03 Application 3 - Q&A1

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Application 3

Activating Your Inner Tech

Question and Answer Session

Ken: Hey everybody, it's Ken.

Todd: Hey Ken, how are you? It's Todd.

Ken: Good, good.

Todd: Good thank for joining in right on time as always. Welcome everybody to the
question and answer with Ken. They will be discussing your questions on inner
technology. We got a lot of questions this weekend. Really not surprisingly some
very deep questions as we progress through the course. All the students seems
to be really going through a lot of stuff that this installations and applications
bring up. Some really juicy questions in here, we can't wait to get to them.

First, a little housekeeping. As you all know, we are approaching the end of the
inaugural Superhuman OS course. It's been quite a journey. I really want to invite
everyone to come on Thursday night for the very special finale.

It's a 2-hour finale with Ken. It's called the Reboot Module. It's where the entire
operating system get encapsulated, and really uploaded into our psyches. If you
can make it, we really highly recommend it. It actually ends in a very special and
unique way. We're just excited to participate and play with all of you in that
field. Again, mark your calendar for Thursday night. If you can't make it, no
worried, because it will be on our platform, and we'll be doing an encore
presentation on Saturday as well. That's that. Ken, welcome to the call again, and
thank you so much. If you're ready, I guess we can start with some of the
questions that was sent in.

Ken: You bet.

Todd: First one, Sara writes in, and she says, "Ken, throughout this course, you
recommended developmental practices for body, shadow and spirit. What are

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your recommended developmental practices for the mind? What are your
recommended practices for integrating mind with body, shadow, and spirit?"

Ken: Indeed. Developmental practice for the mind. We're already doing some of the
very best, which is to learn the aqua framework behind the Superhuman
operating system. You can develop the mind horizontally, learning new
translations, or vertically, with level of state transformation. The Superhuman
operating system does both. First, you expand the mind horizontally by learning
new information, and learning it at whatever level you might be at. Whether
you're amber, orange, green, integral. You learn about quadrants, you learn
about levels, you learn about lines, about states, about types, about shadow,
about growing up, and waking up, and cleaning up. All of these expand the mind
into new areas that it previously knew little if anything about it.

That's the essence of horizontal translation. At whatever level you're at, learning
and assimilating new and different material, but you also transform, or open
yourself to higher and higher levels, or higher states. You do this first by simply
learning about the existence of the higher levels, or higher states themselves.
Research shows, as pointed before, that simply learning the levels of any
developmental map actually speeds the person's growth and development
through those levels. It's as if once a mind learns that it has higher levels it can
grow into, it simply begins doing so. It's happy to find out that more is still
possible for it, and it automatically take up the task.

This expands the mind vertically or via transformation. Translation is like moving
furniture around on the same floor in a 10-story building. Transformation is
moving to a higher floor in the building. There also specific exercises in shipping
human OS that engage transformation directly by practicing integral
mindfulness. For example, which you particularly get a chance to do in an
upcoming reboot module. There are exercises on everything from integrating
shadow material, which allows shadow material trapped in lower levels to be
released, and vertically transform upward to where the central shaft is presently
located, to things like practicing the [inaudible 04:51].

Seeing whatever level you are at as an object of awareness, and it's just like
[inaudible 04:51] without level, and allowing the next tire level to emerge
transformation. This is going to grow all the way to the very leading edge of
evolution itself. The highest level evolution is reached to date and its overall
history, which is basically around the turquoise integral level, level 7. All of those

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are genuine transformations. Being at the integral level in any life allows you to
see wholeness and unities everywhere, including within your own self. For
example, at the integral level as James Broughton's researched showed. The self
has not experienced just being one with either the body or the mind as it is in
previous lower level, but rather "The bind and body are both experiences of an
integrated self."

At that highest level of development, the highest level of growing up, to the
highest state of development, unity consciousness with the highest stage of
waking up. You have the fullest expression of the unified, fully, whole,
completely integrated great perfection. That's exactly what we've been doing
together these past few months.

Todd: Beautiful. That sounds like a [inaudible 06:30]. Thank you so much, and
[inaudible 06:32]. Let's move to the next question. One of our superstar
students, Guga, writes in. He says, "First, I want to thank all responsible for
materializing the SHOS program. It is a great accomplishment. One that I feel the
benefit in many people around the world. I pray that this teaching keeps
evolving with us, and through us, and that we all maybe become instruments on
waking up and growing up for all mankind." That's very sweet.

