1974 - The Occurrence of Organohaiides in Chlorinated Drinking Waters Journal AWWA - 1974 - Bellar

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the oxidation or removal of NH3-N is only partial rather than

complete. The Occurrence of

Post treatment. It may be advantageous to follow breakpoint
chlorination with dechlorination by carbon adsorption or by
use a sulfur compound. Carbon adsorbs any chloroorganics
that may be produced during the breakpoint procedure. In the
Organohaiides in
case of wastewater, this may solve any problems of toxicity to
fish; in the case of water treatment, it may improve taste-and-
odor characteristics of the treated water.
Chlorinated Drinking
1. MAJUMDAR, S. B. ET AL. Inactivation of Poliovirus in Water by
Ozonation. Jour. WPCF, 45:12:2433 (Dec. 1973).
Wastewater Treatment as Practiced at South Tahoe. EPA Wtr. T.A. Bellar, J.J. Lichtenberg,
Pollution Cont. Res. Ser., Pubn. 17010 ELQ, 257, (Aug. 1971).
3. MORRIS, J. CARRELL. Chlorination and Disinfection State of the and R.C. Kroner
Art. Jour. AWWA, 63:12:769 (Dec. 1971).
4. SCARPING, P. V., ET AL. A Comparative Study of the Inactivation of
Virus in Water by Chlorine. Wtr. Res., 6:959 (1972).
5. PRESSLEY, T. A.; BISHOP, D. F.; & ROAN, S. G. Ammonia-Nitrogen
Removal by Breakpoint Chlorination Envir. Set. Technol., 6:7:622 The national media have reported that the chlorination
(Jul. 1972). of water during treatment is responsible for the
6. WHITE, GEORGE C. Handbookof Chlorination. Van Nostrand formation of potentially harmful chlorinated organic
Reinhold Co., New York (1972). materials notably chloroform in the nation's water
7. MOORE, EDWARD W. Fundamentals of Chlorination of Sewage and
Waste. Wtr. Sew. Wks., 98:3:130 (Mar. 1951). supplies. The following report by three research
8. SELLECK, R. E. & COLLINS, H. F. Disinfection in Wastewater scientists from the Natl. Envir. Res. Ctr. of EPA
Reuse. Unpublished. describes that agency's research concerning these
9. AWWA Com. Rprt. Viruses in Water. Jour. AWWA, 61:10:491 organohalides. The report concludes that the number
(Oct. 1969).
10. HUDSON, H. E., JR. High-QualityWater Production and Viral Dis of organohalides formed during the chlorination
ease. Jour. AWWA, 54:10:1265 (Oct. 1962). process does not constitute any immediate threat to
11. SELLECK, R. F.; COLLINS, H. F.; & WHITE, G. C. Kinetics of the public health or welfare, but that more research
Wastewater Chlorination in Continuous Flow Processes. Proc. into possible long-term effects is warranted.
5th Intl. Conf. on Wtr. Pollution Res., 11-19, (1971).
12. ROBECK, G. G.; CLARKE, N. A.; & DOSTAL, K. A. Effectiveness of
Water Treatment Processes in Virus Removal. Jour. AWWA,
54:10:1274 (Oct. 1962). A contribution submitted to the JOURNAL on Nov. 7, 1974, by
T.A. Bellar, J.J. Lichtenberg, and R.C. Kroner (Active Member,
Bibliography AWWA), all of the Natl. Envir. Res. Ctr., EPA, Cincinnati, Ohio.

