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There was a boy named Bido who live at the top of the mountain of Mount Sabo.
He was far from his fellow Isneg who already built their houses and lived at the
lowlands. Bido preferred a quiet place to stay because he wants a simple and peaceful
life. He plants vegetables and other crops as well as takes care of a herd of cows and
feeds them everyday.

One day, a greedy hyena saw Bido’s herd of cows inside a high fence. It planned
to enter and eat some of them, but Bido was there watching the animals under his care.
The hyena hid and waited and waited. It was already dark, the hyena still cannot get in
because Bido is still inside so, it carefully tried to sneak. The hyena was able to get
inside the fence but Bido was not able to notice it because he cannot clearly see the

Bido heard a scream from the herd, he immediately went straight and saw a
hyena biting one leg of the calf. He took a stick to shoo the hyena, but it is too thin to get
rid of it. Unfortunately, one of the calves was taken away and Bido felt devastated of
what happened.

The next day, Bido decided to secure the barn’s fence. “It would be a good idea if
I will give the hyena a lesson,” he whispered to himself. So, he put thorny bamboos and
bushes at all posts and scattered them inside the barn to serve as trap whenever the
hyena gets in again. As Bido feeds the cows at twilight, the hyena planned to take
another cow again. “Ha ha ha, I am sure this boy will not notice me again, I will eat all
his cows and will not leave any,” said the hyena as he chuckles softly, but little did he
know, there are a lot of traps inside.

Bido hid and waited patiently for the hyena to enter. He covered himself with
dried leaves and pretended to be sleeping. The hyena reached the barn, entered swiftly
and directly went straight to its target. But before it reached the cow, the felt a deep pain
which made it stumble to the ground. It cried and unfortunately rolled over the thorns
and cried loudly. “I have all thorns all over my body now because of my wickedness. I
am regretting because I am too greedy” the hyena cried. It tried to get up, but it can’t
because it is too painful for him to stand. Bido came out and felt pity on the hyena’s
condition. He helped it remove the thorns and freed the hyena.

The hyena realized the bad things he did to Bido and to the cows. It felt sorry and
on that moment, it started to improve himself not to be greedy. Since then, the hyena
never returned to Bido’s house.

Lesson: If you are too greedy, you will one day be in danger.

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