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CRITERIA 20 17 14 11 8 Score

Content The presenter(s): The presenter(s): • The presenter(s): • discusses The presenter(s): • discusses The presenter(s) does not
and •discusses all important discusses most important some important aspects of the few of the important aspects discuss the aspects, problems
Organizati aspects of the background aspects of the background background of the case of the background of the of the case and do not
on of the case of the case • demonstrates some case • demonstrates few demonstrate unique feature of
• demonstrates all • demonstrates most unique features of the unique the case.
unique features of the unique features of the case features of the case • identifies
case case • identifies some problems in a few problems in the case
• identifies all problems in • identifies most problems in the case
the case the case

Presentati The presentation: • is The presentation: • is The presentation: • is The presentation: • is not The presentation:
on Skills extremely well organized well organized and easy somewhat organized very well organized • is very disorganized
and easy to understand to • is easy to understand most of • is not always easy to • is confusing and message is
• is within the time understand the time understand not clear
parameters • has no verbal • is within the time parameters • is within the time parameters • is slightly too short or too • is outside the time
or physical distractions • has only a few verbal or • has several verbal or long • has several verbal or parameters • has several
• has visual aids when physical distractions physical distractions physical distractions verbal or physical
appropriate and they are • has visual aids when • has visual aids when • has visual aids when distractions
visually appealing and easy appropriate and they are appropriate and they are appropriate but they are • has no visual aids when
to see/read • All presenters mostly visually appealing and somewhat visually appealing distracting or not easy to see. appropriate or the visual aids
speak. mostly easy to see/read. and mostly easy to see/read. • Two or more presenters do are not appropriate or are
• All presenters speak • All but one presenter speaks not speak (if there are very
(if there are multiple multiple presenters). distracting from the
presenters). presentation. • Two or more
presenters do not speak (if
there are multiple

Mastery of The presenter (s) The presenter (s) The presenter(s) demonstrated The presented shows The presenter (s) do not
the Topic demonstrated an excellent demonstrated a great a good understanding of the some understanding and understand the case presented.
and in depth understanding understanding of the case. case. Shows some knowledge some
of the case. Shows mastery Shows some mastery of the on the topic presented knowledge on the topic.
of the topic presented topic presented

Nursing The presenter (s) can The presenter (s) can The presenter (s) can formulate The presenter (s) can The presenter (s) are not able
Management formulate excellent nursing formulate good nursing appropriate nursing formulate nursing to formulate nursing
management and plan of management and plan of care management and plan of care management and plan of care management and plan of care
care needed based on the needed based on the case needed based on the case needed based on the case needed based on the case
case scenario provided. No scenario provided. Some scenario provided but needs scenario provided but needs scenario provided
revision needed revision needed. minor revision major revision

Depth of The presenter(s) can The presenter(s) can answer The presenter(s) can answer The presenter(s) can answer The presenter(s) did not
Answers answer all the questions most of the questions some of the questions correctly, few of the questions correctly, answer the questions
(Q and A) correctly, with confidence correctly, with confidence with some confidence and with little confidence and correctly, without confidence
and mastery, and in line and mastery, and in line on mastery, and some are in line mastery, and not that in line and without mastery, and not
on the learning outcomes the learning with the learning outcomes with the learning outcomes in line on the learning
needed on the subject outcomes needed on the needed on the subject matter. needed on the subject matter. outcomes needed on the
matter. subject matter. subject matter.


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