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Patrons: H.R.H.

Prince El Hassan Bin Talal Principal: Alun Yorath

H.R.H. Princess Sarvath El Hassan

Returning to normal - small steps

Thursday 4th November 2021
Dear Families,

In re-opening our campus this year, we strive to constantly find a balance between keeping our
community safe and operating in the best learning environment possible. Given the success of our
collective efforts in keeping our community safe and school open, we feel we are ready to take some
small steps forward in adapting our routines. These steps include expanding our pods to include two
year groups for lunch and play, e.g. Years 1 and 2, Years 3 and 4, and Years 5 and 6 are now lunchtime
pods. This allows us to take gradual steps in adapting our routines on the way to returning to normal.

Last week we shared with you that we are working on a new and improved canteen provision which we
hope will come into effect in January. We have also been considering how to return to lunchtime
arrangements that make the best use of the school environment and we are delighted to be able to
have students in Years 1-4 move from eating in their classroom to using the canteen for lunch. Two year
groups use the canteen at the same time however they are on opposite sides of the canteen and do not
interact indoors without masks. Additionally, table arrangements are in set seats with students from the
same class so that we can continue to monitor any possible close contact scenarios. As soon as
students have finished their lunch they are asked to put their masks back on again.

We have also begun to have outdoor play in phase groups. Students have responded extremely
positively to this change and are delighted to be playing with other friends.

Both of these steps were trialled this week and will continue for the rest of this term unless we identify
that our close contact tracking is not working and we need to return to year group pods for playing and

If we continue to manage these small steps successfully, we will consider the next steps we can take
forward as we continue to return to normal. Many thanks again for your proactive support in keeping
our community healthy and the campus open.

Kind regards,

Georgie Schofield
Head of Primary

Email: | Website: | Telephone: +962 6 4790 666 | Fax: +962 6 5725 416

Our mission is to provide a personalised, high quality education, drawing on the best of British and international practice.
We will continue to nurture and invest in an inclusive and diverse learning community of happy, confident and creative global citizens.

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