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Hey you, have you ever tried making friends online?

Is it not interesting that you find friendships online?

But have you learned about the disadvantages of making online friends?

Online friendship can lead to many risks affecting users, such as disclosure of personal

One of the most significant issues that can arise from making friends online is privacy.

Nowadays, smart phones are a popular item that is indispensable to many people.

The Internet connects essential activities like email checking and online chat, but also exposes
personal information for illegal behavior and disclosing it to users.

When we have publicly shared personal data, the collection, processing and sharing of such data
will be beyond the control of the user.

Internet users who do not have a sense of privacy, protection of personal information will face
numerous risks of obtaining personal information.

Personal information, especially mobile phone numbers, Facebook accounts, Instagram

accounts... is causing users to get into trouble with spam messages, advertising messages.

Many cybercriminals have used real photos of social media users to create fake accounts,
deceive their own friends and relatives.

When we make friends online, we tend to share, talk about issues that relate to personal

This will result in malicious persons using the information to threaten to blackmail, kidnap or
deceive users to transfer money to criminal accounts.

Sharing too much personal information online can lead to identity theft, harassment, or other
potential threats.

This is because there is less opportunity for the authentic exchange of thoughts, feelings, and
experiences that typically occurs in face-to-face interactions.

It can be difficult to develop and maintain strong emotional connections when interactions are
primarily limited to text, voice, or video calls.

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