production Process:

There are nine divisions in the production process. Each and every product has to
pass 14 steps from store division to delivery division and 120 employees work for
making one peace Jeans. The following divisions are included in production division-
 Store /Warehouse division.
 Cutting division
 Sewing division.
 Leger division.
 Wet & Dry division.
 Trimming & Brushing division.
 Washing division.
 Post wash quality division.
 Counting and delivery division.

Store /Warehouse division:

Store or warehouse division collects raw materials from different countries as per
buyer requirement and choice. Production process starts from Merchandizing
department through order procuring from buyers. Merchandizing department send
different product sample to the buyer. If they choice or approval any sample or design,
then give order for particular amount. Sometimes, buyers give the design of the
product and mention the country from where the company has to collect the raw
materials. Then the company goes to Free and Bond Process (F&B).

Merchandizing department also examine the quality and quantity of the raw materials.
In warehouse, raw materials are set up through “BIN Card” system. For identifying
any country, the company uses Flag, number and shipment date in every cartoon. The
company uses different number for different countries, different size, different design
and different color.

Cutting division

The company uses “Computer Aided Design (CAD)” for assorting and designing the
products. This division works as per cutting order, ratio, size (L-size, M-size, N-size,
Excel-size) and design : Three parts in cutting option-
 Layer,
 Marking Paper,
 Cutting

Sewing division

In sewing division, the company also uses 15 types’ machines. For extra ordinary
design, the company has “Automated section” which works automatically as per
computer program.
This department is sub-divided into-
 VI-section,
 ME-section,
 MAC -section

Leger division

Leger division is used for cutting process and special design. Leger section works and
design as per Computer Aided Design (CAD)

Wet and dry division

Separate machines are used for wet process and dry process. There are 14 sub-
departments for designing different simble, dragons which must be completed in the
wet and dry process. After completing wet and dry process, the products are sent to
the Trimming and Brushing section.

Washing division:

The company uses “Italian stone” for washing purpose. There are different machines
for different washing process. The materials that are used in washing operation-
 Over dye
 Sand blasting
 Chemical blasting
 Heavy destroy
 Easy care finish
 Teflon finish
 Permanent scrunch
 Tie dye
 Tie bleach
 Tie wash
 Moon/acid wash

Post wash quality division

This division works as like Inspection division for inspecting post wash quality of the

Production capacity

The company produces “20000 dozens” products in monthly (26 days). The company
uses Standard Minute Value (SMV), General Sewing Data (GSD), and Industrial
Engineering Data (IED) for measuring production capacity of different divisions.

Production process flow

Receiving raw materials

Storing raw materials

Pre-wash checking & sorting

CAD section

Cutting section
Sewing section
VI - section

ME -section

MAC - section
Leger section

Wet & dry section

Washing section

Sand blast
Chemical blast

Over dye


Post-wash quality check

Counting & delivery


“Our people are our most important asset. Safe work place gives much
confidence to the workers. Human rights, occupational health and safety are our
main principle”. Pacific Jeans Ltd is using this phrase for their HRM practice.

HRM Structure of Pacific Jeans limited

General Manager

Manager (HR & admin.)

Deputy Manager

HR Comp. Medical Security G.admistration

A.M A.M (Com) M.O


Sr.Exe. Sr.Exe

Exe Exe S.Nurse Secure. Off Junior

Jr.Exe Jr. Exe

Assistant Assistant HP/Cleaner



Pacific Jeans Ltd emphasize on manpower planning for the following reasons-

 Understaffing loses the business economies of scale and specialization, orders,

customers and profits.

 Overstaffing is wasteful and expensive, if sustained, and it is costly to

eliminate because of modern legislation in respect of redundancy payments,
consultation, minimum periods of notice, etc. Very importantly, overstaffing
reduces the competitive efficiency of the business.

Job analysis and job design in the company

The supervisor or HR specialist normally collects one of the following types of


 First he or she collects information about the job actual work activities such as
marketing, sewing, production. This list also include how, why and when the
worker performance each activity.

 Collects the information about educational background and qualification.

 Experience must be needed for top level management.

