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Develop a stance (pro or against--or more nuanced) on the research question you've
chosen for the semester. This should be YOUR opinion that you can now back up
with evidence from your research. I asked you to be open-minded as you researched
for Project 1, but by the end of that essay (the conclusion), you revealed your opinion
on the subject.
2. Identify at least two potential audiences that should take action on this topic.

My post:

1. Opinion/Stance: The higher level of air pollution in lower income areas needs to be combated
before residential lives are at stake.

2. Potential Audiences: The mayor, low income families, Environmental Protection Agency, city
council, city residents

*City council would have multiple opinions on the matter, more to find the issue important.
Would also be more likely to care since it is a city issue rather than asking a big agency about a
specific area. City residents would be easier to reach with posters and social media due to a
larger population being able to see the visuals.

Response to peer:

​ Consumers can be informed through 1. Posters in stores, 2. commercials, and 3. ads on


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