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Francis DK Ching - A Visual Dictionary of Architecture II

Architecture (University of Santo Tomas–Legazpi)

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Any of the forces to which a
structureis subjected.

static load
A load appl1edslowly tc a structure

., until It reaches Its peak V4lue without

fluctuatingrapidlyIn magnitudeor
position.Undera static load. a
structure responds slowly and Its
deformationreaches a peak when the
static force Is
r---------------------------40 live load
Arry moving or mcva ble load on 3
occupancyload - .. - .... - .... structure result!ngfrom occup;lncy.
The llYe load on Oil structure resulting collectedsnow arid water. or moving
from the weight of equipment.AIlve !aa.d typlGally;lcts
stored IT13terblandother similar vert\callydownward.but may ut
Items In a 6ul1dlng codes horizontallyas well to reflectthe
specify minimum live loads for c:!ynamlcnature of a moving load.
various uses ana occupancies. .-,,., __ .. L. load
The statlc load acUng vertlGally
snowloaJ ........................... _..' downwardon Oil str'.JCture.comprising
The live load resultingfrom the the of the structure ana
we41ht of snow accumulatl"'Jon a the of elements.
roof. Snow loads vary with fOCtures.ana equipmentpermanently exposure. attached to It.
wlna cond1t1ons.ana roof geometry.
water load - ..... -.......... -- .... .
waur pressure
The Uve load of water thAt may
The upllftlng a water tabl.e
accumulateon a roof l10ecauseof Its
exertson a four.d3t1onsystem.
form, def1ectloo.or the cloggingof
Its draln31esystem. e.rth pressure
The horizontalfolU a soli mass
exertson a retaining
5ettkment Ic3d ...... _.
A load Imposed C1'I a structure by
sul7sldenceof a portionof the
seiland the resulting
.- of Its foundat\or1.

A load substituted by a buildingcoJe for
an actu3lloaJ,derived on the \;.Isisof
<. loAd
»1- ;rindload •• '_"e.
often with rapid ch3ngesIn IIt3gnltuk
st3t1st!cJievidencefor given types of
h;il.:l;rys. For mety. the equivalentload <.,-___L-______ ana IocJtlon.Undera dyNmlc 1oad. a
structur-edevelops forces In
relatlon to Its mass and ttslT13xlm:Jm
Is T.ultlp1eof the load that ...... - mcvingload
""';" 'J failureor unacceptable Akinetic load of short durationdue defOrTT13t1ondoes not necessarily
to corre5roodto the maximum m31nltuae
machinery.6uild1ng codes trtat this of the appliedforce.
load as a static load. compens.atlng

The (]:;d .3 na two or more live loads for tts dyn. mlc I13tureby amplifylng
iSsumed to occur simultaneouslyon a
structu re when their combinedeffectcan
tl-.e stat1c load. Also called Impact I
Pe reasonablyexpectedto be less than
r the sum of their 5ep3l'3teactions.
impact factor
Afactor by which the effect of a
1 1.00 (dad + live + snow (oaJ5) 5t4tlG load Is multlplledto
approximatetM effectof applying
(.75 (dead + five + snow + wfndorsdsmfc103d5) tJ-o.e same load dynamically.

load reduction erectionstress

A reduction In design loading allowed by The stress Inducedon a
I I7ulldlngcodes for certain load unit or componentby loads
combinations.l7asedon the assumption appl1ed during the erection
that root all live loads will act process. constructlon load
simultaneouslyon a structure at their A temporaryload on a structure
erection I1racing
full Afur all possibleload occurring during Its erectlon.;;Is
The temporarybracing required
combinationsare considered,a structure from wind or the Weight of
to secure the units or
Is designed to carry the most severe but constn.:ctlonequipmentand stored
componentsof a building until
distribution.concentration.and ma';e"als
perm3nentlyfastenedIn pbce.
con-b of toads


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I3teI'2IJoaa seismic seismicforce
A Io3J on a structure, Of, pertainingto, or caused by an Any of forus C3u$td U1c vrmtcry
as a load. earthqua\:eor vluratlonof the earth. grO'Jrla motlo1'1sof 3n e;; rtru.U.'l(e.
these :r.otlonsare
e.1rthqw i r..;t;Jt"!,their horizD1Tt41 at"!
The fOlUS exerteaon a structure!1yan con $Ider!d to be t M most 1m portant in
S".. the vert.bllaad-
e.1rthqute dements of a structure
C...?!1skknb!ereserve for resisting t .
Aseriesof 10119ltudlnaI and transverse
vl/1rnlonsInduced In the earth's crust !1y 6<i:!it]cn;J1vertlc3lloads. an
the almlp'lI1OVementof plates along fautt eartnQ:J3te,the m.;ss of .. s-t-rJcture
hnes. The sIIocisof an ea rthquaKe develof,s Inertl;J1force It tries to
the earth's surfaceIn the reslstgrounaacceleration.From
form of and attenuate secorJ 14w, this force ls to the
Iogarft:hmbllyMth distancefrom Its prodoct of mass and accelentlori.For
source. design purposes,a stat:lc3rtye.qclv;ii!em
13ter;;1force, base shear, Is computed by
epicenta' - .. ........... , ....... ......... .. formula.
A point dIrt:ctIy.rovethe hypocenter,from
which the shod:: waves of an ea rthqua I:e - ..

hypocenter ....... - .. - ..... ,-- ...... .

The pointof origin of an earthquake,Also u
fault ... -- ......................... - ....... ..
A Urt3k In the earth's crust accompanled!1y
a Jlslocatbnin tile plane of the fracture.
plate • - ....- ............................... \
Anyofthe huge lI'IOV3ule segmentsInto
which the e4rth'scrust Is divided.
0.3 < t < 1.0 SoX.

viln-aticft periodicmotion period IUtun I of yjPrn.lcn

The osclllatlng.reclprocatlng, or Arty motlon that recurs In the sarr.e The time reqUIredfor one complete The tl!re requIredfor a to 3
other periodicmotionof an elastic
roJt or medium when forceclfrom a
form ..t equallntemls of tIme. cycleof a W3ve orosctnatlon. -'1 vlmt.cry forc.e to th roug h OM
oscHl1tla1lnt:ke direction
posltlonor state of equlill.?rlum. harmonicmotion A stl"Jeture'snT.ur31
Periodicmotion consIstingof one or
peMod of t'ibrntonV:llies 6CC01"&ntj to its
more vlmtory motionsthat are helght;iP:.-vC the base and Its dirnenslon
symmetricaUout a region of eqUilibrium, paralielto tM dlrectlonof the apptied
as the motion of a vll7ratlngstring of a forces. A re14Uve 5Uff struc1.<Jre tends
to h.1s. short pM:.d ,

of while a IT1OI"e I
-stl"Jei'...uretends to oscillatesJcwly and
Msa period. Alsc
pa-iod of

_.- amplitude
The I!14XllTlumdlsplJc.ementfrom the
mean poslt«Jnduring one per\cJof an
drift 1'<------4--.--
The lateraldeflectionor 'T"1--""'-'-1 A S1'ring of 3" oscJllatlt\3body
I I \\ I
to wind, e<lrthquake,or 11
I asymmetricalverticalloading. _.................
\ t-- \ !

I I I I To swing 00 and forth 1J1:e. pendulum
anteroff1t255 --.
total JeM Ptdght - {!..
- ..
h*-lI ',_ ... -- L .... lnertlalforcueslstlng
\ I .It.enutlng

: I ground;ccelmtJon
An large vlbratlonIn a
1 1 systemC3 used a re!atwe!ysma"
vlmtc.-y force of the sa me or na riy the
0-- same per'w:ld as the naturalperIodof
grouna accefent.lon viUrat Ion of the system.
The In the velocItyof
ground rooremetltwtth respectto tlme.
High acceferatlonsare the most
damagingto a structure,which must try damping - ......................................... .,..!-!·-

to followthe rapid changes In ground The al1sorptlonor dIssIpationof !

movementJuringan energy to progressIvelydiminIsh
successIveoscillationsor W3ves
of a vluratlng structure.


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t :----. weightfactor -.--------------.-----

f.: The total dead load of a bulldln". •
i: Includingthe weight of ······'.•.
f' stored materials.permanent -
---- i equipment.and hea..y snow loads. i-----------·
A Ir.Jse sear i Base shearIs directly proportionalto
./ The level at which earthquakemotionsare
accordingto the prolr.lDIeseismic actlvtty i the mass of a uulldlng:the greater
. assumed to be Imp-artedto a structure.
There a1'8 5
of a ¥Ographlc location.
zones In the U.S. with ,i the mass. the greater the base she4lr.
'\ t {
zone 0 tto.e Ie3st 4Jctlve and Z9ne 4
an are;; close to 3 major fauft /,CZI W= V )-----------I'---f . :::=::=...,..r.---L-----'- base
system. ''--.----- b1se sht3r' --.-.---...--..:----..,
.-/' ,../Rw The shearingforce developedat the Ir.lse of
sei,mic coefficient -------- .. a structure Dy the tendencyof Its upper
..- mass to remain at rest while the !rase Is
A coefflcIentfor adjustingPase shear / groundacceleration
accordingta relationshipl>etween the ... puilding factor translated Dy ground motionsduring an
natu,..l perrd of v!l;ratlonof a structure Acoefficientfor adjusting\7ase shear earthquake.Base shearIs the minimum
and that of unc:krlyfngsail on which the accordingto constructlontype and design valuefor the total lateralselsmlc
structure rests_ When these periodsare rnaterl31.3nd the energy-aDsorDlng force on a structure.and Is assumed to act
$lmll4Jr. srarIs Increasedto reflect capacityof the structural and lateral nonconcurrentlyIn the directionof e;lch of
the likelihoodof dt:structlveresonances force-reslsUngsystems used. Base shear the main axes of the structure.It Is
occumng tn the structure.Also called Is Inverselyproportionalto the energy- computedDy multiplyingthe total dead
pase shear codficient. al1sor1:nngcapacityof a structure; the load of the structureDy a numPerof
greaterthe structure's stiffnessor coeftIctentsto reftectthe cnal'3Cterana
,ftc ccefficient ductility. the lower the Pa5e shear. Irrtensltyof the ground motions.the mass
the natureand and stiffness of the structure and the way
of* foonaatlonsoil usuallyIr.lsed horizontalforu factor these are dlstrJDutea,the type of soI1
on a InvtStlgatlon.Ground Acoefficientused In calculatingthe lateral underlyingthe foundation,and the presence
m much greater In seismicforu on structural elements. of mechanismsIn the structure.
anuvlalsoils In rody areas ordlluvlal nonstructuralcomponents.or their
----- ----- ... di5tri17ution of pase 'hear
soils. connections.accordingto their wef9ht and

1"- Iiquebcticn
function. r The mannerIn wh!ch lr.Jse shear Is
dlstrluute<./ the of structure
! 1M sudden bs5 of srarlng re$lstJnce In a story shear ---------------------------.. -... ----f.----H.....------J accordingto the displacementsthat would
so1. causing the soil mass to The total shear In arry horizontalplane of a : occur an earthquake.For l>olldlng
as 4J structure subject to lateral loads, of regular shape I'Ittn equal
dlstrl!nIteOaccor.dlngto the varlcuslateral floor weightsand and no
force-resistingelementsIn proportionto IrregularitiesIn stiffnessor mass. \7ase
their rigidities. Story shear 15 cumulative shear Is dlstrl17uWto e;lch horizontai
and Increasesfrom tts minimum value at diaphragma\7ove the !rase In proportlcnto
the top to Its maximumat the the floor weightat each level and Its


r puilding &eparation
The requiredto avokJ contact
r- _____ _
distancefrom l7ase. This resultsIn 4J
tri3ngularload ccnflguratlonval)1ng from
zero at the !lase to a maximumvalue 3t the
top. For structures having a I13turalperiod
. separatedstructures under of vll7ratlongreatu than 0.7 sec.on.ds.a
I --,
deflectionfrom selsmlc actionor wind I I
portlOnof the tot4ll7aseshear Is assumed
forces. I I to 3t the top of the
I I structure to accourrtfor the whiplash
I I effect of seismicforces. For structures
I I with Irregularshapes orframlng systems.
I I tne dlstrll>otlonof lateralforces should De
I I determinedaccordingto the relatP.'e
.. stlffnessesof adjaunt floor levels and the
dynamic characteristicsof the structure_

\- overturning moment
An externalmoment generatedat the l7ase
of a structure Dy a IJteralloadapplied at a
distancea\7ovc grJde. For equlllDrlum,the
overturningmoment must Ue
rr wunter\7alancedby an externalrestoring
momentand an Internalresistingmoment
SUlry drift horizontaltorsion restoring moment
provIded Dyforcesdeveloped In column
The rrcrementof one level of a The torsion resultlngfrom a lateral load A resistingmoment provided Dy the dead
meml7ersand shear walls.
structure retztlve to the level above or acting on a struc'ture having noncolncldent load of a structure acting aDout the same
Pelow. centersof mass and resistance.To avoId point of rotationas the overturnIng
destructive torsionaleffects. structures movement.BUildingcodes usuallyrequire
drift Index subject to lateral loads should De arranged that the restoring moment De at least 501.
The maxlmum rJt10 of story drift to story and Draced symmetricallywith centersof greaterthan the overturningmoment. Also
by 3 code In order to mass and resistanceas coincidentas called righting moment.stablllzJng
IMfnlmlu to Pulkilng componentsor possl!7Ie..lnasymmetricallayouts.bracing moment.
adJ3cent Also called drift elementssnauld distributed with
hmIt.atl 011 stlffnes5es that correspondto the
dlstrlbutlon of the mass.


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t. '

wind load sliding uplift flutter

Any of the forces exerted by the kinetic The horlzontallTlO'.'ementof a structureIn The r;;islng of a structureor port:onof The rapid oscillationsof a cable or
energyof a lI13SS of air, resultingIn to a lateralload. structlJreIn responseto an OYertumlng rr.embranestructure caused by the
momet1tor wind suctlon.
pressureon parts of a structure uroJynamlceffects of wind. Also called
.nd suctlon on others. urodytumlc oscilL1tton. '

6ernaulli . ) dynamicwind pressure -----+)! wind

An express10nof the conservatlonof energy The pressureexerteJ by a movl"9 II13SS of l A minimumdesign value for the equlvoilent 1.,J
In stre3 mnne flow, stating thatthe sum of air, from Bernoulli'sequationand i statlc pressureon the exteriorsurfaces
the ratlo of pressureto mass density,the equal to the productof the mass density 1 of a structureresul1;Jngfrom a crltlc3l
squareof the vetodtydivided !1y 2. and the of the air and the squareof the vebcltyat l wind velocity,tqU31 t<) the wind
produa of the gravtt.tionalconstantand a given heightdivided by 2. l pressure modified;.y a
vertlc2lheight.rem.l1insconstant.Also ! of coefficientsto UCOIJntfor the
called 6emounrs ! effectsof exposurecondition,!11Jlidlng A coefficientfor Incre.slngthe
values for wind or seismicforces on a
height factcr ! h.elght.wlna gusts,and the geometryand
A coefficientIncre3slng wind i of the structuret<) the Peeause of Its large occup.ncy,lts
pressureto 3CCOUnt for the In :.: Impi:'.gingair flow. hazardous or Its
wind velocitywith height apoye the .... ' natureIn the wa(e of a hurrlc'rIe
I ground. ."" or earthquake.
gust factor
A coefficientIncreJslngdesign wind
®. I""
. wind rt.agnrtion pre,sure
The static equivalentto dynamic wind
pressureto acccuntfor the dynamic .. ' i .... _.... pressureused as a referenceIn calculatlng
I effectsof wind gusts. design wind pressure,sptcIfWIn pounds
i --.} I p,-e,sure coefficient
AcufflclentmoJrfylngdesign wind
square foot and tqU41 to 0.D0256tllMS
exposure the sqU3re of the Uaslc wind
pressureto reflecthew the geometryand r;;Phlc Iocatlon.Wind velocity
; 1\.
One of four conditions
ofthevar'cusp3rts of a approochesuroas the air IlUSS
/ l
wind pressureaccordingto oktructlons In
I the area surroundinga site.. struc't<Ire aIter tJo.e tffects of an parts to flow around an oPstruc'tlon.Slnce ¥' posltIYe the sum of dynamicpressures
exposureA:. umn areas with coefficlentsresult In wind pressurewhile remains constantIn streamlineflow, an of
®. liulldlngs.or rough, hilly terrain; outw.rdor negativeccdfIclentsresult; In the In the flow at thiS polrttof

. i r--···--1
I \.- exposure5:
or romng krr3ln;
sttes. wooded areas.

exposurec; flat. open terrain wtth minimal

wind suction.
Is In tht form of static

wind speed
The wind velocityused In calculatingwind
pressure:.usuallythe extreme
t---+_-+- .. f...... exposureD: flat, unobstructedterrain fa,u,t-mite wind 'peed - ........._. - - wind speed recordedfor a
• J. f.clng I10dles of water. The mrage of. Iocatlonli"ta starilird heightof
column of air that psses oyer a 33 ft. (10 m) 3rta based on .. 50-year/TIt:ln
o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 The mOrt open 3 s/U. the greaterthe 'Nind point. IT'".e3suredin per hcw.
speed3f1a the resvftingaeslgn iWlapre$tJre.
occurrenceIntetYal.Also called
r r
wir.d veWcfty.
wind 5uction
leeward --- - The pressureexerted wind on
Pertainingto. or the sldesand vertIc.l1lS<Jmusof
racing the "Irectlon toward .. aM roonnal to windwardroof
nT! rrrrrrrrrrTT
___ -----;¥IllCh the win" wing. surfacesh..v1ng a less tn.n 30". f

?Ji . .. i-.-_.. -.-

Pertainingto, l'Ie!ng ln, or
facing the
which the wind

wind pressure
The pressureexertedby wind hOflzontal1y
on the windwardvertlcalsurfaGeSof a
normalforce method
A design methodfor 2pplylngdesign wind
pressure to the primaryfr.1me and !:>racing
systems of ..

which wind
pressuresare assumedto act
normaI t<) all exterior
surfaces.This methcJ may used for any
structure.(,ut Is rqulredfor g3 bled rigid

A design methodfor applyingdesign wlr.d
pressureto the primaryfrarr.eand
of a pulkilng.lnwhich the total
Is con5kferedto a
ccmDlnaUonof. single Inwardor positive
presSUit actmg on the-fun
pulldlngand normal to windward roof vertlc31 projectedarea of th.e and
surfaceshaving a slope greaterthan 30°.
frames. an outwardor negativepressureacting 0f1
the full horizontalproJUtedare. of the
r3rt. buliJ/rIg$. i'rf'th unuSU3{
l'>uildlng. This method m.ily for any
or corr:fk:tsh3pes.1tIa fdb{e
structureless than 200 ft. (61 m)
suujecttcfivtter ttrma except for ga!:>led rigid frames.
tunneltd:Ingor C«rf!Mt"fTII)Jaing to
InvtStig'U how tMy rtSfon4to tJ:t .
of 'Nind


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Building with units ofvarious
field natural or manufactured products.
The expanseof 3 masonrywalll1etween as stene, PricK, or concreU plock,
openIngs ana comers.usuallycomposed usuallywith the use of
primarilyof stretchers. mortar as a ponding agent.
he3djoint --.-- .. --.--.. -.--.---.
The verticaljoInt !letween two
masonryunits. perpend1cular
to the face of a wall.

Aheadjolntfanned I1y
"pplylng mortarto the end of
" IT13SOnryunit and forcing It - course
In posItionag3lnstthe 13st A continuous,usuallyhorizontalrange
masonryunit laid. of brIc1:s.tiles. or In a wan
or roof.
collarjoint ------------ ---. -- ----- ----- A continuouscourse of masonryunits
Thevertk:.ljolnt retween two having the same heightfrom end to
wythesof masonry. end.
The last masonryunit laid In a course.
The horizontaljoint !letween
two masonrycourses.
bed ---.---.-------.-----.--.----.----.
The undersk:leof" brick or ------ cor!1e1
other masonryunit. or the
layerof mortarIn which a
A orstene projectll19from
within a wall. usuallyto supporta
masonryunit I5laki
clipjoint , - coruelio,g
A Joint made thicKer tha n
An overlappingarrangementof
usual I" order to level the
brids or stones In wh ich t'ach
course above.
course steps upward arul outward
from tht; verticalface of a wall_

wythe _________j_. __ .. J
A continuousverticalsectionof II
masonrywall one unit In thickness,
Also. wft.he.
------------... --------. concavejaint
A weather-resistantmortarjoint A ClJrved. hollowed mortarjoint formed
compressedand with any by <I r'O'Jnaea par.
tao! ather than a trowel.

An .ngul3r.hollowed mortarJoInt
formed by a V-5hapeajointer.

point weatMredjolnt
To f11 arul flnlsh the surfaceof;l masonry A mortarJoint finishedI1y striking A m0rt3rJoIIItsmoothedI1y pressl"9
I I Joint with mortarafter the masonry has off excess mortarwith a troweL the trowel In at the upper eage of the
I been laid. tither toflnlsh thejoint or to
repair a defectiveJoint.
sheds water re3dlly.
.-- I
I tuck pointing .-.-.----.-----.-.. -------.-.-.-. :..' ".,,:.-... :.:
,I The processof raking out defectivemortar •.'., -. ".
A mortarJoint strud: flush with the
from a IT\3S011I)'joint. filling with fresh masonry.
mortar, ana too11119 thejolnt. _
wck and pat pointing .------------ ------ ..: '. ':- .. '. '. .' :. ':.-
of :.' .. .- '.' .: .-- :-' A mortarjoint In at the lower
edge and slop1119 In the reverse
I pointing '1 directionfrom a weatheredJoint.
r An Imlt3tlon of tuck and pat pOinting. having ,,1
a fillet made from the mortarof the JOint.
, flat-joint pointing .-- --.'. rakeajoint
A mortarJoint made I1y removing
- I PoIntlng having flushjoints of cornman mortar to a given wIth a square-
mortar. edged tool hardening.

- I

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m.1sonty -- ..•.... - ........ _................ " economywatl
Awall constnJcWof brick or other '" A brick wan 4 In. (102 rr.m) thick.
soI1d rrgsonryunitsbid contiguously plasteredand strengthenedAt
with aDpin10solidlyfilled with mortar Intervalswith 8-ln. (20:3-mm) pilasters
aM wythes I10nded by to support roof trusses.
ItI3sonryheadersor Jnetalties.

, '

·'1 •

....... composiUwall
.' wythe d1sslmllarto the other wythe or
c.1vitywall-·-···-·--·---··-·--- .. ·--·---., t •
. '.:' wythes with respectto type or grade
A masonryW2Uh2vtng a ana ' •... .': :'.: ..: of masonryunit or mortar.
for metal ties ana enclosingan Inner ", ... - tle
space servtng to preventpenetration \', A metaI tie consistingof two
bywater. ". In te rlocklng pa rts whIch et13171eIt to
adapt to Pea Jointsat different
hclng .- '-"---'" -.. -.. -... -- ... -.. -.... -.. -.... elevations.
An ornamentalor protectivelayer. as '.
the outer wythe of a masonrywall.
..... tie
Any of variouscon-oslve-resistarrt
backing --... --._ .. -...... -.-....... - .. - .. . metal devicesfor holding two partsof a
Somethingthat forms the pack or ••••• ""-''''1."''''''- the wythes
pr-ovlJesSlIpport.strength.or of a masonrywall
protectlonfrom the !7ack. as the Inner
wythe or of a masonrywall.
uacl: p,-"tel'
r0 pargea part of a waU that Is not
weep hole -.---.---.--------- ..-.-.- -- -.- seen. as Pehlna the ouw wythe of a
A openln4In a wall
cavtty wan In orderto excludeair and
moisturefrom the Interlor of the wall.
""u.or otherconstnJctIon
for ar.lnlll!off a<:cumuiaWmoisture.
as from GOI'Idensatlonor leakage.

t.aced wan _ ............ -- ........ -...... --".

Awall a rrusonryfacing ponded
to 2 !7acklll!so as to a common
action UMer Ioa4

panel wall
A veneer sapportedl:>y and securedto a A exterior n-usor.ry
!7acklng by Intansof a bonalng material. wa nwholly 5U pporteJat each story.
veneer -.--- .... -----..... --.......... --.-
Anonstruaural of stone. Adevicefor liftinga dressedstone or
C-OIICI'tte.or tile to a precast panel consistingof a
for the purposeof ornamentation. numt>erof pieces fltt:Ingtogether to flll
a cIovet.a11edrtUSs cut Into the stone
or panel.

- .... ---.-. -----.- ....

A wan h2vIn4 a nonstructlJralfacing """
rtbche.d Put not rondtd to a .
anchored veneer A wmpressluiejoint directly Pelow a
A supportedby and securedto a shelfor relievingangle.
!7acklng Py r.eans of mechanical allowingfor the expansionana
fasteners. contractionof a panel wall ana
preventingthe weight of highercourses
from befng transmltUd to the masonry


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mortar Type M mortar grouted m3sonry
Apt..stlG of lime or cement. or a A hlgh-strengthmortarrecommended A wall constructedof "riel:or concrete
combll14tlonof both. with sand and for use In reinforcedmasonry-pelow I7rIcl: units with all Interiorjoints being
W3ter. used as, Pending agent in grade or in contact with the earth. as fliled with grout as the worl:
const...JCtlon. foundationana retainingwalls subject progresses.
umentmcrt..;r .. ----------
I to frost action or to high lateralor
- -I compressiveIoads_
AIr.ortarmade mixing portland
c.e::1t1'1t.5JM, arid water. II Typ85 mortar
, A medium-hlgh-strengthmortar
cement-limerrwrt.1r recommenaedfor use In masonrywhere
Acementmor-.... r to which lime Is added bond and lateral strengthare more high-lift grouting
to Increasetts Fllstlctty and water- Importantthan compressivestrength. A techniquefor groutInga masonry wall
constructeda story at a time In lifts
Type H mortar not exceeding6 feet (1.8 m).
m3S<lnry A medium-strengthmortar
AproprietaryJr:Cx of portlandcementand recommendedfor generaluse In low-lift grouting
other as hydrated hme. exposedmasonryarove grade where A techniquefor groutinga masonrywall

I plasticizers.alr-rotralnlngagents.and

only the additionof
to make cement rrwrtar.
high compressiveand lateralstrength
are nat requlred_
Type 0 mortar
In lifts not exceedlng six tlmes the
width of the grout space or a maximum
of a Inches (203 mm) as the wallis
epc'XY I7ullt.
A low-strengthmortarsuitablefor use
A rr.ortar of epoxy resin. a In Interior non-load-bearingwalls and _. --- grout pour
cat31yst.and f.r!C aggregate. partitions. The total height of masonryto be ftlied
nonstaining martar with grout before the erectionof
Type K mortar aadltlonalmasonry.conSistingof one
A mortarhavll\3 3 low free-alkalicontent A very-low-strengthmortarsuitable
to :n1nlmlz.eeff\..--rescenceor the staining or more grout Itfts.
only for use In Interiornon-load-bearing
of 3dJacentmasol1 ry by the migrationof walls where permittedby the "ulldlng --- ------. grout lift
$OIui7'.e code. An Incrementof grout heightwithin a
lime mortar total grout pour.
A mixtureof Ii:r..e. sana. and water that Is grout ------------ ---- -- ------ -- -------'::-_ .. cleanout
mely used of Its slow rate of A fluid cement mortarthat will flow -'" Any of a series of temporaryopenings
hardeningarid compressivestrength. easily withoutsegregationof the at the bottom of a masonlj'wall large
lime IngredIents.use.:! to fill rt3rrowcavftles enough to permit the removalof de"ris
In masonryand consolidatethe or obstructionsfrom a cavttyor cell
A wh Ite or 9r7y':sh white.C3 us tlc.
adjoiningmaterialsInto a solId mass. prior to groutlng.
odortessso!ld by heatlngforms
of C3lclum as shells or lJond
temperature.Also grouted ma50nry
The adhesion"etween mortaror grout
C31\ed QIx. caustic lime. and the masonryunits or steel A masonry wall constructedwtth
'\Ulcklime. reinforcement"elng cemented. horizontaland vertical
"-. reinforcementfully embeddedIn grout
hydrated lime
for Increasedresistanceto buckllng
A soft.CIj'St3k:r.e powderol7talnedby
and lateral wind ana seismic loads.
lime and used In
MI1I9 rncrt¥. p-bster.ana cement. Also
c.olled calcium hydroxide. slaked lime.

Of or to conc:-eteor mortar that
Is freshly set not completelyhardened.

A or :r.crtarmix that Is easy to
l¥Cft or spread of a relativelyhigh
or nrrc: :.ootent.Also called rich

!eJn mix hollow unit ma50nry

A coocreteor :r«i-3r mix that Is difficult to A wall constructedof hollow masonry
_I 1'I(in; or of a shortnessof units laid and set with mortar. with

ce:nent or adJaunt wythes I70ncled by masonry
headersor metal ties.
An admixturefor a concreteor
mortarmix wIth little water.

". reinforcedhallow-unit masonry -

Hollow unit masonryhaving certain
cells continuouslyfUled with concrete
or grout. In which reinforcingsteel Is
joint reinforcement .. ': embeddedfor Increasedresistanceto
_I Any steel reinforcementplaced In a
bed joint to Increasethe resistance
buckhng and lateralwlna and seismic
of a wall to cracking.




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fragmentsof Uroken storie or To emPed small stone chips In the JnOrt.J:-
tht masonry of such stones. joints of rough masonry to wedge I3rger
stones In posltlonor add det.'illto the
appearance.Also. garrtt.

coursed nipple . cyclopean

A wan h:wlng discontInuousput ANDbIe wall hJvlng approximately A rucw wall pulltof S<iuaredstones Formed wt'...n p\cd:s of
approximatelylevel peds or courses. le¥el Peds and at Intervalsto of Ij sizes and coursedat rNt:ry stones fitted closelytogetherI'rithout
continuouslevd courses. third 01" fourth stone. the use of mortar.
; I

ashlu random 3shLu proken nngework

A sqtared stonefinely dressed on AshlarIT13soory In Ashlar lI"'.Jsonry1xI1/tof stones having Ashbr masCJnrylaid In hortzont..olcourses
• to those of other stones discontinuousCO'J rses. the S4m(: h&-9ht within e3ch course. of t'arylngheights• .anyoneof m3J'
so as to permitvery thin mortarjoInts. course varying In height. be I1ro(enat tntuvals Into two cr more

AshlAr masonryhaving the faces of

the dressea s'".ones raised or
contrastedwith the horlzont.l. nd usua1ly
thevertlalJolnts. which may
chamfered.or beveled.
rust«; jo iITt
A mortarJolnt paween stones
from the adjxent. faces petween $<ink-en
drafts or Devels.
H3v1ng rougn.lrregubrsumces.aoJ
sunken or JoInts.

AJelnt In ashlarmasonry made Py fitting

a projectionon OI1e stone Into a routed
groove on the next stone.

"-- cramp Iron

An Iron bar or rod with pent ends for haldlnq
togetherstone mason ry units.


Downloaded by Agustin Opay (

A stone of 3 structure.3S a

COrPle5Up -----------------------..-.- knuler

. Any of aseries of steplikeprojections Any of the stones havln!!a slopIng Up for
that terminatea masonry!!able al10ve supportln!!or formln!! a gable copl"4- Also
the surface of the roof. Also called called skew.
F" crowsttp.
I ---........ - .... skewcorl1el
l Astone OIerhanglngat the foot of.
often servIng as a stop for tzie
gable gutters or wall cornices.
A gabie corl:>iesteps.
saddlejoint .
A vertlcaljotntraised a rove the level of
the washes 011 a stone sill or copln!! to
preventthe penetrationof rainwater. 7
,...---------- ... -.- ... copestone
A stone farming acoping.

Astone roughlyformed and set In
pl3ce for 13terC3rv1n9.--- .--------.-.-.---. _____ _____ dripstone
in A 5tOM moi01ng used as a drip. as or. a

r To f.lsten a be:l mor stone Dy one

.--.-..-.---..---.....--... -------.....-______
The part of a stof1e or urick
corniceover a wIndow or doorway.

r projectlngfrom a wall.

1111el - .----.-- .. --. -- -.--. -.-... -- ................ -- .. --.--:

r- A R".oIdir19 or drlpstDneOIer a door or A horizontalcourseof brk;k or stor1e ftush

I WlnJo,.,.,esp. one tha t e:t:tends

horIz.olTtaIly 3 cress the t.op of the
openli\3 ana vertlc311ydownwardfor a
with or projectingl>eyondthe face of a
oft:en mok:led to
tM wall Alsa called l7elt

short distanceat the sides.
A stringcourse.esp. one ""vl!!g lIttle ex- no

Acourse or Ir.lnd.esp. of II13sonry.!i3Y1"4a

distinctiveform or posltlon.
.....----..----.- ..-.. -.......-- ..-...- wztertable

A stone. or one at the stones.formln!! Aprojutlng stringcourse. or led!!e
the 9mb of 3 door or window opening. placed 50 as to divert I"2lnwaterfrocn2

A footing or ledge formed Dy a setv.;clln •
thefaceof a wa II.

-'" ------.. ---- .... - plinth

A spb)ed enlargementof a door or A continuous.usually projectingCO\.ir5e of
window opening toward the Inner face of 5tof1es forming the base orfouna.;tlonof a
3 \'<311. wall Also called plinth COurse.



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concretenuSOM)'unit plock 50lia masonry unit
A precastmsonI')' unit'Of portl3nd A hcllcwor solid A masonryunit having a net cross·
ca-oent.flnc and water. sectionalare3ln arry plane paranel to
II'IOUedInto 't'3rIousshapes. the Dearing surfacethat Is 75%; or more

of the gross cross-sectionafarea
me3suredIn the same plane.
hollow masonry unit
A masonryunit havl"9 a net cross·
sectionalarea In arry plane paraUel to

partltton •.,--,.....••..• : the bearing surfaceless than 151 of
A concrete unit used In -
'.'. .
.. ' the gross cross·sectionalarea
non-wd-l1earingwalls. measuredIn the same plane.
a rlCmlnal thld:nessof 4
or61n. (102 or 152 11m). gross cross-5Utionafare.1
open-end11lock The total cross'sectloll4lare; of;::
Aconcretemasonryunit having one hollow masonryunit perpendicularto
A ll"t;lsonryunit having one or the directionof loading.Including
Ir10re rounded corners. end open In which vertical
reinforcementcan be placedfor cellular3na reentrantspaces.except
embedmeirtIn grout. when these spacesare to !:Ie occupied
by portionsof 3djacentmasonry.
A conaretemasonryunit used In net cross-sectionalarea
constructinga lintelor bona l:Ieam. The gross cross-sectlon.darea of a
having a U·shapedsectionIn whlGh hollow masonryunit minus the area of
reinforcingste.elcan !:Ie placedfor ungroutedCOres of cellularspaces.
In grout. thickness 1
The thicknessthat would be obtainedif i

the amountof concretecontalned In 3

A concretemasonryunit having a
portionof one shell removed to hollow masonryunit wert: recast
receivehe3dersIn a !:Ionded masonry withoutarry cellularspaces.used esp.
wall to detennlnethe flre of a j

ma,onry unit
wan constructedwith such units.
A concretemasonryunit having a solid
top and a slotted shell.ana The by a
sometimesa flbrousfiller.for concretemasonryunit when Immersed I
Increased sounaal:lsorptlon. In water.expresse.:llnpoundsof water
per cul1lc foot of concrete.
A unit usea In A concretemasonryunit having an Grade N
PIe top or finishing Irregularface and surfacetexture A grade of loaa·l:Ie3rlngconcrete
course ol a 1\1311. caused I:Iy the settlementof a wet fl1fx
during curing.
masonryunit sultal1lefor gener31 use.
as In exteriorwalls a!:lo.'eand l7e1ow
Ac.oncre1eNSOflryunit having an end 'plit-me VIock
sbt or ta!vetheJ3mb of a Aconcretemasonfj'unit. split GradeS
dtxr or wfndcw frJme.. Also calledJ.aml7
lengthwiseI7y a machineafter curing to
producea roug h. fracturedface
A grac:leof loaa·l:Ie3rlngconcrete
masonryunit limitedto use al1o.'e
grade. In exttrIorwalls with weather·
protectivecoaungs.or In walls not
A sofld coocrete unit having a exposed to the weather.
.. .-... unit having a
specialceramic.glazed. or pohshed
Type I
A concretemasonryUI1!t manufactured
to a specifiedhmlt of moisturecootent
In orderto minimizethe drying

cap 1110a
Aconcretern<l5Or.tyunit having a solid
having one or more verticalgrooves
which slmul3terakedJoints.
shrinugethat un cause cracking.

Aconcrete masonryunit not

tap for :ISe as a PQ surUceIn the manufacturedto a speclfledhmlt
courseof a fourWtIonwall.

control-jornt •.. __ ._._...__ ._ .•__ .. __ ..•..-

: :-- ::
Arry of variousconcretemason!)'units
with a patternof
molsture content.
A concretemasonryunit made
Arry of variousconcretemasonry units <i'-..<z.><::S ureenl7lock with sand. gravel. or other dense
Aconcretemasonryunit usea esp.ln

used In a vertbl control aggregateand weighing fI'IOrtlthan

joint. tropicalarc;hltecture.having a 125 pcf(2000 kglm3 ).
_ ...... _ ...........\ h. decorativepatternof tra nsverse
openingsfor admittingair and trghtwelght17lock
A COI"ICrCteINsonty unit used In \ l--:: excItulingsunlight. A concretemasonryunit mac:le with
a!:ocrld a cinderor
depressedsectIo!Ilnwhich reinforcing ' .. :::.,:';:::. concreU17rick expandedslag. and weighingless than
stul can be for emUedmentIn :,::::...." .... A solidrectangularconcretemasonry 125 pcf (2000
grout. .. unit.usuallynot larger than 4 x4 x 12 In.
(102 x102 x:305 mm). ,urfau I10nalng
The bondingof a concretemasonrywall
A masonrycoursegrouteaand ,and-limevrick I7y stackl"9the units withoutmortar I
relnforuJ to senoe as a
horizontaltie, or a
course for
A hard.llght·coIoredbrick made by
moldinga mixtureof damp sand and
ana trowenngon a
compoundof whIte portlandcement
mem!:>ers, slaked nme under high pressureand and glass fiber.
curing In a steam oven.


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matter Matter unique
The force Py which atoms.lans. That which oc<:upleSspace. Can perceIVedby I7y which it m3y C3tegoriud.
er groupsof are bound togetherIn a the senses.and constitutes the of a
moleculeoraystall1nestructure. Also physicalroay.
called chemic.11Pond.
·······-i . ...... shell _.-- .............. --....---....- ....... rtom
ionic pOM ---- .....-- .............
Any of up to seven SPherlcal@' The smallestunit of an element;hat
A chemicalrond characteristicof salts and
surfacescontainingthe can exlst eitheralone or In
ceramic materbls.formed Py the complete or'Pltsof electronsof .... • com!?in3tlon.conslstlngofa nucbls
tra nsferof one or more electrons from ooe
approximatelyequal energy . \. / of neutronsand pw.cns surrour.ded
kind of Ian to another.Also called
al10ut the nucleus of an ". by OM or more electrcns bound to
electrovalent Pond. atom. .... -""" : the nucleus by electricalattraC"..lcxt.
p05itiveion negativeian electron --_.--- .. _..... --.i...-
A posltlvelychargedIan created by A negatlvelycharged Jon createaby A fundamental 0 0
electronloss. Also called crtIon. electl:on
gain. Also called anion. partlc'.eof matter ••
ion valence a negative ..../0 •• 0 • 0
An electricallycharged atom or group A measureof the capacityof an charge. /' r
.. o. atomic numper
of ;rt.omsformed Py the loss or ga In of atom or group to with neutrOn _h_... __ m
___ • I The
one or more electrons. otheratoms or groups,equal to the A funaamentalpartlcle of an atom of a given element.w!rich
of chemicalbonds the atom having.r.o charge. I equals the numPerof
or group can form.
proton ..... ---- ... --- .. .:
i normallysurroundingthe nucleus.
Also caileJ proton numPer.
covaknt bo nd
A' chemlc3lrond formed by the
va lence ekc'tron
An electronlocatedIn the outer
A pasttlvelychargedparticle f6\ element

that Is a fundamental
01 shell of an atom that can \:Ie consUtuentofan atomic nucleI. (ARBON One of a cl3ss
sh,rl''4 p''''oI_.s I
transferredor sharedIn forming a
betweentwo . cannot Pe separatedi:tto slmrer
chemlcall10ndwith anotheratom. Pychemlc31means.
composedof atoms h.tvlng an
H ® inert g35 configuration periodic 12
, identlcafnum!?erof protonsII e3dI
The configurationof an A tal;>ulararrangementof the
elementin which the outershellsof chemicalelementsIn related ....... atomk:; weight
Its atoms or Ions are filled with the groups.formerlyIn the orderof The weight of;in atom of an
maximum num!?erof e!ec;tronpairs. their atomic weightsand now element lr.IseJon V:z the welglrtof
Naturemaves;rt.omsana Ions accordingto their atomIc 12
the carWn· atom.
towardthiS by numPers.•.•... _ ...
.' ® capturlng.surrenderlr.g.or sharing
e!ectronswith ne!ghUorlngatoms or
hydro¥" bond
Ions In an effortto achieve a OO'frfl i group. eief11.(;t1ts
An bond retween an ...
electront9t!ve;rt.omand ;1 hydrogenatom'··.. relativelyInert state of low energy.
amJy linked to anotherelectronegative ..... nol7legas cluncterlstlc5and
atom by a COV3!ent bond. Any of the themlcallyInert b<:h;veIn 3 s1mll3rm3nner
gaseouselements:hehum. neon. way
molecule ---- .. --....... -----.. ----- ... -- ... .:. 3re In
The smalbt partlGleof a sul>stancethat
argon. krypton.xenon.and radon.
Also called g.Js. ooters.l,elts.
dlspbys aRor thech3r3Gter1st1cphyslc3land
chemlc31 of the su!?stance.
conslstlngof one or more I1ke atoms In an
elanent.or two or more clifferent atoms In a met.1nicbond
compound. as a gas or having neitherIndependent . A chemlCJl bond char:tcteristlcof

that Is capal7leof flowing.yields nor volume. possessing metals. producedby t."e sharfngcf
molecularweight easily to pressure.and conforms perfectmolecul3rmo!?1I1tyand the valenu electronswh;Ch rnovefreeiy
The averageWeightof a moleculeof an element to the of Its container. tendencyto expand Indeflnltely. throllilh the latticeof.a usually
or compoundC<llcvbteJas the sum of the j stab-lecrystaHlnc:stn.'Cture.
atomic of the molecuIe's constituent
41toms. Also.C31W formula
The molecubrweight of a su!?stance
:9. '9
In grams: gram 1I'IOIecufe.Also. mel.

