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Food Microbiology: Application of

Microorganisms in Food Industry
Mohammadhassan Gholami-Shabani,
Masoomeh Shams-Ghahfarokhi and Mehdi Razzaghi-Abyaneh


Industrial microbiology is one branch of applied microbiology where microbes

are used to produce important products such as metabolic manufacture, biotransfor-
mation, manufacture of energy (bio-fuels), management of organic and industrial
wastes, manufacture of microbial biomass (microbial protein) for food and feed,
manufacture of bio-control agents (antibiotics) and fermentation of food products.
Microbial food processing is used to transform simple food into a value-added form
with the assistance of microbes. In addition, it involves converting low-value, often
inedible, perishable natural resources into high-value, safe food products. Since
antiquity, mankind have used microbes to produce a variety of food products such
as dairy products, bread, vinegar, wine and beer, as well as fermented seafood, meat
and vegetables. There are many useful applications of microbes in the food processing
industry, which have a strong influence on the quality and quantity of food. Recently,
microbial approaches of food processing have garnered global attention as a workable
method to food conservation and a good source of vital nutrients. Microbial contami-
nation of food commodities typically occurs between the field and the processing plant
or during processing, storage, transportation and distribution or prior to consump-
tion. Consequently, microbes are being considered as very significant elements in food
manufacturing, food quality maintenance and food safety. In this chapter, we focus on
the beneficial roles of microorganisms, the applications of microorganisms in the food
industry and the risks of microbial contamination.

Keywords: fungi, bacteria, food processing, fermentation, food industry, microbial

enzymes, mycotoxins

1. Introduction

Microorganisms are microscopic organisms that cannot be seen with the eye and
are less than one millimeter in length [1]. Despite their simple structure, these micro-
organisms are capable of basic physiological activities [2]. Microbes are ubiquitous,
that is, they exist everywhere such as air, water, soil, human body, on plants and
animals. The general assumption is that microbes are harmful to humans; however,
there are various organisms that are valuable in many ways to humankind. Microbes
are responsible, on the one hand, for the spoilage of food and disease and, on the other

Health Risks of Food Additives - Recent Developments and Trends in Food Sector

hand, they are used for the production of valuable materials (Figure 1). Louis Pasteur
first showed the role of microorganisms in food spoilage and fermentation [3]. In 1845,
Berkeley proved that the Irish potato blight is a type of fungus that causes great damage
to the economy of Ireland [4]. In 1836, Bassi asserted that fungi are the causative
agents of disease in animals, and the following year, Schonlein proved that fungi are
the cause of some skin diseases in humans [5]. Microbes that live in association with
humans (live on different surfaces of the human body) protect them against infec-
tions and other diseases. For instance, the presence of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacilli
in the human body limits the growth of pathogenic microbes, they are used to treat
wastewater and support reduce atmospheric nitrogen and turn it into useful ammonia.
Once this fact was established, scientists tried to isolate microorganisms that were
more efficient in producing better products or improving processes [6]. Many kinds
of microorganisms from yeasts, bacteria and fungi are useful to humanity and have a
major contribution in the food industry. Yeast is the most widely absorbed microbes
in the food- and feed-processing industry, followed by bacteria. Microbes confer the
favorable physico-chemical and biological properties and improve the taste, aroma
and shelf life of products at very low cost. All processes which are carried out using
microorganisms are called fermentation processes. Microorganisms also contribute to
cost savings and revenue manufacture within the food industry. They can be geneti-
cally manipulated to create the product with the necessary properties on a large scale.
Apart from the manufacture of the desired products, microbes also aid to warrant the

Figure 1.
Microorganisms range from the essential and useful, to the pathogenic and harmful.

Food Microbiology: Application of Microorganisms in Food Industry

quality and safety of the products. In the past, microorganisms were used to prepare
food products such as bread, yogurt or curd, beverages, cheese, etc. for a long time,
without even being aware of their role in fermentation [7]. Due to the increasing
demand for the production of food products with desirable sensory quality, long shelf
life and containing natural ingredients, fermented products have been given attention
in order to meet the needs of consumers [8]. With the increase in people’s awareness,
the demand for foods containing natural preservatives instead of artificial preserva-
tives has increased [9]. One of the most important bacteria in fermented foods is lactic
acid bacteria [10]. Conservation cultures have been used as one of the oldest methods
of biological food preservation [10]. Lactic acid is obtained from carbohydrate
fermentation and by acidifying the environment, it prevents the growth of harmful
microorganisms [10]. Some strains of these microorganisms produce bacteriocin and
are considered as an additional barrier against pathogens in addition to acid [11]. Also,
the metabolites produced by these bacteria during fermentation have a favorable effect
on the sensory and texture characteristics [10]. Other microorganisms, such as bread
yeast, can ferment the hydrocarbons in the dough and create carbon dioxide gas in the
dough tissue, causing the dough to rise and the bread to become crispy [12].