 Variety refers to the use of different skills and talents to complete an array of
work tasks and activities.

Procedure of Employment:

In the procurement procedure of Jeans Ltd follow the following procedure--

 All workers are procured according to the labor law.

 There is no discrimination among employees in behavior on the basis of religion,
gender, rite, ritual etc.
 The recruiting committee recruits workers.
 Newspaper, poster or any other media are used for recruiting process.
 A passport size photographs with C.V and other necessary documents must be
submitted by the applicant.
 The age of the workers must not be less than 18 years.

 Before appointment everyone need to submit the birth certificate.
 Workers need to submit the medical certificate, certificate of age from union
council chairman or commissioner certificate before the final appointment.
 Anyone cannot be forced to work. Any kind of deed or liability bound worker
will not get appointment here.
 Appointed all workers will be provided the appointment letter.
 If any worker is not terminated within the first six month of his/her appointment
then the worker will be treated as the permanent worker automatically.



Source of recruitment

There are two kinds of source uses for recruitment. They are -

1. Internal source:

Jeans 2000 thinks that current employees are a major source of recruits for all but
entry-level positions. Whether for promotions or for ‘Lateral’ job transfers, internal
candidates already know the informal organization and have detailed information
about its formal policies and procedures.

Job-posting programs:

HR departments become involved when internal job openings are publicized to

employees through job positioning programs, which informs employees about
opening and required qualifications and invite qualify employees to apply. The
notices usually are posted on “company bulletin boards” or are placed in the
“company newspaper” and Internet.

2. External source :

When job opening cannot be filled internally, the HR department of Pacific Jeans Ltd
has to look outside the organization for applicants. The external sources of
recruitment are given bellow:

Walk-ins and Write-ins:

Walk-ins are some seekers who arrived at the office of Pacific in search of a job;
Write-ins are those who send a written enquire. Both groups normally are asked to
complete and application blank to determine their interest and abilities. Usable
application is kept in an active file until a suitable opening occurs or until an
application is too old to be considered valid, usually six months.

Employee referrals:

Employees may refer job seekers to the HR department. Employe referrals have
several advantages. Employees with hard –to –find job skill may no others who do the
same work.

Employees’ referrals are excellent and legal recruitment technique, but they tend to
maintain the status quo of the work force in term of raise, religions, sex and other
characteristics, possibly leading to charges of discrimination.


Advertisement describe the job and the benefits, identify the employer, and tell those
who are interested how to apply. They are most familiar form of employment
advertising. For highly specialist requites, ads may be placed in professional journal
or out of town newspaper in areas with high concentration of the desired skills

But Pacific Jeans Limited does not have any power to appoint officers’ .It can neither
promote, transfer, or discharge workers & employee. The mother organization Pacific
group does these functions.


Token collection

Primary assessment

Doctor age verification

Technical test

Final board interview

Joining proper distribution




The company usually follows the written (subjective type) test; oral test and medical
test for employee selection but this selection procedure can vary person to person.
Following are the procedures-

For worker:

No written test is undertaken in selecting workers. Job experience is considered as a

vital factor.

For staff:

Departmental manger gives instruction to HRM to attract fight people.

For Junior Manager/Brand Manager:

As this is an entry-level/mid level position in management, Human resource

department undertakes a series organization tests. All the candidates are required to sit
for written test. Written test, interview, physical test, group performance test, physical
examinations are also undertaken. Then the potential candidates are human resource

For Senior Manager:

This post is filled up through promotion and hiring from other manufacturing



There are many types of Training and Development program in Jeans Limited-

On the job training

On the job training is a training that shows the employee how to perform the job and
allows him or her to do it under the trainer’s supervision.

On the job training is normally given by a senior employee or a manager like senior
merchandiser or a manager. The employee is shown how to perform the job and
allowed to do it under the trainer’s supervision.

Apprenticeship training

Apprenticeship training provides beginning worker with comprehensive training in

the practical and theoretical expect of work required in a highly skilled occupation.
Apprenticeship program combined of the job and classroom training to prepare
worker for more than eight hundred occupation such as computer operator, sewing
technician. Pacific Jeans Provides Training program at every “Saturday and
Thursday” to the all lower level employees.

