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1. The art of determining individual characteristic traits of a person

based on his or her handwriting is called. Graphology

2. The art of writing letters and words with decorative strokes is

called Calligraphy

3. Handwriting samples made at the request and under the

supervision of lawyers, the police, document examiners and
investigators for the purpose of comparison with questioned
writing. Request writings

4. Samples the individual produced for some other unrelated reason

generally in the course of their day to day activities. Collected writings

5. An attempt to disguise one's handwriting or copy someone else's I, Simulated

6. Any signature,handwriting,typewriting or other mark whose source

or authenticity is in dispute or doubtful. Questioned document

7. Any abnormal repetitive shaking movement of the body usually the

hands which affects handwriting. Tremor

8. One of the following is not an indicator of forgery. Smoothness of paper

9. The action producing a copy of a document, signature,

banknote, or work of art with intent to deceive. Forgery

10.Made in exact imitation of something valuable or important with

the intention to deceive or defraud. Counterfeiting

1. Graphology - The art of determining individual characteristic

traits of a person based on his or her handwriting is called.

2. Calligraphy - The art of writing letters and words with decorative


3. Request writings - Handwriting samples made at the request and

under the supervision of lawyers, the police, document examiners
and investigators for the purpose of comparison with questioned

4. Collected writings - Samples the individual produced for some

other unrelated reason generally in the course of their day to
day activities.

5. Simulated - An attempt to disguise one's handwriting or copy

someone Else's.

1. The place where the writer grasps the barrel of the pen and the
angle at which he holds it is called Pen hold

2. One that is executed in accordance with the Code of Commerce

or any Mercantile Law, containing disposition of commercial
rights or obligations. Commercial document

3. The term "insertion" and "interlineations" include the addition of

writing and other material between lines or paragraphs or the
addition of whole page to a document. Insertion or interlineations

4. In questioned document examination, what is an "OFF-HAND

A conclusion that is not based on scientific examination

5. It is a kind of handwriting that is characterized by being connected

in which one letter is joined to the next. Cursive

6. A writer may deliberately try to alter his usual writing habits in

hopes of hiding his identity. The results, regardless of their
effectiveness are termed as Disguised writing
7. The element of the writing movement which is marked by regular
or periodic recurrences. It may be classed as smooth, intermittent,
or jerky in its quality. Rhythm

8. What do we call the series of lines or curves written in a single

letter; one of the lines of an alphabet or series of lines or curves
within a single letter; the path traced by the pen on the paper? Stroke

9. One is not a type of handwriting "Standards". Requested standards

10. The act/process of making the content/s of a document not the

intended content. falsification

11. The study of handwriting to determine one's personality traits

is called graphology

1. Questioned document - Any signature,handwriting,typewriting

or other mark whose source or authenticity is in dispute or

2. Tremor - Any abnormal repetitive shaking movement of the body

usually the hands which affects handwriting.

3. Indicators of forgery
1. Blunt starts and stops
2. Penlifts and hesitation
3. Tremor
4. Speed and Pressure
5. Patching

4. Forgery - The action producing a copy of a document, signature,

banknote, or work of art with intent to deceive.

5.Counterfeiting - Made in exact imitation of something valuable

or important with the intention to deceive or defraud

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