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Measures required to make rising population of youth an asset for Pakistan

Pakistan’s demographic survey indicates a growing youth population, with nearly

60% of its citizens under the age of 30. This potential of this youth population, if
harnessed effectively, can propel the nation towards economic prosperity and social
advancement. However, the potential of Pakistan’s youth can only be realized by
addressing the challenges they face and creating an environment that fosters their
growth and development. The measures required to harness this potential and
transform Pakistan’s youth into an asset require a comprehensive approach that
addresses their educational, economic, and social needs.
Education is the cornerstone of empowering youth and equipping them with the skills
and knowledge necessary to contribute to the nation’s development. Pakistan must
prioritize universal access to quality education, from primary to tertiary levels, ensuring
that every young person has the opportunity to learn and grow. This includes
addressing the disparities in education between rural and urban areas, as well as
between genders.
Economic empowerment is another crucial aspect of transforming Pakistan’s youth
into an asset. Creating employment opportunities is essential to absorb the growing
workforce and prevent disillusionment among the youth. This requires promoting an
diverse entrepreneurial ecosystem, vocational training, and aligning educational
programs with the demands of the job market.
Social inclusion is equally important, as it ensures that young people feel valued and
engaged in their communities. Promoting civic participation, encouraging youth
leadership, and promoting interfaith dialogue can create a more inclusive and tolerant
society where young people feel empowered to contribute their ideas and talents.
Technological advancement presents a golden opportunity for Pakistan’s youth to
excel. Investing in digital literacy programs, establishing tech hubs and incubators, and
promoting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education can
harness the youth’s technological aptitude and drive innovation.
Healthcare and well-being are fundamental to ensuring that Pakistan’s youth can
reach their full potential. Access to quality healthcare is essential for their physical and
mental well-being. Promoting healthy lifestyles and addressing mental health issues can
further contribute to the overall well-being of the youth.
Engaging youth in decision-making processes is crucial to ensuring that their voices
are heard and their perspectives are considered. Establishing youth councils, promoting
youth participation in local governance, and providing platforms for youth engagement
can foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among the youth.


Finally, promoting cultural exchange and international partnerships can broaden the
horizons of Pakistan’s youth and expose them to diverse perspectives and
opportunities. Encouraging study abroad programs, facilitating cultural exchanges, and
promoting international collaborations can enhance their global understanding and
Transforming Pakistan’s rising youth population from a demographic challenge into
an asset requires a concerted effort to address their educational, economic, social, and
technological needs. By implementing these measures, Pakistan can transform its rising
youth population from a potential liability into a driving force for national progress. By
investing in their education, skills development, and well-being, Pakistan can harness
the potential of its youth to drive progress, innovation, and sustainable development,
paving the way for a brighter and more prosperous future.


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