2. Useful application of microorganisms in food industry

Microbes produce different food products through a process recognized as fer-

mentation. Fermentation method is the biochemical change of simple sugars into
favorable products such as alcohol, acid, carbon dioxide via a variety of metabolic
pathways. Today, the use of microbes to produce food or increase the quality of food
is very common, and biotechnologists are trying to produce special food products
with the help of microbes. There is a multitude of valuable applications of microbes
in the food processing industry that highly impact the quality and quantity of the
food (Figure 1). Recently, microbial food processing approaches have increased
global attention as a feasible method for food preservation and a good source of vital
nutrients. For example, Lactobacillus spp. and Streptococcus spp. ferment lactose to
lactic acid during the manufacture of dairy. Yeast (Saccharomyces spp.) decomposes
sugar to ethanol and carbon dioxide during low alcoholic beverages (bear, cider, rum)
and other alcoholic manufacture process. Table 1 shows different commercial prod-
ucts/applications of microorganisms in food industry [13–79]. In the following, we
examine the types of applications of microorganisms in the food industry.

2.1 Application of microorganisms in dairy industry

From time immemorial, dairy products have been part of the human nutrition.
They provide an excellent source of calcium, vitamin D, protein and other important
and essential nutrients [80]. They also supply phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and
a variety of vitamins such as vitamin A (retinol), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamine)
and riboflavin [81]. A variety of fermented dairy products are prepared with various
microbial strains (Table 1). The main genera that belong to the lactic acid bacteria
group are: Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Lactococcus, Pediococcusand, Streptococcus [82].
Microorganisms ferment the carbohydrates found in milk, which is mostly lactose
with lactic acid and some other products [83]. Acid precipitates protein in milk,
which is why fermented products tend to be thicker than milk. Strong acidity and
low pH limit the growth of other microbes, including pathogens [84]. Fermentation
Health Risks of Food Additives - Recent Developments and Trends in Food Sector

Group Genera/species Product/application(s) References

Bacteria Acetobacter aceti Vinegar fermentation [13]
Acetobacter pasteurianus Vinegar fermentation, cocoa fermentation [14, 15]
Bacillus coagulans Cocoa, glucose isomerase (food additive),fermented soybeans [16]
Bacillus licheniformis Protease (food additive) [17]

Bacillus subtilis Fermented soybeans, protease, glycolipids, riboflavin-B2 (food additive) [18]
Bacillus paranthrasis Food waste biodegradation [19]
Bacillus siamenis
Bacillus tequilensis
Bacillus cereus
Bacillus velezensis
Bifidobacterium animalis Fermented milks with probiotic properties [20]
Bifidobacterium breve Common in European fermented milks [21]
Brachybacterium alimentarium Gruyere and beaufort cheese [22]
Brevibacterium flavum Amino acid producer, malic acid, glutamic acid, lysine, monosodium [23]
glutamate (food additives)
Corynebacterium ammoniagenes Cheese ripening [24]
Enterobacter aerogenes Bread fermentation [25]
Enterococcus durans Cheese and sourdough fermentation [26]
Enterococcus faecium Soybean, dairy, meat, vegetables [26, 27]
Exiguobacterium acetylicum Food waste biodegradation
Burkholderia contaminans
Klebsiella pneumonia Tempeh fermentation, production of vitamin B12 [28]
Lactobacillus acetotolerans Vinegar fermentation [29]
Lactobacillus acidophilus Fermented milks, probiotics, vegetables [30]
Lactobacillus brevis Bread fermentation, wine, dairy [31]
Lactobacillus buchneri Malolactic fermentation in wine, sourdough [32, 33]
Lactobacillus casei Dairy starter, cheese ripening, green table olives [34]
Lactobacillus delbrueckii Yogurt and other fermented milks, mozarella [35]
Lactobacillus fermentum Fermented milks, sourdough, urease (food additive) [36]
Lactobacillus ghanensis Cocoa [37]
Lactobacillus helveticus Starter for cheese, cheese ripening, vegetables [38]
Lactobacillus hilgardii Wine malolactic fermentation [39]
Lactobacillus kefiri Fermented milk (kefir), reduction of bitter taste in citrus juice [40, 41]
Lactobacillus kimchii Kimchi fermentation [42]
Lactobacillus oeni Malolactic fermentation of wine [43]
Lactobacillus paracasei Cheese fermentation, probiotic cheese, probiotics, wine, meat [44]
Lactobacillus plantarum Fermentation of vegetables, malolactic fermentation, green table olives, [45]
dairy, meat
Lactobacillus sakei Fermentation of cheese and meat products, beverages [46]
Lactobacillus salivarius Cheese fermentation [47]
Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis Sourdough fermentation [48]
Lactobacillus versmoldensis Raw fermented sausage [49]
Lactococcus lactis Dairy starter, nisin (protective culture) [50]
Pediococcus acidilactici Meat fermentation and biopreservation of meat, cheese starter [51]
Pediococcus pentosaceus Meat fermentation and biopreservation of meat [51]
Propionibacterium acidipropionic Meat fermentation and biopreservation of meat [52]
Propionibacterium freudenreichii Cheese fermentation (emmental cheese starter), probiotics [53]
Streptococcus natalensis Natamycin (food additive) [54]
Weissella genus Cocoa fermentation, Fermented sausage, Croatian cheese fermented [55]
from raw milk, Chinese yogurt,
Zymomonas mobilis Beverages fermentation [56]

