7-1 - Magnetic Compass Manual

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(Decument Ne [E30-30075)] MAGNETIC COMPASS SH-TYPE Operator's Manual 2008.10 TOKYO KEIKI INC. CONTROL DIVISION I SH-TYPE PROJECTION MAGNETIC COMPASS (CONTENTS 1. Inroduetion 2. Construction and Specification 2 Installation of Magnetic Compass 4 How to Operate the Correcting Devices 5. Amount of Cocrection 8. Messturng instruments 7. Simpliiad Guide to Deviation Correction 8, Procations for Deviation Correction 9, Sequence of Deviation Correction 10. Maintenance 11, Troubleshoating 4. Introduction “The SH-Type Projection Magnetic Compass has been designed and manufactuedin accordance wih JIS F 9107, [SO 488 and complies with the IMO requirements. it provides excelent accuracy and steady performance cepabilties fo @fong period of time. Its can be used net ony as the standard compass but als the steering compass. \When instaling, it must be secured firmly to the ship's compass bridge. using four bots through the hull frame. itis Important that its lubber' Sine is exact intine with the kool ine ofthe ship, “Tose the accurate performance of the compass, selecton of installation postion 's important then refer to tis manual ‘The magnatic compass must be constarty corrected for deviation, snd this correction must be done by experienced and roable personnel, and the exact ‘comecting racords (time, place, msthod, correcting ‘cols, residual deviaton, ete) mast be kop for future ference, Since all the correcting devices ae made of the best quality materials and their characteristics are able to datecocate dus to neat, shocks, et, exercise care wien haneling them. 2 Construction and Specification ‘The standard construction ofthe SH-Type magnetic compass is es follows (Refer to Fig‘). ‘Compass Bow! 1 Binnacte Stand 4 Made of corosion resistant light oy casting and corrosion resistant sheet Heimat 4 Projector Gyindor 1 Fixed to binnacte stand efector Devic 4 Seroon glass and reflector urination Aduster 1 Wallmount ype or fush typ Correcting Tea! set 1. Comecting magnet ‘Gmagnatsincaso © 10140 Used for corecng semicreular deviation and hing error 2, Correcting tool fer quadrantal deviation ‘2sheolsincase 10 of 160300 2.0f50x300mm 3, Finders bar Sars in case 2ot @70x38mm, 4 of @70%75mm 4 of 70150, of ©70x300mm Shedow Pin ‘One 110mm fong pin, two 140mm long pin ‘and one adapter contained in case, Blectrie Bub ‘set 2 of 40W on spected voltage for use and sO spares Spare Part Box 1 Spare Parts ‘eet . (1) Compass Bot ‘2. The bow! whose outside diameter fs 248mm is supported in the gimbals within the binnace b. The bow is @ wet ype containing a mixture of ethy!alcobol and water and having an expansion chamber to allow for temperature changes from +80" to 30". Since the expansion chamber conirols the volumetric change ofthe ‘compass fiquid due 10 temperature changes, there is no fear of bubblos forming in tho liquid. «, Tha bowl top edge Is engraved every 1° and every 10° with tree dts numerical characters cloceuise ftom the ship's heading 000° 6. The compass card can work stistactory against an incnaion of within 10" '8. The compass card made of matal sheet and is 165mm (6-1/2 in outside ameter. It fs marked every 1" and also marked with a number of three figures every 10". with reference tothe north indicated by 000 in figure. {. The magnete needa (made of MK magnetic ste) sticks positively to the float, and its magnetism never diminishes dus to ageing. “The suppor jewel is sapphire nthe pivot is made of ium alloy. (2) Binnacle Stand ‘The binnacle stand provides instalation caver for semicircular deviation and healing err correction magnets. Its upper pat is equipped with a projector lamp (40W in epectid votage) anda refector. “The gimbals are U type and ean hold the bowl in horizontal poston against the ship's i of ese than 40" In any direction, caused by pitching and rling, ‘The binnacle stand incorporates the devition correcting devices provided for by the regulations, such as the semickeular deviaon (B,C), quadrantal deviation (©), heeling error (H) correcting devices and the Finder's bar (). ‘The deviation correction dovicgs for the SH-Type Magnet Compass are constructed as flows: 2, Semicicular deviation (B,C) correcting device “Tris devices contained under the cover on the back part af the binnacke