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411223, 358 Iyx- Ad caution and warning massages lo book - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and ‘Anybody can ask a question x answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. It only takes a minute to sign up. ‘Anybody can answer TEX Add caution and warning messages to book Asked Syears ago Modified 8 years, 11 months ago Viewed 631 times The best answers are voted up and rise to the top ‘a [am new to LyX, and am using v2.1.2 with the book class. In addition to help with my specific questions, | would appreciate any feedback if there is a better way to achieve my desired results. 4. Sorry if this is overly long, | was not sure how to break it into smaller posts given the background information necessary to understanding the problems, My ability to get this far was greatly aided by Create new paragraph style in LyX on this web site. Ihave made several new environments based on ‘quotation’ to set notice, caution, and warning messages apart from normal paragraphs, to emphasize them in a user manual. These special paragraphs have wider margins, may have bold text, may have different color text, and will begin Caution: | would like to use a hanging aph: etjlj gelj ekjld glegee Your privacy indows) to the user area, duplicated the By clicking “Accept s°, you agr hang as shown below (similar styles for an store cookies on your device and disclose information in ot shown here): accordance with our Cookie Pol Accept all cookies Necessar hntps:tex,stackexchange.comiquestons/215817/adé-cauton-and-waring-messages-to-book 18 411223, 358 Iyx Add caution and warning messag 15 to book - TeX - LaTex Stack Exchange NextWorndent 1 LeftMargin ro RightMargin mo Partndent e Parskip e Ttensep e Topsep es Bottonsep es Parsep 2 Align aleck ALignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center Font Series Bold color Black EndFont HiMTag blockquote HIMLrtem div Preanble \newenvironment{note} {\quotation\hangindent=2em\color[ rgb]{1,0.2,8.3){NOTE: }} ‘{\endquotation} EndPrearble End The pdf output is very close to what | want. The wider margins, bold font, and color are all working, but the hanging indent is not. Also, the second ‘note’ paragraph is the same color as the following ‘caution’ paragraph rather than the color of the first ‘note’ paragraph. ‘Note’ and ‘Caution’ PDF Output: ntps:tex.stackexcnange,comvquestions/215417/add-cauton-and-warring-messages-o-book 216 41203, 388 Iyx- Add caution and warning messages lo book - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange ‘These safety-related tors appear in this manual NOTE: Statements identify information that you should consider before moving to the next instruction or choice. Statements identify information that you should consider before moving to ‘the next instruction ot choice. Statemente identify information that you should consider before ‘moving to the next, instruction or choice. 2 Statements identify information that you should consider before moving to the next instrue- tion or choice. Statements identify information that you should consider before moving to U next Instruction or choice. Statements identify information that you should eonsider before mo Ing to the next instruction or choice. AUTION: State age to the equipment, th tions or pract software, or other property. ss that could result in dame LyX code using ‘Note’ and ‘Caution’: These safety-related terns appear in this manual: \begin{note} Statements identify information that you should consider before moving to the next instruction om choice. Statenents identify information ‘that you should consider before moving to the next instruction or d consider before er before moving information truction or d consider before Your privacy By clicking can store cookies on your device and disc accordance with our Policy. Kies", you agree Sta nge result in danage ormation 9 caution} to use "Note: " as a prefix to the ‘0 be typed in each time, but rather not working (1 am just guessing on how rent code does do this correctly in the hntps:tex,stackexchange.comiquestons/215817/adé-cauton-and-waring-messages-to-book 411223, 358 Iyx- Add caution and warning messages lo book - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange Thank you! bye Share Improve this question Follow edited Dec 4, 2014 at 2131 asked Dec 4, 2014 at 2050 6332 zono Bias 1 Welcome to TeX.SX! You can have a look at our starter guide to familiarize yourself further with our format. Usually we post only a question for each thread, so I would suggest that you choose a main question to ask in this thread and then ask your other questions in different threads, each of them referencing your ‘original question. ~ Pier Paolo Dec 4, 2014 at 20:58 @Pier Paolo - thank you, | will update in the next few minutes. ~ Zono Dec 4, 2014 at 21:24 1 Answer Sorted by: Highest score (default) * ‘a. With the info provided by scottkosty (Documentation on the arguments used when defining styles in an_inc file), | was able to figure out how to get the desired output on the LyX screen. The 0 _ style code below was added to a user copy of The ‘caution’ style is just a variant of ‘note’, made easy by the use of the copystyle command, style Note category MainText Ve static do anything creases text area) of paragraph Your privacy By clicking “Accept an store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Pol hntps:tex,stackexchange.comiquestons/215817/adé-cauton-and-waring-messages-to-book 46 411223, 358 Iyx- Add caution and warning messages lo book - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange color Black EndFont # html key-value pairs not yet changed to support this style HTMLTag blockquote HTMurter a Preanble \nenenvironnent {note} {\quote\be{NOTE: }} {endquote} EndPreanble End style Caution Copystyle "Note" LatexNare caution Labelstring "CAUTION: Font Series Bold color Red EndFont 4 html key-value pairs not yet changed to support this style HIMLTag, blockquote HIMurter div Preanble \newenvironnent {caution} ‘{\quote\bF\color[ ngb]{1,0-2,8.3}{CAUTION: }} {\endquote} EndPrearble End + hefore moving tothe next at you should consider before moving before moving to the next Your privacy the digo The mii porered ban 11-18 VDC sree By clicking "Accept all cookies", you agr an store cookies on your device and discl accordance with our Pol hntps:tex,stackexchange.comiquestons/215817/adé-cauton-and-waring-messages-to-book 56 411223, 358 Iyx- Add caution and warning messages lo book - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange ‘Those foty-relnted terms appear in this NOTE: Statements identify information that you should consider before moving to the next instruction or choice. Statements identify information that you should consider before moving to the next instruction or choice. Statements identify information that you should consider before moving to the next instruction or choice. Follow the precautions below to ensure your personal safety and prevent damage to the digitizer. The unit Unresolved Issues Iwas not able to get hanging indent working, to get the PDF output looking like the LyX GUI screen shot. The ‘\hangindent=2cm’ command did not seem to do anything. The results are not perfect, but are close enough for what | need. The ‘Labelindent’ key did not seem to work. Since it did not, | had to manually set the margins to look right using the longest label of the 3 | needed (Note, Caution, Warning). Again, not perfect, but close enough for what I need. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Dec 8, 2014 at 23:42 Your privacy By clicking “Accept an store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Pol hntps:tex,stackexchange.comiquestons/215817/adé-cauton-and-waring-messages-to-book

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