Food Microbiology: Application of Microorganisms in Food Industry

Group Genera/species Product/application(s) References

Yeast Debaryomyces hansenii (Candida Fermentation of blue veined cheese, Fermentation white brined cheeses, [57, 58]
famata) ripening of smear cheeses, and sausages and dry-meat products
Candida guilliermondii Citric acid fermentation (fodd additive) [59]
Geotrichum candidum Fermented dairy products (ripening of many soft and semi-hard cheeses [60, 61]
and make a positive contribution to the development of taste and aroma
or fermented milks), bioformation of flavour on glucose, peptone, maize
oil and meat extract
Kluyveromyces marxianus Cheese ripening, lactase (food additive) [62]
Kluyveromyces lactis Cheese ripening, lactase (food additive) [62]
Saccharomyces bayanus Kefir fermentation, juice and wine fermentation [63]
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Probiotic culture, bioethanol, cocoa fermentation, Sake fermentation, [62, 64–66]
cheese-ripening, beer fermentation, bread, invertase (food additive)
Saccharomyces pastorianus Beer fermentation, removes and transforms Fusarium trichothecene [67]
mycotoxins during fermentation of brewer's wort
Saccharomyces unisporus Fermented milk products such as kefir and koumiss [68]
Schizosaccharomyces pombe Wine fermentation [69]
Zygosaccharomyces rouxii Soy sauce [70]
Filamentous Aspergillus flavus Laccase, lipases, pectinase, protease, α-amylases (food additive) [71]
Aspergillus fumigatus Amylases, cellulases, chitosanases [71]
Aspergillus awamori Amylases [71]
Aspergillus sydowii Amylases [71]
Aspergillus nidulans Invertases, laccases [71]
Aspergillus niger Beverages, industrial production of citric acid, α-amylases, cellulases, [71, 72]
chitosanases, galactosidases, invertases, lipases, naringinases, phytases,
tannases, amyloglucosidases, pectinase, celluloses, glucose oxidase,
protease (food additives)
Aspergillus terreus Amylases, celluloses, phytases [71]
Aspergillus tamarii Amylases [71]
Aspergillus oryzae Soy sauce, beverages, α-amylases, chitosanases, amyloglucosidase, [71, 73]
naringinases, proteases, lipases (food additives)
Aspergillus sojae Soy sauce, beverages, α-amylases, amyloglucosidase, lipase (food [71, 74]
Penicillium camemberti White mold cheeses (maturation of soft cheeses, such as camembert [75]
and brie)
Penicillium notatum Glucose oxidase (food additive) [76]
Penicillium roqueforti Blue mold cheeses
penicillium candidum Bioformation of flavour on glucose, peptone, maize oil and meat extract [61]
penicillium nalgiovense Bioformation of flavour on glucose, peptone, maize oil and meat extract [61]
Rhizopus oligosporus Tempe-type fermentation [77]
Rhizopus oryzae Tempeh fermentation, Soy sauce, koji [78]
Fusarium venenatum Mycoprotein (meat-like) [79]

Table 1.
Various commercial products/applications of microorganisms in foods industry.

of the milk provided a simple method to increase its life expectancy and improve its
safety. Consumers now have access to a large variety of fermented dairy products.
While a small proportion of these products are manufactured at home, the majority
are manufactured industrially. Produce of fermented products is of economic signifi-
cance in numerous countries. While the need for fermented products is increasing
every day, dairy industries are contributing to economic growth in many countries.
The first instance of fermented milk was probably manufactured accidentally by
nomads. It became acidic and clotted under the influence of certain microbes [85].
By chance, the bacteria they used were harmless, acidic and non-toxic. Many types
Health Risks of Food Additives - Recent Developments and Trends in Food Sector

of fermented milks and related products have been made worldwide. Their nature
is largely dependent on the type of milk used, the pre-treatment of the milk, the
temperature (climate), the fermentation conditions and subsequent technological
treatments. The most commonly used and popular dairy products include curd,
yogurt, cheese and kefir [84].

2.2 Application of microorganisms in alcoholic beverages industries

All over the world, different raw materials are used for the production of alcoholic
beverages traditionally [86]. The forms of alcoholic beverage consumed in different
regions of the world vary substantially in accordance to location and ingredients.
Beverages like wine, beer, whisky, brandy, rum are manufactured from malted cereals
and fruit juices. Microbes can be grown in fermenters to make beverages at industrial
scale (Table 1) [87]. Low-alcoholic content beverages can be prepared by the fer-
mentation of starch products, while high-alcoholic content beverages can be manu-
factured by the distillation of fermented malted barley, molasses etc. [88] Wine and
beer manufactured without distillation. While whisky, brandy, rum manufactured
after distillation. Yeast is the main fermenter and alcohol producer in the manufacture
of wine, beer and other alcoholic drinks [89]. Depending on the substrate used for
fermentation and the type of processing, different alcoholic drinks can be prepared
[90]. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is commonly known as “brewer’s yeast” as it produces
alcohol by fermentation of different malted cereals and fruit juices [88]. Vinegar is
a food product made by acetic acid bacteria that can ferment the alcohol in alcoholic
liquids to acetic acid [91].

