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Answer the following exercises and add

its procedure
What is the work done by a 20 N force
along a parallel distance of 8 m?
What force will do the same work in a 4
m distance?
The work done is W = 20 N x 8 m x 1 =
Force = 160 J / (4 m x cos(0)) = 40 N

2. A 10 kg block is dragged by a parallel

force of 26 N. If uk = 0.2, what is the
resultant work and what acceleration is

Normal Force = 10 kg x 9.8 m/s^2 = 98 N

Friction Force = 0.2 x 98 N = 19.6 N
Acceleration = (Net Force) / (Mass)
Acceleration = (26 N - 19.6 N) / (10 kg) =
0.44 m/s^2
3. An 18 kg weight is lifted up to 12 m in
height and then is released in free
fall. What are the potential energy, kinetic
energy and total energy at: the
highest point, 3 m above the ground, at
the ground?

At the highest point, the weight has

reached its maximum height, so its
potential energy is maximum and its
kinetic energy is zero
Potential energy = 18 kg x 9.8 m/s^2 x
12 m = 2116.8 J

At a height of 3 m above the ground, the

weight has some potential energy and
some kinetic energy. We can use the law
of conservation of energy, which states
that the total energy of a closed system
is conserved, to find the potential and
kinetic energy at this height
Potential energy = 18 kg x 9.8 m/s^2 x 3
m = 529.2 J
Total energy = 529.2 J + 529.2 J =
1058.4 J

Velocity = sqrt((2 x 18 kg x 9.8 m/s^2 x

12 m) / 18 kg) = 24.248 m/s
Kinetic energy = 0.5 x 18 kg x (24.248
m/s)^2 = 5264.8 J
Therefore, at the ground, the weight has
0 J of potential energy and 5264.8 J of
kinetic energy, for a total energy of
5264.8 J.

4. Describe rotational kinematics in your

own words.
Rotational kinematics describes the
motion of objects that are rotating around
a fixed axis
5. For a 20 cm diameter disc with a mass
of 400 g, which is initially at
rest, a force of 8 N is applied tangentially
on the edge of the disc.
Determine the moment of inertia and the
applied torque on the disc.
I = (1/2)(0.4 kg)(0.1 m)^2 = 0.002
Torque = Force x Lever arm
Torque = 8 N x 0.1 m = 0.8 N.m

6. A light and inextensible string support

a body of mass of 20 kg
hanging from its lower end. If the upper
end of the string is firmly
attached to a hook on the roof, then what
is the tension in the string?
Weight = 20 kg x 9.8 m/s^2 = 196 N

7. A monkey of mass 17 kg climbs up a

light vertical string suspended
from a hook with an acceleration of 3
m/s2. Find the tension in the
Weight = 17 kg x 9.8 m/s^2 = 166.6 N
Tension - Weight = Mass x Acceleration
Tension - 166.6 N = 17 kg x 3 m/s^2
Tension - 166.6 N = 51 N
Tension = 51 N + 166.6 N = 217.6 N

8. There is a 16 kg mass hanging from a

rope. What is the tension in the
rope if the acceleration of the mass is
Weight = 16 kg x 9.8 m/s^2 = 156.8 N
Therefore, the tension in the rope is

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