BERG, G. How's Your Virus I.Q? Wtr. Waste Engrg., 10:35 (Oct. 1971).
BERGER, BERNARD B. Current Perspectives in Disinfection. Proc. Natl.
Specialty Conf. on Disinfection, (Jul. 1970).
COLLINS, H. F.; SELLECK, R. E,; & WHITE, G. C. Problems in Obtaining
Adequate Sewage Disinfection. Proc. Natl. Specialty Conf. on In recent years there has been great speculation and con
Disinfection, ASCE, (1971). cern about the effect of chlorination upon organic materials
CULP, G. L. & CULP, R. L. New Concepts in Water Purification. Van contained in natural waters and wastewaters. Considering the
Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York (1974).
KABLER, P. W., ET AL. Viricidal Efficiency of Disinfectants in Water. widespread use of chlorine in water- and sewage-treatment
Public Health Rprt., 76:565 (1961). processes, household and commercial laundering, paper-pulp
KELLEY, S. & SANDERSON, W. W. The Effect of Chlorine in Water on bleaching, and related processes, it is easy to postulate the
Enteric Viruses. Amer. Jour. Public Health, 48:1233 (1958). possible inadvertent, widespread production of chlorinated
KELLEY, S. & SANDERSON, W. W. The Effect of Chlorine in Water on organic materials. There are an infinite number of organic
Enteric Viruses 2. The Effect of Combined Chlorine on
Poliomyelitis and Coxsackie Viruses. Amer. Jour. Public Health, materials commonly contained in natural waters and waste-
50:14 (1960). waters that may react with free chlorine. For the most part
KRUSE, C. S., ET AL. Halogen Action on Bacterial, Viruses and Protozoa. mechanisms for these reactions have not been studied
Proc. Natl. Specialty Conf. on Disinfection, ASCE, (Jul. 1970). because rapid and precise analytical methods capable of
KRUSE, C. W.; OLIVIERI, V. P.; & KAWATA, K. The Enhancement of
Viral Inactivation by Halogens. Wtr. Sew. Wks., 6:187 (Jun. monitoring the reaction products have not been available.
1971). Kleopfer and Fairless,1 Novak et at,2 Friloux,3'4 Grob,5 and
LOTHROP, T. L. & SPROUL, O. J. High-Level Inactivation of Viruses in others6 have reported the presence of organohalides in
Wastewater by Chlorination. Jour. WPCF, 41:567 (1969). finished waters, but because of the nature of the studies made
PALIN, A. T. Chemical Aspects of Chlorination. Jour. Inst. Wtr. Engrs., and the analytical methods used, no conclusions could be
4:565 (1950).
PALIN, A. T. A Study of the Chloro Derivatives of Ammonia and Re drawn as to the source of these compounds.
lated Compounds with Special Reference to Their Formation in Recently the Methods Dev. and Qual. Assurance Lab. of
the Chlorination of Natural and Polluted Waters. Wtr. Waste the Natl. Envir. Res. Ctr. in Cincinnati has developed and re
Engrg., 151 (1950). ported on a procedure for isolating and measuring nanogram
SORBER, C. A.; MALINA, J. F., JR.; & SAGIC, B. P. Quantitative Pro
cedure for Evaluating the Performance Level of Water and quantities of volatile and semi-volatile organic materials in
Waste Water Treatment Processes at Naturally Occuring Virus wastewaters (see "Determining Volatile Organics at
Levels. Envir. Sci. Technol., 6:5:438 (May 1972). Microgram-Per- Litre Levels by Gas Chromatography" on
15518833, 1974, 12, Downloaded from https://awwa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.1551-8833.1974.tb02129.x by Tsinghua University Library, Wiley Online Library on [10/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
page 739 of this issue of JOURNAL AWWA). Preliminary ob followed by a gas-chromatographic analysis. This procedure
servations made during the development of this technique (see "Determining Volatile Organics at Microgram-Per-Litre
showed the presence of organochlorine compounds in Levels by Gas Chromatography" on page of this issue of
laboratory-distilled and tap water. Further observations also Journal AWWA) provides a method capable of analyzing for
indicated the presence of some brominated hydrocarbons in organic materials that are < 2 per cent soluble in water and
the tap waters. Raw river water, the source of the tap water, that boil below 150C. An average detection limit of 1 jug/1 was
contained none or much lower concentrations of the achieved.
organohalides. Since their presence in water may represent a Tentative qualitative identifications were made by
possible health hazard and reflect a background level for in microcoulometric-gas chromatography (MCT) and then
dustrial effluents, it was decided to quantitate and to attempt confirmed by gas-chromatography mass-spectrographic
to identify the source of these compounds. (GC-MS) techniques. Structure determinations were verified
with the use of a conversational-mass-spectral retrieval
Experimental system.9 Quantitative data were generated with the use of the
Apparatus. A gas chromatograph* was equipped with a dual- flame-ionization (FID) and MCT detectors.
flame ionization detector and a microcoulometric detector Standard solutions of chloroform were prepared in
(halide mode). Dual, stainless-steel columns, 180-cm (6-ft) "organic-free" distilled water at concentrations similar to
long x 2.67 mm (0.105 in.) ID were packed with those found in the unknowns. The standards and unknowns
Chromosorb-101 (60-80 mesh). The oven temperature was were analyzed in an identical manner, and peak areas were