stand, Insert holes in the right and ltt forooking corraction arrays ar for B ‘correction and the ones in the at ocking array ee for C correction, ‘The contectons to be carted out by ineartng bars to appropriate holes. », Healing error correcting device This device is secured tothe center of the semicircular deviation corecing device and permis insertion ofa maximum of seven bar magnets. These ere holaing by chain and can be fixed at desired poston. , Quacrantal deviation (0) corector cases ‘These cases ae placed symmetrically ane on ether sido of the binnacte stand, ‘each case containing fve correcting sheet magnets. The central one ofthese five shoes is ona lovel withthe magnetic needle inthe bow 4, Finders bar ‘The Flinders bar device ie mounted onthe nack ofthe fre side ofthe binnacie stand and permit insertion ofthe sof steel ber max. 70x 600m €. Lamp undercard (40W cn specified voltage) This lamp Is mounted on the corectng apparatus in the binnacle stand and IMuminates the bow bottom, enabling the personnel to directy read the compass card. This lamp is also used for reading the card when the upper reflector of te compass cannot be employed while astronomical observation is going on. ‘The binnacle stand provides a change-over switch for lamps above and below the cara (9) Optical Cylinder and Projector Devoe 2, The projector device for reflector device s mounted on top of the helmet. The helmet can be removed simpy by removing the wo satscrews but do not touch ‘except roplace of lamp because already adjusted ‘The projector consists of a lame (40W on specified vottage), pug, reflector, oe, 'b. The optical oylinder is contained inthe binnacle stand. The rays of light from the lght source are focused by the reflector and sent into the pial cyinder ‘through the compass card, where they magnify part of the card scale and throw its mage on the projector screen Tho optical eyindor and focus are aready adjusted in factory and not need of readjustment, The projector consists of a cylindor mounted under the binnacle stand and Incorporating amirox and a screen that can be adjusted laterally and vericaly using the extamal handle ‘This eylnerealprojetar projects from the cei of the wheel house, and its levaton and the ange ofits miror may be adusted in accordance vith the level of is viewer's eye. ‘The reasonable viewing angle Qis & ~10" (Refer to Fig 2). Limit of verical acjustmert of the cylinder is :75mm, Adjustment beyond ‘his imit requires modification ofthe staionary part of he eyinder, 4. This projector device can read the compass card scale up to 25° on ether sie ofthe ship's heading. thas two magnifeatons, Helmet The helmet is made of pressed aluminum sheot f.Hluminaton Aduster It consists of a variable resistor to give the proper amount of light to the Projectar or the lower lamp, a change-over switch forthe normal power supply 4 and the emergency power supply, fuse and a transformer. Tha intensity of these lamps may be adjust by turing the adjusting kn. “This unit must be installed closed tothe projector inthe wheel house When the other iluminatio adjuster instead of reeroxex is used, afr to tho its instuetion manual 3. Installation of Magnetic Compass (4) The imtation of instalation 1 The magnetic compass should be installed as possible as onthe kes! Ene of the ship. + Install tho lubbor' tina inne with the Kee! ofthe ei. «Select the place whore oasy to moasura the direction and no obatvct around. b. The minimum distance tothe ship's constructing magnate material FFor the minimum distance tothe magnetic matariale, we quoted the INO ASB (00 for b. and ein this seeton “The magnetic compassss should be installed as or as possible from magnetic rate The minimum distances ofthe standard compass trom any magnetic material “which is part of the ship's stucture should be to the satisfaction of the ‘Administration. The folowing diagram gives general guidelines to indoate the minimum desirable distances from the standard compass, ‘The minimum desirable dstances forthe storing compass may be reduced to 65 percent ofthe values given by the diagram provided that no distance is less than 1m. ther is only steering compass the minimum distances for the standard compass shouldbe applied as fr as practicable Dior nium desate aan fom the Standard Compass corte atin Unease mapa mas Euro aed mete rai uh el wun a ae, Sie coe weet oe ie —— Le ©. The distance tothe equipment installed in the ship “The distance ofthe magnetic compass from eloctical or magnetic equipment ‘sould be at least equa tothe safe cistance spectid for the equipment and be tothe satistacton ofthe Administration. 