Now his question, What I'm asking for maybe impossible, for surely there are
infinite ways of doing it, and it may not be interesting to crystallize the integral
perspective this way. If you, Ken, could synthesize this OS in a single paragraph,
what would be the kernel of its essence? To put it another way, if there was an
8-line quote prayer, like the wonderful 1, 4 [inaudible 07:30], 4, 9, 10, to reboot
the connection every day, what would it be? He's asking for a summation that
Ken, what were summation of the Superhuman OS?

Ken: Surely they can give this a shot. May have being recognize all of the wonders to
mention to which there are great professions shines radiantly and eternally. The
4 quadrants where every eye, and every we, and every it is seen as an inherent
aspect of each and every moment of spirit's radical being and becoming. The 8
levels of altitude itself were manifest spirit transcends and includes everything
that previously was, always going beyond what went before. The many
magnificent lines of development where different brilliance of ever present great
perfection shines a different skillful means for deliberation of all.

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The 5 major states of being, where spirit having thrown itself out to
magnificently create the entire universe [inaudible 08:38] back to its own super
abundant flowness and shocking self-realization. The limitless types with the
great profession demonstrates its own face is multi-faceted diamond reflecting
countless rays of radiant sunshine in all the known directions. When all these
dimensions are recognized, once great perfection brings, not only an infinite
freedom from all things without exception, but a radiant flowness embracing
each and every one with intimate love and care. Thus awakening to its own true
nature, which the true nature of each and every sentient being with non-left out
at all. We realize there are no others to save, for each and every one is always
already enlightened now until the ends of the worlds.

Todd: Wow, so beautiful. Thank you. Ken Wilber, deposing it there, summarizing the
Superhuman OS. I love the passion, and I'm so glad that you took the time to
response to it that way, really beautiful. Thank you so much. We'll make sure
that that goes on our platform, because it's really, really beautiful. Thank you.
That leads to the next question. It's a little bit of a longer letter. Every once in a
while, we decide to lead a little bit of longer letter that has a question. This is a
very personal one from a man who wishes to remain anonymous. We thought it
was good one to share with you Ken, because it summarizes maybe what a lot of
people are really, really feeling about their wanting to grow up and wake up. I'm
going to read.

Ken, I'm a platinum member of the program, and I have listened to everything
and put into practice much what is being given. It is a truly great and
comprehensive program for which I am grateful. I am a 42-year-old male who
has been practicing for 15 years. In addition, I was in therapy for 8 years,
including shadow work. Although I have grown and changed, I remain stuck in a
matter which affects my entire life in the most horrible ways on all levels,
mentally, emotionally, physically, and in the manifestation. In essence. I have no
life outside of my false self, and I'm struggling to just survive financially and
psychologically. The very core disturbance at the center of my unconscious
psychological world has not changed one bit, given all the work I've done.

I have finally found a psychiatrist/theorist who could put into words what I
believe happened to me, or better put, he clearly lays out the decision I made
long ago, that I have repressed, which affects every single moment of my life.
This is deeper than [inaudible 11:33]. It comes from Arno Gruen. It is about

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shadism directed towards the self. This self-hatred, and consequent hatred of
life, and the loss of vitality it brings comes from not accepting one’s self and the
perceived necessity of needing to partake of power in order to be able to
survive. I'll be it as a total and complete slave, and dependent person
psychologically to "ruin and highlight the core essence of the problem."
Psychological change cannot come about simply by an understanding of one's
own history.

Patience change only when they accept responsibility for the decision they've
once maid, to submit to the power of others. It is this submission that has
crippled their potential for autonomy, and initiated their psychic
maldevelopment. Only if we confront the self the self that has submitted to the
power of others, can we reduce our self-hatred. Confronting this self would
mean acknowledging the submission that it is the source of our felt hatred. We
must confront the surrender, that first made us hate ourselves and all life around
us, because that reminds us of what we have done. Evil, destructiveness, and
inhumanity all have their root in our inability to take responsibility for the early
decision that made us relinquish our birthright to be ourselves.

Then he goes on, Ken, to describe that he's tried the 3-2-1 process, and he
doesn't really find that it's working for him He would love your take on what he
shared, and what I just read.

