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Children’s Health Article

Use of Biomarkers to Indicate Exposure of Children to

Organophosphate Pesticides: Implications for a Longitudinal Study of
Children’s Environmental Health
Denise Wessels,1 Dana B. Barr,2 and Pauline Mendola 3
1School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA; 2Division of Laboratory Sciences, National
Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; 3National Health and Environmental
Effects Research Laboratory, Human Studies Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

Acute effects of OP exposures are well

Because of their history of widespread use in the United States and unknown long-term health effects, documented and well understood (Kwong
organophosphate pesticides (OPs) are being considered as a chemical class of interest in planning for 2002). Because they are powerful inhibitors of
the National Children’s Study, a longitudinal study of children’s environmental health. The availabil- carboxylic ester hydrolases, including acetyl-
ity and appropriate use of biomarkers to determine absorbed doses of environmental chemicals such as cholinesterase (AChE; found in nerve tissues
OPs are critical issues. Biomarkers of OP exposure are typically measured in blood and urine; how- and erythrocytes) and butyrylcholinesterase
ever, postpartum meconium has been shown to be a promising matrix for assessing cumulative in (plasma or pseudocholinesterase), individuals
utero exposure to the fetus, and studies are currently in progress to determine the utility of using saliva exposed to high levels of OPs can develop
and amniotic fluid as matrices. In this article, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the cur- acute cholinergic syndrome, which is charac-
rently available OP exposure monitoring methods (cholinesterase inhibition in blood, pesticides in terized by a variety of symptoms including rhi-
blood, metabolites in urine and alternative matrices); study design issues for a large, long-term study norrhea, salivation, lachrymation, tachycardia,
of children’s environmental health; and current research and future research needs. Because OPs are headache, convulsions, and death (Karalliedde
rapidly metabolized and excreted, the utility of one-time spot measurements of OP biomarkers is et al. 2001). In addition, these individuals can
questionable unless background exposure levels are relatively stable over time or a specific time frame also develop a proximal and reversible paralysis
of interest for the study is identified and samples are collected accordingly. Biomarkers of OP expo- called intermediate syndrome, organophos-
sure can be a valuable tool in epidemiology of children’s environmental health, as long as they are phate-induced delayed polyneuropathy, or
applied and interpreted appropriately. Key words: biomarkers, blood, children, exposure, meconium, long-term neurologic sequelae. Although
organophosphate, pesticides, study design, urine. Environ Health Perspect 111:1939–1946 (2003). adverse effects of chronic low-level OP expo-
doi:10.1289/ehp.6179 available via [Online 10 September 2003] sure are suspected, they have not been conclu-
sively determined (Eskenazi et al. 1999; Ray
and Richards 2001).
The Children’s Health Act of 2000 authorized Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. Because exposure to OPs is multiroute and
the National Children’s Study (NCS), a large, EPA) 1999]. A survey conducted for the U.S. the dominant route of childhood exposure
multiagency, long-term study of environmen- EPA found that nearly half of U.S. house- depends on a variety of dietary and behavioral
tal influences on children’s health and develop- holds with a child younger than 5 years had a factors, quantification of exposure is not a triv-
ment (Children’s Health Act 2000). The NCS pesticide stored within reach of children ial process. Therefore, in many epidemiologic
will examine about 100,000 children across (Whitmore et al. 1992). OPs account for studies, markers of exposure in biologic sam-
the United States and follow them during about half of all insecticides used in the ples have been measured to provide an estima-
prenatal development, through birth and United States by amount sold. In outdoor tion of absorbed dose (Aprea et al. 2000;
childhood, and into adulthood (Branum et settings, OPs are relatively nonpersistent Heudorf and Angerer 2001; Loewenherz et al.
al. 2003). The NCS Exposure to Chemical because they are degraded by photochemical 1997; Lu et al. 2001; Mills and Zahm 2001;
Agents Working Group has identified non- and microbiologic actions. However, when Moate et al. 1999; O’Rourke et al. 2000;
persistent pesticides, including synthetic used indoors or as a part of structural treat- Whyatt and Barr 2001). Although blood and
pyrethroid and organophosphate pesticides ments, these compounds can remain stable urine are the primary human specimens that
(OPs), as chemical classes of study for poten- for extended periods of time (i.e., months to have been used for biologic monitoring of OP
tial adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes years; Fenske et al. 2000) and can remain
(National Children’s Study 2001). The use of potentially available for repeated exposure to Address correspondence to P. Mendola, 104 Mason
biomarkers to determine absorbed doses of both adults and children. Farm Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7315 USA.
Telephone: (919) 966-6953. Fax: (919) 966-7584.
environmental chemicals such as OPs is a The safety of OPs has come under increas- E-mail:
critical issue for implementing the NCS. ing scrutiny after the release of the National This study was supported by the U.S. EPA National
OPs became widely used as the environ- Research Council’s (1993) report focusing on Network for Environmental Management Studies
mentally persistent organochlorine pesticides dietary pesticide exposure among infants and student fellowship program (U.S. EPA/Fellowship
were banned in the 1970s. OPs gained popu- children. Consequently, passage of the Food 91614101-0). We gratefully acknowledge the con-
larity in the early 1980s because they were Quality Protection Act of 1996 led the U.S. tributions of S. McMaster and J. Quackenboss, who
reviewed an earlier version of the manuscript.
relatively inexpensive, readily available, less EPA to consider childhood pesticide exposure This article has been funded in part by the U.S.
persistent in the environment, and less sus- in aggregate and reassess all pesticide residue Environmental Protection Agency. It has been sub-
ceptible to pest resistance. OPs are used pri- tolerances (Food Quality Protection Act jected to Agency review and approved for publica-
marily in agriculture on crops, but are also 1996). OPs were the first class of pesticides tion. Approval does not signify that that the contents
used in residential settings for pest control whose tolerances were reassessed because of reflect the views of the Agency, nor does mention of
and for public health protection against vec- their common mode of toxicity, widespread trade names or commercial products constitute
endorsement or recommendation for use.
tor-borne diseases (Table 1). Approximately use, and unknown long-term health effects. The authors declare they have no competing
60 million pounds of OPs are applied to U.S. Because of increasing concern regarding the financial interests.
crops annually; nonagricultural uses account safety of these pesticides to children, many OP Received 30 December 2002; accepted 11 September
for an additional 17 million pounds [U.S. uses are being phased out (Table 1). 2003.

Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 16 | December 2003 1939

Children’s Health | Wessels et al.

exposure, postpartum meconium has been on our knowledge of OP metabolism. OPs all to which a 3,5,6-trichloropyridinyl group is
shown to be a promising matrix for assessing have the same general structure and mode of attached. Once entering the body, OPs can be
cumulative in utero exposures to the fetus, and toxicity (Mileson et al. 1998). They are com- enzymatically converted to their oxon form
studies are in progress to determine the utility posed of a phosphate (or phosphorothioate or and then react with available cholinesterase.
of using saliva and amniotic fluid as matrices phosphorodithioate) moiety, which in most The oxon can also be enzymatically or sponta-
(Bradman et al. 2003; Whyatt and Barr 2001). cases is O,O-dialkyl substituted, where the neously hydrolyzed to form a dialkyl phos-
alkyl groups are either dimethyl or diethyl; and phate (DAP) metabolite and a specific
OP Metabolism an organic group that is specific to each pesti- metabolite moiety. In the case of chlorpyrifos,
Our ability to incorporate biomarkers of OPs cide (Figure 1). For instance, chlorpyrifos is diethylphosphate and 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyri-
successfully into epidemiologic studies depends composed of an O,O-diethyl phosphorothioate dinol (TCPY) are formed. If the pesticide is

