Philosophy of Education

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Philosophy of Education

Jose Roberto Olvera Herrera

Education Department, Tarrant County College

EDUC-1301: Intro. To Teaching Profession

Kathleen Sikes

Oct. 29, 2023


Philosophy of Education

My Philosophy.

After taking the inventory, my highest philosophies are Reconstructionism with twenty-

two points, Progressivism with twenty-one points, and a tie with twenty points Existentialism

and Perennialism. After reading the definition of those philosophies the only part that I disagree

is with perennialism’s concept of “the great ideas of Western culture” I believe that all cultures

have great ideas and I fully agree with “the highest level of knowledge in each field should be

the focus of curriculum.” From there I feel that the other philosophies line up with my overall

way of thinking as Reconstructionism establishes, I believe that “schools should take the lead to

reconstruct society”, I am Progressive in all aspects of my life and it was not a surprise that I will

be on my teaching, in order to change society students need to grow individually and “develop

democratic personal and social values.”

Teacher’s Role.

As a teacher, I will try to create and/or use a curriculum that promotes critical thinking

and social awareness. I will try to explain the current events from a pedagogic perspective and

use them to build the lessons, I will encourage the students to ask as many questions as they can

and I will ask them as many or more questions. I will try to create a connection and a

professional feeling of trust.

Curriculum and Instruction

I will create or adapt a curriculum that allows me to use past and current events to make

them understand their current context. Always based on science and objectivity. The curriculum

will be based on a multidisciplinary selection of topics trying to avoid the monotony of a subject

lesson and changing mindsets for all the different classes. As far as possible I will teach in a fun,

supportive, fair, and flexible way to ensure that their learning experience is rewarding and not


Learning Environment

I will try to create such an environment that the students will be wishful to learn and

share the learning process with their classmates. They will be sited in a circle because that Is the

most democratic arrangement, there is no front or back of the room, and all of them are at the

same distance from the teacher. They will feel challenged by using projects that help them

achieve their personal and group goals. I will try to gain their trust by being consistent and fair

with our interactions and evaluations.

Overall, I will try to ensure that the experience of learning empowers them and prepares

them to change their reality and in consequence the reality of their community.

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