For workers:

On the job training

Apprenticeship training
Workshop basis training

For technical staff:

In plant
On the job training

For officials:

Work shop.

Quality people

The company follows the following strategies for remaining people-

1 Motivation
2 Promotion
3 Provide extra facility
4 Training
5 Performance evaluation.
6 Training & Development:


The basis of promotion system in Pacific Jeans -

1 Seniority
2 Experience
3 Performance
4 Academic qualifications
5 Skills

6 Political pressure

Training Division:

Pacific Jeans Ltd. has the company compliance department for production related
employees and employers. They arrange an orientation program for the workers and
give training about First Aid Medicare, PPE, Fire Fighting, Chemical use and so on.
There is a separate department named Industrial Engineering Department for training.
During the year in a specific time from this department the training workshop
schedule is announced and the training is given.


Procedure for Leave Application

 All workers must apply for leave in a particular application form.

 There should be the recommendation of the branch supervisor.
 In case of leave, all necessary documents need to attach with the application form.
 Before leaving the work place, all necessary work need to be completed. After the
approval of leave, one can enjoy the leave. The procedures may be flexible on the
situation basis, but after enjoying the leave all necessary formalities need to be
completed within the next three days.
 Leave is not a right, but it is facility provided by the company and the decision of
the authority will be final for leave approval.
 If anyone enjoys extra leave in addition to the approval leave and if he/she fails to
prove the causes of absent, then the additional absenteeism will be treated as
misconduct and the person may be punishable.
 If Friday or any other government holidays are same days with approved leave
then these leave also treated as leave and it will be subtract from the total leave
 Authority holds the right to declare the holiday in any day instead of the weekly
 Sick leave must be approved by the recommendation of the registered doctor.

 To get annual/earned leave any worker needs to serve minimum one year in this
factory, and one can enjoy these earned leave in next year during his /her service.
 If any woman worker serves in this factory regularly for six month, then she can
enjoy the maternity leave. But she cannot enjoy this leave if her two or more
child alive. Woman worker must submit the report of pregnancy. The necessity of
the leave with details report by doctor must be submitted.
 For getting leave, one needs to apply in a particular form, and the
recommendations of the head of the department need to convey to the HR


 After getting the appointment letter or joining in the work one will report to the
assistant manager of the human resource department. Departmental head then will
take the necessary steps for orientation.
 The officer of the human resource department will give the answer and
suggestion about the allowance, overtime, food arrangement, transportation
facilities, reporting and leave time, responsibilities and the protective measure.
 Smoking is prohibited in the factory. One cannot smoke even in the bathroom or
 The illegal use or steal the company’s goods outside is punishable act.
 Workers need to help the security guard of the factory in the gate for charge and
ask for.
 One needs to know about the protective measure and the use of the machineries
or tools from the controller officer.
 If any inconvenience or complain is not solved by the controller officer, then its
need to inform the human resource department.
 If you have any complain or suggestion, you can get the attention of the authority
through submitting it in the written form in the complain box.


According to BEPZA authority instructions, Jeans Ltd protects the following workers
 Minimum Salary/Wage: Monthly total minimum wages is the sum of 30 Dollars.
In total wages, 60% percent is the basic salary and remaining 40% is treated as
other allowances.
 Any worker cannot be forced to work more than 10 hours per day with overtime
and not more than 60 hours weekly.
 No workers are prohibited to do overtime. Overtime must be voluntary.
 Without the permission of the BEPZA authority, women workers cannot be
employed for work after 8 pm. For overtime work, it must be paid at double the
standard wage.
 The rate overtime that is additional work determines the amount of the allowance
of overtime.
 The calculation of overtime:
Basic salary/wages  208  2  Basic overtime hours
= Overtime received 208
= Aggregate monthly basic working hour
(26 working day * daily limit time of 8 hours work)
 To prevent any misbehave with workers.
 To report workers attendance on work accurately.
 According to the rule, the salary/allowance is to be given.
 The employment of child worker must be prohibited.
 According to the rules, the break for mills and rest is given.
 If any worker works during the festival leave then a compensatory leave or salary
must be given.
 The termination of worker is followed by rules of standard procedure.


