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Author: James Mishler THE bARbARIAN CLASS
Cover & Interior Art: Peter Bradley
Graphic Design: Peter Bradley Native Arms & Armor 4
Primal Rage 4
Adventure Games Publishing Resilience 4
PO Box 185 Savage Glory 4
Iola, WI 54945
Sixth Sense 4
Adventure Games Publishing: Tribal Abilities 4
Judges Guild:
Troll Lord Games: Animal Handling, Armor Maker 4
Castles & Crusades: Battle Cry, Berserkergang, Bowyer, Canoeing, Demon Slayer, 5
Ravenchilde Illustrations:
Fast Movement, First Aid, Horsemanship 6
PDF Support: and
Horse Warrior, Jumping, Languages 6
Master Armor Maker, Master Bowyer, Master Weapon Smith 6
The body text of this product is in Garamond, the headers in Ronan, the titles and logos in Baldur. Thanks to Patrick “Mad Irishman”
Murphy of Mad Irishman Productions for the use of the Baldur and Ronan fonts, used in logos, page titles, and section headings. For Baldur,
Ronan, and other excellent fonts, plus a ton of great character sheets, including character sheets for Castles & Crusades, go to

For a complete listing of all Judges Guild products, classic or modern, original or licensed, reference the excellent lists at Runes, Running, Savage Horde, Savage Retainers 7

The materials herein are an alternative interpretation of the original, official Judges Guild City State Campaign setting, are derivative
Scale, Seamanship, Signaling, Sound Imitation, 7
Swimming, Weapon Smith, Wilderness Abilities, Wizard Slayer 8
thereof, and are not official Judges Guild materials.

This book uses the mystical, the supernatural, drugs, racism, sexism, insanity, and perversity for settings, characters, and themes.
All such elements are elements of fiction, are intended for entertainment purposes only, and do not reflect the beliefs of the writers or publishers.

Wilderness Abilities Note 8

Any resemblance between characters and situations in this book, and persons living or dead, or historical events, is purely coincidental. Reader
discretion is advised.

Barbarians of the Wilderlands 1 © 2008 by Adventure Games Publishing. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without the
written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. Adventure Games Publishing, Wilderlands of High Adventure, and respective logos are Versatility 9
trademarks of Adventure Games Publishing. Wilderlands of High Adventure © 2008 Adventure Games Publishing and Judges Guild. All
Rights Reserved. Judges Guild and the Judges Guild logo are trademarks of Judges Guild. All Rights Reserved.
Summary and EP Chart 9
Barbarian Equipment (Atlatl, Khopesh, Lariat) 9
This book is published pursuant to a License from Troll Lord Games. The rules-based content appearing in this book is derived from
the Castles & Crusades Player’s Handbook Copyright © 2004 Troll Lord Games. Castles & Crusades is property of and copyright 2004 Troll Lord
Games. All Rights Reserved. Castles & Crusades, C&C, Castle Keeper, the Castles & Crusades logo, SIEGE engine, and the SIEGE engine logo
are Trademarks owned by Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved.


“Urban” Barbarians 10
Rural Barbarians 11
Barbarian Nations of the Wilderlands 11
Altanians 12
Amazons 13
Karakhans 14
Karzulun 15
Mgona 16
Moonrakers 17
Skandiks 18
Tharbrians 19
AGP00251 MSRP $4.00 Valonar 20

This book is published under the Open Game License (OGL) version 1.0a by permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The Open modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are
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BARBARIAN (Constitution)

NATIVE ARMS & ARMOR: hit, a +2 bonus to damage, and a his native tribal armors; it cannot be
A barbarian has a select list of around +2 bonus to wisdom saving throws. used with other armor with which he
a half-dozen cultural weapons in Alternatively, instead of the bonus to has gained proficiency. This ability may
which he is proficient (consult your hit and damage, the barbarian may not be used when the barbarian is in a
Judge for barbarian cultures that instead choose to attack twice with rage. At 4th level he may use this ability
may be available in your campaign a single weapon, suffering -1 to hit twice per day, at 8th level three times per
setting). He may choose one of these with both attacks; he may make this day, and at 12th level four times per day.
weapons, with which he gains a +1 choice from round to round. During The AC bonus increases to +2 at 6th
damage bonus; this improves to a +1 the rage the barbarian also suffers level and +3 at 10th level.
bonus to hit and damage at 7th level. a -2 penalty to AC and a -2 penalty SIXTH SENSE (Wisdom): A
The barbarian does not, however, on all intelligence checks and saving barbarian has a sixth sense that enables
suffer the full non-proficiency penalty throws. The bonuses improve to +3 him to detect danger. Any time the
of other classes; he only suffers a -2 at 8th level and +4 at 16th level; the barbarian is surprised, or is ambushed,
penalty with other weapons. penalties never improve. especially through use of the rogue or
The barbarian is also limited in the During the rage a barbarian assassin’s stealth ability, through the use
armor he may wear effectively, as he cannot use missile weapons, though of magic such as invisibility, or through
is not used to or trained in the use of he may use thrown weapons. a trap, mechanical or otherwise, the
armors not native to his culture. He At the end of the rage the barbarian may make a sixth sense
may wear armor he is not familiar with barbarian is fatigued, and suffers a check. The CL is equal to the level or
and use his class abilities, but he suffers -2 penalty to hit, deals only half of hit dice of the attacking being (with
a penalty to all ability checks equal to rolled damage, a -2 penalty to AC, modifiers as the Judge might require).
the AC of the armor, suffers a penalty and a -2 penalty to all checks and If the sixth sense roll succeeds, the
to hit equal to half the AC of the saving throws. This fatigue lasts a surprise is negated for the barbarian
armor rounded up, and the AC bonus number of minutes equal to the (but not his allies).
of the armor is one less than normal. same number of rounds the rage
Starting at 2nd level a barbarian lasted, i.e., a six-round rage equals a TRIBAL ABILITIES: A barbarian
may choose an additional weapon six-minute period of fatigue. may select three of the following tribal
or armor type in which to gain The barbarian may rage once per abilities at 1st level, provided the ability
proficiency upon gaining a new level; day at 1st level, twice per day at 4th is native to the barbarian’s culture. The
he must use or have used this weapon level, three times per day at 8th level, abilities available depend on the locale
or wear or worn the armor during at four times per day at 12th level, five and culture from which he originates.
least one combat, or trained with it times per day at 16th level, and six These include:
for one week, before he becomes times per day at 20th level. Animal Handling (Wisdom):
proficient with it. RESILIENCE: A barbarian’s The barbarian can handle and train
If the barbarian advances in level innate toughness and ability to a specific animal type. Usually this is
before he has used these slots, they withstand pain and punishment imparts restricted to horses and dogs, but could
are not lost; they simply accumulate. a +1 bonus to all saving throws versus include black bears, wolves, birds, lynxes,
The barbarian can choose to “trade paralysis, polymorph, petrifaction, and etc., as per the Judge’s campaign.
in” three accumulated slots for an death attacks. The bonus increases to Armor Maker (Intelligence):
additional Versatility pick (see below) +2 at 5th level, +3 at 10th level, +4 at Most barbarians can make-work
as opportunity permits. 15th level and +5 at 20th level. repairs to their armor or even
PRIMAL RAGE: A barbarian manufacture simple leather or hide
SAVAGE GLORY: Once per day armors; possession of this ability
has the ability to go into a battle for 3 rounds + 1 round per level the
rage. This rage lasts for 3 rounds + means the barbarian is especially
barbarian may add +1 to his AC. He skilled in leatherworking and possibly
1 round per level. During this time may use this ability only when wearing
the barbarian gains a +2 bonus to metalworking (to such a technological


