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2017학년도 입학시험문제(전공영어)

※ Question 1-1, 1-2는 실제 시험에서 공백의 답안지에 문제를 듣고 답을 기술하는 시험입니다.

Directions: You may take notes as you listen to the following text. After you hear the entire
text, answer the following two questions.

Question 1-1: Summarize the following text on “5 steps to a happier life.” Make sure to write
your summary within the given space in the answer sheet.

Question 1-2: Do you have your own secrets to make your life happier? Describe a couple of
them and discuss how they have changed your life.
A friend confided that she wakes up each morning with a tight feeling in her chest. “The
news is so frightening, life and family pressures pull me, and sometimes I just can’t take it
It is easy to fall into negativity, but we can help ourselves become happier and more positive.
While there are certain situations we cannot change, our attitude and spirit can most
definitely influence our moods. When we focus on transforming our outlook we breathe new
energy into our daily lives. If you want to be a happier person, begin by identifying where
you can change.
1. Happiness is Our Choice
It is time to stop pointing fingers. Blaming others, being the martyr in a relationship, or
thinking that it’s always someone else’s fault is a waste of our time and energy. We can
accuse our boss, spouse, or mother-in law, for our unhappiness. Or we can decide that we
choose our feelings, and no one can force us to choose misery. Once we accept that happiness
is a choice, we begin to own our life. The moment we realize that this is true we start taking
responsibility for our actions and moods. Life is too short to walk around in a chronic state of
2. Stop Expecting
We create our own obstacles by expecting behaviors and actions from others and then being
let down. Once we stop anticipating we can move on and grow wiser. Too often we feel
slighted or overlooked while in reality we caused our own bad feelings with unrealistic
A mother of teens said that she is constantly being disappointed by her own mother.
Birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations go by without being acknowledged. Every
conversation is a self-centered dialogue. Here is this woman, already a mom of grown kids
herself, finding herself lost in child-like emotions because her mother cannot meet her
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if things were different? Of course it would be. But her mother is
not changing, and that’s a fact.
After years of hinting, discussing, and analyzing, the bottom line is that the only way to stop
feeling frustrated is to stop expecting alternative behavior. If this mom can take her
experience and use it to acknowledge her own children with love and attention, then at least
the experience will have been purposeful.
3. Invest in Friendships
Our sages recognize how vital companionship is to our quality of life. One good friend who
is loyal, kind, wishes you well, and shows good character is all you need.
But time creates distance. We become obsessed with our careers, engrossed in parental duties,
busy with balancing budgets and responsibilities, while good friends are left by the wayside.
Sometimes we need to take a step back and ask ourselves if we have invested enough hours
and energy into our relationships.
Spouses count as friends too. If all we do is talk about the kids, problems, and credit card
bills, we have failed to cultivate the most cherished ingredient of marriage. Love cannot grow
without nourishing the friendship between husband and wife.
Our burdens become lighter and our joys become sweeter when we share them with friends.
Don’t wake up one day to realize that you have lost touch and taken the best people in your
life for granted.
4. Put the Past Behind You
Stop living life while looking in the rear-view mirror. We bring ourselves down when we
can’t let go of past hurts and mistakes. Allow yourself to say goodbye to the chaos that has
hounded you. This takes inner courage and strength. But if you continue to hold on to the
pain you will never see yourself as a potent force in your life. You are grieving, hurting, and
aching. but you are not living.
Victor Frankl explained that we are either the sons of our past or the fathers of our future.
“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”
I often meet people who tell me that it is impossible for them to be a good father or mother
because their parent was such a failure. Instead of working on parenting skills, they opt to
walk away from their families and spend years talking about what dysfunctional parents they
had. A new generation is being raised and there is another vacuum in the place where love
and guidance should lead.
You can break the cycle and fix the mess if you can make peace with your past. Ask yourself
this question: How can I make my today better than my yesterday? Give yourself real goals
to help you move on. Embrace the people in your life instead of creating barriers. If you see
that you are struggling with holding onto a grudge or that you can’t move forward, realize
that you are allowing your past to destroy your future. It is up to you to discover the desire
within to live life better. Surrounding yourself with positive people, and concentrating on
choosing emotions like tolerance and patience instead of anger and resentment are all keys to
finding serenity.
5. Rid Yourself of Envy
Jealousy creates bitterness. It brings out the ugly side in a person. Envy consumes. It does not
allow you to enjoy your blessings; instead you are busy counting everyone else’s. Resentment
grows as you attend weddings and Bar Mitzvahs with a begrudging eye. “What about me?”
you wonder.
You don’t realize how unpleasant your comments have become. You slowly suck the joy out
of every happy occasion. By focusing on what you believe you are missing, you lose touch
with the good that you have been given. Discontent eats away any satisfaction you may have
Why do you continue wasting emotions and energy on negative thinking? Despite the
challenges, it is possible to change our attitudes and transform our lives. Happiness is within
reach. You can put these five points into practice and work on making it happen.
(Edited from the source:
# 문제 2: 아래 한국어 지문을 읽고 영어로 다음에 답하시오.

