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A Detailed Lesson Plan in MTB


At the end of the lesson the pupils are expected to:
a.) Recognize the letter Mm
b.) Identify the objects that starts with the letter Mm
c.) Write letter Mm
d.) Remember the sound of letter Mm


a.) Topic – Alphabets
b.) Sub topic – Letter Mm
c.) Materials – DIY mini store, different pictures, box,
d.) Values Integration – Appreciation of the objects that begins with letter Mm
e.) Strategies – Cooperative Learning


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Opening Prayer
- Weather check
- Day check
- Exercise
2. Classroom Management
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Energizer
Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activities
5. Review of the past lesson
Before we proceed to our next lesson let
us first review our previous lesson.
What is our lesson all about? (pupils will raise their hands)
Yes, Casey? Letter Ss teacher
Very good! Let’s give Casey a very good (doing very good clap)
(pupils will raise their hands)
Who can give examples that start with the
letter Ss? Sapatus teacher
Yes, Kent?
What else, Lian?

Excellent children! It seems now you all

know the objects starting with the letter Ss.

(story telling)

Today, we will have a story telling. Now I

want you to listen carefully with the story.
But before that let us do this first.

Ang sombrero ni Lolo, ilalagay sa ulo.

Ang salamin ni Lola, ilalagay sa mata (pupils will follow)
Ang kamay ng mga batang mababait,
ilalagay sa hita. (with action)

May I see all the kind children? Okay, very

Our story for today is entitled

“I Aling Minang”

I Aling Minang atin yang madagul a

tindahan king San Miguel, Magalang.
Magtinda yang prutas kalupa na ning
mangga, milun, mansanas, makopa, at
mais. Atin ya ding aliwa liwang manika
kalupa na ning manikang pipikit,
magmulagat. Atin ding teterak ampo
magkanta. Masali ing tinda na kaya dakal
ya panakitan. Retang aliwa nang
panakitan bibie nala kareng anak king
lansangan ning kanilag lugar.

Again, what is our story all about? (pupils will raise their hands)
Yes, Ej? I Aling Minang teacher.
Very good, Ej! Let’s give her a very good (doing very good clap)

What is the name of the vendor? (pupils will raise their hand)
Yes, Kent? Aling Minang teacher
That’s right!
How about the fruits she has selling, what
kind of fruits they are? (pupils will raise their hands)
Yes, Yumi? Mangga teacher
Very good! What else Marga? Makopa teacher
Okay good! What else, Mark? Milun teacher!
Great! Another, Xian? Mais teacher
Very good! Last one? Mansanas teacher.
Very good!

What else she has selling? Manika teacher

Great! All of you are good listener.

Now, I have here a number box. This box

contains numbers. All you have to do is to
pick a number from this box. The number
you will pick has a hidden picture to show
on the board. Let’s find out what these
pictures are.

Who wants to go first? (pupils will raise their hands)

What number you had picked? (Yohan will pick in the box)
Okay let’s see what is behind in number 3. Number 3.
(teacher will open the picture)
What is this class? Mangga teacher
You’re right! This is a manga.
Have you already eaten a mangga? Yes teacher
What is the taste of it? (some will say sweet, some will say sour)
Wow! It is sweet when the mango is
already colouring yellow. It is sour when
the mango is colouring green.
What senses have you used when you eat
mango? Sense of taste teacher!
Very good children!

Next, who wants to pick from this box?

Yes, Lindsy? (lindsy will pick in the box)
What number is that? 8 teacher
Let’s see what is behind in number 8.
(teacher will open the picture)
What is this class? Mata teacher
Correct! This picture is what we called
Okay everyone, where is your mata, may I (pointing their eyes)
Nice! What senses if we used our eyes? Sense of sight teacher!
Very good!

Another, who wants to pick? (pupils will raise their hands)

Yes, Jacob? (Jacob will pick in the box)
What number is that? Number 4
(teacher will open the picture)
What is this? Mansanas teacher
Very good! What is the colour of the apple Pupils will say red teacher!
Next, will pick Ayumi. (Ayumi will pick in the box)
What number is that? Number 5
(teacher will open the picture)
What is this? Mestra teacher
Good! Where do you see teachers? In the school teacher!
Do you love your teachers? Yes

Will you pick Inigo? (Inigo will pick in the box)

What number? Number 1
(teacher will open number 1)
What is this? Makopa teacher
Who among you have seen a makopa, will
you rasie your hands? (some will raise their hand)
Remember makopa is a kind of fruit.

How about Sharmaine, will you pick? (Sharmaine will pick)

What number is that? Number 9
Let’s see behind number 9
What is this? Manika teacher
Yes, this is a manika.
Who among you have manika in their (some will raise their hands)
Oh I see!

Let’s proceed. Mark will you pick here. (Mark will pick a number)
What number is that? Number 2
Let’s open number 2.
What is this? Milun teacher
Very good! This is a milun. Another kind of
Have you taste melon juice? Yes teacher
That’s great!

Next, Aryan kindly pick from this box. (Aryan will pick in the box)
What number is that? Number 7
Let’s see number 7
What is this? Malungge teacher!
Very good! This is a malungge.
Another, kindly pick a number here, Athan. (Athan will pick a number)
What number is that? 10
Let’s see number 10.
What is this? Marangle teacher
That’s right! This is a marangle.
Who among you have seen a field? (pupils will rasie their hands)

Only this number has left. I will be the one

who going to pick it for you. It is the
number 6.
Let’s see what’s behind in number 6.
What is this? Mais teacher
Very good! This is a mais.

Let’s all say the name of each picture.

I will say it first then repeat after me.

Makopa Makopa

Milun Milun

Manga Manga

Mansanas Mansanas

Mestra Mestra

Mais Mais

Malungge Malungge

Mata Mata

Manika Manika

Marangle Marangle

Now, look at all these pictures.

What letter do they start? Pupils will say Mm teacher
Very good kids!

What is the sound of letter Mm? /Mm/

Those picture has start with the sound

This is the letter Mm.

The sound of this letter is /Mm/

Who among you, does their name start

with letter Mm? Let’s see.
How about the character on the story a
while ago, what is her name? (Pupils will say Aling Maning)
Very good!

I’ll be going to teach you on how to write

the big and small letter Mm.

(teacher will demonstrate)

It’s your turn! Who wants to try? (pupils will try)

Awesome children!


I have given you all a thumb up and thumb

down stick. I will open and say the name of
each picture. Once the picture start with
letter Mm and sound /m/ raise thumb up.
When it is not raise the thumb down.

Let’s start!
Again, what letter is this? Pupils will say Mm teacher
What is the sound of letter Mm? /Mm/
Let’s write letter Mm on the air. (writing letter Mm in the air)
Let’s see how much you’ve learn.

We will have a group activity.

1st Group

2nd Group

3rd Group

4th Group

Good job children!

Encircle the big and small letter Mm. Encircle the big and small letter Mm.

U m T u U m T u
M w m s
m b W m M w m s

M D p z m b W M

A D p z

Write the letter Mm on your green booklet.
Mm Mm Mm
Prepared by:


Student Teacher


Cooperating Teacher

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