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Caleb Roberts

Professor Jessica Williams

English 111

31 October, 2023

Annotated Bibliography

“Aikido | Definition, History, & Facts.” Britannica, 13 October 2023,

Accessed 1 November 2023.

The purpose of this article is to explain the history of Aikido. Aikido is a form of unarmed
combat that focuses on grappling and throwing techniques. Aikido's techniques use the strength
and momentum of your opponent's attacks against himself. Aikido is believed to have originated
in Japan in the early 14th century. Aikido is so purely defensive that no competition between two
practitioners is possible. It’s used by most law enforcement today as a way to subdue opponents
without harming them.

“Boxing | History, Rules, Weight Divisions, Notable Fighters, & Facts.” Britannica, 4 October

2023, Accessed 1 November 2023.

The purpose of this article is to explain the history of boxing. Boxing is the most recognizable
form of unarmed combat and is a widely watched sport today. Boxing first appeared in 688 B.C.
in the 23rd Olypidad. Boxing rules came about during the times of Ancient Greece. Competitors
would fight until one acknowledged defeat by holding up a finger or was unable to continue.
Grabbing the opponent’s arms was strictly prohibited. Greek literature states that the sport lead to
disfigurement and sometimes even death.
“The All Japan Kendo Federation's Perspective of Kendo.” 全日本剣道連盟,

Accessed 1 November 2023.

The purpose of this article is to give insight into the history of Japanese swordsmanship. Kendo
is a form of armed martial arts used by the samurai back in Feudal Japan. In the Heian period of
Japan, swordsmiths began creating swords with more curved blades, these swords quickly
became a part of the weaponry of samurai. These swords were viewed as the samurai’s spirit.
Originally called Kenjutsu, schools for teaching Kendo were established back during the Edo
period. Then during the 18th century, protective armor along with replacing real swords with
bamboo counterparts was introduced to those schools, thus creating the birth of modern-day

Ük, Yasemin. “What is Kung Fu? A Brief History, Origins, and Bruce Lee.” Uniqgene, 13

Accessed 1 November 2023.

The purpose of the source is to explain the history of Kung Fu wasn’t just about fighting but was
also about the improvement of one's mind, spirit, and character. Kung Fu is a form of unarmed
combat that originated in the Xia Dynasty in China 4,000 years ago. Many of its roots also come
from the Shaolin Temples from 211 B.C. Kung Fu was developed for defense against wild
animals while hunting in the woods. It rose in popularity during the Han Dynasty after Emperor
Wu Tsai added it as a part of his military strategy. Since then it has evolved into a fundamental
element of Chinese culture today.

“What is Muay Thai? | Muay Thai History, Benefits & Rules - YOKKAO USA.”

Accessed 1 November 2023.

The purpose of the source is to explain Muay Thai and where it came from. Muay Thai,
translated means Thai Boxing, originated in Thailand in the 13th century during the Sukhothai
Dynasty. Muay Thai also called the “Art of 8 Limbs,” is a form of unarmed combat that focuses
on punches, kicks, knees, and elbow strikes and uses 8 points of contact. The first Thai army
needed to defend their kingdom so they were taught this form of combat. During the 20th
century, Muay Thai became a formal national sport.

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