level as his tribe is able) and repairing Once in the berserker rage, the a unique, powerful bow specific to
and making tribal armors. barbarian attacks the nearest living his tribal group (one of short, short
He can make and maintain any tribal being, be it friend or foe, though the composite, long, or long composite).
armors and he can also make expert barbarian may make a wisdom save He cannot make metal arrowheads; for
armors of tribal type. The barbarian (CL opponents slain this combat) to this he requires a weapon smith, but he
begins play with a single such suit of choose to attack a nearby foe rather will know if they are quality arrowheads.
expert (not double-expert) armor for than a nearer friend; however, the foe He has enough skill at flint-knapping to
himself at the cost of a normal suit of must be reachable this round or the make stone arrowheads, but no other
armor of that type. barbarian cannot choose to make the stone implements.
Expert armors require special save and must attack the friend! Not only can the barbarian make
craftsmanship. Expert leather or During a berserker rage the the specific cultural bow of his tribe,
hide armors require one week per barbarian ignores all wounds; during he can also make a bow of that type
point of AC bonus to manufacture, this time the Judge should keep track personalized to the user’s strength.
metal armors require double that; of the barbarian’s hit points and not This bow adds the user’s strength
all provided the proper materials are even hint to the player where his hit bonus to its damage and increases its
available. Only outcasts make such points stand. The berserk barbarian base range by 10 feet per bonus point
armor for sale to non-tribe members continues fighting even at negative hit (thus a long composite bow of this
(if the barbarian is not an outcast points, unhindered, even beyond -10 type for a character with a strength
when he makes such a suit of armor hit points, to a total beyond -10 equal score of 17 would deal 1d8+2 and
for an outsider, he will be when his to his level, only after that point does he have a range of 130/260/390). The
people find out that he did!). drop dead while in the rage (i.e., a 10th barbarian begins play with such a
Battle Cry (Charisma): Once level berserk barbarian can fight to -20 it bow for himself at the cost of a
per day the barbarian can give out a points, but drops dead at -21 or worse). normal weapon of that type.
fearsome battle cry to strike fear in the If the barbarian is at or beyond -10 hit These bows require special
hearts of his opponents. The CL is points when the berserker rage ends, craftsmanship, taking one month
equal to the highest level/HD enemy he drops dead. If between 0 and -9 hit per bonus point to make a new bow,
the barbarian can see. If the battle points, he simply falls unconscious. provided the proper materials are
cry is successful, all enemies within A berserker rage ends only after available. Only outcasts make such
50 feet must make a charisma save there are no foes in sight and the bows for sale to non-tribe members
against a CL equal to the barbarian’s barbarian makes a wisdom save (CL as (if the barbarian is not an outcast
level; if they fail, they must flee in above); if the save fails the barbarian when he makes such a bow for an
terror for one round per level of must attack the nearest friend (or outsider, he will be when his people
the barbarian. Even if they save, any run to attack the nearest friend if find out that he did!)
opponents of fewer hit dice than the not in range this round)! If no allies The barbarian can also make
barbarian suffer a -1 penalty to hit and are present, he attacks animals, if no standard expert bows, requiring two
to damage until the end of the battle. animals, the nearest structure, etc. weeks to make a bow or one day
The barbarian may take this Once the barbarian exits the to make a single arrow with a +1
ability multiple times; each time he berserker rage the post-rage fatigue damage bonus; these he can sell to
takes it he is able to use it once more lasts for 10 minutes per round of outsiders without incurring the wrath
per day, but never more than once in rage, rather than 1 minute per round; of his people. An expert strength bow
the same battle. all penalties are doubled, the barbarian requires six weeks per strength bonus.
Berserkergang: A barbarian deals only minimal damage, and the Canoeing (Varies): The barbarian
with this ability may choose to allow barbarian cannot run or even jog. is skilled in the building (wisdom) and
his primal rage ability to extend Bowyer (Intelligence): Most use (dexterity) of small wooden and
indefinitely as a berserker rage. barbarians who use bows can get hide canoes and boats used in rivers,
Entering the berserker rage by making simple bows and arrows; lakes, and sea shallows.
requires two full rounds of possession of this ability means the Demon Slayer [This ability can only
preparation, including biting of barbarian is particularly skilled at making be taken at 3rd level or above as a Versatility
shield and bellowing of war cries. bows and arrows (Intelligence), especially pick, and only after the barbarian has had
experience fighting creatures that require must use one packet of herbs, salves, Languages (Intelligence): A
magical weapons to hit]: The barbarian unguents, and bandages per wound. barbarian normally begins play knowing
possesses insight into the inhuman A pack of herbs, salves, unguents, his native tongue and a dash of common,
nature of dark and fell creatures such and bandages costs 10 gp; a packet plus any languages due to high intelligence.
as demons, devils, undead, and other may be gathered by a barbarian or A barbarian with this ability may make an
monsters who are only marginally ranger using wilderness lore against intelligence check to understand the basic
part of the natural world. a CL of 5, one check per hour-long intent behind the most rudimentary use of
He gains the ability to hit any search, and requires a fire and one a foreign tongue, with a CL depending on
creature that requires a +1 or better hour of preparation to make from the distance of the tongue from his own and
magical weapon, even though he does scratch (no check needed to make the complexity of the phrase. For example,
not possess a magical weapon. This the unguents and salves). he could try to understand a maiden trying
ability does not provide any bonus to Horsemanship (Dexterity): The to ask for help or a merchant asking for two
hit or to damage, merely the ability to barbarian is skilled in using his horse coppers for a melon; long and/or complex
hit the creature without the requisite in combat as per the C&C knight, ideas cannot be understood.
magical aid. The barbarian can use his though all abilities can only be used Additionally, every level (including
bare hands or any other weapon. fully with unarmored light war 1 if this ability is chosen at 1st level)

