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Based on Sept19, 2020 with MOV

A Scorecard for Evaluating Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Practice and
Adherence to the Benchmarks for Transformational Partnerships and
Women’s Economic Empowerment
in Agricultural Value Chains (AVCs)


This scorecard was developed as a tool for SMEs and their partners to evaluate the extent to which they are
adhering to a set of aspirational standards or transformational benchmarks in engaging small scale
producers, especially women in their respective agricultural value chains. The Benchmarks for
Transformational Partnerships and Women’s Economic Empowerment in Agricultural Value Chains were
synthesized from the best practices of social enterprises and inclusive businesses from 4 countries in
Southeast Asia1. The benchmarks were transformed into a scorecard containing a set of criteria customized
for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), including intermediary social enterprises (ISEs), engaging
women and men small producers in agricultural value chains. The scorecard is an evaluation, planning and
learning tool that SMEs and ISEs and their partners in agricultural value chains can utilize as guideposts on
how they can have greater impact on women and men small scale producers. They are particularly useful
for enterprises that wish to make their value chain interventions contribute more to transformational change
consistent with the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Given the devastating impact of COVID19 on
SMEs, ISEs and their partner producer communities, the scorecard may be used as framework for engaging
SMEs and ISEs towards inclusive recovery and building back better.

Sustainable Development Goals

Key Result Areas
(SDG) Being Addressed
Goals1 (No Poverty), 2 (Zero
Hunger), 5 (Gender Equality), 8
(Decent Work and Economic
Commitment to make strategic investments in
1 developing small producers as partner suppliers.
Growth), 9
(Industry, Innovation,
Infrastructure), 10 (Reducing
Goals1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 (Sustainable
Commitment to develop strategic partnerships with Cities and Communities), 12
cooperatives, associations and other self-governing (Responsible Consumption and
2 organizations of small producers, and their Production), 13 (Climate Action), 14
enablers. (Life Below Water), 15 (Life on
Commitment to develop and sustain initiatives that
promote women’s participation and women’s
3 economic empowerment (WEE) in the supply chain
Goals 5, 10
and communities impacted by the enterprise.
Accounts for, links and communicates measurable Goals 1,2, 5, 8, 10, 16
outcomes of its success as a responsible business, to (Peace, Justice and Strong
4 measurable outcomes of transformation among its Institutions)
partner small producers, their organizations and

ISEA, A Pathway to Sustainability in AVCs: Benchmarks for Transformational Partnerships and Women’s Economic Empowerment in
Agricultural Value Chains, September 2019.

A Scorecard for Evaluating Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Practice and Adherence
to the Benchmarks for Transformational Partnerships and Women’s Economic
in Agricultural Value Chains (AVCs)

Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for

Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification
Commitment to make 20 or 5 KPIs
1 strategic investments in of 4 points
developing small producers as each Key informant interviews. Articles
partner suppliers

1.1 Has a policy and practice of 0-4 0 No policy  SME/SE Commitment

directly engaging small 1 With written policy / statements (online, HR)
producers as partner verifiable intent  Philanthropic/ social
suppliers of agricultural 2 With initial effort and/or programs and budget
commodities/products pilot initiatives to source (community/social
required by the business. from small producers program units, finance
3 Directly and regularly
 President / Program
sources at least half of
Report (Owner)
 Volume of requirement
commodities/products by the company for a
required by the business particular raw material
4 Directly and regularly (Operations
sources 100% or close to Unit/Department)
100% from small  Procurement receipt/
producers report/ contract (Finance)

1.2 Invests in introducing 0-4 0 No policy and/or program  Program and budget
and/or providing small 1 Initial investment to (online/ website, HR)
producers access to introduce, provide access  Progress Reports
appropriate technologies2, to inputs, technologies, (website, reports)
technical support, and technical support and  Documentation, Company
coaching/mentoring to coaching/mentoring stories/ Photos/documents
meet the needed volume, 2 Verifiable improvements of turn-over ceremony
quality and on-time (website, CSR unit, HR
in the
delivery of agricultural unit)
access to inputs an practice
of the
products.  MOA with community/
appropriate technology partners (HR unit, finance
among approximately unit)
1/3 of small producers  Procurement: periodic
3 Verifiable improvements review of Volume, quality
in the and on time-delivery
access to inputs and
practice of the (operation unit)
appropriate technology
among approximately
among at least half of
small producers
4 Verifiable improvements

Includes indigenous knowledge & practices such as sustainable agriculture and fishery practices.

Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for
Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification
in the
access to inputs and practice
of the
appropriate technology
among approximately
100 or close to 100% of
small producers
1.3 Invests in community- 0-4 0 No policy and/or program  Social and or community
based innovations, 1 Initial investment in program and budget
strategies or approaches community-based (website, programs,
that helps small producers innovations, strategies M&E, finance unit)
improve their access to the or approaches that helps  Progress Reports
market, increase their small producers improve (website, M&E unit,
income and productivity. programs unit)
their access to the
 Company stories/
market, increase their
Photos/documents of
income and productivity turn-over ceremony
2 Verifiable participation of (website, finance unit)
approximately 1/3 of  Research/ Innovation
small producers in reports (operation unit)
community-based  Partnership agreements/
innovations, strategies or MOA ( CEO/Owner,
approaches Finance/ Operations)
3 Verifiable participation of  Documentation, Activity
at least one half of small reports/ monitoring
producers in community- reports (CSR unit, M&E
based innovations, unit, finance unit)
strategies or approaches
4 Verifiable participation of
100 or close to 100% of
small producers in
innovations, strategies or
1.4 Provides support to small- 0-4 0 No policy and/or program  Company statement on
scale producers to 1 Has initiatives promoting SCP as a responsible
effectively utilize and sustainable production business practice
benefit from methods and (website, HR unit)
environmentally technologies  Progress Reports
sustainable production 2 Has committed and (website, HR unit)
methods and technologies,3  Company stories/
undertaken pilot
linking such to recognized Photos/documents of
initiatives to an
or established systems of turn-over ceremony
established system (website, CSR/HR unit)
sustainable consumption
promoting sustainable 
and production4. Documentation / MOA
consumption and
Examples of sustainable production methods and technologies: Natural, low external input, organic and/or
sustainable/ecological/biodiversity-friendly agriculture; organic or sustainable fishery; utilization of renewable energy
technologies in production, processing or semi-processing; transformation of waste materials into useful products promoting
sustainable consumption.
Established sustainable consumption and production systems include: Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certification,
sustainable agriculture-related Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS); Rainforest Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture (RASA),
Bluebrand of Thailand.

Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for
Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification
production (SCP) patterns
3 At least half of small
producers supported
have become
participants of the
relevant SCP
4 100% or close to 100% of
small producers
supported have become
participants of the
relevant SCP
1.5 Has programs or initiatives (0, 1) Has set a  Programs and Budget
that enable the meaningful procurement target for (website, HR unit)
participation of women as sourcing from women  Progress Reports
partner suppliers. small-scale producers or (website, HR unit)
women-owned/managed  Company stories/
community enterprises Photos/documents of
turn-over ceremony
(0, 1) Adopts technologies
(website, HR unit)
that consider women’s
 Documentation / MOA
conditions and needs
(HR unit)
(0, 1) Has community-
 Procurement reports
based innovations, (operations unit, HR unit)
strategies and  Research/ Innovation
approaches that are reports (operations unit)
specifically focused on  WEE inclusion program
addressing negative and report (operations unit,
harmful social norms and HR unit)
gender stereotypes that
limit womens’ economic
(0, 1) Has environmentally
sustainable production
methods and
technologies that
consider women’s time
and mobility
20 or 5 KPIs
2 Commitment to develop
strategic partnerships with of 4 points
cooperatives, associations and each Key informant interviews. Articles
other self-governing
organizations of small
producers, and their
2.1 Has a policy and practice 0-4 0 No policy and/or program  Partnership Agreement
of engaging and enabling 1 With written policy and (Operations)
community-based initial investments in  Policy manual/
associations, cooperatives organizing partner- commitment statement
and other organizations of suppliers and/or (Operations Unit)

Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for
Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification
small producers as partner strengthening  Proof of fund transfer or
suppliers, in the process organizations of partner turnover of equipment
supporting their efforts suppliers etc. (Finance
towards membership and 2 The membership and Unit,website, news
leadership development to leadership program has articles)
become self-governing covered at least 1/3 of  Program/ProjectActivity
institutions. partner suppliers
Reports (Operations)
 Photo docu of project/
3 The membership and
investment activities
leadership program has (Operations, website,
covered at least half of news articles)
partner suppliers  Membership
4 The membership and documentation of partner
leadership program has suppliers (Operations,
covered 100 or close to partner small producers)
100% of partner suppliers  Leadership capacity
plan/goals (Operations)
2.2 Facilitates or co-invests in 0-4 0 No practice or  Partnership Agreement
partnerships to enable investment (Operations)
small producers and their 1 Facilitates or invests in  Program/ProjectActivity
production clusters to production cluster Reports [3rd Party -
consolidate/sell as a group, consolidation and value NGO, SE, etc.], partner
perform value-adding adding functions of small small producers)
functions (such as semi-  Written documentation of
processing, processing, partnership/ cluster
2 At least 1/3 of small
marketing and/or retailing) meetings (minutes of the
producers and their meetings etc.) (,
and where appropriate and
production clusters Operations, Facilitator
timely, forge economic
partnerships or business consolidate, add value [3rd Party - NGO, SE,
ventures with them. and sell their produce as etc.], cluster org)
groups  Procurement report
3 At least half of small receipt (
producers and their Operations/Procurement
production clusters Unit)
consolidate, add value
and sell their produce as
4 100 or close to 100% of
small producers and their
production clusters
consolidate, add value
and sell their produce as
groups as cooperatives or
2.3 Facilitates or co-invests
with cooperatives or
associations in assisting
small producers to:
2.3.1 Address issues of 0-2 0 No initiative  Briefing paper/
ownership or 1 With efforts to Discussion paper/
control/stewardship over meeting report

Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for
Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification
land and other forms of understand and record (Operations, Facilitator
tenurial rights ownership/control/stewa [3rd Party - NGO, SE,
rdship concerns of small etc.])
producers and its  Activity report
relationship to stability of (Operations)
supply  Partnership / (Facilitation)
Agreement (Operations,
Facilitator [3rd Party -
2 With affirmative NGO, SE, etc.])
action/investments to  Transfer Certificate of
address issues of Title (TCT) / other land
ownership/control/stewa ownership/ tenurial rights
rdship over land and document (Operations,
other forms of tenurial partner small producers)
rights of affected small
producers and their
including issues of low land ownership of women

2.3.2 Engage in capital 0-2 0 No initiative  Program/Project Plan and

build-up and own 1 With initial efforts to Report (Operations)
productive assets (e.g., assist small producers  MOA/ Partnership
farm and off-farm and their Agreement (Operations,
equipment, warehouse, associations/cooperative partner small producers)
etc.) s to engage in capital  Grants/ loans for capital
build up and productive
build-up and own
assets (Finance,
productive assets (e.g.,
farm and off-farm
 Proof of fund transfer or
equipment, warehouse, turnover of equipment
etc) and other productive
2 With systematic program assets (Finance, website,
to assist small producers news articles)
and their  Assets Inventory Report
associations/cooperative (partner small producers)
s to engage in capital
build-up and own
productive assets (e.g.,
farm and off-farm
equipment, warehouse,
including addressing issues on women’s lack of access to pro

2.4 Provides support to

cooperatives or
associations of small-scale
producers to better manage
risks in the face of climate
change, natural hazards,
social and economic crisis,
and environmental

Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for
Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification
degradation including
linking them to disaster
preparedness and
resiliency-building and
food security programs
offered by governments
and NGOs, as may be
available and appropriate.5

2.4.1 Quality of support 0-2 0 No support  Meeting reports/

1 Has effectively linked introduction emails
them to disaster (Operations)
: Presence of climate vulnerability resiliency-
risk assessment,  MOA/ plan,Partnership
disaster management business continuity
building and food Agreement (Operations,
security programs offered government agencies,
NGOs, partner small
by governments and
 Program/Project Plan and
2 Has Report (Operations)

Proof of fund transfer or
other tangible support
(Finance, Operations)
initial investments madeto produce a concrete,
M&E Report (impactclimate
of vulner

2.4.2 Coverage of support 0-2 0 No coverage 

Program/Project Report
1 Close to half of small (networking/linkaging
producers with gov’t, NGOs)
have made initial investments
Companiesto climate stories
and disaster p
(website, Operations)
 Proof of fund transfer
(Finance, Operations)
 Membership
documentation (number
have made initial investments to climate and disaster
and names planning, inclu
of members
provided with such
support) (Operations,
partner small producers)
2.5 Invests in transformative (0, 1) Supports  Program/ project related
partnerships with women organizational to women (
small-scale producers or membership and Operations/HR Unit)
women-owned/managed leadership development by  Investment report /
community enterprises. strengthening the visibility, budget on women
collective voice and (Finance, Operations, HR
representation of women
 Capacity development on

Examples of efforts to develop their resilience to various risks are: (a) diversifying crops and income sources, (b) putting in-
place benefit and insurance schemes, (c) undertaking capacity building and planning for climate change adaptation and (d)
undertaking capacity building for disaster risk reduction, mitigation and adaptation.

Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for
Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification
(0, 1) Supports initiatives professional development
that recognized, reduce for women activity
and redistribute unpaid reports (Operations, HR
care work to enable Unit)
women to move up the  Sex disag data
(Operations, HR Unit)
value chain
 Investments creating and
(0, 1) Addresses
health workplace
discriminatory laws and environment i.e. day-care
regulations that affect centers within enterprise
women’s access to land (Operations, Finance, HR
and productive assets Unit)
(0, 1) Ensures disaster  Gender diverse
preparedness, resiliency Leadership capacity plan/
building and food security goals (Operations, HR
programs are equally Unit)
accessed by and benefiting  Company policies
women and men eliminate gender
discrimination and
promote work-life
balance within the
company and the
community enterprise
(HR Unit)
 Gender is mainstreamed
in disaster preparedness,
resiliency building and
food security plans/
programs (Operations,
HR Unit,
Response Committee)
40 or 10 KPIs
3 Commitment to develop
and sustain initiatives that of 4 points
promote women’s each Key informant interviews. Articles
participation and women’s
economic empowerment
(WEE) in the supply chain
and communities impacted
by the enterprise.
3.1 Assesses the current and 0-4 0 No assessment and plan  Meeting minutes related
potential roles of women in 1 Initial/rapid to WEE assessment and
the enterprise and enterprise gender planning (HR unit)
assessment and plan is at
supply chain and the current the level of the  Assessment report (HR
and potential impacts of the enterprise unit)
business on women small  WEE action plan that is
2 Initial/rapid
producers and their gender informed by assessment
communities as input to assessment and plan is at
report (HR unit)
planning WEE interventions. the level of the
enterprise and value
3 Assessment is in-depth

Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for
Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification
and results are fed into
plans that are responsive
to the situation of
women at the level of the
enterprise and value
4 Assessment is in-depth
and results are fed into
plans that are
addressing the barriers
impacting on women at
the level of the
enterprise, value chain
and community
3.2 Ensures that its 0-4 0 Enterprise has no policy  Gender equality, diversity
engagement with women in and practice of of inclusion integrated in
its enterprise and value promoting gender company Human
chain operations are fair equality Resource policies and/or
and observe non- 1 Enterprise has policy training programs for
discriminatory principles employees (HR unit)
and/or practice in
such as (a) equal pay for  Gender Specialist (in-
promoting equal
equal work, (b) equal pay for equal work house or external)
in its
opportunities for women to engaged as needed (as
enterprise operations evidence by a contract)/
be participants in the
2 Enterprise has policy Gender Committee in-
availment of services,
learning events and and/or practice in charge of addressing
programs; and (c) promoting equal gender issues/ M&E on
providing/promoting gender (HR unit)
pay and equal opportunity for growth by providi
women-friendly  Clear, documented
spaces/culture in the gender policy (website,
workplace (e.g. child in its enterprise and policy or operations unit)
minding centers, value chain operations  Shared Value
breastfeeding stations) 3 Enterprise has a Commitment Statement
comprehensive policy and Report (website,
policy or operations unit)
and practice on
 Gender Diversity as a
promoting the equal
pay and equal opportunity business
practice (website, policy
principles in its enterprise or operations unit)
and value chain
4 Enterprise has a
comprehensive policy
and practice, and

regular mechanisms to plan, implement, monito

Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for
Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification

3.3 Recognizes the importance 0-4 2 Close to 100% or 100% of  Investment reports over
of women workers and small producers 0 No time (Amount of
women small producers and recognition and investment/ Use of
invests in value chain investment investment) (finance unit)
development efforts that  Procurement report:
improve their position and volume and price
well-being and results to (operations unit)
their substantive  Company Impact studies
contribution to household (website, operations unit)
income. 1 Enterprise recognizes the need to provide women workers and wo

Policies are in place are made to provide women
workers and women
small producers
opportunities to improve
their position and well-
being and earn
substantial income for
their household
3 Initial investments

were made to provide women workers and women

4 Systematic investment

s were made to provide women workers and women small p

3.4. Chooses and invests in 0-4 0 No investment in  R&D study on women-

technologies and/or community- women-friendly friendly technology
based innovations (CBI) that technologies or CBIs (operations unit)
consider and address the needs 1 Has initial  MOA/Partnership
of women small producers, in investment/piloted Agreement with
the process expanding their technologies and/or CBIs community to pilot CBI

Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for
Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification
participation and the benefits that address the needs of for
derived from such. women small producers women/implementation of
2 Has a regular CBI in the community
program/investment in (operations unit)
promoting technologies  Stories/ Shared Value
program/ social or
and/or CBIs that address
community programs
the needs of women
/strategies or plans/
small producers budget (website,
3 Has a regular operations unit)
program/investment in  Investment reports over
promoting technologies time such as amount of
and/or CBIs that address investment and or use of
the needs of women investment (finance unit)
small producers covering  Photos/turnover of
at least 50% of the total women-friendly
women small producers technologies and CBIs
4 Has a regular (website, operations unit)
program/investment in  M&E report on the reach
promoting technologies of the program/projects
(operations unit)
and/or CBIs that address
the needs of women small
producers covering 100 or
close to 100% of the total
women small producers
3.5. Recognizes and undertakes 0-4 0 No policy and practice  Partnership (evidenced by
efforts to enable women small 1 Has piloted or invested in MOAs/MOUs) with
producers as co-equal initial government
stakeholders in legally and efforts/partnerships to agencies/NGOs/Coops
formally representing enable women related to organizing and
households and/or becoming empowering women, men
representation of
leaders and members of or mixed community
households and
production groups and of self- organizations (operations
membership/leadership unit)
governing institutions of small
in  Social and community
producers, whether as mixed or
women-only organizations. production/processing/m program (with budget)
 arketing groups and/or focused on community
self-governing leadership development
institutions (operations unit)
2 Has a regular  Production contract
program/investment to signed by both men and
enable women women (operations unit)
representation of  Policy of community
households and enterprises: equal
membership/leadership representation of men and
women in leadership and
in production/
membership (partner
small producers)
groups and/or self-
governing institutions
3 Has a regular

Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for
Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification
resulting to organizations
and self-governing
institutions having at
least 1/3 of women as
members and a number
of women in leadership
4 Has a regular
resulting to organizations
of women/mixed
organizations where
there is parity or close to
parity in terms of
membership and
leadership of women and

Supports efforts for women to have equal rights over land and other forms of tenurial rights, to engage in capital b

3.6.1 Have initiatives in 0-2 0 No initiative  Reports/ documentation

addressing equal rights 1 With efforts to of meetings where land
over land or other forms of understand and record and tenurial rights
tenurial rights ownership/control/ concerning women small
stewardship concerns of producers were discussed
(CSR/HR unit)
women small producers
 Engagement of lawyers
2 With affirmative
and/or legal actions
action/investments to pursued (HR unit)
address issues of
rdship over land and
other forms of tenurial
rights of women small
producers and their
3.6.2 Initiatives on capital 0-2 0 No initiative  Consultation meetings
build-up and own 1 With initial efforts to documentation on
productive assets (e.g., assist women small community capital build
farm and off-farm producers and their up and productive assets
equipment, warehouse, associations/cooperative needs (operations unit)
etc.) by women s to engage in capital  Partnership (evidenced by
n MOAs/MOUs) with
build-up and own
government agencies/
productive assets (e.g., NGOs/Coops etc, that
farm and off-farm provide productive assets
equipment, warehouse, to organized community
etc) groups (operations unit)
2 With systematic program
Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for
Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification
to assist women small  Company-funded
producers and their grants or loans to
associations/coops to community
engage in capital build- associations/cooperatives
up and own productive for capital build-up and
productive assets
assets (e.g., farm and off-
(operations unit)
farm equipment,
warehouse, etc)
3.7 Contributes or invests in 0-4 0 No contribution or  Investment reports over
building the capability of investment time (amount of
the enterprise and its 1 With investment in investment/ use of
partner small producers to building the capability of investment (finance unit)
address barriers to women’s the enterprise to address  WEE reports containing
participation in the value barriers to women’s progress or results of
chain and beyond such as WEE action plan
sponsoring trainings on implementation
2 With investment in
gender sensitivity and (operations unit)
building the capability of  M&E report indicating
women’s economic
the enterprise to address reach of WEE
empowerment, setting-up or
incentivizing the setting up barriers to women’s interventions, i.e., % of
of women’s groups or participation and has partner small producers
committees to undertake pilot initiatives with small (operations unit)
planning and producers to address
implementation of women’s such
economic empowerment 3 The enterprise has a
(WEE) interventions. regular
program/investment in
building its capability and
that of its partner small
producers to address
barriers to women’s
participation covering at
least half of its partner
small producers
4 The enterprise has a
program/investment in
building its capability and
that of its partner small
producers to address
barriers to women’s
participation covering
close to or 100% of its
partner small producers
3.8. Undertakes affirmative 0-4 0 No affirmative action  Company policies on the
action to achieve WEE such 1 With affirmative action 3 WEE concerns
as: (a) promoting on at least 1 WEE (website,
community and co-equal concern at the level of policy/operations unit)
responsibility of women the enterprise  WEE/GAD trainings
and men in unpaid care 2 With affirmative action provided to employees on
any of the 3 WEE

Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for
Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification
work, (b) addressing on all WEE concerns at concerns, as evidenced by
gender-based violence the level of the training designs, training
(GBV) and (c) developing enterprise and pilot documentation (HR unit)
role models of empowered initiatives among small  Investment of
women and women small producers infrastructure/mechanism
support for unpaid care
producers (e.g. mentorship 3 With affirmative action
work like day care center,
program for women, giving on all WEE concerns at
etc. (finance/operations
recognition and awards to the level of the unit)
women leaders) enterprise and a regular  Company stories/social
program supportive to and community program
such affirmative action related to any of the 3
covering at least half of WEE concerns (website,
women small producers operations unit)
4 With affirmative action  M&E report
on all WEE concerns at indicating reach of
the level of the interventions targeting
enterprise and a regular any of the 3 WEE
program supportive to concerns, i.e., % of
such affirmative action partner small producers
(operations unit)
covering 100 or close to
100% of women small
3.9 Provides support to 0-4
women small-scale
producers through their
cooperatives and
associations to better
manage risks in the face of
climate change, natural
hazards, social and
economic crisis, and
environmental degradation
including linking them to
disaster preparedness and
resiliency-building and
food security programs
offered by governments and
NGOs, as may be available
and appropriate.
3.9.1 Quality of support 0-2 0 No support  Activity reports and
1 Assists women small documentation (CSR/HR
producers through their unit)
cooperatives and  Partnership (evidenced by
associations to ensure MOAs/MOUs) with
the inclusion of gender government agencies,
NGOS, cooperatives, etc
responsive measures in
with food security
local DRRM plans and programs (operations
activities; unit)
2 In addition to assisting
women small producers to

Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for
Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification
the inclusion of gender
responsive measures in
local DRRM plans and
activities, has also direct
investments through their
cooperatives and
associations for women
small-scale producers to
better manage risks and
address sustainability,
including food security
3.9.2. Coverage of support 0-2 0 No coverage  Activity reports and
1 Close to half of women documentation (HR unit)
small producers  M&E report indicating
2 Close to 100% or 100% of reach of support, i.e., %
women small producers of partner small producers
(operations unit)
3.10 Integrates gender- 0-4 0 There is no gender-  Company database with
disaggregated data disaggregated data and gender-disaggregated data
collection processes and no gender-responsive (HR unit)
gender-responsive tools in tools for monitoring and  Company plan and reports
the monitoring and evaluation and (internal) containing
evaluation and management management information gender-disaggregated data
information systems of the (operations/HR unit)
enterprise and uses these to  Company stories/ Shared
1 Gender-disaggregated
initiate or plan WEE Value program reports
data is used at the level containing gender-
interventions and to track
of the enterprise to disaggregated data
and report the progress of
such. initiate/plan, to track (website, operations unit)
progress of WEE  Existence/use of gender-
interventions; responsive tools, i.e.,
2 Gender-disaggregated Advancing Equality
data is used at the level Calculator (operations/HR
of the enterprise, value unit)
chain and community to
initiate/plan, to track
progress of WEE
3 Gender-responsive tools
are being
developed/piloted at the
level of the enterprise,
value chain and
communities to
initiate/plan, to track
progress and improve
WEE interventions
4 Gender-responsive tools
are used at the level of
the enterprise, value
chain and communities to

Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for
Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification
initiate/plan, to track
progress and improve
WEE interventions
20 or 5 KPIs
4 Accounts for, links and
communicates measurable of 4 points
outcomes of its success as a each Key informant interviews. Articles
responsible business, to
measurable outcomes of
transformation among its
partner small producers,
their organizations and
4.1 Defines desired business (0, 1) Enterprise leadership  Community/Social
outcomes that are linked commits to business Program (Operations/
with social outcomes and outcomes that are M&E)
communicates such with inclusive  Report (HR, M&E unit)
stakeholders (0, 1) Key partner-small  M&E reports (Operations,
producer organizations and Sustainability Unit)
their enablers are engaged  Assessment process
in defining business
outcomes that are inclusive
(0, 1) Business and inclusive
outcomes of the enterprise
are used in strategic
review of interventions to
improve performance
(0, 1) Achievement of
business and inclusive
outcomes of the enterprise
are leveraged to influence
s of government, other
businesses and other AVC
4.2 Allocates a percentage of 0-4 0 No policy or allocation  Assessment process
its operating costs and net 1 Allocates resources to documentation
revenues, and pro-actively develop partnership with (Operations)
partners with other enabling small producers’  WEE Program and
institutions to provide organizations and their Budget ( Operations,
resources to progressively enablers based on Finance Unit)
develop its partnership with  Proof of fund transfer or
small scale producers and program/project activity
2 Allocates resources to
their associations, support (Finance,
develop partnership with Operations Unit)
cooperatives and social
small producers’
organizations and their
enablers based on short-
term projects
3 Allocates resources to
develop partnership with
small producers’

Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for
Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification
organizations and their
enablers based on short-
term projects with a
specific allocation for
women organizations
4 Allocates in its annual
budget for a regular
program to develop
partnerships with small
producers’ organizations
and their enablers with a
specific allocation for
women organizations
4.3 The enterprise has a system 0-4 0 Does not conduct  Company operating
for planning, monitoring, strategic and periodic policy/ system (HR Unit)
evaluating and reporting on reviews  Sustainability Report
the progress of their 1 Tracks and reports the (Operations Unit)
initiatives on transforming progress of key indicators  M&E Plan and Report
small scale producers and defined by the leadership including WEE
contributing to women’s and management team (Operations)
economic empowerment.  Advocacy and
2 Has a system for
Communications Plan and
planning, monitoring and
Report (Communications
evaluation and reporting / Public Affairs Unit)
on the progress of their  Company stories
social outcomes featuring women and men
4 Has a system for PME small producers (website,
and reporting that is Operations)
gender responsive and
engages women small
producers as
4.4 Transformational outcomes (0, 1) Outcomes indicate  M&E Unit, HR)
achieved: Combined significant increase in  Impact Assessment
enterprise interventions percentage of enterprise Report ( Operations)
result to improved position procurement from  Proof of support (fund
and well-being of small organized small producers transfer, photo of turnover
producers in the value chain (0, 1) Outcomes indicate of assets and other
and communities substantive increase in support) (Finance,
website, news articles)
income among small
 Accomplishment/ Annual
Report of small
(0, 1) Outcomes indicate producers’ cooperatives/
substantive contribution to organizations (partner
the development of self- small producers)
governing producers’  M&E system integration
institutions of transformational
(0, 1) Outcomes indicate outcomes (baseline and
substantive contribution to progress) (CSR Unit,
improved stewardship and Operations)
control of small producers  Documentation of a joint
planning process that

Elements/Principles/Key Result Key Performance Indicator/ Means/guidelines for
Areas Score Quantitative Indicators of a verification
over productive resources targets transformational
and assets outcomes (target increase
in income, and other
outcomes) by the
community and company
4.5 WEE outcomes achieved: (0, 1) Outcomes indicate  Records from community
Combined enterprise increased percentage of enterprise/ consolidator
interventions result to supply coming from on the % of supply
improved position and well- women -led small coming from women
being of women small producers small producers (baseline,
producers in the value chain progress) (partner small
(0, 1) Outcomes indicate
and communities producers)
improved position of
 Report ( Sustainability
women in terms of Unit/ Committee)
increase in contribution to  Impact Assessment. Study
and disposition of Report ( Operations, other
household income 3rd party assessment
(0, 1) Outcomes indicate report)
the development of  FGD/ interview
women documentation
-led small producers
and/or (Operations, other 3rd
achievement of parity or party assessment report)
near-parity of women in  Proof of support (fund
terms of membership and transfer, photo of turnover
leadership in mixed of assets and other
organizations support) (Finance,
Operations, website)
(0, 1) Outcomes indicate
 Formal registration to any
improved stewardship and
govt bodies (Operations)
control of women over
 Composition /List of
productive resources and membership and
assets leadership of the group
(Operations, partner small
 Accomplishment/ Annual
Report of small
producers’ cooperatives/
organizations (partner
small producers)
 M&E systems on WEE
outcomes integrated/
reported (Operations)

Abbreviations and Terms Used

AVC – Agricultural Value Chains

BTP – Benchmarks for Transformational Partnerships
CBI – Community Based Innovations
CCA DRR – Climate Change Adaptation – Disaster Risk Reduction
EMS – Environmental Management System
MIS – Management Information System

M&E – Monitoring and Evaluation
PGS – Participatory Guarantee System
Security of Tenure – Legal rights or the nature of the right to the use of land
WEE – Women’s Economic Empowerment


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