Starting Solids

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a nutrition guide for infants and children 4 to 12 months of age

ou may have many questions not ready for solid foods. They are unable
about this important milestone. to safely swallow solid foods, and their
When are babies ready for solid stomachs are not able to digest solids
foods? Which foods should be given? well. Solid foods or thickened formula
How much food is enough? should not be given to help infants go
This resource provides tips for longer between feedings, help them sleep
starting solid foods and through the night, or improve their
keeping infants safe when they nutrition. by international food

are eating. Keep in mind that each infant Your infant may be ready to begin information council foundation

is different. Their diets may vary depend- solids when: and national association

ing on things such as age, development, • Holds head up by self of pediatric nurse practitioners

and nutritional needs. Ask your pediatric • Does not push food out of mouth
nurse practitioner, pediatrician, registered with tongue
dietitian or other healthcare provider • Sits up with support
for more feeding advice.
4 to 6 Months
Newborns Most experts recommend starting solid
Breast milk is recommended, but foods sometime between four and six
some infants may require iron-fortified months of age. Remember, breast milk
infant formula. They both provide all or formula is still the most important food
the nutrients and calories your infant for your infant during the first year of life.
needs for growth during the first four Solid foods are given only so your infant
to six months of life. Young infants are gets used to eating different textures.
2 starting
What not to do during 6 to 8 months
feedings: Continue to give breast milk or formula as
• Do not put cereal in the bottle unless well as add thicker pureed fruits,
directed by your healthcare provider. vegetables, and meats to your infant’s
• Try not to feed your infant when you diet. Do not mix foods until your infant
are in a hurry or distracted, or if he has had every food in the combination by
or she is too tired. itself. If there is no family history of milk
• Do not force food when your infant allergies, you can also consider introduc-
Iron rich foods, such as single is showing signs of fullness. Infants are ing small amounts of whole-milk yogurt.
grain baby cereal or pureed meats, are full when they turn their heads away Yogurt is easier for infants to digest than
good first foods to introduce. Breastfed from food or keep their mouth closed cow’s milk at this stage. Your infant may
infants especially benefit from earlier when food is offered. be ready to practice cup drinking.
meat introduction. Your healthcare Give some formula or breast milk in a
provider will advise you on what food Once your infant has mastered their sippy cup (training cup with a spout).
to start first. first food, other new foods can be tried Breast milk or formula is the only fluid
toward the end of this stage of growth. your infant needs at this stage.
How to feed your infant: Begin with one to two spoonfuls of a
• If giving cereal, mix one tablespoon single strained or pureed vegetable,
with 4 or 5 tablespoons of breast such as squash, carrots or sweet pota-
milk or formula toes, or strained fruits. These foods
• Use a small rubber coated spoon contain no wheat, milk, or egg to which
with a long handle to feed some infants may be sensitive. Some
• Position your infant in a high chair healthcare providers recommend starting
sitting in front of you so you can see vegetables before fruits. There is no
each other’s face evidence that your infant will develop a
• Place about ½ teaspoon of cereal dislike for vegetables if fruit is given first.
or pureed food on the back of your Infants are born with a preference for
infant’s tongue. This will help them sweets. The order of introducing foods
suck the food off the spoon. does not change this.
• Start with small serving sizes: Give one new food every 3-5 8 to 10 months
1 to 2 small spoonfuls at a time days. This allows your infant’s system to At this time, most infants are ready to
adjust. You should watch for any unusual eat more textured foods such as mashed
At first, your infant may not like the reactions. It is normal for an infant’s stool and diced foods. New foods, such as
taste of solid food. Don’t be discouraged. to change color when eating new foods. finger foods, may be introduced.
Most infants will make a face and push However, a skin rash, diarrhea, or vomit- Chop food into small bite size pieces.
the food right out. They are learning ing may be signs of a food allergy or
food allergies
what to do with food in their mouth and intolerance. Stop feeding the new food
soon become comfortable with eating. and tell your healthcare provider about The most common foods that cause an
allergic reaction are milk, soy, eggs,
You may first want to try giving the food the reaction at the next visit. Keep a
peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, fish and
after your infant has taken a little breast diary of new foods introduced and shellfish. If there is a strong family
milk or formula. That way, feeding solid any reactions. history of food allergy, ask your health-
foods will be associated with an enjoyable care provider for advice about these
event. Your infant will eventually be foods. Otherwise, most experts agree
eager to eat. that these foods can be slowly included
as early as 4 to 6 months of age.
3 starting
• Sit up straight in a high chair milk. The fat in whole milk is import-
• Grasp food with hands or fingertips ant for proper growth and development.
• Move food from hands to mouth Low-fat dairy should not be given until
10 to 12 Months two years of age, unless your healthcare
Even without all of their teeth, infants can provider recommends it. If your infant
still use their gums and tongue to mash was put on a special formula for a milk
food with lumps. Keep offering new foods. allergy or intolerance, talk to your
It can take 8-15 times of trying a new healthcare provider before introducing
food for an infant to accept it. Your infant dairy.
is becoming more independent and may The National Association of Pediatric
be able to hold a spoon when being fed. Nurse Practitioners and the American
Encourage self-feeding as much as Academy of Pediatrics recommend
possible. While you are feeding your breastfeeding until at least one

infant, name the food, utensils being used, year of age. Breastfeeding can be contin-
Ripe banana, well cooked vegetables,
or colors of the food. Remember, each ued past this time if you and your infant
and teething biscuits are all good
feeding is a special time for you to choose to do so.
choices. Avoid giving foods that can
cause your infant to choke. Uncooked communicate together.
vegetables or fruits (except bananas and Whole cow’s milk (aim for 16-20
avocados), chunks of cheese, whole ounces per day) should only be intro-
grapes, peanuts, popcorn, and hot dog duced after your infant turns one. Young
pieces should not be given. Poorly infants can’t digest cow’s milk as easily
chewed food can block the airway and as breast milk or formula. This is because
infants can’t cough or clear their throats cow’s milk contains higher amounts of
well enough to remove the food.
we protein and some minerals. Whole milk
Your infant may begin finger foods yogurt can be introduced earlier, sincee iit’s
when able to: easier for infants to digest than cow’s