Table 1. Common OPs, their metabolites, and uses, with implications for biomarker assessment in children.
Specific OP Analysis of
Pesticides DMP DMTP DMDTP DEP DETP DEDTP metabolites OP in blood Insecticidal usesa
Acephate — — — — — — Acephate, — Crops, food handling, methamidophos ornamentals,
methamidophos residential
Azinphos-methyl X X X — — — BTA, MSMB — Crops, trees, ornamentals.
Bensulide — — — — — — — — Crops, lawn/turf, ornamental
Cadusafos — — — — — — — — Import tolerances only (bananas)
Chlorethoxyphos — — — X X — — — Crops (corn)
Chlorpyrifos — — — X X — 3,5,6-TCPY X Crop, lawn/turf, termiticide,
ornamentals, pasture, livestock
Chlorpyrifos-methyl X X — — — — 3,5,6-TCPY — Stored grain; undergoing voluntary cancellation
(2004 for use, 2008 for tolerances)
Coumaphos — — — X X — CMHC — Livestock
Diazinon — — — X X — IMPY X Crop, lawn/turf, residential/commercial; residential
uses being phased out
Dichlorvos (DDVP) X — — — — — — X Pest strips, residential, food, storage/processing,
Dicrotophos X — — — — — — — Crops (cotton), trees
Dimethoate X X X — — — — — Crops, ornamentals
Disulfoton — — — X X X — — Crops, ornamentals
Ethion — — — X X X — — Crops (citrus), livestock; undergoing
voluntary cancellation
Ethoprop — — — — — — — — Crops, ornamentals, trees
Ethyl parathion — — — X X — p-Nitrophenol X Crops; undergoing voluntary cancellation (by 2003)
Fenamiphos — — — — — — — — Crops, ornamental, turf; undergoing voluntary
cancellation (by 2007)
Fenitrothion X X — — — — — — Residential/commercial ant/roach bait; imported wheat
Fenthion X X — — — — — — Livestock, mosquito control (Florida)
Malathion X X X — — — Malathion X Crops, livestock, lawn/turf, mosquito
dicarboxylic acid;
Malathion mono-
carboxylic acid
Methamidophos — — — — — — Methamidophos — Crops
Methidathion X X X — — — — — Crops, ornamentals
Methyl parathion X X — — — — p-Nitrophenol X Crops
Mevinphos X — — — — — — — Import tolerances only
Naled X — — — — — — — Crops, greenhouse
Oxydemeton-methyl X X — — — — — — Crops
Phorate — — — X X X — X Crops
Phosalone — — — X X X — — Import tolerances only
Phosmet X X X — — — — — Crops, ornamental, forestry, livestock
Phostebupirim — — — — — — — — Crops (corn)
Pirimiphos-methyl X X — — — — DEAMPY — Stored corn, seed, grain, livestock, bulbs
Profenofos — — — — — — — — Crops (cotton)
Propetamphos — — — — — — — — Indoor ant control
Sulfotepp — — — X X — — — Greenhouses, ornamental; undergoing voluntary
cancellation (by ~2004)
Temephos X X — — — — — — Mosquito larva
Terbufos X X X X Crops
Tetrachlorvinphos X — — — — — — — Livestock, domestic animals
Tribufos — — — X X — — — Crops (cotton)
Trichlorfon X — — — — — — — Ornamentals, turf, agricultural premises, nurseries, ants
Abbreviations: —, not applicable; BTA, 1,2,3-benzotriazin-4(3H)-one/ol; CIT, 5-chloro-1-isopropyl-(1H)-1,2,4-triazol-3-ol/one; CMHC, 3-chloro-7-hydroxy-4-methyl-2H-chromen-2-one/ol;
DEAMPY, 2-(diethylamino)-6-methylpyrimidin-4-ol/one; DEDTP, diethyldithiophosphate; DMDTP, dimethyldithiophosphate; IMPY, 2-isopropyl-4-methyl-6-hydroxypyrimidine; MSMB,
methysulfonylmethylbenzazimide; X, exposure to the pesticide listed.
aSources on insecticidal uses from U.S. EPA. (2003)

