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SCR em Nore eae) te eC e| Class XI & XII CONTENTS JEE Syllabus Newton's Law of gravitation Gravitational Field and Intensity Variation of Acceleration Due to Gravity (g) Solved Problems Subjective Objective Exercise -1 Gravitational Potential Energy Gravitational Potential Binding Energy Escape Velocity Solved Problems Subjective Objective Exercise -2 Motion of Planets Motion of Satellites Kepler's Second Law Solved Problems Subjective Objective Exercise -3 Answers to Exercise Concepts and formula a glance Chapter Practice Problem Assignments Section-| Section-tI Answers to Chapter Practice Problem Answers to Assignments Srwbe&SmLNoOoOaan LL ra GRAVITATION hb) Universal law of gravitation, Gravitational field, Gravitational potential energy and Gravitational potential, Acceleration due to gravity, Motion of planets and ‘Satellites in circular orbit. re ee SAL Newlon's Law of Gravitation states that “Every particle inthe universe attracts every other partie with a force that is directly proportional to the product oftheir masses and inversely proportional t0 the square of the distance between them’, Consider two bodies A and B of masses m, and ms, my. ae attracting each other with forces Fag (force on A due to B) & ce and Fg, (force on B due to A), respectively. Then, Fg = - Fax where d is the distance between them. G is a universal constant known as Universal Gravitational constant, Its value was first measured by Cavendish and is now known to be: G = 6.6726 x 10" N-mZikg” If Fy FFs, are the gravitational forces acting on the particle A due to particles Ps, Pa, Pay oon respectively, then net gravitational force on a particle A due to particles Ps, Pa... Pnis given By: Fah +h toth, This is called principle of superposition. Important points > The gravitational force is an attractive force. > The gravitational force between two particles does not depend on the medium > The gravitational force between two particles is along the straigt line joining the particles (called line of centers). ustration 1; Three identical particles, each of mass m, are placed atthe three comers of an equilateral triangle of side ‘a’. Find the force exerted by this system on another particle of mass m placed at (a) the mid-point of a side (b) the centre of the triangle. Solution: (a) Using the principle of superposition Fa Fat fot Fe When the particle is placed at the mid point of a side (at P), Fy =- Fg, and they cancel each other. fA Hence, force experienced by the particle, F= Fy Gmm _ _Gm? (AP (asin6o*)? IF =1FAI= 4Gm? s = ‘SE (ana) c t+\e the net (b) If the particle is placed at the centre of the triangle, t! force on the particle P due to particles placed at the comers A,BandCwill be zero, Hence, F = F+ Fat F = 0 OE ML Canty BNE eae itatic enced by any other ‘The space around a body where the gravitational force exerted by it can be experienced by particle is known as the gravitational field of the body. The strength of this gravitational field is referred to as Intensity, and it varies from point o point. Consider the gravitational field of a particle of mass m located at the origin (O). Suppose that a test particle of mass mp is placed at the point P(x, y, z). The force of gravitational attraction exerted on the test particle is given by, Fo where the position vector OP r=OP=|OP|=|7] and the unit vector, #= £ The intensity of this gravitational field at a point (P) is given by the force per Unit mass on a test particle kept at P, i.e. F —=-2 my where E is the gravitational intensity and F, is the gravitational force acting on the mass mo, The gravitational field is, therefore, a vector field, ; The gravitational field at P due to a particle of mass m kept at the point O (origin) is given by eae ef { i} My Where f= xi+yj+zK represents the position vector of the point P with respect to the source at the origin and z represents the unit vector along the radial direction. J ; The superposition principle extends to gravitational field (intensities) as well } E=E,+E, +6) +-+6, where, &,, .... E, are the gravitational field intensities at @ point due to particles 1, 2, ... respectively. ae z ‘Megecoum Cogntions Pd. 57, Kal Sora Servoptva Vino New De 10017 vnyomegecouncognto TT egecee Copaion Atha TaN Tae a Beh 10017, eral enqatyOmegocommecpnmonees ‘ebite : wire ‘ PH-GRA. ae ss ional field For a continuously distributed mass, the formula changes to = dE, where d& = aaa intensity due to an elementary mass dm. The gravitational field of a ring on its axis {Let us consider a ring of mass M in the plane perpendicular to the Plane of the paper. We want to find the gravitational field on its axis ata distance x. Consider a differential length of the ring of mass dm. de = Sdm Zz The Y-components of the fields due to diametrically opposite elements cancel each other. Thus, the X-components add up. Gam Geos: GM GMx Field due to a uniform thin spherical shell Consider a thin spherical shell of radius ‘a’, mass M and of negligible thickness. Out of the spherical shell we consider a small ring of thickness (a 8). The shaded ring has mass dm = (M/2) sin @ d0. The field at P due to this ring is Gdm GM sinedécosa dB = Foose From AOAP, z= a? +1?— 2ar cos 0 or 22 dz = 2ar sin do or sin do =z da/ar Also, from AOAP, 24.2 a= 2° +7*— 22rcos a; cosa = Thus, ae =| 4ar or Casi We see that the shell may be treated as a point particle of the same mass placed at its centre to calculate the gravitational field at an external point. Case Il: inside the shell, r This result holds good for the earth also, ifit is assumed to be a uniform solid sphere. F, F, > AS by definition, g = -2 and also E =2 , so.g = E, i.e. acceleration due to gravity and gravitational m m intensity E at a point are synonymous. ‘solid sphere is moulded with density p; radius R and centre C;. Find the force experienced by a point mass m at point P at a distance y from the Mustration 2: On to a sphere of radius R/2 and density p2 with centre at Cp a second Pr y combination as shown. Gs) Solution: we consider that a sphere of radius R is placed with centre at C; of density p the force on the mass at P is (4/3)RR"pm (Rey IT we consider that a sphere of radius R/2 is placed with centre at C, of density p; the force on the mass at P is = G(4/3)(R/2)° p,m F,= G4/S)(R/2)'p,m (R/2+R+yy? towards the sphere. towards the sphere, ‘oly Ser Srvapriva Vina New Debi 10017, mol: enquryemegacermese \ebste: wiw.megacctmcogntions com CL TES IF we consider that @ sphere of radius R/2 is placed with centre at Cz of density pe the force on the mass at Pis ¢, = St4/3)R(R 2)! p,m (R/2+R+y)? By the principle of superposition F=Fy-Fo+Fa = 4 apm | Pr — (0-08 3 (Rey (GR/2)+yy URES ere (i) Due to altitude: Consider a mass m at a height h from the surface of the earth. Now, the force acting on the mass due 19 gravity is F = G ra F Where M is the mass of the earth and R is the radius of the earth. + If the acceleration due to gravity at the given height is g, then mg’ = G- wa : + Sela =9(1-2HR) (ifh < R) (Expanding binomially and neglecting the higher order terms), (ii) Due to depth: If a particle of mass m is kept at a depth ‘d’ from the surface of earth, then gravitational force exerted on the particle of mass ‘m’. : oa MH) Fe ean Ro) ‘where M’ = mass of earth within radius of (R - d) (iii) Due to rotation of the earth: Consider a body at a point with latitude 8, on the surface of the earth, Let R= radius of the earth and o = angular velocity of the earth about its ‘own axis, FB. of the body with respect to the earth frame is shown in the adjacent figure. g'=g- «Roose ‘Axis of rotation Sovoprive Vinar New Delhi -110017. EF bse www. ‘Megecowm Cogntions Pv. UG. 57, Kol So ‘enquryemegacormcognttonscom Problem 1: Solution: Problem 2: Solution: Problem 3: Solution: MagaceiGiaantoe located at the mass M, oigde ‘a. AL what revolve under the rce of attraction in a ps triangle while stil Three particles, each of , ree of an equilateral triangle of side speed must they move if they all influence of their gravitational circular orbit circumscribing the preserving the equilateral triangle? The magnitudes of gravitational field at distances r; and r2 from the centre of a uniform sphere of radius R and mass M are |; and le respectively. Find the ratio of (l/l) if (a) ry > Rand > Rand (b) << Rand 2 Rand |= Mr forr (P)an?? = Solution: aR [e p=M/(493)xR"] ‘A planet has twice the density of earth but the acceleration due to gravity on its surface is exactly the same as that on the suface of earth, Then, is radius in terms of the radius of earth (R) will be (A) Ri4 (8) 2 (C)R3 (0) RB (8) ‘We know that (for earth) GM_G [4 eels 4] Where d = mean density of earth. For the planet: S 4 oR x| =aR’ ey [e a Given that g = g' Gf4_o3 G 4 a3, sierra xo als" | eran 9 ‘On solving, we get R’ = (Ri2). Problem 2: The period of rotation of the earth so as to make any object weight-ess on its equator is Solution: (A) 84 min (8) 74 minutes (C) 64 minutes (0) 54 minutes (A) Put ge = 0, in the expression 90 = 90-0" or T=2n|o Q Putting r= 6.4 x 10°m ‘and go = 9.8 m/sec’, we obtain, T= 84 min om Copnions Pvt ld. 8. Kol Sora, Sorvapriva Vihar, New Delhi -110017, ‘webitle: www 10. the earth move towards the apple? Newton's apple fel towards the earth; didnt Ig he right? Is there any place on ear ‘Somebody says “I weigh less than what | exactly weld! where he can weigh exactly? Find the relation between the acceleration due fo araviy 9 ar the mean density p of earth in terms of G (the gravitational constant) and R, (the radius o z Bof 4 ‘Two small patcles of mass m each are placed at the vaio oe Be 4 right angle isosceles triangle. AB = find the gravil strength at C. c 8 Four particles of equal mass M move along a circle of radius R under the action of their mutual gravitational attraction. Find the speed of each particle. ‘Two massive particles of masses M and m (M> m) are separated by a distance ¢ They rotate ational attraction. What is the linear speed of the with equal angular velocity under their gravi particle of mass m? ‘The weight of a body at the centre of the earth is (A) zero (8) infinite (0) none of these (C) same as on the surface of earth Infrite number of bodies, each of mass 6 kg, are situated al distances 1'm, 2 m, 4 m, 8 m, ffom the origin on the y-axis. The resultant gravitaonal field intensity atthe origin is (8) 8G (A) 4G (C) 96 (0) 126 The value of acceleration due to gravity al a point P inside the earth and at another point Q outside the earth is g/2. (g being acceleration due to gravity at the surface of earth.) Maximum possible distance in terms of radius of earth R between P and Qis (28 (8) aR(v2+1) R a (0) 5 (22-1) 0) 5 (2v3+1) Two particles, each of equal mass M, go round a circle of radius R und ; 5 fer mutual gravitational attraction. The speed of each particle is the acon of her IGM v= oR pve | 1 — v= lem 1 (i CeorR v= ioe The radi of two planets are respective! ly Ry and Rp and the The ratio ofthe acceleration cue to gray a her surfaces nen ae (A) Qs : Ge = 55s = Ripe : Rep: eRe (B) 91 © G2 = Ripe: Reps (C) Qs : Ge = Ripe : Rep: (0) = Ripr : Rep: (C) gs: Ge = Ripa: Reps (O) gs: ge = Rip : Rope ‘Wegacosm Cogntions Pt Ud 57. 9grion Pi. Ud. 57, Kaly Sor Soveprva Vino New Del TOON webste: wu megacesmeogniiens com Change in gravitational potential energy nge ¥y of a system is defined as the -ve of the work done by the gravitational force as the configuration of the system is changed UU = Wy = [FF 4 ceca Potential energy of two point masses m, and m, as their separation is changed Let a particle of mass mj, be kept fixed at a point A and another particle of mass mz is taken from a point B to a point C. Initially the distance between the particles is AB = ry and finally it becomes AC = r2. We have to calculate the change in potential energy of the system of the two particles as the distance changes from r; tor, Consider a ae displacement when the distance between the particles changes from r to r + dr mun (force on m, due tom;) roi The work done by the gravitational force in the displacement is awe ST. Gi ‘The increase in potential energy of the two particles will be au = -ow = STM fi we Py Gm 2 du= [=e [uf U(p)-Uls) =6nim| If, at infinite separation, gravitational potential energy is assumed to be zero, then the gravitational potential energy of the above two point mass system at separation ris Gmym, Gravitational field around a material body can be described not only by gravitational intensity vector € but also by a scalar function, the gravitational potential V. The gravitational potential at any point may be defined as the potential energy per unit mass of a test mass placed at that point. v= U (where U is the gravitational potential energy of the test mass m.) m ‘Thus, if the reference point is taken a infinite distance, the potential al a point in the gravitational field is dave tothe amount of work done by the external agent per uit mass in bringing a test mass from infinite distance to that point. The expression for the potential is given by fear With the above definition, the gravitational potential due to a point mass M at a distance r from itis cM dr . If reference point is taken as infinity Tmegecorm Copnfons Fw 157 Kal Saal Sovapriva Vir New Debi 110017, Emo: enqutryé "website: wirw megacosmeognitons com Potential is a scalar quanti ravitational field of @ number 7 quantity. Therefore, at a point in the gi of parties, the resuan poten s respon am ofthe potentials du {0 al he particls ay masses m:, mz ..., mare at distances ry, Ff.» fu then potential at the given point is Ve of mm, eM... Kok 4b The field and the potential are related as, E = 2 Gravitational potential due to a shell () ata point outside the shell is: Me >R) (li) ata point on the surface of the shell is: “zr dr GM (il) at a point inside the shell is: a Gravitational potential (V) due to a uniform solid sphere _ R 0 : GM (i) Outside of the sphere at a cistance r from the centre, V = -—~ (il) Inside the sphere at a distance r from the centre, foun) -somer Mlustration 1: Two spherical bodies of masses 2M and M and of radii 3R and Solution: Note: 2 R, respectively, are held at a distance 16R from each other in free space. When they are released, they start approaching each other due to the gravitational force of attraction. Then, . find: (a) the ratio of their accelerations during their motion. —11rR—» (b) their velocities af the time of impact. (@) Due to the mutual attraction, the masses attract each other. If the accelerations are a; and a2, the net external force on the system = 0 => Boy = 0 = myay— mza = 0 a a m2 (0) Taking both the bodies as a system, from conserving momentum ofthe system, mvs = ‘Now, conserving the total mechanical energy, we have 1 tyy2_S(2M)M__G(2M)M (Mi + ove -S@uN Sia and solving it we get. eu [om ve = [SM and ve = 2{5M -_ aft The velocities and accelerations are w.r.. the inertial reference frame (i.e. the centre of mass of the system). Tmegor cosm Cognions Pd 57, Kal Sra Sovapta Vina New Dehi-Tioo1 Ear cnaayomegacornceponm "website : . one a Ce TR Mlustration 2: At a point above the surface oun oa of earth, the gravitational potential is 6.12 x 1 the acceleration due to gravity is 6.4 mis. Assuming the mean radius of the earth to be 6400 km, calculate the height ofthis point above the earth's surface. Solution: Let rbe the distance of the given point from the centre ofthe earth. Then, Gravitational potential = -2M = _ 5.12 x 10? Jtkg A) ‘and acceleration due to agin, Soy = 64 mis? nC) Dividing (1) by (2), we get 5.12x10 r aa = 8x10%m = 8000km Height of the point from earth's surface = r - R = 8000 - 6400 = 1600 km Binding energy of a system of two bodies is the amount of minimum energy needed to separate the bodies to a large distance. If two particles of masses m, and m, are separated by a distance r, then the gravitational potential energy cle oyalem ly len by a 2 ;parated by a distance r, then the gravit pot Gmym, A U = wali) Let T amount of energy is given to the system to separate the bodies by a large distance. When the bodies are separated by a large distance, gravitational potential energy of the system is zero. For minimum T, conserving energy for initial and final positions, T+U=0 Gmim, r Hence, binding energy of a system of two particles separated by a distance r is equal to => Tt 0 of T= Gmm, 7 M2 where m; and m; are the masses of the particles. Escape velocity on the surface of earth is the minimum velocity given to a body to make it free from the gravitational field, ie. it can reach an infinite distance from the earth. Let vs be the escape velocity of the body on the surface of earth and the mass of the body to be projected bbe m. Now, conserving energy at the surface of the earth and infinity, 1) GMm GM mv =0> Ilustration 3: The mass of Jupiter is 318 times that of earth, and its radius is 11.2 times the earth's radius. Estimate the escape velocity of a body from Jupiter's surface. [Given: The escape velocity from the earth's surface is 11.2 km/s.] Solution: Hence, Mj = 318 M,; Ry = 11.2 Re; Ve = 11.2 km/s “Magacoim Copniions Pid 57, Kal Sarl, Sarvopiva Vir, New Del -110017, Email: enquky@megac ‘webse: wi nO wie FR Ee Ce We know, Ms 1 2 21123 112, ' F = 59,7 km/s Mlustration 4: Find the escape speed from a point at a height of R/2 above the surface of earth, ‘Assuming mass of earth as M and its radius as R. Solution: Conserving mechanical energy of a point mass m which is to escape, and earth system we have, Gn at (R+R/2) "2 acm = ve 3R SOLVED PROBLEM: Lee ie a a Problem 1: There are two fixed heavy masses of magnitude M of high density on x-axis at (4, 0, 0) and (-d, 0, 0), A small mass m moves in a circle of radius R about origin in the y- Z plane between the heavy masses. Find the speed of the small particle. Solution: Force of attraction between M and mis = _GMm Rad By symmetry F, components will cancel The net force, which provides the centripetal force, is given by GMm R__4, _GMm 2F,=2. Red) Ra)" RR aT my? GMm =| 2GMR?