. .r-' .... firmness.coherenceof ...

+ ..

CCndeJlse-- ... -..- ......... - .. - ....... "" '- partlcles.orptrslstenceof e
. . . '. , /' ......

of liquidor solid Into a vapor. Ir•...
: '. . "1
I Ltttiu
The unit mass : I : A regu Ia r pa ttern of !sc\1ted poin:".s
of gas at Its point as It l . i In space the '.xatlon of
cooaensesto a Ilquld. .' J ..., .. ......,.. ,/ atomS. Ions. or molecu!.esIn a
crjstal:lre solid.
heat ofvaporiutlon solidify ........" .
The quantityof hat to heat of solidification
convert a unit mass of liquid at Its To change or convertfrom a
The hei1t liberatedby a unit maSS of A solid having a reguLJr'y
point Into vapor at the same liquid or gas Into a solid.
at its freezing pollTt as It solidifies. In tern.. I sCructureof a';.Oms. Ions. IX'
temperature:equal to the heat of moiecub and enclOStd'7j
condensatlofl. liquid symmetr.callyarrange..!pi3ne
Matter from the solki or The quantityof heat required to surface:;.
gaseousstates by a characteristic convert a unit mass of a solid at Its
readinessto flow. little or no tendency point Into a Ilquki at the same amorphous
to disperse.and re13tlvelyhigh temperature:equal to the heat of Not cryS1:JllineIn stc.::Jre
IncompreSSibility solid atlon.rx


Downloaded by Agustin Opay (


Nt essentblor d'lStlnctNcattr!l?uteor
The capauilltyof a IT13terialto resist
«1' ::0'1
i .---- Exhllntlngthe same physicalproperties
qualtty spectfbllylnthe the forces on It. esp. the ..' along all axes.
consmutJonof. or f ou nJ n. the at>itl-tyto sust.ln a stress k:.""
• .:.I

withoutyIeIdlngor rupturing.
Having different physicalpropertles
medlaniut of It1&rials along differentaxes. as wood and other
Any of the of a The stuayof the relationshipl?etween -'" .-=" fl17rous materials.
IT13terialM exhWlt a to appliedexternalforus and the
appliedforces. I effects producedby /'
forus In a body. "'"::d

tension stress tensile test

The act of stretchlr.gor stJ of being 1ntet1131resistanceor reactlonof A test for determiningthe ut:havlorof
pulW apart. In tM elongatlcn an eiastlcrody to extemalforces a materialunder-axialtension.In which
of .n applled to It. c'lU31 to the ratio of force
to area and expressedIn units of force
a specimenIs grlppeaat roth ends and
pulled apart until rupture occurs:the
-"---"-"'-'---"-'--- per unit of cross-sectionalarea. Also I most common test for structural
An app&.dforce or .called unit stress. I materials.
to procItUtenslonIn anebstlcrody.
The ax13l5treSsthat developsat the
!I tensile strength
The resistanceof a materialto
cross sectionof an elastic body to : longitudinalstress, II)' the

A tensileor com p-esslveforu actlng The
. _ _ ._._ . _ ._J-:T __
resistthe coll1neartensileforces

of a unit length of
I minimumamountof longitudinals"tfess
reqUired to rupturethe material .
,. elong.nfon
: A measureof the ductmty of a
the of a mattrlalproducedby a tensilestress. material.expresseJas the percewge
1!IemM-and at the centroid IncreaseIn length of a test specimen
G &tr.lin e
of the cross proJucl1\4ax131 after failure In a test.
The deformationof.11cdyunder tM
stress bal.dlng.torsion.or .
- .... --- .-----.---...: action of an applied Strain Is a
dimensionlessquantity.equal to the
-me, tensileor stress that the origll12lsize or shape ofa stressed
to res!s; 311 mal force. element.
fa I\?rNI fa anJ uniformly
area of the cross Young',modulu, l
sectSon.!Jsc c.albidirect 5tres s. A coefficientof elasticityof a mattr131.
ftOnft.11 expres$lr.gthe ratio of longltudlnJI
of area
stress to the correspondlng
A measureof the ductlltty of a
Iongltudln.alstralnC3usea by the
expressedas the peruntage
decreaseIn cross-sectionalarea of a
',. Poi,scn',ratlo test specimenafter rupturingIn a
The ratlo of lateralstrain to the tensiletest.
corres?O"dll19longitudinalstrain In an
The act of shortenin.g or of Pei ng
elastic body unaerIongltudlnalstre5s. compre5sionust
A test for determiningthe of
in a a matulal under axial compressk:ln.In
reductionIn size or vo/ur.eof an elastic which a specimen Is crushed untU
fracture or dlslntegr.ltlonoccurs.The i
-- ...-.. -----....-- ... ccmpressk:lntest Is used fer U
materialsslnu their low ten sSe
An appliedforce or t.endln.g
strc"9th Is dIfflcult to IT1e2sure
to pt'OdtU In an ebstlc
I accur.rtely.
I ,train gauge
- : An Instrumentfor measurl"9mInute
The ax fa I stress that developsat the l deformationsIn a test
cross of an ebstlc body to I
causea by tenslon.compression.
resist the collinearcompressiveforces I
to shortenIt. 11 venJlng.or twisting.Also calf&j

----- ....-..--
of a unit length of
materialproducedby a compressIve

ec.untric fa rce I1ulk modulu,

A fOfU applle& pm f1eI to the A coefficientof elasticityof a material.
IonglW4inafax15of a t:tpresslngthe r.;tlu a
lnen-WerM to the centroidof the pressureand the corresponding
cross sutlon.prcJucfll4
311 unevenc:ilstrit>ut-lonof

section.A!sa C41led ecuntric
fractionalChange In volume produced.

The reciprocalof Pun.: modulus. to

the ratio of tM fractfooalchange In
volume to the pressure applied to a

Downloaded by Agustin Opay (

shearing force shear
An Internalforce tangentialto the The lateraldefonnatlonprOduua a body
surfau on which It acts. developed a by an externalforce thatcau5esex-.e part of
rolly In response toa shearforce.For the body 1:<> sltJe relativeto an ulJxtnt

equihbrlumofarectangularetement part In adirectionE?rallelto their pbne of_
subject1:<> shear. shearingIn avertical

-.. shearforce
An appliedforce producingor talding to
produce shear In a Polly.

..... ... -- .. --_..... .
..._......_....... shearing
The force per unit area developedalang a
of an elasticroay to resista shear
Also called shear stress •
....1 stress.
The lateraldeformationdevelopedIn 3,body
.-..' shear modulus
A coefficientof elasticityof a rttrterl3I,
In responseto shearing stresses,defined 'I expressingthe ratio between she3ring
as the tangentof the skew angle of stress and the corresponcl1ngshearing
deformation.Sinu this angle is I strain producedby the stress. Also
always very small, shearing strainIs a ptJre called rtWdulusof ri9laity.modulus
numuerverynearlyequal to the sl:e.w aM.3te , of tcrslon.
In radians. Also called shear strain.

:-... -... -.... - .............-.. coml?lnedstre"es Pending

v Aset of tensileand compressive The !?owlng of an elastic Dody as an extern..1
res:Jitlngfrom the superpositionof force Is appl1edtransvtrSeiytoIt.5
I and bending stressesIn the cross
of a structural member.acting In the s.rr.e
Is the structunl mecfuni:smthat
er1"!?lesa load to l:re ch3nneledL, a dlrectlor.
perpenalGularto Its application.
+ directionand equal at any point to t·r.elr
"._.......... _... _.. -
I A force applledperpendicularto
length of a struct!JralrnemPer.

benolng and shear. ,AJ.;,o

• 5u forrendlng

r tor,\ue
The momentof a force system Dt3 t causes
or tends to cause rotationor torsion.
The twistingof an elasticrodyaPou'tIts
axis caused by two tqU31 and
stresses In the Polly.
An IrcreaseIn stress that developsat
dlsccntlnultlesor flaws In a materl31.
StressconcentrationsIn !1r1ttlertt3terlals
dev&.op crads which propagateunUl failure.
In ductile materials.stress concentrations
dev&.op local deformationswhich serve to
rwlstrlbute and relieve the stresses.


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A pPIrk: of the
unit stressvalues .
and the ClrTtSpondll14-l1nltstrainsfor .

•. -.-.-.----------- ..... ---- t ..-.· pl.1sticr.1nge :.--.- range

The of unit stttsses for which a : The range of unit stressesfor which a : The range of unit stressesfor which a
materUIe:xnIDItSel3stlcdeformation. m_ater131exhl!:>itsplasticdeformatl.on. 1 materialexhl!:>ltsIncreasedstength with
: some 1055 of ductility.
ddo nn.rt:ion
A wl'I¥kI the shape or dlmensions 1'1 -----v!'-J V-
eX a structure from I i
stress. I
I pl.1st!cdefortn.1tlon
A tempcratJ'change In the dimensions I A In the dimensionsor
IX cia roay produced a I shape of a body producedby II stress greater
stress Ic:s6 than the elastic hmlt of I than the elastichmltofthe
I rlgJa understressesof less than a
I certaInIntensity.The molecularrorlds In a
I materialthat exhlultsplasticUe/uv1orreform r-- ultJnuu strength
---......... -----.---............ - .... ---r·
I a&r Pelng stressed!:>eyondthe
The materialthus retainsa measureof
hmlt. The maximumtensile.compressive.or
shearing stress a materialcan \1e
The prop:rlYof 3 rn4U:r1aI that ca uses I reserve Also caltea plastJeflow. expectedto withoutrupturingor
to rupWe suddenlyunder stress i fracturing. Alsa c311&1 uftint.1U stress.
!'flth nme
evl.:kntkfonnatlon. Since I
PrittIe lack the plastic I yield point
The stress PeyoM which a maried
ductilerruterials.they can I
IncreaseIn strain occursIn a
;l¥e no nee of Impending :
withouta concurrentIncreaseIn stress.
Many materialsdo not have clearfy
fracUJre --- ..
deflnedyield points.For these
materials,a theoretlcalyIeki strengthIs The of 3 materialresultingfrom l -
..---........ -----..- "-'. calculatedfrom the sUess-straincurve. the rupturingof Its atomic I10nds when
stressedPeyond Its ultlmatestrength.
The stress which the ratio =- ...
OI'stresstc strain fi:u material ;
.. I
l .

eb5tlc limit ......--...............- .......- auctility

.-.- - - - - .- -. .(JD
A of a
The maxfmum stress that can !:>e
appl1ed a materialwithout
The prcpertyof 3 material thot et1al11es It
to undergo plasticdeformationafter \1elng i1;-
stresse.d...ithln I;s elastic range. causing permanentdeformation. stressedDeyOnd the elastic nmit and
before DuctilityIs a deslralne
propertyof a structural materialslna
plasticf,ehavlorIs OIn Indicatorof reserve
strengthand can ser;e 3S a visual W3mlng I
of Impendingfailure.

,nowm -.............-----
The maxirJJmunit
fc.- a the deslgn of 2 STRAIN(In/m.)
a fractlon
hmit.yleki .....- ebstklty L modulU5of Hooke', L1w
c.- u/tlrrgte5tl'ength.The The propertyof a A C«fficJentof elasticity oh material The law statIng th3t the stress on • Dody
wesses for V3r1ous that enal?lesIt to deform In expressingthe ratio betweena unit directlyproportionalto strain
NteNls art: sp«if,eJ Dulldlng responseto an appll&lforce stressand the correspondIngunit produced. provldeJthe stress ekes not

cedes. SCodetIes.ana and to recoverIts originalsize straIncaused the stress,as dertved exce&:f the elastic "mit of the mat.t:Nl
t.ndctas:socI;rtlons. Pased on and shape upon retT'lOVlIIof the from Hooke'slaw and I1y
and II'Iethodsof forc:e. the slope of the stralght-bneportionof
the stress-stralndJa9ram.Also caltea
and M;terbls. Nso caltea coefflcltnt of elastlcity. ebstlc
wnit woricln§ - modulus.
- --r-·t
__ jl._.[-
--.----- -----.. -- .......... "--' .• -- -- -- -- +--+---+--+--+
stres5 necessary producea
penNnentset In a
of Its original
-+-f---4--- -( -+'-+--+--4 Juctl1e;nJ tcugh
M tested !n tension.Yield . .--I·---l-'-1--cf------1
5trengti Is useJ to tkttrmlne.the limit
cf ttSefvi'.essof a materfalhaving a
p<)nt. Also called
-------.--.--.--.... perm.1nentset
The Inelasticstrain remainingIn a
materIalafter completereleaseof the
The propertyof a materl31that enau!es It
to energy Ddore rupturing.
stress producingthe deformation. try the area under the stress-
strain curve derivedfrom a tensIletest of J
the material Ductilematerialsare tougher
than brittle materials.

164 J
l .

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expansion ;'-" coefficientof expansion dimensionalstainUty
An ill the IxIIk of a IT13terIaI : The fractionalchange In length,area, or The propertyof a materialthat enablesIt
caused the a!1sorptlooof water or volume of a materialper unit change In to IT13lntalnIts shape and
V6por. Also C311eJ Uulklng. temperatureat a given constant dimensionswhen subjectedto changesIn
pressure.Also called expanslvtty. temperatureOr humidity.
kinetic theoryof heat
The theory that the temperatureof a
substanceIncreaseswith an Increaseof the

[ _J I averagekinetiCenergy of Its particleswhen

hea t Is absorbecI.

:- thermalexpansion
An IncreaseIn
area, or volumeof a

materialcaused I1y a rise In temperat.Ure.
thermal contraction

A decreaseIn length.area, Of a
=====-================ materialcaused I1y a drop In temperature.
i ___.____. thermal5tress
aas-orptlon The tensileor COOlpresslvestress
aevelopedIn a materialconstrainedagainst
The adhesionof 3 thin, condensedlayer
of gas, hquld,or dissolvedsubstanceto thermalexpansionor contraction.
the surfacer:i a solid, usually thermal shock
physicalor chemicalchange In the The sudden stress a rapid change In
ITlJterial temperaturecan produceIn a material

abrasion resistance
The propertyof a mattNl that enablesIt The propertyof a materialthat enaUles
to resist worn away I1yfrlctlonwhen It to resist def0rtn3tlon compression,
rul7l1ed wft.h anotherobject.Amslon Indentation.or penetration.
resl5tanee Is a of toughness
ratherthan hardnessand Is a necessary
qualJtyof flooringmaterialsand surface
wuthero meter ftnlshes.
Adevicefor the weather
re5lstanceof a sul7jectlnga
to accemtea

Aproc.essfor exposinga materlJlto
uftmlolet r7yS, Vtdtel' sprays.alid
elementsIn order to simulate inkx
the 1ong-tm1effectsof sun. rain, and A me3sureof the abrasionreslst3nceof A scale for measuringthe hardnessof a
temperaturech4nge5.Also C3l1ed a manly expressedas tM mineraI.Its degrees,In Increasinghardness,
uulerateJ depth of or materialloss (lre: I, talc; 2.l:IYPsum;3, calcite;4, flUOrite;
after testir.g with a abrasive 5, apatite;6, feldspar.7, quartz;a.top3Z:9,
wheel for a speclftednumberof cycles. sapphire;la, diamond.
A measureof the hardnessof a rruterl3l
etr.ain-rate effea
determined pressl"9a standardstu!
trlttle behavioran Increasedrate
Inllinta a test plea using a standardforce
of load applicationcan cause In a and dlvldlng the load by the area of
nonrully IT13terlal
Indentation.The higherthe numb-er.the
tem pent4reeffect harderthe material.
& ImttIe low temperatures Rockwellnumber
can C3use In a normallyductile
A measureof the hardnessof a material.
determined Indentinga test piece with a
relaatlon ---.----- ----- conoidaldiamondIndenter,or with a
The decreaseIn -.'-. The l'/e3i:eningorfallureof a IT13ter13l standardsteellr.lll.undertwo sucusslve
stress In 3 COI'Istralnedmaterial at a stress l7efow the elasticlimit loads and measuringthe net IncreaseIn
under .. const3ntload. when sul7jectedto a repeatedseries depth of the Impressions:the higherthe
numb-er,the harderthe material.
creep •. ----.--------.--.-.- ..... --.--.,.
The !r.ldualand permanent ". h-+!---...-!c:.....+ Vickers number
.tkformatlonof a Pody producedby a The IT13xlmum stress to which a A measureof the hardnessof a material.
continuedappllcatloflof stress or IT13terialcan be subJecteclfor an aetermlned Indentinga test piece with
the point of a diamond using a known force
prolongedexposureto heat. Cretp i
Indeflnltenumberof cycles wtthaut
and dividing the load the surface area of
deflectionIn aconcretestructure failing.
continues!:NeT time and can b-e Indentation:the higher the numl7er, the
¥e3ter than the Initial fatigue r.atio harder the material.
elastic def'utlon.
the-ratiob-etween the fatigue limit
and the tensilestrengthof a material.
Also called enduranceratJo.


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A unit or stand.1rdof measurement
used tc the dimensions,
,\uantlty, or capacity of something.
metric5ymnt conversion sea'" foot
A kcJm31 system of weightsana. A t:al7ul3rarrangementof the equivalent A system of ordered mari:sl3k:.fdown A unit of length originallyderived from
adoptedflrst In France I7ut values of the weightor measure units of at known Intemls alid used as a the length of the human foot. divided
now wldesprtadand universallyused In differentsystems. stanaardreferenceIn measuring. Into 12 Inches and equal to 304..8
millimeters. ft.
InUrn.rtlonaI System of Units 51 unit inch
An aa;eptedsystemof One of the uasle units of the Aunit of length, 'filth of a foot,
c.ofIertntphysblunits,using the IntematlonalSystemof Units. equivalentto 25.41T1I1nmeters.A!7ur.:In.
lneter. klqram.second.ampere. kelvin.
..M c.nJeb as W InsIc unitsof the
quantltlesof length.
1 mil
A unit of length equat to OOOfof an
Inch or 0.0254 mm, used In measuring
tlIM. electriccurrent.
the dl3meterof wires and the
and luminousintensity.
thlcl:nessof vtfy thin shut mat.erl3ls.
meter •...... ; ·-cemmeter yara
measured The I7asle unit of length In the metric A metric unltof length equal to 1/100 of A unit of length equal to 3 feet or:36
along Its dimension. system.equivalentto '39:37Inches, a rneteror 0.39:37Inch. The use of the Inches,and equivalentto 0.9144 meter.
originallydefinedas one ten·millionthof centimeterIs not recommendedfor use AIIPr.:yd. l1
the dlst3nee from the to the pole In construction.AuPr.: em
me3sureaonthe merldbn,bUras the
.• mnlirneter
distanceIIctweentwo nnes on a platinum· A unit of length equal to 51hyaras or
IrldlumI:r.irpreservedat the Int:.em3tlonaI A metric unit of length equal to 16'/2 feet. and equivalentto 5.029
1/1000 of a meter or 0.03937 of an Inch.
Bureau of WeI9htslinaMeasuresne3r
meters. tJ
Pa rls.ananow a51/2.99,972.45aof the
distanceI19httravelsIn a vacuum In one micron
second.APIn-.: m The millionthpart of a meter. Also I
kilometer eJlled mIcromeUr'.S:imPolmu, 1 mile
lina A unit of distanceon equal to U

!. . .
A of length dlstancecq,ual to
1000 metersanJ equivalentto 32Ml..8 5200 feet or 1760 yards. and equivalent
................... _....... to 1.609km. Also mile.
O.. 21 milo. Al!>d .. ···-i AI7W.:ml
: .._...... mae
1 A unit of distanceused In sea or air
navlgatlon. to 1.852 kilometersor
arout 6,076 feet. Also eJlledaIr mite.
. mu,ure are
A units for A metric unit of area equal to !fIOO of a
derivedfrom units hectare.100 squaremeters,or 119.6
5'1ual'ej'3rds.APln-.:a ......._......................... .. ure
A unit of land are3 equal to1J6-4-0ofa
square mile, 4640 !Xtuareyards. 43,560
A mt2sureof a pia ne
square fU't. or 4047 square meters.
or surf.Ju.

circulJr mil
A unit used prlnclpallyformeasuring
hect.<lre _................._......................... the area of WIre, eqU31
A metric unit of area equal to 10,000 to the area of a circle haVing a diameter
squart meters or 2.47 acres, Auk: ha of one mil

cuWc 1I1a$UI"e
A unIt or S'J'Stemof unitsfor
ro/ume OI'c.paclty.
Ametric unit of eJpacltyequal to
VIOOD of acuPlc meteror 61.02 cullie
Ametric unit of eJp3cltyequal to
1f.oooof a I1teror 0.0162 cullle Inch. :
r ....·..
fluid ounce
A unit of lIquld capacityequal to
ta05 cuulc Inches or 29.573 mllhbters.

kriYedfroIn unitsof hne.rmeasure. Inches.AUIn-.: L --"1 AIIPr.: ml i Aim.: ft 0%.
vol&m'le .-' ..• pint
The sb:e or extentof a three· A unit of liquid capacityequal to 16
dlmensbt31objector regionof space, \
\ fluid ounces,28.875cuPlc Inches,or
IrUSUredIII cuPic ulWts. 0.473 liter. Auvr.: pt.
}-.- quart
•I \! A unit of liquid ca paclty to two
: \H 'j pints,57.75 cubic litChes.or
. }I /' AbI:n-'l\t

- .
A unit of liquid ca pJclty eqU31 to 4
quarts. 2.31 cubic IncMs. or 3..875 liters.
Al>br.: gal.
ru .. -

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gram mass

&e115fty -.---- .--........ -... .

The mass of a substanceper unit
.r metricton
A unit of mass equal to 1.000kilograms
and eqUivalentto 2.204.62avoirdupois
A metrlG unit of mass equal to '1'000
of a kIlogram or 0.035 ounce. Al-lbr.: 9
A measureof a body's inert13,·as
determinedby the quantity of materta!
It ccntalnsand Its weight In a fteki of
constant gravitationalaccelemlon.

spuific volume II
pounds.Also calted tenne. Al-lk m.t.
/". kilogram
fre rulprocalof densfty. equal to . :' The base 51 unit of mass, equal to the
vclume per untt mass. ! mass of a platinum-IridiumcylInder
gravity I kept at the InternationalBureau of
Weights and Measuresne3r Paris;
densttyof a substanu i
to the densityof anothersu bstJnu I equivalentto 2.205 avoirdupoispounds.
Abk:kg .
a5 iI st3nd3rd,usuallydistilled
WJUr for Bqulclsand solids, and air or
loy,,",.,,,,rO" ,,,... L

pouna pound ------- weight

A unit of force equal to the we4!ht of a A unit of Weightequal to 16 ounces and The graVitationalforce exertedby the
rrt3SS under the aculerat!cn equlv3lentto 0.453 kg. Abbr.; IP. earth on a Pody. equal to the mass of
of gr.wlt)'. Ib the I-Iody tlmes the local accelerationof
kip gravity.
tI-eWtcn - .... -.--.-.---- ...... - .. -.. -.-... -.- .. -.- A unitof weight equal to 1000 pounds
w Sl untt of force equal to the force or 453.6 kg. gravity
rea.u1reato acceleratea mass of OM The centralforce of attraction exerted
the rateofOl1emeter per by the mass of the earth on a rody near
A untt of weight equal to 2,000 pounds Its surface.
x:caM per Am.: H
or 0.907 metrlG ton. Also called short
.. m ton. acUlerationof gravity
A unit of force and weight equal to the The acaleratlon of a body
of, INSS under the In the earth's gravitationalftelJ, having
xu!er3tlon of gravity.Abbr.: kg an approximatevalue at sealevel of 32
ft_ (9.8 m) per second per 5eCO!Id.

Boyle's law pressure

A unit of presSlJreequJI to the nonr.aI The principlethat, at re13tlveiylow The force exerted over a surface,
pressureof alr.;lt seJ level, equal to and a flxt.d the me3suredas force per unit are3.
1.0025 x 105 Nfm2 or about 14.7 pounds pressureof a ccnflr.ed!dealgas varies
square !nch. Al?br.: atm. Inverselywtth Itsvelume. pascal
The Sl unit of pressureequal to one
st-ar..:Urdztm05phtre --.-.-.--.

newton persquar/:meter. Pol
A unttof

Fi!'Ssure.hJving a value of 29.92 in.
(roo mm) of mercury.
The exerted by the earth's
arry given point. usuar!y
foot..pound energy
ttl terms of the height of a
roumn of ITlercury.Also called
A unit of ener!r{equal to the dane won: The won: a physlc31system Is capal7le
when the point of appt1c3tlonof a force of doing In changl:1gfrom Its actual
pressure. .. -- ----.
of one POUM mO'r'es through a dlstance state to a speclftedreferencest3te.

of ont foot In the directionof tht force.
InstrumentfQr Al-lbr.:ft-!17 joule
Jtlr'-05phaicpres'5ure,used In we3ther The 51 unit of won: or energy equal to
Inch-pauna the won: done when the point of
and dettrn1lnlngelevatloo.
One-tweffthof a foot·pound. appllcatlof1of a force of one newton
In-l17 moves through a distanceof one meter
... ,"''''', In the directionof the force:
....'" \
I (. \ approximately0.7375 ft-Ib. Also called
1\ newton-meter. Abbr.: J

,: \ '( ...
\ ...-
A unit of energy equal toener!r{ofone
1 \ I
watt for one hour and
J ............ eqUivalentto 3.600 Joules. Abbr.: Wh

power work
of power equal to 550 foot· The amount of wor'( dane or ener!£{ The transfer of energy producedby the
,A, 'Jntt
,.:;,.;ndsper secOM or 745.7 watts transferredper unit of time, usually motion of the point of applicationof a
] expressedIn watts cr horsepower. force. equal to the product of the
componentof the force that acts In
mecn.aniCAI equIvalent of heat the of the motion of the point
I"e number of units of iYQr'( or of action and the distance
t:l.;31 to one unit of heat. as 7782 fe·lb. which the point of applicationmoves.
equ31s one Btu. or4.1858Joules
"- ch eqJJls one


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A thin. flexiblesurface that carries
IoUs primarilythroughthe
developmentof tensilestresses.

tent 5tructure
reinforcingedge c.1P!e
A memt.ranestructure by
externallyapplleJforces so th3t It Is held A
taut 1ltl00rall anticipated of a prestresseJmemln'ane
load avoid extremelyhigh
tenslleforus.lI structure cable loop
sMuid W relativelysharp curvaturesIn A reinforcingedqe tied to
opposttetArectb1s. the m3st supportof a membrane
structure. \.

distnlnItlon cap
\ The pr03denedend of a Ofer
.... which a
... st.ructureIs stret.che<i

net 5tructure
A memmne structure a
surbceof cIo5eIyspaced ca Dies
InsWd of a material.

A structurethat Is placed In
tensionand sta/:IIIIzeJby the
of wnpressedair.


structure clible-restrolineapneumatic,truct.<Jre
A structureconsistingof a single An air-supportedstructurethat uses a net of
supportedby an Internalair pressure caUies placed In tension by the foru to
sUght.lyhigherthan no.-malatmospheric restrainthe memDranefromdevelopingIts
and securelyanchoredand sealed naturallnfbtedproflk:.
the perlrnet:ertcprevent Ieakln!3.AIr 1od:s
art: l'eC\ulredat entrancesto maintainthe
tntern.JIair pressure.

Jlr-infUt.ed ,tructure
A pneunutlcstructuresupportedby pressurized
air wtthln Inflated!1ulldingelements.which are
shapedto carryloads In a traditionalmanner.
whIle the enclosedvolume of Dulldlng air remains
at normalatmosphericpressure.The tendency
for a douUle-meml1ranestructureto bulge In the u
middle Is restr.llneaby a compressionrIng or I1y
Internalties or tlaphragms.


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Any of a class of elementary
substances,as gold, siIYer,or
ingot bloom
A rNSS of metal cast Into a convenlen! A1m of steel reaucea from an In!lotto copper, all of which are crystalline
for stange or tnnsportatlori dlmenslonssuItablefor further roll1ng. when 50lkf and many of which are
Wfore further processing. ch3racterizedby opacity,
blooming mill
Hank A mill for roll1ng Ingots Into blooms. conductivity,and a unique luster
A piece of metal ready to De drawn. when freshlyfractured.
pressed.or machinedInto a flnlshea billet
object. Anarrow. square. barof steel,
forgea or hot-rolledfrom an In!lotor bloom.

_. ..
I' .]
. .
• .

The dark. oxidized.
oi1talneaI1y roiling metal while hot.
--- hat-working
The working of a metal at a
temperaturehIgh enough to permit

To acqUirea new granularstructure
with new crystals because of pbstlc
S(;ale /-.- ...-.-.-- die casting deformatlon,as when won:ea after
An oxide occurringIn a sea Iy form on
the surf.lceof metal when broughtto a ./
../ The processor productof forcing
molten metal Into a metallk:mold under
being heated. 'l.
temperature. hydraul1cpressureto give It a
particularshape odorm. [
mill s.cale
Aloose coatlng of Iron oxk:ie that forms
on Ir"Oi'1 or steel duringhot-roiling.Mill :...; \:". The processor productof forming a
seale the bond between steel rrt3terlalInto a I1y
and In reinforcedconcrete or <: ::}. pouringIt Into a mold In a flukl state
In structural stulwon: enC4sed In and letting It harden.
.---.- mold I 1r
A hollowform or rrt3trlxfor giving a
._.. shape to somethingIn 3 I , I f , ,
-1 molten or plasticstak I f I "\

'forge r -r fo
To form metall1yheating and hammering. ! T

1r l
tT \

hat trutment cold-roll 1
The controlled and
metal to dcie'.opcertain desirable
phys1c31 or mechanlc31propertles.
of a

o To roll metal at a below

that at which recrystal/lzatlonoccurs.
50 as to IncreaseIts unsile strength
.or ImproveIts surfaceflnlsh.
1 1
To rtmOfe Internal stressfrom metal or f I

glass I1y he3tlng to a below The striatedfinish that cold roiling or

that of recrjstalflzatlonand then gr3dually extruSionImpartsto a metal surfau.
coohng \l1 al1quW or air. esp. to make the -- cold-working
materi31more ductile.
---. The working of metall1elowtne
The processor productof forml"9 a temperatureat which
quench metal or plasticwith a desiredcross In
To r<1pWly cool a heatai rnetall1yImmersion sectionby forcingIt througha d'e with drawing.pressing.or stamping.
In W7ter. esp. to IncreaseIts hardness. iI pressureram.

temper r---- cold-araw

To Or a metal by .... To draw metal througha set of dies to
rene;itlngat a lower umperatureand / reduu Its cross-sectlonalarea
slowty cooling the material. .' In the
fal1r!catlonof wire or tubi"9'
The temperingof a nmal at a temperature iii drawnflnlsh
high enouqh to relk:ve residual stresses. A smooth. finish producedby
followed boy slow. untform drawIng metal through a d1e.

Microscopicstress In metal resulting
from non un tform thermalchanges. plastic ','-- ... -.- .. ----.. die
defornuClan. or otner aside from . A steel block or plate h3vlng small
external forces or applicationsof heat. conical holes throu9h which metal or
plastic Is extrudedor drawn for shaping
To rruke the outside surfaceof an Iron·
bascQ alloy hard by carourizatlonand heat
treatrrent, leaving the interior tough and


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A metJI Iron as a principal To melt or fuse ore In oraer,to
separatetM metal constituents.

A auctlle. magnetlc.
white elementfrom willch pig Amixtu:reof Irm ere.
Iron 2M steel are made. Syml1ot: Fe

safld residue of walleft after
destructlve distOatlon.useJ as a fuel

ig IroA pig 'l.1g

Is arawn from a l;>{ast An ol:rlong ITt3SSof metal that has been A farge vertlc;al for smcftlng 5l3g .s iii reskiue boy the smelting
furnace casi Into pigs I" preparation poured while stili moltenInto a mold of Iron from ore. In which com!7ustlonIs ci Iron ore In;i!71ast
for conversionInto cast Iron. wrought sa !\d. esp. such a mass of Iron from a intensifiedby a CO!Ttlnuousl;>{astof
Iron. or 5teet blastfurnace. air through the futl
T'he vJt.rtfie.dmatter left ;a s ;a resldus
from the smeitlng of a metallicare. I'
Also C3!1ed clrlder.
cast Iroa ----------------.---------------- cast Iron
An.ra. tnmle. nonma IleaVIe Iron-l:rasea Cast Iron that has peen an nea lea by
alloy conto1lnlng2.01 to 4.51 cart>onana transformingthe carron contentInto
0.51 to:51 slilcon. In a sand mold ana graphiteor removing completely. f 1
machinedto make rna ny pulldlng products.
Capapleof l:relng shapedor formed by
hammeringor by pressurefrom rollers.
, I

steel -------------------------.--.--.---- cnl?onsteel ...--------------------.--

Ar:y of various lron-l:rasedalloys having a Ordinal)'.unalloyedsteel In which tlte A 1ow-C3rl1onsteel containingfrom 0.151
C<lrPon Itss titan that of C;lSt Iron carron, to 0251 carVen. Also called stu!.
and II'IOI"C n that of wroughtIron. and IT13nganese.phosphorus.sulfur.and
qlUl!tlesof strength.hardness.and sll1con.are controlled.Arry Incre4lseIn medium 5teel
iCCOrdlngto composition carVon contentIncre35es strength AC3rWn stet! from 0.251 to LI
and heat tre;;tment. .a oJ hardness-of the stu! !:rut reduces 0 ..4-51 carbon.
It..S ductility and weldaln11ty.
A hlgh-carronstt.eIcontainingfrom j
0.451 to 0.851 carron.
A nonmetalbcelementoccurringIn a
pure S'bte as dlamond;loJgraphite.or .
a5 a constituentof coal anJ petroleum. Ahlgh-carkmsteel to

alloysUd .------------------------------..
CarVen steelto which various chromium.coI1alt.
nwl or vanadium.have
added In a sufflclentamountto
okaln partlcularphysicalor
chemicalproperties. hlglHtrengthIow-al/oyetul
Any of a group of steels
c.?ntalnlngless tn.n ZtalloysIn a
A composedof two or more chemicalcompositionspeclflcatr,.
metal and a nonmetal. for strength.
Intimatelymixed. asl1y fusIng or ductlllty.and resist.nee to corroslo11.
Ahlgh-strength.low-l!1oystu! th.. t
princIpalmetal of an alloy or a piece fonns;lnoxide when to
underlyinga coating of anothermetal. rain or moistureIn the lItmosphere.which I
adheresfirmly to the !:rase metal ana
prottctsIt from furthercorrosicn.
Structuresusing watneringsteel should
a.rnlledto preventthe small arr.ounts
of oxIde carriedoff rainwaterfrom
staining aajolr.lngmaUr1als.


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nople metal corrosion
A metal, as gold, stiver.a!1d mercury, The gradualdeteriorationof metal by
that resistsoxklatlonwhen heated In chemicalaetlan. as when exposed to
air. and solution by Inorganicacids. weather.moisture.or othercorrodlng
C1thoJe 8 GOLD & PLATINUM galvaniccorrosion
TITANIUM An acceleratedcorrosiveaction that takes
(most noble)
place when dissimilarmetals are In contact
SILVER In the presenceof an electrolyte.
A list of meta Is arrangedIn oraerfrom
BRASS least no!11e to most no!1le.
NICKEL apart two metalsareon thenst. the
more susceptl!1lethe least ncl7le one Is to
L TIN corrosivedeterloratlcn.
Oeastnoble) ZINC

anode 4-.. ·_ .. ··.. ·· ..·- ._ ... _...-.... _.... cathodicprotection
An anode that Is attachedto a metal The protection of ferrous metals
object su!7jectto electrolysisand Is against attachment
decomposedInsteadof object. of sacrificialanodes. Also called
electrolytlc protectlon.

processor productof one To plate with an adherent metalite
rnetJlto another.usuallyto protect coatlng by electrolysis.usuaIly to
the Inner metal fmn ccrroslort Incre35e the hardness.Improve:the
durabHlty.or enhancethe appearance
chrome of the l1ase metal.
pickle To coat or plate a lTletal surface with a
An llGta or otherd1emiG31 solutbn In compounaof chromium.Also calW
which a metal otject Is dipped to The producingof chemicalchangesby

l Ponderlu
or other
used In allay steels for hardnessand
the passageof an electriccurrent
throughan electrolyte.with
migrationof positivelyarid
cha rg&i Ions to the negative
To coat with 3 n a corrosionresistance,and for electroplating
phosplutesolvtlcr1lnpreparrtlon for and positiveelectrodes.
other metals.
appllcatloncfpalnt. enairel,or
lacquer. :'-' ._- g.;alvaniu
.. To (;q.It esp.lronor steel with zinc,
esp. to In zinc to producea
co;rt1ngof zinc-Iron

,- hat--dip
The protectwecoatl"9 of ferrous metal by
dipping In a !lath of molten zinc.

I gllvanizediron
Iron co3ted with zJnc to preventrust.

Aductlle.crystallIne.bluish-whitemetallic for galvanizingIron and steel
and In making otheralloys. Sym!1& Zn

Thin Iron or steel sheet plated with Un for
A lustrous,\ow·meltlng.lliulsh·white
metallicelementthat Is malleal1leand

ductile at ordinarytemperaturesand used
in plating and In making alloys and soft
solders.Symbol: 5n


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............... --. '1"-'-'--'" structural
: . A hollow structuralsteel shape of
A hot-rolledst:ucturalstet! section
rectangular,or circularcross section..It
h3vmf 6ft H-sbptwith wkle p;1r.1lle1
Is designatedPy the preftx TS followed Py
flanges, the prefixW
followeaby the slze of the the sIk dimensionsor diameterand
. Ir'Iemher.AIsoC311edwfda .... -----.-. --- -'-- W3n thickness.
A structural steel pipe of stand3rd
A hot·roIIedwuctural steel shape
weightand W311 thickness.designated3S
simnarto M nat classifiedas a W-
Plpe (nomlnallnsk:lediameter)Std.
shape. by the prefix f.A
followedbyt!le slze and extra-,trongpipe
Astructural steel pipe IncreaseJ
W3H thicknessfor greaterstre"!lth,
.. ...:. deslgl13kdas PIpe (nomll13I Inside
slmibrto J W-slupeI7Ilt having
_ of ec:tU31 thickness double-extn-strongpipe
3114 typIcaRy.sedas A structural steel pipe havfng a wall
designatedPy the preflxHI' thlcl:nessgreaterthan that of extra-
slze and , . strong designatedas Plpe (nomlll4l

member. Insidediameter)xx-Strong.
5-5upts -.--.----------------.-....... -_.-.-. round u
Ahot·rc&a5'ttu:;turalsteelsection • The dlameterofa cIrcle having II
aft with slopedInner .. clrcumfcrenuequal to the perimeterof a
surface.s.desl!!nmdby the nonclrculartube.
prefixS by the size and
of the MnPer. Also calletJ
AmericMl5t.anchrd r:. fbt sheet or piece of metal esp.
America"$brWrd chanMl
A hot-rolled steelsectlon checkeredpiau
ha'r'lnsa with
6(... j( j( i:l
A steelor cast-Ironplate havfng a u
S¥ sumces, waffleUkepattern.
the sIu aM.;.g1ltof the mem\:Ier. &heetmetal
Meblln thin sheetsor plates. use.d III the
clunMl manufactureof ductwori::,flashing.and
A hot-rc&:I steelsectlon
. slmilartoJ C-sNpe by
the preflxI.e by the size and
Sheet metal drawn or rolled IrTto
ridges a!1d furrowsfor addltlol13l
angle mechanicalstrength.
A hot-rolleJWlJeturaI steelsection
having alt Oeslgl13kdby the ' . .... -. -.
prefixl foIIcMejPy thd lengthof e3ch
and tJ!etr;hic[ness.Also calW
stiff, open meSh or lattice,used esp. as
Iath_ lJ·
-.............. . WickpLrt.e
. . - CoId-roIIedsheet steel Defore or

. . -.. ······z::S:,·,··,/
cle3nlng.use.d for coating with zinc. tln,
orterne mruL

paraIdqs rtZi 1n contactor

. /1'

the thld:nessor d13meterof a thin theth!d:nessof sheet metal or
the dlamet.erof a wire or Wtw. Also,

cahmteJ for aetermlnlngthe
dlameterof wire or thicknessof sheet
A stnIctml staI sectlon cut from a metalconslstlngof a steel plate with .a
W', 50. rx M-sItape having aT· seNs of sta nda ra-slmdnotches.a roo nd
shape. It Is by the prefix
wr, ST, ex Uf. deperJlngon the
froIt whldlltIs cut. followed cloth
by the size 3fI4 of the A fa!nic of woven metallic wire, used In
SCIUl1S. sieves,or the like.
A rolled metal UM having a T-sha ped
CI"OS5 sectloll AlsoC3lledT-bar. A galvanizedstull'llre cloth with a
mesh 0.25 and 0.50 In. (6.4 to
zee •.. ------------.------- --... ----- - t2.7mm).
A rolled metal UM h,vlng a Z·shaped
cross sectloa with Internal -, .n .. _ ••• ' of per Inch In wire
par •... .............. .
A sand of metal, esp. one wire rope
Oil rect3ngular.or other'e.
A heavy rope made of or cont3lnlngwire
Simple cross·sectlon31sh3pe. strands twisted around a centralcore.


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fUnge )-beam ,tructur ..r,tee!
Abro3d ridge or palrofridges at A rolled or metal beam Stul that Is hot-railedor cckHormed
a nghtllrI!Jldrom ofa structural havlrI!J a cross section In a varietyof standardshapes ant.!
In order to strengthenor stiffenIt. - .... -.-. -- ... -............. --. --"; the I. fabrlGatedfor use
memrersar elem""ts.
An part of a that forms a 5t-eell1eam
flat, rigid connection two broader. Abeam of a Single or built-
parallelparts. 3S the of a up structuralsteel sect1on.

.. -.... , "pen-websteeIJoist .
h3vlng an open weU. A !I.-Serfesjoist

has a wel1ccnslstlngof 3 single rent, runnIng In a pattern
!letween the upperand lowerchords.
lH- and DLH-Serlesjalstshave heavier
wel1 ant.! chord meml1ersfar Increased
AIsc,,11ed .. joist-
.....• jol5tglraer
. A trussed girderfor supportingopen-
weu steelJoists. .
cover pLate •..-...,.-... --.....-..... -.......... _-.,
A plate fastened to thcflJngesof a plate
girderto Its section modulus In
areas to hlgh-!lendlngstresses.
•... -........ -..... -.......... - .. -.. .
One of the lIrl!Jlesfonnlng the top or r··--··-·--------· .- -.-.. pIaU girder
rouom fla rI¥ of a pI;rte girder. Asteel9lrderbuIlt up from pL1tes or
wu pLtte ----.- ....-..-..-...-...-..... shapesthllt are wek:/ed or riveted
Asteei pl.1te the web of a plate I ..