This ability can be taken more than horses or steppe ponies. Attempts the barbarian may choose one language,
once; each time it is taken increases the to use these abilities with medium to which he has been exposed during
effective bonus required that he can and heavy warhorses or any horse in that level or prior, and learn to speak
hit; i.e., two picks is +2, three is +3, and armor are at 1/2 the barbarian’s level and understand it; he will always have
so forth. Often this ability requires that of ability (rounded down). an imperfect understanding of it, and
the barbarian be permanently tattooed Horse Warrior: The barbarian is will always speak it with an atrocious,
or scarred with strange symbols, sigils, skilled in use of his tribal weapons barbarous accent.
and runes during day-long rituals while on horseback. He suffers only Master Armor Maker [This ability
overseen by a savage cleric or wizard a -1 penalty to hit with melee attacks can only be taken at 3rd level or above as a
(Judge’s discretion). and a -2 penalty to hit with ranged Versatility pick, and only after the barbarian
Fast Movement: The barbarian attacks rather than the usual -2/-4 has taken the Armor Maker ability]: The
adds +10 feet to his base movement. penalties. If the barbarian also has barbarian is able to make double-
This applies only when wearing Horsemanship, both penalties are expert tribal armor. This armor
his native armor types (regardless of eliminated entirely. requires double the normal amount of
other armors with which he may become Jumping (Strength): With this time to make. In addition to a +1 AC
familiar) and cannot be used when ability the barbarian can jump great bonus above its normal, the armor also
the barbarian is carrying a heavy load distances. The barbarian can jump a absorbs one point of hit point damage
or is overburdened. base six feet forward, two feet back, from every attack that hits the wearer.
First Aid (Wisdom): With a or two feet up from a standing start. Master Bowyer [This ability can only
successful wisdom check, this skill If the barbarian is able to move freely be taken at 3rd level or above as a Versatility
allows the barbarian to bind wounds and get a running start, he can leap a pick, and only after the barbarian has taken
and set sprains or broken bones. base of 15 feet forward or five feet the Bowyer ability]: The barbarian is able to
The check is made individually for up. To the standing jump numbers make double-expert bows and arrows;
each wound treated, with a CL equal add 3” per point of the strength check time required is one month and two
to the points of damage suffered by above the CC, and add 6” per points days, respectively. Each has a non-
that individual wound. If successful, of the strength check above the CC magical bonus of +1 to hit and +1 to
the wound heals 1 point of damage for running jumps; subtract similar damage. A double-expert tribal bow that
per day, in addition to the normal amounts for every point by which the allows the addition of strength bonuses
general healing of the character, for a strength check failed. For running jumps, to damage requires two months per
number of days up to the surplus of the maximum jump is no greater than point of strength bonus to construct.
the wisdom check or the total damage half the total running space for forward Master Weapon Smith [This ability
of the wound, whichever is less. jumps, and one quarter the running can only be taken at 3rd level or above as a
To use this ability the barbarian space for upward jumps. Versatility pick, and only after the barbarian
has taken the weapon Smith ability]: The leaders can be adjusted as per the is equal to his charisma score). As
barbarian is able to make double- Judge determines based on existing followers die, provided the barbarian
expert weapons, time required being clans and tribes and how well the has treated them well and he has
two weeks per five pounds or portion assumed leader gathers them to otherwise been successful, they
thereof. Each has a non-magical bonus his standard (there is always plenty will be replenished from the tribe
of +1 to hit and +1 to damage. of opportunity for savage intrigue as opportunity permits, from allied
Runes (Intelligence): The barbarian among the clans and tribes). tribes the barbarian encounters from
is skilled in the use of the runes or sigils A number of women, children, time to time, or even from semi-
used by his tribal shaman or priest. This and camp followers equal to the civilized adventuring types, at the
grants him no magical abilities in and of number of savage warriors and Judge’s discretion. All new followers
itself, but it does allow him to read and leaders join the horde on its path begin at 1st level. The barbarian is
write any rune stones or other writing of destruction and plunder; double responsible for their upkeep and
using his tribal alphabet. If the tribe’s this number in case of a long-term well-being as well as for regularly
runes are magical, each additional choice conquest and migration or even triple showering them with gifts.
of runes as an ability (tribal or Versatility) it, including old men and striplings, The barbarian can, of course,
allows the barbarian to learn how to when on a forced migration. always hire additional savage warriors
magically engrave, enchant, and activate The barbarian can, barring and barbarians to serve him, such as
a single charged rune. complete disaster, generally keep men to fill out a raiding ship, but
Running (Constitution): This the horde together for a number of these will be purely mercenaries;
skill enables the barbarian to move weeks equal to his charisma score his retainers follow out of love and
at a jog (double base speed) for up plus his level; if, during this time, the loyalty, not simple monetary gain.
to three days before having to rest horde has great success, it will remain Scale (Dexterity): As per the
by spending a day moving at normal together after the initial time runs out C&C ranger ability. (Possession of this
speed. With a successful constitution until failure strikes. How and when ability provides a +2 bonus to the rogue’s
check, the barbarian may resume the horde falls apart all depends on its climb ability if gained through Versatility,
running again after the day of rest. success, the perceived power of the and vice-versa).
Savage Horde [This ability can only leader, the generosity of the leader to Seamanship (Varies): The
be taken at 9th level or above as a Versatility his followers, and other circumstances barbarian is skilled in the building
pick]: The barbarian has gained a level of as the Judge dictates. (wisdom) and the use (dexterity) of
fame among the members of his clan Savage Retainers [This ability medium to large ships designed to
and tribe, and perhaps even with other can only be taken at 6th level or above as sail or be rowed upon the open seas.
barbarian peoples. He is able to gather a Versatility pick]: The barbarian gains Signaling (Wisdom): The barbarian
a horde of barbarian clans and tribes 1d8 savage followers (no less than 1 + is capable of communicating over long
to follow him on a path of red-handed the barbarian’s charisma bonus, though distances using the signaling methods of
pillage, vengeance, and plunder, or even never more than his charisma score). his particular tribe (drums, smoke, mirror
long-term conquest and migration. These are all young warriors from his flashes, etc.). He can also use this ability
The exact number of savage tribe, perhaps even siblings or cousins, to attempt to understand, in general, the
warriors in the horde is up to the who have heard of his prowess and signals created by other tribes. Given one
Judge, but should usually be around decided to join him on his adventures day of training by another barbarian, he
five to 10 times the level of the for loot and glory. All begin play at 1st can learn how to signal using his mentor’s
barbarian squared, plus a number level (all are of the savage class, though tribe’s signaling system.
of levels of sub-leaders (barbarians, if the barbarian is noted for his piety to Sound Imitation (Charisma):
savage bards, feathered clerics, etc.) the tribe’s gods and/or his legendary The barbarian with this skill can
equal to double his own level (a deeds, there might be a cleric and/or mimic bird, animal or even monster
10th level barbarian could summon bard amongst them). calls, whether to signal allies or to
a horde of around 1,000 1st level Followers gain one level for lure or frighten creatures. Failure
savage warriors along with 20 total every level the barbarian gains. The indicates the sound is not convincing
levels in leaders, none higher than barbarian gains a new follower every or does not carry far enough for
5th level). Numbers and abilities of level (maximum number of followers the intended recipient to hear. The
barbarian can even send complex materials are available. Only outcasts WILDERNESS ABILITIES
information to another barbarian make such weapons for sale to non- NOTE: Even if he does not
who possesses the sound imitation tribe members (if the barbarian is initially select a wilderness skill, a
ability, while others will simply know not an outcast when he makes such barbarian must, at 1st level, select a
“the orcs are here” or “time to run!” a weapon for an outsider, he will be native terrain and climate; these are the
based on established animal codes. when his people find out that he did!) terrain and climate of the lands where
The barbarian knows only the sounds Note that if the barbarian’s tribe is his native tribe resides, and with which
made by animals and common only capable of stone-age technology, he is most familiar. Terrains include
monsters of his native region. this ability is useful to make flint- seacoast, island, mountain, hill, forest,
Swimming (Varies): While most knapped weaponry, but does not plain, steppe, savanna, swamp, desert,
non-desert based barbarians have provide any familiarity with metals. and wasteland. Climates include arctic,
enough skill at swimming enough Wilderness Conceal (Dexterity): sub-arctic, temperate, sub-tropical,
not to drown, this ability represents As per the C&C ranger conceal ability. and tropical.
extensive practice and true skill at Wilderness Lore (Intelligence): A barbarian’s wilderness abilities
maneuvering in water. This skill The barbarian can identify plants and are at their best when in the terrain
includes long-distance swimming animals of his natural habitat without and climate from which his people
(constitution), diving (dexterity), and having to make a check, and may use originate. When using his abilities
swimming while encumbered and/or this ability with a check on creatures in an area that is of the same terrain
in battle (strength). of other lands, to determine their and climate as his native territory,
Weapon Smith (Intelligence): general type, attacks, and hit dice. he uses his full class level on ability
Most barbarians can make-work With a wisdom check, the barbarian checks, and gains an additional +1 at
repairs to their weapons or even can also determine direction or 1st to 4th, +2 at 5th to 9th, +3 at 10th to
manufacture simple weapons; predict weather. 14th, +4 at 15th to 19th, and +5 at 20th.
possession of this ability means Wilderness Stealth (Dexterity): When using his wilderness abilities in
the barbarian is especially skilled in As per the C&C ranger move silently an area that has the same terrain or
metalworking (to such a technological ability. (Possession of this ability provides a climate, he adds only half his level,
level as his tribe is able) and making +2 bonus to the rogue’s stealth (urban) ability rounded up. When both terrain and
and maintaining tribal weapons. if gained through Versatility, and vice-versa). climate are different from his native
He can make weapons of tribal Wilderness Survival (Wisdom): terrain and climate, he adds only one
sort, though not weapons that do As per the C&C ranger survival ability. third his of his level to the ability
not require any metal, such as bows, Wilderness Tracking (Wisdom): check, rounded down.
lariats, or slings. He can make spears As per the C&C ranger track ability. Note that “urban” terrain is
and axes and other hafted weapons. Wilderness Traps (Wisdom): not native to any barbarian for the
He is also able to make metal pieces As per the C&C ranger traps ability. purposes of his wilderness abilities,
as are needful to manufacture metal Wizard-Slayer [This ability can and thus only the climate counts
tribal armors, but only those with only be taken at 3rd level or above as when considering level bonus to
the armor making ability can actually a Versatility pick, and only after the ability checks while in urban areas.
construct tribal armors. barbarian has had experience fighting VERSATILITY: At 3rd level
Not only can the barbarian make wizards and other creatures that use arcane the barbarian adapts to his changing
and maintain his tribal weapons, he spell-like abilities]: The barbarian gains environment and learns new abilities,
can also make expert weapons of Spell Resistance 2. This resistance often far beyond those of his native
tribal type. The barbarian begins increases by 2 every time the peoples and often not considered
play with a single such weapon for barbarian chooses this ability as a “normal” knowledge for a simple
himself at the cost of a normal Versatility pick. The spell resistance barbarian. He must choose one 1st
weapon of that type. applies only to arcane spells cast by level class skill (limited to those
Expert weapons require special wizards or illusionists or wizard- or listed below) that he has seen
craftsmanship, taking one week per illusionist-based spell-like abilities, used by another, and seek out a
five pounds or portion thereof to not divine spells or spell-like abilities mentor to teach him in that skill.
manufacture, provided the proper of clerics or druids.
After one month of training with PRIME ATTRIBUTE: Constitution barbarian Equipment
the mentor (which includes time HIT DIE: d12 Atlatl: An atlatl is a dart-thrower, a
spent adventuring), he gains the
ALIGNMENT: Any simple carved stick that adds significant
use of the skill at 1st level of ability.
force to a thrown dart. A dart thrown
The barbarian’s ability in that skill WEAPONS: See Native Arms &
by an atlatl deals 1d3+1 damage and
improves thereafter one level for Armor, above
has a base range of 50 feet. A simple
every level he gains. He generally ARMOR: See Native Arms & atlatl costs only 1 sp, but many are
must obey all class-based limits that Armor, above fancy and carved with animals and
apply to that ability. Abilities the
ABILITIES: Native arms & armor, monsters, and thus more expensive.
barbarian might learn include:
primal rage, resilience, savage glory, Khopesh: A khopesh is a broad
Ranger: Combat marauder
sixth sense, tribal abilities, Versatility sword with a sickle-shaped blade;
(choose one specific race of humanoids
the sharp end is usually on the outer
or giants), delay/neutralize poison.
Level HD BtH EPP edge of the sickle, though sometimes
Thief: Back attack, Cant, climb,
1 d12 +0 0 both edges are sharpened. Use of a
decipher script, hide, listen, move
khopesh grants the wielder a +2 bonus
silently, open lock, pick pocket, traps. 2 d12 +1 3,001
when attempting to disarm or trip an
Assassin: Case target, climb, 3 d12 +2 6,001
opponent. It is commonly used in
disguise, hide, listen, move silently, 4 d12 +3 12,001 Ghinor and the Southern Reaches.
sneak attack, traps. 5 d12 +4 24,001 Lariat: A lariat is a length of
Barbarian: Any tribal ability not 6 d12 +5 50,001 rope, sometimes on a pole six to 10
already possessed.
7 d12 +6 100,001 feet long; at the end of the rope is a
Monk: Stunning attack, unarmed attack.
8 d12 +7 200,001 lasso, or loop, which is thrown around
Wizard or Illusionist: Any one
9 d12 +8 450,001 the target and drawn taught so as to
cantrip, useable once per day at the
capture the target, rather than harm it.
barbarian’s level of ability with this 10 d12 +9 800,001
Use of a lariat is considered a grappling
chosen ability. [A barbarian may cast 11 +5 HP +10 1,200,001
attack. Large creatures without features
cantrips while wearing his native armor, but 12 +5 HP +11 1,600,001 smaller than the loop of the lariat
not any armor he learns to wear subsequently] +1 +400,000 cannot be attacked with a lariat.
Cleric or Druid: Any one
orison, useable once per day at the
barbarian’s level of ability with this
chosen ability.
Knight: Horsemanship, inspire.
Bard: Decipher script, exalt.
The barbarian may learn an
additional ability at 6th level, 9th level,
12th level, 15th level, and 18th level; each
of these abilities is learned at 1st level
of skill, and improves as the barbarian
rises in level. Thus, at 10th level a
barbarian will have an additional ability
at 8th level of skill, one at 5th level of
skill, and a third at 2nd level of skill.