_)'? RO Re or leeeal Problem 2; Whats the gravitational potential energy of a particle of mass m kept at a distance x from the centre of a disc of mass M on its axis? The radius of the disc is R. Solution: The gravitational potential ofthe differential ring at position Pis given as £ dv= -oM ° r > oly Sarai Sarvapriya Vihar, New Debi -110017, Emal : enquryamegacormeagnlons com webste: wien megacormesgniions com 2Mrdr where aM = Maer = BE R & rea > avec (ES) Ma => The potential due to the entire disc at the point P is given as v= lays 20M} Ri avr ex? = -OM}_a Rae bet, P+ x? =? = 2rd = at 2. Ve GM 2d _ 26M Rat Rg = 2M ex] The gravitational potential energy of the system Mm fase 26H (VRP + -x) Problem 3: Distance between the centres of two rings is a. The “ masses of these rings are M and 4M. A body of mass m is “(@ . ( U=mv= fired straight from the centre of the heavier ring. What should be its minimum initial speed to cross the centre of lighter ring? The radius of the both ring is R. (Assume a>>R). Solution: Let O be the point along 0,0, so that gravitational field intensities due to both the rings balance each other. OO; = x G(aN)x GM( (+R) [eer] 4M E a>>Rax>R 4cm_ GM 4 44 x (a-x) x (a-xF = 2a-2x=x=>x=2al3 Now from conservation of energy between the point ; and O -G(4M)m_ Gm, 1 Ro (Ray 2 G(4M)m GM Wee Re a(a—xy -G(4M) 5 2S(4)m_ Gum mm? -G(4M)m_ Gam x (a-x) 4GMm_GMm 1,2 __4GMm_GMm [0 7 as) a 4 t= -8GMm_3GMm_ GMm | 4GMm sms en ee — 2 aoa a 4 .2_--8GMm , 4GMm _ Gr4ml 2 4] grr ei cl aR v= 22 |OM Problem 1: — Three particles, each of mass m, are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle of Solution: side d. The potential energy of the system is 3Gm? Gm? Oa a= (c) cu (D) none of these d (c) a For the system of two particles, gravitational energy is given as Urz + Uns + Ust 2 or eae [-ve sign indicates that the particles are bounded by their ‘mutual gravitational field) Problem 2: — The minimum energy required to remove a body of mass m from earth's surface to far Solution: away is equal to (A) 2mgR. (8)mgR (C)-mgR (0) zero (8) The potential energy of the body on the surface of earth, U, = The potential energy of the body at infinity, Up = 0 = AU =U,-U; = GMm _ mgR (:9-$#) R ea Problem 3: The gravitational field due to a mass distribution at positon x is given by | = (Ak) in X- Solution: direction, The gravitational potential at position x is equal to (A) “Ax, (8) -A2x" (C) +Ax’ (D) A/2x* (0) S86 jacoum Cognons Ud. $7 Kab Saal Savoptva Via, Hew Dehi-TIODI7. Ena enquryemegocemeopeom com webste: wir os ‘The potential at a distance x is re ra a CT 1. Does the escape velocity of a bod Jy from the earth depend upon (@) the mass of the body, and (b) the direction of projection? 2, The masses and radii of earth and moon are My, Ry and Ma, Ra, respectively. Thelr centres are at a distance d apart. Find the minimum speed with which a particle of mass m should be projected from a point midway between the two centres so as to escape to infinity. Vax) 3. Two small bodies of masses 10 kg and 20 kg are kept a distance 1.0 m apart and released. Assuming that only mutual gravitational forces are acting, find the speeds of the particles when the separation decreases to 0.5 m. 4. body of mass m is taken to a height KR from the surface of the earth very slowly, R being the radius of the earth. Find the change in gravitational potential energy in this process. [Take me the mass of earth,] 5, A body starts from rest from a point at a distance ro(>R.) from the centre of earth. It reaches the surface of earth. What is the velocity acquired by the body? 6 Asspace vehicle of mass m is in a circular orbit of radius 2R, about the earth (mass m.). What is the work done by an extemal agent to transfer it to an orbit of radius 4R,? 7, Three stars each of mass M and radius R are initially at rest and the distance between centres of any two stars is d and they form an equilateral triangle. They start moving towards the centroid due to mutual force of attraction. What are the velocities of the stars just before the collision? Radius of each star is R. 8. (i) What will be the escape velocity of a body if itis projected at an angle of 45° to the horizontal? (ii) Why are the lighter gases rare on the surface of earth? (ii) If a projectile is fired straight up from the earth's surface, what will happen if the total mechanical energy is (a) less than zero, and (b) greater than zero? [Ignore the air resistance and effects of other heavenly bodies.) 9. A particle of mass m; lies inside a spherical shell of mass mz and radius R at a distance r from the centre. The gravitational potential energy of the system is Gmm, p) STM Osx, ®-—=R Gmm, Gmymn, (C) +2 (D) +—_2 Oe Oltar 40. If the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the earth is g, the work done in slowly lifting a body of mass m from the earth's surface to a height R equal to the radius of the earth is (A) mgR/2 (8) 2mgR (C)mgR (D) mgri4 “negecosm Cognllon Fv ld. 57. KON Sor Sarvapria Vihar, New Deb\ 110017 mal: engury@megacosmeognions com ‘webille : 11. A person brings a mass of 1 kg from infinity to a point A. Initially the mass was at rest but it moves at a speed of 2 m/s as it reaches A. The work done by the person on the mass is ~2J. The potential at Ais (A) -2.Jhkg (8) -2Jhkg (C) -4 Jikg (D) none of these One of the greatest ideas proposed in human history is the fact that the earth is a planet, among the other planets, that orbits the sun. The precise determination of these planetary orbits was carried out by Johannes Kepler, using the data compiled by his teacher, the astronomer Tycho Brahe. Johannes Kepler discovered three empirical laws by using the data on planetary motion. 41, Each planet moves in an eliptical orbit, withthe sun at one of foci of the ellipse. 2. Aline from the sun to a given planet sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time. 3, The square of the periods of the planets are proportional to cube of their mean distance (or semi- major axis) from the sun. These laws go by the name ‘Kepler's laws of planetary motion’. It was in order to explain the origin of these laws, among other phenomena, that Newton proposed the theory of gravitation. Ii our discussion, we are not going to derive the complete laws of planetary motion from Newton's law of gravitation. Since most ofthe planets actually revolve in near circular orbits, we're going fo assume that the planets revolve in circular orbits, Consider a planet of mass m rotating around the sun (mass M>m) ina circular orbit . of radius r with velocity v. Then, by applying Newton's law of gravitation and the P second law of motion, we can write Gravitational force = mass x centripetal acceleration ie eu) =m (5) (1) (2) r AAs the moment of the gravitational force about $ is zero, the angular momentum of the planet about the ‘sun remains constant. This is the meaning of Kepler's 2™ law of motion, as will be shown later. The time petiod of rotation, T, of the planet around the sun is given by, ae eee or, v 7 = Y 3) v VGM/r JGM 8) an Se both sides, T?