4 cuevereptauntiog deviation bevidtion sy = etton . < : . | dart correcting magnet ation 2 wrens bow < (9) Make the deviation correction on the octantal pois of NE, SE, SW and NW. ‘This is called the quadrant devation, quadrantal ovation, or D-correcton. en tetition “Tho curve for ths type of deviation for general = ‘ype ships is shown in te diagram alt. Ifthe curve shape is reversed from the fist, 5 = means thatthe ship Isa special type end the sx deviation corrector case must be installed along the keel ine of the ship For corection, open the right and corrector cases and place the correcting magnets symmeticaly one by one, beginning with the Drcoreecrae conte too many corecting magnets are = placed, the sign of deviation wil be reversed (the sign of NE deviation becomes ~ and that of SE deviation, »). Be careful ‘The curve forthe correction emcunt fs shown inthe attached diagram (see Fig. 3), and users ara requested ta make use of. (@) Make the heating ervor correction. “This s called the H-correction and done to cancel the vertical magnetism ofthe ship's hu Since the upper part ofa ship's hul is usually magnetized blue (wth S polarity) in the northem hemisphere (In seme rao eases, its magnalzed with the opposte Polarity), make the deviation correction by inserting vertical magnets with thelr red Poles (N) up. In the southern hemisphere, this procedure must be reversed. Even in the same herisphere, the ship navigates fom law to high atudos, the ‘magnetism ofthe hull wil be Itensfed and the amcurt of correction will have to be increased correspondingly, Accordingly, deviation correction done in the mide lattudes ofthe nocthern hemisphere has to be done again by nereasing the correcting magnet as the ship goes to higher latitudes or by decreasing the ‘magnet as th ship goes to love latitudes. Sometimes the pole of the correcting magnet wil have to be reversed when Inserted, I the ship goes southward across the equator to high laude in the southem hemisphere. This sort of healing ero: corection is imperative for a ship wth a wide scope of actly, and the unsteady performance ofa marine's compass when the ship has moved to diferent lattudes is mainly due to the ‘maladjustment of the compass for healing err. Since the ial hoolng erot correction is usually performed by experts using a vertical fore incctor the ship Personnel has enly to do supplementary adjustments, which are performed as follows: while stocring a course of nothin stormy weather, increase or decrease number of vetical magnets so that the compass does not swingin high latitudes ofthe southern hemisphere, reveree the poe dretion of the magnets. - 0 (6) Deviation due to vertical softron pats of ship ‘This deviation is caused by the temporary magnetization of the fore-anc-aft soft iron pats ofthe ship, such asthe mast, funnel, wheel house wall, tc, induced by the earth's vertical magnetism. This type of deviation is comected by the inder's bar, although itis usualy compensated fo by the sforemeriioned B-and -coweetion. Incase the compass Is arranged too close to the fore wal of the whee! house, spacial attention must be paid to this sort of deviation. Thats to say when the shia greatly changes is course (for example, when the ship enfers the southern hemisphere), the compass begins o work iegulaly in certain courses. As aru, the compass swings when te shi is headed nortn and remains very stsady when the ship is headed south. ina case ofthis king, stop the swing by inserting the proper numbar of Finder's bars, when tis necessary to readjust he B-corecton. 8, Precautions for Deviation Correction (7) When taking bearings by means of cross bearing of targets, never fal to draw a line connecting @ point on two targets. This procedure may be omited for targets more than S0km ava (@) Be sure to measure the residual deviation after correction and ong its value 9, Sequence of Deviation Correction (7) Measurement of deviation before coraction (@) Analysis of deviation {@) Rough correction of quadrantal dviation (using D-corction toc) (@) Rough exrection of deviation due to fore-enc-aft sot ron parts (using Flinders br) (5) Rough correcton of healing eror (using vertical magnet) (6) Correction of eoricirular deviation (using B- and C-cortction magne!) (7) Correction of quadrantal deviation (@) Correction of heeling error (@) Measurement of residual deviation Note: When the deviation, which has besn coracted, undergoes @ change and reeds readustent,bogin wth procedure (). 