Barbarians of the Wilderlands
The barbarian class as presented 12th levels (each beginning at 1st level The single benefit of being a “civilized”
in the Castles & Crusades Players of ability). Unlike barbarian Versatility, barbarian is that such characters may
Handbook is fine for modeling a these choices can only be from abilities choose rogue abilities as tribal abilities
character around the simplest of native to the savage warrior’s tribe. at 1st level (see list below).
savage warriors, but does not really fit Thus it is possible to have a savage
what many consider the epitome of the or barbarian character from a civilized
iconic barbarians of sword and sorcery culture, it merely requires an unusual
pulp fiction. The class above seeks to Barbarians background (and, of course, the
remedy that discrepancy, offering a The term “civilized barbarian” approval of the Judge). And though
player the ability to portray the kind of may seem an oxymoron, but in the they may be native to the urban jungles,
barbarian experienced in classic pulp case of dealing with members of the they still never feel at home within walls
fantasy without getting bogged down savage warrior and barbarian classes and upon cobble-stoned streets.
in half a dozen multi-classing issues. who arise among civilized peoples Civilized barbarians can be created
With the addition of the optional it is a valid term. Though rarely by choosing to base the character on
barbarian class listed above, a Judge encountered, there are characters one of the nearby barbarian tribes with
must first decide whether to adapt and NPCs of these classes among which the character has regular dealings
the new class, and if so, what to do the civilized nations. (in which case the character speaks the
with the original class as presented in Most of these peoples live on the local Common Tongue in addition to
the C&C PHB. While all Wilderlands fringe and arise from the lowest classes. the tribal tongue), or to use the details
products use the default barbarian as The savage warrior, for example, is below in choosing native armor and
presented in the PHB, a Judge is perfect to represent a pugnacious slave weapons and “tribal” abilities.
free in her own campaign to change gladiator who lacks advanced training “Civilized” Native Arms & Armor
things as she sees fit. in weapons but possesses great natural Armor: Padded, leather coat,
The best of both worlds can be fighting talent. Similarly, the savage leather armor, ring mail, hide,
made available by re-naming the default warrior could be a dock worker, studded leather, laminar leather, mail
PHB barbarian as a “savage warrior” physical laborer, or a guild thug in a shirt, scale mail; leather coif, war hat,
or even “thug” (in an urban context) metropolis; each owes his prowess pot helm; buckler, small, medium,
and the barbarian presented herein and stamina to having to survive in and large wooden shields.
as a “barbarian,” enabling a player to the “urban jungle” (lack of wilderness Weapons: Hand/throwing axe,
choose which of the two classes he skills is no loss, either, as the abilities of blowpipe, brass knuckles, cleaver, club,
prefers. In this case the bulk of the the standard barbarian/savage warrior crowbill, dagger, dart, military fork,
able-bodied men of a tribe (and no are entirely combat focused). spiked gauntlet, light hammer, war
few women) would be simple savage The new barbarian class can be used hammer, hatchet, hook sword, hafted
warriors, while only a few, leading to represent civilized men or women hook, knife, light mace, heavy mace,
members of the tribe (and usually “gone native” as scouts, hunters, or morningstar, poniard, sap, sling, spear,
barbarians encountered wandering woodsmen who are more at home in staff, broad sword, short sword, trident.
around the Wilderlands) would be the wilds than in the towns and cities “Civilized” Tribal Abilities
elites of the new barbarian class. of their native home. Also, it could Animal handling (cat, dog,
New Rules for Savage Warriors represent a feral child or even barbarian giant rat), armor maker, battle cry,
Savage warriors are limited in child brought in to civilization as a slave fast movement, first aid, jumping,
armor and weapon choices as per their or orphan, who only partially adapts to languages, signaling, sound imitation,
tribe’s native armor and weapons; the ways of the city. weapon maker; plus:
At 1st level a savage warrior may Often such atavisms are looked Roof Runner (Varies): Possession
choose one tribal ability as a class ability. down upon by their native peoples of this ability means the urban
He may choose another at 4th, 8th, and even more so than the civilized folk barbarian is familiar with the rooftops
might denigrate “real” barbarians.
of his native city, knowing the general civilized life for the life of the savage which they descend and to which
layout (intelligence), able to find his reaver of the borders, little more than they remain culturally similar. Though
way around (wisdom), and able to bandits and barbaric highwaymen. anywhere from 12 to 14 millennia have
run atop the roof (dexterity) and leap Some are noble protectors of passed since the arrival of humans on
from roof to roof (strength). their peoples and the sputtering torch Gaia, many of these peoples retain
Sewer Rat (Varies): Possession of civilization that they represent, their ancient cultures due to the
of this ability means the urban working side-by-side with rangers and direct influence of their deities in the
barbarian is familiar with his native others to on the line between light perpetuation of the ancient ways.
city’s sewer system, knowing the and darkness, born in and thriving in While new and unique clans, tribes,
general layout (intelligence), able the shadows in between. Often these and even whole nations have sprung
to find his way around (wisdom), border barbarians are go-betweens forth from offshoots of these peoples
and able to move around through for their native village and the true and from mergers thereof (notably
cramped and often debris-filled barbarians just over the hill as well as Viridians, Alryans, settled Karakhans,
spaces at full speed (dexterity). bulwark against inhuman savagery of and the Tharbrians), always the
Thief Abilities: Back attack, Cant, orc and goblin tribes. old gods of Men seek to maintain
climb, decipher script, hide, listen, There are no special rules for rural a conservative kernel of their old
move silently, open lock, pick pocket, barbarians; simply pick a mix of tribal following who cleave to the old ways.
traps (each counts as one tribal ability pick). abilities that fit the concept of the There are nine barbarian nations
character and run with it. The list of detailed below; the primary regions in
Rural cultures below is not comprehensive, which they are found in the Wilderlands
barbarians but lists the cultures amidst which rural proper are in parenthesis:
Just as savage warriors and barbarians are most likely to arise.
barbarians can be found among Aelphen (Map 1) Altanian (Map 5, 8, 11)
civilized folk, so too do they rise among
Chaelo (Map 5) Amazon, Thirian (Map 5)
rural folk. Few peasants get advanced
training in weaponry and must rely on Dunael (Map 5) Karakhan (Map 3, 6, 9)
their instincts and repressed rage when
Gishmesh (Map 6) Karzulun (Maps 6, 9)
engaged in battle; many of these, when
classed, are savage warriors. The same Lenapashim (Maps 7, 10) Mgona (Maps 16, 17, 18)
can be said for common woods-folk
Orichalan (Map 11) Moonraker (Map 5)
and shepherds, and among borderland
peoples savage warriors far outnumber Tarshian (Maps 2, 3) Skandik (Map 5, 8)
rangers and even fighters.
Tharbriana (Map 5) Tharbrian (Map 1, 4, 5)
The rare true barbarian native
to the borders, however, is often a Thygami (Map 4) Valonar (Map 1, 2, 3)
legend, for better or for worse, among
his people. Having rejected even the barbarian
thin veneer of civilization cloven to Nations
by the rural peoples, rural barbarians
The list of barbarian tribes below
are either the saviors or banes of
is only a selection of the most widely
their communities, depending on
disbursed and commonly encountered
their history of treatment by the
barbarian peoples. These are the true
superstitious and insular peasantry.
barbarians, savage in culture and
A few are feral folk, raised by wood
unfriendly at best to anything that
and waste, animal or beast, who only
smacks of civilization (though happy
have a tenuous grasp of the niceties
to loot and pillage the profits thereof).
of civilization; others are those who
Most barbarian nations include
have abandoned the trappings of
a listing of the Earth peoples from


Altanians from crimson blood red among the and raiding, or form mercenary bands
mountain clans, through maroon, and adventure in other regions.
The Altanians are primarily reddish-brown, mahogany, and rust
descended from and remain in Terrain/Climate: Altanians
red, to burnt orange among the live across a wide variety of terrains
many ways culturally similar to plains and lowlands clans.
Earth’s Scottish Highlanders. In days and climates, so virtually any
utterly ancient they conquered and Religion: Altanians follow a combination is possible depending
assimilated a near-human population druidic faith, centered on Mother Gaia; on the homeland of the clan. The
of red-skinned peoples (themselves all druids of the Altanians are women. bulk of the clans of Barbarian
said to be descended from a race of Men follow the druidic ways and also Altanis, however, reside in temperate
Chaos Lords), whose major remnants follow the Way of the Sword, a quasi- or sub-tropical mountains and hills.
today are the unusual skin and hair religious cult dedicated to the Lord of Weapons: Battle axe, hand/
coloration Altanians exhibit. Swords (whom sages believe to be an throwing axe, two handed axe, short
The Altanians have been in the aspect or avatar of Liegh, Nuadha, or bow, club, dirk, light hammer, war
mountains and hills of Barbarian maybe Bondorr). Most Altanians are hammer, knife, sling, spear, wolf spear,
Altanis since time immemorial, Neutral or Chaotic Neutral. staff, bastard sword, broad sword, long
though often dominated by more Tribal Structure: Altanians are sword, two-handed sword.
advanced civilizations (of recent organized into small clans based on Armor: Leather coat, leather
millennia, first the Founders Empire, animal totems, each clan further divided armor, hide, studded leather, scale mail;
then the Dragon Empire). into septs based on the lineage of a leather coif, pot helm, and war hat;
In between those times they fought, heroic grandfather, great-grandfather, small and medium wooden shields.
traded, and raided with the Wild Men, or more distant ancestor. Septs can
be found across several clans, as men Tribal Abilities: Animal
their distant cousins to the north, and
must marry outside the clan; though he handling (black bear, dog, mountain
so the peoples descended there from
keeps his own clan totem, his children lion, wolf), armor maker, battle cry,
(notably Tharbrians and Tharbriana) have
are of his wife’s clan. Major clans fast movement, first aid, jumping,
much in common with the Altanians.
include Grizzly Bear, Mountain Lion, languages, running, scale, weapon
Following the fall of the Dragon
Forest Ape, Tusked Boar, Gray Wolf, smith, all wilderness abilities.
Empire, the Altanians gained complete
sovereignty of the lands over which and Spotted Wolverine. Language: Altanians speak
they roam, though they often battled The Clan Mother is elected by Altanian, a harsh, guttural tongue
with Amazons, then Skandiks, and later the Council of Elders (women whose not given well to written form (when
Alryans encroaching from the north. children have had children), and the anyone even bothers).
Through the centuries they have War Chief is the most experienced Names: Altanian names are
remained atavistically barbaric and savage, male warrior, as determined by commonly pre-Christian Gaelic or
preferring the wild life of the clans to ritual combat. The War Chief leads Scottish. Sept names are generally
more “sophisticated” civilized ways. in battle, but all other decisions are male names with the prefix Mac- (e.g.,
Range: Barbarian Altanis, southern made by the Clan Mother and the MacEwen, MacGowan, MacRae, etc.).
Roglaras, and northern Oricha, with Tribal Council of Elders. The spread of sept names is due to
isolated tribes and clans found across Warriors are also organized in clans keeping to a patronymic tradition
the Wilderlands and into the plains warrior lodges, across clan and sept (children named after the father’s sept)
north of the Infinite Desert. boundaries. These lodges include Red even though families are matrilocal
Lion, Amber Serpent, Blue Bear, Gray (live with the mother’s clan).
Appearance: Altanians are tall Stallion, Black Eagle, White Wolf, and
and muscular, men averaging 5’10” Green Drake lodges. Warrior women
and 180 lbs and women 5’8” and (rare but not unknown) have a single
150 lbs, with ebon black or charcoal lodge, the Ivory Swan.
to purplish taupe or dark brown hair Most women stay at home, tending
and gray, hazel, or blue eyes. Skin is to small gardens with their druidic
reddish-brown or brick red, ranging abilities, while the men go hunting


