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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province

Self-Learning Home Task (SLHT)

Subject : English Grade: 6 Quarter: 2 Week: 2

MELC : Recognize evaluative word choices used Competency Code: ENG6LC-

by speakers to detect biases and IIIb-3.1.12
Propaganda devices

Name : ___________________________ Section: __________ Date: ____________

School : ___________________________ District: ____________________________

A. Readings/ Discussions (Day 1)

Directions: Read the sample campaign speech below then answer the questions that

Sample Campaign Speech

“To my beloved constituents, I am your most trusted and humble
servant. I am standing in front of you to strengthen the connection that we
have. I have been your Municipal Mayor for two consecutive terms and we
have been proactively building our shared dreams together for the benefit
of the municipality. You have been my living witness of the different
incredible projects constructed and substantial ordinances crafted and
implemented. And not to mention my unending hard work in leading our
progressive municipality. Allow me to recall those days when a horrible
earthquake struck our place, when a disastrous flood took away lives of our
loved ones and when we fought together to deplete corrupt elected officials
who once led the municipality. We were together during those times. I could
not forget how we hand in hand elevated the lives and morale of each other.
We were together as one!

Now, allow me to express my heartfelt gratitude for your support and

love. They said that there is no such thing as forever. Let me correct them.
Here in our municipality, forever is real! I have no doubt that you will forever
believe in our teamwork.

So, my beloved constituents do not forget to vote for me this coming


I, Silvestre “Manoy Bestre” Quijote III, your Mayor would like to leave
you with this message. “You and me together now and forever!”

Thank you in advance!”

Direction: Answer the questions below.

1. What is the selection about?

2. Which of the underlined words above imply positive judgements?
3. Which of the underlined words above imply negative judgements?
4. How do you call these words?

Evaluative words/ Evaluative language

- is a positive or negative language that judges the
worth of something. It includes language to express
feelings and opinions, to make judgments about
aspects of people such as their behavior, and to
assess quality of objects such as literary works.

You can determine biases and propaganda

devices through the evaluative words used by

B. Exercises
Exercise Number 1
I. Directions: Pick-out the evaluative words in the statements below. Number one is
done for you.

miraculous 1. The miraculous plant that can cure all kinds of

illness is now in a bottle.

_________________2. Try our new monstrous truck. It can carry

Heavy loads. It runs fast even through rocks
and mud.

_________________3. Maria attended a terrible party organized by

her cousin.

_________________4. I had an amazing afternoon.

_________________5. The courageous girl in the movie “Mulan” is my

II. Directions: Read the paragraph below. Pick out the evaluative words then
classify whether they suggest negative or positive judgements by writing
them in their appropriate boxes. Then answer the question that follow. The
highlighted evaluative words are already written in their appropriate box as
your example.

1. A movie review

The Lion King

“Simba is heir of the throne and the only son of Mufasa, the King of Pride Land. The
setting of the story was perfect and appropriate. The rising and setting of the sun,
the pride rock, the elephant’s graveyard and the savanna are breathtaking. The
sophisticated plot of the story sustains the interest of the viewers. On the other hand,
using live animals could suggest confusion to children especially in determining
reality from fantasy. They might wrongly perceived that animals really talk or have
feelings the same as humans. Parent’s guidance is really a must in watching the

Positive Negative
perfect and appropriate


Upon reading the movie review, would you still watch the movie? Why?

Exercise Number 2

I. Directions: Underline the evaluative word in each statement. Then choose from
Column B which type of bias is used by the speaker. Write the letter of your answer
on the space provided before each number. Number one is done for you.

Column A Column B
a. Fundamental Attribution
“I just registered in Facebook Error - overemphasizes
because all of my friends think personal factors and under
that it’s cool.” estimating situational
factors when explaining
other people’s behavior.
“I think the owner of this test b. Bandwagon Effect - the
paper is a complete idiot. The speaker is more likely to go
_______2. score is 0 out of 50.” along with a belief if there
are many others who hold
that belief.

“I bet Rena is a lousy player c. Availability/ Heuristic Bias-

_______3. because her sister was the the speaker based his/her
reason of our losses last year.”
judgment from immediate
information or examples that
come to mind.

“Choose from your left handed d. Anchoring Bias - the

classmates to draw the picture speaker depended his/her
on the blackboard.” judgment on the first piece
of information acquired.

“Our new teacher is a sure e. Confirmation Bias. It

terror. I heard she failed half of shows that the speaker
_______5. her class last year.” pays more attention to
information that reinforces
previously held beliefs and
ignoring evidence to the

II. Directions: Match the picture to the propaganda device used by the
speaker in column B. Write the letter only. Number one is done for you.

Column A Column B

A. Bandwagon – a technique that

encourages someone to believe
something by telling them that
everyone else is doing it.


B. Card Stacking- a technique that
displays only favorable facts and
Everybody is having a details about something/
good time someone.
___________3. C. Glittering Generalities- a
message that is always favorable
to all. It connects with the
listeners’ values and perceptions
about life.

____________4. D. Name Calling- a technique that

categorized something/
Share the spirit someone. It connects something/
of kindness… someone to a negative idea.

@Kuya Mark’s

E. Plain Folks – a technique that
uses ordinary people to attract
audiences with common needs
and point of views.

___________6. F. Testimonial – a technique that

uses famous people to endorse
someone or something by
affirming their wonderful
experience to someone or on

_____________7. G. Transfer- a technique that aims

to transfer approval from
something or on someone that a
speaker respects to the
C. Assessment/ Application/ Outputs
Directions: Analyze the situations below. Pick your answer from the given
choices and then provide a brief explanation about your answer.
1. You heard from the news that Covid-19 is less fatal compare to other known
viruses like Ebola. Based on the record of Covid-19 deaths in our country, the
evaluative word less fatal is_______
A. true. B. not true. C. partly true.
2. You were looking for a durable pair of shoes online. You read an ad in
Facebook about a new pair of shoes. In the ad, it states “Durable men use
durable shoes”. Would you buy it?
A. Yes B. No C. Maybe
3. Your friends would like to order a healthy pizza. You saw an ad comparing two
pizzas. It states “Healthy people only eat My Pizza!”
“Other Pizza” “My Pizza”
With MSG? Without MSG!

Which will you buy?

A. My Pizza B. Other Pizza C. I’d rather make my own pizza.

D. Suggested Enrichment/ Reinforcement Activity

I. Direction: Make a propaganda on each situation given below.

1. Your mother would like to sell her laptop because she preferred to use her new
mobile phone. What propaganda would you suggest to your mother to attract
sellers in the internet?
2. You will run as SPG President in your school. One of your strategies to win the
election is to make a propaganda. Give an example propaganda that you could
use to attract school mates to vote for you.

II. Direction: Read and understand the dialog below. Then answer the questions that

Mother: John… take your vitamins every morning and drink one
glass of milk before going to sleep. Your cousin has shown
good performance in school lately. I think that kind of routine
will help you become better in school too.
John: Yes mother!


1. Why did John agree to his mother?

2. If you were John, would you believe that the reason of your cousin’s good
performance was caused by taking vitamins every morning and drinking milk
before going to sleep? Why?

References: curriculum


MT 1, Content Editor MT 2, Language Editor

Reviewed by: Dr. MA. CHONA B. REDOBLE

EPS – English

For the Teacher: You may give other exercises/reinforcement activities other than the
ones provided for in this SLHT.

For the Learner: Please read carefully the key points/readings and follow correctly
directions in accomplishing exercises/tasks.

For the Parent/Home Tutor: Kindly guide learner in accomplishing this home task.
Should you need assistance, you may contact the subject
teacher to address questions or give

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