isothermal at 190C or programmed from 150C to 270C at measured and compared for quantitative determination. At
6.5C/min. Nitrogen, at 50 ml/min, was employed as the car the time of analysis, reagent-grade bromodichloromethane
rier gas. and dibromochloromethane were not available in the
Another gas chromatographt with a mass spectrometer* laboratory. Since the FID and the MCT should respond quan
controlled by a data acquisition system§ was employed. The titatively in an identical manner to all of these trihaloge-
glass column, 240-cm (8-ft) long x 2-mm (0.078-in.) ID, was nated-methane compounds, 10' 11 quantitative values were
packed with Chromosorb-101 (50-60 mesh). Helium, at 30 generated using the peak-area response of chloroform.
ml/min, was employed as the carrier gas. The initial oven tem Samples were collected from several sources for this study.
perature of 125C was held for 3 min and then programmed to These sources included a major surface stream., a municipal
220C at 4C/min. water-treatment plant, finished tap water from widespread
The purging device, trap, and desorption system used for locations, and a sewage-treatment plant.
this work have been described previously (see "Determining
Volatile Organics at Microgram-Per-Litre Levels by Gas Results and Discussion
chromatography" on page 739 of this issue of JOURNAL Initial gas-chromatographic analyses were conducted on
AWWA). the laboratory tap water with the use of the FID and MCT.
Reagents. Water free of interfering organics was prepared by Subsequently the samples were analyzed by GC-MS to verify
passing distilled water through a Millipore Super-Q water- the identity of the compounds detected in the finished waters.
treatment system. The GC-MS-reconstructed chromatogram and the identified
Standard, stock solutions were prepared by injecting 1-5 pi components are shown in Fig. 1. Unequivocal qualitative
of the compound to be determined into a 1-1 volumetric flask identifications of ethyl alcohol, chloroform, bromodichloro
partially filled with organic-free water. The mixture was then methane, and dibromochloromethane were made with the
diluted to volume with organic-free water to give concentra use of this instrumentation. The FID-GC was calibrated for
tions between 1 and 7 mg/1. Dilutions were then made from the trihalogenated-methane compounds. Although the pres
the stock solution by pipetting a known quantity of stock solu ence of ethyl alcohol was verified by the mass spectrometer,
tion into a partially filled volumetric flask and diluting to no quantitative data were obtained.
volume with organic-free water. For low-level work (1-10 jig/ As a matter of interest, analyses were conducted on other
1), a 1:10 dilution of the stock solution was prepared, and sec-' finished waters. The organohalide content found in these
ondary dilutions were prepared from this solution as required. waters and their raw-water sources are listed in Table 1.
Procedure. Water samples were collected in 125- or 500-ml, Where the water source was low in total organics, such as well
ground-glass, stoppered bottles. The bottles were carefully water, the resulting concentrations of haiogenated products
filled; no bubbles were allowed to pass through the samples as were low. Where the water source was high in total organics,
the bottles filled. Care was taken to eliminate the air space such as surface waters, the resulting concentrations of haioge
above the samples by overfilling the bottles and then displac nated products were high.
ing part of each sample with the glass stopper. Analyses were Several samples were collected from various parts of a
performed as soon as possible after the sample collection. water-treatment plant in a progressive manner identical to the
Time lapsed between collection and analyses was noted. path of the water as it was processed through the plant (see
The water samples were analyzed for volatile components Fig. 2). Table 2 shows the quantitative data obtained from
by the following procedure. Nitrogen (200 ml at 10-15 ml/ these samples.
min) was bubbled through 5.0 ml of sample to transfer the Large amounts of chloroform are stored and used in the
volatiles from the aqueous phase to the gaseous phase. The EPA laboratory. To determine whether or not accidental con
organic materials contained in the gaseous phase were con tamination of the samples was occurring in the laboratory,
centrated by using a noncryogenic, trapping technique7'8 several analyses were performed upon the raw river water.
These analyses were made alternately with the analyses of the
Perkin-Elmer 900 model samples from the water-treatment plant (Table 2) throughout
tVarian Aerograph 1400 model
tFinnigan 1015 C Quadrupole model the day. The raw river-water concentrations found were con
§Systems Industries 150 Data Acquisition system stant at 0.9 0.2 fj.g/1. Based on these resul.ts, it was deter-
15518833, 1974, 12, Downloaded from https://awwa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.1551-8833.1974.tb02129.x by Tsinghua University Library, Wiley Online Library on [10/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Trihalogenated-Methane Content of Various Municipal Water Supplies Trihalogenated-Methane Content of Water From Water-Treatment Plant