Amazons Religion: The Thirian Amazons Weapons: Composite short
revere a moon goddess; they refer to bow, club, dagger, javelin, knife,
The Amazons of the Wilderlands her as “Thiria” or simply as “The Lady,” light lance, poniard, sling, spear, long
were originally descended from a mix but in truth the goddess is a Lawful spear, wolf spear, staff, broad sword,
of Greeks, Cimmerians, Scythians, Neutral aspect of the old Orichalan short sword.
and Thracians. From their heartland goddess Artemis. Thirian Amazons
between the Ament Lands and the Armor: Thirian Amazon barbarians
are zealous in their worship, cleaving do not start proficient with any armor;
Demon Empires they spread out, to the goddess as the pillar of their
absorbing ethnic and cultural elements however, they possess a special ability:
society. Their disdain for agricultural Battle Dancer. When not wearing
from other human cultures and even labor and preference for hunting stems
racial elements from other races, notably armor and unencumbered or lightly
from this, as does their preference for encumbered, a Thirian Amazon gains a
elves and orcs. Each Amazon nation is strict disassociation from men save
thus unique, with its cultural heritage bonus to her AC equal to half her level
for the needs of reproduction. Most (rounded up) plus her charisma bonus.
depending on its migration history and Thirian Amazons are Lawful Neutral,
assimilation of nearby peoples. While Amazons defending the tower
while some are Neutral, and a few are are granted the use of magical defenses,
The Thirian Amazon tribe described Lawful Good or Lawful Evil.
here is the tribe local to the Roglaras, adventuring Amazons are generally not
formerly based in Ossyr Lee and today Tribal Structure: There are no allowed to take such items with them.
centered on the ancient Tower of the clans or even families among the Tribal Abilities: Animal
Markabs west by northwest of Sea Rune. Thirian Amazons; they constitute a handling (horse, lion), battle cry,
Other Amazon nations have different single unified family, with all women bowyer, fast movement, first aid,
characteristics, as described in the gazetteer of the same age group being “sisters.” horsemanship, languages, signaling,
of the region in which they are found. All those who have birthed at least sound imitation, weapon smith,
one live daughter are considered wilderness conceal, wilderness lore,
Range: The Roglaras, between “mothers,” while those who have
Dearthwood and the Skandik lands. wilderness stealth.
had a daughter who has become a
[Note: In the Wilderlands of High mother are considered “elders.” Language: All Amazons speak
Adventure the Tower of the Markabs and All children are raised in common Amazon, which is a secret tongue
thus the home of the Thirian Amazons in a crèche; this obtains only to females, never taught to others, especially men,
is not in the same hex as Sea Rune, it is as males are left exposed to the elements or even foreign women. As such, all
instead in Hex 5: 4625.] (and, almost invariably, rescued and Amazons also learn at least one other
Appearance: Due to countless adopted by the Palewood Elves). language regardless of intelligence,
generations of assimilating Skandik The tribe is ruled by a queen, generally the Common Tongue of
men, Thirian Amazons are tall with chosen from among the most skilled the region, which in the Roglaras is
a light build, women averaging 5’10” mothers by the vote of the elders; she Alryan, the language of the City State
and 150 lbs and men 5’8” and 150 lbs, rules until death or until deposed by a of the Invincible Overlord.
with blonde, strawberry blonde, or red unanimous vote of the elders. Often Names: Most Thirian Amazons
hair and hazel, blue, or green eyes. Skin dynasties arise, the Moon Crown have pre-Christian Greek-sounding
is pale white with freckles, and tans passed from mother to daughter, names, though they are often garbled
easily to a deep brown. Some Thirian provided the daughter is of sufficient or otherwise fractured. Some possess
Amazons exhibit the classical Amazon ability and already a mother. The Skandik names, or names from other
olive skin and raven-black curly hair. current “heir apparent,” Princess local peoples, as Amazons have always
Also, as the Amazons are not generally Adriella, is a talented wizard, and has adapted local names in their migrations.
concerned with their mate’s ethnicity or not yet birthed a daughter; the more
even race, rather their martial prowess, conservative elements of Thirian
some Thirian Amazons possess society would also much prefer a
Alryan, Altanian, Dunael, Tharbrian, martial-oriented queen on the throne.
Tharbriana, or even elven blood, and Terrain/Climate: The lands of the
thus their appearance can vary greatly. Thirian Amazons are temperate forest and hills.


Karakhans Kung, Fujin, Wen Chung, and Yama. Terrain/Climate:AlmostallKarakhan
To the Karakhans, the gods are to tribes wander sub-arctic, temperate, or sub-
The Karakhans are primarily be placated and feared, not revered. tropical plains and steppes.
descended from and culturally similar Most Karakhan nomads are Neutral,
to Earth’s Mongols and Turks with a Weapons: Bolas, composite short
Neutral Evil, or Lawful Evil. bow, cat-o-nine-tails, club, dagger, knife,
strong Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
and Indo-Aryan (Hindi, Sindhi, Punjabi, Tribal Structure: Through long light lance, lariat, scimitar, great scimitar,
etc.) racial and cultural influence. millennia of ties with or outright spear, wolf spear, tulwar, whip.
The barbarian nomadic tribes domination of the Kingdom of Karak, Armor: Padded, leather coat,
favor the martial nomadic Mongolian/ the Karakhan tribes have become highly leather armor, hide, studded leather,
Turkic culture while the settled and organized and stratified. Each family or scale mail; leather coif, leather war
more civilized Karakhans of the sept is ruled by a “Khan,” who owns hat; buckler.
east favor the homogenized Chinese, everything, including the lives of his
family members, and has the immediate Tribal Abilities: Animal
Japanese, Korean, and Indo-Aryan handling (horse), armor maker,
culture (the settled Karakhans are also powers of life and death over all his
charges. This lesser khan in turn often bowyer, horsemanship, horse
renown for their arcane arts). warrior, jumping, signaling, weapon
answers to a sept or clan khan, the
Range: Glow-Worm Steppes, “Beykhan,” who similarly has complete smith, wilderness lore, wilderness
Tarantis, and Ebony Coast, with dominion over those beneath his rule, survival, wilderness tracking
isolated clans wandering much and who himself sometimes answers to Language: Karakhans speak
further afield throughout the a tribal khan, the “Khakhan.” Horse-Born Karakhan, a dialect of
Wilderlands, notably in the Bestial Usually, that is as high in power the great common tongue of the
Barrens and Berserker Wilds west of as the Karakhan rulers go, though in Kingdom of Karak. It is considered
Viridistan, where they compete with the past there have been other greater of low class by the current dynasty.
the native Shardan tribes; Western forms of organization. When one tribe Though it has no script of its own,
Karak, Eastern Karak. conquers many, and the tribal khans owe it can readily be written using any of
Appearance: Karakhans are fealty to a greater khan, that khan takes the three writing forms of Karak.
short and wiry, men averaging 5’2” the title “Khagan” or “Great Khan.” Names: Names are generally
and 120 lbs and women 4’8” and 90 When the Great Khan conquers and Mongolian or Turkic, with a smattering
lbs, with black or reddish-black hair directly rules the Kingdom of Karak of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese
and brown or green eyes (usually (as has happened many times in the 30 names. Names from other cultures
with an epicanthic fold). Skin varies millennia of the kingdom) the Emperor are also rarely used, as warriors often
widely in yellows, from burnished has also been styled as “Gurkhagan” or give the names of valiant opponents
gold or amber, through saffron and “Supreme and Universal Khan.” to their own sons. Patronymics are
mustard, to gamboge and a dark, burnt When the tribes are united under unknown, save in the case of the sept,
goldenrod. one strong leader, the Karakhans are clan, and tribal names; such names are
Religion: The settled Karakhan nearly unstoppable; when as today as often based on history, geography,
Celestial Court pantheon is vast; they are divided into many warring or whim of the sept or clan as on the
having absorbed the gods, demi- tribes and clans, they are usually little names of founding ancestors.
gods, and godlings of the thousands more than a nuisance to most cities. If there is any doubt in a sept, clan,
of tribes the kingdom has conquered Each warrior of the family commands or tribe due to multiple individuals with
over long millennia, even the his wife or wives, concubines, children, and the same name, Karakhans happily
priests know not all the gods who slaves with impunity (however, as highly collect epithets as readily as they collect
are members of the Court. But abusive warriors usually wake up with the heads of their enemies.
the wandering tribes have no time their throats slit, they usually show at least
for such niceties, and focus their a minimal respect for their wives). Young
worship on gods of sky, war, and boys and slaves tend to flocks of sheep and
death, such as Chao Kung Ming, herds of cattle, while the men go raiding for
Raiden, Huan-Ti, Tengri, Erlik, Lei days or even weeks at a time.