Ken: This is a so very delicate area. First, we have to realize that these notions about
power and submitting to somebody else's power over us, there's not a primarily
a decision we made. They involve a natural stage of growth in every person. This
is the red level, level 3. The level of spiral dynamics calls power of gods. There
are 2 things that one can do without power, which arises naturally as a part of a
stage, an inherent part of this developmental stage. Starting at that stage, you
can aim that power outwardly, and actively seek to control others, or you can
disarm that power, project it onto others, and then feel others are trying to
control you and overpower you.

This person quotes. [Inaudible 14:23] he says, only if we confront the self that
has submitted to the power of others can reduce our self-hatred. Confronting
the self would mean acknowledging the submission that is the source of our self-
hatred. That submission is not the direct cause, it's an effect of something that
happen earlier, that happened first. That is the arising in the self of the deep
desire to dominate and control others. There is a power issue here, but it's not

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the other person's power over you. It's your own desire to have power over
them. It's your dominating and controlling tendencies. That is what has to be
confronter first.

As long as you're trying to overcome your submission to the power of others,

you are no confronting the real issue, which is your desire to have power over
them. You're the one with the power drives, it's not others. You're not a victim of
that power, you're a wielder of that power. You have to face that first, so the
reason 3-2-1 process didn't connect is that you aren't connected with anything
real. You identified the wrong element, that was shadow. What you should be
identifying with, and re-owning, and taking responsibility for is not your
submission to your power, but your deeper wish for power. That's what drives
sel-hatred. Later levels see this, and realizes that deeply egocentric drive and is
lacking in higher moral development at all.

It should be hated in that sense, which is what the later levels do. Why can't you
start by owning it, by saying it, by taking responsibility for it, by identifying with
it, your own desire for power over others. Then by letting it go, or surrendering it
and moving on. Begin [inaudible 16:25] not with your submissive self, but your
power crazed self. Put that in the empty chair, and do a 3-2-1 process with that,
re-own that. The results would be entirely different and much more effective I
think. Good luck.

Todd: It's interesting. I'll be curious to see and hopefully this really helps the person
that wrote in, because it's a different way of looking at it. That makes sense,
given what we've been learning in the course. That's why we put it in there,
because we really wanted to address just how tricky some of the shadow and
perception really can be in cases. I really appreciate that. Let's move on to the
next question.

Kathryn write in and she says, "Hi Ken. I've really enjoyed the course. I have a
few questions regarding inner technologies, I've been captivated by your
YouTube video demonstrating magnificently the capacity to halt all brainwaves
while still remaining "alive" and tuned in to the ever present consciousness that
is within and around all of us. You said at the end of the video that you were
demonstrating specializes in meditation technique. Can you share it with us?"
Again, I just want to [inaudible 17:54] to everybody that Ken has a very amazing
video on YouTube where he stops his brainwave states and narrating it almost as
a third person while he does it.

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He talks about various types of meditations. It's an interesting to watch.
Definitely Google it and YouTube it. That's why we put the question in here.

Ken: The method of meditation I was using was given by Zog Chen, a Buddhist
teacher. Then I tinkered with it. The transition itself required keeping it quite. I'm
afraid I can't repeat exactly what that was. Perhaps I could say, and talk around a
little bit, and say that it's similar to the inquiry [inaudible 18:40] recommended
by Ramana Maharshi. You want a very still, quiet awareness, quite to follow. Say
I ask you how do you feel from the physical level. You think about that a bit, then
you respond. I ask you, how do you feel from an emotional level. You think about
that and eventually respond.

Then I asked, how do you feel from a mental level? Think about that, and you
eventually say something. What if I ask you, how do you feel from all of those
perspectives at once? You mind immediately goes instantly quiet. It's just a kind
of electric stillness, and pure awareness, with no thoughts, or feeling, or ideas at
all, just pure awareness. If in that silence still awareness, you look at your sense
of eyeness. You become aware of your being an eye. What do you see? More
importantly form that [inaudible 19:48], who or what is actually doing the
awareness? Who or what is aware of your eyeness? Trace that back and get a
sense of it.

Something similar to that produce the no brain waves state. With that, she
meant that all brainwaves were so low, they couldn't be detected by that
machine, which is very low indeed. If it We're totally zero I'd be dead. It was just
off the wall reduced near zero, and just had a basic subsystem level As for past
lives, aliens, paranormal events, each of those is a little bit different. Coming on
them one at a time. Past lives are possible in my opinion. According to traditions
like the Tibetan, all we take with us from life to life is the sum total of our
wisdom and our virtue.