2.3 Application of microorganisms in cereal industries

Probiotic cereal-based food products and drinks containing human-made

friendly microorganisms (Bifidobacterium, Saccharomyces, Streptococcus, Enterococcus,
Escherichia and Bacillus species), as well as prebiotic food products and drinks for-
mulations containing ingredients that cannot be digested by the human host in the
upper gastrointestinal tract (stomach and intestines) but can selectively stimulate
the growth of one or a limited number of colon bacteria, have recently entered the
market [92]. The objective of these food products and drinks is to positively affect the
composition and intestinal microbial activities. The many beneficial effects of cereals
can be exploited in several ways, leading to the development of new cereal feeds or
cereal ingredients that can target specific populations [92]. Cereals can provide a
fermentable substrate for probiotic microorganism growth [92]. The composition and
processing of the cereal grains for the food and beverage, the substrate (medium)
formulation, the starter culture growth capability and productivity, the stability of
the probiotic strain during storage, the organoleptic properties (the sensory charac-
teristics including taste, sight, smell and touch) and the nutritional value of the final
product are the main factors to consider [93]. Moreover, Cereals are the dominant
source of non-digestible carbohydrates that besides promoting several useful physi-
ological effects can also selectively stimulate the growth of friendly microorganisms
present in the colon and act as prebiotics [92]. Cereals have highest water-soluble
fiber (like arabinoxylan and β-glucan), oligosaccharides (like fructo-oligosaccharides
and galacto-oligosaccharides) and resistant starch, which have been recommended to
fulfill the prebiotic concept [93]. Isolation of specific soluble or insoluble fiber frac-
tions from different cereal types or grain by-products can be achieved by processing
Food Microbiology: Application of Microorganisms in Food Industry

techniques such as milling, sieving, decalcining or pearling, depending on knowledge

of fiber distribution in grains [92]. Finally, grain ingredients (for example starch) can
be used as encapsulating tools and materials for probiotics to increase stability during
storage and improve survival as they pass through the harsh circumstance of the
gastrointestinal tract [92]. Although it can be concluded that functional grain-based
foods are a challenging prospect, the development of novel grain processing tech-
nologies that improve the health potential and acceptability of foods is paramount
[92]. Today, consumers demand healthy food, and the food industry has developed
innovative nutraceutical and functional food products. Foods fermented from grains
are known to have health benefits. Cereals and grain-based food products contain
sufficient amounts of nutrients such as carbohydrates/starch, trans-fats, proteins,
oligosaccharides, fiber, wide range of vitamins (such as vitamin B and E) and miner-
als (such as iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus). Surprisingly, fermentation
using various probiotic and lactic acid bacteria improves the nutrients in cereal-based
products [94]. The genera Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Saccharomyces, Enterococcus,
Leuconostoc, Streptococcus, Pediococcus, Propionibacterium and Enterococcus are
important strains of probiotic bacteria used in non-dairy probiotic products [95].
Probiotics can release bioactive molecules therefore they have a positive effect on host
health by inhibiting the growth or interfere of pathogenic bacteria. These probiotic
microorganisms workout their health benefits by utilizing bio-therapeutic practices
such as pH reduction in the intestine, increase of antimicrobials, growth of enzymes,
and vitamins, reduction of serum cholesterol, control and regulation of the immune
system, recovery and balancing of the intestinal micro-flora after diarrhea, reduc-
tion of food allergens, anti-oxidative activity and decrease of lactose malabsorption
symptoms. Grain-based probiotic products that are likely to progress quality of life
have scientifically proven health claims (Table 1) [95].

2.4 Application of microorganisms in chocolate production technology

Chocolates are complex, multi-phase systems of particulate matter (sugar, cocoa,

defined milk components) and continuous phases (cocoa butter, milk fat and emulsi-
fiers). Cocoa solids are derived from beans obtained from the fruit of Theobroma
cocoa. West Africa now produces over 70% of world cocoa [96]. Chocolate is a regular
food, has an individually attractive taste and it is beneficial for health [97]. Chocolate’s
popularity is for its good taste and desirable sensory properties [97]. Based on studies,
chocolate is a food that can be easily digested and it could be useful for the nervous
system [97]. The production of finished bars of chocolate takes the input of many
people and, something you may not realize microorganisms. The unique flavors of
chocolate come from the growth conditions and fermentation of the cocoa bean. Useful
microbes can improve the taste of chocolate (Table 1), but harmful microbes can pose
quality and safety issues if left uncontrolled [98]. The production of chocolate begins
with the hand-picking of ripe cocoa pods and fruits. The chosen pods are opened and
the cocoa beans are removed. After husking, the cocoa fermentation occurs naturally
by friendly microorganisms found on fresh fruits, knives and also other surfaces with
which the beans come into contact. To support the growth of beneficial microbes on
these surfaces, proper conditions must be maintained. Successive microbial popula-
tions carry out the fermentation process. Initially, yeasts dominate, after that the genus
Lactobacillus (lactic acid bacteria) and finally, acetobacters (acetic acid bacteria)
dominate the population. If left to ferment for an extended period of time, spore-
forming bacteria, like Bacillus, and molds can take over. Spore growth results in the
Health Risks of Food Additives - Recent Developments and Trends in Food Sector