=) | (3 . quaring both sides, (Gr (4) which is Kepler's 3° law of motion. Note: The constant of proportionality in the above equation depends only on the mass ofthe sun (M) but not on the mass of the planet. Kepler's Laws are also valid for the motion of satellites around the earth, Here we discuss the motion of artificial earth satellites which moves in circular orbits. Orbital Speed ‘Suppose that the speed of an artificial earth satellite in its orbit of radius r be vo. The satellite accelerates towards the centre of earth due to the earth's gravitational pull on r ‘Megacosm Cognions Pt. 57, Kal Sere, Srvaptiva Vb, New Defi 110017, Emel: enqury€ webste : www = GMm = (eae Ve mvs. GMm 1 iE v= tn eo = w= {M ” cM Putting “Fr = 9 (acceleration due to gravity atthe orbit), we obtain, > we vor (2) ‘When it orbits at an altitude h, putting r= (R+h) : = {SM _. | oR. Rie nimy 7 Yerrnimy (e729 acceleration cue to gravity at the earth-surface If the height is very small compared to the radius of the earth, then (ie., h« R) v= yor ‘Angular Speed ‘The angular speed = 7 Putting vo= SM we obtain ei. [am P. ViR+hy Time Period of Revolution ‘The period of revolution, T= 2% o Putting Potential Energy ‘The gravitational potential energy of interaction of any two masses m: and m, Kept at a separation ris given by: st the satellite is bounded by earth's (planet's) gravitation. Instead of saying =ve sign indicates that gravitational potential energy of the system, we can say potential energy ofthe satelite forthe Sake of simplicity, ‘Magacos Kinetic Energy We know that the KE of a particle is equal to 1/2 mv*. Therefore, KE of a satelite in the orbit can be given eM em’ a8 KE= 1 mv, puting v= (SM, wo oben, KE= 12m | |= ke = SMm a Total Energy oe : The total mechanical energy of the satelite is equal to the sum of its potential and kinetic energids, => TE=PE+KE; putting the obtained values of PE and KE ofthe satellite we obtain, GMm GMm GMm TE — = Te=-—— ( t ) : ( 2 ) = 2 Since, the total energy is negative, the satelite is bound by earth's gravitational field. Angular Momentum The angular momentum of an earth satelite is given by L= mur, Putting vo = eu we obtain, L = m( VGMr ). Points to Remember {a) The KE of the satelite is equal in magnitude to its total energy and haif of its potential energy. (b) If we want to remove the satelite from its orbit to infinity we have to impart an additional energy equal to its total energy, that is sn, to increase its total energy to zero. (0) If the time period of the satellite is 24 hrs rotating in the same sense as the rotation of the earth and the plane of the orbit is at right angle to the polar axis of the planet (earth), then the satellite will always be above a certain place of the earth. This kind of a satellite is called geostationary satellite Mlustration 1: An artificial satellite of mass 100 kg is in circular orbit at 500 km above the earth's surface. Take the radius of the earth as 6.5 x 10° m. (a) Find the acceleration due to gravity at any point on the satellite path. (b) What is the centripetal acceleration ofthe satellite? Solution: Here, h = 500 km=0.5x 10°'m R=65x 10m r=R+h=65x 10° +0.5x 10° =7.0x 10°m 2 2 ae R_Y _g{6.5x10® 2 (a) g (55) 0920) 8.45 mis’ 2 (b) Centripetal force on the satellite, F= r Gl mor. Gi Centripetal acceleration, a = R? . PR = 8.45 m/s? ‘Megacosm Cogntons Pr (Gy Seal. Sarvapiya Vihar, New Del -110017, Emall:enqury@megacosmeognlions com ‘webste: ww Conake 2 planet P that moves in an elliptical orbit around the sun, anc and P’ be the positions of the planet at time t and t + at (where At is a very small time interval). f the angular displacement of the planet is 49, then the area : rd sun (SP) rare S29 out by the ine jing the planet A= area of the section SPP’ fa = 517-48; where r= the length SP. The areal velocity, = 4A. 2780 _ 1 Areal velocity = at at 2 oA A am (8) This is the expression for the angular momentum ofthe planet, L=lo=mro =me (2 =mr (2) Perpendicular to the plane of its orbit. The torque on the planet is zero, (7) (3 Hence, the angular momentum of the planet does not vary, i. the areal velocity of the planet remains constant. At its aphelion (farthest point from the sun, r is large), the planet moves slowly and at its perihelion (nearest point from the sun, r is small) the planet moves fastest. Mlustration 2: Solution: Mustration 3: Solution: "Megacorm Cognos Pi. Ud. Calculate the mass of the Sun from the following data; distance between the Sun and the Earth = 1.49 x 10''m, G = 6.67 x 10""' SI units and one year = 365 days. Force of attraction between the sun and the earth = ote fe Considering the orbit of the earth as nearly circular, the centripetal force acting on the earth is me dsew”. = me dse a? = GTSME Ge Be 0? _ Arid ms= Adee G GT 4x(3.14 x(149x10")) a 0 =, = 1.97 « 10 Ig 6.67 x10" x(365x 24x 60x60) A Saturn year is 29.5 times the earth year. How far is saturn from the sun (M) if the earth is 1.5.x 10° km away from the sun? itis given that Ts = 29.5 Te: Ry = 1.5% 10"'m Now, according to Kepler's third law B_R oR CE Ree a3)" 4.5% 10" nes)" = 1.43 x 10 m = 1.43 x 10° km Mlustration 4: A planet of mass m moves an ellipse around the sun so that its maximum ang inhun stances fron tho sor cesar! © Rod. respectively. Find the angular ‘Momentum of this planet relative to the centre of the sun. Solution: According to Kepler's second law, the angular ‘momentum of the planet is constant. L 2. MAR mvs oF VIR = vot Os 7 If the mass of the Sun is M, conserving total * mechanical energy of the system at two given ' Positions we have, yz -2GMIR yr? _ 2GMr RARE) RIR=r) Now, srcter mamaria © rm = m Problem 1: An artificial satelite is moving in a circular orbit around the earth with @ speed equal to half the magnitude of escape velocity from the earth (2) Determine the height of the satelite above the earth's surface. (0) Ifthe satelite is stopped suddenly in its orbit and allowed to fall freely onto the earth, find the speed with which it hits the surface of the earth. (g = 10 m/s’ and Re = 6400 km.) Solution: (a) We know that for satelite motion [om 9 GM = {SM -r{ 9 jasg= SM and rors v e en) S97 Ge and r= Reh) In this problem wes = SNR 2, So, Fo JaR, ie. 2R=h+ Rorh= R= 6400 km (b) By conservation of ME, (_GMm [as r=R+h=R+R=2R] ‘Srmmnnnagacann Coprion Pi Ud #7 Kou Sael lavopte hor Nee Den TNT ‘nol enquryerepaccomcopnmonncom ese: wirw megacosmeogntions com Solution: Problem 3: Solution: Problem 4: Solution: [en oO v= (OE. aR - ocean? = &kmis. Two satellites of same mass are launched in the same orbit around the earth 80 that they Totate opposite to each other. If they collide in-elastically, obtain the total energy of the system before and just after the collision. Describe the subsequent motion of the wreckage, Potential energy of the satellite in its orbit ‘where m is mass of satellite, M the mass of the earth and r the orbital radius. Total energy of one satellite = K.E. +P.E, = Sym _ Guin Sun __GMm r For two satellites, total energy Let v’be the velocity after collision, By conservation of momentum mi,+mv,=0=(m+m\' => v=0 The wreckage of mass (2m) has no kinetic energy, butit has only potential energy. So, -GM(2m) r energy after collision = The wreckage falls down under gravity. A satellite of mass 2 x 10° kg has to be shifted from an orbit of radius 2R to another orbit of radius 3R, where R is the radius of earth. Calculate the minimum energy required. [R = 6400 km and g = 10 m/s”) Total mechanical energy of a satellite in a circular orbit of radius r 12 Two satellites A and B, of equal mass, move in the equatorial plane of earth close to the earth's surface. Satellite A moves in the same direction as that of the rotation of the earth while satellite B moves in the opposite direction. Determine the ratio of the kinetic energy of B to that of A in the reference frame fixed to earth. The orbital speed of a satellite very close to earth = Vo = aw - Jar "Megacosm Cogntions Pvt, 67, Kaw Sarl, Srvapriya Vika, New Delhi -110017, émall: enqury@megacotmcogntions. com webste : ww Positive and negative signs are for the satellites orbiting form east to west and west to east respectively because earth rotates from west to east KE, Problem 5: With what speed vo should a body be projected as shown in the figure, with respect to a planet of mass M so that it would just be able to graze the planet and escape ? Them radius of the planet is R. (Assume that the —o... planet is fixed). aw Solution: By conservation of angular momentum we obtain mod = mvr = ve Mo Aydin) mr By conservation of energy at A and B, we have J iyys-—GMm__12_GMm 20" Wed r When r= R we obtain, 1, _GMm__1_ vid? GMm simy; - GM. 1 veo! _ GMm 2" RR ‘Megocosm Cognions Ft, 7, oly Sarl Sarvoptva Vr New Deh-110017 Enel enguryamepecoumecpolonreen websle www megacotmcogni Solution: Problem 2: Solution: ‘A body of mass m sta hollow planet of Of the planet th we ins approaching from far away towards the centre of a hypothetical mass M and radius R. The speed of the body when it passes the centre ough its diametrical hole is R ® Ae (C)zer0 (0) none of these (B) At infinity, before rin’ fol energy ofthe body is zero. Therefore, the total energy ofthe body just i ing the planet P will be zero according to the conservation of energy. Es Since the force imparted on a particle inside a spherical shell is zero, therefore the velocity of the particle inside the spherical shell remains constant. Therefore, the body fe ‘The energy required to shift a satelite from orbital radius r to orbital radius 2r is E. What energy will be required to shift the satellite from orbital radius 2r to orbital radius 3r? asses the centre of the planet with same speed E JE ®> E E Or 7 (Cc) Energy required to shift the satellite from orbital radius r to orbital radius 2r, “fal ‘Megocosm Cognifon Pvt Lid. 57 KoW Sara Sarvapriya Vitar, New Oehi 110017, Emall enquly@megacosmeogntions com websle: wrwsmegacosmcogntions com ss Problem 3: A satelite goes along an eliptical path around earth. The rate of change of arc length swept by the satellite is proportional to: (Ar. (yr (cy? (Or Solution: (D) A 19 = constant=k at 2 1 a(t) =k = 5Hlr0) = w=2k => va (ti) Problem 4: Imagine a light planet revolving around a very massive star in a circular orbit of radius R with a period of revolution T, If the gravitational force of attraction between the planet and the star is proportional to R®%, then T” is proportional to: (A)Re (8) RY (R” (0) R° Solution: (B) 1, Is itnecessary for the plane of a satelite motion to pass through the centre of the earth? 