We don't take specific past lives memories with us. Those die when the present
brain dies. People are always [inaudible 21:04] Cleopatra, or Napoleon, King or
queen of a country, and so on. I just don't think someone knows. Dalai Lama says
he can't remember any past lives, so I doubt Shirley MacLaine can. Some
paranormal events however, like ESP and premonitions have considerable
scientific empirical evidence supporting. I think some of those are definitely real.
Finally, aliens, it's a very techy area. Given the number of planetary systems in

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the universe, and the tendency of matter to self-organize and create order out of
chaosm it's hard to imagine other life forms out there somewhere.

Most a person encounters aliens here on earth, so far, seemed very dubious,
They always show them some out of way small town place. The aliens take a
person, board the mother ship, and gives them their anal probe, and so on. Non
ever show up in the Whitehouse lawn or in the middle of time square. As
comedian/dentist Miller put it, it's hard to believe that these extraterrestrial
beings, with the technology so advanced that they can travel light years across
the universe to come here, and don't even need windows in their spaceship to
look out on all of that celestial beauty.

Yet the first they do when they get here is get up some [inaudible 22:42] with a
flashlight. I don't think so either. Many of these things are indeed remnant of
mythic level. Some of them are simply the luminous farms or the subtle realms
mistaken for actual beings in the external world. When that's the case, each level
interprets them according to its own views, perspectives, values, and so on. All
those items have to be dealt with a little different ways. That's a short general
take on all of them.

Todd: Thank you on that. I just want comment on that questions that I just read, had 2
parts to it. When we're doing these Q and A's we gather the questions, and then
I send them to Ken on Sunday, so he can review them. He get a feel for what
questions you're going to be asked during the call. That last one had a ... The
second part that actually asked about aliens and some of these paranormal
activities. That's [inaudible 23:44] the conversation, because I had lead the entire
part of the question, Ken. Just want to make sure everyone is aware why you
went down that part, answering about aliens and supernatural stuff. Just so
we're clean.

Great, thank you. Let's move on to the next question, and it is form Carol. I'm
going to read it. She says, "Hello Ken, I have just listened to the inner tech, which
is very clear in giving me a way before the course has finished. Among other
things, to move into meditation twice [inaudible 24:16] shadow work [inaudible
24:16] training, all of which I'm very happy to do. My wonder is whether this will
lift my sense of no knowing in which direction lies my greatness. What is my
path? I have looked back to the notes, and I can't seem to find it. I think at one
stage you mentioned something about level green, getting caught and not being

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able to put energy into any one direction, and seem to have equal validity. That
is the way it feels.

Then she goes on to describe that she's 63, and not necessarily wanting to go
into a new career. She just wants to have the greatness manifest in a way that it
should from where she is in her life. It's a really great question in terms of how
this all turned into action in the world really. Once we get this uploaded, we
have to change everything, or does it just happen naturally is really the crux of
her question. What do you think?

Ken: It's serving the case that if you're deeply embedded in green, then there's a
tendency to what I call a [inaudible 25:26] madness. You're so intent on taking a
pluralistic view on letting everything be equally correct that you actually destroy
any value entirely. When every value is absolutely the same, then nothing has
any value. It's the point. Value means this is better than other things, that's why I
value it. When everything is equally the same, then there are no values at all.
That's why green really has come out deconstructions virtually any value in
existence, and why the generation in particular was brought up under that gen X.

So often called, not in a nice way, slackers, because there is not obvious value or
direction that they can hang on too that hadn't already been deconstructed, and
totally ripped out from under them. This is boomer teachers, and boomeritis,
and just leaves the typical narcissism, and nihilism, which is characteristically
extreme post modernism. If you are stuck in green, then the best thing to do is
simply practice awareness on it, and listen to the integral mindfulness self that
we talk about this Thursday. Practice awareness of that particular series of
attitudes, and orientations that you have, and continue to make them object.

You decidentify with them, let them go and make room for the next higher level,
the integral level, where real values and real direction will start to pop out very
clear in immediate fashion. At the same time, finding your specific greatness,
and specific talents, and gifts that you have is often or typically than it seems, it
should be. Let me say one thing about the OSHO quote

++that this person included in the question. He was getting a typical oneness or
emptiness definition of enlightenment, and leading out the manyness or the
form aspect of enlightenment. The oneness aspect doesn't see any differences
anywhere. There's only the pure self or pure sheer, which is not anything that
can be seen or heard or known, but it’s the seer [inaudible 28:23] the vast field

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of open empty clear spaciousness, and essentially identical in all humans,
actually all essential beings. It surely non definition of enlightenment, because
it's both the oneness portion. We are the same with everybody. The manyness
portion, where you're on differences, talents, and specialness stands out.

