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STARTUP INCUBATION TABLE OF CC (eo) NTI .ak 7S a dG INTRODUCE ABOUT SIP 10 x ACTIVITES INCUBATED pps RESULTS * oAC * ABOUT US Vietnam is among the top 3 most dynami ecosystems in the Southeast Asia region and globally in the startup ecosystem. Numbers, ading vigorously 2023, the trend UUaN ders slolal Ul eon LecelaM MUA LONK MOE] (Carel e\°) pe stringent. inflows of capital, and the criteria for of ing startups for After the Covid-19 pandemic, as the overall economic focus shifts towards recovery and growth, businesses are reconsidering their strategies for adaptation and competitiveness. Various markets are being reshaped due to the acceleration of the digital transformation process and the increasing global attention to Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) issues. Therefore, expanding the restructuring toolkit is a strategy that the majority of businesses are choosing in their business journey in the coming tim START WITH commercial activities and the cot rh ae eras Ny iN | a oD Social impact entrepreneurship stands out as a ul startup model, fulfilling both entrepreneurial a. Pee tn uegi a cers ei cereehTntis rr Vietnam, the landscape-of sociat-enterpris: folAVleyol antl) eam oe L am tales ee lasenisttess ‘ofimpa are currently undergoing BM eel eau ue response to economic, cultural, social, and technetegicat shifts. Notably, venture capital funds are redirecting their focus toward impact-driven startups, emphasizing sustainable TS yea eee eC eee ae eure ae = : , 2 == cele); The SIP100 eu Weed aR ance Mulsctam oR MIR strong transformation of startups/innovative businesses in the impact business model, aiming for Broun) development. SIP100 aspires to become an ex Tag be startup incubation program, pioneering the ae rol practical, innovative, and impact-driven startups a tee ela a series of training activities, mentoring, and fetal stato within the regional and global ecosystem. SIP100 2023 - Social Impact Pathway is a 100-day focused startup incubation program designed to challenge socially-minded founders to achieve sustainable business development and drive the digital transfarmation process. ‘ INTENSIVE INNOVATIVE RS 100 days Implementation Social | m. 1:1 MENTORING/COACHI "I 11: INITIATIVE __, SELECTION SELECTING SUITABLE STARTUPS 100 DAYS INTENSIVE — Satis tH INCLUSIVE Z MATCHING ACCOMPANYING AND MATCHING RESOURCES DO APACITY FOR FOUNDERS. CRC) Nau he bv at Si ah EVALUATION POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS MEETING THE PROGRAM CRITERIA ARE SENT TO THE ADVISORY BOARD FOR ASSESSMENT. RESULT: 12 BUSINESSES PROCEED TO THE INTERVIEW ROUND. = #3: INTERVIEWS PARTICIPATING GROUPS ENGAGE IN-ONLINE INTERVIEWS AND UNDERGO ULE?) aaa) ASSESSMENTS. * —ES ARE SELECTED TO ENTER THE NCUBATION PROGRAM. #4: KICK-OFF DAY LAUNCH EVENT FOR THE STARTING OF SIP100 2023 INCUBATION PROGRAM. x EE ec ae ere] ee) FOUNDERS. (30/06 - 01/07) re Cae Pasa BUSINESSES Se PROGRAM. ee FROM IN THE INCUBATION Business Pizza WHackathon is an activity within framework of the SIP100 2023 program. The p Trade University to interact and collabor: students from Handong Global University to create innovative solutions addressing chall¢ Participants: 20 students from the Foreign Trade University and 20 students from Handong Global UT NA-e-th 8 “A series of sis ccran eee d coaching sessions with businesses in 100 days. The mentoring sessions are conducted regularly, 1-2 sessio week, based on the actual needs of each busi incubation program, the NT a) yey cu South Korea with ‘opportu s to present pr investors and engage in 120 investment match eee har mele Maas both domestic and international sources. ttt jects to aking cicolaa) Participants: 30 businesses from Vietnam and South Korea; 30 investors and investment funds from both domestic and international sources; representatives from the Foreign Trade University; businesses, experts, and organizations within the innovation ecosystem. eel