What Is Your Reaction To The Color

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What is your reaction to

the color?
1 R. Just seeing the chocolate
draws attention to a sweet and
makes it clear what flavor to
expect when tasting it. The
red of the cherry incites
hunger and draws attention to
the cupcake.

2. What principles of
advertising layout are
represented in this ad?
2 R. This advertisement
reflects the principles of the
advertisement called as Z
layout. Well, as a first
instance, it shows the basic
information of the product,
that is, its name. After that, it
shows the illustration of the
same with the intention of
visually drawing people's
attention to the product and
ending with the disclosures,
since the person does not want
to be bored with the ad at first.
3. List advantages and
disadvantages of using
color in advertising.

3 R. Advantages:
-The advantages of color are
that they can imply many
things about the product just
by seeing the color it has or
with which it was decorated.

- It can help to notice the

product and draw people's
attention easily to encourage
them to buy the product.

- The disadvantage of color is
that not everyone could
perceive the same things.
- Another disadvantage that
could ruin advertising would
be a misuse of colors in it,
because a bad combination
could give the wrong
meaning, look offensive or
even look unpleasant for the

Chic Cakes

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