Both of them are aspects of [inaudible 28:49] or the ultimate great protection.
What we're talking about here of course is your own particular gifts and talents,
and special greatness, not the ever present great protection, which marks all
things and events. They're arising moment to moment, including your own
genuine investments or suchness. Finding that specialness, there's the rub.
Standard ways of course include looking for think that you love to do the most.
Most people don't love things because they're good at them. They are good at
them because they love them.

When you love an area, or activity, or practice, you bring extra special care, and
concern, and energy, and effort to it. You naturally tend to start shinning in that
area. Perhaps you simply have an area that you love, but you haven't been
working with directly. You're talented in it, and your talent in it hasn't had the
chance to emerge. Start looking at all the things that you love, especially the
ones that you love, but haven't worked with very much. Then taking them up
more actively. Remember when it comes to the actual details of greatness, not
just, again, your ever present great protection, which applies to every aspect of
your being and becoming.

The actual specific day-to-day details of your specific talent, studies have
repeatedly shown that greatness in a particular area, musical instrument,
athletic performance, intellectual capacity, artistic endeavor, whatever, is due so
much to genetics as to simple practice. The average person who achieves some
specific greatness, award, recognition, and so on, in a particular field has worked
an average of 4 hours every day for 10 years. Another study showed that some
are overall amount of 10,00 hours that were put in before greatness popped out.
You might be sitting on a staggering amount of talent in any number of fields,
but you don’t know it because you haven't given it a chance yet, a real chance.

A general recommendation is to look for something you absolutely love. It

doesn't matter how silly, or kinky, or ordinary it seems. Anything you truly and
deeply love [inaudible 31:36] and practicing it. That is putting it in to use,
whatever it is, and keep working with it, and keep working with it, and keep
working with it. Sooner or later it's likely that a special greatness will start to

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shine through that activity or you wouldn't have loved it in the first place. Good
luck with that, give that a try, Another possibility is something that we went over
on one of the recent Q and A calls. That was when a person projects their
positive qualities, so called golden shadow.

Then in many cases, this can be their particular talents or gifts, or their qualities
that they have some greatness in. When they do that, they become unaware of
that quality or talent in themselves. They start overly admiring certain people in
the world. You can make a list of the people that you think are absolutely great.
Then you just really end drooling over. You think they're so utterly amazing, and
particularly ones that you think are doing something you just would never ever
be able to do. Then right down the 2 or 3 qualities or characteristics that you
most admire about that person and their greatness. Just spend the day doing
that, make a list of all of those as they unfold throughout the day.

Then what you have with that list is very likely a list of possible positive qualities
or characteristics that you have, and that you don't know you have. That's why
you've been projecting them and seeing greatness everywhere around you,
except in yourself. It's often the case that if you look at the actual activity the
person is engaged in, that even that specific activity is where your talent might
lie. There seems to be a particular attraction with the potential for doing that
quality. When you project that, then you start admiring that quality in the people
around you.

You wouldn't admire them if you didn't have some of that quality yourself and
you lost track of it. After all, not anybody admires these people, not everybody
thinks they're great. Surely not everybody drools over them and goes nuts
around them. If you're doing any of that, check that out and spend the day
making a list and then see what pops up. Particularly if any of those things on
that list also turn out being something that you think you really do love, but you
haven't had the chance to get around to it. Then that's almost certainly some
area or activity that you have a genuine amount of talent in, and that you could
bring some greatness to in whatever fashion.

You can get both of those exercises a chance, and see if anything pops up. Then
go ahead and start working with it, and do remember that to actually manifest
greatness just takes practice at a very specific day in , day out commitment to
whatever the activity, or gift, or talent, or capacity is that you might have. That's
something to always keep in mind as well.

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Todd: Thank you. Let's go on to the next question from Regine. The [inaudible 36:11].
You have related shadow vision to leveled and stage, but you made no
references to types. Would it be wrong to say that the technological aspects of
our personality types are part of shadow too, and that engaging and
understanding of the antigram is already an exercise to bring shadow stuff into
our awareness?