2. A Satellite is orbiting around earth. The centripetal force on the satellite is F. The gravitational force of earth on the satellite is also F. What is the net force on the satellite? 3. If a graph is plotted between T? and r° for a planet, then what will be the value of the slope of the graph? (Letters have usual meanings.) 4, Two satellites A and B revolve around a planet in coplanar circular orbit in the same direction with Period of revolutions 1 hour and 8 hours respectively. The radius of satelite A is 10* km then find the angular speed of 'B' with respect to A? 5. The radius of a planet is R; and a satelite revolves round it in a circle of radius Rp. The time * period of revolution is T. Find the acceleration due to the gravitation of the planet at its surface. 6. An artificial satelite, moving in a circular orbit around the earth, has a total energy (KE. + PE.) E,. Find its potential energy. 7. Two satellites are orbiting around the earth in circular orbits of same radii. One of them is 10 times greater in mass than the other. Their periods of revolution are in the ratio (A) 100:1 (B) 1:100 (C) 10:1 (0) 1:1. ‘Megacosm Cogntions Pv. td. 57. Kalu Saal Sarvaptva Vike, New Delh-110017 Emol enqueyémegacosmcognlions com website: www ‘An earth satelite is moving round the earth in a crcular orbit. For such a satelite, which of the following statement is wrong? (A) Itis a freely faling body. (8) Itis moving with a constant speed. (C) Its acceleration is zero. (0) Its angular momentum remains constant A Satelite of mass m is orbiting the earth in a circular path of radius r with velocity v. How much nergy is required to take the satelite from an orbit of radius r to 3r ? (M = mass of earth) 26m GMm Cas Os Mm Mm (cy Sim Y : On Two satellites of masses m; and m,(m, > m2) are revolving around the earth in a circular orbit of ta ‘and ra(r, > 2) respectively. Which of the following statements is true regarding their speed vy and v2? (A) = v2 (B)v4> ve (C) nR) P (ii) On the surface of the shell is : V = a F (ii) Inside the shell V = m Potential due to the solid sphere (i) Outside the shel: v = -S™! r 2 (i) Inside the shell: V = He } R (2 6 cM R (ii) On the surface: V = Potential due to a thin ring at a distance x. Gravitational potential energy of interaction of a system of two particles of masses m, and m, separated by a distance r Gmm, r us- GM Field created by a point mass M at a distance r from the particle is |E |= r A particle of mass m in a gravitation field E, experiences a force equal to F = mE, Field at a distance x due to a circular ring, E, cd [Re vey Gravitational field due to a spherical shell ™ GM E, = xR) e Eq= zero (x R (8) hoa i'r, >R (0) None of these ‘Negacoim Copnors Pt Ud 57 ol Sal Savopiva V yeres ra savapiya or, New Oehy 1007 en peo ‘website: : oe . Mf Tne Setlites A and B go round a planet in circular obits having ral 4 R and R respectively the speed of satelite A is 3V, the speed of satelite B will be (a)12v (ev (cyavia (0) 3vi2 The distance from the surface of th t to gravity is the same earth at which the acceleration due to 9 below and above the surface of the earth, (A) (V5+4)R, (0) (v5-1)R, An artificial satelite moving in a circular orbit around the earth has a total (Kinetic + potential) energy Eo. Its potential energy ee (A)~ Eo (B) 1.5 oo ()E Two identical particles each of mass M and distance d apart are released from rest and can move forward to each other under the influence of their mutual gravitation forces. Speed of each Particle, when the separation reduces to half of intial value equals (a) & 8) a [om c) [SM (Cc) 2d (D) none of these Tid. 57 Kalu Saal Servapriva Vibe, New DelN-110017 Emal enqukyémegacosmcognlions com ‘webstle: wrw SECTION-I PART-A 1. 10. Can an artificial satelite be put into orbit in such a way that it will always remain directly over New Delhi? How much quicker than at present must the earth revolve on its axis to make bodies at the equator experience weightlessness? What will be the duration of day then? How will weight of a body change at a height equal to earth's radius? The gravitational field in a region is given by E=(2i +3]) N/kg. Show that no work is done by the gravitational field when a particle is moved on the line 3y + 2x = 5. ‘A body is weighed by a spring balance to be 1.000 kg at the north pole. How much will it weigh at the equator? Account for the earth's rotation only. Find the gravitational force of attraction between a particle of mass m and a uniform slender rod ‘of mass M and length L for the two orientations shown in the figure below. ‘Two bodies of masses m; and m2 are connected by a long inextensible cord of length L. The combination is allowed to fall freely towards the earth (mass m,), the direction of the cord being always radial as shown in the figure. Find: (a) the tension in the cord and (b) the accelerations of m; and mz. Does the cord ever become slack? (ignore the gravitational interaction between m; and m2) Earth A body is thrown up (radially outward from the surface of the earth) with a velocity equal to one- fourth of the escape velocity. Find the maximum height reached from the surface of the earth. (Radius of earth is R.) A satelite is put in an orbit just above the earth's atmosphere with a velocity 1.5 times the velocity for a circular orbit at that height. The initial velocity imported is horizontal. What would be the maximum distance of the satellite from the surface of the earth when it is in the orbit? Two concentric shells of masses M; and M, are situated as shown in . Figure. Find the force on a particle of mass m when the particle is located at (a)r=a (b)r=band (c)r=c. Ko A The distance r is measured from the centre of the shell QO Given that OA = a, OB = b, OC =c ‘Megacosm Cognitns Pvt. id, $7, Kaly Saal, Sarvapiya Vihar, New Debi-110017, Emal: enquryemegacosmeognifons com website: www rm reer 1e body, (b) the 11. Does the 'e Scape speed of a body from the earth depend on: (a) the mass of th body, ion location from where itis i ae projected, (c) the direction of projection, and (d) the heig from where the body is launched? Explain your answer year speed, 12 Aa ‘ome orbits the sun in highly elliptical orbit. Does the comet have a constant (a) lines’ So (©) angular speed, (c) angular momentum, and (d) kinetic energy when it comes very ¢ 13. The gravitational potential at an intemal point inside solid sphere is known 10 cM bel, = > (38° ~). Find the magnitude of gravitational field at that point 1e work done by an 14. The gravitational field in a region is given by E = (10 N/kg)(i + 2) + 3K) . Find th 0, 0) to a point external agent to slowly shit tO = (0, Patan ane eee. ft a particle of mass 3 kg from the point O = (| 16M 18. The centres of two stars of masses M and 16M of radii R and 2R are separated by a distance of 10k. _-™ Draw a graph between gravitational potential (V) and the distance (r) from the centre of the smaller star along the line joining their centres for R ] PART-B. OBJECTIVE (MULTI CHOICE SINGLE CORRECT) 1. Dimensional formula of ’ is (a) MST? (8) MT? (cm "LT? (oyM'?rt 2. The ratio of the radius of earth to that of the moon is 10. The ratio of the acceleration due to gravity on the earth to that on the moon is 6. The ratio of the escape velocity from the earth's surface to that from the moon will be (a4 (B)6 (C)7.75 (0) 12 3. The earth revolves round the sun in an elliptical orbit. Its speed (A) goes on decreasing continuously (8) is greatest when itis closest to the sun {C) is greatest when it is farthest from the sun (D) is constant at all the points on the orbit 4. Anearth satelite has a mass M and angular momentum L.. ts areal velocity is given by (A) (LIM) mis (B) (2L/M) m/s (C) (Li2M) m/s (D) (L/2M) mis 5. Let Vand E be the gravitational potential and gravitational field at a distance r from the centre of a uniform spherical shell. Consider the following two statements: (a) The plot of V against ris discontinuous, and_(b) The plot of E against ris discontinuous. Now, select the correct option from the following (A) Both (a) and (b) are correct. (8) (a) is correct but (b) is incorrect. (C) (b) is correct but (a) is incorrect. {D) Both (a) and (b) are incorrect. Seam Copntions Pv ld. 87 Kal Sarl Sarvopiya Vitor, New Deh -11007, Ema: enquryémegacarmcogniions. com Mega webslle: www IE 6 7. 