Apt.te f.tst.enedto the of a plate
to Ir.cre<l5eIts resistanceto
shQrl"!j strtsses.


&tifftnet' ..- 5tlffeMr

Oneoh A stlffe:-.erlinglefor the we!1 of a plate
fasteneato each slde of II girder. pl-oMJ at a poirrtof supportar
to sttffenIt againstbuckllrI!J. underII c.:-runtritedIo3.d.
Intermediate".ngle for weI? of'lI
girder, re.arlng stiffeners
for lncre4 reslst3rIUto


A steel beam i1utlt up from shapesand
a hollow. rectangularcross.
...,. c.astellrted I7eam

Asteel beam fa!1rk;atedby dividingthe
weU of a wide-flangesection with a
lengthwise cut, then
Path halves togetherat the peaks,
thus IncreasingIts depth without
IncreasingIts weIght.


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.< t

ArTY of variousvl5ccussu17stancesInjected
Into J buildingjoint. curing to form a flexll:lle
I113terUl adheresto the surrounding
surmes ana seals theJoint3g3lnstthe
co nstructtonjoint
AJolnt !?etween two successive
1'a5539"of air and water. 1
placetUntsof concrete.often
or aoweledto prorlde lateral I
sta!?1I1tyacrossthe JoInt- d

joint movement ... ----- ---.------- -----:------- I

The change In Width of a I:IuIIdlng d
joint resultll14from a changeIn
exUnsi1n1ity -------------------+-1-
..,. ,. . .
\....--------------..-.--- waul'5u,p
., A&xl!?lestrip of rul7t1eror plastic
or s111canecapa\7leof elongationsup to 251,
InStrteaacrossa concreteor masonry U
used for sealingjoints In curtain-wail
Joint to preventthe passageof water_
mtdium-r.l"¥ sealJnt I
Ajoint Se3lantof I:Iutyl rul:l!?eror aCl)'lIc
capaUleof elong3t1onsup to 101, for
sealing nonworklligor rneGhanlc3lly exp.ansionjoint
osteneajoints. ...... . AJoint !?etween two parts of .a l:Iultalng

A Iow-rangejoint sealantused for filling or
closinga Se3n1.creviceor craa
In order to
or structurepermittingthermalor
moistureexpansionto occur without
to eltherpart. Exp2nslon
JointsaIso serve as lscbtlonjoints and
make It and airtight.Also, controlJoints-

.. -----------------------------------------------
------·_-----------1 .--. ----.--.. --.. ----. exp.ansionjointcover
An.a1TOWdepositof sealantappliedto a
bond fXlI 0---------------.--.--.. -.-------- --------j ----.-----
i Apref2IuiC41tec.icoverfor protectingan
expansionJoint while allowing relative

!1etween the two parts I1eIng
The surfx.eoh l:Iulldlngcomponentor joint I
thzt se:ves2S asu!1stratefor a 5e21aITt I I I
and to which the sealantIs llonka. !
- '- - <\,
contro/joint u
! !'.' . .: ..
Arry nuteltill that underl1esand serves as 3 '", :.. ....... ...: Acontlnuousgrooveor separation
i?ase orfoundatlon_ formed. 53 wed. or tooled In a concrete
or masonrystructure to form a plane
of we3knessand thus regulatethe
locationand amcuntofcraalng
resultingfrom drying shrlnbgeor
thermal stresses.

AjoInt l:Ietween two parts of a
structure,designedto compensate
for the contr3ctlonof eitherpart.

uS«! f",
0-- ------------- ---

'i1I"fof polyethylene

th, adhesionof a
lant to the l:Iottomof ajoint.
II r' ---.--.. -- -.--. --.. --.------.- IsolationJoint
, AJornt separatrngtwo sectIonsof a
structureSO that differential
the parts_
can occur
I1. r.. I"


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I. "!,.

Arly of five styles of classiC31

.r' O
carniu architecture characterizedl7y the
i The uppermostmemverof a type ana arrangementof calumns
cornu.usuallya cyma recta. _: classicalental1l3ture, and entablatures employed,as the
typicallyof a cymatlum,corona. Doric, Ionic, Corinthian,"Tuscan,
cal'01\.3 -- ............ --...
and l1ed molding.
The sI.aDJike memverof a and Compositeorders.
c135Slcalcornice.supportedVy the Ped ...• frieze
molJil1<j and crowned by the cymatlum. The horizontalpart of a classical
entavlaturevetween the cornice ental7lature
Ped - .. -._ .. _... -- ..---._.-.-
and archItrave,often decorated The horizontalsection of a cl3ss1cal
The 1r(Jldlng(X of moldings with sculptureIn low relief. order that rests on the columns.
Imme.d13te1y the coron3 of 3 usuallycomposedof a cornice.frieze.
cornu. L architrave 3nd architrave.
l The lowermostdIvisionof 3
directlyon the column c3pltals
calumni.1tict1 i and supportIngthefrleze.
The use or amngementof
columnsIn a structure. L capital
The distInctivelytreated upper
end of a column. pillar,or pier,
.... ---_ ....- crownll19the shaft and taking
H3vtng two columnson the weightof the entavl3tureor
one front. architrave.
H3v!ftg three columns
on one or e3ch fran t. -- shaft column
The centralpart of a column or A0ilndrlcal supportIn russbl
pier betweenthe capita!and the architecture.conslstlngof a capital.
H.;'rii1.jfour columns on I1ase. . shaft. and usuallya I1ase. either
one or each fron"t.-...
monolithicor built up of drums the
full diameterof the sh3ft.
H3v!i1.j flve coIuR1ns on
one Of each froat.

six colurInson
011e Ofe3ch front. - ...... _.... - .. ---.-.- ··.-_... -·--r
H30r.g seven c.olumns
on O!'e or each front.
,- pase
oct.astyk ! The lowermostportionof a wall.
cciumns on ; coIumn. pier. or other
or eitherfront. : structure.uSU311y distinctively
___ and as an
Havir.g nine columns on
.J architecturalunit.
one or on e3Ch front.
Also. ....._ dado

10 coIums on The part of a pedestalbetween

the base and the comice or cap. ptdestal
cr.e or an e3ch fror1t. Aconstructlcnupon which a column.
Also called die.
dode.c.astyte statue. memortalsh3ft.orUle fie. Is
t2 coIums on !"' b3se moldIng elm ted. usu311y of a .
one or either front. comlce or cap. adado. and a boise.
..i The usuallysquare slab I1eneath
the base ofa column. pier. or
pedestal. J
Tl'Ie Sp3U two adj3cent . .......• i
columns.U$lUI'.fthe clea r space ,/\ ...../_. of 1'12 diameters. '!F

the lower of the
sh3fts.me3s!M"edIn diameters.
Alsa.3 system for spacing Having an Intercolumnlatlon
of two dIameters.
columns In 3 coIonn3Je11ase.don
__ ... ___ ., .. _....... _.. _._._ .. _...... _.
..... - :
... .......• .. Having an Intercolumnlatlon
of 2'/4 diameters.
.:::: ::::(
•....• ...-.. ..•... -. Having an Intercolumnlatlon
of three diameters. 1
""'- .i-
.. accouplement
Having ihtircolumnlatlon The placementof two columns or
of four diameters.Also. pilasters very close together.


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. -.
The o'Jest simplestof the five ci3sslcal

orders;&c,.oe1opeJIn Greece In the 7th

S.c.;andbter Imitatedby the lOoOOOC 000000 soffit
having no a plain cushion-shaped
.\\11 rvooooc
, oooooe
000000 bOO o· The undersideof an archltecWralelement.
as an arch. beam.cornice.or staircase.
000000 000
oil squareaPacUs. and an
0 .
ent.Vlrntrtconsistingof a plain architrave. 1
0 0 0
oil frlezeoftrlglyphsand naopes.and a 0 0 q ! .. -'-.-....... -. gutta _
cornice.the corona of which h3 s mutules on 0 0 ci One of a series of small droplil:e
Its sofflt.lnthe Roman DorIc order. the 0 0 0 :
ornaments.attachedto the undersides
columns more slenderand usuallyhave 0 0 a : of the mutulesand regulae of a Doric
Pases. the channe!1ngIs altered entaplature.Also called drop.
or omlttd and the caplt.fconsistsof a I J
........ -., ................. -.,.-.-.mutule
Pandllke an echlnus.and a molded
. : A pro.Jectlngflat l7lock under th e CO rona
of a Doric cornice.correspondingto the
rnodllllonof other orders.
I j

i I
two vertic.llgroovesor glyphs on Its face.

_.1-_. . .......... zophoru$

Afrieze pea ring carveaflgurescf people
Any of the panels. either plain or
&ec.orar.ea.retween In the Doric I or animals.Also. zoophorus.

frlez.e.1Jsccalled /ntertrig/yph.
taenia .....--.--- ..... ------.-.-.-.-.- ...... ,
A raised !rand orMet separatln9 the .............. '-
frleufrom the 3rcnltraveona Doric ....... -_ .... - w:;:;:::;uu::;::::;:r
regub _____ .. _........__ ... _.. ____. __ ..._.Ji
A fUIa the In a Doric
entaPlature.corresponJingto a trlglyph
and from which guttae
suspenk.d.Also carled futtae Vand. 1
..l1acU5 - ... - .. ---.-.- .....-.---- ...-.--.. - ...-..........-... I
Theflatsl.aUforml1l.3tnetopof a column
Coilpital.plain In the DorIc style, mok:ied ;-...... -.. , .-..
or otherwiseen rlchea In other styles.. trachelium _...•.... - ...... 1
ecl1fnu, .....--.--.-.--.-- ..... -- ... --.......... j ! I That part of the necking
retweenthe hypotrachellum
cOlrcularmoldIngSuPJ'Oltrtllng ar.a the capitalof a classical J
vnc; r
a orlc or uscan a.
1,:, II \
column. 1
hypotrache/ium_- ............i
: I' I Arry retween the
I 'I
capitaland the shaftof a
enU,l$ ....-...-.-- ... -... -.•-...._-
i A slightconvexitygiven to a

"pItol ...... lto/acolu.... JLl_l ..L

coIumnto COI'l'tCtan optbl
lIlustcnof coricavltyIf the sk:les
were straight.

Arry of severalcylindrical
stones laid one above 'the other
to form a column or pier.
flutlng -

A motifconsistingof a series: ___ ---.

of long. rounded. paralief !f'OOVes. as on 1 (

the shaft of a classicalcolumn. ,-.-.--- •. -... - .
A roundedch.. nnel or groove. Also called
stria. A orderof Roman origin.
Pask411yoil slmpllfleaRom3n Doric
charxUrIze.dby an unfluteacolumn and
a plain Pase. capital.and
having no decorationother than


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1 •

Ionic order
A cl3sslcalorder that tb-ek:JpedIn
Greek coloniesof Asl3 Mln« In the 6th
centuryB.C.. characteriuJesp. by the
egg and dart ..-.- ......-.. --............ spiral volutesof Its capitalThe fluteJ
An ornamentalmotlffor enrichingan ovalo [I D columnstypicallyhad moI.:led b3ses and
supportedan entabl3tureconsIstingof an
or echlnus. of a cbselyset, architraveof three fascias.a.richly .
alternatingserits of oval and pointed
ornamentedfrieze. and acornice
forms. Also C311ed egg ana
out on egg-and-dart and dentll rndJIngs.
dentl1 ___ ...._. __ ._._._ .. _._ ..... _.. .;.......J Roman and Renaissanceexamplesare often
Any of a series of closelySp3ced. sm3ll : more elaborate,ana uSU311y set the VQiutes
rectangul3rblocksforml"l! a molding or of the capitals45°to tke architrave.
projecting the caron3Sof ionic,
Corlnthl3n,and Compositecornices. r-t r--···-····- volute
fasci41 ---.---- ..•-...- ..... - ...•- •... ---------,----J:/ Asplral,scroll-Ilkeomament.asonthe
One of the three horizont31Dands making L..; . f / capitalsof the Ionic. Corinthian,and
up the archltr3veIn the ionic order. . . / Compositeorders.

r@ I·:#'.
... -.--.- .•..- .... gulclellnethrough of a

I i voluteIn an Ionic capita!,from which the

spira!form 15 determined.
"tHl"*"I!---··-- .. --- .. echinus
The clrcul3rmoldlJ1g under the cushion of
an Ionic capltall:>etw6e11the volutes.
usuallycarved with an
pattern.Also called cyrnatium.
A tta5e to 3 ctaSslc.11colurr.n,
-..-- ·······-········fillet
of an upper and a lower toruS separated
ascati3 l>etween two fjilets. A n3rrowpart of the surfaceof a
left betweenadjoiningflutes.
.---_._ .. _-_........ _"'" - •.•....- ...- ...........- apophyge
Adeep concave molding two ......, ....
; /'

fillets.Also C3l1ed trochnus. ..........•. <' ) A small.concave curvejoiningthe sh4ft

Y of a classicalcolumn to Its base. Also
._.- ......... -- •••••.• _- ... -- ...... - ••• called apophysIs.
\. )
A large convex.semicircularmotdlng.
comrr.cnlyfounddirectlyaDove the pilRth I l
of the ttase of a cbsslc3lcoUJmn.

, - ..• modillien
..,. • An om3mentaluracl:et,usu311yIn U-.e form

"" J JLll f 1l1' " r n.T 1 of a scroll with acanthus,used In

Peneaththe corort3 of a Corlnthi3n,
Composite,or Roman Ionic cornice.


1 ...... helix
I .//.. A arry of the vOOItes
Issuing from a C3ullculusIn a
-u ,//

/ifW!t. _.- .....- ..-...

, .."
.'. .'1 I A1 11
--- Sprln9·Alsocalledcaulcoie.
acanthus _ ...................................
order An OI'T13ment,as on the Corlnthi3n Corlnthi2norder
One of the flve classicalorders. popularesp. capital, patternedaftu the I..rge. The most ornateof the flve cl3sslcalorders.
since the of the Renaissancebut toothea leaves of a Mediterranean devek:Jpedby the In the 4th century
Invented the ancient Romans. In which plant of the same name. B.C. used more extensivelyIn Roman
the CorInthl;norder Is modl&d architecture,slmll3rIn most respectsto
supulmposlngfour diagonallyset Ionic the Ionic usuallyof slenderer
volutes on a of Corinthian30nthus proportionsand characterizedesp. by a
leaves. detp bell·shapedcapital decoratedwith
acanthusIe3vesandan al1acus \IIf"...h
concave sides.


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A large picture on or .pplled
dlrectly to a WJfI surface. L
The.rt or techniqueof on a
freshlyspre3d, moist plaster sUrUce
gl'2ffiti wtth up In water or a
or anwlngsspray'palntedor hmew.termIxture.Also. a picture 01' L
011 •f'\J P/Ic sumce. 35 a slaewa11: design so painted.
CK lII'4§ of a Wilding.

produced cuttingor [1
through 3 sum", layerof paint
or to I'M'4la of contrasUng
ccIcr. ------------_.- .-.- ••••.•._ ..

_... opus seetile

Any mosaic of utarly cut mateml
opus Alexanarlnum
Aform of opus seetHe having a
A CK p.ttern made l1y geornetn:;pattern formed with few
Inby1ng SI1aI. coloredpltGesof tile. and white. or d3 ri::
cr gUssln mortar. green a na red. J
-'- -'-................ _........
Ord cI SoTIiI of coloredIn3rVle. Amosaic arrangedIn W4Vfng
use.d In wort. nnes reseml1/Jng form or tracls of a
worm. I
Cciored#ass cr enamel.esp.ln theform of mo,aic
Inlnt.rtesqu.res.used In mesaIe won:..
A mosaic made l:>-t fine.
dellcatelycolored 5toneslntoa white
or marVle s!Jrf3ce.

rd"tef ..:...................
of. orformfrom the Adecomlonorormment by
Ibt on which Is formeO. cuttIngouta design ana fasteningIt t.o
ClVo-rdievo ...........................· ......-.. ·...·.. I .. pleceofrn.T'..erl31.
Sculp'tn In which the highestpoints i Inlay
of n::deiedfOl"lTlSare PeIow or livel wtth To decorm I7y piecesof wood.
SlJrf'3a. AlsocafIeJsunk relief. ivory.or the 11:" Irrto" surface.USU4r1y

at the

. . . ._. . . . . . . . . .
......_- ..................... _ ..................... - .. -,
Sculpta-alre:IlefIn which the modeled forms L.
projectfroIn the by at least
TI. !J ]
h3lf;hefr Also caRed high relief. design In relief.

-:l.i --.... engrave

To carve; cut. aretch designson a hard
r:W aM Also calleJdemfrellef. I J 5urfau. as of rnet.i!.stone.or the end
Ulfrdief. grain of 1YOOd.

.. -................. ........................
reI1d tit.7tprojectsvery slightly
Also C311ed basso·
A flgure or design Ir.::lsedInto the
surfar.eof a stone or metal plate so
rd£evo.1cwr&d. that an Impressionyieldsa figure In

An C3r1l:J oremrossedIn low openwork
Omamentalor stroctural Work having a
tattlcelJUnature or showing
through Its substance.
'tr.:/---.. ·· fjllgru
Omament31openwori::of or
Intricate fflagree.



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An artlstJc composltlonconsistlngof forms A decorativestyle char3ctetizedI1y the
or motifs Porrowedfrom different sources. fantastic and comblnln!Jof
Incongruoushuman and animal forms with
foliageor similar often distorting
counterfeit.or false. as an the natuJ"31Into caricatureor al1surdlty.
archttectunl orrurnentthat is added
s uperlluousJyor Ina PPraprlately. ....- .... ntic
A grotesquesculf1tureof animal. human. or
foliatedfOfms. as a gargoyle.

_...... mask

An often grotesquerepresentatlonof a
head orfau. used as an architectural
A cormrrtlort31figure uSU311y having flve or
ornament.Alsocalfedmascaron. .
mort: po1ntsr.Jdbtlngfrom a center.often
used as a" ornament3nd symPol
SUr of D3vY
A hex;a;r:amused as a syml70l of Judaism. ..... griffin
Also C4Bed M.1¥n David. Mogen Davk:f.--- ..... A mythologicalanimal typicallyhaving the
head and wings of an eagle and the and
hex3gnm tail of a lion. AlsO. griffon. gryphon.
A slx-pomtedstJrIll:eftgure. formed by
sides of a regular

glol')' r······ .. griffe

A clrcle.or surroundlngJ"3dIanceof / An ornament projectingfrom the round
'llght,2s;J h31a. nimPtJ5,or aureole. ; base of a column toward a cornerof a
squareor polygonalplinth.Also,calledspur.
---- ......- ............................. r.==t---=:::::::,..
A disk Of" ring of raa'bnt Itght arouna or
aboYc the tradtlonally symDollzlng
tM of a divine or sacred personage pallflower
In p;llnttngsand sculptures.Also A medievalEngnsh ornamentsuggestinga
cafbf c1m!nJS. flowerofthruorfour petals enclosingand
partlallyconceannga 17311.
A clrc\e of tight or rad13 nce SUf"I"O(Jndlng the
or Dody In Pie representatloflof a
5W'ed p5OfIJ¥.

An eIltpt!cJlEX'lnW figure used esp.ln

t3riy Christianart 35 an em17lem of Christ.
Also C411d nunJorU. --.- .. -- .....- ..... . An object Of figure consistingessentlallycf
an uprightaotd a transverse at right
angles to each another:often as a
A Chrlstbn ,lnd syml701 formed symbol of ChristIanity.
!1y the first two letters of .. latin cross
the Gre.e!: word for Christ. Also C31!ed
chri$l'T\C!\.-.---.- ... -..... - ..... -.-. crossed near the top by a shorter
....-.. - .....--.- .. _- ..-..- Celtlccross
A cross shaped flke a 13Un cross and having
IntersecUonof the shaft

QL- _____ ---' 0
. .-.-....- GreekcroS5
A ralseJ or suu rectangularpanel on a A cross conSistingof an uprightcrossedIn

O ___. . . ::::1::::
wall tre;rted or ornamented the mk:!dle by a horizontalof the same
wtth lnsaiptlons. or sculpture._.....

tablet o 0 ._...____... _. __.._ cross

A flat stab or ptaque h.1vlng a surface ,...n, A cross whose four arms each termlrt3t.eIn
for or an InSCription. 0 r----------j 0 O V a crossb3r.often with a small Greek cross

A cross formee having the outer f3ce of
t>earing a figure orom3mentIn \''; 0 / each arm indentedIn 3 Y.

cross formee
cartolJCne ,) A cross haVing arms of equal length.each
An anI 01" 00i0ng. convex surface. expandingoutward from the center.
u!XIally surrotJlIdeawith ornamental
for rec.civ1nga palnud or low·
reliefdea>ntlon.AI.$.J. C3rtouch.• "-'


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A ana l"Uurrlng shape. form.
or cobr In adesign. folima
cMcter ------.---.------.------------.---- Ornamentedwith foils or representatlons
To INrt or dt:tor2tewith a squared of foli3ge. Also. folL1te.
pattern. .... -.. - wruth
i-etlcuLtte-------- .. ------------------ AdecorativePana or garlandof flowers.
or otherornaIt'.entalmateriaL

or out of one ', .

al'lOther.0I'"IgIn31lyused In the Middle

.. ", ' " !,' : -

' . . . .:
regularOYerlapplngof ules or shlngles.- .. ,

herril19bone ------------_.. --.. ----

A pattMI consistingof rows of short.
paral1elllneswhich In any two adjacent
rows slant In opposItedlrectlons,used
In masonry.parquetry.and weaving.

chevron ..
A v-shapeapattern used In heraldry
ana as

An In"a molding.

fret .---------- ------. ---.-----------.----.-----

A designcontalneJwithin a
Innd or Parder,ccnslstlngof repeated. ---- .. --· .... I
oftengeometricfigures.Also ca lied Uy An omament having a generallyclrcular
patUrft. parts reseml7llnga flower
or plant. Also. rose. I
murtdet- .--. ---------------------.--.- ..
A runntngOf113l'T1tf1tconsistingof an i
Intrlc4i'tevarietyof fret or fretwork. l

.' dogtcoth
Any of a. series of closely spaced. pyramidal
om.aments.fonned sculpturedleaves
rad11tlngfrom a ra!seJcenter. used esp. In
::::- e3r1y EnglishGothicarchitecture.
Acomplexand omm design that employs
flowers.foltage.ana sometimesanllNlana
to producean
Venetianderrtl1 •.___ .__ . ___. _______. _______. _.:
Any of a senes of snuH rectang utar
__ ..__._...iI........_ patternof Interlaud 1Int:S.
PIocksaftMmlng with slopingsurfaces
on an or moratrtg. . Wllf5-tcngue
5Cr011 A having pendJnt.
elementscarveJ In rellefagainsta flat or
An ornamenthavl"9a spiralor I curvea surface.
convofut.eaformresemuUnga partlyor
Ioosdyrolled parchment. ...
V1ttvvbn&Croll ---'-"'--' -----.-.. -... ----
A of scrollsforming a stylized .
I .' . . .
Any of a seriesof curved projections
formingan ornamental
:._ "'_'_____ ' .,. purfle -
.... To a shrineor tal;!ernaclewith

riuron or scroll.adapt.ed to receivean

I miniaturearchltutural forms So as to
producea lacy effect.
Insc'i'tlon. Also. vandtrol. l7androle.
5trapwort _._ ... _.. _._ ... ______ .. ____ . ___ ... _lI'••• II" .....
Ornarnent4tloncomposedof folded.
crossed.and Inurlacea uands.
sometlmescutwith foliations.


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arrls - ................... -- .--.. -- .. -.. -'.

profile molding
A shJrp or rtJqe fanned Py two ..... An outlineof an objeGtformed0f1 a vertlGal Any of various feng. narrow.ornamental
surfues at exkrior angle. . plane passed throughthe ol?jectat right surfaceswith uniform cross sectionsand a
Also called
pullnose dimensions. -"1
angles to one of Its prinCipalhorizontal profileshaped to producemodulationsof
light.shade. and shadow. Almostall
moldingsderiveat !east In part from wood In claSSical
architecture.or stone
spl3y - ....-.-- .. --.-.. --. ---.- .. -- .. In Gothic architecture.By extension.the
A surfacethat an obliqueangle term now refers to a slenderstrip of wood
with another. or other materialhaving such a surfaceand
used for ornamentationand finishing:Also.
meld. mOtJldlng.

areas. Also called list.

A molding having a semlGlrcularcross
Any of a seriesof closely spaced
cyl1ndrlcalforms omamentlnga
hollow or cornice. -.--- .. --.----- --.--.. -- 'llJ.1rterround
A convex molding whose sectionIs a ,\U3rter
ccve - ..... -.. -.--...... --.--- .. -- .. -...... - ..... ..-. ovow
A COfIC3Ve surfaceor molding.esp. at L ..._...._._...... A convex molding having a profile
the tnnsltlon from W3H to uillng. approxlmatlnga'tuarter section of a circle
C3Vetto •. --- ........... -- ........... - ........ .. or ellipse.
A concavemolding an outline - .......- Po lUI
that approximatesa quarte-:"circle. A convex. rour.ded molding. Also. 17outel.
conge Powtet
A conC3VemoIdlng having the farm of a
quadrantcurvlri'away from a given
surfaceand terminatingperpendicular
to a fillet parallelto that surface.Also. -'- g3droon
COf\9u. --- ......... -..... ''''-' ........................ - ........... - ..
. .- . .- Acanvexmolding elaboratelycarvedwfth
rudlng or lnaented with notches.Also.
A molding having a profole of a double §Odrocn.
CUrie In the shape of an elongated5. - ... -
Alsa called gull....... " ................... .. A convex molding having pointed leaves or
scroU)¥art at regularIntervals.
--. .. _.
cym.1 A wnvex molding having the form of jl rope.
A projectingmoIdlng having the profile
of a douVte curve formed by the union of
a convex line and , concave nne. . convex molding usuallyhaving 3
cyma recta ......................... . continuouscynndrlGalsurface.
A CYm.1 the conC4ve part ..-....- 2SU2g3J
the convex part. Also : "<' . '. . . :/ A small moialng usually semicircular
called DoriG cynu. . . .... .' In sectlon.
cymJl rt:YeN.1I _ .. - ... - ................... _.
. u3gUetU .
A cyma having the convex part A small convex moldingof semicircular
projecting thewr.c.3vepart. . section.sma ller tha n an astraga!.Also.
Also called cynu.

mk .......-....._..._.......................... A convex moldinghaving the form of dls1:s

. wtth sphericalor elongated
A small pendant molding forming a drip
and castinga deep shadow. as on the
soffit of:. cornice. Also called bird's ....
l1eak. A molding having theformofa row of pe3r!s
prace ............................. . or pe3ds. Also called lIead molding.
A projectingmoIdlng having a profile
formed by two Q¥eS symmetrically ..- ....- reeding
disposedabout an ,uris or fillet. Also A parallelset of small convex moldingsfor
called keel. ornamenting3 plane or CUried surface.


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The flnishedwoodwcrlor the lit used to To attach or fasten a molding to a surface.
rordtr,or protta the edges of
openln4sor sumces.
...........• crown molding Making a series of parallelsaw cuts
cornice ...... -.... -.- .. -.... - Any Om.-lmental moldl"4 terminatingthe partwaythrough the thicknessof a pieceof
A molded that top of a structureor kcoratlve feature. wood to enaVle the piece to bend toward i
crowns a wan or otherconstructlon.or the kerfea side. j
divides norlzontaflyfor compositional
meld •......... - .. -.- ................. !
A molding a from j
wtrlch can be Also
c*d picturerail.
;;!f--'- I7and, as one along the top
of an Interiorwa II, Immediately!1e1ow the
cornice,or a sculptureaone In a
pLrteI'3U _ ...•.-._ ...........•... -- ...- ...........
A raM or shelfftxed 3 long a 1'1'311
:, on an outside wall
and to hold platts.esp. for ",
01"1UIMTtor displAy.
chlirrail--.-- ........... - .. _................. ,

= r
A horiwTt3lmolding on.1n Interior1'1'311 .••. ". i
tMWS of ,ha'"
from '"" \
",,'m and th, "''' '
DO DO r-- r---

,-................. _ ........ - ... .
3rove the pUnth
DO. .00
I-- I---

f-- ,--
ffi I ;
_ .. -_ .. _....... _- .. _ ... _.. . ...... _........ _...... -}
DO DO "--
A roarJor mcIdI"4 conct;1hngthe
an Interlor1r.I".1ndthe ftoor.
Also mopVo.ard.5kJrt.

A as a qlQrturound.
coveringthe joint betweena baseroard

the ftoor..AJso ca 'b:f N se •...... . ...... -' .....•..... ;
A or consoleused In claSSical
archlt«t.u to su pporta comIce or
broken ptdiment •... "-"" .................. . the enta (Net' a dootwayor
A pecfllrC'!t its cornices window.
it!temJpWat the crown or apex. the
often Peing filled wtth an
or other ornament.
•............ ,----.... ---.. --....... . ·--·----1
A crdecoratlveband
framlria rect4"4u13rdoor or SWJn·5 petIlment
window openlr14. A InUen pedimenthaving an 0U'tl1118 fonnea
I1y a "..!rof S-Curves to the

of.1 rnoI.::i1"4.
horizontalcorniceat tM eMs of the
projeGt:lon.or other at an a Ie. ana
pediment rising to a pair of scrollson
to ,",in part. eithersIk of the center,where a finial
often rises between the scrolls.

....• plinth
molding cr charnfet'.
/ Apftnthfor stoppingthe architraveof
: a door or window arove the floor.
Aflat, plain mtmperat the rottomof
an archltr:ave.dado. or
b me coronet
A pedimentalornament wroughtIn relief
A frame 3round a doorwayor niche.
over a Window or door.
two columnsor pilasterson a
base supportinga pediment.


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pigment A mixtureof a solid
1M degreeof luster of a dried paint
1.>.. A finelygrouna.lnsolublesubstance

suspendedin a liquid vehicle,
film. In order of gloss . t}i::-. suspendedIn a liquidvehicleto Impart
from hlgl! gloss,semigloss.egg shell. to flat. 17inder color ana opacityto a paint.
appliedas' a thin. usuallyopaque
coating to a 5Umct for
The nonvolatilepart of a paintvehicle
a l1r\lliantshun or luster. that ponas particlesof pigmentInto a
coheslvefilm the drying process.
+ protection and decoration.

Arry p3intorvamfsndrying to a very &Olvent A liquid In which pigmentIs diSpersed
smooth. hard, usuaOy glossy finish. The volatilepart of a paint vehicleth3t before apphed to a
evaporatesduring the drying process. controlconsistency.adhesIon.gloss.
and duralrliity.
H3Y1ng a I1Oder.1te.satlny luster. thinner
a flnIsh InIdw3J'Detween high A vol2tlleliquid usea to dilutepaint or
loss ;3 nd /JS() called sztIn va rnlsh to the cleslreJor proper . oil _______ --l.) oil paint
finish. COf1slstencyfor e35e In application. liquids. A paint In which the vehicle Is a oiL
eggshe« mineraispirits as Ilnseecl011. that ox/alztsana
HavIng tittlt or no gbss. producinga A vol3tllealstlll3t1onof petroleum.usea ha rdens to form a tough elasticfilm
flnlsh It1Idway semlgloss and as a solventand thinnerfor paintsana when exposedIn a thIn l3yerto aIr.
flat. varnishes. ,
alkyd I't'ln _------4) alkyd paint
fut turpentine Anyofa group of syntheticresins A paInt In which the vehicleIsan alk)ld resin..
Withoutgloss or sheen. A caIorIess.volatileall ol7t3lnedby derivedfrom apolyvalentalcohol In
dlstlllingoleoresinfrom variousconifers reactloo with an organiC acid. usee! ep01:J paint
colorfast ana useJ as a thinnerana solventfor chieflyIn adhesJves ana paints. A paint having an epoxy resin as a
Having cdor that will not fade or run '. i .. paintsana varnishes.Also called 011 of
corrosion.and chemlca!s.
with 'tIi'2Sh1/1§.age. 01' exposure to
il9 : esp.
". . .... ".
.. "" ! /'. turpentine. spirits of turpentlM.
latex --------.....\)
A wateremulsionof syntheticrul7ber
IaUxpalnt .
A paint having alate:-cInnder that
A I"4IJ' of Ii9ht,as ultraViolet.th3 t'" ,... ... or pl3stlcglobulesol7t3lnedby coalescesas waterevaporatesfrom polymerizationand used In paints the emulsion.Also called ruDDer-pase
ana adhesives. paint. waur-l7ase paint.
dlslrrk.gratlonof paintcoatings.
photocl1emicll A comlrlna'tIonof one or mort:coatll19s dye ------------4)
Of or to the chemical for ccmpatllrllltywfth each ather A coloring materialthat A solutionof ttje or suspensionof plgmerrt
utlon of radlantenergy. esp: light. ana the surfaceto which they art: Impartscolor by a!1sorptlon. In a!1eJ to penetratearJcolor.
as well as suitabilityfor the expected
c.over1¥ and desireddecorativeeffect. W3ter stain -1 wood surfacewtthouto!:>scuril19 the graIn..
A of the are3 over which a
gal\o!1 of p3int ffU'J be spread ;3t a gL1zecoat
A penetrating5"..3ln made I7y t-··· penetnti"9 stain
dissolvingdye In a watervehicle. A staIn that per..etratesa wood sumce,
given thlcknGSS.u$U311yexpressed A thin CC3t of transparentcolor applied to leavinga very thin film on the surface.
In 5<.1uJr6 feet per enhancethe colcrof a paintedsurface. spirit min
A penetratingstain maae I7y

J. .
power dissolvingdye In an alcohol or spirit
The abilityof a p;llotfilm to conceal A thin. sometimespi9inentedcoat awlled
arry naris. p;mem.or color on the to a finish C03t to Improveits luster.
to wfllch It Is applied. Also
topcolt on min. pigmentedstolin
calted power. A stain made I1y dissolvingdye or An 011 stain corrt.lnlngplflmentsc.opableof
The final coat of paint appliedto a surface. suspendingpigmentIn a dryIng 011 or the graIn and texture of a wood
Also called finish C4.1t.
011 varnish vehicle. surface. Also called opa'lue stain.
A primeror C03t applied to
hide tM ccforof the substrateand Improve
aaheslonof the topcoat. copal _________ . .!o)
A hard. lustrousresin ol7t3lnedfrom A !'quidpreparationconsIstingof a resin
varioustroplc<lltrees. used chieflyIn dissolvedIn an 011 (olt varnish)01' In
or basecoatof paintIntendedto
makIng varnIshes. alcohol(spirit varnish).that when spread
show througha topcoat.Also callea
and allowedto dry forms a liard, lustrous.
,roundcolor. 'par usuallytransparentcoating.
l1a,ecoat A weather·rtSlstantvarnish
A first coat of paint or other liqUid finish made from dUI7IUleresins and hnseed
appl1edto a surface. or tul19 011. Also called nurfne vamlsh.

primer polyuretUne
A \r.IseGOatappliedto a surfaceto Improve An exceptionallyhard. abraSion·
A paint or
fOrTTltlbt.edw!th ru st·lnnIDltln9 the adhesionof subsequentcoats of paint ana
reSistant. chemlcal·reslstant
pigmentsto pm-entorreduce the or varnish.Also called prime coat. varnishmade from a pl3stlc resin of
corroslOflof 1"e"..4lsm'aces.Also the same name.
cal1eJ paint.
A basecoatappliedto a surface to reduce
---------...!o) shellac
paint the of coats of A resinous secretionof the female of A spirit varnish made I1y dissolving
A paint formulatedwith paint or varnish.or to preventbleeding the I3c Insect.used In makIng shellac. purifiedlac flakes I" denatured
slllcOfle.poly.-llTJichloride.orother the finish coat. alcohol.Also called shellacvarnish.
sUP-stJnceto reduct: the flame·
spmd of;3 cocrbust$1ematerial. Chlne,elacquer lacquer
A naturalvarnish outalneafrom an Any of variousclear or colored synthetic
paint Asian sumac. used to produce a highly coatingsconSistingof nItrocelluloseor
A pa Int fonnul3tedwith polished.lustroussurfaceon wood. other cellulosederivativedlssolveJIn a
reslrts to withstandhigh Also called Japaneselac,\uer. solventthat dries by evaporationto
tempv;it<Jres form a high-glossfilm.

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A compositfonof gypsumor lime. gypsum gypsum Iimepbster
W4iW, sand,.andsornet;imeshair or A I7asecoatplaster of C4 !cir.ea ;.. soft mineral hydratedcalciumsulfate. A of lime. sand. and sometlmes
gypsum mixed with S3nd. as iI retarkr In portlandcement a flPer. used as a plaSkt'.
otherfWtr. appUed in a form variousaaattivesto control:;5 And of gypsum plaster.
to the surfacesof walls or ceilings and wafting1\U3I1tleS. cementtem pu
In .a plasticstate and allowedto The addltlonof portlandcement to Orne
h3rden and dry. calcinedgypsum A fir.e!y of pure p/4sterto ImproveIts strength and
Gypsum heated to drive off of i'; s white and translucent,used for dura!7lltty.
chemicallycom!7lneawaw. orn31T'.entaloPjectsand wort.
plaster of Paris
Calcinedgypsum In white. p""'OeryfC17',
containingno addltIvesto c..:r.t.rolthe
as an addltlveIn "me as 3
matertllfor arname:':"tJlcasts.

three-C03t ------------, .. .• two-coat

P\;Isterwori::applle.::fIn three sucasslve lIPp!leaIn two coats,a
coats,a scr.atchccat I1y a fol1owea !1y a flnlsh COlIt.
brown C04t and a flnlsh coat.

finish coat brown coat

Theftnalcoat of p!3ster. A roug levelingcoat of Arry plastercoat applied the
eitheras a flnrshed surfaceC)' n pl.a:sUr. second coat In finish caat.
a !r.Isefor decoration. th p!ast.eror the base C03t
In p!ast.erappliedover
slclmcoat gyp$iit:1 bth or 1TI35Onry.Also called 1M first coat In thru-coatplaster.
A thin levenng or finish coat;f c.aat. which Is scrat.chedto provk:lea Detter
plaster. rond for the secondor In-owncoat.

AflnlsJlcoat In plastering.conslstlll!J A lr3seroatof ntat gypsum plaster.
of limeputtyto wfllch plaster
Is to controlthe set1:lngtime
ana Agypsum u.sec.oatplasterhaving no
admixtureexcept hair ar otherftkr.
pbstel' used for on-the·Jobmixing with
A spectal!y gypsum plasterfor
mixing I'I'ftIt Rrne putty.fonnubtedto
providec:Ithera '\uIcl:-setor a slow- wood-fibered pla'ter
set for a. flnIsh coat of plaster. AI:'IIfI-ml.xedgypsum Insecoat
containingcoarse for
gre4W InJIk. strength. ana flre
AftnJs.h of lime and reslst3nee, used nat or mixed with
plaster,troweled to obt3ln a lr.lsecoatof
to a smoot11.elensefinish. hardness. f

lime JXItty pond pU5Ur I

Quicklimeslaked with sufficientwater A Insecoat plaster containing I
to fOt'll a tj,1ck plI5te. Also caled a sma" amountof nme and chemical
pb5Urer't pvtty. to Improve bond of
succudlngcoats f.o ncnporoos
Tr3demartfor a mnd Of white [
anhydrous plaster 9Y!"um-perllteplasur
prodtasan exceyUonally A ir.lseccatpbster containing
flnIsh. periJteas an aggl'e9teto reduce Its
and Its therm31and
ftre resistance.
.. .merof Cl)'staBiutlon
removed. gyp5um-vermlculltepb5ur
,.. baseccatplastercontaining
whltecog vermiculiteas an aggregateto reduce
A flnlsh coat of lime putty and white Its weight ana Incre;aseIts thennallina
pbstel',troweledto a fire resistance.
smooth,&ense finish.
.. -.-.. ------ ......... Plasterthat Is formubtedand dry-
A ready-mlxedgypsum pbst.erapplled mIxed !1y the manufacturer.requiring
as a very thin. one· or tile addttlonof waterat theJoD
over a veneer I7ast.Also calleathln- site.
coat pta.sttr.
plaster I
vermiculiteor other porous nuterlal


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, .. _ ............. 5tue<:O
l A plaster composedof portlana
Of" masonrycement.sand. and
hydrated mixed with water and
applied In a plastic state to form a
!tard covering for exteriorwalls.
portiand cementstUcc<)
Stuccomade with masonrycementor
with portlandcement mixed with less
renderi09C03t than by volume of lime.
The first co;rtof plasteron A
Nsonry dAIso C31!eJ rough -portland cement-lime stucco
coat. Portlandcement stuccoto which hrr.e.
._ ....- ....................+_ .. +.. _...#" .. -1. Is added In an amountgreaterthan
by volume to Improve the plasticity of
A wet. rich .. of port13nd cement the mix.
ana san.d thrown onto a smooth brick
or surf3Ce and .Itcwedto .Ibarium
h3 rden to prcrt'IJea for a first A stucco used In times. 1113,u
of pbster. from powderedmarble and lime mortar
and often pol1shed.
A grooving or rou.:Jhnessappl1e.d to a
surf.;c.eto lItprovetts roM with
into naco
A finish ccat of plastermade with whfte
I113rbledust to reulve a fresco..
PlasterworkImitatinggraniteor marole.
sand-flcat finish
A textured flnlsh ccat of plastercontaining
sand. leveled and smoothedwith a &nf
....• &atfinlsh
,:,•. ...i,:·;'.:;':l A fine-texturedstuccofinish produud by
with a C3rpetorrul:rPer·

me!di"9 plJ:ster
A pl.asterllsc:d In ornamentalworl
conslstfngofflndy ground gypsum and
hydrmJ hire.
running nw&d _ ... _................... .
A tcnplate cut to the
!lacked With wood. and
l>etween temperary
grour.dsor Mes to form 3 plaster
the .ngle a wall
ana ullIr-1-&,0 cartea meld.
The supportfor sheet·
1"r1et31 of a running maid.

The processof giving a wan a rough flnlsh
by throwing plaster agaInstIt .
....... pePpledash
An exteriorwall finish producedby
throwingana pressingsmall Into
unset stucco.
_..... roughca5t
An exteriorwall finish composedof a
pargeti"9 stucco mixed with fine pebVlesand dashed.
Fine or:'.3fT1e1rtJ1plasterrrorl:.esp againsta wall. Also called spatur dash. p{3sterrlorl: designs In
low relid. Also. parget


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L1ih wood IJth •_______. __ . _. ______________________... ________ i-_-

•. _-__-.-..
Any of a numberof sulbb'e surfaces Athin, strip of wood used with The ulhe$lonof pIJsterto its Pa5e
for receMng pbsterwort as gypsum otherstrips to form latticework.a producea mech.. nlc3l or chemical means.
lath, metal lath, wood lath. masonljl, for plasteror stucco.or a supportfor mechJnleaI J,onJ
or slatesor other rooflng material The physlc3l of a plastercoat to a
furring .. ____... __ ._._.____ .. ----- .. , plaster or with anotherplastercoat
The attachingof wood strips or metal rougheMd Py scoring.
channelsto a wall or to ponaing
provide an e'l'e:1 Ua5e for lath or a finish A applied to a suitable
material.or to providean air space sul>strateto imprevesIts !?ond with a
betweena W3n ana a finish material. sucettdinglayer.