production of off flavors in chocolate. Mold can have a negative impact on flavor and
safety. Some mold strains can produce mycotoxins, which are dangerous compounds.
Mold growth can be prevented by storing items at or below 8% humidity. Removing
the husk from the bean in the manufacturing process can also reduce the amount of
toxin in the sample. The degree of fermentation is determined by the color of the beans.
Once fermented, the beans are dried, which reduces bitterness, astringency and acidity.
Additionally, it brings down the moisture content to ranges that are secure for both
storage and transportation. Products may become contaminated or spoiled by harmful
microorganisms if the moisture level is too high. After that, the beans are turned into
chocolate. Chocolate must have three characteristics in order to be microbially safe: low
water activity, a large portion of fats and sugars and a pH of around 5.5. Bacteria are not
completely eradicated by these circumstances, but their growth is restricted. Salmonella
are the pathogenic organisms that should be taken into consideration, but there is little
chance that eating chocolate will cause salmonellosis. Workers handling the beans could
introduce Salmonella into the product. Salmonella cannot grow due to the low pH and
low water activity, but it can survive in chocolate. In order to produce chocolate safely,
the roasting stage is essential because it is the only process that can completely remove
the pathogen from the product. Chocolate production is a complex process that requires
several steps to bring out the distinctive flavors. Although microorganisms play a sig-
nificant role in flavor production, they must be managed for the product to remain tasty
and secure. Improper nutrition and its impact on the occurrence of cardiovascular dis-
eases, obesity and diabetes among people in the society have caused the food industry to
look for new and less harmful formulations in the production of snacks and eat between
meals. Since chocolate has a special place among people in society, especially children,
to reduce the effectiveness of harmful compounds in chocolate, bioactive compounds
such as probiotics and prebiotics can be used in its formulation. Research has shown
that chocolate is a suitable carrier for probiotics due to its protective fats. The source of
fatty acid in chocolates containing milk includes milk fat, cocoa butter and emulsifier,
and these three substances in chocolate, because they have a stable phase, remain stable
in combination with probiotics and are safely transported and absorbed by the body.
Important probiotic species include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus johnsonii,
Bifidobacterium longum and Bifidobacterium bifidum [98]. The effectiveness of probiot-
ics in diseases depends on factors such as microbial diversity and genetics. Lactobacillus
is part of the family of lactic bacteria, whose use has a long history; Therefore, their
safety has been proven. In general, lactobacilli constitute the majority of probiotic
starter cultures and are widely used in the production of probiotic food products. L. aci-
dophilus is the most important and widely used species of Lactobacillus, and along with
Bifidobacterium, it is considered the most important probiotic microorganism. Among
lactobacilli, L. acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei have found the most commercial use.
When chocolate containing probiotic microorganisms is consumed, it moves actively
and alive from the beginning of the digestive tract, which is the mouth, and goes to the
stomach. These probiotics in the stomach must be resistant to stomach acid, and then
they go to the small intestine, attach to the intestinal epithelium and produce harmful
antibacterial compounds such as lactic acid and bacteriocin. In the part of the colon
wall, probiotic bacteria grow and multiply and produce acids such as butyric, propionic
and acetic, which by lowering the pH destroy the pathogenic bacteria in this part and
increase the health of the digestive system. In plain chocolate, the source of fatty acid is
cocoa butter and emulsifier [99]. It is better to protect probiotics in chocolate making
and to maintain the viability of Bifidobacterium berry bacteria in adverse conditions
of the production process and digestive system, the method of microencapsulation
Food Microbiology: Application of Microorganisms in Food Industry

of Bifidobacterium probiotic bacteria with calcium alginate and resistant corn starch
should be used by emulsion method and capsule technology. Microcoating of probiotics
with sodium alginate gum preserves the survival of probiotics from the body’s digestive
tract. Also, due to the presence of flavonoids and polyphenols, chocolate has a high
antioxidant activity and is a suitable probiotic carrier, and the cocoa butter part protects
well from Bifidobacterium. In addition to flavonoids, stearic acid present in cocoa also
improves the antioxidant status. In general, the survival of probiotics in the food sample
depends on the pH, storage temperature, oxygen content, warm storage temperature,
refrigerator storage temperature and time, the presence of competitive and inhibitory
microorganisms [100]. Prebiotics are cheaper sources than probiotics. Prebiotics are
food compounds that work selectively and improve the composition of microflora
residing in the intestinal environment and are indigestible or minimally digestible
dietary fibers that can be digested by the digestive system and its enzymes along with
probiotics. Probiotics need prebiotic cofactors for their vital activity and play a vital role
in the body. Research has shown that by adding dietary fiber inulin to chocolate, which
is a prebiotic, when it reaches the intestine, it increases the growth and activity of probi-
otics, and also increases the absorption of magnesium and calcium minerals [101].

