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Writing Project 2 Final Draft

By: Cole Kotran



Political Polarization in America

Throughout history, issues that arise in America have been known to create
disagreements between people that normally end with more issues. In today’s day and age,
with the media being our source to what is happening around the world, misinformation is
being spread everywhere and it is hard to distinguish what is true and false. With everyone
having their own mixed opinions on varieties of issues based on what they might have seen
online or personally experienced, it is much easier for people to feel resentment towards
others who disagree with what they believe in. This is directly impacting relationships with
people who might not agree politically. Nowadays, it seems like political parties want to
disagree with everything that opposing parties believe in, not because it makes sense, but
because it is coming from an opposing group. These disagreements can lead to large-scale
violence, such as organized crime and even wars. It is crucially important that Americans realize
the damage that is being done to the country by dividing each other. There isn’t an issue with
having different opinions, but when it turns into conflict between the two sides, that is where
the problem arises. America was built on several beliefs, one of them being that people can feel
however they want to feel and shouldn’t be criticized for it in anyway. Unfortunately, now
people are being criticized for even speaking against certain groups and are silenced with the
threat of being “cancelled” on social media. If this is happening to people, how can they even
associate themselves with people who side with the group that is actively fighting against them.
This goes to show why, as a country, we need to take a step back and realize that at the end of
the day, no one is correct, and there doesn’t need to be violence as a reaction to someone’s
opinion, because it really isn’t important.


I decided to base my research around the social media platforms, YouTube and Reddit.
On YouTube, I searched for videos pertaining to my topic, in order to analyze the discourse in
the comment section threads. I found my sources by using words such as “polarization”, and
“Democrat”, to find information on specific parts on my topic. I took notes on how people
responded to others’ controversial opinions while also trying to figure out where they stand
politically. This helps draw a line between the type of people that enact violence as a result of
political debate, and those who don’t. I also made it a point to determine how many people are
aware of the divide in America, what caused it, and what it is affecting. On Reddit, I got most of
my information from the subreddits r/politics, r/liberal, and r/conservative. I used these search
filters to find different types of group discussions to see if I could find the differences between
them, as well as the similarities. These subreddits all have hundreds of thousands of members,
so there is no shortage of discourse to analyze among them. I also applied my knowledge to
formulate opinions on some discourses as well. I personally take part in political discussion
from time to time, so it is interesting to see how other people react to certain things compared
to how I do. It was a goal to provide a wide variety of viewpoints, such as beliefs from all sides
of the political spectrum, so I could tie them all together to strengthen my argument. My main
goal was to further analyze the tone of the discourse being exchanged because it gives me a
solid idea of peoples’ feelings towards this topic, as well as the emotional state of people taking
part in politics. I did this by looking for all kinds of political discussion that I believe would bring
out different types of feelings in people. I feel it is easy to understand the tone and feelings of
people based on the implications of the topic and conversation. This is important to note
because political debate can go many ways from friendly conversation to enacting violence on
others. With these methods I can find how and why this issue is becoming more prominent
among Americans and hopefully be able to find solutions based around the evidence.