Ken: Yeah. Ties are definitely involved with shadow elements and shadow issues. It's
generally not that the particular itself is necessarily problematic or shadow
producing, but that most types come in healthy and unhealthy versions in
shadow free or shadow clogged so to speak. You want to work with the healthy
versions, and not get caught in an unhealthy version. Of course you can start out
healthy, especially in particular type. Then end up disowning, disassociating,
projecting your shadow elements. Since you are this particular type, then of
course it'll manifest itself in that types of behavior in an unhealthy way.

If you're, let's say an antigram 5, the observer. It's pathological or become

unhealthy in some way that you'll tend not only to be a natural observer of
things, but you'll tend to stand back, dissociates have distancing. You'll tend to
dissociate and disown things, even push them out of your awareness and into
the unconscious. Then from there, they're open projected as shadow material.
Most of the typology systems are aware of their own healthy and unhealthy
forms, and would generally teach you how to work with them. You can find
people that work with antigram types, for example, have a lot to say about the
antigram type in pathology, and dysfunctional cases, and how you can handle it,
how you can deal with it.

Generally speaking, it's some pretty good advice, and it's key of course to the
types in the antigram doesn't often take levels into account or even different
lines or different states. As usual, you want to set it in an integral framework.
Otherwise, the information and the pointers and suggestions that they give an
be quite helpful. Again, that's true with most typologies. If we look at, say,
masculine and feminine types, we find that healthy masculine tends towards
agency and Eros, and Healthy feminine towards communion and Agape. All 4 of
those can be compathological.

In these few type, we're dealing with horizontal types or drives on a particular
level and that's agency or communion. Agency is the drive to be a whole itself, to
be independent, autonomous, separate. Communion is the desire to be part of a

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relationship, to be a part of a larger whole. Of course both men and women have
both, but work like Carol Gilligan suggest that masculine has a greater tendency
towards agency and autonomy. Feminine, a greater tendency towards the
communion and relational forms of being. Then there's the drive between levels.

The drive to reach up to a higher level, to a greater level of wholeness, and that's
Eros, versus the drive to reach down and embrace, and enfold, and love what's
already emerged, the previous wholes, and that's Agape. Agency's autonomy,
the drive me, self-controlling, and self-offering. That's fine, but if it goes too far,
the male isn't just moved by a autonomy. It becomes alienated. Way too much
autonomy split off, and fragment, and separated. He becomes dissociated from
other people, that stereo typical anti-social male who always [inaudible 41:13]
things his way, doesn't play well with others. He's basically always walking all
over people.

That's a classic autonomy gone sour, gone extreme, gone pathological. In the
feminine, the healthy version is communion or whole relational being, or
heading towards healthy relationships, care, responsibility. If that goes too far, a
woman isn't just in relationships, she disappears into them. There's a meltdown
a fusion. She can't express or sometimes even feel her wants, her own needs,
her own desires. She likes taking care if somebody else. Always defining herself
in terms of her relationships. She's not an independent person herself, she's
mother in relationship to kids. She's a wife in relationship to a man.

She doesn't want to be a doctor, she wants to marry a doctor. That's a

communion, meltdown. The vertical dimension, we came up the wholes, which
is Eros. We came down to embrace and enfold already emerged wholes, which is
Agape. [inaudible 42:41] to the former, to always reaching up, always trying to
break the envelope, always trying to push through something to be pioneering,
to break limits and bounds, and always, always trying to transcend the given and
find something higher, bigger, brighter, stronger. Women tend towards Agape,
towards enfolding, and embracing, and including, and loving, and embodying.

Phil Zimbardo, on a PBS special on male and female differences, summarize the
evidence on boy and girl development. This is worldwide. "Boys have wings, girls
have roots." That's a good short summary of Eros and Agape. Those can also go
pathological. If wings goes too far, men don't just reach up and transcend the
given level, they repress it. They seal it off. They [inaudible 43:51] it and wish to
escape it by moving to some idealized heaven. They have fear of the present

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level, not just in Eros, but a Phobos. That's often where men's transcendental
drives are accused of being repressive of not just moving beyond, but sealing
something off, pushing it out. Men contend to do that, in their desire to break
barriers, and break boundaries, and push in to something new.

They can often be doing that out of, not just a desire for a greater wholeness,
but a fear of being stuck in their present location. Then get sometimes very
panicky if they don’t have enough space, if they can't be always moving, and
always pioneering. If women overdo the embracing, the enfolding, the including
of the lower in their loving embrace. They may not only reach out and embrace
the lower, they often regress to the lower. They identify with the lower with
what they love, so much so that they slide down the developmental tree. There
is often, you can see in theoretical tree, this isn't in certain feminist theologies
and so on, where they emphasize not transcendental heaven, but an imminent
Gaia, an earth principle.