[문제 2-1(요약)] 지문의 내용을 영어로 요약하시오. (번역이 아니고 요약)

[문제 2-2(확장)] 지문의 내용을 참고해 자신의 의견을 영어로 쓰시오.

대통령 연설이 좋으려면

서른도 안 되어 미국 대통령 취임 연설문을 쓴 존 파브로(John

Favreau)의 이야기는 꽤 알려져 있다. 7년간 오바마 대통령의 연
설문을 쓴 뒤 할리우드 시나리오 작가로 스카우트된 사나이인데
그의 후임인 코디 키넌(Cody Keenan)도 유명하다. 화려하면서도
감동적인 문장 못지않게, 대통령 비서실장과 같은 연봉(약 1억
8000만원)을 받는 것으로도 화제가 됐다.
하지만 이번 미국 민주당 전당대회에서 기자의 관심을 끈 연설은
오바마의 것이 아니었다. 소박하고 수수한데도 묘하게 마음을 잡
아 끌던 대통령 아내의 연설이었다. 미셸의 연설문은 자신이 겪은
공포와 충격으로 시작한다. 일곱 살, 열두 살 두 딸을 총으로 무장
한 경호원들의 방탄차에 태워 학교에 보내야 했던 백악관 첫날의
참담함 말이다. 대통령의 딸이기에 더욱 안심할 수 없는 나라. 미
셸 연설의 목적은 민주당 대통령 후보가 된 힐러리 지지였다. 총기
보유와 사건 사고가 일상화된 나라에서, 미셸은 아이들의 안전을
지킬 후보로 '엄마 힐러리'를 자연스럽게 연결했다.
이 연설문을 쓴 스피치 라이터(speech writer)가 궁금했다. 외신
을 찾아보니 하버드 로스쿨을 졸업한 새라 허위츠(Sarah
Herwitz)의 작품이었고, 그녀에게는 흥미로운 사실이 두 가지 있
다. 하나는 허위츠가 원래 힐러리의 연설문을 썼다는 것인데 8년
전 민주당 경선 때니까, 말하자면 남편의 적(敵)이었다. 힐러리의
패배 뒤 오바마 캠프는 허위츠를 스카우트했다. 자신을 공격하는
글을 쓰는 사람을 받아들인 배포도 두둑했지만, 더 인상적인 대목
은 일하는 방식이었다. 신뢰받기 어려울 거라 걱정하던 허위츠에
게 미셸은 먼저 다가갔고, 당시 서른 살이던 '풋내기 작가'와 90분
을 독대하며 속내를 털어놓았다고 한다. 허위츠가 이후 미셸의 복
심(腹心)이 됐음은 물론이다. 미셸 여사는 중요한 연설이 있을 때
마다 자신의 일화를 먼저 꺼내놓았고, '언제나 화가 난 것 같은 엘
리트주의자'로 요약되던 미셸은 '부드럽고도 소탈한 영부인'이 됐
이 분야 필독서 중에 국내에도 번역된 '프레지던트 메시지'가 있
다. 저자인 마사 쿠마 Martha Cuma미국 토슨대 교수는 '많은 미
국 대통령에게 연설은 최우선 순위였다'고 썼다. 레이건 대통령 시
절의 백악관 취재기이기도 한 이 책은 "레이건 정권 내내 연설 담
당 비서관은 어떤 정보든지 얻을 수 있었고, 백악관에서 그들의 신
분과 지위를 인정받는 매우 특별한 사람들이었다"고 증언한다.
청와대 연설기록비서관이 사임하고 후임 비서관의 승진 이후 이
제 한 달인데 청와대 홈페이지에 모아 놓은 대통령의 최근 연설을
읽었다. 부디 박근혜 대통령이 담당 참모들과 좀 더 많은 시간을
보냈으면 좋겠다. 파란만장(波瀾萬丈)이라는 거대한 명사로도 전
달하기 부족한 삶 아니었던가. 대통령의 모든 연설이 그래야 할 필
요는 없겠지만, 박 대통령만의 경험과 일화가 좀 더 자주 등장하기
를 희망한다. 주지하다시피, 연설의 성패는 계몽이 아니라 공감에
달려 있다. (끝)

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