Pacific Jeans Limited has written health safety and guideline book and a factory
safety committee provides personal protective equipment free of change and mandates
its use and all applicable local environmental safety and health regulations. This
factory also provides health safety Booklet, leaflet, and poster about workers service
rule and code of conduct to the employees.

Hundreds of workers wear colorful masks can be seen feverishly operating the sewing
machines, sorting, cutting fabric, sewing on various parts of the garment. The masks
are to protect the workers against cloth dust and supervisors strictly enforce this
practice. Health and safety of the workers are a major priority, the floors are clean and
airy with proper emergency exits, fire extinguishers and warnings about wearing
safety gear such as gum boots in the washing unit and metal gloves for the cutters.
Individual identity card is provided to the each employee for identification.

Every employee shall be treated with respect and dignity. No employee shall be
subject to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse. Written
disciplinary procedures are applied fairly among all workers of Pacific Jeans Ltd.

Important Instructions for work safety:

 Machineries need to check up before starting of work.

 To check up the Electric switch or cable.
 To observe the surrounding of oneself.
 Eyelash needs to keep clean.
 To ensure the sufficient passage for easy exit without any barrier.
 One needs to aware about the path of own exit and during the dangerous signal,
one should exit disciplinary.
 Before starting of work it needs to check the needle guard, pull guard, whether it
is in the right form.
 All kind of seizer requires binding with the body or machine.
 The broken needles must be submitted before the issue of new needle.


The working condition of employee is very hygienic. To motivate the employees,

along with salary and benefits the company provides various facilities like free meals,
free transportation, 24hour medical center, on site sports. Production and
accommodation facilities include full time supply of safe drinking water, adequate
lighting and ventilation facilities from sheet.

The factories also have their own effluent treatment plant, which treats the wastewater
from production so that it is less toxic before it is disposed off into the water bodies of
the country. A woman 'welfare officer' visits each floor regularly to hear out any
complaints or problems any worker may have and tries to come up with a satisfactory
solution. Here the woman worker can tell the welfare officer who then informs the
supervisors so that extra consideration is given to the worker such as extra food, more
bathroom breaks, saving her from any heavy work and so on. Pacific Jeans Ltd
provides free medical checkup, provides health card and also provides necessary
medical facilities for each employee. Fulltime doctors (two doctors) are on duty at the
medical unit, which is again, clean and has two beds for workers who may fall ill
while on the job. The following are the different Medicare services provided by the

 Hospitalization (Covers inpatient & outpatient hospital care & services.)

 Major Doctor Bills.
 Charges of visiting a doctor or specialist.
 Prescription drug costs.
 Provides unlimited in-home care in certain situations.


Pacific Jeans paid Workers’ compensation claims for-

– Injury
– Occupational disease
– Death

Provided Fund

Every permanent worker must be the member of this fund. From the each worker’s
salary 8.33% will be cut and deposited to this fund and company also deposit same
amount of money. There is a separate trustee board for managing provident that is
registered according to the law. The deposited money is refundable including profit
after a certain period of time. From this fund one can get loan after the fixed period of


If any worker are not absent for a single day in a month without permission, in that
case he/she will get presence bonus of taka 100 and if one day absent then he/she will
get 50 Taka.
Daily 5 taka for food allowances will be provided.
For the workers of long distance, there is a transportation facility.


Bonuses for good performances are constantly given to workers. Those who have
completed three years in the factory get an extra bonus apart from the holiday bonuses.

Discretionary Benefits

Discretionary benefits are judgment based benefits that the organization provides to
its employees. These benefits are not legally required benefits but enhance
organizational culture and corporate image.

Benefits include:

Protection programs

Pay for time not worked

Other services

Pacific jeans also paid during the following terms-

 Holidays

 Vacations/Festible leave-12 days

 Casual leave-10 days

 Marriage leave

 Maternity leave-16 weeks (8 months + 8 months)

 Sick leave-14 days

 Earned leave-14 days

 Personal leave

 Sabbatical leave/ For Muslims, leave after death

 Other religious leaves such as pilgrimage or preaching.