2.5 The use of microorganisms in the meat industry and related products

Fermented meat products are a suitable environment for the growth of probiotic
bacteria, but for the production of these products, limitations must be met, such as;
the natural microflora of meat, nitrite and salt, low water activity and the absence
of sugar compounds prevailed [102]. Microbial flora in meat and meat products is
affected by environmental conditions that cause the growth of primary microorgan-
isms in raw meat or the growth of microorganisms caused by secondary contamina-
tion. Preservation of food using microorganisms or their antimicrobial metabolites
is called biological preservation or biological protection [103]. Lactic acid bacteria
have a high ability to be used for biological preservation because they do not cause
problems for the consumer and prevent the growth of most microorganisms during
storage [103]. These bacteria are known as safe and their use has a long history. Also,
the antimicrobial peptides obtained from the lactic acid of bacteria can be broken by
the body’s proteases and do not cause problems for the intestinal microbial flora. The
growth of lactic acid bacteria in meat is considered a secret fermentation because due
to the low amount of carbohydrates and the buffering capacity of meat, these bacteria
cannot cause extensive changes in the taste characteristics of meat. Lactic acid bacte-
ria play a protective or preventive role against other microorganisms by competing for
food or producing bacteriocin or other antimicrobial substances such as organic acids,
hydrogen peroxide and enzymes. The difference between starter culture and mainte-
nance culture is that in starter culture, metabolic activity (acid production, hydrolysis
of proteins) is the goal, but in maintenance culture, antimicrobial activity is desired.
Moreover, recently edible mushrooms as a novel trend in the development of healthier
meat products. Mycoprotein is a meat replacement product that’s available in a variety
of forms such as cutlets, burgers, patties and strips. It’s marketed under the brand
name Quorn, and is sold in many countries. Mycoprotein is a protein manufactured
from the naturally occurring fungal Fusarium venenatum. To create mycoprotein,
manufacturers ferment fungal spores along with glucose and other nutrients. The
fermentation process is similar to what’s used to create beer. It results in a doughy
mixture with a meat-like texture that’s high in protein and fiber [104]. Table 1 shows
some applications of microorganisms in meat industry.
Health Risks of Food Additives - Recent Developments and Trends in Food Sector

2.6 The use of microorganisms in the production of food additives (color and flavor)

The most important microbial colors that are produced are carotenoid pigments.
Carotenoids are yellow and orange-red pigments that exist in nature and their chemi-
cal structure has 40-carbon atoms. Some microorganisms produce microbial dyes
[105]. The importance of this issue is because today research shows that synthetic
colors have pathogenic effects such as cancer and so on in the body, and for this
reason, attention has been directed toward the production of colors from natural
sources and one of these natural sources are microorganisms [106]. Different micro-
organisms around the world are capable of producing dyes, and researchers are trying
to find the best ones. Bacteria, fungi and green algae are able to produce color, and
among these microorganisms, a number of species such as Dunaleilla, Heamatococcus,
Penicillium, Monascus have reached industrial production and their pigments are used
in various cases. Artificial colors are widely used in various industries such as food,
textile, cosmetic and medicine. However, the toxicity problems of synthetic dyes
have led to a lot of research in the field of natural dyes. Among the sources of natural
colors, pigments produced by microorganisms have attracted a lot of attention and
have been considered as emerging sources of pigments. In addition to increasing the
marketability of products, these pigments improve their biological properties such
as antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer properties. Microorganisms are added
to food as additives and supplements in many products of microbial fermentation.
These substances include antioxidants, flavoring substances, colors, preservatives,
amino acids, etc. [107] Microorganisms play an important role in the production of
flavor compounds in foods. Foods such as vinegar, beer, fermented vegetables, milk,
soybeans and meat are flavored due to the presence of microorganisms. Synthetic
food additives that are produced through chemical processes are less desirable than
natural compounds, as a result, there is a great desire to expand and use natural food
additives that are obtained from microorganisms [105]. Various microorganisms are
promising candidates for production food additives (Table 1).

2.7 The use of microorganisms to produce microbial emulsifiers

Emulsifiers are a large class of compounds that are considered surface active
agents. An emulsifier works by slowing down chemical reactions and increasing its
stability. Surface-active compounds produced by microorganisms attract consider-
able attention due to their potential advantages over synthetic ones and also because
they can replace some chemicals in many environmental and industrial applications.
Bioemulsifiers are known as active biomolecules due to their unique characteristics
compared to chemical types, such as non-toxicity, biodegradability, biocompatibility,
efficiency at low concentrations, resistance to pH, temperature and concentration of
different salts. Bioemulsifiers are synthesized in various biological sources such as
bacteria, fungi and yeast. Because of their functional abilities and environmentally
friendly properties, emulsions and biosurfactants are considered as multifunctional
biomolecules of the recent century, especially in the food industry [108]. Several
microorganisms are promising candidates for production emulsifiers (Table 1).

2.8 The use of microorganisms to produce microbial enzymes

Enzymes of microbial origin have various effects and are extremely active.
Enzymes are widely used in industry and are gradually replacing materials produced
Food Microbiology: Application of Microorganisms in Food Industry