I found plenty of discourse to work with across YouTube and Reddit. I found people
from all sides of the political spectrum discussing issues and even criticizing people on the other
side of the spectrum, usually as a scapegoat. This is important because it make it known that a
big portion of this issue is stemmed from personal bias, as opposed to factual evidence.
There was one quote I found quite interesting, it was “Everything’s bigger in Texas,
including a giant middle finger to the leftists who threw open our borders.” This is a reaction to
a statement saying that Texas sent fifty thousand immigrants to Democrat run cities. The
person that responded to this isn’t looking for a way to fix the issue, but instead is attacking an
entire group of people they feel is responsible for the immigration “problem”. This is a prime
example of a small act of violence towards the democrats because of an issue. It can be
assumed that bigger issues can create worse responses, meaning physical violence. These types
of responses to issues are what creates a chain reaction that digs a deeper hole for us that can
lead to much larger conflicts. This has been a result of many political disputes over the years,
and it is only getting worse because of social media.
Not including my online platform sources, my other findings provide plenty of
information to back up the behavior that I am analyzing. I was able to find how political
polarization has affected relationships between people and created a divide between people
that care about each other. In the subreddit r/AskMen, I found a statement that said
“Personally, I wouldn't be able to date a very conservative or super religious girl, but that’s me,
you might be different.” The person that said this isn’t basing this off the person in reference,
but the conservative party based on his own personal bias. It is sad that people avoid others
simply because they have their own beliefs which they are completely allowed to have in this
I was also able to find how politics has had an impact on the health of some people and
how it is getting worse as time goes on. Something I found that ties this together was found in
the subreddit r/science; “I almost wonder if it's the isolation and alienation from your
community and neighbors. I live in red Kentucky but I'm blue and left wing. I definitely feel
more isolated after the last 4 years than I ever did previously, and people have stopped talking
to me because of my beliefs.” The fact that someone must feel isolated from his community
because the majority disagrees with his beliefs is wrong. Isolation from your community can
have a drastic impact on mental health given that the feeling of fitting in is a very important
aspect in many peoples’ lives. Notice how it is stated that this has happened more in the last 4
years. This further reinstates the idea that political polarization is worse than it has ever been
before and is continuing to affect people.
I also found sources on how we can limit the damages of this divide as a society which I
view as very important. Some important information I found is that “In addition, listening to
others' opinions may introduce a perspective you hadn't considered before. Try suspending
judgment and instead listening with a mindset of curiosity.” This demonstrates an important
trait that we should all have, which is that of curiosity. Instead of automatically ruling out what
others believe, we should at the very least have an open mind with the hope of potentially
learning something instead of sticking to our own beliefs that are most likely flawed. Another
interesting point I found in the comment section under a YouTube video titled “Social Media
and Political Polarization in America”, says that “Social media is the worst thing to happen to
us.” This seems more and more correct as time goes on and as the polarization issue spreads. In
the video, the speakers go over the topic of the monetization of political arguments. In this
digital age, most people dream of going viral online and making money off it. Therefore, it is so
easy to make content on political beliefs because it is so popular in America. This allows plenty
of divisive speech to reach large audiences, furthering the issue and making it much harder for
people to see the real damage being done to this country.
Most importantly, I found information on the media’s part in all of this and how future
generations rely on the media because it is all they know. This can be verified with the fact that
“people who are exposed to messages that conflict with their own attitudes are prone to
counterargue them using motivated reasoning, which accentuates perceived differences
between groups and increases their commitment to preexisting beliefs.” This is because it is a
whole lot easier to argue online, and it has been this way for too long to where big changes to
the multi-media would be needed to reverse these effects.
Lastly, I found a source on how most people see political polarization as an issue, and it
is just the extremists that ruin it for everybody. I found an interesting quote that really ties
together the extremist issue, saying that ”The angriest voices are the loudest voices
unfortunately”. In my opinion, if someone is an extremist in any area of the political spectrum,
then they either are very misinformed, or only claiming that political affiliation to discredit the
opposite side of beliefs. Additionally, these people are going to be the angriest because they
are prone to see things that they whole-heartedly disagree with and will most likely react
inappropriately. If everyone knew this, we would have societal awareness of this issue and have
a much better chance of fixing it before it is too late.


All in all, there is an expanding issue in America, and people are realizing it now. When
times get hard for our country, we need to operate as a single unit, or we will fall apart. With all
my findings, it is no surprise that we are making our situation worse by essentially accepting our
fate and living how we are told. Something needs to change, or the future generations of this
country are going to be born into an America that our ancestors would frown upon. There are
steps that can be taken to solve this issue, it is just a matter of initiative. A good start would be
to stop playing the blame game. It helps no one and never gets things in the right direction.
People need to start being more selfless and open-minded, in order to be able to critically think
for themselves, not just think what they are told. If enough people are willing to attempt to act
on this, maybe our children won’t have to grow up in a third-world country. The most
important thing is that we work together as a team because that is essentially what a country
needs to be successful. In addition, it is okay to have political debate and honestly it is a good
thing. This is because it is important that people are exposed to all different types of views, with
the hope that they can have their own educated points of views on predominant issues and be
able to contribute to the solutions in a healthy way. It is only when violence comes from
disagreements that we need to realize something must be changed or this country is going to
keep going downhill until we reach a breaking point and have another civil war.

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