The aDsorptionof water from a finish coat
AplasterPasefal1nc.W d exp3Mea
of plasterby the or gypsum 14th.
metal orofm fabric. palnteJor
resultingIn a better Dond. I
galvanlzeMorcorroslonresistance. , '.' ,;

stiff networtwith diamond-shaped :: r··J-..- ground j
- . . .- .-_. ,..-/ '.', A st,;p of wood or a metal pead used at
>. :..-..,-.. an as a for plasteringto a
.' given thJc1::nessand as a stop for the
An expanaea-met;1Ibth h2v1ng V-5haped
ribs to provide greaterstfffness and
ptnnlt widerspacingof the su pportlng J
fr3 mIng IT1eft1bers. A stripof wood. plaster.or metalappNed
to a surf.1uto plaS'tt:redto serve as 3
lath gUide for making a true surfaceand
A ril1lathusea (}It( stuljolsts 35
plasteringto a given th1cl:ness.
fonnwori:rorconcme s/aj,s, or as lathing
In plaster --------------------.-.--.--."a5e screed
A preformedmetal screed for
or woven-
m M Is dimpledto Sp:iCe ltse!f
from the supportingsurfac.e, a
spacefor die keying of plasteror stucco_ AptrforaW metal screedfor venting a
conceaWspace behind a plastered

.. wfrebtJa
or woven-wirefaurlc,usuallywith
a pape!'17act1ng.used as a Uase for
pI4ster A prefom-te.dmet.1 screed applied(]m
... ------.-----. Jolnts In gypsum 13th to co:ttrolcl'3Cklng.
up;aMea-met.1lorwire lath having a
of perforatedor in:lkilngpaper, Installedto
used as a nse for pbsUr or stucco. . . rel1eve shrinbge. or
C<lrnet' bth .---------.--------.. ---- .... -. -------------. 1. structuralstrts-seswtthln a large
plasteredor stuccoedarea.
Astripof expanded-metallath!lent to
form a 90 0 angle. use.d at an Intern31
con'oerto cruls III plastering_
Also calledcomer rdnforc.ement.
!tripbth .-......... -. ------.--.- --. --- ·----'r'I'.W-MrW

A narrowstrip of expan&ed·rnetallathfor
reinforclngjdntsIn gypsum lath or protectan externalangle In plasterwori:
Junauresbetweenctiferenttypes of or a g:ypsum board surface."Iso called
pbster 1r.1ses.
5Cnm I1
Coarsecotton,flberglass,or metal mesh,
. . . __. ______ .. _._.
for and reinforcingaJointor
as a Inse for plasteringor painting.
gyp,umbth .-.. -------------.. -.. -------.-.
.' .. :
A cormr forfannlngand
reInforcingthe curvedportlonof an
Gypsum roard having an alr-entnlned
core bceJ with aj,sorWn-tpaper, used as .<,--"
a !r.Jsefor plaster.Also calledrock bth_ .,/ Apreformedmetalstrip an -
• expandedor and·
perforated9YP'um bth
Gypsum lath punchedwIUt small holes to variouslyshapedends. useJ as a grOuna
provloull1eChanlcalkey for plastu .. and kl5kengthel!2!".d re!llforcethe
edges of pl3st.erwori:or " gypsum Dema
in,ulltlng gyp!um lrth surface.
Gypsum lath having an aluminumfoil
Uacklngthat serves as a vapor retaroer
and ref1ecUvethennallnsulator.
Gypsum lath having a spulal paper facing
for receivingveneer plastu.


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Any of V3rlous sheet matertllsused In
a wall or celling as a for
..- gypsum poard
A sheet rruterlalhaving a gypsum core
faced with paperon each side, used for
.....::;. :.:;i)(d .:;/ ':":" :.;.; walls or as 13th. Also called
roundededge }5'::.:.. ..-.:......:. '.:.:':': Sheetrock
Trademan:for a of gypsum roard.
&groove -·.·.··:·.. /-.:,:,. '.'; ::.::

..... , .... type-Xgyr-ium uoard

Agypsum boord havfng a core
containingadditivesfor InGreasedftre
reslsta nee.

......--- backing"oard
An Inexpensivegypsum board usee! as
the lr.Jse layer In a multilayerassemPty
for Incl'e3sedrigidity,sound Insulation,
and ftre resistance.

'-'" card-oard
Agypsum boord I-In. (25.4 mm) thick.
used as a !?ase In solid gypsum-mrd
partitionsand for hnlng shafts.
-.-- - prefinish.ed poard
Agypsum boardlt3;t1nga deco;.atlve
vinyl or prinW papersurface.

joint compoulkf ...........-.- ............. -. r-----····--·--··--·- foil-l7ackedgyp,um"oard

A pasty compoundfor embeddlngJoInt : . Gypsum Po<ird having an aluminumfoil
bpe. fltnng k1kntatlons, ana flnlshlng backing that servesas a vapor
and as a rtfIectlve
the joints In a board surface.
when the foil n..iesa 3/;, In. (19 mm)
joint tape - ................ -.-.- .. ----...... ---, minimum air space.
A strip paper,paper-facedcotten,or "
plas;lcmesh used withJaint compound . -.--- .. - gyp,um ,nutblng
to w;er Jolrits sheets of . A gypsum board a flre-resl$bnt
core and faced with a water-repellent
gypsum board.
paper, used as exterlorsheathing.

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Any of numeroussynthetlc or
n.1tur21organicmaterialsthat are
mostly or


molecuw-weightand can
mokltd.extruded,or drawn Into resin ( ...-..................................... acrylic rt,i/'I
objects,films, orfitament6.
Arty of numeroLlSsalla or semlsolk:l. Any of a cbss of thermopl3stlcresIns
organicsubstancesprep3redby for or molding plastlc parts
polymerIzatlon ana with fillers. that are except1on.. transp:3re:1t.tough,
stal1illurs.and othercomponentsto and res.lstantto wmnerand chanlcats,
form plastics. or as the main In
filler adhesives.and cau!l:l"1compouMs.
A re!at1vetyInert subsbnceadded to Lucite
modlfythe Pulk. strength.he3t TI'3demarI:: for " m rJ of tra nsp rent
resistance,ele.ctrlcalresistance.or acrylic resin.
wori:lng properties-ofa resin.
,ta17f1izer fO(';a mnd of light.
AsuVstanceadJed to preventor retard transp-ent. we3ther·reslst3 nt ac ryHc
of a when resin.
exposeJto the ultravioletraalatlonor
other environmentalconditions. polycarWnaU
A tough. thermopl.asUc
plasticizer Its nlgh·fmp3Ctstrength
Any of V2rioussubstancesaaaea to a and use.a for $4fety
resin to IncreaseIts wori:al1illtyand glazlng. arJ h3 rdw41 re.
cat.1ly,t Traaemali:for a !:onrid of h
A sul:lstancethat ca uses or accelerates poIycarro,..te used for
a chemicalreaction withoutItself windows.
undergoinga permanentchange In
casting •..-..... -.. --------- ........... - composition.
A methodof shaping a pbstlcoPjectby A tough.1I.;1rt.and iblble
pouringthe mmnallnto a mold and u5e<J esp. In the form ci sheetlr.g.. nd fllm
allowingIt to harden the use of for dampprooflng.and as a
vapor retarder.Also c.l1ea
!now molal,,! - ... -.. -... ----- ................... -- ... -..... - ... -........... ..... . polyproprieM
A methodof forming hollow W<ll'e by A toIJ4h. U1at Is .. nt
to he;rt .. rJ chemlc.1lsand used for pipe

wplng the Jltltenalwfthln a mold. @t.:.:.:.

. : '. '.':. .... .' ] ftttings.

Ahard. toJgn. thennop!ast:<cthat

Is easilycoIoreJ.. rod moldeJ. exp or
renderingIt flukf In 3 cham!1erand: rolleJInta
then forcing It under pressureInto a •
closed mold. A used for /T1;1Klng piastlc f
Q)mpre,,u,nmoldi1\9 •............. - ..... ' pipes and hardwareproductstJ..3t
Amethodof forming*nnosettlng tough. rlgLd, and reststJ nt to hat 1M
pbsUc l!y a maY CII J1;, forming the chemicals.AbW.;ASS
Nterlalily hQt and pressure. vinyl

A methodofforinlri*nnosettlng
p/2sUc l!y softeningIt in one cham!1er
kfon, It Is forced Intc an Jc:fjacentmold
resln. l
Any of a cl2ss of thmrcpIastlc res.71s
where It Is cured under aM pressure.. fonned by
vinyf AI5c c. Sed v1nyf resJn.
thermoforming A'whlte.
A methodof a sheet widely u56d In tM numtu re of 1\Jor I
heatli19and forcing It againstthe
contours of a mold he:at ana pressure.
caverings.insulation,and piping.AZ?r-.:
forming -.--- .......-... - .... polyvlny{ ,
A mahodof thennofoml"9a plasticsheet
forcing It againstthe contoursof a mold
A methodof producingplasticfilm Or
sheeting the mater/al
A thermoplasUcresin used
Interlayerof s.afety
with compressedair. a series of revoMng. heated ny(on La
vacuum forming - .......................... . rollers. Any of a c!ass of the nr.oplastic 5
A mahod of thermoforminga plasticsheet ,hettlng cnar.IGtertudPy ex-.....eme touqMes5. r
Vy evacuatl"9 space f,etwun the sheet
and the contoursof a mold.
A form of plastic.having a
thicknessvery sma" In proportionto
strength.arJ elastldty and
!1elng extruJedInto
.• na
Its length ana width. shuts.

Sheetingnavlng a nominal thickness
not greaterthan 10 mils.


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i .
"::." . .... '.

Apl3stlcM Pecomes rigid
heatedand cannot De softenedagain.
The maximum temper2tureat which a
A rruttrl31m3de \7y chemicallytreatingand
pf3stlccan continuouslyemployed toughenIngnatura!rubber. for Its .
Also called withouta notfcea!7lereductionIn arry of el3 stlclty. nonconductlonof electricity.and
Its Inherentproperties. resIstanceto shod: and molsture.
The temperatureat which a plastic J...-...................... ruul1er
Arry of various t:hennoplastlc or changes from a rigId to a soft; state: • A highlyelasticsolid substance.
thermosettingresins used In flexl!7feand essentIallya polymerof Isoprene.o!;rtalned
rigid fooms,elastomers.and resins for \7ycoagulatlngthe milkyjuluof rubl>er
salants. adIIcsNes,and C03tlngs. trees and pf3 Also calledIndia ruPM-.
polyester rubber
Arry of agl"Ollpof thermose«lngresins A light.spongy.cellularrubDer ItI3deby
used In the of plasticsanJ foaming I3ttx before vulcantzaUon.,·
.------.--- - The treatmentof ruul>erwtth sulfurand
A reWlXUdwith glassfJ!7ers heatto
and usea II kansluunt roofs and and durability. .
hts, bc:lng:sfor sa ndwfch panels.
,lid moldedpkImi>lngflxtures. '- ••".r..- • ............ - :lyntheticruuber
An ef3stomersimilarto natural rubber In
Dacron propet"tlesand uses. produced-11ytM
Tr3demari::for a mnd of strong.wrlnkle- poIymerlz3tlonof an unsaturated '.
t.a nt po/'jesttrflDer. lnstyIeneor isoprene.or by
Mybr the copolymerizationof hydr0c3rrons With
styreneor InJtadlene.
mndofstrong. thin
t15eJ In photography.
r:x.ardlngt3peS. and e\e:ctrlc.ofInsulation. Any ofV3rlouspolymershaVing the elastic
propertiesof natural as Irotyl
tpc1:Y resin
ru!7beror neoprene.
Arry of various resins
cap3Pleoffcmin.gtight Cl"C:Ss-nnked butyl rubl7er
A syntheticrubPerhavingexceptional
aaMslon.and high resistanceto sunlightand unusuallylow
wroslon ana chembl used gaseouspermeability.producedPy
esp. In surfaceC03t1ngsand adhesives. polymerizingInJtyleneand used In
meiOmnesand l'r.lterprooflngbarrler3.
I-.rry of a class of resins A productITI3de by uniting two or more Butyt
by !n+.mctk1nof meLomlne byers of IT13terialby an adheslveorother TraJemari::for 3 mnd of butyi ru!7!;rer.
ana used for molded rr.t417S.35 plywood a'ld plastic /amInate.
products. and surface neoprene
'. plJ.5t1c A syntheticrubPercharacterizedby
A hJrd surfacingrrutertalconsIstingof superiorresIstanceto oils and sunllglrt.
phenolic layersof paper and used In paInts.roofingmemmnes.
Arry of a class of h4rd. he.t·reslstant wtth melamineand phencUc resins. fuse.::f flashing.!!askets.and
resms formed by the under .and pressure.
with siliconerul1l1er
and used for IT'.okled ...-......... tamlrt4te A rubPer rrude from slliconeelastomers
P"""Aucts.adhesives,ana sumce . A plastic laminatemoldedand cured In and noted for Its retentionof flexI17IBty.
AlsocalW the of pressuresfrom 1.200 to resilience.and strength(Ner a wide
2oCOO psi (34 to !40 per 54 cm). used temperaturera"¥.
enerrte for wfaclngcountmops ana
T for agi.ilnaof d4ri:: phenolic :-
I'e$ln. by Dr. Ltc In ....• tam/ute i Any of.a group of polymerscontaInIng
and for reu!vers. ,. A plastic laminatemolded ar..:l cured with 1 .alternatingsAlcon .and oxygen atoms,
eb:;trIcInsutators.ana a IT!3xlmumpressureof 400 psi (28 kg per : characterl:z.e&bythemialstability.
I.3rdw.1re. Soq. m). used In vmlc3lanJ low-wear : chemicalInertness,and extremeW<Jter
applications. 1 repellence•.and used In adhesives.
Ure.Horm.. ; lul7r1cants.protectivecoatIngs.and
Ant of Y.1ricu:s synthetic '1 syntheticrubPer.
re:Jn ltildebyc.ondenslngurea wIth TraJemari::for a of plasticlaminate.
Jnd used In
ho.i$lngs, devices.#dheslves.
and ccgUngs.


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A rigid, planar. monolithic
structure that disperses applied
Io.Ids In a multidirectionalpattern,
with the loads generallyfollowing
the shorttst and stiffest routes
to the supports. .

plate action Apl3te5houldPe sqUiirtor ntarlysqU2rt

The,mannerIn which an appllea load Is to (;f1SUrt thatIt two-ny
transmittedto the supportsof a plate 5trocture.As 1 platebecomesmort
In a multidirectionalpattern.
ApUte c;n re envfsloneJ15 1 series of
rut1ngu16rth1n square.the
actlondecreaseslnd 1 5ySt.trn I
5p3nnlngthe 5horterJlrtCtlondevelops
.' sitU tile shorter strips1re stiffer
corrtJnuously;/ongtlreHmgths._ ................ ' 1nd I gre3terportt.mof the 10M.
As m IppIIeJloadIs trlll5l1litteJto the I
supp0rt.5througlt ofone beam J
st.1'. the Io3d15 JIstrtvteJoverthe entire
pImUy wrtlcllsIseztnnsmittUfrom
the ddftcttJstrlpto upurrt ................ . ,
torsIorulresl5t3nce1na'ea5eSthe overall
of the pIm. T1Ierefore.whIfe
Pending;nJ sheartrlnsfer111appfIeJload
in the JirutJonof the loiJeJbe3m stnp.
sbar Ilfa t:r.1n5ferthe loadat
ridht1nglesto the 101deJstrip. .. - ........... -
I !
A plate extendingas a structural unit curvednus which follow the . G\iJ .: j
CHef thru or I1'1OI'esupportsIn 3 given
dlrt.Ct:lon.AcontlnlJOU$plateIs subject
lsost4tlcsof 'the structure. n_
to lowerbendlngmomentsthan 3 series !
1505tatlc, i I
of dlscrete.simply supportea
of principalstress Ir.dicatlng 1
flow of I1endlng stresses 3M 3 long which
torsionalshearstressesare zero.

A plate structurecomposedof
thin. deep elementsjoinedrigidly
along theirboundariesand forming
sharpanglesto mce each other
resultingstiffnessof the Cross
sectlonenaUlesa folded to
span relatlvefylong dlstanus.

Each planePeh3Ves1s1beam In In the short the span 15 reduced ;.- Transversestrips 1S1 ccnt/tIU0U5
the longltudlnlldIrection. •.................
. fold lCtlng151 rigid support. bc4m supporteJ1t foldpoints.

Vert/c;ldiaphragmsor rigId frames stlfftn a

folJedplateagainstdeforTTl3tlonof the fold


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A frameworkof crisscrossingbeamS
connect.e.dat their Intersectionsby r191d
joints and dispersingan appl1ed load In
two dlrectlonsaccordingto the physical
propertles dimensionsof the ream
An be.1m tkmentspartlcfpmIn C3nyfng;
load through;combinationofrendingand
t¥tfstlng.If two rightangfes to
each otherare /dMtlc1l. they share m .
;ppWload equallyIn rendlng.1fthe Pt:a!ns
have difftrentlengths. the shc.rter
C4rrlesmere of theIo3d sInte the
stlffr.essof 1 is Inverselyprr>pcrtlon;l
I3mella roof to the of /tslengthan4aIo#d gmdy
A va ulte4 roof composeJof la mellae follol'l5the pth of Ie3strt5I5bnu to
a crisscrosspattemof parallel 5IJppcrt5.For ex;mple.1ftwo PeaI715 h;vu
.rches skewedwith to spm f7tkJ of 1:2. theirstlffnesseswi hare1
space. ----------------,-------- .' ratio of 1:8. Ccnsequently.the shorW-beam
ItfnC3ITy%of the load. 1M torslcn31
13mella reslst3ru ap/nst the t;r,fstfng
One of the relatlYelyshort tlml1er. InducedI1y the bmJlngofa be3m
mebl OI"rtlnfOlUd'concreteelements /urt:;;ses the stiffness of thegrid.
form\n4 a bmelb roof.

A thrt¢-dlmensloll3lstnlcWralframe
on the r'.gldltyof the triangleand
composedof I!r.earelementssubject
only to teTtsloflor compresslon_
The simplest untt of a space
frame!s;;ltwahedron having 4 joints
and 6 str\JCtur;l1merT1Ws.As with
plate structures.the Pay
for a 5p<1ct fr4lme should squ3rilor
nearly square to ensure th3t tt acts
a two-l'r.1ystructure.Alsa called
space truss.

InCfU5/T7gthe be3riroqareJ of the 5IJpports

Incra5.tsthe num:.erofmemf?t:rsIrrto which
15 trJnsfcrml and reduce5 fcrcesln

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The system ofpipts,valves,
fixtures,and otherJlpparatusof a
watersupplyor system.
wmr,upp!y c/mm
1M S4rpp1yd purlfleawater a A reStrVolror tank for storingor holding
eotmUIItty.usuallyIncIudln4bclhtles wateror other rainwater
for st«lng and this water, from a roof. for use when reqUIred. •.........-..................
- ...... .. ...;.·.:
as reservoirsaMpipelines.

aq,uifet--- .....- ..--- ......

A fornutlon or
to or wefts.
arte5bnwell drawdown
A wei In which waterrises under A loweringoftht water surface level.
pre$Sijrcfroma pt:r1MIPIestratum as In a well or the by which
OIerbid Impennea rock. the groundwater!eve/Isloweredas a
resultof pumping. A naturalor artlflclalpl3u where Is
coIJecteaand storedfor use, esp. for
supplyfnga communlty.ln1gatlng1ml. (X'


waUrtawer wrt.ertre4tment raWWl"Ur

A towerInto which water Is pumped
to a heightsufficientto 1I131ntaina
desired for
customtrs.or forflteflghtlng..
The act or processof making water
more potalneor usefulas by purifying.
clartfylng.or softenIng.
Water that reqyIres treatment
i:1eforeIt can bf"'usedfor .::lrinklng.. l
L l
il /
.....__ • corpol'2tion,top
A valve controllingthe flow of water
.- cun,pox
! Avmlcalenclosurewith a remova!1le
Arrt valve for shuttlngoff the flow of
o /1
•,"" or gas from a rrt.ilnto a
Also callM corporatfoncoct.
providingaccessto a curbcoa.
Also led Buffalobox.
wateror gas from a supply pipe.

curp cock .......................-- .....: pIpe ..... w.iUr meUr - ....
A II13In pipe or condultthrough Acontrolvalvefor shuttlngoff tM Apipe wnnectinga to a water A device for rne3surlngand
which a putnlGor community water supply to a In case of an or gas main. usuallyInstalledby or recordingthe qUJntltyof water
water systemCOITVey5W2ter to
;;III seMce connections.
emtrgency.installtaIn a water service
and operatedby mtans of a long
under theJurisdictionof a utlnty. that passes through a pipe. L
key InStrteathrougha curb Pox. Also
called curir step.


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A system of pipes. valves. and fixturesfor
dlstrl!7utlngandusing water In a bulk:llng.

gravitywater system
Aw.w supplyand dlstributlO11system
In which the water source Is set at a
height sufficientto maintain adequate
supplypressurethroughoutthe water
dlstriMlon system.Also called
dowrrfuddistriinstlon system.

€ .--_ ..._......__ ................................

-.. ......-.........-...... ltranch
The at the lowerof two given Any memberof a piping system
points In a llquIJ.expressedIn terms of other than a main. riser. or stack.
the vert1ca1d1st3ncebetween the points. .._..._..._ .......- riser
Also C311ed pt'Cssurehead.
A verticalpipe. conduit.or duct In
drop a utility system.
A loss of head or fluid pressure!?etween
two polntsof a pipe or acrossa va Ive. due main
to hydraullcfriction. A principalpipe. conduit.or duct In
a utility system.
fixture unit
A untt fer the pro!r.;!71edemand
for w;rter Py a plumPingfixture.or the ---.- .... -.--t-----!.-l--++..::..-..1.----l
pnml7\e dJsch3rgeof i1qutd waste from ".- - ...--..- ..................-............. expansionI1end
the flxture.equivalentto 7'h gallonsor • An expanslonjolntof pipe and plre
one cuM; foot per minute. fittings permlttl/19thermalexpanslon to
occurIna long run of hot·wmr piping.
Also called expansionloop.

. - ......- .. hc,e lnl7l7·

./ A threa&edext-erlcrfaucif.asfor
attachinga garden hose. often .attached
to the stde of a house at arout the height
of a sill Also called hosecocl sillcock.

Adevicefor controlll/19the flow of a 1lqt:1d
from a plpe l7yopenlngorcioslry an orIflu.
Also called spfgot. tap.

flew pre&&ul'e c
The fluid pressureIn .a supply at a
fa ucet or otheroutlet while the faucet or
outletIs wtde open ana water Is ftowl/19.
expressedIn psi (Nfm2).

mixing faucet
A faucethaving a singleoutletfor water
from separatelycontrolledhot-water and
cold·watertaps. Also called mixer.
wata - ....-........ 1 .. _.....- waterheatu
An appai.itl.!sthat removes calcium and An electricor .. s appliJr,ufor heating .... aerator
S<llts from hard water Py Ion water to a te1r.pef'3tureDetl'iun 120'1' and A sievelike device for mixing air the
In order to give the water more loW'f (50't arj &O't) aM storing It for use. water flowing from the end of a spigot.
sudslng .. Wllty wrth soap. faucet
hardwaUr A faucet haVing a thermostatlc311y
W.ter COlTtalnlngdissolved sa Its of controlledvalvdor malntalnln9the
or magnesiumana forming soap desired water temperature re.q3 r dless of
la ther ,..ith difficulty. pressureor flow.


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Pfum In"9 fixture . !?all cock
AIry of V3 rio.;s rtUptaclesfor A device for regulaUngthe supplyof water
receiving W4iW from a system In" flush tam: by means of a hollow floating
and the liquid waste Into which by Its rise odan shuts or opens a
a dr:;lM3gesystem. supplyvalve. Also calledfloat valve.

Plumbing slnG and toilet Ll
mJde of vitreouschina. porcelain
e:13me1.or e.1art'lded metal-l ---....,.,='"'.
A toilet rowlslmllarto the Siphon-Jet.
. having a smallerwater surfaceand trapway_

I 1

______J water cia set

ned to rtt3Creato A future consistingof a ceramic rowl with a
from " wall hinged seat ana lid and a device
with used for def'ecatlon
r I
and urination.Also called tenet.
l?idet I I
A ",lve that suppliesa fixed I\uantltyof
AUaslnllkefixture to pe stnddled
for Uathlng the genlt3lsand posteriorparts

W3ter tcflxtures for flushing purposes of the 1Iody.
when actU3tedUy direct water pressure.
i !
! I

wrter h.1mmer A flushaUfcfixtureused by men for

The corlCusslonand I13nglng noise that / A vertlcal panel of waterproof urinatIng.
resu/t5 whtn a l'OIurneof moving :/ materiala"ttachedto the wall uenlnd
In a pipe
IT'()-mal t.u m.
stopsor loses
..... a countertopor stovetopto protect
toilet partition
Apanel forming an enclosurearound a
watercloset for privacy1n a puullc lavatory.
i I

Acomp3rtmentIn" system 0 2irg.1p l?athtul?
I: The ctar vertlc3ldlstanu
petloieenthe spoutof a faucet or
An oV!ong tub to Imhe In, esp_ one th2t !s a
permanentfixture In a Uathroom_
COIl"'f'ressesarJ to I
otheroutletof a supply pipe and
I the flood level of a receptacle_ A Uatn In which water Is sprayed on the
flood level I10dy from an overhead nozzleor
The level at which water would
Ii ::W
An Mlet. pipe. or receptaclefor
exu:s5 liquid.

A flow of a liquid to the usual

1 -.-- .---- --. - -
rim of a plumbing gra17l7ar
APar at"t3chedto 3 wall rwr a Uathtu!7or
showerto provk:lea hand grip for a
who Is Imhln4-
The shallowP3se pan of a stall shower.
A of orcont.a1nl1t3tea lavatory .
lIt7W from a pIu fixtureInto it A bowl or PiI$ln with running waterfor
supplylr\4 W4iWaue to washing th" face and hanas.
In the
A Pastn,as In a kitchenor laundry,
A'r'lilvefor flowing connectedwfth a water supplyand draln3¥ I
from Its dtrectlon.
Also called pacl:flowvalve.
system for washing.

An electricaldevice In the anln of 3 sink. for
flow rm -------------.------------------------- trap .------; grindingfoOd wastesto be washed clown
The of from aplumbIng AU-shapedor $-shapedsectionof the al"3ln. Also disposer.
to the tat.allltlmkl'of dnlnplpeIn whloh Iltiuldremains L..
galkxls per dIvk:Ied and forms a seal for preventingthe Adeep sink for washing clothes_
by 75 and expressedIn fixture unlts_ passageof sewer gas without
rifecUng the normal flow of waste
wateror sewage through Also Adeep sink used In janltarl3lwort Also
called air trap_ called *pslnle.
drum trap'
Acylindricaltrap closed on the
l?ottom and having a cover plate J
for access. usually Installed on the L
drain line from a l?athtuu_


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........t···· plumUingwall pipe
! A wall or paMlon containing A hollowcylinderof metalor plastic used
! vertlc31space for a plumulng for the of water, steam,gas. or
: st3ck.Also calleJ stuk otl1erfluldIT13terial.

f partition.
pipe fitting
... closetbend A standardpart. as an el&ow, unlan,or tee,
r A 90°501/fltting Instai1t:J for cannt:ctlngtwo or more pipes.
i di,ectlyDeneatn ;; . . . close:.

The length of a Pena, Alsocallt:Jell. el.
along the
and pIpe flttlngs.
cf the ("\"1 ./' drop elbow ,
I An elrow hav!ng lugs for attachmentt<> a
wall orjolst. Also called drop en. .
.--.----.-- 'weep fittill9
A pipe fitting haVing a large radius of
..• molded insuLrtlcn . _ ...._. return pend
Thmnallnsulatlonpremokledto A WO·vendlnapipe.

fit aroond pipes arJ pipe

roughing-In j .--_ .. --- plpeflttlng for making a three-

Tht: or processof Installingall wayJolnt.
parts of a plumulng system that 1'1111
Pe conce31ed.usuallyto the draptee -
foct<Jre connecUons. Atee having lugs for attachmentto a wall
v;dve ........--... sanitarytee
Any devlce forcantroliingor stopping the A tee having a curve In the 90°
few of a liquidor 93s by a movaDle part t;ansltlonto channelthe flow from a vranch
tn.. t Cpt:r1s. p3rtlallyobstructs.or shuts pipe In the directionof the main.
3 paSS3¥.pipe. Inlet. or ootlet.

.... - ........ -.. -.. --.- .. - ... --.- ........- ---- pipe flttlng forjoining aln-anch
fht part of a valve casing through which pipe wtth jI main, usuallyat a 45°angfe.
stt:m passes and th at forms a guide
3M se;;ll fortM stem.
•.... - ... -........ -................. '/0"'"",
part or surfaceof a valve on which the Is closea to stop flow completely. -..- sanitarycross
A CI'O$S a slightcurve In ea<;h of the
VlIlve _._.--.-- ......--.--.-- ................. - ....1 OO·transltlonsto channel the flow from
Avalve with a gfa!rolarPDdy. closed Py a plpts In the directionof the IT13ln.
at$ on an In an Intema:
pipe for bypassinganotherpipe.
¥U valve ...... -....... -.......... -.......
A shutoffvalve closed Dy Iowerini,Ja ...' - -- ... . . .. .• nippk
\'r"Age-shapedgate across the passage. to fit Into • A short lengthof pipe with thrt:adson t3ch
op:1 :r ' 0, t:nd. used forjoiningccupllngsor other pipe
v.alve part. " ... fittings.
A valvt: having an ooUet at a right
ar.gletothelnfet.• - ... _._ ...-............ ... ••• fenute ... -.. ----.-,,'. ccupling
Hmog , ?rt A shol1lengthof pipe havingeach end
valve Into whW;h jI threadedon the Inside, used for joInIng two
AK<lsherlessv;llve opened by aligninCj part fr..s.. of the same diameter.
hde-s In a disk. cyllnkr. or Pall.
' incre.aser
mixing valve . A ccupllng IncreasingIn diameterlit one
A .,..lvt:forcontrolnngthe relatlve
I end.
a:T1O'Jntof hot and cold 'rV;l ter admitted [[
from separatehot-waterand coId'water -1 --- reduur
A coupllng decreasingIn
I end.
check valve
'-"'-"-'-'" union
A .,..lve permittinga liquid or gas to flow
In OI1e directiononly. -:
I A coupllng device for connt:ctlngtwo pipes
neitherof which can re consisting'
pelf-and-'plgot ---..._. of two Internallythreadedt:r1d pieces wh leh
A pipejoint IT130e by fitting the \ lL----I-..-, are tlghtent:Jaround the pipe ends to I:>e
end (splgat) of one pipe Into the joined, and an externallythreadedcenter
enlargedt:r1d (l1ell)of another
pipe and sealing with a caull:lng
compoundor a compressluiering.
gasket A. """.ally ,h, .. Je<I flttl'g
A rUDDer or metal ring Insertt:J
petween two mating surfacesto --- t-· .. , .... _ .. :::endofaPlpt.
make the JOint watertight.
An Intemallythreadedflttlng for enclosing
the end of a pipe.


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vent 5y:;tem .• 5tack vent vent
A of pipes. tr2ps. and other A system of pipes supplyinga flow of f The extensionof a soli or waste stack A pipe a draIn near one or more
air to or from a dl'3lnagesystemor rove
j a tile hlghtsthorizontalal'3ln traps to a vent staa or stack vent.
W2ste W3ter. or I'2mter to. puullc provldlnga clrcui3t1onof air within the f
connectedto the stack. Also called
or a priv4lte hclhty. system to prot.ecttrap seals from f: selt vent. wastt vent.
siphonage ana
!;ad: pressure. : L..-.'
: r V."'-Grj reliefvent
Arty pipe or chanrel by w.b...lch a 15 ! Agroup of two or more sImIlar ./ Avent th:ot providescirculationof aIr L
off. f :, plumpingfixturesdIschargingInto a .,/' Petween a ar3inaqeand a venting system b'j
I \ common waste or soil bl'3nch. ....... connectinga vent stJd to. horizontal
al'3ln !1etween the flrst fixture and the $Oil
/.r-" .-.......-- ...- loop vent
fixWr-e drain --- ..-.-- ............. - ..............................
\ ----.:..L..._.:..-. Acircuitvent that loops back connects ana
with. stack vent Inste4dof a vent stack. I
flxtureto .1 junctionwtth a \ k_ .• ..... .
. common vent I
A singlevent servln9two drains
mnch drarn connectedat the same level. Also called
Adr;aln one or more ftxtures aU.11 vent.
to;a soil orwastest;acl... ·-_·-··········-·· .. " ......................• - •••i. - ... I
A vtrt:lc.1waste rpe
..! I
.....,. circulationof alrtoorfrom any partofa
HUrrWeroffuors. I dl'3lnagesyste-m.

A soil pipe. - .-. -'-" . -.- ., •....•• -.--:.

•• ..=-::
..::..:-..-:. =..=..::..::.
....- .•
A vent
one or more Indtvtauai j
pipe vents with a I'e1rt staci:or stack vent.
Any thedlschargefrom ....... individtJ.11vent
wata' riuls to A vent connectinga fixture draln.toa rnaln
draill or 1Iulldl"!lsewer. ..._.. _.,- or mnch vent. AIsoc.1le.drevent.

wa5te stack-"- -..- circuitvent

A waste ptpe.
A vent two or more tr.Ipsana
extendingfrom III front of the fixture
Any carT)4n§ from - connectionof a fo.orizont4lmnchto the
fixtures vent stack. .
closetsor urln4ls. ....- vent
iMirect ¥Q5U A vent Installedon the sewer side of. trap.
A M Is cOnnec--..ea ... ,. continuou,vent
dire.."tJy wItJI • 5)'5te!:\
A verticalvent fortT'ledDy a continuationof
Into It the drain nne to whk;h It connects.
trapped , !
_ .......- ...... - ............................ .

neve- i!:ss than fl. (2.4 wt?1ln

which tile horlzont.;lmnch al'3:ns
l '
from or.e fioor are connectea. I
f.1B ---.- •.•.--.-- .••.-- .• --.- ..... - •.• - ••....•.•••.•..•.-"'--j
I •
,.- fre,h-Jlr Inlet
The downwardsbpe of a pipe.c.ondult. I ! Avent pipe fresh air Into tM

orin Incfoesper foot. I


dr2l04gesystemof j
to the pu11dlng dnlln at or
J..n oversized functlonlngPath as .
J so« orlf3Ste vent.•. _- ....... - •. _ ....•...• _.•.•. -

c1eanc-ut- ......._ ...... - ...... "'" .. -...... -....................... - .._.

Adrain connealngiii i7ulldil14drain to a
putnlc:seweror prtvautreatmentbCIRty.
Apipe a rmovaule '- Also called hGUM MWet"..... 1
acussto. soIf or waste pipe
for Jns.pectIonor
sump pump --.- •.....•- ........................ . pulldingtrJp •.•__ .••_._J . _..........-.. -... -.....,.
Apump fix the A trap Inst.11eaIn the 17u1k:fl"9dl'3lnto ApIpe or otheJ: conduit.usually
accumulatlonsof Iquld from ;a su mp. T preventthe passageof sewer!faStSfrom underground.for c.rTJ'lngoff sewage and
Apit or rtScmOIrseMl14 .1S a ara in or
for W2ta' or other I1qu-lds.
l1uiidingdrain _.'--'
The lowest p2rt of a dl'3lnage
system that receives the discharge
the pulkllngsewerto the aralnage
systemof a I7uJldlng.Not all plumull19
codes requirea I7uIk:flngtrap. Also called
otherliquid waste to a treatmentplant
or other point of dIsposal L
from sell ana
W2ste st.cks Inside house trap. 5anitary
tM walls of .i7ulldlngand It A sewerconveyingonly sewage from
Invert - ......................... - .................
Th e Iol'o'ffipoln on the Interlor of
.1 or 5eWef wf.c:re the
by gravityto tf.c: I7ulldtng sewer. Also
calleJ house draIn.
plumbingfixtures and excludingstonn
water. L
The IlqulcJ waste contaIning3nlmalor
vegetJblematter In suspensionor
solution that passes a sewer. L

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------------ ---------- --- ------- ------- ---------, sewage pt3nt
A l3)'C1' of matter that rises ; Structures .nd appurtenancesfor
to the surbceof the sewage In a ! receiving the dIschargeof a santtary
drainagesystemand reducingthe org4nlc
sep-tlC tallL
and !1acterlalcontent of the waste so as to

cle2r space --- __ _ renclerIt less offensiveor dangerotJS.

The dlstanceretwten the vattorn of !
the l3yerof scum and the I1ottomof
outlet In a septic tank,
sluage eftar space
The distanceretween the top of the
s.l!:dge anJ tM I1ottomof the outlet in
------- __
Sed1mentth3t settles"out of sewage,
a semi-solidmass on the
t>ottom oh septlc tank. .. -------------------
j: ..... __
i i
septic tank -----j dosing cham17er -1 effluent ,____J
A coveredpit for receiving the sewage A covered watertight tank for recelvlng the A chamverof a I3rgeseptIc tank employing liqUId sewage that has tre3W In a
from a house. having a perforatedlining to dischargefrom a Inllkllngsewer. slphonlcaction to automaticallydischarge septic tank or a sewagetreatment plant.
af1cw the liquid portion of the sewage to out the solid organicmatter which Is a Ia rge volu me of effluentwhen a
!exh Into the while the sludgeIs ana
ducmposeJ purifiedI1y all3erovlc predetermInedquantity h3s accumulated_
rrt1lneJ In the pit to undergo ana allowingthe clarlfledliquid to
decomposltlon_Cesspoolsare no longer dischargefor final disposal ----------.--
;;.c.c.eptal1!eas a means of sewage d1sposal

.-.--- greasetrap
A pte that Is lined with a perforated . A tank Installedbetween a kitchen and
to aHow effluent a house 5etIerfor retainingand rerr.cvlng
cc&cteafrom a septIC tank to seep or greasefrom waste water.Also cail.ed
Ie3ch Into the surrounal"9soil sometimes
as a substitute for a dralnfleld_ --------:
,--'" distri\1utionbox
, AVox through which th<: flow of
from a sept.lCtank Is dlstrlvuteato the
dralll3getiles of a dra!rrfleld.Also o lid
_-.... dr.ainfield
An open area containingan
al1sorptlontrenchesthroogh which seytlc.
-------1- tank effluentfrom a septlctank rttry seep

r or leach Into the surroundlngsoG.l.J:so

: I I : l called al1sorptionfield. fi.dd.
:I :I I :I :I !I
II l:

I : avsorp-tiontrench
: I I I I . A narrow trench 12 to 36 In. (.305 to
I : : :: . ,._/ 914 mm) wide containingcoarse ag:;re-
___ __ .....
___.J,.___ _4 g3te and;l dIstrll1utlonpipe through
fitter i which the effluentfrom a septic Is
A fllterforcleanslng w.teror allowed to seep Into the sofl
effluent.con51stlngof l41yers
of coarsestone.coarsegr:wel.and
$4 rod finer toward the top,
A trench wider than :30 In. (914
containingcoarse and two or
sub-5urf.acesana filter .----------------------. '-: _' - .; .-; :'-' -, " . 1"-' .•. " . more dlstrlVutIonpIpes through ,,'hlch
tM effluentfrom a septIC tank Ny seep
Into the surroundingsolt Also callt-d

Drain tileslakJwith openjolnt5or

perforate<!pipe having
openingsfor the dl5trlvutlonof the
effluentfrom a septic tank. Also ca f1aI
A sequtneeof aPsorptlontrenches. dlstrfWtlon line,
aD-sor-ptloobeds. or seepage plt6 so
am ngt.d the totaleffectlve drain
a area of one Is utilized A test for determiningthe rate.t To cause wateror other lI!\uld to hollow tile bid end to end with
Defore effluentflows Into the next. whlch;l wlllavsorveffluent.made percalatethrough as to joints to disperseeffluentIn a dra 1rrfle1J.
by the rate at which the dissolveout solul:7leconstituents. or to drain water-saturatedsoil Also.
water level drops aftera hole Is dug In drainage till.
the soli and filled with water.


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Concretein which steel plain concrete ferrocement concrete
reinforcementis embeddedin such a Concretehavln9 no reinforcement. Constructedof Umtnt-5anamortar with dispersed.
or relnforceaonly for drying over a wtre mesh thAt h4 s l>een rarukmlyoriented fl!1ers of glass or plastic.
maMer that the two materials act
shrinkageor thermal stresses. preshaped(}Ief' a mold.
in forces.Also gfrc
caned l1hon Jrme.
ferroconcreU. for glass·flber·relnforced

f- _...
A system of steel !ms. stn ods. or
wires for al7sortrlng shearing.
A grJ of Iongltudlnaland tr"3nsverse
and sometimes corr.::r-;::ssNe steel wires or bars welded togetherat
stresses In a or all p:;;nts of Intasectlon. usually
structure. sped'oed the $lze of the grid In Inches
and wire g3u¥, Also called welded-
rtinforcingpu -. _.. - ............ ""'-" I

A stttl Ua r for reln{:' c.oncrae.
U$U311y speclfltdPy : numPer
to Its eighthsof
an Inch. AIsoC31le(;
deformedbar' . - ... -....•. -.- .....
A relnforclng with
sumcedeforrr:.. )!15 to develop3
greater Pond¥--
te",ion ;eir.: '-;emen1;
Relnforceme< to 3DsorP ...•.•.•..,
tensile stre:: .