Karzulun slaves, as the women of these clans Terrain/Climate: The Karzulun
are often very beautiful and fetch a tribes are native to temperate and
The Karzulun are descended from a high price in the slave market). sub-tropical plains, hills, mountains,
homogenous admixture of Earth’s Indo- and wastelands.
Aryan Pashtuns and Semitic Arabs, with Religion: Most Karzulun worship
moderate assimilation of Mongolian, their ancestors; though nomadic, each Weapons: Short bow, club,
Turkic, and other Indo-Aryan bloodlines clan has its own cemetery where the dagger, dirk, hook sword, katar,
through Karakhan and Gishmesh ashes of their ancestors are interred and knife, light lance, heavy mace, large
conquest and raids. Culturally they to which semi-annual pilgrimages are mace, light mace, scimitar, great
strongly resemble their Pashtun cousins required. Most clans also have a patron scimitar, spear, wolf spear, tulwar.
with a veneer of Arabic culture, though deity or demon; the most common Armor: Padded, leather coat,
linguistically their tongue is a thorough deities among the clans are Zahaak leather armor, hide, studded leather;
mix of Pashto and Arabic. (a local Chaotic Evil dragon godling), leather coif, leather war hat, pot
The Karzulun have been in these Jedadad Bird, Erlik, Kali, Agni, and helm; buckler, small, medium, and
homelands for thousands of years, but Yama. Most of the clans that followed large wooden shields.
were originally from lands far to the Good-aligned faiths were wiped out
or fled to Tarantis or Populva (and Tribal Abilities: Animal handling
south and east. During the War of the (camel, dog, horse), battle cry,
Pious and Philosophers their homeland there assimilated) during the Reign of
the Plague Kings (clerics dedicated to berserkergang, fast movement, first aid,
was destroyed, and the survivors fled horsemanship, jumping, running, scale,
north and west, founding the modern Erlik) centuries ago. Most Karzulun are
Chaotic Evil or Chaotic Neutral. sound imitation, all wilderness abilities.
Karzulun clans in lands that had been
Tribal Structure: The Karzulun Language: The Karzulun speak
depopulated during the long war. Though
are divided into many, many clans, Karzulun, a guttural tongue distantly
they would deny it vehemently, the
most little larger than two three to five related to Persian and Pashto with
Gishmesh are descended from mixed
families. Each clan is related to a wider many Arabic, Turkish, and Mongolian
clans of Karakhans and Karzulun, while
group of clans, the whole related to a loan words. Several times in their
the Paldorians were similarly descended
wider group, and so on, until all the history, during more civilized eras,
from mixed clans of Karzulun and
Karzulun fall into one related group. the Karzulun have adopted various
colonists of southern (primarily Indo-
The Karzulun feud among them selves writing forms, but today the Karzulun
Aryan) Karakhans abandoned in the west
or fight each other in an ever-shifting are an illiterate people, and the strange
long centuries ago during one of the many
series of alliances based on honor, scribbling on weathered stones of
contractions of the Kingdom of Karak.
ancestry, and religion. Each clan is their lands hold no meaning to them,
Range: Tarantis, Ebony Coast; save perhaps as taboo.
Western Karak, especially the led by a “Shaikh” (elder). A shaikh
who rules several clans is known as an Names: Names are typically
debatable lands between Neupokrantil
“Amir,” while an amir who commands Arabic, with some Pashtun remnants.
and Tarantis, and north from Populva
the fealty of several amirs and multiple Sons and daughters are proud to
into the Takhla Govin.
shaikhs is a “Sultan.” delineate their lineage through their
Appearance: Karzulun are tall At times, under charismatic leaders forefathers, with “ibn” meaning “son
and lean with a wiry strength, men and/or during times when the whole of,” “bint” meaning “daughter of,”
averaging 5’10” and 160 lbs and Karzulun people are threatened, the and among the Karzulun, “ben”
women 5’6” and 130 lbs, with black whole of the Karzulun can be united taking on the meaning of “of the
or dark brown hair and brown, hazel, under the banner of a single leader. line of,” relating to a distant and
green, or blue eyes. Skin is naturally Such is one of the rare occasions today, usually heroic ancestor. Thus, Ali ibn
pale or light taupe, ochre, or sandy under the leadership of Sultan Hasan Hasan ibn Mahmoud ben Sober is
brown, while clans with strong ben Sober, the Lion of Karzul (pg. “Ali son of Hasan son of Mahmoud
Karakhan assimilation have coppery- XX). In the last 10 years he has united of the line of Sober.”
colored skin and almond-shaped the clans under his banner, with the
eyes (these clans are often raided by goal of either conquering Tarantis or
Karakhans and Tarantines for female destroying it (he hasn’t decided yet).


Mgona their ancestors, the most valiant lizard (a somewhat larger relation
The Mgona are primarily descended of whom they believe are reborn, of Deinonychus if smaller cousin of
from Earth’s Bantus (especially the usually as serpents, lizard men, or Utahraptor). Mgona elite warriors ride
southern Nguni, from which Earth’s even the great thunder lizards of their raptors as scouts and guards,
Zulus are descended) with a strong the savannas. Other ancestral spirits while herdsmen follow with the cattle,
Aztec influence from assimilating unite with a Great Ancestral Spirit, and in the middle of all are the great
many Tlanitlan over the last two and such as the Smith, or the Warrior, or Terrain/Climate: The Mgona
a half thousand years. Also notable is the Mother, and become aspects of wander in sub-tropical and tropical
the strong influence of the Amazons, the Great Spirit. The ancestral spirits plains, savannah, hills, forests,
who were originally neighbors of the are protected and led by Dakangi, deserts, and wastes. Some clans
Mgona; in Mgona culture, women are a.k.a. Father Snake, the legendary reside on islands.
generally socially equal to men, and are father of the Mgona and lizardfolk.
Most clans and tribes have secondary Weapons: Atlatl, short bow,
even socially superior in some clans. club, dagger, dart, javelin, khopesh,
Some tribes also have a Ghinorian hero-gods or godlings; there are also
clans who have fallen from the Old knife, light lance, light mace, heavy
influence, and thus have a slightly mace, morningstar, sling, spear, long
Egyptian-style culture. Being nomads, Ways and now worship other gods of
the Ghinorian (Egyptian) pantheon, spear, wolf spear, short sword.
the Mgona have adapted and adopted
Demon Gods, or the Temple of the Armor: Padded, leather coat,
to circumstances as the need arose
Dawn Star (Lucifer). Most Mgona leather armor, hide, studded leather,
upon their endless wanderings.
are Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic laminar leather, (thunder lizard) scale
The Mgona arose in the jungle-girt
Good, or Chaotic Evil. mail, cuir bouille; buckler, small,
savannahs of Ghinor, late arrivals to
Tribal Structure: The Mgona medium, and large hide shields.
the Wilderlands, and spread wide and
are divided into more than 20 major Clans with strong Tlanitlan influence
far across the south during the height
tribes (each of several clans) and wear animal-shaped leather helmets
of the pre-Enneadim Ghinorian
dozens of independent clans (many (equivalent to a leather coif to a
Empire (which fell during the War
of these forming regularly, being cuir bouille bacinet, depending on
of the Pious and Philosophers to
absorbed back into major tribes, or complexity and materials).
an alliance of titans and elves, the
ancestors of the modern Enneadim). disappearing in the wilds). Each clan Tribal Abilities: Animal handling
In the chaos that followed the Mgona is led by an “Inkostli” (chief), while (cattle, giant lizard, raptor steed),
took up a nomadic lifestyle that most each tribe is ruled by a “Kosikhutlu” armor maker, fast movement, first
have retained ever since. (great chief). Rarely do the Mgona aid, horsemanship (raptor steed),
become more highly organized than horse warrior (raptor steed), jumping,
Range: Southern Lenap, Tlan,
the tribal level; usually in such cases it running, signaling, weapon smith,
the Ament Lands, Ghinor, the
is a great priest who unites the tribes, all wilderness abilities. Substitute
Southern Reaches; some few clans
rather than a chieftain; such unity has seamanship and swimming for
took to the sea, and can be found on
not been seen in centuries. animal-oriented abilities for the
the islands of the Sea of Five Winds;
Each clan depends on its island-based clans.
the Demon Empire.
herds of cattle, a very large breed; Language: The Mgona speak
Appearance: Mgona are tall and effectively domesticated aurochs. Mgona, based on Nguni Bantu with
muscular, men averaging 6’2” and Each clan’s herds possess specific a strong admixture of Nahuatl (the
200 lbs and women 5’8” and 150 lbs, colors and patterns; this is reflected language spoken by Aztecs).
with black hair and brown, copper, in the warrior’s hide shields, which
or amber eyes. Skin is black or dark Names: Names are of Nguni
are universally made from the hide
brown, ranging from ebon black Bantu origin, with the addition of Aztec
of the cows of their cattle. Other
through chocolate brown to a dark elements often in strange and unusual
clan’s cattle are rarely added to the
coppery red (especially among clans combinations, such as Itzlachaka,
herd; during inter-clan warfare, most
with strong Tlanitlan bloodlines). Thulinche, Tlepingo, Nandequetzal,
enemy cattle are eaten by the Mgona
Dinotliswayo, Nkostlikona, etc.
Religion: The Mgona revere steeds, a raptor breed of thunder-


