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60 MPa PRO


For th
he given statee of stress, dettermine the noormal and sheearing stressess exerted on
the oblique face off the shaded triangular
t elem
ment shown. UseU a methodd of analysis
d on the equilibbrium of that element,
e as waas done in the derivations off Sec. 7.1A.

90 MPa


F  0:  A  90
9 A sin 30 coss 30  90 A cos 30 sin 30  60 A cos 30 ccos 30  0

c 30  60 coos 2 30

  180sin 30 cos
  32.9
3 M Pa 

F  0:  A  900 A sin 30  sin 30

3   90 A cos 30  cos 30  60 A cos 30  sinn 30   0
  90(cos 2 30  sin 2 30)  60 cos 30 sin 30
  71.0
7 M Pa 

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BeerMOM_ISM_C07.indd 1026 1/8/2015 10:04:31 AM


For the given state of stress, determine (a) the principal planes, (b) the principal

σ x = 28 MPa σ y = 140 MPa τ xy = −42 MPa
2τ xy (2)(−42)
(a) tan 2θ p = = = 0.750
σx − σy 28 − 140
2θ p = 36.87° θ p = 18.43°, 108.43° 
σx + σy σx − σy  2
(b) σ max, min = ±   +τ xy 
2  2 
28 + 140  28 − 140  2
= ±   + (−42)
2  2 
= 84 ± 70
  σ max = 154 MPa 
 σ min = 14 MPa 

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BeerMOM_ISM_C07.indd 1030 1/8/2015 10:04:33 AM


For the given state of stress, determine (a) the orientation of the planes of
maximum in-plane shearing stress, (b) the corresponding normal stress.

σ x = 63 MPa σ y = −42 MPa τ xy = 28 MPa
σx −σ y 63 + 42
(a) tan 2θ s = − =− = −1.875
2τ xy (2)(28)
2θ s = −61.93° θ s = −30.96°, 59.04° 
 σx −σ y 
(b) τ max =   + τ xy 

 2 
 63 + 42  2
=   + (28) = 59.5 MPa 
 2 
σx +σy 63 − 42
(c) σ ′ = σ ave = = = 10.5 MPa 
2 2

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BeerMOM_ISM_C07.indd 1036 1/8/2015 10:04:35 AM


a Two o members of uniform crosss section 50  80 mm are glued

g togetherr along plane
a 25
a-a that forms ann angle of 255 with the horizontal.
h Knnowing that thhe allowable
a   600 kPa,
stressses for the gluued joint are   800 kPa and k determinne the largest
50 mm
m centtric load P thatt can be applieed.


Forr plane a-a,   65.

 x  0,
0  xy  0,  y 
P 2
   x cos 2    y sin 2   2 xy sin  cos   0  sin 655  0
A (50  103 )(80  103 )(800  103 )
P   3.90  103 N
s 2 65
sin sin 2 65
6 
( 2   sin 2  )  sin 65 cos 65  0
  ( x   y )sin  cos    xy (cos
A (50  10 )((80  10 )(600  103 )
3 3
P   6.277  103 N
s 65 cos 65 sinn 65 cos 65

Alllowable value of P is the sm

maller one. P  3.90 kN 

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BeerMOM_ISM_C07.indd 1046 1/8/2015 10:04:42 AM


A mechanic uses a crowfoot wrench to loosen a bolt at E. Knowing that

the mechanic applies a vertical 100 N force at A, determine the principal
stresses and the maximum shearing stress at point H located as shown
on top of the 18 mm diameter shaft.


Equivalent force-couple system at center of shaft in section at point H.

V = 100 N M = (100)(150) = 15000 N ⋅ mm
T = (100)(250) = 25000 N ⋅ mm
Shaft cross section: d = 18 mm, c = d = 9 mm
π 1
J = c 4 = 10306 mm 4 I = J = 5153 mm 4
2 2
Tc (25000)(9)
Torsion: τ = = = 21.8 N/mm 2 = 21.8 MPa
J 10306
Mc (15000)(9)
Bending: σ = = = 26.2 N/mm 2 = 26.2 MPa
I 5153
Transverse shear: At point H stress due to transverse shear is zero.
Resultant stresses: σ x = 26.2 MPa, σ y = 0, τ xy = 21.8 MPa
σ ave = (σ x + σ y ) = 13.1 MPa
σx − σy 
 + τ xy = 13.1 + 21.8 = 25.4 MPa
2 2 2
R= 
 2 
σ a = σ ave + R = 38.5 MPa 
σ b = σ ave − R = −12.3 MPa 
 τ max = R = 25.4 MPa  