Relnforcerr- ,iesignedto a PsorV
comprtSs,. "A-tSses.
....-_ ..__ .- .... cracked 17a lJ se.ction
....... Aconcretesection kslgred or analyz!.d A In which the tension
..•..•..... on the assumptlonth3t concrete h4s r.a t-heoretlcallyre4Ches Its
resistanceto tensile stresses. specif'oedyield strength as the concreteIn
compresslon Its assume.d

i L rtSl5tIngcouple
A c.uses the

stren!)thof the concreu

stress :,
a concretemember to e:r:cud tens;le ovtmfnforce.d
A cor.cretesection In which the concrete
ttnsion -_ .......i
i In corrres.slonre4cnes Its assumed
i. .. __ ...._._ strtS54strlbution
f strain Pdore the tcnslon
L.. _. __......-...._ 5traln Jlstn'Pution reinfor-..a1entre3Ches Its spec!f'ledyield
stre:r* This Is" d3ngerousconaltlon
since of the SoXtlon could occur
effectiveare.1 of co xrm Inst.irltaneous!yw!thout
The area of a concretesection
the compress.,nf;oce artd the w.tWJ undeminforced
tension A in which
Its specifiedyield
effectlveart4of reinforcement s Defore the concreteIn
The productof the Cl'O$5·sectior..;: comFresslon Its assumea
area of reinforcementanJ the cosine of strai!1.This Is a deslra!71e
the angle Paween Its d1rectlonand the cond'rt,.,lonsince of the sectkin would
d1rectlonfor wtllch Its effectlvenessIs De po,. brg.e deformatlons.glvl"9
prior ....mlng

fc effectll'ema of
concretea-t arr; of 3 reinforced
concretememt>er.expressedas a

I'r"ans. .3S emPedment
len!)thOf' koo(ed Ir.ars. for
tension or compressionIn a reinforcing
bar on exh side of a criticalsectlonIn
order to prevent rona
hllure or spnW"4-
The sectiao of a flexuralconcreU: member
at a point of!mum stress. a point of
Infltctlcn. or. ?'lnt within the span
where !73rs are flO longer needed
to resist stress.


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tru5511ar top bar relnforcedconcreu ueJm
A longitudinalPar Pent up or down of the longitudinalPars Aconcrertbeam designedto act togetner
at points of moment reversalIn a servingas tenslon reinforcementIn with Iongltudlr.aland wep reinforcementIn
reinforcedconcretepeam. the section of a concrete!leamor resistingappliedforces.
slap subjectto a negativemomen t.

ReInforcementessentiallyparaHel to the
horizontalsurface-ofa slaD or to the tong
axis of a concretebeam or column.

we!? reinforcement ..-·····-·····l1entbar l?ottoml1ar .... deepl7eam

Reinfvrcernentconststl/11of Pent Pars .' AlongitudinalPar Pent to an angle of of the longitudinal!r.lrs A reinforcedconcretepe3m havl/11 a depth.
or stlrrups,placed In a concretepeam 5O"or more with the axis of a serving as tenslon reinforcement to-span ratio greaterthan 2:5 for .

to resIst dIa 9Oft31 tenslen. concrete perpendicularto ana In the sectlon of a concretebea m conttnuousspans,or 4:5 for simple spans.
-' Intersectingthe Cl"3cklngtlut could or slab subjectto a positive subject to nonhneardistributionof stress
:,.------------------\ occur from diagonaltenslen. moment. and lateralbuckling.
-, ,,,",,"-klop Amonolithicrelnforcedconcrete
: :: pars placed perpendicularto the constructionIn which a portloo of the sl3b
,• ' longitudinalreinforcementof a on each skie of a beam acts as a flange In
concrete peam to resist the vertlcal reslsttngcompressivestresses.and the
componentof diagonalten51on. portionof the peam projecttngbelow the
slab serves as a web or stem In reslstl/11
bendingand shear stresses.

The principletensilestresSt:sacting at an
ar.qle to the longitudinalaxls of a beam.

vertlcJll reinforcement p '. ... reinforcedconcrete column

relnforumentplaced In a .' A concretecolumn designedto act
with verticalana lateralreinforcementIn
W1Cretecolumn to aDsorp compressive
stresses.resist bendl/11 stresses,and
.... t. reSistingappliedforces. Relm"orua
the effectsof creep and shrinKage
fn the column.The effectlvecross-
sectlonal of verticalrelnforcement
'. .""
; ..
concretecolumns constltutlngthe principal
so pportsfor a floor or roof shotild have a
minimumdiameterof iO In. (254 mm). or If

;'4' "0

shO'JIJ not l>e less th3n 0.D1 nor more than rectangularIn section.3 minimum thickness
0.06 tlmtS the gross cross-sectionalarea :. of & In, (203 mm), and a minimum gross area
4 '.
of the column,with 3 minimum of four #5 of 96 sq.ln. (61935 sq. mm). -
for tied coIumr.sand a minimumof six
15 for spiralcolumns. .-.. . ........ --- .. . -. .- II laural reinforcement
Spiral relnforcemtntor lateralties placed In
a concretecolumn to laterally;estralnthe
A spl1ce for transferringtensileor vertical reinforcementana pre-.ent!?ucl:linl
compresslvestressesfrom one d.; -- -...... -.. - .• 5pir.11 reinforcement
Ior-jlUJdlnalu.r to another.made !1y
I _, lateral relnforcemtntCOi1slstl/11of an
b pplng theirends for a length evenly spacedCOlltlnuO'Jsspiral held flrmly
!r.lrc::l13meters_ ..... - .. In piau by vertlcJIspacers. 5ptral
b1.Itt5ptice reinforcementshouiJ hJve a d14meterof at
least % In. (9.5 mm), with a mJXlmum
center-to-centerspacing spiralsof
u.rto another.made!1y '16 of the core diameter,and a clearspacing
their ends togetherand retween spiralsnot to exce.ea 31n. (76 mm)
nor l1e less than 1% In: (35 mm) or 11/2 t1rr1eS
C011nectlng In a positive ..._.-... the size of the coarse aggreg3te.
wdaed 'pllu _._ .. - - ----.. ../
A l>utt splice INQe by arc-weiJlngthe
l>uttedenas of reinforcingbars.

l>uttedends of two reinforcingpars tied column compoundcolumn

\'11th 3 meclunlcJlfastener.3S 3 A concretecolumn reinforcedwith A structural steel column erlC3sea In
sbeclJmp. _ verticalPars and InalviJuallateral concreteat least zVz In. (64 mm) thick.
tieS. lateral ties shou!c::lluvea reinforcedwith wire mesh.
l1end 0---·--" diameterof at least % tn. (9.5 mm).
A displacinga sectionof __ ..........__ .. compo5fUcolumn
spaced apart not over 43 tie
longitudinalbar to 3 posltlen parallel A structural steel column thorcuqhly
diameters.16 bar diameters.or the encaseaIn concretereinforcedilithDoth
to the orlglnaI Pa r. used esp. In the least dimensionof the column
reinforcementof concrete verticalancl spiral reinforcement.
sectlen. Each comerand
co1umns. lonflltudlnalbar should be laterally
supported!1y the bend of a tie having
an Includedangle of not more than
135", with no bar being more than 6 In.
(152 mm) clear from such a
supported b3r.


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reinforuJ concretesbv
A rlgtJ plalUr5tnIctureof conc;rat
kslgnedto act wttfI principal principalre!rtforcemeltt•.-.--..-.--.. -...... ··--·-····-·····1 topping
ana StGOn.:bry RelnforcemetltdeslgneJta a(,sori1the i A thin layerof hlgh-qualJtyconcrete
stressesfrom appliedloads and moments. ! placed overa concrrnbase to form a
5hrink.agtreinforcement ----- ......- I

Relnforcementplaced I bonding layer

principalrelnfOt"Ult1entIn a one-wayslab to .i A thin layerof mortarspreadon a
absorb the stressesresultingfrom . moIstenedand preparedexlstlng
shrinkageor changesIn temperature.Also ! concretesurface prior to laylfi1 a new
called umperature reinforcement. concrete51317.
()M-WZj sbb ....-.---
A slap ri unlfonnthlci;ness
reinforced., one dlrec1:lonana cast
lIttth parallelsupporting
/:Ie3ms.()r,e-waysbllsare suttal1Ls
onlyfor spans.
5bb ____________._._._.
A slap by
wflich In tum are
supportedPy pmry !7e3ms or

...--...----.--.. -.---------. --.-. distribution rll7

, .•••-.. A rip formed pcrpendIcularta thejoists
.' of a rlW?ed ta dIst:rIl7uta
load concentratkmsover a area:
one r,ulred for spal15l7etween20 and
.-------------.- .. --.--------.--. :30 ft. \6 and 9 m). and two for spans
A concretesbp cast
II'Ith.a seres of closely
spacedp!ru whldlln tum are
.----------------..---. ------.Joist l7and
supportedby a p.; ral'd set cj !Jc:ams. A llroad. shallowsupportIng for a as a series slap Is economIc..I to rorm
Its depth Is tM same.astim of

of parallel and econotnlcalfor
lI'Iedumsp4rlS to lned!um !ive tr.ejoists.
baas. Also joist sbl7.
;-.--.. -.-.-.. pan

: A reuS3!?lemetal or ftl1erg lass moIJ
use4 In forming a rl!roed avarbJUie
In stana.ra 20- and (508- .na
762·mm) wlJthsanaa variety of

two-waysbb --.-----------------.---.----.--
A c.oncm.estlp cj IlllIfonn
reinforudn twodreaJons cast

or IQIIs on fair sides.Two-wzy

are fa- N:iIum spans

Areinforced 51. extending paMi
as a structuralunit CHef tnru or'more A portlonof a refnforce&concrete
supportsIn a g!Yen d!rectIon.A rouMeaon all sides \ly the cente1ines
conUnuouss./JpIs subjectto lower of columns.beams. or walls.
/I'1O!I'1entsth4n a of I!J -. [In
.dlscme.slll'lplysupportedslolk. .. panel
-=1f"--y------:-f---nr- Astrip running In eachdlrectlolTofa

o u u o
:!: 1 1
: ,I, .. -., middle strip
two-wayslal7.within which moments
perfoot are assumedta !Ie constant. l
!II l ; IiI A panel Strip. one-halfpanel In width
Iii: : I·' and symmetricalarout the panel
.. .ll......._.l ..-.....--.. -.........-i.........-..H: ..- cenURlne.
II: l j Iii .-.-. column 5trlp
. Apanel stripoccupYfngthe adJ3unt
III·: :
I quarter panels orl roth sides of a
column centullne.


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Aconcreteslab of uniform
reinforcedIn two or more dlrectlorl:sana
supporteddirectlyby columns I¥rtMut
or girders.Flat plates m
for short to rneJlum sparlS with reb"tivel';(
Il:lht live loads. Since there are rIO column
capitalsor drop panels, gcva-nsthe
thicl:nessof;l flat plate: •

punching shear
The potentiallyhigh-shearingstress
developedby the reactiveforce of a
column 0113 reinforcedconcreteslau.
The ovtm>tres5edregion of a reinforced
concreteslab rt a column support.
A flat plate thlcl:enedat tts cotUll"'w'
supportswith column ca plt3Is ar.a drop
panels to increaseIts shear and
moment·reslstlngcapacity.Fta-t are
suitablefor heavilyloaded spans.
Fl3t slJb constructionutHlzlng c...iumn
capitalsana drop

drop panel ... --.--.. --... --.- ----. ----j--

The portionof a flat slab thickened
arounda column or column caplt31 to
Increasethe Its resistanceto shear.

Atwo-W3yconcretesIa b r*s
lt1 two dlrectlons.W3ffle St.DS m to
carry heavierloadsand span
distancesth3n flat Supportjrlg
columncapit.11 ----- -.--.------.-... and drop panels can I;le by
The head of a column su pport for a flat omtttlngdome forms In se!ecte.d're4S.
sbb enbrgeJto Increasethe plate area
In sheoIr. dome
A square met31 or pan LI5e.d In
forming the of a W1ffle slab. m!l:.aD!eIn
exteriorpMI stand3rd19- and 3O-ln. (483- artJ 702·mm)
A Fnel of a flat slab having at least one Widths and a varietyof
e&ge which does not adjoin anotherpanel. ---:

!nUrlor panel
Any panel of a flat slab that adjOins
othu panels along all four edges.


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concrete tendon .......... "'" .......• aputment

Concretereinforced!Iy pretenslonlng A hlgh·strengthsted strandor . A structurefer ;;r.chorlngthe
or postta5lor.lz'!Jhlgh-strengthsteel for prestressing . •. _.. _..... : o tendons In the pret.enslonlngof-a concrt".<:
tendons Withlll theirelastk; limitto lr.emDef.
activelyresista serviceroad. The
A caine composedof hlgh-strengt:h ;-._................ anchor
tensf18 stress.eslll are
steel wires twisted aPout a core. 1 AmechanicaldevIu forlocllnga
tr3 nsfrnt<:!to the concrete..placing
i tendon In position ana deliveringthe
the entireCl'OS5 sectionof a flexural
memPerIn compression.The resultlng force to the concret".
compressNe c:ounWactthe
! per.n3nentlyIr1 a me 1t1Pt:rer
stressesfrom the
applied the prtstrtssed
me1I'1Perto less.C4rty agre.ter
load. or span a gT'C2terdistance n a casting l1ed ;............ juking
conventionallyremfurcedmemPerof Along horizontalslap 00 which a num!1e1'of fcxu e::t..er1"...edtemporarilyby 3
the same sht. proportion.and welght. concretememPers may pe jaclln the prest<tssJngof a cor.crete

r0 Introduce
stressesto a
In order to
prestressed.fOl1T1ed. and cast
A hydraul1c for stretchIngand
counter3ctthe st.ressesthn will In the prestressingof 4
f1"OI'1 an applltdta.d.
preUn,lcn ............................... .
r0 a concretememl7er!Iy
the mnrorclngtel'laons initLll
the concreteIs cast. The
tendonsare first streUhe!:fpetween
two alluw.entsuntU a predetermlnea
tensl1eforce Is Concm"Is
tc1sile:fcxu!n the reinforcing
transferredto a concretememberat the
tlrr.e of stress1"4
then C4st In fonnwork,roun4the
tenJonsand fuJi cured. the
tendonsare cut, ,nd the tensilestress
In the tenJonsare transferredto the
A reductlonIn InttlalPf'tStres5
from the effectsof cmp.
shrlr.&:a9t.or dast:lc of the:
c.onaete til I"OU9h bond stresses. concm.e. of the
ste.elfrictionlosses from the
curva-tureof pea tenaons.arJ sllpp3oe
at PIe ancoor.f¥S.
The th3t exists ma
losses k1 prestress luve occurred.
-effective tr-ess
The prestress In a prestressed .

conc.rete tM effect of
the weight of the: memPer exc!udlngthe
effect of arry load.

The prestressingof A member to ..
: :. .... - comPIneJ level of stress such tlu t IlOmlna!
stresses exist at deslgn or serviu loads.
,. -. -- _ •• c •• - •••.•••.•••••••• dead load strtsses .................... - live/oMstrtsses

L .•


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...• po5ttensicn
To prestressa concretemem!:>erIrt .
tensioningthe reinforcingtendonsafter
the concretehas set. Unstressedtendons
are placed In sheathsbefore Is
cast In formwon: around the tuPes. After
the concretehas cured.the tendons are
clampedon one end andjacked againstthe
concreteon the otherend until the
requiredforce Is developed.The tendons
are then on the end and
thejack removed.
PosttenslonlngIn which the reinforcing
tendonsare Ponded to the surrouitcllng
concrete!1y InjectinggroutInto the
annularspaces around the strands.
PosttenstonlngIn which th6 annular
spaces around the reinforcingtendonsare
not grouted.allowing the tendons to move
relativeto the surroundingconcrete.
A tube for encasing tendons In a
posttensloneclmember to preventtheir
bonding to the concreteduring placement.
To prestressa concretemember!1y
pretenslonlngsame of the tendonsand

.-.......--..- concentrictendon
. A tendon luvfng a straighttr;;jectory
cofncldentwith the centrokfalaxlsofa
tenSioned,the tendon producesa
acrossthe section thn counteractsthe
tensile stressfrom ben.::l1ng.
.- .........- .. eccentrictenacn
.: A tendon havlng a straighttrajectorynat
colncldentwtth the centrold3laxlsof a
prestressedconcretememrer. When

i +\ , tensioned.the tendon producesan

eccentric foru th3t
reduces the compressivestre:;sacross
W. section toth<lt produud by bencIlng
/---- .. dr<1ped tendon
: Aposttenslcnlngtendon having a
parabonctrajectorythn mirrorsthe
WJ ./ momentdlagramofaunlformly
The conceptof prestressinga concrete dlstribuW gravttyload. When tenSioned.
with draptd tendons.
theoraic311yrt:SultlngIn a state of zero
under2 given loading cone/ltlon. variationIn applied pendlr.g moment along
the length of the member.
..... --.................. - ......•
A pretenstonlngtendon that
approximatesthe curve of a draped •
tendon with used
In the pretenslonlngprocess since the
prestressingforu does not allow for
draplr.gthe tendon.
.'. ........ - ........... harped tendon
One of a series of depressedtendons
having '/arylngslopes.


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The externalupper pf
a f,uitding.lndudingtheframe :.. _....... _.-...... pitch
for supportingthe roofing. / The slope of a roof. commaniy
;' expressedIn Inches of verticalrise per
A roof no or OM only
a slightpltcls so as to drain rainwater.
/ c-----------..----- ::01""_"1",,_
i i The measured height of a sloping roof
pitchtdroof from the eaves to the r'.aqe.
A roof havln! ooe or more slopes..

. t-.I horizontaldistancefrom the eaves

to the of a sfopi"4 roof..

paviticnroof ...- ...

A PY'"3mlJalhlp roof.
hip roof.•.__ .. _..........._ ............... .......• gal7le
A roof having sloping ends ana sides A roof having a hipped eM
meeting projectingangle. a ga Also c.;11ed
Also. hipped roof. Jerkinhud. shreadhai

curproof ...•..- ....... gaml7relroof

A roof dMded 011 each side of the ridge ./ A roof dividedon t4Ch side Into
IrTtc two or more a gam!1re!
or ma rt53rd.
a shallowerslope steeperone.
nta"'trd •......- .... _................ _.. . ..-._.........- cur"
A roof havI"9 en each side a steeper The arris retween an upperana a lower
lower pm and, shallowerupper part. slope on a gam!1relor roof.
Also roof. r J

..•. _....... ralnl:oowroof

. A9!11e roof In the form of a Proad GothIc
I7utterflyroof ................., ...................... -: . arch. with gentfysloping convex
A roof having two slopes;each
descendingInwardfrom the eaves.

,'- I:rarrefroof
. A roofor havl"9 a

roof - ............................... _...............-
A roof h2v1ng a slngle sk¥.
lean·to .:........................ _..... .
A shed roof with the higherend Il. J
al7uttlnga wan or largerI7ulldlng.

A shed roof prqectlngfrom a wa II or ... ,awtaoth roof

the side of a I7ulla1n< to sheltera A roof composedof a serlts of small pmrd .)
door. Also called Jppentlce.pent. roofs of trlanguiarcrosssectlon. u$U4ltf
pentlce. asymmetricalwlth the shorterslope glnd


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monitor ............. _.......... , rkfge
A raised COfI5truction5tr;i dan the Ahorizontalnne of Intersectionat the
ridge of a roof. having windowsor lowers top l1etween two sloping planesofaroof.
for IIghtlngor a 17uilding. _.
............,.. _..• valley
An Intersectionof two Incllnearoof .
surfacestovmd which rainwaterflows.
.. -........ hip
. The Inclinedprojectingangle formed I7y
th(:Junctionof two adjacentslOping sides
ofa roof.

An In a roofOf' ceiling.glazed
with a tr3nspamrtOf'transluunt
rnaterl3lfor admittingdaylight.
f3U dormer
The IncUnea.llsuallyprojectingedge of a A projectingstructure l7Uilt out from a
sloping roof. usuallyhousing a vertical
windowor ventilatinglouver.
The lower edge of a roof. Also. ........
Eitherof two similarsides ofa

As; 7\ a dormeror 17uttress.
shed dormer
//1", , . Adormerh.-wIng a shed roof.
(, : /-'r .. - .. - ...... - gaple dormer
I' /" I
1 Y I A dormer having a gable roof.
,addle ......... -.: I 1 I ...............................···linkdormer
A connectlngtwo higher . 1 I A large donner that houses a chimney
elevationsof a roof. /., ..•. 1\ orJoins one part of a roof to another.
cricket •. _............................. _.. - ..
.-- 1\
I \ eyel7row
Asm.;a11 roof for dlvrnlng r3lnwaw arounJ \ I \ I
A low aonnerhaving a roofthatlsan
\ I \ 1
a prcjectlon.IS a chlm ney. on a roof. \ I \I upwardlycurvtng contlnuatlonof the
\1 ,.) main roof plane.

Pox gutter ....... roofdrain

A gutter builtInto the slope of a roc{ A drain to recelve water
aDove the cornice. __... __ ., ._.- .. collectingon the surfaceof a roof ana
dischargeIt. Into a leaderor a Mwnspout.
Aro..rd laid to the gutter on a ....
sloping turned·up An opening In the SIde of 3 as
eJge of the rnetJlllnlng.Also calteJ In a for draining off r3lnwater.
layer l10arct

Achannel of metal or wood at the eaves
gutUr ... - ......- ... _.._. __ ...._...._.. b or on the roof of a Pulidlng.for carrying
A a section. ftxe.d W off rainwater.Also called eaves trough.
to the eaves of:a I7ulidlng.
lunging gutUr ..--...... leader head
Agutter bstcned to the ends of
or to a fuscl;uttne eaves of aroof. -.-- ..... - .. The head of a downspoutconnected
to a scupperor gutter.
...'...... down,pout
... A verticalpipe for conveyingralnwat-er
down from:a roofor gutter to the ground.
Also called dralnspout.l-e.14er.

The 17ase of a downspout.curved
outwardto direct the flow away from
the wall.

gutter ha"¥r spike-arld-ferrule ... 5plJ'h plock

A rr.etal strap or bracketfor 5U pportlnq AIonq·nat1·and·fonr.e.d·metal
slee-,e for A precastconcrete having a
arJ gutter.. fastening<I gutter to the of <I reef. .::--....... : depressed.splayed surface.placed at
.. the base of a downspoutto disperse
_ '. ", 7""jj rainwaterthat woukl otherwiseerode
the soil.


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douWerocf .'-.-.- .. -. purlin
A roofil •• s a :- A Iongftudll13!meml1trofa rooffrall1efor
beaII and purilns.m us.e.d.s supportingcommon rafters the
supportsfur common ridge and the eaves. Also. purfll14S.Also
ra&rs. C4IW roof. C3l1ed ratul".
A structural memperfor C3 rrylng
roofing I!13Ur13ls.supported!1yand
runnIng at right angles to pur/Ins.
king pest _.-._.- ............................-.......................'.
A vc:rtbl from tht arex ta tht \.
---.... ----.., common raftu of. plUhedtruss. .'.... Arafter extendIngfrom a wallplatcto ..
or rldgebearnana h3v1ng no
functlonother than to support sheathing
A pas; t\?t.Chesor i.i iseJ are3S and cavenngof a roof.
for ana supportlngthe fet"t of
Inclined5tt1rts. Also
.. ,. poleplm
A!;team perpendicularto the ends of t18
. I1eams In • trussed roof and supporting
An are;;! of. postfor su pportlng common rafttrs nea r theIr lowerends.
theftm(/ a strut or ma.
.. ---- .• princlp31rafter
kingtru55 Adiagonalmem!:>erof. roof principal
A pItchedtruss havIng a post. usuallyforming part of. truss ana
supportingthe purllnson which common
rafters rest.
auxili3ryr3fter principal
A rafter a principalrafter A memberIn a framt structure upon
which adjacentor similarmembers
... --... -- .. -... -...- .... -........... -.... --.---,. dependfor supportor
A t:le uniting taps of .. / '<>"
,,/ "
'I.ueeQ post ------------.-- ... --------- .--.,c-"'..r,.-N-:>£---.-"'i
set Jl5t:.nus from th.e ap6c of •

A horlzoWltJmberfor connectlngtwo A truss having tw0'1ueet1

=-c:mbersto Uep them from posts connectedDy a stl'3lnlngpiece.
lp<;;l the
prit1clpalr7ft.ersIn. roof truss.

A along ana
of a I\uterl truss and
r---...----.-----/ arch hace
feet of 1:he ,\ueen posts. A curved usuallyused In pairs
to supporta roof fume and give the
effect of an arch.

hammerpo1t - .....-....-...-.... "--' ........"--"---'.

A th6lnner of. ....
mud acorlar be4rn \.
aOM s-pp:rl a po.Jr"'- '
.....-.---....... -.--... -,.
One of P* (/ si10rt me:mt>trS ".
attacheJ die (/ a plinclp2li.ifter
UIe b-d of W41U pIN. In"sea
of a tic be;am.
--.---------...----.. -__

A projectingh.xUontallyfrom a
IQd to bear the weight of. cantIleveror
cruck • .J
One of. palrof naturallycurveatimbers.
forming one of severalarchedframes
supportingthe roof of an old Enghsh-
-------- ... -- .. -- ....--.-...
A vertlcattlmbersupporteJat ftslower
end (,y a and carT)'kl4at Its upper
cottageor farm l1ulldlng.
end a hallWler or roof
A roof supportedDy hammer !:>eams.


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riagel10ara roof framing
APam for supportingthe upper ends A horizontaltimberat the ridge of a The act. prcx;es5.or mannerof COnstructing
of at tilt riJ¥ of a roof. roof. to which the upper ends of the the structuralframe of a roof.
rafters are fastened. Also called
A pair of raftersconnected!;ya call3r
! [II! II i i Ill! i or tie beam. Also calleJ
/'--'- --------.. -----.------.... ---. -: collar
A horizontaltlm!1erunitlngt,.,.o Opposl%
common raftersat a point t-.elow ;he
usuallymthe upper h3ff of the rafter
; length. Also called collar tie.
I r------·-··--·rafter
I Any of a of SItl3I1. par311e1 beams for
l_._ . ___ supportingthe sheathinga,..J coveringof a

cellingjcist - ....!
AJoistfor carryingthe finish
tap cut ------------- .. ---.. ------.-------- ceiling of a room.
Aplum pcut at the upper end of a rafter knee wall
where it !lutts againsta rldgeboard. Ashort wall supporting at some
plumu Intermediateposltlonalong their length.
direction. ..-------- bird's mouth
steppingoff ------- .--------.------------------------------.----:/ ./ A right-anglednotch cuton
A of determiningthe length of a ...- underslkof a rafter to fit Ofer a
raf'"...erwith a framing square.17ymarXlng an / ..,. Iongltudirt31memw. as a wall pl3te.
Incrementof angularlength for each foot of
hortzontalrurt seat cut
A horizontalcut at the lower end of a
rafter th3t allows it to rest 00 and !Ie
connecteJto a wall plate. Also called
A relJtlvelyshort mcket or cantllever foot cllt. pIaU cllt.
for the ovemang of a roof.
Also "lied bffp!ue. ·-------1
EIUIerof the en.:! rafters In jack
plrt of a g3 PIe roof til at Having 3 length or height less than that
most of the others In a frarr.e.d strurnre.
"",,11. -----\. asaJad: raft;eror troS5.
J3 ck r3ft".er
Any rafter th3t Is shortert.1an the fun
length of the roof slope. as lXle meetlng a
hlp or II va!ley.
\ valleyjad
AJack rafter extenJlngfrom avalley rafter
to a ridge.
V4111ey I7fttr
-- A raft.e:rconnectingthe rld¥ to the W4R
plate atong a valley.
A rafterjolnlng a hlp to a va Also C311ed

Varge L. _____.... outrigger

A palrof I'3fUrssupportingthe part A!leam extendlngoutwardfrom a main AJack: rafterextendlngfrom; W411 plate to
of a gal7le roof that projects !1eyond structure to supportthe projectionof ahlp rafter.
the I7I.e W3l a floor or roof. hiprafUr .
Arafter forming theJunctlotlof the sloping
l1acKlng .-------------... -.. ---..--.. ------......-./
sides of a hlp roof.
A !1<nrd. often carved. attachedto A given to the outerand upper edge
the end of a ga!ne roof. of a hlp rafter In order to allow sheathing aragon beam
Also called veTgePoard_ ---.------: to fit the top of the rafter without leaving A short Pe3m receMng aM h&1ng the foot
a trbngular space !1etween It and the of a hlp rafter to counteracttts thrust.
sk:k of the roof covering. ..' Also called dragon rue.
cheekcut ... ----.... -.. --- .. ---.. dragon tie
An oblique angularcut at the end of ajack An angle brace for supportingone end of a
\ rafterena!1l1ng It to fit tightly against a hlp dragon
, "I"" Alsocall<dsid< cut.


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r---------- --- sheathing
My of v;; r"oJs w.wrt$l5t. nt ma terlals.
sbtts. or on a roof fa stentJ to the fra of a wall or roof • s
to shea Cf dnln nlrooter. Ua5e for cL-ufdlngor roof1ng_
Boards or structural p;; plyrYood.
panel clip
Athin. of wood. An H-5haptJmetal aevlu for
nt..erbl sbte. or sluts of plywood roof at In rows to cover unsupportedJolnts_ .-;
t.l,e roof • wa lis of Pu 5. -. - -. -- --.. -. - . -- -.. -. t==;r==il===:;;::==G:=:==;;;====='

Un II rication E± -.
The over.J of or roofing tlles
to fonn;a weathertlght
Aweather-reslstant materialas
---.----- .. ------------------ ----.- --.---..... felt. for coveting and protectinga roof
The ofunits. as masonry. p=dJ:==r====:Jb==;;;===Jb==;r==:J deck Defore shInglesare appfled.
shlngles.or to ensure that vertlcal
FiniS are root ccml1'lUO'J5In adjacent ------------., fbshlng
courses..Also calleJ joints. An addltlonall3yerof underlayment
cementedto roof ded to prevent
common lJp •.
A method ci l;iying
... -.-.-------...
by offsetting
meltIng Ice and snow from Packing up
underthe rooflng along the eaves. .1
alternatec..."'Jrsesone-haIf the width of a ice dam
AIrollaupof snow and Ice along the e3Ye
1:':; of a sloping roof.

'\. -r-r
A methodof laying shIngles
each shingleover OM to the side
and one !?eiow.
Of' expo!d to the weather _.. -.....
f- 1-----·_-------_· ... sldelJp
lIrf.en iI Also . I The distanceI;>y which a shingle.$bte. Of'
tlle overlapsan one abng i
: Its side ed¥. Also called endUp.
Tl-.e which slate. or ccverage
rocfI"'9 ano-"r.erIn the second The amountof weatherprotectionprovided
COIJI"5e ...... lt_ 11)' the overlappingof or slates.
'i u:ue
A unit for measurIng materials.
equal to 100 sq. ft. (9.3 54 mJ of cove<¥

. __ ._---_....._.
Acourse Q' of roofing ma terIaI
of a roof. shingle
•..... -- ... -- .. -- .• --.-. A compositionshingle h3vlng an aspkaft- I I

Impregnatedfelt trase. surfacedon the i

top c..Jt.)r$t of shlng1cs, states.or to a rJ¥. cut to the weatherside with colored mineraIgra nu ....
requlreJ ..\ .' In a hot aspbltlc

•. ------.--------00-----.-··· fillergbs6
One of the *'IUU
CO\.lI'"SeSof shlngIes Acompositionshingle an
\:7a56. saturated with asphalt
Of slJte lWith $horte:'or longer
and surfacedon the we3therside with
coloredwamic granules.
CCUrH .---.---------------------- -.--
A ccurse cI
a or
laid JII'lth the Putts
one adjacent. valley
Ava/ley for1n&:f 11)' overbpplng
AaouPle of Of' utes laId at
ccursesofshinglesIn alternated1rectlon:S.
the foot of J roof slope Of' • vertical
,t,a C-C'JNe
Also called I.1ced woven valley.

first of sldtes.or
e4Ves of • roof the
open valley
first WJr5e Is !dId.
A valleyat whIch shinglesor slatesare rm
laid to the exPOS!!1ga nn of
sheet metalor roll

drip edge· .--.-.------.---.---. --.:

A metal moldIng placed along the
eaves and rakes of a slopIng roof to
allow rainwaterto drip free. __ -. valJeyfushing
A wide strIp of sheet metal or rooflng felt
for linIng the va lIey of a roof.


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plue L1PeI ----.------------- dime",icn
A prtmlumgraJeofred ceclar shingleof Wood shinglescut to auniform s1zt.
random shingles
red IJPeI Wood shlngltsof uniform length,Mof
Art Intermedl3tegrade of red cedar random width.
shingle Imlng a Imlteaamount of flat
and sapwood.
l1L1ck bDel Athld shingle splltUnga
A utility grade of red cedar shingle. short log into .. numPerof tapered radial
o sectlons_

A row of wood shingleslaid along the rake of Ahanaspntsnake tapered by reversing
a sloping roof wfth the Mts projecting the l11ed with each spilt. .
outwardto give an Inward slope to the
surfaceshingles.Also caned under-cloak. shake
A ta perspllt hzvlng a spilt fau ana
spaced sheathin9 -- -----------------------------J..-' .-
R.ooflng roardsbid some distanceapart to
provideventllatlonfor l'I'OO<fshinglesand ",-- straightsplit,luke
sh3kes. Also caned open skip \\ A hanasplitshake of uniform
''---- f,utt
The thid:. usually exposeaeM of
f'ostcn hip -------.------------------------;-.------ a wood shingleor shake_
The weaving of shinglesat the hlp or ridge of
;i roof. Also called 5cstcn ridge_

A methodof on adjoining
surfacesof a roof or wall $0 that shingles
on each face lap each other alternately.
;- sprocKet
:. A strip of wood ftxed to each rafter at the
eaves I" oder to extenJa slopingroof Wfth
;:I flatter pitch. Also callea cocking pieu.

- rafUrt4n
The lower, sometllT1¢.5exposed.end of
;; rafterthJtovem3ngS3waiL
.-- tail cut
fascia A orT13 mentaI cut at the

Arry l1road, flat, norlzontalsurface.35 the lower eM of 3 raftertail

ouUr edge of a cornice or roof.
\-... - fascia l70ard An e3Ves overhJng exposingthe ends of
A wide roard set vertlc.allyto cover the rafters and the undersideof the roof
return - Also carlea open eaves.
lowerends of raftc-s or theJoint recween
The COfltlnU3tlonof3 cornice around I10x cornice the top of a wa" a rid the projectlngeaves.
the end of.Oil house. A projectit1g,hallowcorniceof
!:>cardsand r03iW to rafters
and Iockouts_Also calledcfo cornlu.

A methodof b)i114 roofing sIa tes with RoofIng sb"tesof uniform width.
the diagonalof tHe running ranacm,uu,
horizontally.AIsoC311eddrop-poInt RoofIng slatesof V3l)ing width,often
laid In dIminishIng Also c;a r!ed
hcneycomuflbting rUst«;
Db go113 I In which the tails are
cut from the rooflng slates. ------- head
The end of a roofing 51&.
open slating .... :=;=;====rr==r-l=
A method roofing slates with tail
spaces adjacentules In a The lower. portlonof a
course. Also called spaud slatJng. roofing slm.
t ... slating lUi!
One of ;:I numberof cour.x:sof rooflng A copper nail haYIng allrge,flat head and
slates that dlmlnl$hIn exposure,and 3 medium-dlamond-shapeapoint,
sometimeswidth, from the eaves to esp. for flxlng slates.
the ridge.


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rUIge tile ,.---------- tile tie
Arty of VlIriousCt.y or concrete Acanvex. 500".etimesdecorated Atwisted wire tie exter,alngfrom the e4ves
tlles for a roof. roofing for caverlng the ridge to the rid¥ of a roof, to which tiles
of a roof. Also oiled crown tife. are secured. L
field tile ------- .. ---.-------------,
One of tl1es covering ""-,_ ---. missIon tile
the 11131" expanseoh roof. - Atapered.semlcyllndrlcalroofing tile bid
convex side up to overlap flanking.similar
tlles laid concaveside up. Also called
A convex tllefor ....... Spanish tlle.
the hlp of a roof. ',,_,
Also oiled pon1\rttllt.
A tapered.semlcylindrlcalrooflng laid
convex side
\----.--.-. Ugula
. . . - -. Atapered.semlcylindrlcalrooflngtllebld
.. concaveside up.
,,----'--- pantile JI
A rooflng tile having an 5-shapedcross
bid 50 the downturnof one

C\'ertlpsthe upturn of the next In the same : I
course. I

-I ... pan-and-rolltiling
eaves _. _____ ._.____ 1
A system of roofing tiles consistingof
A first courseof shingles.slates. tapered.semlcyflnarlcaltiles C\'er!applng I

IY' tiles on a roof. the flanges offfat unMrtlIesIn the same I

, course. M
--.-.--------.- ....--
Arow of slatesor tiles placedon ana ...-...---.--.-....--.-. interlockIngtile
projecthlgOYer the of a A flat. rectangularroofingtile having a
gal;le, groove along one edge that fits rNer a
fu"4e In the next tile In the same course. i
nuti1e -- ... -.-.-.--.---------,
A We forT!1ed to coverthe -.•... ------.--. 'hingle tile
r3l:e ola sloping roof. A fut. rectangul3rroofing tile laid In an

A., L-5hapedrooflng tile for COferlng ..-....-

hlp. or ,..keof a roof. Also Anorlzontalwood strip on which roofing
tiles or sl3tes are hung.
,-tarter tae -- .. ------.------. tilting fillet
A rooflng Ule. usuallyshorteror plainer A wooden $trip of triangularsection
th.'ln thefie1Jutes. pl3ua underthe usea to the edge of a Qoul>le
course tc give It:i properslope. e4ves courseand ensurethat the tail$
of the lowesttiles pea tlghtly on each
other. Also C<!lleaarris fillet. /..

o·t1-canning .......... .------. lock

1l-.e wavfnessof a A roundedC4 pfor CC\'erir.g .........., ../ AJolnt l>etween two pieces of sheet metal
shea metal sumu. t.l"e ridge of:i roof.•. , .... made by foWlng up the adjoiningedges
.' againsteach other. folding them over. ana
futtenlng the Interlock.

••.•••• •..•..... Ajoint l?etween two pieces of sheet I1'
-"'''' ... made by foldln!! up the adjoiningedges
••••••• . 3g3lnsteach other. then folding their upper
\" portionover In the SJIT1e direction a numPer
'. . oftJmes.

AjoInt1?etweentwo of sheet metal.
made by turning up the adjolnlngedges
againsta pattenand locking them In pI#ce
with a metal strip placed over the lr.Itten.

- ....; nola-downcUp ------- .........--.- .......- ...... roU,eam

A roof COo'erlngof corrugatedsheetsof A metal clip for securing of Ajolnt two pieces of sheet met4lln
galvanlu.-Jiron. steel. aluminum. shut rnet3t the directionof fall of a curvedor sloping
,- roof. made Py turning up the adJoining-edges
fi!:>ergbss.or reinforcedplastic.
overcloak -.-----.----.-.--- .. -., ..-" againsteach other;then !:lendingthem
roofi"9 The part of a sheet of metal roofing around to form a cylindriC<!I roll
A roof CCferingof copper sheets.Jolned thzt fa ps C\'er a sheet l1entathit at a .//
by st3na1ng seams. drip or Se4m. .,·-17eaa
An edge of sheet met31 stiffenedby pending
tinroofi"9 ul\4krcloak-----.- ....-- -------.-.--/ and futtenlng a narrow strip or rolling the
A roof COtering of IbIPle tinplateor k>wer of metal rooflng at a edge Into a shapt:.
ten'.qlate. drip or seam.
Mond metal c1ezt--···-- ..............-........-.........-.- -....-.-.-........ .
for a mnd of an aJJoy
A strip of met41 Of' wood attachedto a
consistingmainlyof nickeland copper. surfaceto restrainor supportan
e!e",entor me1:';u. L

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Hypalon EPDM .....-- -.----.--...-.. -... --.. --. single-plyroofing
r"deman:for a hana of chlorinated EthylenepropYlened1ene mOflomer.a •••-.... A shut of el3stomerlcllUteri3las
polyethylene. synthetlGrubl1ermanufacturedIn sheets ,"" necprene,EPDM. or PVC, fm1ng
ana used 35 a rooflng memmne. :' fused by heat or a sof.'ent.ftxed to a roof
/ det;.k with adhesNe. rneciunlc3lfasttners.
! Or by the weight of a grave! st. Also
,.......".6.---.,....-..- ..........,.......--.-.......... _____ .,.......rv called ru
-=----;,/ elasUlmeric
Having the qualltlesof natural
I I f ruL1>er.
'- ... - gravel SUlp
Ametal strip with a verticalrunge for
retainingsumcI"4 and •
I preverTtIngleaks :aroundthe of a
I7uItt·uproof. .

r--- membranerocf
; A slngle·plyrooflng

tempmture by a layerof
from sunlightana extremesof
. .i Insulationana an aaaltlonal!ayerof gravel

. selvage
.•."-;' The edge of a sheet of roU rooflng th..t is
..-- / of granulesanJ most of the aSpflaft
fluid-appliedroo&g coaUng SO as to provide a rond
A continuous for roofs of complex with the lap of the next shut.
geometry. ofan elastomerlc
materialas neoprene,Hypaton.or butyl -------.-------...... roll roofing
rubrer,appl\e<JIn multiplecoats with a : A roofing m.oter131consistingof f e!t
roller or spraygun and curing to form a saturatedwith 3:SphaftartJ surfacedon
contlnoousmembr.lne. the weatherside with a asphJft
mlxeJ with mIneral or glass ana a
coretin9of mineraigr3nules.

Any of 'r'3riousmixturesof irydrocarrons
occurrin9natul"Jtlyor from C04l or asph31tor coal tar, used for
surfaCingroads. and rooflnq.
Before appllcatlon.the semisol1d rrtit'".er
must re dIssolvedIn .. sotve:rt.emulsif'.ed.
or hea ted to a liquid state.
asp1'13 It
A Drcwnlsh-DladmIxtureof
obtainedfrom aeposr-..s
or as a
petro!etJmby-product.used for paving.
wa terprooflng.; rocflng.
structul'3lllt5ubting roof duk
A cement!tlcusInsubtlng of coal
cr wood Aviscous.bbcl: !lquldformed during the
ronded unJerpressurewtth portland dlstIlbtlonof co.l uSe.a for p-alnts.
cement.having a factory-finished roofing_
undersidefor use on roofs with exposed
reams. ... -
r A layer of gravel serving to protecta
memml'lefrom mech3 nleaf
aUr3s\on ana uptrftlngwind fof'ces.
rigId bo3rdfnSul3tJon .-------. --. ------ ---- --- ---
.,----. cap shut
Ashut of coated. feft.
used as the top ply In al7uitt-uproof.

cold-proceS5roofing ..-----._----..... ,hut

A roof coveringconslstlngof layers of A feft with asp'.JltarC04I
roofingfelt or synthalc faD ric bonded and tar for use as the first ply In layInguf
s.ealed with a cold applicationof an asphalt a roof.
mastic or cement.
A matted.fibrous m3terlal
roofing bond l1uilt-uproofing -----._.\ with a bltumlnoosmaterialb- increased
A guar3nteeUy a suretycompa ny that a A contInuouscoveringfor flat or low· tcughnessand resistanceto
roofing manufacturer1'1111 repair a roof pitchedroofs. COMsIstl119of altematln9 Also called roofln9 paper
or covering under the conditions layersor piles of rooflng felt and heated
listed In the bOtld1ng contract Dltumen. surfacedwith a cap sheet or a
lJyer of gravel or slag In a heavy coat
em!1eddedIn bitumen_


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A portWn of spau withina
l7\Jlkfing. by walls or
from other similar ;,

A room or Pulldlngfor puullc

gatheringsor entertainment.
A rel3t1ve!ynarrowroom or lull,
esp. ont: for puU/1c use and having
architecturalImportance Its
SC3le or aea)ratlvetreatment.