 To present in the workplace in just time.

 To follow the disciplinary rules of the company.
 Actively participate in the production process and achieve the target.
 Not absent in work without the permission.
 To keep neat and cleanness.
 Careful about the use of toilet, commode, and basin and keep it cleans so that the
next user can use it without any hesitation.
 To eat the food with cleanliness in the canteen.
 To obey the order of supervisor or concerned authority.
 Always use the uniform and identity card.
 Before using the machine make it clean and take care of it.
 To submit all necessary things to issue girl after the completion of work.
 Seizer, bowmen case or any other things cannot be taken out from the factory.
 Any unnecessary talking cannot be allowed in a line during working.
 To be sincere in work.



Obligatory Principles of Jeans Ltd. for behaving with workers according to the labor
 Any type of physical and mental torture cannot be done with any workers.
 If the workers have any complain, it need to here cordially and urgent steps
should be taken.
 It is completely prohibited to make them work without payment.
 It is prohibited to force them for overtime work involuntarily.
 It is prohibited to deprive the workers from their rights.
 Any kind of question of the condition of pregnancy is prohibited in case of
woman worker recruitment.
 Except the employment of child worker, all other worker needs to recruit on the
basis of equality.
 There is a system of making complain to the senior authority of the worker. If
he/she feel hesitate in that case worker can submit the complain in the complain
box, which is exist in the factory.
 It is obligatory to ensure the emergency medication for sick or wounded worker.
And for the failure punishment measure will be taken for the concerned authority.
 There is an opportunity to give opinion of the workers through WRWC.
 In case of urgent need a worker can hold the right to get the leave. And for this
leave salary will not cut.
 In this factory the production is ensured through the capability. In this case there
is no system of estimating numerical figure of production. It is completely
 There is a system of annual salary increment and promotion on the basis of
qualification. In this case any discrimination is prohibited and punishable.
 In the workplace use of any kind of spot remover machine is prohibited.
 There is arrangement for protection equipment for every worker in this factory.
Workers are ordered to know and convey others about the use and effectiveness
of it.


According to BEPZA authority the following activities may be treated as

 Disobedient of the order of the higher authority individually or in-group.
 Steal, careless of duty; destroy the image or property of the company.
 Any illegal transaction or bribe taken or given.
 Careless about the duty or absent (without any legal cause more than 10 days
absent in a year will be treated as misconduct), present in the work lately.
 To absent continuously 10 days or more than that without informing the company.
 To break the rules and order of the company as intentionally.
 To absent in work individually or in-group.
 To collect any kind of subscription in the factory compound.
 Smoking in the factory.
 Without the prior permission of the authority, any kind of hand bill, leaflet, or
fostering or announce.
 Any kind of meeting in the factory compound without the prior permission of the
 Any kind of gambling or participate such kind of game in the factory area.
 Habitual breaking of discipline.
 To leave the workplace without permission.
 Make any pilferage within the factory or zone.
 To join in the job using false name, age, certificate and address.
 Engage in personal transaction or business in the workplace.
 Misuse or destroy the goods in the store of the factory/company.
 To Delay in work individually or in-group.
 Punished by the court for any kind of misconduct.
 Not use of the protection equipment properly in the workplace. For this one may
be punished or terminated.


The complains of worker can be dismissed by the following procedure-

 If any worker has any complain during the work, the worker will present
complain to departmental head.
 If the departmental head fails, then he will present the problem to the HRD
through “Worker Welfare Committee”. Human resource department will give a
satisfactory solution.
 If there is any objection on the solution of human resource department, then one
will present the problem to the BEPZA industrial relations department through
the “worker welfare committee.”
 If there is any objection on the judgment of BEPZA industrial relation, then it
will be presented to the BEPZA labor tribunal through the “worker welfare
committee,” and the judgment of BEPZA labor tribunal will consider as the final