1940 VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 16 | December 2003 • Environmental Health Perspectives

Children’s Health | Biomarkers to indicate children’s exposure to OPs

not converted to its oxon form, it can undergo overstimulating the nervous system (Karalliedde large doses are required for significant AChE
hydrolysis to its specific metabolite and dialkyl- et al. 2001). OP poisoning is diagnosed by inhibition to occur. Therefore, AChE monitor-
thionate metabolites (i.e., dialkylthiophosphate measuring reduced cholinesterase activity in red ing is used more appropriately as an indicator
and/or dialkyldithiophosphate). For chlorpyri- blood cells (RBCs). of toxicity at high exposure levels and is rather
fos, these metabolites are diethylthiophosphate Although cholinesterase monitoring has insensitive at low exposure levels (He 1999).
and TCPY. These metabolites and/or their the advantage of providing a measure of physi- The inhibition of RBC AChE and plasma
glucuronide or sulfate conjugates are excreted ologic response, it has disadvantages as well. cholinesterase (PChE) is highly correlated with
in urine. Interpretation of AChE monitoring results is intensity and duration of exposure to OPs.
complicated by inter- and intraindividual vari- RBC AChE, the same molecular target as that
Biomarkers of Effect: ation in enzymatic activity and confounding responsible for acute OP toxicity in the ner-
Monitoring Cholinesterase factors such as cholinesterase suppression vous system, is a more specific indicator than is
Inhibition in Blood resulting from health conditions, and/or expo- PChE. However, a few of the OP compounds
Examining cholinesterase inhibition as a sure to other cholinesterase-inhibiting pesti- (e.g., malathion, diazinon, and dichlorvos) are
biomarker of effect is one potential strategy. cides (e.g., carbamate pesticides; Bissbort et al. earlier inhibitors of PChE than of AChE. In
Acetylcholine (ACh) transmits electrochemical 2001; Lessenger and Reese 1999). Because of this case, PChE might be a more sensitive indi-
signals across neuronal synapses and neuro- fluctuations in AChE levels, a baseline AChE cator of exposure than is AChE but may not be
muscular junctions and is hydrolyzed by the level is needed to determine if suppression has associated with symptoms and signs of toxicity
action of the enzyme AChE. A serine residue occurred. Genetic influences not related to sex, (Jeyaratnam and Maroni 1994).
with a free hydroxyl group in the active site of race, or age account for 23% of variation in AChE measurements have been used
AChE covalently reacts with ACh, acetylating AChE activity levels among humans (Lessenger extensively in occupational monitoring of pes-
the serine while releasing the choline group. and Reese 1999). AChE levels in children ticide applicators (Magnotti et al. 1988) but
Within microseconds, the serine residue is younger than 4 months have been shown to be have not been used widely in general popula-
deacetylated by hydrolysis and is free to lower than for adults, whereas levels in children tion exposure studies. The U.S. EPA considers
degrade another ACh molecule. OPs in the older than 4 months were comparable with blood AChE inhibition data to be appropriate
oxon form (i.e., phosphate form) can react those of adults (Karlsen et al. 1981). Pregnancy, for deriving reference doses or concentrations
similarly with the serine residue; however, the diseases, medications, and illegal drugs affect as part of a weight of evidence analysis for pes-
dephosphorylation process is much slower, AChE levels in adults (De Peyster et al. 1993; ticide toxicity but notes that reliability of these
along the order of hours to days, than that Lessenger and Reese 1999). Because of the measures depends on the quality of the avail-
for deacetylation (Karalliedde et al. 2001). tremendous amount of variation in AChE due able data (U.S. EPA 2000).
Therefore, the serine residue on the phospho- to endogenous and exogenous variables, a mon- The electrometric and colorimetric meth-
rylated AChE is not available to break down itoring program that does not account for varia- ods, which measure change in pH and light
ACh. The toxic effects of OPs result from their tion due to these factors will produce data that absorbance, respectively, are used most often
ability to inhibit the action of AChE in the will be difficult, if not impossible, to interpret. to measure AChE suppression. Both methods
nervous system, causing a buildup of ACh, Another drawback of AChE monitoring is that can be used to measure both serum and ery-
throcyte cholinesterases and are relatively sim-
S ple, inexpensive, and reproducible (Vandekar
1980). Even with modern testing kits and
CH3CH2O N methods, the determination of serum and ery-
CI throcyte AChE activity levels depends greatly
Chlorpyrifos on technician experience and skill. Aware of
such sources of error, California—the only
NADPH, O2 Dearylation U.S. state requiring AChE testing for pesticide
or hydrolysis
CI applicators—requires laboratory certification
CH3CH2O S of its AChE analysts (CEPA 2002).
P OH Because OPs are metabolized rapidly, there
CI CH3CH2O is some potential benefit of a marker of bio-
Chlorpyrifos oxon Diethylthiophosphate logic effect (e.g., AChE suppression) that may
Dearylation or
hydrolysis integrate exposure over a longer time frame.
CI However, children are generally believed to be
exposed to OPs at levels much lower than
P OH HO CI encountered occupationally. Their exposure is
Diethylphosphate CI
more likely to be intermittent or variable in
HO CI 3,5,6-Trichloropyridinol intensity, and they are not likely to have base-
N line AChE levels available for comparison. All
3,5,6-Trichloropyridinol of these factors make blood measurements of
Cholinesterase AChE less viable as a biomarker for children’s
HOOC CI CI OP exposure.
A potential alternative measurement is
+ to measure the bound cholinesterase itself.
N –O N
OH OH CI CI Researchers in the Netherlands have devel-
oped a sensitive analytic technique to accu-
3,5,6-Trichloropyridinol glucuronide 3,5,6-Trichloropyridinol sulfate
rately measure butyrylcholinesterase bound to
organophosphate nerve agents (Fidder et al.
Figure 1. Metabolism of chlorpyrifos. Chemicals enclosed in boxes are excreted in the urine. 2002). Their technique involves the enzymatic

Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 16 | December 2003 1941

Children’s Health | Wessels et al.