Moonrakers indigo. Some exhibit blue, red, and Each band is led by the most powerful
purple scales along the shoulders, cleric or druid, who leads in times of
The Moonrakers are descended upper chest, forearms, and the back peace and war.
from a mix of various peoples of of the hand. Once or perhaps thrice Bands tend to be nomadic,
ancient Earth, primarily Gaels, Gauls, in a generation a Moonraker is born though few have horses; most carry
and Greeks, with a touch of dragon with horns, a draconic tail, and/or everything they own on their backs.
blood through their Orichalan dragon-like eyes, a throwback to their The band follows the best hunting or
ancestors. Their modern culture has no Orichalan Dragon Lord bloodlines. easiest raiding, wandering from place
Earth equivalent; it is most reminiscent Following the Orc Wars, a great to place without concern as to who
of that of the Picts of Robert E. number of half-orc outcastes of the claims what lands. If threatened by a
Howard, though even several stages Stillring Vale joined up with various greater force, they simply flee or hide;
further down the ranks of civilization. indiscriminate bands of Moonrakers, they are very good at hiding. The only
Moonrakers are one of the and so some bands today consist of duties that they cleave to zealously
few major barbarian nations that little more than half-orcs. These have are to tending ancient religious sites,
are descended from once-civilized a very dark purple to black cast to their often ruins of old Dragon Empire
people, being the savage remnants of skin, baldness, sharp fanged teeth, cities, towns, citadels, or temples.
peoples of the once mighty northern long nose, deep-set eyes, prognathous These are their preferred campsites,
Orichalan Dragon Empire. Their jaw, and other orcish traits. in fact, as they feel safest when close
heyday is long passed into history, to the glories of their ancestors.
as the Tharbrians, Tharbriana, Religion: The heart of Moonraker
and Altanians usurped their lands, faith is Hecate Dragon-Queen, daughter Terrain/Climate: Moonrakers
relegating them to the less fertile and successor of Tethys Dragon- live in temperate mountains, hills,
mountains, hills, and moors. They Mother and patron of the northern and forest.
are, as a people, dying, and those Dragon Lord City States (and their Weapons: Hand/throwing axe,
who are not adapting to the changing savage descendents). The Moonrakers blowpipe, short bow, cleaver, club,
circumstances of the world often also revere gods of the moon, nature dagger, dirk, hatchet, hook sword, hafted
fight back with all the hatred and evil spirits, monstrous demi-gods (mostly hook, knife, sling, spear, wolf spear, staff.
their dark gods can muster. children of Hecate), as well as ancient
heroes of the Dragon Empire. Armor: Padded, leather coat,
Civilized folk and even barbarians leather armor, hide; small and
such as the Tharbrians consider the Some clans, notably those allied
with the dwarves of Thunderhold or medium wooden shields.
Moonrakers to generally be little more
the Tharbriana of the Stillring Vale, Tribal Abilities: Canoeing,
than two-legged beasts, classifying
have abandoned the old faith in favor fast movement, first aid, jumping,
them as a step above cavemen (being
of new deities, including Athena, running, scale, signaling, sound
able to work metal), somewhere on
Hephaestus, Odin, the Tharbriana imitation, swimming, and all
the level of the orcs and goblins.
gods, druidism, or a combination wilderness abilities. Due to their
Range: Northern Roglaras, thereof. Most Moonrakers are great zeal in following their gods, a
particularly the Moonraker Neutral, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Moonraker may also choose orisons
Moorlands, Majestic Mountains and Neutral, while those who follow as tribal abilities at 1st level, gaining
the northern hills, the Stillring Vale, the new faiths are generally Neutral, the use of two orisons per pick.
Warwik Peninsula, Swarthlad Plain, Chaotic Neutral, or Chaotic Good. Language: Moonrakers speak
and Severn Tors.
Tribal Structure: Today little a distinct dialect of Orichalan,
Appearance: Moonrakers are organization remains among the almost unintelligible to their civilized
tall and lean, men averaging 6’0” and Moonrakers above the level of the southern brethren or even to the more
180 lbs and women 5’6” and 140 lbs, extended family or band. Clan lineages closely related Roglo River Folk.
with purplish-black hair and gray, are maintained between the bands, Names: Moonraker names are
amber, or purple eyes. Skin is purple, though the bands rarely interact beyond usually fractured Greek or Celtic
ranging from light lavender, through exchanging brides and maintaining the names, often with a foul epithet
fuchsia, mauve, and violet, to a deep old legends through common festivals. based on physical characteristics.


Skandiks Appearance: Skandiks are tall with a Each clan chief appoints one clan
medium build, men averaging 5’10” and elder per ship to report to the local
The Skandiks are primarily descended 170 lbs and women 5’6” and 140 lbs, with “Jarl” (governor appointed by the
from and culturally similar to the Valonar strawberry blonde or red hair and hazel, Skandik Warlord), who rules from
(see below), with strong bloodline blue, or green eyes. Skin is pale white the largest village in the jarldom.
(though not cultural) influences from to beige, fallow, or zinnwaldite brown, Most decisions are made by the jarl
Altanians, Tharbrians, and Tharbriana. and tans easily to a deep brown. As the in conjunction with this council of
Due to historical events, Skandik Skandiks take slave concubines, children elders (who all, of course, consult
culture is more along the lines of early of slaves (usually thralls, sometimes with their clan chief).
Anglo-Saxon culture than pure Norse, freemen) may exhibit nearly any skin, hair,
though the viking tradition remains very Terrain/Climate: Most
or eye color, and are thus immediately Skandiks are native to temperate
strong. Some Skandiks have a touch or recognized as of lower caste.
more of elven blood, from concubines seacoast, island, or forest lands.
taken from the Palewood elves and the Religion: Skandiks revere the Weapons: Battle axe, bearded
Palewood half-elven population. Aesir and Vanir almost equally, with the axe, hand/throwing axe, short bow,
The Skandiks broke off from primary deities being Odin and Thor club, light crossbow, dagger, light
the Valonar in the early to mid-23rd for men and Freya for women. Though hammer, war hammer, hatchet,
century when a group of raiders to call it reverence is misleading, as to knife, heavy mace, large mace, light
from mixed tribes raided south from most Skandiks (save especially for the mace, maul, sling, spear, long spear,
Valonaria. They sailed and raided Thor fanatics of Sea Rune), the gods wolf spear, staff, broad sword, short
far and wide, though they settled in are to be placated or bribed rather than sword, two-handed sword.
numbers only along the eastern coast loved and worshiped. Some Skandiks
have abandoned the Old Faith and Armor: Padded, leather coat,
of the Pazidan Peninsula. There they leather armor, ring mail, mail shirt,
fought the Thirian Amazons and turned to druidism, or to foreign gods.
Many of the Skandiks of the semi- scale mail, cuir bouille, mail hauberk,
the Altanians, eventually taking the half plate; leather coif, pot helm,
Amazon capital of Ossyr Lee and civilized Skandik capital of Ossary
have turned to worship of the dark Skandik (Norman) helm; small and
driving the Amazons inland. medium wooden shields.
These settlers were led by Skandi gods of the Aesir and Vanir, notably
Loki, Hel, and Fenris Wolf (rural Tribal Abilities: Armor maker,
Greywulf, and so came to be known
Skandik loyalists claiming it is the stink berserkergang, canoeing, first aid,
as Skandiks in his honor. In the two
of civilization that took their cousins jumping, languages, runes, scale,
millennia since the Skandiks have had
down the path of fire and death). Rural seamanship, swimming, weapon
their ups and downs; for some time
Skandiks tend to be Neutral, Chaotic smith, wilderness lore.
before the Orc Wars of the late 40th
century they had begun to evolve a Neutral, or Chaotic Good, while the Language: Skandik, once closely
more civilized and urban culture, but Skandiks of Ossary tend to be Chaotic related to Valonar, but now quite
then the double-whammy of the orcs Neutral or Chaotic Evil. distinct due to loan words from
and then the Gnoll Migrations of the Tribal Structure: Clans are based Altanian and a dozen other tongues
43rd century set back all their advances. on ownership of a longship; most from across the Winedark Sea. Skandik
Since then they have returned (under clans own three to nine longships, is written using Futhorc runes.
the influence of their gods) to a more spread out among several villages Names: Pre-Christian Anglo-
savage form of their culture, save in and hamlets along the coast. The clan Saxon and Norse. Some use family
the capital at Ossary, where the rulers chief rules as captain of the best ship, names, though most use their
keep trying to foist civilization on a with his earls (sub-captains) reporting father’s name followed by “Son”
less-than-willing populous. only to him. During the summer or “Daughter” or an epithet when
Range: The Roglaras, Barbarian raiding season most carls (able-bodied distinction is necessary.
Altanis, Isles of the Dawn and other men) are out a-viking, raiding other
isles of the Winedark Sea, as well as small lands to bring back treasure and
enclaves along all coasts of the Wilderlands grains, as agriculture is considered the
and even into Western Karak. labor of thralls (slaves).