.-...... alcove
. A recess or small room connectedto
orfonningpart of a13rgerroom.

Art outer room to a larger,
room. often used as a
--.- .•• ----.- •• --' ....

.- vestl"btllt enfiiaae
In a hotJSe, .,...." ••).11 .... A SIr...nentranceh.R the outer An axl3l am ngementof doorways
hate!.or ether
A!so called haiL

c;oonectlngpzrtsof a building.esp. one
lnt-a which severalrooms or apa""..ments

. doer 3M the Interior of a house or uUIk:llng.

connectinga series of rooms sa as to
prov1.dea vista down the entire length
of the suite.

open. .. "
A of fumlture arranged
3CCO!'dingto funct.lo!1anJ use.
A connectedseries or roup of rooms
to be used together. -- .... _ ... - Aclose, often CO!TIp3Ctc.orrespondence
an.:! the
fonn or structureof the enclosillfspace.


A floor pbn no My el1(;losed A fre.e and unrestrainedarrangement
spaus or distinct rooms. of furnituregroupfngsthat does not
neusS3 rlly correspondto the form or
structureof the surroundingspace.


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The physicalvolumeOf' of a solid .The three-dimensionalfield In which o17jects
andeventsoccur and relativeposition
and direction,esp. a portlonof that fleld
set apart In a 9lven Instanceor for a
Ordinal)'two- or three-dlmenslonalspaceIn
which Euclid'sdefinitionsand axioms apply.
Also called CarUsian spau.

An empty space conbJnedwithin or

A physicalenvironmenthaving particular
characteristicsor u-sed for a partlGular
am Inance
The mood, character,or atmosphereof an
environmentor milieu. Also, amlrienu.
Full of Ilfe, activity. moverr.ent.or

-.- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

.. -------
refuge focus outlook
A r'.Juaffording shelter. protection. Acentral point of attraction, Avlew from a particularp!3ce. or the
or SJfetyfrom dangeror distress. attention,or activity. place offering a view.
centu pro5pect
A JU of rest and tranquility A point or place upon wh'w;h Interest. An outlookover a Of' In a particular
activity, or emotion focuses. dlrectloo,or the pl3ce that commaods
such a view.


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........ .. ..

Two spaces al7UtUng or contiguous
with each other. esp. when
common \:>ounaaryor rorder.
DID ,..- transitWn
Moyement.passage.or chanItAfro
one form• sta"I<C>. or place to aneth
A ':1'" m
r------- . tT'.

linked spaces
Two spacesjolneaor connectedby
a third space. . I I
:· ·,:·' -

Two spaces Interwovenor Into
each other50 as to form a zone or
fIekf of shared spau.


A nne or 113 rrow pa rt where an
area begins or ends.
:..__.. thrtshcld
or pointof enteringor

A space envelopedor IncorpOrateJas
an essentl3lpart of a space.

Spacesextended.amnged.or n'Q-n.n'Q.nn
along a hne. path. or gallery. - X. .I -
A rout.e or ccursealong which
movementoccUI'S. or the patternof
centralizedorganization _.
Spacesgatheredarout or coming
together at a large or dominant
central space.

rub I organlutlon
Spaces fie 1'3d11 or rays
from a centralspue or core.

grkf organization
Spaus organizedwith referenceto
a rect3ngularsystem of lines and DDDDD
coordinates. DDDDD L<

.:" .D:',

or9anization DO ':;::·
., D
grouped.collected.or gathered
""=':1 toc3et her and relateJ by D
proximity rather than geometry.


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memirr;ane,tre55eS thin shell A thin, curvedplate structure,
The compressive.tensile.and shear A shell StnJctureconstructedcf shapedto transmit applied
stressesactln!J In pia ne of the reinforcedconcrete. forcesi7ycompressive.tensile,
surfau of a shell structure. Ashell can
sust3ln relatlvelylarge forces If uniformly
and shear stresses actingIn
applW. Becauseof Its thinness.however. the plane of the surface.
a shell h3s little !lending resistanceand
15 unsuitablefor concentratedloads.
translational surface
A surfacegeneratedby s!ld1ng a plane
curve along a straight line or eNer another
plane curve.

If tilt lengthof 3 barrelsheD Is three or If It Is rt/3tI..-dysOOrt.Itexhibitsarchlib cylindricalsurface

A rigid cylindricalshell structu reo times its trafl5llersespan. It as 3 action. TIe rods. rlglJ frzmes. or A surfacegenerated sItdlng a straight
deep Pe.m tWth 3 ()JrveJsectIcn5p3fl111ngIn the like are to courrtenctCM line along " plane curve. or vice versa.
the IcngltuJWJafrectlcn.EJges are OIltwarathrustsof the archingaction. Dependingon the curve.2 cyflndr1c31
5tIffeneJwith Pe3mSor adjoiningsheDs. surfau may circular.ellIptIc.or
pararollc.Becauseof Its strai9ht bne
regardeaas being eithera translatlon3l
or a ruled surface.

elliptlcparaboloid hyperbolicparal1olold paral1oloid

A surnu ¥nerated by sI4:llnga vertical A surfau hy sliding 3 parabola A surfau all of whose Intersectionsby
pa",t,.obwith downwardcurvaturealonfl with downwardcurvaturealong :iI parabola planes are eitherparaPolas:ilnaelllrsesor
a perpend1cul3rpararolawith downward j,;lth upwardcurvature.or a pararo!35 and hyperbolas.
cumture.lts horizontalsectionsare smi9ht hne segmentwith Its ends on two
e!!1pses while Its verticalsections are lines. It can consideredto both
p3r3bolas. a translatlonaland a ruled surf3Ce.Also
called hypar.

,addle surface
A surfau having an upward curvatureIn
one dilUtion and a downwardcurvatureIn
I reglons of downwardcurvatureexhiln-t
I archhkeaction.
··r····· while regions of upward curvature!7eh4ve
I as a cable structure.If the edges of the
--) , surfaceare not supported.peam !7Mlar
may also Pe present.
Having oppositecurvaturesat a given


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A gener.ltedI1y the motion of a
line. of Its hne
a ruled surbu Is generally
I.'!<Islerto form and wn5tnJctth3 n a
robtlorul or

.....'. !
conoid ...._._.//./ hyP...IooIoLl •........_...1 one",hM hyperl7olold
A ruled surfacegene:ratedI1y slidinga A sulfa", a finite centerwitJ1 A ruled surface Py slldlng
hne with OM end on a straight "lie certain pia"" sectlonsthn are Inchned nne se.gmen-ton two
se.gment2ndthe otheron a plan"curve. hypetVoiasand others are horlzonblclrcfes.Itsvert1c31
Depetldlngon the culYe. a may !?e circlesorenJpses. sectionsare hyperl1ol3s.
circular.einptlc.or paraPolIc. -

roUtlon.1 syncla,tlc
A sum", generatedI1y rotatinga Having similarcurvaturesat a given point.
pbne culYe aboutan axis.

I !

A rot3t-i0n31surface I7y the
revolutionof a circulararc auouta
.... I !
I j

eUiptbl ,Ul'bu
A surface generatedI7y the
revolutionof a halfellipse a
verticalaxiS......................................... ___ -4-_-

parapollc,urface U,ru, ........................ .1
A rotoltlonalsurfacegenelOltedI7y the A doughnut·shapedsurfacegeneratedI7y
revolutlonof a par.ilrolaarout a the revolution012 circle about an e;xterior
vertlcal2xls. . ..................... . hne lying In Its plane.


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- - ---n
encroachmetrt Work done at a sij;e in
The uruuthorlztdextensionof a preparatlon for a construction
l>ulldlng.orpart thertcf.on the
p:oject. as excavation,sheeting.
propertyor of .nother. I --. r-············-····-··········-·-·-·----·- .. ----! . :

shoring.and grading.
--_.-- ....---.......-.--..--.-.-
The mlnlll1umrequireddistancefrom
'---'--\"'-: ,··--··..·············1 I {.-..-L--..-;-.. -site
evtrystructureto the propertynnes " I The geographiclocationof a
of a lot. e:stal1lshedby a zonln9 I . tonstructlon roject. usuallydeflned

ordinanceto providefor air. light. I t>y 1eg3lboundarles.

solaracuss. and privacy. II
, --.. propertyI'me
curll cut --'---'---'-'-'-'-. ,.-. I I lOne of the legallydeflnedana recorded

- "'-" . - . . . .- .- . :JJ'H
A depressionill a curP provkll"9 "'" Doundarfesof a parcel of land. Also
vehicularuce:sofrom a street to a -". ca lled lot line.

drivewayon prtnteproperty. I :
wntraa limit .•. _...._ j L___ ,-'-- held t>y spectfledpersons
A perimeter_ est;J1:7Rshedon the or the public to make IImltea use of the
In the contract __-.-.-- ........... j I land cf a right-of-way.

documents the Poundariesof
the site <lV31bb!eto the contractor
for constructlonpurposes. ------ I

overvuraen patter poard .. --.. // .. -·groundbruking

W3Ste e; roo:;k Oo'erf:ting<I One of • numPerofbc.aras set The <lCt or ceremonyof preaklng9round
useful mIneraideposlt.l7edrock.or a horizontallywith vertlcalstakes to for a new constructionproject.
depositof SJnd. 9ravel.or rock neeaea supportthe strln9Soutliningthe
for constructlon.Also called l:7urden. foundationplan of 3 prop05ed
l:7ulk:ll"9. The excavationand emlr.inkmentof.
te,t it earth In connectionwith an engineering
A smaft pit to examine the opmtlon.
exlstlngson ccnaltkmsand determine
the depth of W3ter tJ b1e at a
.-.--- - --.- - _ •• 0"" ---'" --
-- .. -0 _ ... exc3V7tion
propasedl>ulldlngslte. The Q!4gln9 and removal of e3rth from
Its natural position.or the cavity
from such removal.
A system of shores for bracln9 or tieback
supportl"9• l'I3l1 or ather structure. A s-t..eel rod or tendon attached to a
deadrunor a rock or soilanchorto
shore prevetTt lateral l71O'Iementof a retaining
A temporarysupportingstrut. esp. one W<lfl orformwart
placedovllqueyagainst the slde of an
excavatlon.furmwoO:.or structure.
--_.__ ...... shut pfle
raker -.-.--------------..--------- -----------.... - Any cf 3 num1:7erof timber.steel or
An IncRneJ short: for supportinga wall. precastconcreteplanks driven
Also cal1eJ r.KIng shore. side t>y slde to retJln earth or
preve:1twater from seeping Into an
flying ,hore . exc3't7t1on.Also called shath pile.
A horlzontaIstro t fixed and
supportlngtwo walts aDove ground
A of boardsJoined together
side b:i side to retain the face of an
ccfferbm .----.--- - ...--._/
A wa enclosureconstructed
unaerw2tuorln soil A
pile driven vertlcailyInto
ana dry to .IIow access for the ground to supporthorizontal
constructlol1or repairs. or Iaggl"9.Also called soldle..

dewater L·-tremie
To remOt'e W3terfroman excmtedJoO A funnellikedevice wIth a pipe or tu!:>e
site. uSli4llyby drainfng or pumping. existingw;ter tJble for deposttlngconcrete
-t+- .+----1 - - ----
boil slurry wall
Accr.cre-tewaf! cast In a trench to
An unwantedflow of water and solid
ma tter Into <In excavation.due to
excesslveoutsideW3 ter pressure.Also " /
.. - watertJble afterpumping ....'.
'-.... /- serve 3S sheetingand often as a
calted UIow. constructedt>y excavating3 trench In
short lengths.ft"ln91t with a slurry of
and waterto preVentthe
APys,jnian well wellpoint slkw3f!sfrom co"apslng.setting
A perforneJp!pt: driven In to the Aperforatedtube driven Into the ground reirrfOlUTrlent.ana placing C011CreU: In
ground for pU1l1pln1 oot collected to collectwater from the surroundi"9 the trench with a tremie to dlspl3ce
ground water. a rea so tt can be pumped away. as to the slurry.
lower 3 water table or to pre-.. an
excaV3 tion from fi:ling with


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fill .r·-------·. rough grading
To I'2lsean existinggrne with earth., ,. : The cutting. filling.ana sh3plng of earth
or other or the , In for finish gradlng.
rnat.erblusea In Pullalng .. ----.----.-------.------.---' ..
up the Ieve! of an area.! ". ---.---. fine grading
The precisegraal"i!of an area ailer
rough graQing to preparefor paving.
GI'O\JI1Jaut has ralseJ to 3 seeaJng.or planting.
higherlevel !:y with hard ruDPIe.
is stone or mien prick. Also called
grade nake
rrt.1<k-upgrooM. A stake man:lngthe amount of cut or flll
requiredto the ground to a
Pcrrowpit specifiedlevel.
A from which sand. gravel or other
canstructloomzterl3lIs for use . controlledfill ,
as fill In anot1'terlocation. All materialthat Is placed In
compacted.and tested after each
compactionfor moisturecorrtent, depth
of 11ft. and Pearlng capacity
additionallayersare placed.

cut.3M fill vertkal curve

An operationIn which the A smooth paral10llccurve In the
lTlOVea to vertlcalplane for conMCtlngtwo
anotherrutlon ana used as fill grades of different slope In order to
avok:! an aprupttransition.

Ptnch Ur"1'aCe
An ;
across sloping ground with a steep -oJ
drop on the downside.

.... - .. - .... -.... -.-.--.---.-.-----.---- ... --..... -------'.,.-

The elevationat.3rfispecific .....
point on a con5tnIctlonSite. esp. where
the r()IJ nd IMtetS the foundationof a
/>Jsc cal1ed §rad4 .."

-.-.-.- ...... j.
The elevatlonof the orIglnaI ground
$umu or grading
Also nrlura'
grade .-........ - ..... ---.- .. --- .
of w;ols.lawns.or
SIIt'faus ------.. -... -...-.-----...•
orgraalng j0 reflll an eXcavationwith earth.stene.
opomtions.Al:so. finished grade. , or other material.esp. the space a round
J,.elowgraae-.- .. ---.---- ··-··..···--.. ·--l---- exteriorfounaatlonwalls.

Occurringor situated!:>elowthe 1

"m« of "" ! "",oJ. I

surface upon which 2
I p2vement.concreteslab. or foundationIs
A should bostai;lkt.anln
well arid relativelyfree of frost action.

-"-'''-'''' needle I
.. .oj
A short Peam through a wan 35
a temporarysupportwhile the
found3tionor part Is repalre-d.
altered.or strengthend Also called !
underpinning ......
A system of SlJpportsthat enaDles an i An uprighttlml1erfor supportinga
exlstlngfO<Jn.btlonto !:>e r'ePullt. J dead load during the structural
strengthened.or detpened.esp. the ; alterationof 2 i;lUIJalng.esp. one of
SlJP?XtrequIred wben a new I two supportsfor a needle.

exumIon III adJdnlngpropertyis
than existIngfound3tlon.


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,wale ----------------... --...-. -.-------.. -------------------- runoff site arain3g8
A shallowdepressionformed by the . Somethil14that drains cr flows off,.s The surfaceand sullsurfacedrainageof
l!1t.ersectionof two ground slopes, flows off the !Jna In streams. a site In oraer' to preventthe ccllectlon
often designedto director divert the of excess surface water or -
runoffof sumu water_ gl'OtJnawater_ .

The gradingand sumclng of a site In

+ l' 1 '1 1 r- order to divert rain ana other surface

water Into naturaldrainagepattems
or a storm sewer system_

T: :' r
of th,

i . -; .
. ._ ._ _ . _ . . ;l___
springs, brgelyof surface :j :.
.. i-' ;-j:
Awall or otherstructure Intenaeato
_. I':
elIminateor reauce percolationthrough
The processby which groundwaterIs! '. - '.. : - porousstrata.
absarbtdlntothewatertal:rie- -1 : i
'" .... .... .............. • .. -... ---.+..- curtaindrain
----.- A drain placed l1etween the sauru of
which the earth Is saturatedwtth
wa ter.
" .' __ .: - --.
. . ,
. - '-' . :
water and the area to l1e protected.
Also callea Int.erceptlng drain.
L ..... _____ .. _. ____ I.. - unaerdrain
above the noot13l watertal:rieby an
It ..,

I L_. ______ Aperforateapipe Installed In porous fill

to draw off groundwater.

A dralr!3getrench filled to ground level
with loose stonesor rock fragments.
Adrain or p3sslng under a
rwdorskbral\:. --------'.
box culvert ..·..... An undergroundnetworkof piping for
A rtlnforceaconcreteculverthaving _ "- ... -', _. conveyinggroundwaterto a polntof
a fectangul3rcross section. 7/-"" , -. disposal,35 a storm sewer system.
..----../ ..-. (" "". ..: " Excess groundwaterreduces the bad-
A corn; rete OI"II13S0nry retaining1';311 ' ... ' ...... carryingcapacityof a foundatlonsoil
3Uhe Inlet of a drain orcufvert:. "" ... and Increasesthe hydrost3tlc
pressureon a l1ulfdlngfoundation.
e:1od'l'!all -----.......------ -.. -.----...... -...;---.-:-- .. ----: /- ..····l,-..-:...--.......r -"-'- .. - ........ -- areJ araln
A concreteOI"lI1asonry retainingwall
;otthe outletofadrain or culvert. l,://
I .
A drain for collectingsurfacewater or
rainwater-froma I1asementfloor or
-......--....-..-..... "'" arywell
Adralr!3geptt linea with gravel or
ru!1!71eto reulve suriau water and
allow It to percol3teaway to
.UsorPentearth underground.Also
called wetl.
---- manhole
Acovered h<l!e through which a person
may entera seweror drain.
...j...... catch
.'.i A receptaclefor the runoffof surnu
,: i water, h3VIng a l1asln which retains
heavy se.d1mentrefore tt can pass
Into an undergrounddrainpipe.

building,term ar3in --....: hnding ,term -. :-

A buildingdrain forconveylng A drain conr.tC;.Jnga storm A sewer for conveying rainfall
rainwater,groundwater,or Similar drain to a storm 5e'l't'er. aralned from roofs and paved
dlscharge to a Puftdlng storm sewer, or otl-.erpoint of 5uri.uS. A'rso called storm drain.
sewer or a comPlnedsewer. Also Also called M.c-Jse storm
called 6tom1 drain.
A sewer cor.veylng!loth sewage and
rainfall from roofs ana


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The top layer of the earth's surface,
consistingof disinttg rated rock and
decayedorganic mattersui'ta!1lefor
the growth of plant life.
organic scil
Soli containinga large amount of organic
-.-.......--.----...--.......-...--.. -. )..- matter. usuallyvery compressll7leand
The fertile surfacelayer of soil as having poor load-sustainingpropertIes.
d1stlnctfrom the suPsolI.

...- .. --....-------.---- ...- ...--. A d!3gramof a- vert\wl section of soil from
The or la)-erof earth the ground su rface to the underlyfng
immediatelyl1eneaththe surf.lce materialsnowlng 3 successionof horizons
sart. • developedI1y weathering.deposition.or

-J- -
f'erennlallyfroun subsoil In arctic
or SUDarctlcregions.Alsa called

series of relativelydIstinct
of soli or Its underlyingmateriJ/
m'7"""r:-rr77""f7-rr.r-:777?'7""Tn7i found In a verticalsection of 13nd.
A single red or layerof sedimentary
.' ·d ..
.. " . . earth or rock having the same
compositionthroughout.lyIng l1etween
., l1eds of anotherkInd.
o "." ".0
·0 ",.

. d,' D
" .. - .

soil analysi5
A processfor determIningthe particle-
size dlstrfl1utlonIn an 5011, or

A numerlc.1Icl3sslflcatlcnof soli Dy
texture.used by the U..s.i?ep2rtmentof
Agriculture:(l) gravel (2) sana. (3) clay,
(4) loam. (5) loam with some sana. (6) sUt-
loam, and (7) clay-loam.


boulder grave! '-1r.a cby

A large. natur:allyrounkd!ngon Sman peDVlesarJ stones.or a mixtureof A loose, gr:anul3rmate:r!31resultingfrom Anatural.e3rthymatertJlthat Is plastic
tM surfaceof the groundor partially these witIt sand, fol1!'oedeither nzturally tJ1e of rxks. conslstlngof when IMOIst M hara when flred and Is
em!:leddedIii It. or I1y crushing rock. esp. such graIns smaller grnel Put coarser used for Mlng tilt:. ana potte.')'.
that will pass (76 mm) ana be tJ1an $lit. composedI113lnlyof floe particlesof
col:rPfe retained on a No. <4 (4-" 111m) sleve. hydrousaluminum less than
A naturally roundedstone. smallerthan a S.1MCt.y 0.D02 mm 1n diameter.
!:ootrlderand brger than a used for cru,hed gravel A naturallycuurrlngsand
rough paving.walls. and foundrtlons. Also Gr:avelluivlng one or more fracturedfaces often used as a \7ase or sul1Dase cL1yloam
calledcol:rf,festoM. producedby mecnanbl crushing. 6 having arout 101 clay orJust enough to Soli cootalnlngm to 40t clay and 2O'.t I
make the mixture tightly when
Stone having well-definededges
I1entonite ....
producedDy the rruhanlcafcrushIngof silt A clay formed I1y the decompositionof
rocks or Doulders.Nso called Cf1.IsM.d loose sed1mentarymaterialconsistingof volcanicash. having the a!111ltyto al;>sorl1
rock. flne mineraiparticlesl1e"tween0.002 mm I3rgeamounts of waterand to expand to
0.05 mm In diameter. several Its naturalvolume.
pea gravel
A small-d1ameter,naturalgravel. usually loam
If4 to 3fe In. (6.4 to 95 mm) In slzt. A rich soil contaIning"rdatlve/yequal
screenedto speciftcatbn.
mIxtureof sa rJ and silt a sm,lIler
proportionof clay ilnd organic I
A sma". rounded stane, especl311yone loess
worn smooth I1y the acUon of An unstratlfle.d.cohesive. loamy deposit
deposIted I1y wind.


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geotechnical mectunlc,
Of or pertainIngto the practical The I7ranchof eMI englneerlngthat deals
applicationsof geologica/scienceIn civil with the mechanicalf,ehavlorof wnen
engineering. compressedor sheared.or when water
flows through It.

foundatIoninvestigation soil stnJcture

The levas of water contentdefiningthe The Investigationand classificationof a The arrangementand aggregationof soil
the differentstates foundationsolfl7asedon observationand particlesIn a soli mass.
of of a plasticor cohesivesoli. tests of materialdlscloseaby l7or1ngs or
lIS !1y standardtests, excavationsto obt3ln the Information
necessaryfor the deslgnof a foundation
lait ................... -.. -... -.-.... -.--- system.Includln9the shearing strength. core
The expressedas ;,I compressluUlty.cohesion.expansiveness. An undlstur17ed.cylinaricalsample of
Iry which a soli permeal7l1tty.ana molswreccnterrtof the earth or I'OCk otrtalneaby means of core
fmn , to a liquidstate. soil. the elevationof the water ta!lle. and drill and used for analySisana testln9 of
the antlclpatedtotal and differential l1earlng ca paclty.Also called poring.
Indd -.- .. ----.--------.. --...... --. • -'.0

settlement.Also called su17surface

The nurnen:.1d1ffertn<:eI1etweenthe
/!quid hllit and the plasticlimit of a soli. Investlg3tfon.

pWtlclinit -------------.---.---.:------.-- l- I'- I--

The W3tercontent.expressedas a l- I- I--
of dry weight. at which a soli
lcses Its pbstlclty and l7eglns to l7ehave
l- I'- I-- -- -- cohesivesoil
l- I- l- Soli that has conslderaPte strengthwhen
as;,l sol1J..
I- I'- I-- unconfinedand air-dried.ana Significant
pl.a5tlcsoil I- l- cohesion when SU!:I!T1ergd
A soil M can rolled Irtta '/8 In.- (32- I- f- l-
mm) diameterthre3ds wtthoutcruml7l1ng_ f- l- f- l-
I- l- f-
---------- ----- --.. ----.... ----
The expressedas a
f- II- illf- III I- -- cohesionle"soli
Iry at which a III--III 1-1 f- II
Soil that has little or no strengthwhen
rtJuctloII mW3ter contentwin nat cause a II- 1111-III 10- unconfinedand air-dried.and little or no
further dt:cre3seIn the volume of asoli lil- lI/ '-I i-- II cohesIon when sulnnerg.ed.
nuss. i-- [J I- !1If- til f-
II 1 i--! 1 (

The consolidationof se.dlmentby the
of cmrl:tlng aeposlts.
01' a similar
AIry §rnd. S3nd.0- sUt that exhibits compressionof soil aggregate.Or
01' plastlclty_ cemerrtltlousmaterialby roiling.tamping.
or 503\;Jng. '

The propc:rtyof a porous nuteri31tha t optimummoisture conUnt

ail.uwsa 95 01' lIqula to pass through Its The watercontentof a SOt1 at which
pere sp3CtS. maximum densltycan attalMd through

A test for measuringthe densityof
gra nularsoils ana tMconsi5tencyof some
clays at tM rottom of a
recordIngthe numberof Plows reqUired by
a ha mrnerto advancea st4ndardsod

The unit load reqUIred to produce a

speclfledpenetrationIrrto a soli at a
specifiedrate of penetration.

.. ------ shearing
;..rry SOil true allows the :.' , • The of a so" that enaPteslts
r'!la ttvefy free morelT1emof wakr, particles resist displacementwith
respectto one anotherwhen an external
seil ---- --- -- .. -----.------------- force Is applW. largelyto the
Arry soli, as clay, h3Ylng pores coml7lnedeffectsof cohesionand Internal
t.:xJ small to permit w3ter to pass except friction.Also called resistance.
b-j slow aGt'C'1


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.. --- path diagram
/ A graphic deplctlonof the path of Sun
.ltitude / withIn the sky vault projectedonto a
The angulareievatlonof a : pl3ne.
celestialroay a!love the
horizon._..- .....
..., ..... Thetl",,",of year, on onDoutJune 21, wMn
the sun reachesIts northernmostpoint on
the celestlalsphtre.rruri::lngthe
of summer In the northernhemisphere.
f equinox
! Eitherof the two times during thayear
! when the sun crossesthe oftht
; celestialequatorand the of
d3y and night are evetjWhm
oc.;urringaPout March 21 (vernal
equinoxor equinox).ana
SepUm[,er21 (autumnalequinox).
, I
- ...- ..---- ...----- ...- winter I
Thetl",,",ofye:ar.on or aPout Decembet 21,
when the sun re3ches Its scuthernn-.:;.st
pointon the celestial marking the
of winter In the northern
COMtoInt_.--_ ................... '-'-""-' hemisphere.
Tnt ave:ragerate at which radiant
from the sun 15 by the earth, equal
430 6tu per hr. per SIt. ft. (1.94cal per _.-._.. _.. --- .....- latitude
min. per sq. em), used In calculatingthe angulardistance north or south from
effectsof solar rad1atlonon lroiIJlngs. the tl<\uatorof a point on the e.rth's
surface.IMe.3syrea In degreesalong the through the point.
A gre3t circle on the e;;rth'ssurface
passing through Doth poles.
.,,-_.- ...._--.. -
The angulardlstancee3st or weston
earth's surface,me4sureafrom the prime
",,",nabnat the
A house to morvand store meridianof a glvtn point arid expressed
sobr hat III orderto su pplementor eitherIn degreesor a correspondtng
replaceconYC11tlonalheating methods. differenceIn tlrr.e.

A system
the prWrtal7isourceof he3t.
5y5tem ,oL-ircollector
AsoIa/'"hQtJngsystem iJslng mechanical
tne2ns,as solarcollectors,t.1nS. or pumps.
to collect,store,and dlstrll7!1tesolar
A dev1ce or systemdeslgned to use sola r
radlatlonto heat an al1sorPerthrough
which a transportlnsmedium,as air or
water, Is circulated.Also called ccI1ector.....

The pbcIng of a building In relationto the
path of the sun, eitherto niaxlmlzethe
amountof heat gained from Solar rad13tlon
the widest months.or to minimize
the alr()Untof heat gained In the wannest
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A solar-heatingsystem using a InJlldlng's
design and constructionand the M4ltunl
flow of heat to
dlstrluute solar energy.with minimal use
of fans or pumps.

----------_ .. ---
A of t<lrth placed againstone or
a bUIlding as

-----------.-.-- .. ---------.---.. Trompe wall

A glass-frontedexteriormasonrywaif
that ausorUssolar heat for radiationInto
the Interiorof a InJlldlng. after a
of severaI hours.

drumwall --------- ---------- 5OIo3rlum

A st.rl of blJck. drurr.s A porch. room. or gallery
pl3ced on the Insldtof a window wall to used for sunuathlngor for therapeutic
sol3rM3tand then releasett exposureto sunlight.
slowly Into the Interiorof a
A porch or room orientedto
admtt large amountsof sunlight.Also called
sun parlor. sun parch_
,un deck
1 A roof. balcony,or terT;lcethat I:s exposed
_-41 to the sun and used for sunbathing.

----------------.---. -', --------.---------.:;---.-.

A.. I '" .. Any of variousexteriordevices
tM amountof solar ht3t ,.--- -,- -.,- of fixed horizontalor verticalfins angled to
and tha-t 41 window. -: shield a windowfrom direct sunllght_
of II1OV3U!e horlzontaI or
fins controfb:lmanuallyor
OIutomatlc3llywtth time or

W- ......---.---+--.
A screen. usuallyof louvers,placed on
outsideof alnJlldlngto shield the windows
from direct sunlight.

-'-'--'" --.----------- -··--t·-·-···I··· .. 5OIo3r ureen

A !f"3nuallyor electrlcaIly A panel of miniatureexternal louversfor
controlledexteriorVet1et 13 n pH nd shading a windowfrom dtreGt sunllghtand
for a b-ultdlnq Interior glare while allowing a high Mgru of
from solar gain and vlsltnllty.d3yllghtlng.ventilatIOn.visual
daytimeprivacy.and Insectprotection.


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The senSAtionstimulated in the \
organs of I7y mechanical \ \
r3al3nt energytransmitUd as \
longitudinalpressurewaves through \
the .air or other medium.

&0 una wave I
A IongltuJlnalpressurewave In air or an
elastic medium. esp. one producingan
Adlstumnce or oscllbtlon that transfers
energyprogressivelyfrom pointto point In
2 medltim 01' space withoutadv3nce I7y the I

p<? In the transmission

of sourul or
A graphicrepresentationof the shape of a .'
/ /
wave, ol1talnedby plottingdeviationat a .'

fIxeJ point versustllI18.

w.1Velength-.- .........- ............., ... amplitlJde
In the direction of The maxlmumaevl3tlonof a wave
propagatlorlof a wave, from arry one point or alt:enutlngcurrentfrom Its
to the next pointof correspondingphase. averagevalue.
A particular point or sta¥ In a periodic ""-y/
or process. /

fffituency -.- ....

The numbtrof cycles per unit tlll18 of a
mve or osclllatlon.
The 51 unit of eG\ualto one wavefrorrt 1
cycle per second. AVln-.: Hz A surfaceof a propagating\YdVe
composedat arry Instant of an points
having klentlcalphase; usually

fundamenbl .. _.'_"_'"'' •••• m. __ ..... , pitch : I
pt:rpenalcularto the dlrectlo"of
which a vlln'atlng ! ',,---- __________-------/ 1 The preaomlnantfre.quencyofa souna
propagation. I
or system wlU freely oscUlate. 1 as percelved!1y the human ear. l.-
Also calledfutkUmentafI-"uency.
.. :: . :: octave
harmonIc ....-....... -...................... ,.. ! _-----_ ; Thelnteml twofrequenctes
A vfmtlon h3vlng a frequencythat
Is an 1fTte4ra1mu!tlpleofthatof the : '---------' i
having a I"3tloof 2:1.
fundall18ntal :

A 1'2"¥of W3velengthsor frequencies I
betweentwo definedlimits.

. . ./.r...._....t::::j>
An apparentshiftIn frtquency
when an acousU: sourcean4 listenerare In
motion relativeto e3ch other.the
frequencYIncre4 slng'when the source aM
approache3ch atherand L
.p«<lohound i / aecreaslngwhen they move apart.
The velocityof sourul traveling / r

throU9h watapproxhnate!y1087 ft. --......... ! ..,/

(0.3 km) per secondat sealevel.
throU9h WlIW at approximately4500 ft. --.--j'./
km) per second.
f------------ --------.; L
throU9h wooa atapproxlmate-/y11.700 ft ........ -.. -

(5.5 km) per second.

...-.-.- ..

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loudness deci!1el····.·-·.··.·····.··.... ····.·.. ····.·.······: hearing
A sU17jeCtNeresponse to souM A unit for expressingthe rel3tlve I The sense by which soundIs percelvM.
Indlcatlngthe of the pressureor Intensityof sounas on a i Involvingthe entire mechanismof the
auditory5efls3t1ooproducedI7:i the uniformscale from 0 for the Ieoist : Internal.mldale.aild externale3r and
of a sound wave. perceptl171e50Una to abouH30for the 1 Includingthe nervousand cerebral
thresholdof pain. Autn-.: d6 1 operationsthat translatethe physical
phon I operationsInto meaningfulsignals.
A unit for the apparent OecibelmasiJmntnt/s oo.a
loudnessof.a sound. equal In number to logarithmicSC31e SInce Inmmentsof
the deci17el5of a l000·Hzreference 5O!JTIJ or perceived
soundjudgea11y Oil group of listenersto .as wilen the r.atJo Mween
17e equal in Iouanessto the gIven 5OUnd. suuesslYech3ngesIn Intensityrem3in
c0nst3nt.1M ImIs of sound
501le •. ".,.".,., ................ - ........... _.. , 5OlJf'Ce5,therefore.C3f1notbe .aJdtd
A unit for the apparent .
e.g.• eo 18 + eo dB =63 dB. ntJt t20 dB.
loudnessof Oil 11y Oil group
of Ilste:wsto equal to the loudness
of a l000-Hzreference50lJnd having an
Intensityof 40 V
equal loudnesscontour
; ........• threshold of pain
A curve the sound
10-4 pressurelevel at which sounds of 120 The level of sound Intensityhigh en0U9h
differentfrequenciesarejudged 11y a to producethe sensationof pain In the
human ear. usuallyaround 00 d6.
group of Ust.enersto equally foud.
10--0 auaitory btigue
§ Physicalor mental wearinesscaused Py
'e prolongedexposureto loud noises.
"'- An IncreaseIn the thresholdof
t! audl! speclflcfrequencies.
10-10 caused by nannalagll19.dl5e3se.or
Injuryto the hearingorg3n5.
.s 10-
10- 14

10-16 threshold of hearing

The minimum sound capa171e
of stimulatingan audltorysensation.
usually20 rnlcropascalsor zero dB.
157 31.3 62.5 125 250 5a) 1000 2000 4000 XOO 16.0c0 32.000
cyclesp!T (Hz)

audio frequency
A of frequenciesfrom 15 Hz to 20,000 Hz
audiPl.eto the human e3r.

50una inU""rty &cund &cuna powe1'

rate 1t which acoust\c flows The dlfferenu the actu31 The amountof 4ICOUstIcenergy
through a IM::Ilum.expressedIn W3tts per pressureat arry poliTt In the fleId of a radiated Py a SOIJIU per unit time.
square sound wave and the staticpressureat eXpressedIn watts.
..........__ 50una inUn5rty level that polnt. expressedIn pa$Ca!s. &cuna power level
Sound Intensitymeasuredon the decll7el 50und level The accustlcpower-ofa source.
scale. eqll3l to 10 times the common Sound pressureme.asuredon the de<;lbef measuredon tM decibelscale.equal to
of the ratlo of the sound scale. eq1l31 to 10 times the common 10 tlrnesthe common logarithmof the
Intensityto a refmra intensity.usually logarithmGf the r:atlo of the sound ratio of the acousticpower to a
10- watts fl'!T' square I'I'teter(10""16 watts
12 pressureto a referencepressure,usually referenu power. usually10-12 watts.
per sqll3re 20 mlcropascals.
logarithm Ont-mlltlonth(10-6) part of a pascal. &cund level meter
The exponent power SymrocJ.iP.a An electricalInstrumentfor rne3SU ring
to which a t>356 numPermust 17e sound pressurelevels.r0 compensate
raised to arrive at a gtve:1 numl7er. for the way we percewethe relatlve
loudnessof different of
common lagamhm sound. there are three Mtwon:s:A. 6.
A logarithmh:wlng a 7.156 of 10. and C. These networi:sweight the
recordingsfor differentfrequenGles
and coml7lncthe resultsIn a single
reading. The A·netwon:scale. In dElA
units. Is most comrnonlyused since It
discriminates3g3lnst the lower
frequencies.35 does the human ear at
moderatesound levels.


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JC.OusW analysis
The mnclt of physicsM A aetalle.:Jstudy of the use of a bulldll1!3.
tnnsmlssicn. the Iocztlon and orientationof Its spaces,
of sound. posslUle sourcesof noise. ana the deslraL>le
acousticalenvironmentIn edch usablearea,
The '\U2Wesor wracterlstlcsof <I A nona bsorptIYesurface,from which , One of a of acoustlcpanels
room. or concerthaD *.4t IncidentsourJ Is refIecW.uSea esp. to Installe.:J celling of a concert The planning.shaping.finishing.and
ktermlnetM audlPiI1tyof speech C1" r
red1rectsourJ In a space. 0 I1e effective. hall to reflect50Und for Improvingthe furnishingof an encloseJspace to estaDllsh
fldeIltyof II'1l1slcalsounds In tt. a rtfIectlngsurfaceshould have a least
dimensionequal to or greaterthan the
acoustic,\uatttyof music. --:
_.-..... ...-
the acousticalenvlronlT'.entneuss.ryfor
distinct hearing,
wavelengthof the lowestfrequencyof the
soond being refkted. acoustic.11treatment
A r:Ntr or behlnd ;a nd The applicationof absorrentor refIect.lng
materialsto the walls. and floor of
reflectthe sou"" the an enclosedspace to aIter or Impro'ieIts
audlenu. -" ... acoustlc properUes. '

--._ ...-.- sound

Airbornesound waves bent by
dtffr.Ictlonarouna an <*stxle
In theirpath.

..-.- rdIected sound

The retum of alrrome
sound after 3 an
angle equal to the angle of Incidence.

direct ",una _ ...._..1 attenuzt.Wn

Soun.:f directly ana Alri?orntscund travelingdirectlyfrom a A decreaseIn or pressureper ...
through tM;alr. source to the listener.In a room. the unit area of;a sound W2ve. occurringas
hUlTI3n 63t' hears directsou/lJ the from the source Increases
Iivs I1eforett sound. As direct
souna loses intensity. the Importanceof
as a resultof al?sorptlon.
spreadingIn three dimensions.
, ......: :. . 0·······
.......••..••:::. .
;an audit.orlumorccncert ref\ecttd Il1Greases.
". ' .. ..... "
dud a room fret
from echoes aM
Imperrb15to ,udllk sound.

The repetitionof a sound producedby
The and prOO"93tlonof the reflectionof sound waves from an
sound produudPy vim :ion.
c»structlngsurface.loud enoughana

lnductJIn one body Py
of e:octfythe same perW
received late enough to be perceived45
dlstlnct from the source. L
In a Pody. A rapid sucus$lonof echoes C3u5e4:llly
the nrlIectlonof sound waves Ir.Icl:arid
forth'Paweentwo paralldsurf.aces.
wtth suff1clent between each
reverl?eratian reflectionto cause the to j,e
The persistenceof a sound wtthln awareof separate.discretesignals.
an enG Ios&:I space.caused!1y

muttlplerefIectlonof the sound
Its source h<as stopped. t-
.s 60
] ........ decayrm
loa The rate of decreaseof sound pressure
, level after Its source has stappea.usually
4(} expressedIn decibelsper second.
r"eVerPtrn.wntime focusing
The time In requlreJfor;a The convergenceof sou na waves rtflected
souna ITI3k 1n an enclosedspace to from a conc3Ve surface.
diminishPy 60 decibels.


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;-............. - .. noise crittria curve
. One of a seriesof curves representingthe Any sound that Is unwanted,annoying.
sound pressurelevel across the frequency or d1scor&3nt,or that Interfereswith
spectrumfor 17ackgrounanoise that should one's hearl"!!ofsornethlng.
j not In various e11vlronments.
Highernoise !eYels are permittedat :-- redllC'tWn

/ lowerfrequenciessincethe human e4lr Is
less 5alsltlveto sounds In this frequency
The perceiveddifferenceIn sound
pressurelevels Petween two enclosed
/ region. Also called He curves. spaces.due to the sound-lsolatlni
qualttlesof the separatlngbarrieras well
as the al1sorptlonpresentIn tM
room: expressedIn kclbels. .
10 -_.'"'_ .. _....---- .. ___ i __ ---- ..--- --

.so 60
{ 50

40 .moJtr7tdynolsy



1000. 2CXXJ
octavehnJ centerfr.-4'etlciesIn fa background ltiel -j
The level of amble.ntsound normally
3fPr'OllJITI3tethres/loIJof for nol5e presentIn a aPave which speech,
music,or othersound5 must be
presentedto be he3rd.
,tandil19W3Yt white f- ..... -........... --.--- ................. 17ackground
A wave In which the amplitudeof the An unoVtn.lslvesound havfng the The sound "9""311ypresentIn an
resultarrtof a tnnsmttW and a reflected same intensity for an freql.le1lClesof a environment,usu311ya compostteof
wwe Is flxed In tlme and ranges from zero /. Uand. to rrt3s( or oVI1ter3teunwarrtea soundsfrom both exterlorand interior
at the nodes to 3 maximum at the sound. Also called wnru SOuM. sources.none which are-distinctly
antlnoaes. ; ldentffial7le the hstener.Also C41led
Interference _"'_'_ ._........_.. _..........._.............j
The pMT1OIreI'CnIn which two or more Ilght
or souna W3'I'eS of the same frtqlJtncy
wmbine to re!m'orceor cancel each other.
the of the resultl"!!W3ve relng ..
equal to the algemlcor vectorsum of the The Interceptionand conversionof sound
amplltudesof the combiningwaves. energy Into heat or otherform of energy
the struCtureof a materl3l.lMIsurtd
In salrinsor al1sorptlonunits.