by plants and animals [71]. Amylase of bread mold is used in the beer industry
and the production of industrial alcohol, as well as in baking bread [109]. During
bread manufacture, enzymes are mixed with cereal flour to convert complex starch
molecules into simpler molecules and support produce the desired product. Enzyme
supplementation during bread production improves the flavor, increases the volume
and gives the necessary texture to the bread. Microbial enzymes such as hydrolases,
transferases, oxidative enzymes and isomers are found in most bacteria and play an
important role in sugar metabolism [110]. Like the tryptophanase enzyme produced
by some microbes and causing indole gas [111]. Various methods are used to improve
the technological quality of meat. Among these methods is the use of microorganisms
and proteolytic enzymes and recently bacteria with collagenase to make the meat
crispy and as a result dissolve its proteins [110]. Due to their ability to digest native
collagen, bacterial collagenases are metalloproteinases involved in the destruction
of the extracellular matrix of animal cells. These enzymes are important pathogenic
factors in all types of pathogenic bacteria. Clostridium collagenases are the first
identified and characterized reference enzymes to compare newly discovered col-
lagenolytic enzymes. Bacterial collagenases are largely unknown and understudied
[112]. However, their application is very diverse and useful in many fields. Molds and
bacteria produce large amounts of amylases [71]. Hydrolytic enzymes from Rhizopus
dalremocorzoxii molds and Bacillus subtilis bacteria are the main producers of amy-
lases [109]. Fungal amylases are used in the separation of starch from fruits [71]. In
general, enzymes are used to increase the solubility of insoluble starch in the brewing
industry, to prepare fruit juice, to improve the consistency of dough, to improve
starch for fermentation and to accelerate the performance of reactions and to reduce
side products. Microbial cells with a short fermentation time and relatively cheap
growth media are suitable agents for enzyme production. In recent times, microbial
enzymes have been greatly welcomed by industry practitioners. In this regard,
Bacillus and Aspergillus amylases have been used in the brewing and bakery industries
instead of yogurt, barley and wheat amylases [71, 109]. Different microorganisms are
promising candidates for production important enzymes (Table 1).

2.9 The use of microorganisms to remove mycotoxins produced in food

Mycotoxins are toxic and carcinogenic secondary metabolites produced by some

fungi such as Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus [113]. Some of them have
proven to have a carcinogenic (aflatoxin-B1, ochratoxin A), mutagenic (aflatoxins,
ochratoxin A), teratogenic (patulin, aflatoxin B1, ochratoxin A), estrogenic (zearale-
none), nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic (aflatoxins, patulin) effect. Food contamination
with mycotoxins is a serious problem for human and animal health. Consumption of
food contaminated with mycotoxins has been assessed as one of the causes of liver
and kidney cancers in humans and animals [113]. The most common mycotoxin is
aflatoxin, which is one of the causes of congenital abnormalities and carcinogenesis
[113]. Since the contamination of food with mycotoxins threatens the quality of food,
the detoxification of mycotoxins in order to reduce contamination can be of signifi-
cant importance to increase the safety level and control the quality of food. The use of
microorganisms to remove mycotoxins in food is considered a relatively new method
for detoxification, this method not only does not have a harmful effect on food value,
but is an efficient and environmentally friendly method [114]. Various microorgan-
isms such as Lactobacillus plantarum, L. acidophilus and B. subtilis have shown good
detoxification capabilities in mycotoxin-contaminated food (Table 2). Therefore,

Health Risks of Food Additives - Recent Developments and Trends in Food Sector
Group Genera/species Mycotoxin decontamination Mechanism of inhibition References

Bacteria Alcaligenes faecalis Ochratoxin Biodegradation to ochratoxin-α due to carboxypeptidase activity [115]
Bacillus licheniformis Zearalenone Biocontrol due to cell-wall adsorption [116, 117]
Bacillus megaterium Ochratoxin Biocontrol due to cell-wall adsorption [118]
Bacillus pumilus Ochratoxin Biocontrol due to cell-wall adsorption [119]
Zearalenone Biotransformation due to esterase activity [120]
Bacillus subtilis Aflatoxin-B1 Biotransformation into less toxic products due to laccase activity [121]
Ochratoxin Biocontrol due to cell-wall adsorption [122]
Zearalenone Biotransformation into Zearalenone-14-phosphate [123]
Bacillus velezensis Aflatoxin-B1 Biotransformation into less cytotoxic products [124]
Bifidobacterium animalis Patulin Biocontrol due to cell-wall adsorption [125]
Devosia insulae Deoxynivalenol Biotransformation into 3-keto- deoxynivalenol [126]
Escherichia coli Aflatoxin-B1 Biotransformation into less toxic products [127]
Zearalenone Biocontrol due to cell-wall adsorption [128]
Gluconobacter oxydans Aflatoxin-B1 biotransformation of mycotoxins (Physical binding to bacterial cell wall [129]
Ochratoxin proteins and polysaccharides)

Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Aflatoxin-B1 Production of antimicrobial peptides/ involves non-covalent bonds between [130]
Ochratoxin the cell wall components and the mycotoxin dissolved in the liquid medium

Levilactobacillus brevis Ochratoxin Biocontrol due to cell-wall adsorption [131]
Lactiplantibacillus pentosus Ochratoxin
Lacticaseibacillus paracasei Ochratoxin
Lacticaseibacillus casei Ochratoxin Biodegradation and/or adsorption [132]

Food Microbiology: Application of Microorganisms in Food Industry
Yeast Candida guilliermondii Patulin Biotransformation into E-ascladiol with short-chain dehydrogenase [133]

Candida parapsilosis Zearalenone Glucosyltransferase activities toward main derivatives of Zearalenone [134]

Candida utilis Zearalenone Biodegradation by the combination of probiotics with fungal cell-free extracts [135]

Ochratoxin Biocontrol due to cell-wall adsorption [136]

