PHP Introduction Grade 8 - Compressed

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PHP Introduction

Computer Literacy 8 2nd Trimester

What is PHP?
● PHP stands for “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
● A widely-used, open source scripting language
● A serve scripting language and a powerful tool for
making dynamic and interactive web pages.
● Its scripts are executed on the server
The Developers of PHP
Rasmus Lerdorf

● He developed PHP at Zend

● It is implemented in C and C++
● He wrote PHP to maintain his personal
home page
● PHP formally called as PHP/FI (Personal
Home Page/Forms Interpreter)
The Developers of PHP
Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski

● They collaborated with Landorf to

improve the functionalities and
features of PHP
PHP Timeline
Early 1994

● Lerdorf developed a system for tracking the number of visits his resume online
● Named the scripts Personal Home Page Tools (PHP Tools)

September 1994

● Lerdorf rewrote the PHP tools to provide richer implementation and more
functionality that would interact with the database
● Expanded PHP and dropped the name to Forms Interpreter (FI)
PHP Timeline
October 1995

● Renamed the language back to PHP, naming it as Personal Home Page

construction kit

April 1996

● Lerdorf combined the names of the past releases and introduced as PHP/FI
● PHP 2 was released from a suite of tools to a full-pledged language
● Has support for database, included cookies, user-defined functions, etc.
PHP Timeline

● PHP 3 was released with collaboration with Lerdorf, Andi Gutmans and Zeev
● It has a close resemblance to PHP as we know today

May 2000

● PHP 4 was released to improvise the language’s performance in complex

applications and improve the modularity of its codebase.
PHP Timeline
July 2004
● PHP 5 was released with its features like support for object-oriented
programming, PDO extension, and other performance improvements
December 2015
● PHP 7 was released with better improvements in the way the web was
● It revolutionized the way we delivered applications from mobile, websites,
cloud and enterprise.
● It reduced the consumption of memory and has many frameworks that make
development easy.
PHP Timeline
November 2020

● PHP 8 was released it has optimizations and additional features such as

attributes, union types, name arguments, constructor property promotion and
null safe operator.
What is a PHP file?
● It can contain text, HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP
● Code is executed on the server, and the result is
returned to the browser as Plain HTML
● Have extension “.php”
How PHP works?
● It can generate dynamic page content
● It can create, open, read, write, delete and close files
on the server
● It can collect and encrypt data
● It can send and receive cookies
● It can add, delete modify data in your database
● It can be used to control user-access
How PHP works?
● is an open-source web server solution package. It is
mainly used for web application testing on a local host
Why we need XAMPP?
● To run any PHP program, you will need Apache or
MYSQL databases, both supported by XAMPP.
XAMPP helps you to run your program smoothly.
How to install XAMPP?
1. Download XAMPP
2. After download, “Select Components” section. Check
all required documents
3. Select Directory “C:\xampp” then click on next
4. Once it is installed you are good to go.
How to run a code using PHP?
1. Go to “C:\xampp\htdocs” and inside it, create a folder. It is considered a good
practice to create a new folder for every project you work on. Example: “demo”
How to run a code using PHP?
2. Inside your newly created folder, create a new text file and name it “index.php”.
Write the script you need to code
How to run a code using PHP?
3. To see the script output, open the XAMPP control panel and Start Apache and
MYSQL to host the local webserver, where our script will be running
How to run a code using PHP?
4. Navigate to your browser and type in localhost/demo in the address bar to view
the output

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