They identify the feminine was [inaudible 45:28], but they'll often push that too
far, and end up ... If you actually look at the tree of life, it goes from smaller
organisms to each higher one, which transcends and includes it. You get greater
and greater depth with evolution. It goes from quarks to atoms which transcend
and include quarks, and then to molecules which transcend and include atom,
and then to cells which transcend and include molecules, and in organisms which
transcend and include cells, and so on. If you just have an embrace of the
biosphere, an embrace Gaia, then you tend to believe in something like
bioequality, where every species has an equal worth.

Every specie, in a sense, has a same boat. They're all equal strands in the great
web of life. If that's the case, then just pick and look at any number of examples.
The average AIDS patient produces a billion AIDS viruses a day. Morally, is AIDS a
good thing? Yeah, 5 [inaudible 46:38] billion to one. A billion boats to boat,
according to bioequality. Let AIDS flourish so marvelous moral of that.
Mosquitoes are worth the same as Siberian tigers, that's ridiculous That's
pushing down so low, it's actually driving towards the lowest levels of all, which
are pure insentient matter or Thanatos, the death drive.

That's what Agape becomes when it doesn't just embrace the lower, it actually
moves towards the lower. It actually becomes the lower. The result of that is
indeed Thanatos, death. Each type has a healthy and unhealthy version. That's
important to realize whenever we use typologies. Whatever type we recognize

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ourselves as, then we want to pay special care to make sure that we are indeed
engaged in the healthy and not the unhealthy version in almost every case.
When we are embracing an unhealthy version, it's because we have some
shadow, disowning, and often projecting. We express that shadow problem in
whatever qualities we have.

It'll show up at the level that we're at. It will show up in whatever line we're
using. It'll show up in whatever state we're in. It'll show up in whatever type we
are. That's the whole point. When you identified with these things, if something
goes sour with Shadow material, then it affects, in a sense, every aspect of your
identity. You're almost always going to find some shadow material connected
with this unhealthy type. One of the ways you can spot shadow material is by
spotting the fact that you have an unhealthy type. If you are particularly using a
specific typology . You spend a little bit of time studying and learning its different
types, and learning the different ways.

Those types can appear, both their healthy and unhealthy forms. Then you can
spot material that is shadow infested by the fact that you go from a healthy to a
unhealthy type. In some cases it's because you spot the shadow material first. In
other cases it's because you spot either an unhealthy level, or an unhealthy line.
Unhealthy type, or some as such. Such typologies often spend a fair amount of
time talking about healthy and unhealthy forms, talking about functional and
dysfunctional forms. Then that can often be a very good tip-off to shadow
material, and the material that you'll need to some work on.

Then there was part of the question about the addiction part of pathology. We
touched on this in a recent Q and A question, but I can hit it again certainly. The
general idea is that since development at every level occurs by a process of
differentiation and integration. Something can go wrong at either of those steps.
If we don't differentiate, and we remain secretly identified with some or all of
that level, then we have a fixation, we have fusion with that level. That fixation
creates a hidden desire for that level, an addition to that level, to those
components, to those aspects that you're fixated to.

On the other hand, if we failed to integrate, then we end up splitting off and
disowning all our parts of that level.

That creates an avoidance or an allergy to those aspects. Both of those end up

involving the other problem as well. when the process breaks down, it breaks

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down all around. What happens with material that we're fixated to or remained
identified with on the previous level? That material, at the next higher level, that
fixated material stuck as it is at the previous level can't be integrated or brought
in to the new and higher level. It actually gets dissociated and disowned. Then
from there, it's usually projected onto others, and ten we are addicted to that
material out there.

We first have to re-own that material by doing 3-2-1 Process, seeing it, facing it,
talking to it, being it. Once we owned the material, then we can let go of it,
differentiate it correctly and then integrate it correctly. Addiction is how you
create secret longing for the material, wants, desires of the previous level, and
end up craving it in all sorts of hidden ways. It's always material that's usually out
there somewhere because you project it. You take fact, re-own it, and then
release it. These are standard components. Differentiation integration go all the
way back to the earliest stages of evolution.

You can see it today, starting with conception of the human being, which starts
out of course as a single cell. If you look at it in a microscope, you'll see just that,
a single cell, solitary cell. That cell will divide into 4 cells, and then each of those
cells divide, and you get 8. Then each of those divide, you get 16, and then each
of those divide and get 32, and each of those then you get 64. As that's
happening, mass of cells starting to explode and continue dividing everywhere, is
that they start organizing into various organ systems.