8. 9. 10, 1". 12. 13, 14, 15. If a body is projected with a speed less than the escape velocity, (A) it must reach a certain height and may fall down following a straight path (6) it must reach a certain height and may fall down following a parabolic path (C) it may orbit the earth in a circular or elliptical orbit (0) it must orbit the earth in a circular orbit If the radius of the earth shrinks by 1%, its mass remaining same, the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth will (A) decrease by 2% (8) decrease by 0.5% (C) increase by 2% (0) increase by 0.5% A satellite is launched into a circular orbit of radius R around the earth. A second satellite is launched into an orbit of radius 1.01R. The time period of the second satellite is larger than that of the first one by approximately (A) 0.5% (8) 1.5% (C) 1% (0) 3.0% The time period of revolution of a satelite T. The kintceneray of the satellite is proportional to (A) T (8) (c) T (oT? A double star is a system of two stars (say having masses m, and m,) moving around the centre of inertia of the system due to gravitation, Then, ratio of sweeps of area of star of mass m; to the star of mass m2 is (A) my/me (8) mam, (C)m}/m3, (0) m3 /m? Ris the radius of earth, w is its angular velocity and gp is the value of g at poles. The effective value of g at the latitude 2 = 60° will be equal to (A) gp ~ Ro? (8) gp ~$Ro? (C) g -Ro* (D) go + ro? When a body is taken from equator to the poles, its weight (A) remains the same (B) increases (C) decreases (0) increases at north pole and decreases at south pole ‘A planet has twice the density of earth but the acceleration due to gravity on its surface is exactly the same as on the surface of the earth. Its radius in terms of radius of the earth R will be. (A) Ria (8) RI2 (C) RS (0) R8 If satellite be rotating about a planet, which of the following is true? [U = Potential energy of planet satellite system, K = kinetic energy of satellite, T= Total Mechanical energy) (B)K=|T|=]2U| (0) K= |T=|1/2U| A person sitting in a chair in a satelite feels weightless because (A) the earth does not attract the object in a satellite (8) the normal force by the chair on the person balances the earth (C) the normal force is zero eat (D) the person in satelite is not accelerated. Megacosm Cogntons Pt. Utd, $7, Kalu Sac, Srvaptiva Vir. New Deh-T10017, Emo: enqulyamegacormeopalionrcom ‘webail: www contre of earth, ‘at centre and ‘same m Fane in crulr ors have rovokdin satelite jg (A) tne al ae fat" Crs have pred of revlon 32 ay and cate (is taatsonem tne scme re tan {G) Radius of th ogee oe econ ae Test (ace ae seg a ae a % Gertalona ts ue os pent mas to central field . (C) an inverce sauare fig Beers ene 4 Two sataine 4 a LA an agente TN he crt ite Tae ES tot (A) spe6d ofA and 8 are o _ (©) kinetic energy or ore ogee! ot (2) kinetic energy ae equal he ine MME 2)" ape pete ag Taya ihe following statements islare comect2 cine {B) When a tun o3n9 tom Earth o Moon vil experience weightlessness once iniform spherical shell ‘gradually shrinks maintaining its shape, the gravitational (c) Penta atthe contre ners In the case of spherical shel the pot o (0) In the case of spherical shell eyo Pte ntial versus distance from centre is continuous, | shell, the plot of gr Centre is continuous. avitational field intensity | versus distance from ‘A body is thrown from the surtace of earth with Velocity |S at some angle from the vertical. If tne maximum height reach byte bays Se. then chose he caret opto) = Radu of earth) J 5 (A) the andl of projection om the vertzalissr( <5 tly (8) the velocity of the body at maximum height is (mesa isn ton ere a8) (D) the velocity of the body at maximum height is zero. NUMERICAL BASED TYPE 1 Find the ratio of the kinetic energy rex gravitational field to the KE required to b above earth's atmosphere. quired to be given to the satelite to escape earth's € given so that the satellite moves in a circular orbit just 2. A mass equal to the mass of the earth is to be comy escape velocity from its surface is 3 x 10° mis. mm?(take GMe = 40.5 x 10"? Nm?kg") pressed in a sphere in such a way that the What should: be the radius of the sphere in im Cogntons Pv. Us, 57, Kol ‘Savopriva Var, New Detl-11017, enol enqukyemegacormcagntionn com Wwebsie worw megacosmecgnions com NUMERICAL BASED DECIMAL TYPE A solid sphere of mass M and radius R is fixed in free space, the particle is released from the surface of sphere which is initially in rest ‘as shown in the figure and surface of tunnel is frictionless. The velocity of particle when it comes at point P in the tunnel is \K a mis. Find the value of K 2. Assuming the Earth to be a sphere of uniform mass density. How much would a body weigh (in newton) half way down to the centre of the Earth if it weighed 250 N on the surface? LINKED COMPREHENSION TYPE i} Artificial satellites orbiting the earth are a familiar fact of contemporary life. They have a wide area of application, ranging from communication to weather forecast. So, study of artificial satellites is very important. The questions we would like to probe are how do they stay in orbits and what determines the properties of their orbits. Launching a satellite is similar to the projection of a projectile from a height. The satellites are carried by rocket to the pre calculated height and is projected with a definite velocity. The satellite then comes under the effect of gravity which provides the centripetal force for the satelite to be in its orbit The figure shows the trajectories of the orbits of satellites launched from a height h with different initial velocities. Velocities increase from (1) to (6). Trajectories (1) to (4) are closed orbits whereas (5) and (6) are open orbits. Trajectory (3) is the simplest case. We would deal only with the circular trajectories. The only force acting ona / satellite is the earth's gravitational force. We can find out the velocity of | Projection for circular orbit frame. (1) . Where h is the height at which 2a(R The time period of a satelite for a circular orbit is given by T = 2%(R*h) v the satellite is placed and v its velocity, The mechanical energy E of the satellite always remains constant (since the satellite's mass is much smaller than earth's mass. We assign U, K and E to represent potential energy, kinetic energy, and total energy, respectively, for the earth-satellte system.) The potential energy of the system is given by a yu. en 2) r Aye and K=5mv’ 8) 's0, the total mechanical energy is given by E-K+U= (4) where r= R+h With the above theory, we can calculate the energies and time periods of satellites, For all calculations in the questions given below take radius of earth Re = 6400 km, mass of earth 98 « 10 kg, (24 hours)” = 1954 sec ‘Cognton Pv Ud 57 Kol Seal Savapiya Vor New Deh T1017 Encl enmananenseerneseon can website www megacosmcognitions com “s im PH-GRA-37 1 Satelites move in closed orbits which means that « the magnitude of potential eneray is always greater than that of kinetic energy % pe pre ara of potential energy is always equal to that of kinetic energy {0) the manritaa2S of Potential energy and total energy are equal '© Maghitudes of kinetic energy and the total energy are never equal 2A aall of mass 7.2 kg is launched from the earth's surface to a circular orbit at a height of 360 km aon |n doing so, what is the change in mechanical energy of the ball? ) (8)317 WJ (C) 213 MJ ae 3. A satelite is orbiting close to the surface of earth. Then, its time period is R 0 anf oe 9 (8) ano R ©) an (0) 25 ay) Weight of a body depends directly upon acceleration due to gravity g. Value of g depends upon many factors. It depends upon the shape of earth, rotation of earth etc. Weight of a body at a pole is more than that at a place on equator because g is maximum at poles and minimum on equator. Acceleration due to gravity g varies with latitude 2, as per relation given below: Qu = 9 - Ru*cos’h where R is radius of earth and w is angular velocity of earth. A body of mass m weighs W, in a train at rest. The train then begins to run with a velocity v around the equator from west to east. It is observed that weight W, of the same body in the moving train is different from W.. Let ve be the velocity of a point on equator with respect to axis of rotation of earth and R be the radius of the earth. Clearly the relative velocity between earth and train will affect the weight of the body. Now answer the following questions: 4. Difference between Weight W, and the gravitational attraction on the body can be given as a im R 2R tm ov? (C) -—* (0) =* of 2. Weight W., of the body can be given as (w+vF v.