digestion of butyrylcholinesterase to form a participation rates in large-scale studies. In Hoet 1993; O’Rourke et al. 2000; WHO
nonapeptide. The amount of the phosphory- addition, the amount of blood available to 1996); however, no data are reported on which
lated peptide is quantified relative to the non- perform the analysis is often limited; therefore, these limits are based. Furthermore, because
phosphorylated peptide. Using this method, ultrasensitive analytic techniques may be CRE excretion depends on muscle mass, chil-
exposure could be detected at levels that required. Analysis is further complicated by dren inherently excrete less CRE. In fact, about
caused only about 1% suppression of choli- the inherently low concentrations of OPs 35% of the children’s samples analyzed at the
nesterase activity—a level much too low to present in the blood (typically seen in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
detect using standard cholinesterase assays. nanogram per liter or parts per trillion range) (CDC) had CRE concentrations less than
This measurement would likely reflect the when compared with urinary metabolite con- 0.3 g/L (CDC. Unpublished data). This makes
clinically relevant dose for acute toxicity, but it centrations (typically seen in the microgram comparisons between CRE-adjusted adults’ and
is less clear whether this method would pro- per liter or parts per billion range). children’s urinary toxicant concentrations sub-
vide a useful biomarker for potential OP- Several laboratory methods have been ject to great error because of “overcorrection” of
related health effects that may not rely on this reported that measure intact OPs in blood children’s samples.
mechanism of action. (Fournier et al. 1978; Frenzel et al. 2000; An alternative though less widely used
Kawasaki et al. 1992; Liu et al. 1989; Maroni method for adjusting urine dilution is based on
Biomarkers of Exposure: et al. 1990; Marques 1990; Meyer et al. 1998; urinary specific gravity. Specific gravity mea-
Monitoring Pesticides Sharma et al. 1990). Unfortunately, most of surements take into account all solids dissolved
and/or Metabolites in these methods have limits of detection in a urine sample, not just CRE. Typically,
Biologic Samples (LODs) that would prevent their use in mea- urine samples are adjusted to a specific gravity
suring incidental exposures. For example, of 1.024. Additional research is required to
Blood. Monitoring OP concentrations in Frenzel et al. (2000) reported a method to determine whether this is a viable alternative
blood or blood products (e.g., serum, plasma) measure methamidophos and methyl para- for routine urinary adjustments.
offers several advantages. The parent com- thion in blood with LODs of about 25 µg/L. Variations in metabolite concentrations
pounds can be monitored directly in blood However, data reported by Whyatt et al. due to changing water content in urine can
products instead of their metabolites, which (2003) indicate that levels in pregnant women also be eliminated using urinary excretion rate
are usually measured in urine. Therefore, and cord blood were about 3 orders of magni- calculations (Rigas et al. 2001). However,
detailed information regarding the metabolism tude lower. Recent advances in analytic instru- because the void volume and times of previous
of the pesticide is less critical, and toxicant mentation have facilitated the development of and current void are required, this approach
concentrations for specific OPs are known highly sensitive methods (Barr et al. 2002; Liu may not be practical for young children.
rather than inferred from metabolites. This and Pleil 2002); however, these methods are Of the OPs registered with the U.S. EPA
information is especially beneficial because often complicated and costly, precluding their for use in the United States, about 75%
not all OPs are equally toxic. Blood measure- use for routine analysis. metabolize to form from one to three of the six
ments provide an estimation of the dose avail- Urine. An obvious advantage of biologic DAP metabolites. These six metabolites are
able for the target site, allowing for prediction monitoring in urine is the ease of sample col- dimethylphosphate (DMP), dimethylthiophos-
of dose–response relationships. Furthermore, lection, the high concentration of analytes, and phate (DMTP), dimethyldithiophosphate,
because blood is a regulated fluid (i.e., the the greater amount of sample available for diethylphosphate (DEP), diethylthiophosphate
volume does not vary substantially with water analysis compared with blood. However, these (DETP), and diethyldithiophosphate. The OP
intake or other factors), the blood concentra- advantages may be diminished somewhat for pesticides registered with the U.S. EPA and their
tions of toxicants measured at a specified time infants and very small children for whom urine potential common metabolites are listed in
interval after exposure will remain the same as collection procedures require special considera- Table 1. Pesticide-specific information cannot
long as the absorbed amounts are constant; tion. Appropriate sample collection apparatus, be derived from the quantitative measurement
therefore, no corrections for dilution are nec- such as urine collection bags or toilet inserts, of these metabolites; however, a cumulative dose
essary. Blood concentrations of the toxicant must be provided to collect urine samples from measure of OPs as a class of pesticides can be
are often at a maximum directly after expo- children who are not toilet trained. obtained.
sure, so if exposure events are known, the pre- One of the disadvantages of urinary analy- The pesticide-specific metabolites can also
ferred time range for sampling may be clearer sis is that urine output varies. Many factors be measured. The quantitative measurement of
than with urine. However, in a large study influence daily urinary output, such as water, these metabolites provides a measure of dose
such as the NCS, biologic sample collection urea, salt, specific gravity, and osmolality. for a specific pesticide. For instance, the mea-
will likely be based on other considerations Consequently, the concentration of toxicants or surement of TCPY provides dose information
(e.g., clinic visits) rather than occurrence of metabolites may vary, even if the internal dose specific to chlorpyrifos or chlorpyrifos-methyl.
an exposure event. remains constant. For this reason, either 24-hr It is important to note that not all pesticide-
The major disadvantages related to blood urine samples must be obtained for analysis, or specific metabolites are derived solely from
measurements are the venipuncture and associ- “spot” or “grab” samples must be corrected for OPs. For example, 4-nitrophenol, a specific
ated risks (e.g., bruising, discomfort) required dilution. Because 24-hr urine samples are not metabolite of parathion or methyl parathion, is
to obtain the sample, and the analytic challenge practical in large-scale population-based studies also a widely used chemical and can enter the
of measuring low toxicant concentrations. If of children, spot samples or first morning body from other exposure sources.
available, umbilical cord blood can overcome voids (for more concentrated samples) can be Measurements of either the common OP
some of these concerns for measuring recent obtained, and their concentration normalized metabolites or the specific metabolites have
in utero exposures, because venipuncture is not using creatinine (CRE) concentration or spe- advantages and disadvantages. Both the com-
needed and relatively large quantities of blood cific gravity. However, CRE yield has been mon and specific metabolites are also the
(> 30 mL) can be collected. The invasive shown to be variable among children (Freeman hydrolysis or breakdown products of OPs in
nature of venipuncture puts some limits on et al. 1995; O’Rourke et al. 2000). Metabolite environmental media (Heudorf and Angerer
researchers’ ability to obtain samples from results are considered questionable for samples 2001). Therefore, the measured concentra-
children and pregnant women or to get high with CRE < 0.3 or > 3.0 g/L (Lauwerys and tions of these metabolites can result from