Tharbrians hair, and blue or green eyes. Skin is raid (as has happened all too often in the
naturally pale or milky white, turned history of the Wilderlands), that more
The Tharbrians are primarily a ruddy tan at an early age due to life than three to five clans gather in one
descended from and culturally on the plains. As the Tharbrians take place. This large gathering of clans is
similar to Earth’s Celts, adapted to slave concubines, children of slaves never referred to as a tribe by Tharbrians;
a horse-based nomadic culture. They may exhibit nearly any skin, hair, or it is instead a “Feachdh,” or host, gathered
are descended from the Wild Men, eye color; once a slave concubine for a specific journey and time.
a truly savage people that ranged births a live child, she become a full
from the Starrcrag Mountains in the Terrain/Climate: The main
(though usually junior) wife, and all body of Tharbrian clans range
west to the Winedark Sea in the east her children are freemen.
(north of the Shardans in the west across steppes and plains from the
and the Altanians in the east). Religion: Tharbrians revere an sub-arctic through temperate lands.
The original Wild Men descend from eclectic mix of the Celtic gods, especially Weapons: Atlatl, bolas, short
the peoples of a long-lost kingdom Epona, Belenus, Donn, Goibhniu, Lugh, composite bow, club, dagger, dart, dirk,
that was part of the Founders Empire, and Morrighan. They rarely turn from knife, lariat, light lance, poniard, saber
which fell during the War of the Pious this circle, and almost never from the (heavy scimitar, 1d8 damage, 6 lbs., EV
and Philosophers. These people were, in general gods of the Celtic pantheon; the 3, 20 gp), scimitar, sling, spear, long
turn, descended from an utterly ancient propensity for their settled and splintered spear, wolf spear, staff, short sword.
migration of Valonar from the north cousins to do so (save the Tharbriana)
is one of many points of contention Armor: Padded, leather coat,
(distant cousins of the modern Aelphen). leather armor, ring mail, hide, studded
Following the fall of the Founders Empire between the disparate tribes. Most priests
of the Tharbrians are druids, though a leather, laminar leather, mail shirt, mail
and the death of 95% of the population hauberk; leather coif, pot helm, Skandik
of that lost kingdom at the end of the few are clerics. Bards feature prominently
in Tharbrian religion, as it is they who (Norman) helm, chain mail coif; buckler,
War almost 69 centuries ago, the survivors small, and medium wooden shield.
were invaded by the barbaric Altanians maintain the oral traditions and histories
of the clans and their ancient heroes. Tribal Abilities: Animal handling
from the south and east.
Tribal Structure: The Tharbrian (horse), armor maker, battle cry,
When the Viridians invaded 4000
clans are led by a “Tríath” (chief), bowyer, fast movement, first aid,
years ago, most of the Wild Men clans
who rules through the respect of horsemanship, horse warrior, signaling,
were absorbed into the Empire; their
the other warriors of the clan. While sound imitation, swimming, weapon
descendants are today the Common
he makes decisions, these are usually smith, and all wilderness abilities.
Viridians. Others, especially those of
mixed Wild Men/Altanian heritage, carried out by his chosen successor, Language: Tharbrians speak
continued to fight, and were driven the “Tànaiste” (heir), chosen from Tharbrian, a tongue descended primarily
over the Sharryn River and onto the among his brothers, nephews, or from Altanian. It is closely related to
Plains of Lethe. There they adapted cousins (never his sons). The chief Tharbriana, the tongue of many rural
a horse-based nomadic culture and decides where the clan sets up camp, folk of the northern Pazidan.
continue to this day in savage glory. how long they remain, and where Names: Tharbrian names
Range: Plains of the Elephas, they go when they break camp. He are Gaelic, often (but not always)
Viridistan, the Roglaras, and the Desert also decides when and where to raid, fractured and slurred; Bharan not
Lands, with isolated clans wandering when to ally with another clan, when Baran, Fearghus not Fergus, etc.
much further afield throughout the to fight a vendetta, metes out justice Sept and clan names are generally
Wilderlands; the northern plains of the within the clan, and all other details male names with the prefix Mak- or
Infinite Desert and the Giant Lands. of rule. Clans are also divided into Ua’- (e.g., MakEoghan, Ua’Gannon,
septs, sub-clan bloodlines across clan MakMurrah, MakNabh, Ua’Niall etc.).
Appearance: Tharbrians are lines where ties have been maintained
short and wiry with lean muscles, men between otherwise disparate families.
averaging 5’7” and 160 lbs and women
5’5” and 130 lbs, with tawny brown, Tharbrian clans tend to remain
strawberry blonde, red, or raven black small, as they are always on the move. It
is only when the clans gather for a great
Valonar Religion: The Valonar zealously their strange sorceries and summon
The Valonar are primarily worship the Norse gods, favoring the magical entities to do their bidding.
descended from and culturally Aesir over the Vanir, their favorites Some say their blood is tainted with
similar to Earth’s Scandinavians of being Thor, Odin, and Aegir. Women that of the Orichalan Dragon Lords
the Viking and Varangian eras. usually revere Frigga, or more rarely of old. Few Sverkka go a-viking; when
The Norse gods have long Freya, while Sif is the favorite of they do, usually it is a younger noble
maintained an interest in the Valonar sword-wielding warrior women. All with a ship full of Markka and Norkka
peoples, keeping their culture frozen curse by Hel (teats), Loki (tongue), outcasts. Sverkka ships invariably have
in time from the glory days of Earth’s Surtur (beard), Thrym (frozen balls), a dragon’s head at the prow.
dark ages, from whence the ancestors or Fenris Wolf. Some are open to the Terrain/Climate: Sub-arctic or
of the Valonar were plucked worship of other deities, especially temperate forest, hills, and plains;
when monotheism expanded into those who have settled far from almost all tribes have some access to
Scandinavia. Even during the age of home (where the Aesir are considered the seacoast.
the Founders Empire the ancestors strongest). Most Valonar are Chaotic
Neutral or Chaotic Good. Weapons: Battle axe, hand/
of the modern Valonar remained throwing axe, two handed axe, short
backward and barbaric, protected Tribal Structure: The Valonar of bow, club, dagger, knife, sling, spear,
by their powerful priests and the the Wilderlands are divided into three wolf spear, staff, broad sword, two-
presence of the gods themselves. major tribes: the Markka, Norkka, and handed sword.
They were a major factor in the Sverkka, each divided into sub-tribes and
clans. Other major tribes roam the savage Armor: Leather coat, leather
success of the Pious during the War
lands of Valonaria, far to the north. armor, ring mail, hide, studded
of the Pious and Philosophers, with
The generally red-haired and blue- leather, and chain shirt; leather coif,
many demi-gods fighting side-by-
eyed Markka clans are most common pot helm, and spangenhelm (i.e.,
side with their followers.
in the northernmost regions of the “normal helm”); small, medium, and
Though kingdoms rise and fall, and
Wilderlands. Most Markka clans large wooden shields.
various tribes (such as the Avalonians
and Skandiks) break off from the core wander the lands between the Finmaer Tribal Abilities: Animal handling
Valonar tribes, the Valonar heartland Thicket and the Greatflood River of (dog, hawk, lynx, wolf), armor maker,
proudly remains savagely atavistic. the Elephas, especially in the Forest of berserkergang, canoeing, fast movement,
Nothing save the death of the entire Valdoren of Valon and the Forbidden jumping, runes, running, seamanship,
pantheon could change that. Forest of the Elephas. They fear the swimming, and weapon smith.
Range: Valon, eastern Elephas, Wilderland Mountains, believing it to Special: Markka have access to all
western Tarsh, northern Roglaras; be the home of giants and evil dwarves. the wilderness skills, and the Norkka gain
Valonaria. Markka ships usually have a wolf, bear, seamanship as a free fourth tribal skill at 1st
or lynx head at the prow. level, while Sverkka have access to wizard
Appearance: Valonar are tall and The usually blonde-haired and and illusionist cantrips as tribal abilities; they
muscular, men averaging 6’0” and 200 hazel-eyed Norkka are native to the can choose cantrips in place of a tribal skill
lbs and women 5’8” and 160 lbs, with northern coasts, often cohabiting with at 1st level, two per tribal skill, and may
red, blonde, or platinum (especially more civilized Avalonians, though they choose two cantrips or one 1st level spell per
Sverkka) hair and blue, green, and are often encountered as pirates and Versatility choice at later levels.
purple (Sverkka) eyes. Skin is pale or reavers anywhere along the shores and
creamy white, pinkish-white, bone Language: Valonar, a harsh
rivers of the region and far beyond
white or purplish-white (Sverkka), dialect related to Avalonian and
(where they compete with their
or bluish-white (clans with strong Skandik.
Skandik cousins upon the Winedark
Avalonian ties). As the Valonar take Sea). Norkka ships usually have a turtle,
slave concubines, children of slaves shark, or sea-lion head at the prow.
(usually thralls, sometimes freemen) The invariably platinum-haired and
may exhibit nearly any skin, hair, or purple-eyed Sverkka are native to the
eye color, and are thus immediately Isles of Pokrantil, where they practice
recognized as of lower caste.

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