ee YT Chg Deli is a solution providing food and grocery ey eRe MCC Tg 3 Industry 4.0 kitchens. Yj typ Yj Vee Cea ST Conan Eo RucuC ree u Rae mucue ere IMR successfully secured funding erro Aa SS 2. WeShare A platform empowering tedims to easily raise passive and regular funds through daily cashback S ene ea ete ere = ARR TE Eee yz additional 10,000 new users Feaching a total of 30,000 users. They. generated-40,000neW contributions out of a total of 100,000 Taal eee ith Eel Te ae Om ae elke eae que et Ue ce Rell enorme eh ee ee ecg TT} Grand Challenge, securing full sponsorship to participate in the a eae elk weshare asia 3. Nanosalt NE Ieee Cel Talmage Ce cereets MECC Tomo IC Peete tere ee ae ie eC Rel on eee gece tee tas trast Dee Ronee eT ae Re rT won the First Prize in the Science and Technology InnoWation Cee UMN at aac eRe ae ee ae SES me ee ee ee market and distribution channels through e-commerce platforms and TikTok. 4. Salework See ae uae a ees sellers when doing business on current e-commerce platforms such ES re MU oe ec ge ey EUAN eee es ese Ye au eC ee mae y Cee ee We CMU Cy er i 5. MyLeague ||) IR ENS oe ol teh ce ete Ce tournament organizers, team management, and athletes, Dein aes ae om wganize and manage CU CnC eee es Through the SIP100—Busins eres ae ae connected and fecruited 92 Putstanding interns, applying the Estee ise Met ae Frere Tae Oko oe 20> Eo Re PS Tae . Meticworks is a 3D printing production solution coupled Dregs treleterar tare LeN CMOS Tea tate Be Tel erate aiming to reduce waste and contribute) to the Peete iia eee Cece S Omg ee Re ae Re eR rary eon eM eee eemeicc oa registered trademarks on the USPTO system and is Cn Res Sect ea Peele gel ratfeley 7. Agritage Agritage is a pioneer to develop and replicate the : Vee acc ma ucency AGRITO’GE Dee Retna y Soar Rk ec og a eae} mi Peer ° Rhodi Technology is a business that provides consulting services and conducts research on bio-technological ese omesa oueennae oi et ese R create Prete meso) and developing new Paes Vacs Sige )om eal egret os = Le A ke a) and refine-a-hair-Gfowth essence from nano d-limonene, Solr eration eg Re) Con clam neces emer merce gee Ma =e ¥ 9. DeepSales ‘ Doe Co oa ge gue a Coc eC ans acerca mee ccm Dee cect eee ate eo LCC eter J een Rr Og ee ee ee sc ee Cea a eT ecm ec develop its innovative business model in this promising market. PT TA cee ae NAR Cey et aM eae a Oe Ne aos ua Rr rae ea ea Eee Uo een ated its education quality, fesearches and technology transfer, socie riented activities, innovative and entrepreneuric Pe ey wwovssion The Swiss Government-funded leita doin eT) Program, in short Swiss EP, is cee] og Cofatens)oleciall0 te] arees 1 Olea Lead Mentor De) " DOC meg Program Director Program Co-Director BRR eer Peete ne ene foo ee Program Coordinator cele le Reals rele le mele ayo 7- 0k PEE) an Cua ge te oc OE Ne Sd Pee eens tg lt Member IVER nea nn a) eae cay Anny nna Br ee LTO accel Rec “4 I PaO a Ms Lé Thi Thu Ha a) DMR) ecrond Prsc Ecereaas ll ecg eae beige od Novaon |i fay ene ie ese Nat hs PaaS Cee ez cy ee Seren Veen 5 ee Nera) Daeg Mr Nguyén Tién Trung eens Director Seeeeny See Rate oy Bete ene tay NscI eran Eide} CoC) Nieto BAL Ra eer) orice coe) De Te * oes eC SS a Te Reccatat) Peas Director Doe een Founder Mies Sa) Creer eco i Wate na teae kero ai lh fae} coy ae OR IT roe Cee Oc fr rena NS Vey Pay a OSE) Pe Re. Me oe Senior partner (c=) ns i cro Pretend cont eee \ Cece) Teun) eucURUTC Diane ke) Ter cag Deke De Investment Principal Perea cas orate . oer ar) fa rl Cc p er) Ce RL) Tae face) Fe ee eer So cones enced O® Srigeecics odd Founder Wits) ris Samara ca Cer Ne Ce Daa) CEO CEO ceo fo) ec * — Hibron Deere Deo a Pa act CNP ece ci) Rr ce aN iL) . reg oes Professor ey emcee rae eag Cee ey erg Le Thi Thu Huong (Mrs.) Sela teyeecontthctNny Mobile: (+84) 9 6668 9239 fore ld Eliot Shin Dongwon (Mr,) Carer a ola IMielet ea essa ROP kt Eira ea ty tea J Impact Pathway

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