1942 VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 16 | December 2003 • Environmental Health Perspectives

Children’s Health | Biomarkers to indicate children’s exposure to OPs

exposure to only the pesticide breakdown At least seven laboratories in North were not statistically significant. MacIntosh et
products in environmental media. The com- America and Europe are routinely analyzing al. (2001) found that dietary chlorpyrifos lev-
mon metabolite measurements provide class- DAPs in epidemiologic studies. These labora- els were significantly correlated with mean uri-
specific data that take into account not only tories use methodologies usually developed in- nary TCPY excretion in the National Human
aggregate exposures (i.e., exposure to a single house and employ gas chromatography with Exposure Assessment Survey in Maryland and
pesticide from multiple sources) but also some sort of selective detection technique such that the dietary chlorpyrifos accounted for
cumulative exposures (i.e., exposure to two or as nitrogen-phosphorus detection or mass approximately 7% of the urinary TCPY.
more pesticides with the same mechanism of spectrometric detection. The LODs of these Meconium. Only recently has the use of
toxicity). However, because individual pesti- methods are in the low picrogram to the low meconium been investigated as a potential
cides differ in acute toxicities, these data are nanogram per millimeter range. Surprisingly, matrix for testing of exposure to OPs.
not good indicators of the toxicity of the even though so many laboratories are measur- Meconium has previously been used to identify
cumulative dose. DAPs may be metabolites of ing these DAP concentrations in a variety of fetal exposure to illicit drugs, alcohol, and
some industrial chemicals and rare pharma- studies and are reporting the values in peer- tobacco (Bearer et al. 1999; Browne et al.
ceuticals, but it is generally believed that most reviewed literature, the first interlaboratory 1994; Callahan et al. 1992; Clark et al. 1992;
DAPs result from OP exposure or exposure to comparison of analyses was performed just Dempsey et al. 1999; Maynard et al. 1991;
OP hydrolysis products (Barr et al. 2002). recently. To confirm that data originating Moore et al. 1998; Ostrea 1999; Ryan et al.
The DAP data can be used to “screen” for from the various laboratories are directly com- 1994) as well as the more persistent environ-
total OP exposure, and follow-up analyses of parable, the U.S. EPA initiated an interlabora- mental toxicants, such as organochlorines and
the specific metabolites can be performed if tory comparison study among the North heavy metals (Hong et al. 2002; Ramirez et al.
the common metabolites levels appear ele- American laboratories performing DAP analy- 2000). Meconium begins to accumulate in the
vated. In addition, these data can help distin- ses. The results of this study will allow us to bowels of human fetuses at approximately
guish between the individual pesticides in OP determine whether results across laboratories 16 weeks gestation and is generally not
pairs (e.g., methyl parathion from parathion, are comparable; and if they are not, it will excreted until after delivery (Moriya et al.
chlorpyrifos from chlorpyrifos-methyl). allow us to standardize methodologies to pro- 1994). Meconium is a complex matrix, con-
The specific metabolite measurements mote harmonization among laboratory data. sisting mainly of water but also containing
provide dose data on individual pesticides. Several studies have shown higher DAP mucopolysaccharides, lipids, proteins, bile
However, because of the large number of OPs, levels in children than adults. In a study of acids and salts, epithelial cells, cholesterol and
the chemical nature of some of the OP metabo- 1,194 subjects in Germany, Heudorf and sterol precursors, blood-group substances,
lites, and the lack of availability of analytic Angerer (2001) found significantly higher squamous cells, residual amniotic fluid, and
standards, it is not feasible to measure all of the metabolite concentrations per gram of CRE enzymes (Moore et al. 1998). Xenobiotics
specific metabolites at this time. Therefore, in children younger than 6 years than in any appear to enter the meconium as a conse-
