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Trusting in God

Dear Helpers, Benefactors, Friends, Peace be with you.

Before I pass away, I will continue to write to you to encourage you in your different pathways
to holiness in this very special apostolate to save lives. A mission of Love and Truth. We are
surrounded with so much evil to face during our short permanence in this world, but we keep
persevering till the end.

The eternal universal war of good and evil. It all started in heaven between the angels down
to our times and will go on till the end of the world. Very unfortunate, that this exists even in
the churches, in religious organisations and anywhere were people gather because the devil
and his army will always be around to destroy and kill. However, we have the supreme power
who is God. Where there is God there is peace and victory. In the absence of God there is
disaster. So many people never learn to live in peace for they abandon God. Every problem is
a spiritual problem.

To dedicate oneself to God is to face evil forces, as you Helpers very well know. I can say this
from my own experience as so many others particularly pro-life good people pass through.

God in His wisdom to those who have special particular preference, permits them to suffer to
perfect them in His love. We humans with limited knowledge do not comprehend, and many
times do not understand His ways. He wants to see His face in us, to take on His mission for
humanity. Helpers this is you mission.

He particularly loves you. Same His mother Mary. When you die, say this prayer to Mary: ''My
Mama' Mary, tell Jesus that you love me.'' You know, that He will do the same with you as He
did to His Mother's wish at the Wedding of Cana in Galilee. Say it in life too and you will see
what will happen. I tell you this. I had to die for many reasons. I turned to Mary who said to
Jesus ''keep P. Manuel alive for the sake of the orphanage in Peru because I love him” That’s
it. After all Jesus in the Eucharist is there because He loves us. This is what the saints did. Ad
Jesum per Maria.

Sometimes In life we through huge suffering caused by the devil who is always around. Be not
afraid and keep your peace. Tell Mary and stick to God. One of my greatest suffering was the
stealing of a religious community which by the grace of God I started, stolen by my religious
brothers in my absence. A heartache betrayal. I was preparing for this community for more
than forty years. I turned to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and trusted them and peace
possessed my soul.

Helpers of the precious infants of God, when we ''trust'' in God and Mary who love you, you
will experience peace and finally you will triumph.

Dear Helpers, God will always win. In the silence of your hearts, Mary comes to you, to
comfort you. Let God manage your injustices and situations. This is living in God's grace.
TRUST in Jesus and Mary. Time will tell. I want to see you with me in heaven.

P. Manuel Adami ..... Blessings.

Pro life victory. The Maltese government withdrew the abortion amendment after a huge
protest where thousands of Maltese protested. in the capital city of Valletta. Many rosaries
were recited. Malta won, the Maltese won, lives saved. It was on the feast of St John the
Baptist who was martyred for the truth. Now the prime minister is saying that in case of the
mother's life is in danger abortion can be proceeded.

Sing with me:

I will raise you up
Thank you Jesus
Be with me Lord
Oh Mary holy mother
Maria de la mere
I will sing of the goodness of the Lord
I am the Lord of sea and sky

Orphanage news:
The children in the new workshop. Some pictures received from Mauricio.
They build a simple wooden room attached to one of the classrooms for physiotherapy of
the children.

Dr Mary Luz Barreda, co-foundress of the orphanage is in hospital undergoing an eye

operation and some other health problems. Please pray for her. She gave her life and
savings to this orphanage for the abandoned and disabled children. When I got the land and
opened the orphanage, she brought in the first children.

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