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MBTI Personality Test

Dear Participants,

Welcome to the MBTI Personality Type Test. This test has been designed to measure your MBTI
Personality type, and it should only take approximately 15 minutes to complete. We appreciate
your participation and hope you find the experience valuable.

To ensure the accuracy of your results and make the most of this survey, we would like to
provide you with some helpful hints:

1. There are no right or wrong answers: Please remember that there are no definitive right or
wrong responses to any of the questions in this test. Your answers are entirely personal
and reflect your own unique personality traits.
2. Answer quickly and avoid over-analysis: We encourage you to answer the questions
without dwelling on them for too long. Avoid over-analyzing the statements or
attempting to find hidden meanings. Trust your initial instincts and choose the option that
feels most fitting to you.
3. Answer honestly: Respond to the questions based on your true self, rather than how you
would like to be perceived by others. This will ensure that the results accurately reflect
your individual personality.
4. Do not consult the scoring sheet until completing all questions: To maintain the integrity
of the test, we kindly request that you refrain from referring to the scoring sheet until you
have finished answering all the questions. This will prevent any potential bias or
influence on your responses.

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this MBTI Personality Type Test.

Your contribution is greatly appreciated, and we are excited to review the results during our
session. If you have any questions or require assistance.

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