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BeerMOM_ISM_C07.indd 1050 1/8/2015 10:04:45 AM

y P

6 mm
m A 51 mm Thhe steel pipe AB
A has a 1022-mm outer diameter and a 6-mm wall
A thhickness. Knowing that arm m CD is rigiddly attached to
t the pipe,
200 mm D
deetermine the principal
p stressses and the maximum
m shearing stress
att point K.
10 kN

1 mm

z x


d o 102
ro    51 mm ri  ro  t  45 mm
2 2

 
ro4  ri4  4.18555  106 mm 4

 4.18555  10 6 m 4
I J  2.0927  10 6 m 4
o tube in the plane
Forcce-couple systtem at center of p containiing points H and
a K:
Fx  10 kN
 10  1003 N
M y  (10  103 )(200  103 )
 2000 N  m
M z  (10  103 )(150  103 )
 15000 N  m
Torsion: oint K, place local
At po l x-axis in negative globbal z-directionn.
T  M y  2000 N  m
c  ro  511  103 m
Tc ((2000)(51  1003 )
 xy  
J 4.1855  106
 24.37  106 Pa
 24.37 MPa

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BeerMOM_ISM_C07.indd 1051 1/8/2015 10:04:45 AM

PROBLEM 7.26 (Continued)

Transverse shear: Stress due to transverse shear V  Fx is zero at point K.

|M z |c (1500)(51  103 )
| y |   6
 36.56  106 Pa  36.56 MPa
I 2.0927  10
Point K lies on compression side of neutral axis.
 y  36.56 MPa

Total stresses at point K:

 x  0,  y  36.56 MPa,  xy  24.37 MPa
 ave  ( x   y )  18.28 MPa
x  y  2
R     xy  30.46 MPa
 2 
 max   ave  R  18.28  30.46  max  12.18 MPa 
 min   ave  R  18.28  30.46  min  48.7 MPa 
  max  R   max  30.5 MPa 

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BeerMOM_ISM_C07.indd 1052 1/8/2015 10:04:46 AM

90 MP
M 7.36
330 MPa
Solve Prob. 7.14, using Mohr’s
M circle.
60 MPa
PROBLEM M 7.13 througgh 7.16 For thhe given statee of stress, deetermine the
normal and shearing
s stresses after the element
e shownn has been rotaated through
(a) 25 clockkwise, (b) 10 counterclockkwise.


 x  60 MP
 y  90 MPa,,
 xy  30 MPa
x y
 ave   15 MPa

Plootted points for Mohr’s circlle:

X : (60 MPa,  30 MPa)

Y : (90 MPa, 300 MPa)
C : (15 MPa, 0)

FX 30
tan 2 p    0.4
FC 75
2 p  21.80  P  10.90

2 2
X  752  300 2  80.78 MP
R  FC  FX Pa

(a)   25 . 2  50


  2  2 P  50  21.80  288.20

 x   ave  R cos   x  56.2
5 MPa 

 xy  R
 sin   xy  38.2
3 MPa 

 y   ave  R cos   y  86.2

8 MPa 

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BeerMOM_ISM_C07.indd 1062 1/8/2015 10:04:51 AM

BLEM 7.36 (Continued)
( d)

(b)   10 . 2  200

  2 p  2  21.880  20  41.80

 x   ave  R cos   x  455.2 MPa 

 xy  R sin   xy  533.8 MPa 

  y   ave  R cos   y  755.2 MPa 

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a Solve Prob. 7.22, using Mohr’s circle.

a 25
PROBLEM 7.22 Two members of uniform cross section 50  80 mm are glued
50 mm together along plane a-a that forms an angle of 25 with the horizontal. Knowing
that the allowable stresses for the glued joint are   800 kPa and   600 kPa,
determine the largest centric load P that can be applied.


x  0
 xy  0
 y  P/A
A  (50  103 )(80  103 )
 4  103 m 2
 (1  cos50)
2 A
1  cos 50
(2)(4  103 )(800  103 )
1  cos 50
P  3.90  103 N
P 2 A (2)(4  103 )(600  103 )
 sin 50 P    6.27  103 N
2A sin 50 sin 50
Choosing the smaller value, P  3.90 kN 

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BeerMOM_ISM_C07.indd 1071 1/8/2015 10:04:57 AM

100 MPa PROBLEM 7.55
50 MPa
Determine the principal planes and the principal
50 MPa
stresses for the state of plane stress resulting
+ 75 MPa from the superposition of the two states of
stress shown.


