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A bubble full of injustice and weeping.

As many know, the indigenous are a became their slaves because of their skin
people who originate from a region or color.
territory, where their religious and
cultural beliefs transcend through time. Since these times, the indigenous people
have suffered a great many situations and
In Colombia there are currently many only with the passage of time have they
indigenous groups in a diversified and been able to establish a small place both
relatively dispersed way in different in the constitution and in the Colombian
geographical areas such as Cauca, Guajira people.
and Chocó as the main territories;
although we can find minorities of these Some of the current indigenous
groups throughout the country. communities in Colombia are the
Achagua, Amorua, Andoke, Bara,
These ethnical groups have lived Coconuco, among many others.
thousands of not so good situations since
the discovery of Colombia in 1499 by These communities have great social
Christopher Columbus' companion; problems such as the situation of poverty,
Alfonso Ojeda, where Colombia would which differs from the displacement of
become Spanish property. their lands by armed groups in Colombia
and the oil companies located in the
From this time the Indians suffered a fertile areas where they could grow grains
period of slavery which lasted from the such as potatoes, yucca, rice, fruits,
15th century until 1851. This is because vegetables and coffee that help them
slaves of African origin died in war survive and feed their communities. On
defending their masters and the Indians many occasions these fertile lands were
only looted for cocaine cultivation and illicit
As a result, so many indigenous people
arrive in the cities in conditions of
poverty without housing, food and very
little of a dignified life.

The state disinformation for these ethnic

groups is abysmal since they do not count
with an inclusion of ethnic and cultural
respect; although they are included in the
political constitution the Colombian
government lacks to include them on a (Photo taken from RCN radio-August
sexual education for girls and women, to 2015- Indigenous people of Colombia)
respect their territories and not to let the So no matter how many peace treaties,
private sector take over their fertile lands. campaigns or government aid this is not
This includes an infinite number of going to change, because change depends
conditions with respect to the inhabitants not only on this but on all the people who
of each community, since they do not make up Colombia, so that we create a
have access to many rights, either because humanitarian country, worthy of social
of their clothing, language, culture, and cultural inclusion, where everyone
customs, and most of the time because of and not just a few have access to health,
the violence in the sector. study and a decent sex education.

And we cannot forget that due to these Not only should the indigenous people
facts a great massacre occurred in fight for their rights, but also all of us as a
October 2019 directed at the indigenous community and a Colombia worthy of
people of the department of Cauca where respect and solidarity.
a group of armed people without any
reason killed and raped the governors of
several indigenous communities.
Bibliography virtual/credencial-historia/numero-33/los-

Orozco Sepulveda,S. ( July 2017). The

current situation of the indigenous people in Anonymous, Bogota. (October 2019). Armed
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[ Colombia. The country. It is located in:
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RCN radio. (August 2015). This is the

situation of the indigenous communities in Anonymous. (2020). The colonization of
Colombia. It can be found at: Colombia. Don Quixote. Available at:
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Banco de la República, Colombia. All rights Gaxiola Carmen. Slavery in Colombia:

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