A unit of sound al1sorptlon.equal to

sq. ft. (0.D9 54 m) of a periect!y

A unit of sound al1sorptlon.eqU21 to 1

square meterof al1scrptlve
surface.Also calleJ unit.
.. P5CrptioII ccef&lent '.00
A measureof the effk:lencyof a
aPsorVlngsound at a
equal to the M
fractionalpart of

the lTt3Wbl .....-- .. - ...................... - .. _ ..

reduction coefficient

- ---

Ameasureof the souna-al:1so"vlng

efficiencyof a equal to the .40 /
averageof the a coefficients .J() /
of the lTt3ter!4l to the ./y
nearest0.05 Jt four frequencies: \ .20
250. 5OO.lOOO.and 2000 Hz.
.10 /
125 250 1000 2000 4000
in C}cks $(Cord(Hz)


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I:5cbtlon plenum barrier
The used and A path for the transmissionof sound An acousticDarnererectedIn a plenum
. other than through a floor, wall, or ceiling (Net' a p3rtltlonto reduce sound
of alrPoc-neana assemPly,as along such InterconneGtlng transmissionI:>etween adjoining rooms.
structure-romeSCAlna from one room to as ductworl:or piping.
of J Also c.IW SCUM .

• irPol'M tra I\$m is,jo n - ............. -.. -. - '" ... -f--

SounatnnsmlUedwheft a surfoau 15 set
Into by the ittrn.:iItI"4air

SounJtransmittedthroogh the sana . .

of J stndurc as a result
01 dIrea pf1ysIc3lcontactor
or footsteps.

loss ace ustlc; mass vlbmion Isolator __ .i

A Jne3SGreof the perfom3nce of a ResJst.nceto the transmIssionof sound A resilientI73se for mech3nlcal
assembfyln C3usea by the Inertiaand elasticity of the equipment.Installedto reauce the
thetransmls5lcnof airborne transmlttln9 general.the transmissionof vl!n-atonand noise
souM..' passes
the to In soona
the Nterlal
ram .na
more densea 11ody, the greater
to sound transmission.
strocture. Also
called Isolation mount.
ex' wfIeft tested1t aRone-third
l:rand 125 to inertL1l7locK
. A he.l't')'concreteIr.lsefor vmtlng
mechanicalequipment.used In conjunction
T7ww fM;t.orsenluncetJJe 1l rJtIn§ of3
WIth vfl",rtlon Isolators to Increasethe
mass of the equipmentand decre4sethe
.s potentiaI for vfbratory IT1OVement.

a PulkIIng ex ,-lQ
assembfyln the :
the of Its 11
sound. eqU41 to
at nine test
:• ::. 20
frequencies. 11'1
. "
eta" •._..._ ........! to
A mll'lg ri the perform3nce
oJ J ex ccn:structlon
In preventll'lgthe transmissionof


curvefex' the mzteTtIlor
Arry of severalconstructlon
the use of

studs or reslllent
mountings.for breaKing the continuityof a
which sound
Tbe IHfhertieSTC17tJr.I. ,.ezt<rtile II't1y !Ie tr3 nsmittedfrom one space to
5CUJJ-IscIztky• qffie f'IUt:erUIcr another.
Mopetr SfC
of1O; I'IOf'fTi3fconstructtonbs SfC
---,---- -0 p,rtitlon
I7tiIfSfl'CIIff YJ 6O;!p«bI Is : A partition for reducing souna
60. transmIssionPe'twetmrooms. frarneJ with
two rows of stllds arrangedIn
zigzag fa5h1on and supportl"9opposite
Qces of the pa rtItIon.sometlrneswith a

" ",----,-" mounting

' .... -..:.._--,. A systemofflexlVleattachmentsor
Stnscturt-bornescund by 75 ·35 supports th4t pennIts room surfacesto
as footstepsor the vfmt.e nornullywitholIttransmtttlngthe
of furniture. vfmtor)' motionsand assocutednoIse to
65 45 the supportl"9structure.
Impact Jrt,ubtIon .s
of •
of tJle performance
constnlctlonIn pre'fflTtlng
l .---- -.
Ametal channelfor the resilient mounting
the transmlsslonof ltnp<Ict noise. Am-.: IIC 11'1 ..!!
\) of wallboardto studs orjoists, used In

The "'4hertlleoc rztJn§. the mex-e Is t 45 t:

sound-lsoIatlngconstructionto reauce
the transmissionof vllmtlons and noise.
nc rltinf repbasthe IJ5d Imfnct
(HR) XId Is 35· A flexiblemet31 device for the reSilient
to the I« t7tJng +51 J6 for; gMtr t mountingof wallPo3rdor to
const.roctJon. studs orJoists. used In sounc/·lsol3Ung

constructronto reduce the transmission
of vibrations and noise.
one·t!-.irdoctJ'ItEnd urrUr frequency(H.zj


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handrail One of a or series
A raIl providinga handholdand
-----------------'L servlngasasupportat the side of steps for from
-.....!!!a stair or platform.-: one level to another, as
'. : In a
" 1
,, i The horizontalupper surfaceof a step
In Ii stair. on wh Ich the foot 15 placed.
" !
hi1droom ----------------------- ----------.------- " ;
'i.,. :---.- nosing
The clear vertlcal space from the nosing :,
: ,
. ,, : The usually rou"jed edge of a stair
of a stair tre:aJ to any overhead :
,, tread that extendsover the riser.
ol>struct1on.usuallyrequired by Utilldlng ,
codes to at least 7810. (2 m). " ,, _.' riser
The vertlcal face of a stair step.
st.Jirhead "'1
L ___ _
The top or tap lanalogof a stairway.

raking rl5er
Ariser that Is InclinedInwardto permit
mare footroom on the tread I1efow.

.----- ... --.-.. ------.- +---+----- stairway

The measuredheight of a stair A passagewayfrom one level of a
SUp or a of steps. to anather\7y a flight of staIrs.

A conUnuousseries of 5tepsl7etweenone
f.oo1' or landlog of a Uulkllngand the next.

stairwell run __ ._____ ..J

A vertical shaft or opening The horizontaldistance
COfltalr.lnga stair1'f3Y. successiverisers or l7etween the first
and last risers of a flight of steps. .--------.. ----.-.-------------.. crfticalangle
:" The angle of pitch abore which 3 5t3ir
I3dder is conslderedto l7e uncomfortal7leor
A structureof wood. metal. or rope. unsafe. usually
of two sklepieces
Joinedat Intervalsby t:rars or
rungs. forming Ii means of c!1mbing up
The preferredratio the riser and
or down at an angle of pitch Wtween
tread of a stalrstep. specifiedby eitherof
7Soand90". ----.-. "- .---- -- ... -- .-. -- -- ... -.
two formulas:
R+ZT =24 to 25;
RxT= 72 to 75.
nJng -------.-.- .. ---. ·i----·--·· prrlerredangle
One of the crosspieces, : For a ft4Jht of stairs. any angle of pitch
usuallyround&!.forming the ; 25° and Ot'. for a ramp. an
steps of a laader. . angle of pitch less than

;-' nmp
! A sloping floor, walk. or roadway
coonectlngtwo levels.

ship'sladaer 'upped ramp
A fixed stepl3Jderhaving an angle A series of ramps conne:ctedby SUps.
of pitch Petwurl 55'and70'. -
usuallyequipped with handrails. .--"'--' -.. -_.- helicline
A curved ramp.

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5traight-run _.... -.. ---.--.

A stair exttMI"4from one level to
,notherwtt:houtturns or winders.
fllet i'''''' winder
of the steps In , stra Ight
flight cl5taIrs. •- ... -.--- ... - ..... - ..-- ... --.-.....
A flight of stairs having no '1 A more or less we.dqe-shapeJ sta Ir
turns or winders. 1 step for changIng dlrectlon.
i kitt winder
The centralof three stair winders

:a 9O"turn. -I
stair .---- ........ --.- .... -., A Petweenflightsof
A a tum. ! staIrs or the floor at the foot
ronslstln§ straightflights ; or head of, flightof stairs.
connected(,y an Intemn Ing Ia or !
, of wInkrs.Also caRed L stair. :
.//,---+1 ,\uarterspacelanding
! AsquartIandlngwnneGtlng
t two flIghts of .. staIr.Also,
/luarterpaulanding. --------
A hne 18 In. (457 mm) In from the
centerllneof "' ha ndrall.along
--- --- which the run of a winderIs the
same as a flier. Also called Une
pace of traveL
A r.l1std step or platform.esp. one
5eIYlng as a bindingor resting place at '::.-....- halfspau landing
the end of a flightof steps. Also .... A landingronnectlngtwo
cal1ea foatpu. r------,-.,---"[1r--rr-l....--,rr-n-'-:n flightsof a half-tumstair.
:\ Also, landing.
..tml5b1r ...
A l8O·ortnl"OlJghtwo I

ri9ht anglesat an Interveningbndlng.

Arry of a series ofwlrJersso
amngeJ that 2"e nearly.s
A half-return of two wIde at the Inside of the stair as
stral§ht flightsimmediatelys1de by adjacentfliers. Also C3f1ea dancing
side and c:ormect-edby an Intervening sUp. d.1nclng winder.

dcul7le-l5ta It
A half-tumstair hMr-9 two
landings,each offering
.. 90'"ch211¥of direction. -- ... - ........... -.

three-,\uarter-tvm .-.--- .. --.--- ..---.. -.-- .--.....-...........- .........- dou17\e-retum ---

A st.aJrM\ulringa three-qtl3rtertum A stair havlnfone wfde flight
for contlnuedascentor from main floor to an
ntel'1T1ed1atelanding.and two
s4k flightsfrom that lanalng
to the floor

windingmlr elliptlwll&tair
My stair ccnstructedchld1y with
as a geometricalor spiral stair.
// . /.: A wIndingstair h3ving an eWptIC3l1y

circubr 5blr
A stair having a circularplan.
/ I I
fptr"'Sbir______._ ..._. ___.. _..t..:.........__...._ stall'
A drcubr stair having I" . A wlnalng stafrccnstructedaroun4 a
wincing aroundand I ,------'. __ .,._ .... ------- Circularor ellipticalwell without the
po,. a untral post. use of newelsana often no landings
.... floors.
newel .._...................................... c:::
Acentralpost from which the winders
.. ;;;;.::=.==:;;3 "- ...
.\ ... , ......... r .. -·· .. wre.1the
of, spiralstaIr radbte. \
,l ..... ".....
A CUlVed sectionof handraIl.
wrt.1the piece
: I A cUlVea section of a staircasestrirl4


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string landingtread ....................... - ....- ............. ". 5talrc25e
One of the sloping roards running A l10ard dlrectlyover the uppermostriser In ... A
alongsidea stalrc:.1seto supportor .3 flight of stairs. having an II13tchlng Its supportingmmework,
COlt< ends of treads and risers. that of the noslngs011 the stair treads. casIng. and h3ndralls.
Also oiled stringer.
w.1l 'tring -.-.--.-- .. - ...-.- ... - ...... -.- .............,. A stair it3vlngan open string on one or
A stair string set againsta wall. ", roth sides.
usuallynotchedor housed.
....... open string
c.arrilge .-.....---.................-. --.- A string having Its upper
An InchneJPeaIn for supporting t:dge cut to the profileof the treads
the of ;J stJlr. Also called and risers. Also called cut string.
hors.!. rough
:ltalrro" face string
Ametal rod for holdinga stair Theouttr stringof a staircase. usually
A stair having a housed string on carpetIn place againstthe . of better materl31or finish than the
both stdes SO tbt It may ve more or .Iwttomof a riser. ---1 carrl3gewhich It covers.Also called
less completelyfklJshedVefore velng finIsh string.
set In Its fln.lloc3tlon.

II sta Ir string reaMng the enas of

risers ana treadsIn a series of
housings.Also ct05e4 ..

;apron .. -- .. ·.--.- .... - .. - ..

Ahe3der the ends of stair
strings. and the joists of
b n.dlngs.Also calb:l pitching

-r---·· .. ····· .. ·.... ···- ..·

A plate for anchoringand
aDsorVing the thrust of an Inclined
A continuationof the rounded nosing
as a stalrcarri.lge.
of a tre;ad I1eyonJthe face of an open

niling r;amp bracket .- .. ..-.-- 5tring

A of one or more Ashort concaveslopeor bend. as An ornamentalplea: filling the angle An open strI"9 having the vert:cal
horlzontalralls by spaced OM cannectlngthe higherand lower Petween a riserand the overhanging edges of the notchesmiteredwith the
Uprightsor !:>a lusters. parts of a stair railing ata landlng:-- edge of Its tread. ends of the stair risers.
,t..1nchion ......- .. -- ......- ...... - ..... .-....... - ....... curt.iJ
An uprightpost or In a A horiz.ontalspIral tennllt3tlonto the
wiMow or lower end of a stafr rail. Also calbf
A with .--.---.- ... -. curbit step
A starting step having a scroll
termlnatlonto one or Path enas of the

balu5ter .. - .. -.- .. -.- ....--......... . ...

Arry of a numrerof closely spaced The term11131 fe;atureof a newel post.
S\Jpportsfor;l Also called often moldeJor turnedIn 2 decoratlve
..- ... -.-- .....-.- newet
newel drop •.. _._ ...._..._... _ ......._ ... ,i Apost supportingone end of a hanaraU
An doI'fnwardprojectionof at the top or bottomof a flight of
;I r!eWel post. oft.e:rt through a soffit.. stairs. Also called newd post.

S-rletynoerng- ... - .......................... .-- .•...- open-rtur

Anaslng havIng an alms1ve. nonslip A stair havl"9open spaus
sucuss1vetreads.alloWing light to
pass from a!xlve.

A tread h3vlng a roughened surface to ................................... open

preventslippIng. .,/ An space I1etween two
The least thicknessof a reinforced· .. pan tread
COI1crete stair slap, A steel pan rw:Mng a concretefill and
s.t:rvlng as a trt:3d or as a comDlne.:J
tread and riser.


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Rock or 2 pieu of rock ,\U3rrled 3nd
woried into aspulfic size and slupe
for a particularpurpose.
by the aalon of bQt or W3terant.!
In fragmentsor lar¥ II13sses.

rock ------------ ... -..;
Aclassof n::d fonned by the
of bmestone.
metamorphicrock ----
A class of rock that has uMergonea
change In structure.texture.or
IgMOUS rock
A cb ss of rod: formed by the
clj'St4IrlZ3tlonof molten
s.ndstoneor shale. compostUondue to as
and pressure.esp. when the rock
becomesharderand Il1Ol'8crystamne.

AsedIt1e:ntalj'roct funned chieflyby the A metamorphicrock ofcl)'stJllIud Avery hJrd. ccarse-gr3Jr.ecJlqneollsroct
accumubt10nof orpnlc shells
N caaI.conslsUngIt13lnlyof calcium
ana used as a
ill the IIGfImctureof lbne.
stone and
hmestone.ccnsl5tlng1I'.alnlyof c.alclteor
dolomite.capal7leoftal:lnga high pohsh.
and used esp.ln architec1;ureand
The presenceand dlstrlWtlonof numerous
ma J:11y of quartz..feldspar.and
mlcJ I)( other coloredmlnen!.s. l-
mineralsaccountfor the d1stlnctwe AvoIc.anlc in composltionW
tnvertine varleg3tedappearancethat many marl1les USU3ty H3ci: with a bright luster.
A of bmestcnedepositedPy have. The commercialtenn Includesmany and tr.iInsparentIn thin p1eces.
W4ters.esp. hot springs.soIJ as nurtie In dense hmestonesand SOI!lC: coarse-grained
dolomites. A to ne4r+j bbci: mlner3lwpper
dolomite a highly poIIshetIveneer
A IItnesfonerich In carPoMate. Adari:-grten.mottledserpentInethat ana for om3 mental artlc!es.

ooliU takes a high polish and Is sold 3S a marple.

. A Dmestonecomp0se4of smal round. Also. verdeantktue. A II'IIr«.11or rod: COIlslstlngof hydrous
grains rcsemPlingfIs& roe. Alsa ,bU s!lIc4te.usuallygreen In color
c.Iec:I11M stone.
A knse. fll1(7-gralnedmetamorphicrock
fortned l>y the compressionof va rious
sediments.3S clay or shale. having good
and appe;annce.
A roc;l: cooslsttn§of sand.
cleavagealon9 parallelplanes.

usuallyC\uartz.cemented by silica.clay. or ,\uartziU
bfues1:oM consistingessentiallyof ttuartz,krived
A flne-gramea.argillaceous from sandstone.
sandstoRethat splitseasilyabng
planestofonn thin slaPs.
A or fohated·metamprphlcrock
comsponaingin compositionto granite.In
A redd:sII-Prowns.ndstonequarriedand which the minerats are arrangedIn layers.
used extensivelyas a I7ultdlngII13terlaL

A soft rock contJlnlf14a high

proportlonof tJlc. used as dimensionstOM
for hea1hs.tJ PIc tops. anJ carvea
ornaments.Also called stutlU.


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Any stone suItablefor use In
Pulldlng construction,as limestone,
IT13rMe,or granite.

The granu13r or appearanceof a ..... ' fieldstone
vedding pllne .-.- ........- ..........-....
, Loose, unflnlshed.stonefound 0f1 the
surfaceor In the soli, esp. when used for In ell)' masonry.
The surfau that sep"ratesone
str.ltumor bye- of st rat1f1ed rock ... -. dimensionstone
from ;lOOtMr-. Quarrteaana squaredstone 2 ft. (€itO mm)
cle.w3¥ plane _ ....--- ....._...- .....-
or mare In le"9th width and of
A smooth surfacealong whleh
rocks l'rII tend to sp!lt.
a stone finish produced
by splittingto the Peddlng

Arry stone,as hmestoneor

esp. one that cuts well In dressedstone
all directlons. Stone worked to desiredshape and
carved werk .- ..... _. -.... - .... - .. - ..... smoothedon the face.
Han.d-cut featuresIn bid :......._.. _.-... pitch-faced
or masonry. Noting a stone having all arrlsescut In the
...------------t---, same plane and the faces roughlydressed
ca5tstoM wtthaplek.
A mix rI concretewtth a
fine storie havlng a draft
surfx.e ponshed. or molded Aline or borderchlseleJat the edge of a
to slmulaterut.lral stone. to guide the stonecutterIn leveling
the surfaces.
L._ drafted margin
A smooth, uniform IT13rgln i'!on:eaaround a
:. stone face.
L._ sunk draft
A margin of a stone set below the rest of
the face.

... - boasted &umau

A stone flnlsh obtainedby chiseling
roughlyparallelgrooves across the face.

--. batted ,urface

Iwnedfinish •... - ...... _ ........ A scored stone surfacemade with a
A srnocth stor.e finish having little mason'schisel after the surface has
or no gloss. obtak1ed by ru bblng with been rub17ea smooth. Also called
an abraslYe. tooled surface.

'\ \'1
work ..
A stone fx.e of Cf)'StJ1linetexture. as
of m3r.k or grJnlte.grourtJ and buffed
to form J g!4/ssl1kesurf3Ce. Also caned
glassed surface.


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Ast.Ple of stnJctural
elementsdestgntdana canstructed
to functionas a whole in supporting
and transmittingappntdloads linear , ,umce
SJfeIyto the grouna without A structural member a length that A structural memberhaving a length ana
exuedingthe allowablestresses domll13t.esIts other two dimensions. width that dominatesIts thlcl:ntss.
in the members.

Of or to a structureor .
stroctur.almemDeI' a shape

A S'tnlCtureor 5tructlIr.almtmberthat
externalfocus prIm3lily
the and of Its
materialas a De:im or column. frame
\'eCt<)r-actNestructure ----------------------------.
A th3t
forces prinurllythrough the composition
of tension and compressionmemDer'
.a truss.
A that realrectsexternal
forces prilT'4rilyabrlg the contlnultyof f
41 a p!.ateorshell _._. __ ,-_ .......__ .. _________:-____ ---__ .__ .-..... -.-.... ,-.•.- ... ---. -.--.---- "- _._J



, ,..II


memller OM-way
One of tnt const:ltue:1tpa rts Into which a Astructural memberSUDJectprfmartly Of orpert.lnlngto a structureor
m:zy rtSOlvedI1y analysis. .a unlt4ry and
to compressiveforces. --tt-=·
CI struaural member a Ioaa·cjrrylng
mechanIsmthat acts In one directiononly.
J unique loeh3vlorunk!- an appl1ed load.
A structur.almemDer prtmarfly twO-way
to resist IongltuJlnalcompression. Of or pertainingto a structureor l."
structuralmemrerhavIng a Ioaa·carrylng
uMlon meml1er mechanIsmthat acts I" two or more
Astructural membersubjectprimarily dll'e(;tlons.
to tensileforces. ____

tie V


.238 I
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,tructural unit
A d1screttstruG"Wreor of membersformlng;1 spatial

,/ ,tl'""
i .""-.
. \.

/ \ "'-. .

. . .. . '\1//
J _I ,
: :1 :
" . :
'. j: ./
:. ! A major spatialdivision.usuallyone of;1
: su\es, marltd or part!tlonedoff by
principalvertlcalsupportsof a structure.
A grid definingthe princIpalpointsor niles
of supportfor a structuralsystem.

A grid havlng regularly
rtpenlng Pays In two dlrectlon.s.

A 5truCturalpattern consistingof t ....o

gridsoffset from each otherana creatlng
Interstltl3l spaus tM bays.

!Slippedgrid &tructuralpattern
A structural grid h'-lYing points or lines The arrangementof prinCIpalvertlcal
of supportsspaced uniformlyIn one supportsfor a structure, whlGh
dlrtctlon Put val)ing In the other. Influencesthe se\e:ctlonof an approprtrte
a"" esbPllshesthe
possllnhtlesfor the orderingof spaces
ana functions.

t.-ansition structure Irregubr grid

II meJi3Ung Detfleen two cr A structural grid Irregularly
drffererrtstnJCturalpatterns !lays In one or more directions.

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T'he preuss of
slzln4.and proporUonlrl4the membersof a
system In ordertc safely C3rT'j
agiven set of withoutexceed1rl4the
stressesof the materbIs

.a1Icw.. stress
AmOOd fi:lr sizing arJ proportJonlnga
structllral r<:mper on the
2SSUmpU::Jathat the savice load will not
skts5 *.e I'I3teriaI Its allowable
st.resse:s.AI:sc ailed dtslgn.

A klad used In structural
kslgn computations.
i .'

DL=P;L=@ .J
\ ..
a tlowa17 Ie Ioaa \
Aklad the alloW3!?le I
at a crltlc3lStCtlon
of a metT1Per. J
strvfu load
The processof determinIngthe 3bllltyof a
Il 1
The IT13Xlmumload a may!:>e structure or any of its constltuent
r' to supportduring Its memrersto safelycarrya given set of
uftJ.mmrtrength usefuillfe..BuIldingcodes specifyminimum loads wtthout materialdistressor I.
Arna/IodftJrsizing arJ proportioninga
nanpt:(' on the
service loads for va ric1JS uses. occupancles.
types of constructlon.and environmental
exceSSivedeformatlon.given the
arrangement.shape, and dimensionsof L,
the members.the tyPeS of conne:ctlons
the natt:ial
Its ufUlT13te
fxtored load
,.,. conditions.Also wari:lngload.
and supportsutilized.and the allow3l7!e
stresses of the materialsemployeJ.For
Iaad-bctcr kslgn. an exIstIngstructure, thIs
also known as str-Jctul'al

Struct..lraldoes!;n on arry
chose-n nm!; of 1..' el3stlc
ftmlt, pl3st(; nmit. or limit.

DL = FL = ®.: X FS

..........., ...... , hcto'D".rety

A load to the sel"YU T'I1e ratio of the maxlrnumstress
load by .. f3ctcrof S4fety. structural memberC3l1l'1'1thstandUl the
!.Jso C2IIec:fuft.Imat.eload. maximumstress for It In the
use for which it Is kslgned.Also c.ol!ea

,tructunl f;anure
Any cond!tb1.AS fnctwing.11ucI:nng. or
pl3stlc ddormatlon. rendersa
struct.Jral orplnt
functlooforll'f1lchit W15


240 f

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. .

load trace ------- .i .. .

The processof modeling how a structure
collects.channels.and redirectsthe loads . .
resultingfrom exterrtillforces through the
hierarchyof Its memrersto the foundation
and underlyingsolt Tnt USU311y
starts at the roof level wtth the smallest
. : : .
metnPersactuallypicking up the loadingana
proceedsby tracingthe loads through each
collectingmemPer.Tnt re3CtIonsof each
memrerto Its loading Pecomesforces 011
the metnPer$ It. Also called
load flow.

The portionof structurecontriputlngto
the lou! 011 a structuralt!ementor
memPer.Also calledccntrWutcryarea.
ChannelingInto somtthlngmare Inclusive.
tril7lrtaIj' lead r--- load strip
The load on a structural element The triPl1t3ryarea unit Itngth of a
memDercoUe<;teJfrom Its tripubry area. supportlngstructuralmemrer.

..- ... -....... primarymem17e1"

• A structural to the
stapllltyof a structuralwhole. Also
called rn.1ln mempeT.

/'._ ........ ve3ring

- A point. surface.or mass th3t supports
weight. the area of C011tJctt>etween a
Dearing memt> t>eam or truss. and a
column. wall. or other support.

The stress deveJopea t>etween a
memPerand an underlyingsupport.equal to
the quotleT1tof the magnttukof the forces
transmittedand the area of contact
the two eI.ements.


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The Nnner In which a
rne:mberIs and connectedto
other affectingthe natureof
the rtactIYeforces devebpedon the

pointohttp po rt
A point Oft a structur.11memberat which
Its reactIoftto a load Is tr2l1$111lttedas a
forutoa supportingrnetn!1er.

..--.. - ... -....-.. unre5trafned roller5UppOrt C<1ble

A structul'3lmeml1erpermittedto rot3te A structlJl'3Isupportth"t allows rot.;tIon A calXe anchoragetit<ltallows rotat1on
freelya routa polntolsupport. rot resists translatlonIn a dlrectlon rot reststs tr3 n$latlononly In the I
ptrpendlcul3rInto or iW4Y from Its bee. dlrectlonof the cable.
Also canea rollerjoint.
! I

IU .
A structuralconnectionthat allows
. rotationbut resists translationIn arry
direction.Also called hlngt joint.
pinned ccnnectlpn.
A slenderrod driven holes In
adjacentparts to !up the parts
togetheror to permitthem to mcve In
one plane relativeto each other.

A structuralconnectionthat Nln'talns

the angularrelationship
tr2nslatlonIn any direction.and pr'OVk:Ies
both force and moment reststance.Also
calteafixed connectlon.fixedjoint.

rigid connection.

fixed-endconnection -.- .......
Arig ld joint con the end of a
stnJctur.11memw to a support.
Ame3ns for P\ndlnga st.roctur.11rretrJ,.er
to anotheror to Its founaztlon.often to
resist and hori.w1t31folUS.


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abilityof a structure. when dlstUm:a
from a conditionof m by an appfled
load. to develop Internalfcrces or moments

The abilityof a structureto resist
I3teralforces without sliding.
o.'ertumlng.l1uckllng.or collapSing. 111 fJ I ] --
down underan applied k:l3d withouta
ch3"ge In length of arty lna.vidu31member.

l _
___ St3!nllzlnga structural ag31nst

Astructural elementfor posltlonlnq,

supporting, or restraIning

the membersof a struct1.:nlframe..
Asystemof InclinedmemWs for mclng
the angles betweenthe rrenbersof a
structural frame and ensuringthe
stabilltyofthe whole.
In-aced frame ", 5W3y17race
A structural frame of linear" Adlagonal memberformc:r.g ;1 st.rtJcture
lIot:mbersmaJe rigid Py ;1 system I3teralforces.
of dlagor13I members.
. -_._- cro'517rulng
Apalroftransvcrse for st.ob;:tzlnga
structural frame ag.olnst
When using cables.two are
St3!7i1tzethe structure
forces from either dlrectiorLFor cal1le wUl opmteeffectlvely
In tension while the other w01.:ld simply
tnJclde. If rigid bracesare a certain
degree of reaund3ncyIs lrT'y'oIYedsitu a
meml1erIs capal1leof the
stn.Jcture.Also. X-l7radrtg.

Arel3t1velythin. rigl.d structural
membercapal1leof withstanding
shear when loaded In a dlrectlon
para !let to Its pl3ne.

...__ ....... horizontaldiaphragm

. Arig Id floor or roof plane as a
deep beam In transferringlateral
forces to verticalshear .,....rtS.11raud
frames. or rigid frames.

..... _...... - ... 5he.1rwall

A verticaldiaphragmacUr14 35 a thin.
cantileverDeam In
i3uralloads to the ground


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regul.u 5tructure
A structuralsystem Dy the
symmttrIcaI conflguratlonof mass ana
later. I and
having no significantd1scontlnuttftsof
stiffness or st.rength.The effectsof
1ater.1forceson regularstructuresmay
!?C detmnlnedDy static Inethods.
r- dUJI system
A structural fer reslsUng lateral
forces, combining t-I.,e ducUllty of 3
moment'res!stJrtg rr.e wtth the" rigidity
of a shear wan.

. j

wall fra me 5ysum frame " ......• ecurrtric

A structuralsystem of A structural system ccnslstlngof a A frame system designedto resist A structural for
vertlcalplanare!ementsfor supporting tnree-d1melJ?lonaIarrayof lateralfOfUS primarilyby flexureIn forces. 1l'.3 the ducUlity
grnity loadsana shear wans or lmleed Interconnectedlinearmembersthat the andJOints. of a frarre wtth the
frames for r:eslstlnglateralforces. functionsas acomplete.s.eIf- of a brn.ea fr3 :ne.
containedu·nttln supportinggravity
loads ana walls or meed frames
for resistinglateralforces.

Wucture centerof resi5tance

Astructuralsystem charac;t.crizeJDy arry The centroidof thevertlcaI elementsof a
of plan Of' Irreguiaritles,35 lateral force-resistingsystem,through
a soft Of' d story. a dscontlnuous which the she3r reactionto lateralforus
shearwattordlaphragm,or the " acts. Also called center of rigidity.
asymrnetrIc:allayoutof InaSS Of' lateral·
force reslstlngelements.Irregular F
structures ¥ner.l11yrettulredynamic
In orderto determinethe
torsional effectsof lattn I forces. I

----------- ....-.-..
by<M of m3SS Of' lateral
f01U-reslstlngelements.resultlng In
noncolncldentcentersof mass ana
rests'bnu and C3uslng story drift at
I &'''
one end of the structureto more th4n
the of the story drifts at roth DOD
ends. ODD
reentr.lrrtcorner ---- .. -.....- .................-.. _-... DOD
The plan com'Iguratlor.of a structure and DOD l-
Its latml
beyonda comer slgnlftc3nt1y
!rcaterthan the plan c2bnensIonIn the
SiYen OIrectlon.A reentn/1tcomer tends
to produce&Ifl'erentlalh.7tIons
differentportionsof the structure, "
rcsuftlngIn beal stressconcentrationsat
tM COt'TIeI'.SolutlonsIncIuGieprovldlnga I
seismicjoint to the Irolld1ng!nto It
simplerwpes, tying the Irolidlngtogether
II"oOre at the comer,or splaying
the corner.
joint •.. _.. - ....- ........ _- .............-.. .
Ajoint th4t physicallyseparatestwo
adjacent 1ro1ld1t1g masses so that fru
vlln-atorymovementIn each can occur
Independentfyof the other. II



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A high-risestructure having perimeter.

I3teraIforu-reslstln!! systemsInter11311y
bracedfly rlgldfloor diaphragms.Atube
ptrionted WPe structureacts as a cantilevered Peam
A structureh3ving perimetershear In resIstInglateral forces.
JIr.i ils lrith less thA n 301 of the su rface
:om by openings.

A tJJ be structurehaving clo$ely5paced '""'-'

ccWlnn5 by
,-, .--It""""

---------------.----------.-.- H Ir-
A framed structuretled togetherby
• 5)'$ta1 of dbgonalmus.

tuPe c.

A structureh3ving trussea
wag fnres of widely 5p3ced columns tied
by dbgon3/ or cross /mlcl"4

A structurehaving
frarr.esofclosely spaced c/1agonalswith no

An of narrow tu Des tied d1rect1y .•••
to exl! atI'erto fonn 3 lnOdularstniCtUre
that bd13veslie a mu/"tlcellular girderrox
tu are som.etlrnesprorldedIn the lower
of :0 t;lR structure greater
resistanceIs needeJ.
struct1.lre •. ----------.-- ....
A w-JCUJrehAvu19 an inner praced
t.u a4.:W to to ,bmp
l!r.pror'eIts she3r5tlffnessIn resisting To cause a decreaseIn amphtuk of
foru:s.. successiveoscillationsor

b-ract4ccre --.-----------,.' mech3nism

1-.:1 sm-ice core br.3ced to prcvlde Any of various viS<:Oelastlcaevices
stiffnessIn reststlnglatenl typicallyInstalledat structuralJolntsto
3bsorU the etlerrJgeneratedby wind or
forces, pt'O!Jre5Slvelydlmlnlsh
, or vl17moryoroscllbtory
rnotIons,ana preventdestructl'r'e
resonancesfrom occurring,

L_______________--..-- .-.....• tuned damper
T.".e th3t II41tur.li1yoccurs 65:0 A heavy mass moonte4on rollers and
or plastlc att3chedto the upper portlonof bll
from the InternJl fr1ctlan pulfdlng with springdampIng mechAnisms,
an InertialtendeMGyto n::rrulnat
from the friction two rest ana thus counteractingana
parts(frictlonal - --- -- -. dissipatIngarry movements.
or from the resistanceof a fluid
5-'xn 3s:olr (mcou5

TI-.e shApInq of. tall to create Isol3tlngthe I13se of a l1ulldlng from the
t-:rt-Jk:nc.ewhich cross-wind11ft ground with dJmplng mechanismsto allow
tc oppose cross-winddd1ectlonsduring the superstructuretofloat 3S a l10dy
wlnJs. and alter the naturalperiod of vll1r.3tionof
ttl, b1J knee the 50 that It Is from
Il1ct.icnof che 3crn05phere that of the grouna. thus preventing
CCj,'""Jctat:::J by ur'-and·c!owncurrent5 des tructlve resonancesfrom occu rrinq


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To atUrmlne the ex.1ctform, plane ,urvey
boundaries,extent, ana positionof A survey In which curvatureof the e4r?l's
J tract of land by Unear ana
angular surf.lceIs Ignored.and all distances
measurementsand the apF"Catlon· horIz.ontalangles are assumed to Pc
projecteaonto a horizontalpI4 Moo
oftM principlesof geometryand
..//' survey
// A survey made to esta PIlsh the length
true north _- ..--- ........ -..J and Dearing of roundarynnes ana the
The directionof the north pole from are3 of the tract bounded l>y these t\r.cs.
1I given polnt. cad.a5tn1survey
nugneticnorth ---------- .. Asurvey showIng rouna..rlesand
North liS Py the north- nnes, USU311Y ln4ae to .CI'e4te
pole of the magneticneedle land units suitaDlefor transferof
In 1I compllss. . rnet.e,3na l70unas ana l70unds
. The propertyhnes or boundarIes of a A !egaI term for the 170unaaryIlnes of II
/ parcel of bne. parcel of laM as used In deeds and
or west of a true or / pLat
north or south direction. / survey

r·· "'(
,r .... -.
.. -:I ; / Asystemof lana surveyIn which the A pia n or II't3pof land In a city, tawn.
n:lmuth __________ . ________________.i cour5eaMlengthofeachboundaryUne of section,or subdlvlslon.lnJlc;atlngthe j
The angle of horizontaldeviation. _____•• " ./. a parcelof landare calledout at locationana boundariesof Individual

measureaclockwise.of 3 Pealing a known refmnce pointand woti::lng properties.
from a from '"" aroundtM peripheryof the plat until ,urveyplat
A ie9al the 1oc3t:C:\
boundaries.ana dimensionsof a tract IX
I parcelof zoning and
easementsand restrictions. and. for a
subdlvlslon.the tlnes of stred.,
Intersectionare recorded5l'3phlcally, /' The compassdlrectlonfrom one reference blocks,and lots. aM the numberingarJ
on a Np and liS dau Ina ub!tt poIlrtto the nextfor each of al menslonsof each lot.
·----··----c.. ---··-------·...-
point for a metes-aM- .
I" and-roundssurvey.staWIn degrees.
mlnuUs.and secondsas an angular
legal de$crfption
rounds"'''''Y- ",st ...... ,oc0", no.<IIor A wrtttendescriptionof the Ioc3tlon.. rJ
boundariesof a specific parcelof Ia nd.
!:rasedon a surveyIX.
rectangularsystemof or made
with referenceto a recorde.dplat.

rect.ang r system
A systemof land survey!:rasedon a
._ .. _ ... _ ..... _.., princip;1meridian
rno.:1i&49rid of north-southprincipal
In the system of survey, a
me.rldlansand e;a st· west baselines.
Also C1lIed governmentsystem.
referencenne estaPllsred
at a for a large
area of land.
.... ---.. -----.-....• guide
. In the rcct3ngularsystem of
On.s of a series of aMsionsnumberedeast north-south hne
or from a guide II'1eI"IdI2nIn the
com:ctlon hnes at 24-mlle
of SIJtYftjana
consistlng of a row of townshipsthat are
IWlT1Perednorth or south from a ....... .
•........ ...........-I-;- ....----.- .. - ... -.-
Intm'3fsto the eas;andl'I'eStof
. _...'._....... --+---+---1---+'--+---' The princlpale;a S;. west referencenl18

for an are3 In UIt rectangularsystem C1f
sysUIn approxbl1atefy6 54 mL survey.
(932 m) 36 sections.
t··-.. ·-.. --··. ·-····-- correa.lcn11M
: An east-westreferencebne Ioc.teaat

24-mlle\nt.erv;aIs to the north and south
One of the:36 subdiviSionsof a
of a!:rasel1neIn the rectangularsystem
township. approximatelyOne square
of survey.estaPllsheato correctfor the
mite (2.59 S<t km or 640 acres) and further
convergenceof meridiansand equalize
suPdlv\dedInto flJlves.C\U3rters.and
ea st· west distances.
C\U3rter'1lUrters. ----1
-........-.... - .......... -.. --. range line
In the rcct3ngularsystem of survey,a
north·southreferenceline locaW at
6-mlle lITtervalsbetweenguide

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l'\ trllauration
A methodfor determIningthe relative
----------- \\ posltlonsof three or more points by
\ , treating these points as verticesof a
triangleor trianglesof which the sides and
\, angles can be measured,

A trigonometricmethO<l for determining

the positionof a poInt by takIng rearlngs
from the end poInts of a 1r.lsellneof known
\ I or measuraulelength.
, I
.....··----····-r-····-····- ba$eline
/ A line of known length and posItionfrom
/ which points or other lines may be '
-__ f estaWlshed.asacornerofa!1ullding
structure ora propertyline.
A device for true horlzorrt.1
or dlrectlonsby the of transit
a P-.JWte In a rowed
glass A a theodolite.
filled with alcohol or ether. Also called having a telescopethat can Pe reversed
spirlt.level --.---- ...----.-.-. "'-'- by turningIn a verticalplane. used for
measuringhorizontaland sometimes
.artffi,ci.·dhe rizon
A 3S a surf:Jceof mercury.
A precisionInstrumenthaving a
telescopicsight for estaUllshlng
hortz.ontaland sometimesvertical
a 1Id.1de
The entire upper part of a transit or
5tJIdia -- ......-.. -.---- ... -' - .. ---.,- ...-.. -: theodolite.Includingthe telescope.its
supports.spirit level. horizontalcIrcle.
A of surveyingIn whJ.;n dlstar; 1, "
are re;ad l7y noUng on a
" devices.and the spindle.
gr<1dUJte4rod Interceptedby two .... circle
cross hairs mounted In the A circularplate, graduatedIn degrees.
minutes.and seconds.and flxed to the
base of a transit for measuring
A red ;;nd white dJsl: on rod Uut , horizotttaI ang Ies.
the and reading of . -...- plummet
rod. A devicefor centeringa tnnslt or
rod -_.-.- ...-.. _- ..... "'-"'_'-" theodoliteover a referencepoint. used
In place of a plumu rou In a strong wind.
A str..:ghtpole or conspicuously
marU.d wtth grnuatlons.;;f\J used In
the Petwec1a
point 011 the ground.n.:! the tine of sightof
a level Also called levelll\9rod. leveling
sWi.JroJ. A procedurefor the
differenceIn elevationUetween two
cturn points by means of a level or transit and
A d1st4 ;x:.e-measurlngdevIu a rod. Also c.111eddffferentl.allevellll4.
of 100 rr.rul nrn:s of
Guntde cluln The verticaldistanceaUoVe or uelow a
A d1st4na-me;;surlngdevlu datum.
of 100 Malllnks and a tata Ile11gth of
66 ft. (20 m). Also called
The elevationof a certain point relative
to a speclfleddatum.
A d1st4na-lTIasurlngdevIu conslsUng
A vertlc3lsectionof the ground surface
of 100 Irlet3ll1nksand a tot3i fe11gth of
taken parallelto a surveyhne.
100 ft. (30 m).