Age Food (Portion Size) Feedings/day How Much Should

My Infant Eat?
0-4 months Breast milk or infant formula (2-4 oz) 8-12
Typical portion sizes and daily intake
4-6 months Breast milk or infant formula (6-8 oz) 4-6 for infants
Infant cereal or pureed meats, fruits,
and vegetables (1-2 T) 1-2

6-8 months Breast milk or infant formula (6-8 oz) 3-5

Infant cereal (2-4 T) 2
Crackers (2), bread (½ slice) 1
Pureed fruit or vegetable (2-3 T) 1-2
Pureed meat (1-2 T) or legumes (1-2 T) 1-2

8-12 months Breast milk or infant formula (6-8 oz) 3-4

Cheese (½ oz) or yogurt (½ cup) 1
Infant cereal (2-4 T), bread (½ slice) 2
Crackers (2), or pasta (3-4 T) 1
Fruit or vegetable (3-4 T) 2-3
Meat (3-4 T) or legumes (¼ cup) 2
oz =ounce, T = tablespoon
4 starting
infants are given foods they are
Vitamin and Mineral not ready to eat.
Supplementation •C  ut foods into small pieces (¼ inch
Your infant may need more iron and or smaller). Place only a few pieces
vitamin D, even if they are growing well. on the plate at a time.
homemade baby food
Iron is needed to build red blood cells. •E  ncourage your infant to take small
You may choose to make homemade
Though infants are born with stored iron, bites and chew food completely.
baby food for your infant. Peas, corn,
and sweet potatoes are good choices it is used up around four to six months of • I t is important that your infant sits down
for home-prepared baby foods. Infants age. After that, it must then be replaced when eating. Never let your infant eat
younger than 6 months of age should with iron in the infant’s diet. Vitamin D while lying down or walking.
not eat homemade spinach, beets, is another important nutrient. It is needed
turnips, collard greens, green beans, to build strong bones. Breast milk alone
squash, and carrots. These vegetables
does not provide infants with enough
contain large amounts of nitrates.
Nitrates can cause a low blood count in vitamin D or iron. The American Acade-
young infants. Store-bought vegetables my of Pediatrics recommends that all
are safer because the manufacturers infants receive these nutrients either from
test for nitrates. food or supplements. Check with your
Baby food made at home should be healthcare provider about vitamin D and
steamed and then mashed with a fork.
iron supplements during the first year.
Never add honey or corn syrup because
they may contain dangerous botulism
spores. Do not add salt or seasoning
Safety at the Plate
while cooking fresh foods for your Follow these simple guidelines to help
infant. Always refrigerate leftover food. your infant stay safe while eating:
Also, look for signs of spoilage before • Always supervise your infant while
giving the food to your infant. Fresh
eating. Choking often occurs when
foods will spoil more quickly than food
from a can or jar.

When an Infant Is Choking | Adapted from American Red Cross

The Basics If not breathing… If not breathing
• Check the scene for safety. • Make a complete seal over the baby’s and no pulse…
• Check the victim for consciousness, mouth and nose. • Give CPR —repeat sets of 30 chest
breathing, pulse and bleeding. • Give two 1-second breaths, one after compressions and 2 breaths.
• Flick the bottom of a baby’s foot to the other. • Do not stop CPR until the baby begins
determine if they are conscious. breathing or until help arrives.
If air won’t go in…
• Dial 9-1-1 or local emergency number. • Give CPR—30 chest compressions,
If conscious, but choking… pushing about 1½ inches deep.
infant CPR

• Give 5 back blows between the • Look for and clear any object
shoulder blades and 5 chest thrusts. from mouth.
• Support the head and neck • Reattempt 2 rescue breaths.
securely when giving back blows • Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 until breaths
and chest thrusts. go in or help arrives.
• Keep the head lower than the chest.
• Repeat blows and thrusts. 30 chest compressions,
2 rescue breaths, repeat
5 starting
Notes References
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and
Immunology. (2016). “Prevention of Allergies and
Asthma in Children”. Retrieved from: www.aaaai.
American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on
Nutrition, Kleinman, RE, (2013). Pediatric Nutrition
Handbook, (7th ed.). American Academy of
Pediatrics: Chicago, IL.
American Academy of Pediatrics Section on
Breastfeeding. (2012). Breastfeeding and the use
of human milk policy statement. Pediatrics, 129(3),
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2012). “Starting
Solid Foods”. Retrieved from: www.healthychildren.
Berkowitz, C.D. (2014). Berkowitz’s Pediatrics:
A Primary Care Approach (5th ed.). American
Academy of Pediatrics: Chicago, IL.
March of Dimes. (2015). “Starting your baby on
solid foods”. Retrieved from: www.marchofdimes.
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
(NAPNAP). (2013). Position statement on
breastfeeding, Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 27(1),
Karnei, R, Overby, K., Rudolph, A, (2002). Rudolph’s
Fundamentals of Pediatrics (3rd ed.). McGraw, Hill,
Appleton & Lange: Stamford, CT.
Sonneville, K. & Duggan, C. (2014). Manual of
Pediatric Nutrition (5th ed.). People’s Medical
Publishing House: Shelton, CT.
Weisenberger, J. (2015). “How to Make Homemade
Baby Food.” Retrieved from:
6 starting

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