cumulative data cannot be obtained from spe- other age group (6 to < 14 years, 14 to < 20 quence of bile excretion into the intestines
cific metabolite measurements because so years, ≥ 20 years). The researchers concluded and/or of swallowing of amniotic fluid by the
many metabolites cannot be measured. We that this was a result of the children’s lower fetus (Ostrea et al. 1993). Evidence suggests
believe that the data obtained from measuring urinary CRE content, but allowed that chil- that the half-life of xenobiotics in meconium
both the common and specific metabolites, dren’s exposure may still be higher than that can be protracted and that measured levels may
where available, complement each other. of adults. In a study of farmworkers and their reflect exposures from the second trimester of
Together, these data can provide the most children in California, Mills and Zahm pregnancy through delivery (Bearer et al. 1999;
complete OP internal dose information. (2001) found DMP, DMTP, and DETP Ostrea 1999).
Urine metabolite levels are generally con- more often in the urine of children than in Whyatt and Barr (2001) analyzed 20 meco-
sidered a much more sensitive and specific that of their farmworker parents. However, nium samples from newborns and found some
indicator of OP exposure than is AChE moni- DEP was detected more frequently among level of OP metabolites in all 20 samples. The
toring, and have been reported in several stud- adults than among children. A study of 195 researchers concluded that measurement of OP
ies of children (Adgate et al. 2001; Aprea et al. Italian children found significantly higher val- metabolites in meconium showed promise as a
2000; Fenske et al. 2002; Loewenherz et al. ues of all OP metabolites in children than in biomarker of prenatal exposure. Detection lim-
1997; Lu et al. 2001; Mills and Zahm 2001; 124 adults sampled in a previous study in a its for the OP metabolites were low and compa-
Moate et al. 1999; O’Rourke et al. 2000). nearby region (Aprea et al. 2000). rable with or better than those seen with adult
DAPs can be detected in urine at exposure lev- Specific OP metabolites have also been urine. One of the biggest advantages of meco-
els below those affecting cholinesterase activity measured in several studies involving chil- nium analysis is the ease and noninvasive nature
(Coye et al. 1986). However, because all OPs dren. In the Minnesota Children’s Pesticide of meconium collection. Whyatt and Barr
differ in toxicity, the measured DAP levels are Exposure Study (MNCPES), higher levels of (2001) also found that pesticide metabolites
not direct measures of toxicologic potential. TCPY were found among urban children were stable in meconium for more than 12 hr
It is necessary to understand the kinetics of than among those living in nonurban areas at room temperature. Given these initial
metabolite excretion to know the optimum (Adgate et al. 2001). Malathion dicarboxylic promising findings, further research is needed
time for urine collection (Griffin et al. 1999). acid showed a similar, although only margin- to determine the time frame of exposure repre-
Also, not all OPs are metabolized to a measur- ally significant, trend among this study popu- sented by pesticide levels in meconium and
able level of DAPs; therefore, exposure may lation. Fenske et al. (2002) measured both evaluate the dose–response relationship
occur but not be detected by current labora- TCPY and para-nitrophenol, a metabolite of (Whyatt and Barr 2001). Additionally, the
tory methods. Because of variation in meta- parathion, methyl parathion, and other chem- same issues as for urinary analysis must be
bolic rates from individual to individual, icals, in the urine of children of farmworkers addressed in meconium analysis, such as kinet-
optimal sampling times will vary. OPs are and pesticide applicators. Although the mean ics of metabolism, pass-through of metabolites,
metabolized and preferentially excreted in the urinary concentrations of both metabolites normalization of measured concentrations on
urine usually within 24–48 hr of exposure were greater in children living within 200 feet water content, and establishment of reference
(WHO 1996). of pesticide-treated farmland, these differences concentrations.

Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 16 | December 2003 1943

Children’s Health | Wessels et al.

Study Design Issues can still be derived to enhance the internal well as monitoring blood, urine, and saliva.
Given the scope, complexity, and magnitude of validity of OP exposure measurements based These data should help us understand better
the NCS, one cost-effective, time-saving strat- on identifying highly exposed children and the potential confounding of biomarker data
egy to assess potential health effects associated subsets of children with lower levels of expo- from exposure to pesticides with exposure to
with OP exposure would be to devise a screen- sure for comparison purposes. the environmental degradates.
ing method to identify and oversample the Easier, less costly, but still high-quality
most highly exposed children. Identification of Current Research and Future laboratory methods for DAP measurements
more highly exposed children would limit the Research Needs would allow more samples to be analyzed in
number of results reported below detection Much research is currently in progress to evalu- less time. Currently, the specific metabolites
and/or quantification limits of analytic meth- ate children’s exposure to OPs, health effects for only 10 OPs have been measured in urine
ods. Limited evidence exists to identify chil- resulting from OP exposure, and other biologic (Table 1). Identification of specific metabolic
dren at higher risk for OP exposure, and a monitoring methods. For example, many products for each OP, if possible, would allow
recent report from the MNCPES highlights of the jointly funded National Institute of the use of urine, an easier matrix to obtain than
the challenges of screening for general pesticide Environmental Health Sciences/U.S. EPA blood, in prediction of dose–response curves.
use when specific target compounds are of Centers for Children’s Environmental Health Research to establish the half-life for each OP
interest (Sexton et al. 2003). The following and Disease Prevention Research are conduct- would allow better estimation of the appropri-
groups have been identified as having higher ing studies in which women are enrolled dur- ate sampling time frame during human studies
urinary biomarker levels for OPs: children of ing early pregnancy and their children are and allow for dose estimations.
pesticide applicators (Loewenherz et al. 1997), followed for the first several years of life Further research is needed to establish ref-
younger children within the 0–6 year age range (Castorina et al. 2003). These studies will fur- erence-range CRE concentrations based on
(Loewenherz et al. 1997), children living closer ther define current OP exposure levels in chil- age, race, sex, and seasonal variation. Research
to pesticide-treated orchards (Loewenherz et al. dren, help determine the most appropriate of specific gravity (and/or osmolality) would
1997), children living in urban areas (Adgate et matrix or matrices for exposure measurements, indicate whether it is a viable alternative to
al. 2001), and those living where pesticides are facilitate the development of additional bio- adjust for urine dilution.
used inside or outside the home (Aprea et al. monitoring methods, provide information Use of postpartum meconium shows
2000; Lu et al. 2001). In a study such as the about the frequency of collections needed to promise, and further research could firmly
NCS, a first step might include questionnaire estimate chronic exposures and to detect acute establish it as a biomarker for OP exposure.
data to indicate the likelihood that the child is or peak exposures for individuals, evaluate Research is needed to determine the time
exposed and a qualitative ranking of the expo- and/or validate questionnaires, and elucidate frame of exposure represented by metabolite
sure (e.g., low, moderate, high). Biologic sam- health end points (e.g., neurodevelopment, levels, kinetics of metabolism, fate of metabo-
pling could then be targeted at specifically growth, and respiratory health). A great deal of lites, best methods to normalize measured
ranked groups rather than applied to everyone research related to OP biomarkers in blood, concentrations on water content, and refer-
with the same intensity. Where chemical urine, and other matrices remains to be com- ence concentrations.
analyses are resource intensive, other strategies pleted before the NCS begins. Research needs It would be valuable to know if there is sig-
can be used. If compounds are stable after for each of the currently available biomonitor- nificant degradation of the parent compounds
long-term storage, then specimens can be ana- ing methods are discussed below. and/or metabolites in biologic samples over
lyzed case by case for children in special stud- To identify specific OP concentrations in time and how storage conditions are related to
ies, such as nested case–control studies of blood, laboratory analysis methods must be potential degradation. Many important expo-
childhood diseases. Callahan et al. (1995) dis- developed for all OPs currently registered for sure–health outcome studies may be done after
cuss statistical methods and issues regarding use in the United States or having allowable tol- years of specimen storage—for example, nested
stratification and oversampling for target popu- erances on imported food products (Table 1). case–control studies to evaluate the potential
lations that could be used to evaluate health This may not be a feasible expectation, given risk of early life pesticide exposures associated
risks associated with low-level or infrequent the chemical properties of the particular pesti- with an uncommon child health outcome.
exposures. cides; however, it is still a critical need for a
The MNCPES is an example of a study comprehensive OP exposure assessment. A Conclusions
conducted in this manner. The MNCPES long-term study such as the NCS will then Biomarkers are an effective way to determine
used a probability-based sampling strategy to have the information needed to develop dose– exposure to OPs, particularly for known
identify and oversample children who were response curves, correlating health end points exposure events. A challenge of all monitoring
potentially exposed to targeted pesticides with measured toxicant concentrations. methods discussed here is that OPs are so
(Quackenboss et al. 2000). Using probability- Research is needed to identify physical rapidly metabolized and excreted. It is vital
based sampling reduced the potential for a and biologic mechanisms of degradation of for investigators to consider the relationship
selection bias, allowed the calculation of OPs and fate of metabolites in the environ- between the exposure time frame reflected in
weighted population statistics, and allowed the ment and in the human body. OPs degrade in an OP biomarker and the research questions.
results to be generalized to the population. foodstuff before ingestion, but the amount of It would not be advisable to assume that bio-
The MNCPES was conducted in three phases: these metabolites and any biologic effect they logic measures of OP exposure levels are rela-
a) identification of households with age-eligi- might have as they pass through the human tively constant over time.
ble children (3–12 years) and more frequent body are unknown. Currently, the U.S. EPA In a longitudinal study, to characterize
pesticide use, b) screening of households and the CDC are jointly engaged in research intermittent exposures as well as the chronic
selected in phase 1 using a questionnaire and to identify the relative contributions of expo- background OP level, repeated biologic sam-
an inventory of pesticide product storage and sure to environmental degradation products ples may be needed. Specimens could be col-
use, and c) intensive monitoring of the chil- to urinary metabolite levels. Multiroute (e.g., lected at a number of potential contact points
dren with the highest potential for exposure as duplicate diet, dust, and air) environmental where OP exposure could be assessed, such as
identified in phase 2. Whether or not the exposures are being measured for both intact clinical exams to assess child development and
NCS is a probability sample, sampling units pesticides and their degradation products as routine prenatal visits. Those analyses should

1944 VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 16 | December 2003 • Environmental Health Perspectives

Children’s Health | Biomarkers to indicate children’s exposure to OPs

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