Concentration- M£" Concentration pg/t

Raw- Bromo- Dibromo- Free Bromo- Dibromo-
Sampling Water Date Chloro dichloro- chloro- Samp. Cl Chloro dichloro-
Sites chloro-
Source Coll. form methane methane Sample Source Point am form methane methane
100* surface 8-73 94.0
100' 20.8 2.0 Raw river water 1 0.0 0.9 «
surface 2-74 37.3 9.1 1.3 River water treated with
lOlt surface 2-74 70.3 10.2 0.4* chlorine and alum-chlorine
102t surface 2-74 152.0 6.2 0.9* contact time 80 min. 2 6 22.1
2-74 6.3 0.7
103t surface 84.0 2.9 <0.1 Three- day-old
104' well 8-73 2.9
104* § § settled water 3 2 60.8 18.0 1.1
well 2-74 4.4 1.9 0.9* Water flowing from settled
105* well 2-74 1.7 1.1 0.8* area to filterst 4 2.2 127 21.9 2.4
106t well 12-73 3.5 § § Filter effluent 5 * 83.9 18.0 1.7
Finished water 6 1.75 94.0 20.8 2.0
'Sample age < 4 hr
tSampIe age unknown; >24 hr 'None detected. If present, the concentration is <0.1
^Approximate value, 20 per cent tCarbon slurry added at this point
§No data ^Unknown

Organochlorine Compounds in Water From Sewage-Treatment Plant

Concentration ng/l

Influent Effluent Effluent

Before Before After
Compound* Treatment Chlorination Chlorination
Methylene chloride 8.2 2.9 3.4
Chloroform 9.3 7.1 12.1
1 ,1 ,1-Trichloroethane 16.5 9.0 8.5
1 ,1 ,2-Trichloroethylene 40.4 8.6 9.8
1 ,1 ,2,2-Tetrachloroethylene 6.2 3.9 4.2
2 Dichlorobenzen.es 10.6 5.6 6.3
60 80 100 S Trichlorobenzenes 66.9 56.7 56.9
Spectrum Number
All confirmed by GC-MS
Fig. 1. Reconstructed GC-MS Chromatogram of Finished Water