-wF -met 8) mg-m: (a) mgm" (6) mg-ms= . : 0 Be-(, +07 eo) mgrm ‘Megocosm Cogntions Pld, §7 Kol Sera Srvaptiva Var, New Dehi-110017 Emel: webse: www Te MATCH LIST TYPE ae This question contains two matching ists. Choices for the correct combination of elements from List and List-ll are given as option (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which one is correct. 1. Density of a sphere of radius R with concentric spherical cavity of radius r= & is given by, = 2¢ (Rex, where x's stance from ts centre and (Fsxsr}, nen {) | itpotential on its outer surface =eRR then a= fn (2) | potential at its inner surface ans then b= @ |o ) | Field on its surface ER, then c= (@) | 12 S)_ | Field ata distance & from its contre EER then d= (4) | 14 Code: Poo Rk @ Ot a go 2 59 3 4 © 1 3 4 2 O23 8 | 2 Match the sam {P) | Separation from centre on axis of uniform ring radius R, having | aR maximum gravitation field Maximum height attained by the particle above earth surface when projected up with velocity =) where M and R are | (2) 7 mass and radius of earth (Q) ") | separation of cenre of mass of one haf ofa uniform spherical R shell of radius R from the centre of shell Ol a Separation ‘S' of a point on uniform rod of length R suspended (S) | freely from a fixed support at one end such that the total 2R momentum of a particle hiting the rod normally at P and the rod | 4) | “3 remains conserved. Code: Pe ORs (ye oo { oo ys O 4° 2 0 2 3 3 4 MATCH THE FOLLOWING TYPE B,C, D)in column (ena ltemens given two columns which have to be matched, Statements (A D) in column I have to be matched with statements (p , rs, tn column I. 4. Match the folowing: (a) | Magnitude of gravitational field due to a © a, Spherical shel of mass M and radius R V (8) _| Magnitude of gravitational field due to a solid @ sn i: Sphere of mass M and radius R Y (C) | Gravitational potential V for a solid sphere ) aN TR (©) | Gravitational potential V fora spherical shell | (s) ie raR . i | 3 [Nn TSR af {nol enqyemegocomcogaten com ecm Cognions Ua, 5 Kou fal foveptye Vor New Oeh- HT a coe ‘webille : PH-GRA-40 MATCHING TYPE WITH 3 COLUMNS & 4 ROWS The following table has 3 columns and 4 rows. Based on table, there are THREE questions. Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C), and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is correct Crm Carn Try Mees Sc ee CC Cea eee ee Ca cers eeu Bue tity ii Point Plies on axis of ring. -GM cM 0) 0 |e ) | Spr ! | Ring (M, R) 4) | ~GM GM 0) Ol one (Q) aR Hemispherical shell (M, R) 0) ( (i) =u ®) = Solid hemisphere 4 -GM cM (lv) Pp ) | aR (s) Re Quarter part of spherical shel (M, R) 1, Which one of the following options is the correct combination? (A) (IY) ()(P) (8) (I!) (i) (S) (C) (Itt Git) (P) (0) (IV) (ti) (S) 2. Which one of the following options is the correct combination? (A) (1) (i) (P) (8) (tl) (il) (Q) (C) (a) Gi) (P) (0) (IV) fv) (R) 3. Which one of the following options is the correct combination? (A) (Hl) ((P) (B) (I!) Gi) (Q) (C) (Ih (itl) (R) (0) (IV) (iv) (R) ‘Megecosm Cogniions Pi U6, 57, Kalu Sarak, Savapriya Vier, New Dalhi-110017, Email: enquly@megacosmcogniions-com ‘webste : wae ASSERTION-REAGo, oF ENT NING TYPE This question Containg State, tatement.4 (8). (C) and (0) out Of which only one seston 8nd Statement.2 (Reason). Question has 4 choice (A), 1 STATEMENT 1 cen aliptcal ore cause Of a planet OUNd sun the {otal energy of the system is negative, SOATEMENT.2 Aya ENErGY is abwaye n— (A) Statement" te Sosa t 2 i i o Slatementy "2 is tue, Statement -2 'S @ correct explanation for tement-1 . statement.1, © ue, Statement .2 'S true, Statement -2 ig Not a correct explanation for (C) St itement- is true, gt ie tue: Statement . (©) Statement i ais Statement tee 2 STATEMENT 4 7 rane! ma toot arOUN a star either 'MorbitP or orbit Q. The Speed of planet will not be same cause Q STATEMENT.2 P is true, Statement 2 is a comect explanation for statement-1, (8) Statement-1 is true, Statement statement-1. (C) Statement-1is tue, Statement -2 (©) Statement-1 is false, Statement -2 is true, ‘Statement “2 Is true, Statement -2 is not a correct explanation for is false, -2is true, Megs Pvt Ue, 57, vl gecosmeogntions com 10017, Emall=enquryaret elu Soral, Sarvapriye Vihar, New Dell -1 j0cosm Cognliions Pu. Ud, 57, WIRE SECTION-IT 1 ‘A solid sphere of uniform density and radius R applies a gravitational force of attraction equal to F; on a particle placed at a distance 2R from the centre of the sphere. A spherical cavity of radius R/2 is now made in the sphere as shown in the figure. The sphere with cavity now applies a gravitational force F, on the same particle. The ratio Fz/F; is (A) 59 (8) 78 | (c) 3/4 (0) 79 ‘An artificial satelite of the earth release a package. If alr resistance is neglected, the point where the package will hit (w.r.. the position at the time release) will be (A) ahead (8) exactly below (C) behind (0) itwill never reach the earth A small ball of mass 'm’ is released at a height 'R’ above the earth surface, as shown in the given figure. The maximum depth of the ball to which it goes is R/2 inside the earth through a narrow groove before coming to rest momentarily. The groove, contains an ideal @ spring of spring constant K and natural length R. The value of K, if Ris the radius of earth and M mass of earth, is 3GMm_ 6GMm a eS 9GMm_ 7GMm (Cc) ——- = oS os A system consists of n identical particles of mass m placed rigidly on the vertices of a regular polygon with each side of length a. If K; be the kinetic energy imparted to one of the particles so that it just escapes the gravitational pull of the system and thereafter kinetic energy Kz is given to the adjacent particle to escape, then the difference (K; ~ Ka) is wy) "on @ n_\Gm? Gm’? O(a) ee A particle of mass M is projected from point P such that it grazes the Mm surface of earth and escapes from earth's gravitational field. The total energy possessed by the particle at any instant is ~GMm GMm A) Re ©) Re (C) zero (D) none of these There is no atmosphere on the moon because: (A) itis closer to the earth, (8) it revolves round the earth (C) it gets light from the sun. (0) the escape velocity of gas molecules is less than their root mean square velocity on the moon. ‘A spherical mass is scooped out from a solid of radius R. The distance between the cavit The gravitational field inside the cavac iY 2°8 cane of sphere is x. The grav (A) zero (B) uniform in direct ©) eg ion and constant in magnitude (0) uniform in direction and variable in magnitude fa of the ‘Two isolated point masses m and M are separated by a distance /. The moment emis system about an axis passing through a point where gravitational field is zero and to the line joining the two masses. is m+M A 2 m+M_p Ns AF @ oeaa m+M Ona {D) none of the above ' tion due to ‘The mean radius of earths, its angular speed on its onn axis is w, andthe acceleration due 10 gravity at earth's surface is g, ‘The cube ofthe rads ofthe omit ofa geostationary satelite wil be (A) gla? (B) R (c) oR? 7 Reha F i nd The escape velocity of a body on an imaginary planet whichis thrice the radius of the earth a double the mass of the earth is (vs is the escape velocity of earth): [Bro ©) fev (C) 4, (D) 4, TMegaconm Cogetions PV Ud. 57 Kale Sor, Savapiva Vir. New Deh 110017, Ene jregaccrcapniionscom ‘webste :wiew ED 1 1.43 « 10m 2 34.7 kmis 3. Gta — Gaqusr = 3.37 * 10°? ms? 4. 125N §. 8.0 10'm from the earth’s centre > 2°08 > Oo 8 oo oD ‘Megacosm Gognons Pvt Us, 57, KON Sar Pio Vib New Deh 11017, Ema: wiew SECTION-1 PART-A. i No 2. 