410, Maintenance (1) Characteristics of al the comacting bar magnets, sheet magnets and Flindo?s bars are liable to deteriorate due to heat, shocks, st, ex wen handing them, {@) To koep the performance of the magnets on long terms, store the magnets with reverse pole each othe (@) When defecuses of image dus to variation of temperature suddenly happened, clean the lens in the projector cinder with cose fits shaded “Toe sereen can fixed f acjusting screw is loosed then need to fx them to protect against shock. ie the utmost care " (4) Use a copper or brass duct for the electc wire. Pay special attention tothe \waterprocf structure of the base for the lower projector device and ofthe duct for the electric wie, (©) Avoid direct sunshine tothe compass bow In boling sun and tum on the lap ln the binnacle to warm up in cold area, (6) When a bubble is formed inthe compass bow! qui, ask to the manufacturer or Seviation adjuster. (7) Clean the both giass face of top and bottom of compass bowl, lens and reflector ovice every time. (8) Apply sme grease to the screws, bolts and nuts when removed them at deviation correction, (@) case of below, make overaul or replace to new one. 8. When the compass bow can't keep level due to inoperative of gimbals for ‘compass bow and gimbal ring ». When the compass cards inclined ¢. When the haf ime period is changed excessively. 4. When te ecror due to tiction is increased, 2. When the large size bubble i ni {. When the iquid in compass bow is muddled. For’, ¢, dnd o, rafer tothe section 1. Troubleshooting in this manual (10) Use the Log book forthe magnetic compass. a. Note of deviation correction date, place, method and personnel Note of carected element positon, 4 Note of detals of correction in ship and corected dat, Note of chacked ship's postion, ship's course, daviatlon and messured method during navigation Noted above and detailed data lar d. ls used to base of calculation for next deviation corection (11) Abnormal magnetism on ship When abnormal magnetism fs generated to the magnetic compass, note the {deviation on eight points, date and place / poston / latitude without reaignment of comecton pats. ‘Aso nate same deta on ancther pace / position latude, I the data of two difered place are used, slmost perfect deviation corection can be done at nex time, 2 11. Troubleshooting (1) When a bubbles formedin the compass bow impossible to read the card and ‘aso half ime period is changed then make overnau, 2. Incase of small size bubble ‘Some small size bubbie in space might be appeared caused vibration and shock but do nat increase the size ‘Set the liquid input ole on side wal ofthe compass bow to top positon and release the screw then the bubble may be spouted out with water. When did not spout out, remove the screw and add distilled water and reighten the screw again fmiy. Clean the quid input hole and perform the above under 20° conaition. ». incase of large size bubble Need overhaul or repair by manufacturer due ta broken of grass or broken of packing (2) When the compass card is unsteady or moved wth ship's turing “These symptom appear dus to strong magnetized malorial is placed around tho ‘magnetic compass or incorrect devietion correction is performed. \—+ Toship’s 7 Raa ‘ovate pa saver SE Fig.1 ae on-2s4s 10 1 Amount ot onasa conection} 9 = i (Gegrees) ‘ 3 4 ® 5 1 5 ke onie4s j 6 Example 02-3 5 ‘A shown above, ingot each one to focation 3, ‘corecton of about willbe accomplishes, 2B Distance (em) Fig. 3 (Cun for amount of quadrantal deviation correction (D) nel HaaRETS CoMPASS _PERATORS MANGAL (Docume No, £0-20018 Thai 05, 1559 Second Ean TOKYO KEIKI INC. 2-16-48 INAVGKAMSTA, OTAKU, TOKYO 14-551, JAPAN Ta @nvesraresst Fax (1) 25757686 Notice: This operato’s manual must not be copod or roproduced without expressed writen permission of TOKYO KEIK

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