Bromodichloro Methane

Settled Water Average Age-

Three Days

30 40 50
Chlorine Contact Time-hr

Carbon Slurry
Fig. 3. Chlorinated Ohio River Water

mined that little or no contamination of the samples occurred

in the laboratory.
The data reported in Table 2 show that the trihalogenated
methanes originate at the water-treatment plant. It is interest
ing to note that each time additional chlorine is added to
• Finished Water maintain or increase the free-chlorine concentration of the
f J-* Indicates Sampling Point
water, a significant increase in the chloroform level results
(see Fig. 2). The decrease in the concentration of trihaloge
Fig. 2. Water-Treatment-Plant Sampling Points nated methanes after sampling-point four evidently results
15518833, 1974, 12, Downloaded from https://awwa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.1551-8833.1974.tb02129.x by Tsinghua University Library, Wiley Online Library on [10/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
from the introduction of an activated-carbon slurry. low (0.25 ppm total chlorine) when compared with that added
A second series of analyses was performed on raw river at the water-treatment plant, and since the contact time be
water that had been treated with alum and chlorine. The sam tween collection and analysis was < 2 hr, the low concentra
ple was collected at the water-treatment plant and held in the tion of chloroform is not surprising.
laboratory for 71 hr. It was analyzed five times within the first
6 hr. After standing overnight it was analyzed at 26, 28, 29,
and 71. hr. The concentrations of halogenated methanes Chloroform and other trihaiogenated methanes have been
found can be seen in Fig. 3. detected in several municipal water supplies. The highest con
These data show that in this static system, after a single ad centrations (37-150 jig/I) of these compounds were found in
dition of free chlorine, trihalogenated-methane compounds finished waters having surface waters as their source. These
are formed. The concentration of these compounds increased compounds form as a result of chlorination processes during
with respect to chlorine contact time up to approximately 15 water treatment. Since a primary limiting factor is the pres
hr. Little or no increase was noted after that time. This obser ence of free chlorine in the water, the repeated addition of
vation and the previous observation that each addition of free chlorine at various stages of the treatment process plays an
chlorine produces an increase in the concentration of important role in determining the ultimate concentrations of
trihaiogenated methanes show that these compounds are not organohalogens that occur.
introduced as impurities contained in the alum or the chlorine Although the trihaiogenated compounds resulting from
used for treatment of the water. It is apparent that a chemical chlorination are not an acute hazard to man at the levels
reaction is taking place between free chlorine and organic detected (oral, lethal dose of chloroform to mice is 120 mg/
compounds present in the water. One possible mechanism for kg,12 their presence suggests the need to monitor finished
the formation of chloroform is suggested by the compounds waters for these and other organohalogens and to determine
detected in the tap water ethanol and trihaiogenated whether there may be chronic effects. There is a need to de
methanes (no mono- or dihalogenated compounds were velop analytical methodology so that the chemistry of the
found in the tap water). The ethanol oxidizes to acetaldehyde. chlorination process can be fully studied and understood.
The acetaldehyde reacts with free chlorine to form chloral. In addition to chloroform, several othe;r halogenated
The chloral reacts with water to form chloral hydrate, and the aliphatic and aromatic compounds were detected in a sewage-
chloral hydrate then decomposes to form chloroform. treatment-plant's influent and effluent waters.
CH3-CH 2OH — CH3-C-H - C13-C-C-H - C13-C-C-(OH) 2 The authors wish to thank James W. Eichelberger and Dr.
CHC13 Lawrence E. Harris for providing the GC-MS analyses; and
Dr. Fred K. Kawahara for consultation regarding possible
At this time, the authors have no experimental evidence to
reaction mechanisms for the formation of the trihaiogenated
show that this is in fact the mechanism by which the
chloroform is produced. methanes.
The presence of the two brominated compounds listed in
Table 1 probably results from bromine impurities contained References
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as well as a municipal area, a multitude of diverse organic EPA, Region VI, Dallas, Tex. (Apr. 1972).
compounds should be present at all times. Because of the con 7. BELLA*, T.A. & SIGSBY, J.E. Analysis of Light Aromatic Car-
stantly changing composition of the water entering the plant, bonyls, Phenols, and Methyl Naphthylenes in Automotive Emis
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8. BELLAR, T.A. & SIGSBY, J.E. Non-Cryogenic Trapping Techniques
crease of the chloroform concentration in the chlorinated for Gas Chromatography. Internal Rprt. EPA, Res. Triangle Pk.,
effluent, however, appears to be due to chlorination. The N.C. (1970).
variation in the concentrations of the chlorinated compounds 9. HELLER, S.R. Conservational Mass Spectral Retrieval System and
before and after chlorination ranged from 0.2 to 1.2 /u.g/1, ex its Uss as an Aid in Structure Determination. Anal. Chem.,
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cept for chloroform which increased by 5 /Ag/1. This increase, 10. DEWAK, R.A. The Flame lonization Detector; A Theoretical Ap
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cent) of the method at its lower limit of detection. The close 11. GALLWAY, W.S.; STERNBERG, J.C.; & JONES, T.L. A Theoretical In
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