Kodameae ohmeri Patulin Biotransformation into hydroascladiol [137]

Komagataella phaffi Fumonisin B1 Biotransformation due to fumonisin esterase [138]

Pichia caribbica Patulin Enzymatic biodegradation [137]

Rhodosporidium spp. Patulin Biotransformation into desoxypatulinic acid [137]

Rhodotorula mucilaginosa Patulin Enzymatic biotransformation/ Cell-wall adsorption [139]

Rhodotorula glutinis Patulin Biocontrol agent [140]

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Patulin Adsorption to proteins and polysaccharides in the cell-walls [137]

Ochratoxin Biological degradation due to dechlorination, hydrolysis, hydroxylation, and [141]

Aflatoxin M1 Biological Biodegradation and/or adsorption [142]

Saccharomyces pastorianus Deoxynivalenol; Biodegradation and/or adsorption [143]


Filamentous Aspergillus niger Ochratoxin Biodegradation into ochratoxin-α by extracellular ochratoxinase/ [144, 145]
molds Biotransformation pathway

Byssochlamys nivea Patulin Biodegradation [146]

Clonostachys rosea Zearalenone Detoxify Zearalenone through the enzyme zearalenone lactonohydrolase [147]

Rhizopus oryzae Aflatoxin Enzymatic biodegradation [148]

Trichoderma reesei

Cladosporium uredinicola Aflatoxin-B1 Biotransformation and detoxification [149]

Table 2.
Microorganisms have shown good detoxification capabilities in mycotoxin-contaminated food.
Health Risks of Food Additives - Recent Developments and Trends in Food Sector

microbial detoxification has shown high potential for detoxifying food on a large scale
and cost-effectively [115–149].

2.10 The use of microorganisms in order to reduce food industry waste

The development of industries and the rapid growth of the population due to
the increase in consumables as a result of the increase in liquid and solid wastes are
issues that have recently caused huge crises in human societies [150]. The severity of
pollution resulting from these materials in cities and centers of industrial concentra-
tion is such that it has drawn the attention of scientific and executive resources of the
world to the correct disposal or basic recycling of these materials. In between, high
amounts of food industry wastes and effluents are seen, and today the use of these
two is considered as one of the topics of interest among researchers. Using different
microorganisms, cellulose nanocrystals can be produced using waste and sewage
[151, 152]. Cellulose is one of the richest natural polymers in the world, which is usu-
ally extracted from plant tissues, but it can be produced by some microorganisms,
such as a variety of bacteria, such as Stobacter, Agrobacterium, Cloconosteobacter,
Rhizobium and Sarcina. The characteristic of the cellulose produced by these organ-
isms is that the size of its fibers is about 100 times smaller than plant cellulose and
consists of cellulose fibers with nano dimensions, the various characteristics of
these materials are such as: high water retention capacity (more than 200 times dry
weight) and high elasticity, interesting mechanical properties in dry and wet state
and high biodegradability and biocompatibility are of interest [153]. Microorganisms
are promising candidates for the biodegradation of food waste (Table 1).

3. Conclusion

Microbes have been used for food purposes since antiquity. The significance of
microbes has improved as a result of the growth of food making and processing
industries. Manufacturing of food and related products through microbial processes
is cheaper and easier because large-scale production and genetic modification for
higher quality products are easier. A treasure of opportunity exists for the use of
microbes or their derivatives in household, village level and large-scale processing
applications in developing countries. However, a number of these microbial processes
require further exploration and exploitation in light of the potential benefits of their
use. Today, it is very common to use microorganisms to produce food or increase the
quality of food, and biotechnologists try to produce special food products with the
help of microorganisms. Food processing with microorganisms can save time and
energy and provide a more reproducible processing system on a commercial scale. In
the current busy life, most people are required to take processed foods; consequently,
the request for processed foods has risen. This requires the large-scale manufacture
of low-cost, long-term food products. Technological developments make it easier to
discover useful microorganisms; as a result, studies should focus on the detection
of novel natural sources of microbial manufacture, existing process progresses,
finding novel approaches for large-scale manufacture of foods with nutritional and
health benefits. In a summary of the most important applications of microorganisms
in the food industry, the use of microorganisms, especially probiotics, in the dairy,
grain, meat and related products industries, the use of microorganisms to remove
mycotoxins produced in food, the use of metabolites it mentioned the products of
Food Microbiology: Application of Microorganisms in Food Industry

microorganisms such as enzymes, flavorings, dyes, emulsifiers, etc., in order to

maintain the quality and increase the shelf life of food products, and finally, the use
of microorganisms to reduce food industry waste.


Research reported in this publication was supported by Elite Researcher Grant

Committee under award numbers [958634 and 963646] from the National Institute
for Medical Research Development (NIMAD), Tehran, Iran to MRA.

Conflict of interest

Authors declare no conflict of interest.

Author details

Mohammadhassan Gholami-Shabani1,2*, Masoomeh Shams-Ghahfarokhi3

and Mehdi Razzaghi-Abyaneh1

1 Department of Mycology, Pasteur Institute of Iran, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Workplace and Environment, Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade,

Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Mycology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University,

Tehran, Iran

*Address all correspondence to:

© 2023 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
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