Consider the state of stress on the left. We shall express it in terms of horizontal and vertical components.

 x  50 cos 30
 43.30
 y  43.30
 xy  50sin 30
 25.0

Principal axes and principal stress:

 ave  (118.3  56.7)  87.5
x  y 1
 (118.3  56.7)  30.8
2 2
R (30.8)2  (75)2  81.08
tan 2 p  2 p  67.67  p  33.8 , and 123.8 
 max   ave  R  87.5  81.08  max  168.6 MPa 
 min   ave  R  87.5  81.08  min  6.42 MPa 

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BeerMOM_ISM_C07.indd 1084 1/8/2015 10:05:07 AM

y PROBLEM 7.68
For the state of stress shown, determine the maximum shearing stress
when (a)  y  40 MPa, (b)  y  120 MPa. (Hint: Consider both in-plane
and out-of-plane shearing stresses.)
80 MPa

140 MPa


(a)  x  140 MPa,  y  40 MPa,  xy  80 MPa

 ave  ( x   y )  90 MPa
x  y  2 2 2
R     xy  50  80  94.34 MPa
 2 
 a   ave  R  184.34 MPa (max)
 b   ave  R  4.34 MPa (min)
c  0
 max (in-plane)  ( a   b )  R  94.34 MPa
1 1
 max  ( max   min )  ( a   b )  94.3 MPa  max  94.3 MPa 
2 2
(b)  x  140 MPa,  y  120 MPa,  xy  80 MPa
 ave  ( x   y )  130 MPa
 x  y  2 2 2
R     xy  10  80  80.62 MPa
 2 
 a   ave  R  210.62 MPa (max)
 b   ave  R  49.38 MPa
 c  0 (min)
 max   a  210.62 MPa  min   c  0
 max (in-plane)  R  86.62 MPa
 max  ( max   min )  105.3 MPa  max  105.3 MPa 

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BeerMOM_ISM_C07.indd 1097 1/8/2015 10:05:16 AM

y PROBLEM 7.71

For the state of stress shown, determine the maximum shearing stress
100 MPa
when (a) z  0, (b) z  60 MPa, (c) z  60 MPa.

84 MPa

170 MPa



 ave  (170  100)  135
1 1
( x   y )  (170  100)  35
2 2
R (35)2  (84)2  91
 A  135  91  226 MPa
 B  135  91  44 MPa
(a)  z  0. Point Z corresponding to the z axis is located at O, outside the circle drawn through A and B.
The largest of the 3 Mohr’s circles is the circle through O and A. We have
1 1 1
 max  (OA)   A  (226)  max  113.0 MPa 
2 2 2
(b)  z   60 MPa. Point Z is located between B and A. The largest of the 3 circles is the one drawn
through A and B.
 max  R  91.0 MPa 
(c)  z   60 MPa. Point Z is located outside the circle drawn through A and B. The largest of the 8
Mohr’s circles is the circle through Z and A. We have
1 1
 max  ( ZA)  (60  226)  max  143.0 MPa 
2 2

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BeerMOM_ISM_C07.indd 1100 1/8/2015 10:05:18 AM


For the state of stress shown, determine the value of τ xy for which the
maximum shearing stress is (a) 63 MPa, (b) 84 MPa.

σ x = 105 MPa σ y = 42 MPa
σ ave = (σ x + σ y ) = 73.5 MPa
σx −σy
U= = 31.5 MPa
τ (MPa)
(a) For τ max = 63 MPa
Center of Mohr’s circle lies at point C.
Lines marked (a) show the limits on τ max .
Limit on σ max is σ max = 2τ max = 126 MPa.
For the Mohr’s circle σ a = σ max
corresponds to point Aa.
R = σ a − σ ave
= 126 − 73.5
= 52.5 MPa
R = U 2 + τ xy

τ xy = ± R 2 − U 2
= ± 52.52 − 31.52
= ± 42 MPa 
(b) For τ max = 84 MPa
Center of Mohr’s circle lies at point C.
R = 84 MPa
τ xy = ± R 2 − U 2 = ± 78.7 MPa 
Checking σ a = 73.5 + 84 = 157.5 MPa
σ b = 73.5 − 84 = −10.5 MPa
σc = 0
τ max = (σ max − σ min ) = 84 MPa O.K.
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y PROBLEM 7.79
σy For the state of stress shown, determine two values of  y for which the
maximum shearing stress is 80 MPa.

90 MPa
z 60 MPa


 x  90 MPa,  z  0,  xz  60 MPa
Mohr’s circle of stresses in zx plane:
 ave  ( x   z )  45 MPa
x  y  2
R     zx  452  602  75 MPa
 2 

 a   ave  R  120 MPa,  b   ave  R  30 MPa

Assume  max   a  120 MPa.

 y   min   max  2 max
 120  (2)(80)  y  40.0 MPa 

Assume  min   b  30 MPa.

 y   max   min  2 max
 30  (2)(80)  y  130.0 MPa 

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use.
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use.
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BeerMOM_ISM_C07.indd 1110 1/8/2015 10:05:24 AM

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