17 times, 1.412 hrs 3. ‘one-fourth 5 0.997 kg & @ ay ® We 2 4 7. Tension in the cord = a (h+R+L? Acceleration a, = a, = —2™e (ater m™ m | mm, [here eRaP ‘owards the centre of the earth. The cord will always be in tension 77 9 oR (a) Sim, +M, Lo (c) zero Depends on the height of location from where body is launched, Only the angular momentum is constant, S toward the centre of solid sphere. 14. -780J. a ‘Megacosm Cogrions Pi Ud. 57, Kel Sara Sowoptya Vina New Del 1T00I7, Ell: website: ww megacosmeogntionscom UWLIER-1920) PART-B OBJECTIVE (MULTI CHOICE SINGLE CORRECT) 1. A a c 3 B 4 5 c 6. c 7. c 8. 9. D 10. D "1 OA 12. 13. B 14, Do 15. c MULTI CHOICE MULTI CORRECT L AD 2. A,B,C 3. A,B,C,D 4. 5. Ac 6. AB NUMERICAL BASED TYPE. 1 2 2 9 NUMERICAL BASED DECIMAL TYPE : Fe 12.26 2 0.75 LINKED COMPREHENSION TYPE d) 1. A 2. D 3. A a 4 D 2. A MATCH LIST TYPE + A 2 D MATCH THE FOLLOWING TYPE + 6) BHM — (C0) (D}9(g) MATCHING TYPE WITH 3 COLUMNS & 4 ROWS 1 D a B 3 c ASSERTION-REASONING TYPE 1. c 2 c SECTION-iL 1. D 2. 3. D 4 5. c 6. 2 B 8. 9. c 10. A Ac ‘Megacesm Cogniions Pt Lc, $7, Kalu SralSarvapriva Vino New Dehiio017 auyemepecomeagonncan ebite: wiew megacosmeogntons com mal: Gutkbor fone. ARCHIVE JEE (Main) QUESTION BANK PHYSICS MEGACOSM eee rusts Megacosm Cogritions Private Limited 57, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi-110017, Email : website : JEE(Main) Question Papers and Solutions (January ~ 2019 & April - 2019) Available at www. [ Papers Conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode by NTA] a from centre of the earth is be, The variation of acceleration due to gravity g with distance d e017, represented by (R = Earth's radius): (ty m 48 Onan A Satellite is revolving in a circular orbit at a height '’ from the a pelted a eath R h< @, 2) > @, @) > Gi, (4) > @w) 2 (1) > Gi, 2) > @, > Ww), @) > Gi) 8) (1) > @, 2) > @, B) > W), @) > Gil) (4) (1) > Gi, (2) > O, @) > Gi, ) > (w) Four particles, each of mass M and equidistant from each other, move along a circle of radius R under the action of their mutual gravitational attraction. The speed of each particle is : (a) +2V2) @t SM a2N2) (2014) 2 GM ® I> @ ava From a sphere of mass M and radius Ra smaller sphere of radius R/2 is carved out such that the cavity made in a original sphere is between its centre and the periphery. (see figure), For the configuration in the figure where the distance between the centre of the original sphere and the removed sphere is 3R, aon the gravitational force between the two spheres is (2014) 41cm «) oe 2 St 450’ 225R’ 41GME 59GMP ©) se00R? (» em 3600R’ 450 30 " 12, 13, 14 15, 16 it into a transfer 1d meets Mars at ‘m, that of stimate of India's Mangalyan was sent to the Mars by launching (rbit EOM around the sun. it leaves the earth al E and mes MI the semi-major axis of Earth’ orbit is ae = 1.5*10 Mars orbit a,=2.28*10'"m, taken Kepler's laws give the e: lime for Mangalyan to reach Mars from Earth to be close to (1) 500 days (2) 320 days 2) 260 days (4) 220 days Earth’ orbit Mars’ orbit (2014) What is the minimum energy required to launch a satelite of mass m from the surface of alan of mass M and radius R in a circular orbit at an altitude of 2R? ns) 2Gmm Smit (1) 260 an lA OR mu scmM @ © oR ) a oR The change in the value of acceleration of earth towards sun, when the moon comes from the Position of solar eclipse to the position on the other side of earth in line with sun is (mass of the moon = 7.36 »10" kg, radius of the moon's orbit= 3.8 x 10° m). (1) 673 » 10° mus’ (2)6.73 x 10" mis (2013) (3) 6.73 « 10? mis: (4) 6.73 x 10° m/s? The gravitational field due to the left over part of 8 Removed uniform sphere (from which a part as. (shown, has Part been removed out), at a very far off point P, located a8 shown would be (nearly) Mass of complete a 5GM iM. es mee (2013) 7GM 6GM a) 7 w 8SM Eo 5S The gravitational field in a region is given by: E =(5.N/kg)i+(12 N/kg)j It the potential atthe origin is taken to be zero then the ratio ofthe potential at the points (12m, 0) and (0, 5m) is: (1) zero (24 (2013) (3) 144/25 (4) 25/144 ‘Two particles of equal mass ‘m' go around a circle of radius R under the action of their mutual gravitation attraction, The speed of each particle with respect to their centre of mass is: (2012) [Gm @ [6m a) OR R Gm Gm Chm 8 =O 7. 19. 20. 21 22. 23. ‘Two bodies of masses m and 4 m are placed at a distance r. The gravitational potential at eh on the line joining them where the gravitational field is zero i nS @ - id : ®.- ssn (4) zer0 The height at which the acceleration due to gravity becomes g/9 (where g = the oe on to gravity on the surface of the earth) in terms of R, the radius of the earth, is (1) R2 (2 V2R R (3)2R 4) & 4 8 A planet in a distant solar system is 10 times more massive than the earth and its radius 's 10 times smaller. Given that the escape velocity from the earth is 11 kms", the escape velocity from the surface of the planet would be - (1) 1.1 kms* 2) 11 kms* (3) 110 kms (4) 0.14 kms" This question contains Statement -1 and Statement-2. Of the four choices given after the statements, choose the one that best describes the two statements, (2008) Statement - I: For a mass M kept at the centre of a cube of side ‘a’, the flux of gravitational field passing through its sides is 4x GM. and ‘Statement - I! If the direction of a field due to a point source is radial and its dependence on the distance '’ for the source is given as 1/r, its flux through a closed surface depends only on the strength of the source enclosed by the surface and not on the size or shape of the surface (1) Statement — ‘is false, Statement - 2 is true. (2) Statement — ‘is true, Statement - 2 is true; Statement -2 is correct explanation for Statement-1. (3) Statement — 1is true, Statement - 2 is true; Statement -2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1 (4) Statement — 1 is true, Statement - 2 is False. Average density of the earth (1) does not depend on g (2) isa complex function of g () is directly proportional to g (4) is inversely proportional to g The change in the value of g at a height 'h’ above the surface of the earth is the same as at a depth ‘d' below the surface of earth When both ‘a’ and ‘h' are much smaller than the radius of earth, then which one of the following is correct? (2005) h 3h =o d- ay d= @d=— @) d=2h (4) d=h A particle of mass 10 g is kept on the surface of a uniform sphere of mass 100 kg and radius 10 cm. Find the work to be done against the gravitational force between them to take the particle far away from the sphere ae (2005) (you may take G = 6 . 67x 10" Nm?/ kg’) (1) 13.34 x10 (2) 3.33x10°%y (3) 6.67x10°°J (4) 6.67x10°y 32 24 25. 27. 28 29. A Satellite of mass m revolves around the earth of radius R at @ height x from its Surface the acceleration due to gravity onthe surface of the earth, the orbital Speed ofthe sajna "9, ad (1) ox @e-x : (amg 1 gR? RE @) ex @) ( a The time period of an earth satelite in circular orbit is independent of (200) (1) the mass of the satellite (2) radius of its orbit (3) both the mass and radius of the orbit 7 (4) neither the mass of the satelite nor the radius of its orbit. {1 Q is the acceleration due to gravity on the earth's surface, the gain in the potential energy of object of mass m raised from the surface of the earth to a height equal to the radius R Of the earth (2004) is (1) 2mgR 2 3maR 1 () FmgR (4) mgR Suppose the gravitational force varies inversely as the nth power of distance. Then the time ; Period planet in circular orbit of radius R around the sun will be proportional to (2004) (et) nt (1) RS (2) al 7) (nz @R (4) RS The time period of a satellite of earth is 5 hours. If the separation between the earth and the satellite is increased to 4 times the previous value, the new time period will become (2003) (1) 10 hours (2) 80 hours (4) 20 hours (3) 40 hours The escape velocity for a body projected vertically upwards from the surface of earth is 11 kms If the body is projected at an angle of 45° with the vertical, the escape velocity will be (1) 112 km/s (2) 22 kmis (2003) (3) 11 kmis. (4) 14/2 mis 21 25, 29. 33, 22. 26, 30, (2) (4) (3) (3) (2) (3) (1) (2) 20, 24, 28, 32. (2) (1) (3) (2) (3) (3) (a) (3) Fk Cis p= -4) 29. Angular momentum conservation MR%0 = (MR? + 2xMR?)x co! © (m-+2M) 31. force should be at it's centre of mass so that there should not be any torque p_ (amxtemx2e) _ 40 3m 3 32. Angular momentum = Because there is not external torque on body Tet = 0 34. L=lo o'=20 Tyg? a Ag? try? 1 fro ie 35. (AR)? + p(4R)? 36, —1__-- (RY tp(RY == 64h, 1 The variation of magnitude of acceleration due to gravity is given by o-(St)a where 0Rand r >R if Ye > vp (©) ve>vQ>%p (2012) (©) vplvp =3 (@ vplvy = 12

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