Level Existing Present Absent %

W/F 2839 2486 353

Sr.manager 23 22 1

Jr.manager 78 71 5

F/T 4 4 0

Staff 269 248 21

G.TTL 3211 2831 280 11.8%


According to the nature and significance of misconduct the following punishment

may be given-
 Warning.
 Stop of the promotion or increment.
 Demotion
 Termination
 If break the rules of the company or make the monetary loss of the company or
disobey the order of the company due to the irresponsibility of the employee, then
the company can cut the part or the whole salary as compensation of the
concerned employee.
Daily Manpower and Absenteeism Report


The company has a separate R&D department for continuous development of product
and quality which is controlled by Head office. This department works for the
development of new products and new methods. There are four expert personnel
employed in this department who came from srilanka. Experience leads them to
invent the new products and new method of production. R&D department always
engage in the development of new model/version regularly with customer driven
initiative. In today’s economic recession, company also tries to maintain the product
quality. Company also conducts research work for new product development.
Company has already achieved some international certificate for its product quality.
GAP, BSCI, CAN certificates are their major achievements that are internationally
recognized. But company observed that the cost of conducting research and
development activity in Bangladesh is very costly. Though R&D department consume
a huge portion of money, it can innovate a new techniques that can increase the
efficiency of the workers and the company also can operate much more effective way.


 Creating Employment Opportunity.

 Employing women worker in production procedure
 Working environment for women
 Educational Program for the child labor (through BGMEA & UNDP)
 According to Company Law- not to employ child labor
 Donation and rehabilitation program for the distressed people affected by nature
catastrophe like flood, storm, tornado etc.
 Creating business opportunity for the linkage or support industry.
 Training of the local people working in the factory through foreign experts.


The major problems that are confronted by this company incase of Production, HRM,
R & D are given below-

 Sometimes raw materials problem.

 Poor commitment.

 Delaying procurement and machines breakdown.

 Unskilled workers and supervisors can not run high tech machines.

 Sometimes Government rules and regulations, Exchange rate, tax, trades policy,
trade relation with other country restrict normal production option.

 High cost of heavy machineries.

 For political instability, production hampered, for this cause shipment sometime
cancelled and company bearing loss.

 High lead time.

 Transportation cost increasing as the cost of fuel increased.

 A worker sometimes leaves the factory after training, to join another one with
better facilities. This is a reason as to why factory owners do not give a second
thought to training their employees and workers.

 Labor market shortages with specific skill shortages in various areas such as
production, engineering, accounting and all trades.

 Skills shortage of top level and lower level staff.

 Retention problems of skilled employees.

 Competitiveness among Export oriented Industries.

 Complex labor code.


 In order to improve the quality consistency and integration, proper training and
development is required for both production floor workers and management staffs.
This will increase the moral and improve efficiency and productivity of the total
workforce of the organization.

 The company must have to appoint at least medium educated & skilled person.

 The company can develop the advertising promotion.

 For meet the increasing international demand for this company’s garments,
Pacific Jeans Ltd must have to expand its production capacity.

 The company must have to maintain and develop the quality standard to retain the
buyers in today’s economic rescission period. For doing this technological
improvement and R &D is a must.


Pacific Jeans Ltd is one of the most successful and recognized Garments
manufacturing company. It serves the company by way of earning foreign currency
and also solves the unemployment problem of our country. The organization has
bright future. On proper guidance and supervision of the management the company
added with the active and untiring effort forms more than the targeted production and
profit and earns a lot of foreign currency in our country and also plays a good role for
economic development of our country.

At last, I can say that the management portion of all departments (Production, HRM,
R & D) of Pacific Jeans Limited is performing its job efficiently. In fact, the all
departments are most important equally to increase the productivity by low cost and
to maintain the well reputation. Besides this, the G.M, A.G.M, and other Executives
are very much industrious and serious in performing their jobs.

The organization is maintaining a high quality environment in accordance with the

Labor act of Bangladesh. Workers get adequate wages and they get their wages timely.
So the workers are satisfied and there are no industrial disputes or labor unrest.

There is no doubt that Pacific Jeans Ltd has created a better image in the international
market by is quality product and services. Using advanced technology, the firm
should maintain the growth trend through satisfying valued clients at all times.



 Company profile of “Pacific Jeans Ltd”

 Company Code of Conduct

 Daily Absenteeism Report


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