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Nutritional Intake Information

The American College of Sports Medicine states that women should never go below
1,200 calories per day and men should not go below 1,800.

Protein-Your weight X .36 will tell you grams per day

Carbs-45 to 65% of your calories intake also less than 130 grams a day if you are trying to lose
weight. Make sure it’s good carbs you are getting such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Fiber- Women 25 grams per day and Men 38 grams per day.

Sugar- Women no more than 6 teaspoons a day (or 100 calories coming from sugar) men no
more than 9 teaspoons a day (or 150 calories a day).

Fat- Should be no more than 30% of your calories and this should mostly come from
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. No more than seven percent of your
total daily calories should come from saturated fats, according to the American Heart
Association. If you consume approximately 2,000 calories per day, that means your saturated
fat limit is 16 grams or 140 calories from saturated fat.Trans fat should be “0”.

Cholesterol – Should be under 200 mg per day.

Sodium- Should be under 2,300 mg a day or under 1,500 if you have high blood pressure of a
history of heart disease in your family.

Potassium- Should be between 3,000 to 4,000 mg per day.

Calcium-should be 1,000 mg a day

Iron- Minimum For men 8mg per day for women 18 mg per day.

Vitamin A & C should say over 100% RDA in your graphs on myfitness pal or. Or Vitamin
should be at least 700mcg for men and 900mcg for men. Vitamin C does not cause toxicity
should try to get as much as you can. The myfitness application does not cover many vitamins.
Most Americans are deficient in vitamins A, B, C and D just to name a few.

Good Luck on your assignment I’m sure it will be an eye opener into your health and why you
may feel stressed, tired and irritable all the time. AS a nation we are deficient in many vitamins
that are crucial for normal body functioning.

References- This information was taken from the following websites:

Office of Dietary Supplements- National Institutes of Health

The MAYO Clinic

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