Certain of these cells will start to come together and form nervous tissue, and
other of those cells will come together and form muscular tissue. Other of the
cells will come together and form skeletal tissue, and then digestive tissue, and
then hormone system tissue. All of those, as they continue to differentiate will
be integrated into the overall organism. It's an extraordinary process. L like I
said, you can start watching it under a microscope and see this literal
differentiation, integration, differentiation, integration. It's really an astonishing

That's looking at exteriors, which you can actually see in the world of physical
form. Same thing happens on the interiors. With the very first interior stage of
growth, experience in the upper-left quadrant. Then that will start out as a single
entity, or a single sensation, or a single perception, and ten that will divide and
sub-divide. As it does that, it'll be organized in the higher levels and integrated.
Then you have this continuous differentiation, and then higher integration, and

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differentiation, and higher integration. The same thing happens with the cell
system, as it goes through those levels.

It will start out identify with the level, and then it differentiates of it. It
disidentifies, and moves to the next higher level, and there it integrates. It
becomes one without level. Then sooner or later, we differentiate form that
level, disidentify with it, move to the next higher level, and then integrate. This is
a universal process in evolution. It occurs in all dimension of evolution, at all
levels of evolution, in all streams or lines of evolution.

Therefore it can break down, both parts of that can break down. If it happens in
the physical, material side, then you get an actual material breakdown or an
organic illness. A cancer, for example, are cells that continue to divide and refuse
to integrate. You just keep getting these tumors grows that just continue to
divide, and divide, and divide, and divide until they essentially take over the
body. There's a very poor or inadequate integration going on. They're actually
killing the cells that they originally start being a variation of. We see that
breakdown in these fundamental components of evolution, differentiation
integration, every level, and every type, and every line.

That's what we see as well in psychological problems. Those creates just

generically allergies and addictions to the material of any level, and then you can
have those allergies or addition at any level of development, all the way up to
super [inaudible 57:20]. Then we want to keep in mind, and it's another reason
that shadow work is important top to bottom.

Todd: Beautiful. Ken, thank you so much. We are almost, or we at the end of the Q and
A session. Actually is, as I say that, I have a bit of sadness in my voice, because
this is actually the last live Q and A for this course. As we've been telling
everybody, we have the 2-hour finale on Thursday night. The way that the
course is ending, we want to leave it on that note. Of course there are going to
be many ways to continue this work, and we'll be sharing some ideas if you, and
our Facebook group is certainly thriving. In terms of the live calls, where you
answer a student's question, this is it right now.

I just want to, before we officially sign off, just say, and I've been saying this all
along, just what an honor. This has been just almost ceremonial for so many of
to be able to get on the phone with and ask your personal questions. The level of
gratitude that emanates from the entire community is palpable. It comes

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through each one of us that's helping put together this course, and extents from
a yearning to understand the process and these frameworks that you developed
for so many decades. [Inaudible 58:22] be able to get to download and really
help this unlock a lot of our dormant potentials and activate the full spectrum of
our potentials.

It has just been such a wonderful experience. I just want to say from all of us,
Ken, thank you so much for saying yes to these live Q and A. It's been truly
remarkable and personal honor for me to help facilitating this.

Ken: Thank you. It's been an honor and a pleasure for me to be working with you all. I
want to thank every person that joined us in this extraordinary venture. It really
is a leading edge evolutionary adventure that we're all on. It's extraordinary that
we have been able to be in in this extraordinary situation, and writing this edge
of evolution as it raises into the future with greater, and greater, and greater
potentials continuing to emerge and continuing to take us with them. To actually
be aware of this as evolution becomes aware of itself through us is
extraordinary. It never happened before in history.

This an astonishing point to be alive as a human being, definitely. it's a delight

and a pleasure to be able to share this with people and contribute their own
thoughts, and ideas, and contributions, so we can all continue moving this
forward. I hope to see everybody again, as we continue to carry this thing

Todd: Beautiful. Ken, thank you so much. Even through there's a tint of sadness, we still
have one more big session together, and it's going to be special. Make sure you
tune it on Thursday night. Ken, have a beautiful rest of your week, get some rest.
I can't wait to see you on Thursday night, and thanks so much.

Ken: You bet buddy. Bye.

Todd: Bye Ken. Thank you

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