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The Unsung Heroes of Life.

John 1-3,11-21

We are witnessing people who act against their conscience and go along with the flow.
Every evil person knows that killing is evil. Still they persist to kill the unborn child.
They want everybody to follow their evil acts. They want to destroy God and so the
truth. And so they ‘kill’ themselves.

There is a persecution against persons and centres that are in favour of life, especially
now in the western world. Some resent examples:

In Detroit, a centre that assists pregnant woman, together with the homes of those who
run it, were vandalised with paint and vulgar words, such as; ‘If abortion is not safe
neither you are safe.’ There were attacks on churches, and maternity centres, because
they say; ‘we decide what we do with our bodies.’ In England Isabel Vaghan-Spruse
was arrested because she was praying silently in her heart inside the 140m buffer
zone. Helpers you too had a share of this, facing this vulgarity. They want the crucifix
to be removed not to offend the non-Catholics. Rosa Lalor, a 76 year-old was arrested
because she was saying the rosary in public.

In Malta too, a Pro-life doctor and chairperson for life network foundation, had her clinic
door vandalised. It is a society that lacks the highest value – that of life. They insist
that they are to decide on who is to be born or die, what sex to choose. A society
which degraded so low as to lose the value of life which is the most beautiful gift of
God the creator.

Good news

In Malta the government is proposing an amendment for the health of the mother. A
mother can ask for an abortion for any reason of health - it can be a mental health
issue, depression ...etc. The Pro-Life Movement organised a rally, to which thousands
turned up and marched along the main streets of the capital city Valletta. If they do
not cancel that word “health” it will open the law to permit abortion in Malta. This should
bring trouble in Malta.

You the Helpers are on the defence of life and you supporters of the orphanage of
abandoned children in Peru are showing in pubic, courage to defend the cause of life.

Throughout the centuries there existed and still exist unknown and unnoticed hidden
saints, who lived and are living, who died and will die being known only to God. Among
these are mystics, martyrs, missionaries, confessors, virgins, priests, religious and lay
people from all walks of life, and also those who witness and point out the evil of
abortion. We will know them only in heaven. We can become saints by living a simple,
humble life with complete trust in God. The Helpers and the orphanage in Peru are
giving the opportunity for other people to become hidden saints, which I call Heroes of
Love. They too, the silent prayers, contemplative, the generous hidden souls who
contribute money to keep the orphanage going, these are benefactors of Love –
Heroes of God. Silent lovers, indeed you melt my heart especially when I remember
the long history of theft and injustices which we had to endure. For us priests, we need
to understand that the first pastoral concern is the soul and then the body, because
that is what we are called for.

First thing is to do the will of God! Otherwise, and in particular when there is deceit,
God does not bless our work and all our labours will wither away. Good intentions are
pleased by God and succeed.

‘Helpers’ life is the greatest gift of God. Make your life a masterpiece for God, as it
should be. Make the Eucharist the centre of your lives. Honesty pays always, is fruitful
and it gives the gift of peace. Work with humility because it brings ample blessings
from God. Helpers you are investing for eternity. Love is wisdom and humility.

You are aware that the soul is more important than anything else. I urge you to
meditate on immortality, to keep you on track for holiness. To be with Jesus is the
most important and essential time in our life – a taste of heaven. – I will carry you. – What a beautiful name - Bless the Lord oh my soul - Walking In the Light Of the Lord – How Great Thou art – Change my heart oh God – Jesus Christ You are my Life – Madre Fiducia Nostra – Amazing Grace – Pie Jesu – O Sanctissima

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