. \.
datum .. _ .. .i turning point .-.. __ .. _ ...1 L'bench nurk
Arty kYd surface. line, or point used A point tempomllylocated and marked in A preclsel:ikx3te.d referencepoint A marked pointof known or assumed
as 3 refmncdrom which reratlons order to estaUllshthe elevationor which a InstrumentIs elevatIon.usuallyon a perT!13nent
are lT1C3surea. of a surveyingInstrumentat a new station. cenured. Also C3lled Instrument ouject.from which other elevations
st.ttlot1. ut '1J p. may be estaUllshed,


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An eaifict or place dedicatedta the ...
worship or presenuof a deity. A temple-towerin Sumerian and Assyrian
archlteGWre,l7uitt In dlmlnlshlngstages of
,acrea mud bnd: with M t<essea wans faud with
Of or fa re«glousoUjll(;ts,rites, l?umt In a 5<Jmmtt shrine
or practices,2S opposedto the StCul3ror or reached a series of ramps;
pr0f3ne. to of
from the end of the rnHlennlum B.C. Alsa
zillirat. .
Of or fa the temporalor worldly
the sacrea or spiritual.Also, Tower of BaDcl
profane. A temple·towerpreSiJmedto be the
Babylon,which no
survtves, tt was seen and
clescMuea by the Gr--A h!stori3n,
Herodotus.In the 5th century6.c.:
°ArJ thq SJIJ to oro! Let us mate
britt iII1Jburn It t/lawghly.And they h3d
brld: for5tone,zr,J sime forrnor1:Jr.AM
,! tMySlIJ,Let us J;:r.;!J1 city mh
menhir . t;(>p IJt'ItQ heiwen;3M let
\:'t ..
us nuU1 rume.1estwe be 5CZttt:rtJ

. l .
A prehistoricmon urnentconsistingof an z/:IroUupon the b Ct of the wfrofe earth.•
uprightmegahth.usuallystandingalone uut f'
sometlmesallgneawith ers. .-...................
meg4l'rth ':1 . uma'5U
A very brge ston used as found or .. \i!:' . The monument31SkX1e sculpturesof
hurrun-he3deJ. Irolls or nons that
esp.1 ancientconstructionwori:. guarded tMerTtr;;rus to
monolith 'l'll . and
A single Plock of stoneof COI1slderal?le
often In the form of an ol>elisl:or column. .. .

cairn --'--- .... :-...--.- .... dolmen

A he2p of stones pnea'upas a monument, A prehistoricrron ument conslst1/t9of two
or bndrT13rt.Also, cam. or more fa rge stones supportl/t9a
horlzont415to1'ie$l:.ol1, found esp.ln 6rft3ln
and Franuand lI$U3flyregardedas a
A mtg3llthictoml7 of the Neolithicand early
BronzeA¥S fauna In the 6ritlsh Islesand
Europe,cans/sUngof a roofea I7urlal t.n1ithon
narrowentrancep4ssage, Two supportinga
covered by a tumulus: relieveato have !leen . horizontJlst..ol1e. called trlIlth.
used for successivef3milyor cl3n l?urials
a numrerof¥neratlons. Also I
chanWer!lrave. I

! I


shiligrave 17eehivetamp L....................... dromos 5tcnehenge

A of the Aegea n cIvlhzatlons A su!7terraneantomu of the A long. &up passagewayInto an A rnegaRthlG erecudIn
cOf1slstlngof a deep rIl(;tJngularcut Mycenaean clvllizatlonconsistingof a ancient early Bronze Age cZ700 6.C. on
Into sloping rock and a roof of timber circularchamuerCOIered by a cor!1eled Plain, Wlttshlre, conslstll'o4of
Of'stone. dome and enteredby a wailea passage four concentrlc of trllithonsana
through a hillside.Also callea thows. menhirs untered 3rOlma an altar stone:
!?ellevedto have Peen used by a sun cutt
or for astronomlc31oDsemtlonS.


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An tomb m3de of mud A massive m3sonrystructurehavIng a
!1rlGk. plan wtth a flat roof rectangularlr.Iseand four smooth. steeply
Jlnd from which a shaft slopIngsides facing the cardinalpointsand
le3ds to cmdergroond offering meetlngat an apex. used In ancient Egypt
-------------- __________________ as a to contaIn the IrorlalchamPer
and the mummy of the pharaoh.The
pyramid was usuallypart of" complexof
A Sm3" ehamPerInside a mastaDa
uulldlngswithin a walled enclosure.IncludIng
containing"statue of the deceased. ------ mastaDasfor memuersof the royal family.
an offering pel and a mortuary temple. A
raised causewayled from the enclosure
The of;he S3Cred asp, depletedon
the ancle11tEgyptlan rulers down to avalley temp\l:on the Nile.
purlflcatlonrites and mummlflcatlonwere
and kttIes as an em!?lem of supreme power.

Anarrow rocl:·cutcorridorIn an
necropolis -_.-_.--_:- ancientEgyptIantemu.
A h1storicIrortalground,esp.
a 13 rge, eI3bor.rteone of an -----.
ancientcity. A raised ceremonially
connectingthe valley temple with an

Arry of the rulersof anclerTt who A ccncavemoldinghaving an A of an Imaginarycreaturehaving
were to and had outbl'lethat approxlm3tesa the DoJy of a hon and the head of;l man,
al;>solutepower. qua rter clrele. ram. or hawk. COtI!monlypl3ceJalong
1VenuesleadIngto ancientEgyptlan
r- cavettocornice templesor toml1s.
i Aelta racteristlc corniceof Egyptian cultumple
; con.."-lstlngof a I3rge cavetto An ancientEgyptiantemplefor the
. with vertlcal Ie;ues and a worship of a detty, as distInguIshedfrom a
roll molJlng!;elow.Also called mortuArytemple_

An ancientEgyptian templefor offerings
and worship of a deceasedperson.usuallya
deffied1:1"9. In the Ne,., f:Jngdom.cult and
funeraryumplts had manyfatAJresIn
common: an of sphlnxeslQdlngto a
tall portalguarded !7y;l towering pylon, an
axial plan with :.1 colonnadedforuourt 3na 3
roU-cut tomb hyposty!ehall set beforea dark./lJrTOW
A tamp hewn out of red, sanctuaryIn which stooda statue of the
only an front detty.;lnd walls laVishlydecoratedwtth
WIth dol rt In"terl:lrcha of which pictographicQrr1ngsIn low or sunkml relief.
Ma rry of the ITt3jor templesgrew Uy
of stone left In the form of sollJ pHl3rs. ._ accretiondue to the pious amu!tlonsof
_/ successivepharaohs.who In the
afterlife and were determinedte create an
endurl"9 reput4tlonthroughtheIr uuUdlngs.
..------------/ pyIon- ..-j hypostyfeh311 New Kfngaom
A bit, sh3ftof5tcnethat A InOfIUmen-c.f gatewayto anancient A large hall having many columnsIn rows The period In the historyof ancientEgypt,
bpers as tt to a f"iT'lmldalpoint, Egyptiantemple. conslstlngeitherof a supportl"9a flat roof, and sometImesa cl550-1200 6£ .. comprfslngthe lath te
ancientEgypt as;l sacred pair of tall J'YI'3mldsand a cltrestory. prevalentIn ancientEgyptian dyna$tles:ch3racterfzed!7ythe
symPol of the $lin-godRland usually doorwayDetween them or of one such ana Achaemenkfarchitecture. dominanceof Its capitalat Theues.
standing In pairs temple masonrymass wteh a doorway.
entr.lrlCeS_ often with painted reliefs.
AfreestarJ<llnggateway having the form
of a pYlon and precedIngthe main gateway
to an ancientEgyptiantemple or sacred
enclosure_ .......

'-''---- palm capital

,-J-----. An ancIent Egyptiancapital shaped
IIl:e of the crown of a palm tree_

OsirL.Jncofumn H3thor-headed .-------------------------------- --- low, capital

An ;lncltnt column Notlng an Egyptl3ncolumn having An ancientEgyptiancapital having
the sculptured astes capital the head of Hathor.the the of a lotus 17ud.
of Oslrls. the of de3th Egypt!angodckssof love and happiness.
and resurrectlon_ often representedwith the head or horns
of 3 cow_ Also. Hathoric


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..-- .......... agora

lnelProti '-Tc/£ ;'
A!lulkillfor un It of a ..
-.... :/ A rrt3rtetplaceor pu!7llc In an ancl¢m
ltulldll1j. rectangular /' city. usuallysurroundedwith
with a he3rth ·f· i.. IxIlldlngsand and used
and a p«dt.o(t.,n of columns In antis: /..... --..... as a for populJrorpolltbl
In Greecesince
times.. believedto Pe the alUSt« of
/ ,toa
An ancientGruI: portico.usuallydetached
and of considera171elength. used as a
promenadeor meeting pl3ce arourldpubi1c
Greelctala* temeno5
A as a shrinefa the ancient In ancientGreece. jI piece of
Greek fOIl to wnom It was reservedand enclosedas a
Since the temple was not sacred piau.
1nt:enJedfor IIrtenuIworship.It was
wtth 5p'da1rt'9d for effect.It
stooJ01 a of three or mOf'l7
steps.Mth a cella,containingthe stoatue
of the aad frontand re3r porticoes.
the whole surmountedPy a low
roof coverea In terra-
cotta or ltarbletiles.

An eIevaWpba or structureupon
which sacrIflcesare offeredor Inctnse
ill worship.or before which
rel\glousrites are performed.
cetb --------------- .... --.----
Thcs prlIIdpalclt.mberor encbs.edpa rt of
a cbssbl teI1p/e.where the cult Image ....... pronaos 5tela .
was I:ept.Also called MOS.
An open vestibulel1efore the cella of a An uprightstone slal1 or pillarwith 3 c.rvc4
. classbl temple.Also calb:!antlcum. or inscribed usedas a InOrnlrnent
or INM. or as J commemorative ill
roo- acrourlum the f3ce ofa Also.
! A pedestalfor. sculptureor

i ornamentat the apex or at each of t... _ acropolis

A wide. gal1le surmounting3
i tilelowercomersof3pedlment. Th6fortlfleJhigh area or citadelof an
Also calledJeroUrion. anclerrtGred: city.
_ .... --.- ...........

A course N5OI1ryfonni1g
boa row Of columns.esp. the
outennostcdonnadeof a cb$slciltemple.•.._,
__ - ...._
A solid IIi1S5 rI NSOI1ry
... ...... _.-.
- 6tla,
A sculptured of a !TUn used as
a column. Also calltdUbmon.
¥OUnd breiaI seMlIfas fourWtlon \
... - caryatid I
ftoor alld
of J
podium. .
[2\. A sculpturedfemale flgUn5 used as a
column. /<Jso cartea

fu porbP4esanctu3ry In which the

Hebrns C3f'Tiedthe art of the covenant
The flr5tTempleof Jerusalem.completed
c950 6.C. by artisansunder
A ltulldlngor place of asseml1lyfor
Jewish worship and reI1glous
ttl 1ie Jesertuntl1 the !lulldlngof the directionof f\Jng Solomon and Instruction.
the TmpIc of by Solomon. by NePuch3JnezzarII In 586
6.C. Basedon CanaanIteand Phoenician I1lmah
...-.... --........ The platformIn a synagoguefrom wfirch
prototypes.It was oblong In shape. and
The chamberIn the 171!7flca1 servicesa conducteJ.Also called
consIstedof three maIn parts: an outer
aad the rempleIn Jerusalem hall the main sanctuary(hekhal). .almemar. vem.a.
where tfIe art of the COVCIUnt w.5. kept.
Also Nnctum 5.1nctcnlm.

Art of tM Ccwenant
The chestc.owlnillf two stone b!nets
and the holy of holies (deVlr).all
decorateawith massivecarvlngs In Ivory.
gokl. and cedar.
Holy Ark
The calrlnetIn a synagogueIn which the
scrollsof the Tor.Ih kept. set Into
or against the wall that faces toward
the ren Ulmmandments.

InscrlOeJ Jerusalem.
carriedby Heln-ewsduring their
ck:sut wanJerlngsafter the Exodus.


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PJ,mca for\lm
A l;irgec*long hall of The public square or man:etplaceof an
ana puUl1c plJce In .nclent ncity. the centerofJud1c1a1
a and Iroslnessafulrs •• na aplace of
untnl space Ilt I7y a clerestoryand asseml7/yfor people. usuallyIncluding
COt'ertaby tlmPertrusses.and a I'lIlsea al7aslllca ana a temple.
a semicircularapse fOf'the
triPunalThe Roman lnslb servea as a pantheon
A ded1citedto qll the gods of a
tn1>unal __ .. _._._._ ..........._.. __..._......_, people.
A I'lIIsedplatform In an Ar.clent RomAn cenotaph
fOf' the seats of ln31Istrates. A monumenterectedIn memoryof. .
AIsa.tri11une. deceasedperson whose remains are Irorled

arch . -...-.- mcnopteron

A lI'1011umentalmt1T1Ort.l uxted Aclrcubr having a single row of
astride the line of mmh of a victorious columnssurroundinga central stl'UCture

- - - - ·-
army Its procession. or a courtyard.Also. moncpteros.
.trch order
The columnsaM entablature
an arch. as In 3 t.-11,1mphalarch.

clithl'3l In Inti,
Of or perblnlng to a temple H3v1ng two cc1umns In from: betweenantae.
Is roofed over.
.• '.. ../"-._ .... _- r pier or by
Of or publnlng to a cl6ssol temple thlcl:enlng of a projectingwaiL
that Is \II'f1cOyor to the sry. -.-.-.-.--.- ........--.- pro$tyle
Also. hyputhral Havfng a por>..lcoJnthe front only.
J pte....I
__ ._...___ ........ WIthout;]colonnadealong the sides.
H2V\r.g columtlS1t the skks..
•• ••
Prostyleon roth fronts.

• II

=- · .. .;:
- .... perfpteral
a single row of columns on all
l' ·· . e\:II

r .-....-
I .!
Acolonnadep3ralleltd:' but apart from
the cella.
.' Ii


I The passage retween the pteron and

;:. I
the cella.

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A or pbceofpup{1c The religiousfaith of Muslims. on
worshf.}Js<Jcalled NSJId.mU5Jk1. the teachingsof the prophet Muh4 ll1mad,
the centralthemesof which are retlef In
m.aarasah . the one God. Allah. the existenceof
A Muslll schoolarranged Pa,-,d1seand Hell. and the un Ivers.I
aroundJ and attache<lto a JudgmentDay to corne. Also called
I!1OSqUt.bind from the 11th centuryon Muh.Jmm.Wanisll1.
In AIt4tc113.and Persia. Also.

Ofor pertainingto the law. religion.or

clvillz3tlonof Islam; a believerIn Islam.
The open of a city. used 3S Also. Moslem.Muslem.
a or paraae ground.esp.ln
huJla mdtbn. Muh.1mma&
prophet and founaerof Islam. AD.
570-632. Also. Molumm&l.
Acourtor serlesofcoortsserving to \ .. - minaret \-_. iw3n
. sheIura from Immedlate '-........ A lofty. tower A large vaulted portalopening Koran
contaa II'ItItsecularkli1d1ngs. to a mosque.having stairs onto thec.cntralcourtyardof The S4lCr-eatext of Islam, revered as
. leading up to one or II'1Ore a mosa,ue.Alsa. Ivan. liwan. revebtionsmade I1y Allah to MuhamnW
projectingInlconlesfrom whi:h through the angel acupted3S
the muezzinC3nS the the foundationof islamic law. religion.
peopleto prayer. culture.and polltlcs.

A i2 • mosque. reca lUng the three
which Muh.mmadaddressed
his folklwers........ -_ ........•........... - .....- t

.. ·· .. ····.. ·_·····sahn

-. . ...... _ ..........
Thec.cntralcourtyardof a mosque.

An 3rc3ded hall of 3 mosa.ue.

set. Mecc2. Also. 'l11Tlah.
mlhrn .. __ ..__.. _...__ ._.._ ....._....._
A nicheor p30d In a mosque
the oJPIa.

A ctty.. Saudi Ar3!?!a. of
Mult,l!W'IJJand splritu31centerof Islam.

melon dome
ASM3I. stone
of the Grea1:
In the
at Mecca
cont4l1*14a sacredI7Iact steneand
by Muslimsas the House of God.
Al1u11?ous dome. found esp.ln
islamicarchitecture. L·
W objectiveof their pilgrimages.and the ....... - 5bl3ct:lU worle
whick they turn In praying. A system of decoratlonIn Islamic
architecture.formed by the Intricate
corVellngof Imcl:ets.squluhes.ana
............_.. - ........... _ .... _....-.. stone M more often In pb5ter.Also
An Inn ..

Neat ust for the overnight
of C3ravans.usually having
a largeCQUt'tyardenclosedby a solkJ wa II
through an Imposing gateway.

having the gener.alfonn of 4

In MoorIsh
An openwortscreen or partftlon
an area for prayeror 3 tomb In • mosque.

A IT13SOCW'y NSS hiilVlng a rectangularI1ase
Arectangular.stronglyfumed pane!
.nd fow and faces overh3"9Sa talud.An orI9lnalcontrit?utlon
In a apex. used In ancient
EgyptJnd pre-CoIumblanCentral America
as a torb or a platformfor a temple.
of recUhuacanan;hIUcUire.this ta Ulero-
to dlffmntlau the
waslnWduCedcAD. 150
of stepped
pyramidsand altar platforms.It Is widely
\..... copied throughoutMesoamerica.WIth
In outer
waR that slopts Inwardas It rises. The
talud first appearedcM)()' Vie Olrne:c
site of La Venta.lnTa!1ascost3u, Mexico.

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Hinauism tTt3ndira
The domlltantreligionof Indl3.l:rasedupon A Hindu temple.
the relJ910nof the originalAryan settlers as
expoundeaanaevolved theVed3s.having
J diversebody of phIlosOphyand cultural
anaa large
pantheoosymbollzlnga supremepelng of
lnany foms and natures. BuddhismIs
outsldethe HIndu traditionbut Is regarded
as a relatedreligion.
The of&blly recognizedgods of a people.
The aides; s.acrtdwrttlngsof Hlnaulsm. -l ...- ..
composedI1etween1500 and 000 B.C.
Incorporatingfour coIlectIanshymns.
prayers.and hturglcalformulas:RIg-Veda. AHindu templecut out of solid rock to
YaJur-Ved3.5ama-Veda,and Ath;ma-Veda. resemblea charlot.Also. rath.1.
The sanctU3ryof a Hindu templeIn which a
Oelty Is enshrined.
.:--.-..---------- ........- ....--...-------...............--- ....
The pulrousstone finial of 3 slkh3ra.
A towerof 41 Hindu temple. usuallytapered
convexlyand capped by an amalab.Also.
sikra. .

A large. porchlikehall leadingto a Hindu
templeand used for religiousdancing and
tL..._. __._ ...__ ._ .• gopuram
A monumental.usuallyOM13te gateway
AfreestandingmemorialpillarIn tower to a Hindu temple enclosure.esp. In
Indlan archlW;ture. carvea southern India. Afso, gopura.
inscriptIOns.religiousemblems,or a
!4so. ttamWla.
A monolithicst3mPa,as distinguished tee ..... - Dtupa
from one built up of stonecourses.

Aflnl3lln the form of a ABuddhistmemorialmound erectedto
conventionalizedumbrella,used enshrlr.ea relic of Buddha and to
on stupas.topes, and pagodas. commemJr.itesome event Or m3rt: a sacred
Modeled on afunerzrytumulus.1t
,Uteri conSistsof an artificialdome-shaped
An umbrella-shapedflnl3l mound on a platform,surrounaedby
symrollzlngdignity.composedof . an outer a:nPulatorywith a stone vedlb I
a stone dIsk on a verticalpole. """ and four toral13s,and crowned by a chattrl.
toraIU The 113 me for the stupa In Ceylon Is d.19C17a, cfC't
An elaboratelycarved, ceremonial ;lnd In nPet lind Nepal. chorten.Also called CT'C'
gatewayIn lndi3n and
Hindu an;hltecture.h3vlng two or
three lintelsbetween two posts. .. ---"" A re11glon Uased on the Four Noble Troths,
veaika originatedIn 1ndi3 pyGautama8uddha and
vihara A railing enclosInga sacred area. later spreadlll9toChll13.8urrna.J2pan.
A 8uddhlst1nOII35tefj'In Indl3n
areI! tt:ectureoftenexcavatedfrom sond
3S a stupa. ..-··.. · .._·_-_·_·_·· ..· .. nPe't, ana parts of SoutheastAsI3.

roc(, consistingof a central pillared Four Nol7leTruths

chamPersurrounaeaUy a ver.indahonto The doctrIMsof 8uddha:allltfe Is 5lIffering;
l'I'fllchopen snull sleepingcells. Adjacent the ca use of sufferingIs ceS53tlon
to this cloisterwas a courtyard of sufferingI:s possi11ethroughNlrvan3 -
the main stupa. extlnctfonof cravfng; Nirvanacan lie
reached through rnental3ndmoral self-
c:h.dtya pu rific3tIon.
A 6uddhlS;shrine In Indl3, usuallycarved
out of solid rod: on a hillside,having the Buddha
form of an alsled Paslnca with;l stupa at Tttle of Gautama5lddharthac56.}-c48.3
one end. _.-..._......__ ... - .. B.C.• lndl3n philosopher.religiousleader. and
founderof Buddhism.Also called Gautarrt3
A Buddhistmonasteryor temple In
Thailandor Cambodia.
A peaple of Campoala who estaPlished an
empire In the 5th centuryA.D. and
most of Indochinafrom the
9th to the 12th centuries.


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The spirit way th.. t from the south
g3te to a royal torr.i1 ci the T..
Itntd wlth stone ana sculptured
anlrT'l3lanahurrun figures.
A dynastytn China. AD. 613-007.lttlrUa
by temtorl31expa rcslo1. the Invent-Ionof
printlng.prosperoliStrade. ana the
developmentof pW..ry. Also.

pag()(b paitou Alarge Buadhlst rnmstlc center 1'\
A 6uddhlsttemple In Ule form of a square A monumentalgatewayIn Chines" In A.D.%<). where
or towerwith roofs projectlng architecture. a tra!1eateafonT1 of there are numerousQve temples. e;uh
from each «Itsmany st«Ies. erected as a stone or wOOf constructlonwith one. having a shallow.Mkhaped Inta-1.orwtth
metT1OI'tIlor to hoY relics.From the stupa. thru, or five ana often !loki a cent.r31 of Buddha f'wrUd
thelndlanprototype.the pa90da projectingroofs,erectedas a rnemori31at b-j two smaller c.onc.eptof
changednform to rc:sem171eU1e traaltkNl Ule entranceto a palace. or sacrea into cliffs Is bdleved to have
multlstoriedwatch towt:ras It spreaa with place: rebuJ to the indIan tor;lnasana to China from Indla /-Js().
to China a!1CA Japan. U1e tori!. Also. panoo.
were InIUallyoftllni?er.\1IItfrom the 6d1
Ct:Ittu'Y0II.1¥ert:II'IOI"efrc:quentlyof or zhonglcu
possiblydue to Indtan Influence. A bell toweror pavllionIn Chinese
architecture,locatedat the right of
a city gate. palace entrance,or forecourt
A large drum toweror pavilionin Chinese
archltecture.locateaat the left slk of a

of, umpl', 'i

city gate, entrance.orforecourt

c:Iougot1f_.- ..... ---..........................- .... "'\-'--"
Almackefsystemused In traditional
tM eavesoutward,and
support Inferiorceding.The
rAa triallfular 1:2etJframe In
necessaryto multlplytho numl7erof
suppor1ODftderthe order to
reJucethe nunWerof pillarsttlIs woula
normallyrequire,thcl area of support
affon:Jed each pillarwas Incrc:ased
Irj Ule Also. tou-kung.
41rtg .---- ... --- ..... - ..... - .... .•
A leverann In traditionalChinese '.
construab1, pIaceJ parallelto the
raftersaM r2bI at an to
the fCll"US applJea Py the ...•
_..-'-' gong
A cantileveredDradet!n tr3dIVor.21
Chinese construction.Also.
InneranJ outerpurlins.The ang supports .......-.. i ..-.-.- c:lou
the purlln Py me.ns of a ...... _... - .. -...... A Dlod In I
and Is pinned at
the Innerend 39lnst a purlln.
construction.Also. tcu. L



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Ut!Il.IOgl-- ...... - .... - .... - ......... -- ............ _........... .............. _......... _ ........ .. Shinto
The short woodetIlrllletsplaced at . ; The Indigenousreligionof Japan, rn..rked .
to the rM¥ of 3 Shintoshrine. ; by a cultle devotionto aelt1esof rt3tural
forces,ancestorworship.and venmtlon
ch19I ....··---·····-·--.--.- ..- .....-.- ..,.....·· -
of the emperoras a desundantof the
The ftnIal fonned by the projecting. Sun·Goddess,Amaterasu.
lr3 rge Poards2t each encl of the ridge of a
Shinto shrine. Shimmet·zukurl
A style of ShInto shrine eTI1l>odyfngthe
... - ...... ----..... - ........ - ...•....•. -....
originalstyle of Japanesel>ulld1ng.before
ASXrta po5t in Shinto architecture. the Introductionof Buddhism.It consIsts
by hl.lln3n hands. essentiallyof a small unpainted
rectangularstructureraised 3Pove
ground level on post5lll5ef'teddirectly
Irrto the earth.A railedveranda '
surroundsthe structureat floor leVel. a
freestandln!jpost each gable end
supportstM ridge, and the bargel:103rds
extencloutwardfrom the thickly
roof. fonnlng chlgl at each end.
N3.g.lN:"Zukuri_ ... -_._- ._..-.........
A of Shlrrtoshrine, based on the
lse prototype.M with the front slope
of the roof extendingto form a canopY
0V'et';he staIr; this space
evaltuaDy Into 3 pl'3yer .-,. .... kada
room fOf' 't'I<l1"Shipers. An half for In .. Japanese
Buddhisttemple. In which sacred texts are

A styte of shrine.characterized
lry a hipped roof (;Xtendlngfrom the to
maIn roof,(Her a centrallyplaced AJapanesepag0d3 enshrfnlngBuddhist
erttnnu stair at one ga!ne end. holy rtI1cs.
The crowning spire on aJapanese pag0d3.
The h3n of wors.iipof 3 Shinto shrine.
u5U4I1lyIn frcm of the honJen.•.. -........... / Golden the sanctuarywhere th¢ main
keptIn a Japanese
hcn.den / Buddhisttemple.The Jodo. Shlnshu.ancl
____ -.-...::....of_3_S_hl_ntoShrlM:.// Nlchelrensects of Buddhism use the term
hondo for this sanctuary.the Shlngon ana
Tend3l sects use chudo.and the Zen
uses Msuden.
. _____ The principalSOt!th gatewayto a Japanese
templeor shrine.
l......_._ .... biro ..........- chumon
The covered!lallerysurrounding The Innergatewayto the of a
a precinctof a Japanesetemple Buddhisttemple.
or shrine.
A stnJcturefrom which the temple PeR Is
as one of a pairof sma tl,1dentIca1.
symmetrfG.oi1yplaud In a

i terii
An .pproach two gateways that A monumental,freestandinggatewayon l1ut5u
are r>Ot 50 that It Is nec.essal)'to the approachto a Shinto shrine.consisting A representationof Buddha.
ITtJ ke sha rp eurn to pass from the first of two plllarsconnectedat the top by a
thr"C\J1h used for privacyIn norlzontal and a lintel al>ove It.
AI1rge representationof Buddha.
or for security In usuallycurving upward.
f ortffic3tlons.


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A of a lnJilding,or
outdoorarea for housingdramatic
present.1tJons.stage entertainment,
.._. ___ ... ___ .... ______ parodo5
or motlon-pictureshows.
• One of the two side passagewaysto an
ancientGreek theater.!1etweenthe
An opeII-w t&e.ter,usu.11y out of and the seatJngarea.
the sbpe of .. hillside a tieredseating which the chorus entereathe orchestra.
are2 aroundand facl"4 a clrcularorchestra .' ____. _____. ___ parascenium
lneW by the stene,a for the
Eitherof two wings flanking and
projectingforward from the skene of an
anclentGreek theater.containing
orchenra _ .. _-_._ .... apartmentsfor the actors.
fu clrcubrspaceIn frorrtofthestage In
the anclcm reservedfor
the cI1orus.
----.---. dlazoma
choru AIl aisle Petween the lowerlind upper
The groupd actorsIII ancientGreece tiers of seats In an ancientGreek
M as Jn3jorpartlclpantsIn or theater,concentricwtth the orchestra
romnentatorson the min actlon of the and the outerwall and communicating
drama. with the radial aIsles.
,une ___..____... _.___._._._. ····.-_cerci'
A structure the audienceIn an A wedge-shapedsectlonof seats
ancle:r; Ple3ta".forming tht: recween two steppedpassagewaysin
InckgroundPefore which perl'ormances an ancientGreek theater.

_____ .____________.____.._..!
fu front part of the stage of an anclent
Gru:k or-RDmantheater upon which the
actors perfonned. 1

Jfb. Ro man

An open·alrtheatermodeledupon
that of the ancientGreeks.1M; often
on level grountlWIth colonnaded
g311er1es.a semicircularorchestra.
and .a raisedstage I7acl:edI7y an
---_ orchestra
Asemicircularspace In the front of
the stage of an anclentRoman
theater.reservedfor senatorsand
other spectators. I
gradill L1
One 0( iii StrIesof steps ortleredseats.
as In an ampl1tthe3te1'.Also. gradlM ____ -:

,--- velari:.lm
A canvas2Wf1lng dr.iWl1 over an
ancientRoman amphitheaterto
protecttilt audiencefrom rain or sun.
---_... _-_.. _.-...-_....__..

Jmphithater podium _____ _

An Gv.iIlorround l1ulldlngwith tlers A raised platformenCircling
ofseats around a centralarena. as the arena of an ancient
those IISed In for Roman amphitheater.
gladiatorial and on It the seats of
• vomftcry 5upercclumnlrtlon
A large In an ancientRoman The of one orderof columns
amphitheateror stadium.permitting a!1ove ano1(her.!Jsualfywith the more
large numVersofMIe to enter or
leave. Also. vomftorlum..
ela!xJrateorders at the top.
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Astage that Is framed a proscenium theater
arch. A theateror concert hall In which the
seatlngIs arrangedaroundor on all four
prosceniumarch sides of a central stage.
The arch that separatesthe stage from
the auditorium.Also called
The of seats In a theater,
st3alum,or ather place of
A theater sating pfan In which there Is \\ ..

no center;alste,Put with wkIe spacing ..
I row of se3ts to permit
e:JSe of passage. ------ --.--------------------. - ------
areru theater
Atheater with seats arranged01'1 it least
three sides arounda centralstage.Also
A or along sectlonsof I \ calledthUUf'-fn-the-round.
seats In;l the3ter.;,or
ather p1ace of i ,II thru,t stage
l7lin& row _____... __ .. _____________..... ___ "./'
..- -1- Astagethat extends the
prosceniumarch and Is usuallysurrounded
A row of seats having Its first seat at a
side aIsle and Its last seat at a side wall.
f on sides l>y seats.

The part of ;I theater 00 the stage side

J! .,
of the proscenlum,lncludlngthe stage. ;----------. spotlight houselights'
wings, and storage area. .. --.. --------- -- ---- ----- ------1 . Astrong.focuf>ed \;>eam of light for
callingattention to an person,
The I3mps pl'OYldlngIllumInationof
an auditoriumor the seating area
or group on a stage. Also called spot. of a theater.

I gridiron --- ----....--- ----. --- ----------------.. ---

A stell arove the stage of a
thaW. from which hung scenery and
equipmentare manlpulate<:!_Also called
I fire curtain
A curtain of aSDestosorotherflreproof
flies .. -- :. ve
rnaterl3lthat can loweredjustInside
The space aAA-e the stage used chiefly the prosceniumarch In case offlre.
for storing aM tunglng sceneryand sealing off the Uackstageare3 from the
equIpment.Also called fly loft. ' aualtorlulT1.Also called safety curb In.

Inoidge -------------------------------.--- .'----: : :------------------------------------barkr

Ji . -
A g3fleryor pbtformthat C3n raised A It3rrowcurtainor strip of painted
or over;l sbge ar..d Is used l>y canvas hung above the stageto mask the
te-clmlcbnsand sta¢tands. : flies and form the top of the stage set.
-.- .. ------.----- .. -----.-------.--. teJ6er
A draperyor flat piece hung .cross the
.i. top of the to mast: the
flles and. tcgether with the tormentors,
lighting units. Also carted pipe 1?.rtten. / /1 frame the stage
fLit ..--------.--------------------------------.. / ...../ .---.--- .---.-.----.. ------.---- ----. tormentor
A piece of sceneryconslstlngof a wooden / ; ..".-, AcurtaIn orfrarnec.fstructureused
frame. usuallyrectangular,cevered with ". / ....// dlrectl-jPehlnd proscenklmat each
IlghtweightDcard or fa Dric. -""" ('/ / side of the stage to screen the wings ana

orchenn ,hell ....--------------------------.---.--

.---.... --- '-"- 1 I
/. sidelightsfrom the ;ludlence.

A structure that I I --.---. ------------.----------....--.---.aacurbln

closesoff the files ;Ina wfngs of a stage I j Acurtainfor closlnfJ the proscenIum
to form a performingare3 for music. I / opening Petweenacts or scenes. Also
called..ct drop, house

5tage -----------------------------------------
LII ____ b ______.orche,tr;apit
1M pl3tfonn.usuallyraised,00 which The space reservedfor mUSicians.
perform In a theater. Also. usuallythe front part of the maIn
the pl3tform all the parts of a floor, sometimeswholly or partly
theater Uacl: of the prosce.,lum. under the forward part of the stage.
drop stage -- ----- -- ----------_.. ----.----._./ apron .---.: \----------------.oo.---, footlights
A stage floor that mOles verticallyon an The part of a stage floor In The row of lights on the front of a stage.
ekvator. so that one set can quickly front of the curtain line. usuallyset In a trou9h. nearly 011;1 level
replace anot he r.Also called flft stage. wIth the fut of the performers.

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opeu house front of the house palcony
A theaterdevotedchIefly to the The partsof a theater that are on the A UlJt projectsorer the main
puPlIc performanee of operas. audienceside of the flre wall floor of atheaterto accommodate
An upper fi.cc1" projecting the
main floor of a theattror hall.
wing balcony
The part of that extendsalong .- .... --.- ..----..... -. peanut gallery
The rearmostand cheapestsection
::""waIl5 of," auditorium.-'!:.: of seats In the uppermostl'>alconyof
a theater.
A privateseatIng area for a
small group of spectatorsIn I
a theater or opera _+__--:..--4_ , . .,;._.... ,Ight liM
.- Any of the lines of between the
spectators and the stage or Playln9
area of a theater or stadium. 1

Acurved or circulardivisionof seats

In a theater. houSe. or the like.
usuallythe flrst gallery,originallyset
apartfor spectators In eveningdress.
"'--. mezzanine
The lowest l>a!conyor fooma pa rt of
such a l>alconyIn a theater.
i grand tier
The first of boxes Immediately
_.j :"parterre the parterreIn a large opera
The enUre main-floorspacefor The rt3r of St3ts. ana house or theater.
spectators In a theater or auditorlum. sometimesa!so the of the
main floor of a tht3ter, opera house,or tier
concerthaL Also C3lled f'M'luet One of 3 numperof 9a1lerles,as In a

backstage r....-····-·....··--·- .. ·· ........auditorium

The area l7ehlndthe prosceniumIn ; The space set apart for the audience
a theater, esp.ln the and In a theate:-Cl' meetlng han.



. .
.-----------a - ...........--.-.-.-.----.----!coPy

1 A11311 as a P3S5J¥r'f.iyor
• S:J waiting room at or Ile3rthe entr.inceto
• ; a theater.hotel.or apartmenthouse..
::I I Also calledfoyer.
A large puPlIc room. as In a
theater,hotel,or air terminal.often
havIng adjoinIngwashrooms.

j i
room .:..,i i._ wing The office of a theater or stadium.t
A room for use In gating dressed.esp. The platformor space to the right or which tickets are sold.
one for performersf;.!d:sta¥In a left of the stage proper. U
or televisionstudio.
runway A tall projectionaWie a theater
greenroom A narrow platformor ramp extending entrance.uSU4llycootalnlngthe name I ,i

A loungeIn a theater.concerthall. or from a stage Into the orchestrllpit of a currentlyfeaturedplay or film ana I

Pr03dcastlngstudio,for use Py or Into an aisleof an auditorIum. Its stars. b

perfonnerswhen t./Ieyare not 0" stage.

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A structural frame based on the
p.1nel •.. - -- - ----- --. -- .-- ----------\ r··-·-----··---·chord geometricrigidity of the triangle and
The space wttnln wet> of a truss "" Eitherof the two prlnclpaI membersof composedof linear mem&ers subject
any two points on a "" a truss extenaingfrom end to end and only to axial tension or compression.
chord and a pair of "'., connecteclby web members.
joints Of a singlejoint on an opposite ...•
The lrTte9ralsystem planetru55
panel point connecting upper and lowerchords Atruss an of whose members lie In a single
Ajolnt uetweentwo or more memt>ers of a truss. plane.
of a truss. A truss must be loaded only \ trussing
at Its p1nd points If Its members OIre \ The rigid membersforming a truss.·
to be to axial tension or i 5U!1jectto axial forces proportionalto
compresslo11_}.JsaC3lb:l node. --._- '-'-'--"''''' the rise of the truss.
i governs the size of compression .-
pJnellengtb . ". i
The space 00 chord of a truss meml7ers.while tensilestresses at the
maae weakestpoints. usuallyat the
Py principal with connections.control the size of tension
chord. members.

heel shoe
The lower. supportedttId of an A rearing platefor supportingand
timber. r*" resistingthe thrust of a truss or girder.

-----.. ---- .....-.. -..'. panel load

Aconcentratedload applied to a panel
point of a truss..To prevent seconaary
stressesfrom developing.the centrok:lal
axes of truss meml7ers;lnathe load at a
joint should pass through a common point.

The tensileor compressivestress th.-ltIs
constant throughthe depth of a
i structural membtr to axial
UTO-foru .. -; tensionor comprtSslon.
Atruss 1MTlP-erttut U1eoretlc31ly
carries dlrect loa.d and
omlsslan would not alter the stability of AdditIOnal and tresses In 2
truss truss meml1errtSultlngfrom an eccentric
conrteCtlonor 3 joint flxed ag.alnstrebtlve
rotation.While trussesare assumedto
have Ideal!zed pin connections.truss
connectionsIn realitymay be rotted.
welded.or riveted.Impartinga degreeof
rig fdIty to thejoInts.

. rever5.11
A change!nthe force of 3 truss member
from tension to compressionor vice versa
caused !7y a change In the loading pattern.
..... .• counterPrace
A truss membersul7jectto tensionor
compressionunaervaryfngload conditions.

A structureformed Dy trusses. While rigid

,., Its own pbne. ;I truss must be In-aced In
r\ ":,
I \
• perpenJlcubrdlrectlonto prevent / \ A truss havIng an overallshape derived.
I \
fa ter31 Pucl:nng. I \ from thefualcularshape far a particular
I \
I \ set of loads. The Interior of a
funiculartruss are zero-force
The of a thin compresseddement I /" \\ II
, I I \ I / which serve only to compression
of a structural rr.emkr,leading to failure ',II \1 ,,/ members they will carry forces If any
of the ,.,hole. changesoccur In the patternor
magnItudeof the loads.

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metha-d of 5utlo ns method of joints

A for del:e:r.ninrng.memberforces A methodfor memverforces
In a truS5 by thUquili!?rlumof In a truss I7y con5lJeringthe equlnvriumof
any porrun of the t-r'JSS assem!?IJ·. the variousjOints Ic:Ie3llzeaas points In

R, Bowt5 notation
The ofla!1ellngthe spaces
forcesor their linesof utlon
f with letters, each force !;IeIng IdentlfleJ
, I7y the two lettersIn the
spaceswhen proceec:llngIn aclcx:t:wise
Since onlyzxiJl M.1xwefidi2gr2m IT13nneraroundajoint.
e:tt.entilfc,r-".lSN forctsZf'e tr.lnsm/tt.eJfrom AgraphIe method for determlnIng the
one memberto ar.otUrzt Ngnit-udeand ch. r.acterof the
fDlIow:JPjtM thejoItTts, the I1f In the rr.emrersof a
memberforcesC*tI be In I+f1
for tiJe rnar:m- p3l"36dto the truss JesIg.-.4Upanel5p3Ces.
forc.=s3t jonts. Worting from tf'rI? wMe desfgn3temas
points.a thinlpoIrrtof of the vectors.
C3n be W1Jtld by
projectSJgforce lines of
JJrectJon. i I.


·-1 ,

l I

Ikmber fI:>rctsare Pr'trSely t,

proporttonito the r:se ofa tross.

l I

l' }


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r piUhedtruss flattru'5

A truss having InclInedtop choras. A truss having paralleltap ana bottom

chords. Flat trusses are gene.. not as
efficientas pitchedor I10wstrlngtrussts.
Also called paralltl-dwrdtruss.

Pratt ""--__________ -.ll
rafter tr1I,sedJoist
A wood truss used In fram
a roof. usu.1Iyprmlnicated
Of or pertainIngto • JUt or pitchedtruss
having vertlc31web memDers In compression
• A I19htwelght.flat wood truss used In
framl"9 a floor, usuallyprefabricated
of 2x45 anJ b6s jOO1ed I'll n and dl3gonalwe!7 memPers!lltension. of 2x4s and 2x6sJoinedwtth toothed
toothedpbte plateconnectors.

crown pest Howe I

Arry In a pitched Of or pertainingto a JUt or pitchedtruss
truss. esp. a king post. web fn tensionand
di3gonalweb In compression.

'---y------. Warren
Of or pertainingto a pitchedtruss Of or pertainingto a f13t or Dowstrlng.
having Orily Indned web memDer5. truss having Inchned mem!1ersformll19
a series of equllater3I trl3ngles.Vertical
di3gorut :--- web sometimesIntroduced
An IncnneJweb lMT1!7erJoining the \ An lncnned we!:> memDerJoining a to redUC6 the panel lengthsof the tcp
top and bottom chords of a truss. . chord wtth a main chord which Is In compression.

,-I ----< tru"

Atruss h3v1ng more than two web A truss having to A truss havfng 3 curved top chord meeting
Ir.trtlbersraJlatlngfrom a common point the length of wcl7 a straight rottom chord at each end.
on the rottom chord. toward the calurilne of the 'part

A truss a bottom chord

L Apitchedtruss hav!rtg tension
A truss h.vIng roth top and I1ottomchords
r3!sed a!7ove the level exterIdlrtgfrom the foot of curvl"9 upward from a common pointat
of the exh top chord to .an IrrterInedlate each side. Also called camelbacktruss.
poUrt on the oppositetop CMrd.

r--- trus,rod
! A metal tie rod servingas a tension
memPerIn a truss or trussed!leam.


_____ --'1 ..----.--.---------.------ composlUtrus5 •

A tlmw!;am stlfferd boy a A plate for unlt!ng struct.Jral A truss h3v1ng Umber compression
c.omlnl'.3tlonof truss rods members meet1r,q In a membersand steel tension mem!lers.
ii nd eltha compressionstruts or Also called gusset pl3t,e

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An arched 5uuctureof stone. urick. or
reinforced a uiling ; ...- .. -.-......-...--.......-.... _.-.... key course
or roof a hall. room. or : Awurse of keystonesIn the crown of
whoityor parti311yenclostdspace. 2 masonlj'vault.
,.....--- ....--------... vaultingccurst:
A horizontalcourseforming the
aDutmentsor springersof a masonry
: vault.
L_____ ._ .. transversearch
An arch for stiffeninga Darrel vault or
supporting2 groin vault. '
1 . A Pay two transversearches
I", vaulted structure.

5InceIt behmsas an arch extendedIn a third
Jlmenslcn,the Iong/tudlna/supportlngwalls
must bvttrts5edt(1 younter3Ctthe thrusts
of the archIngactIon.
1--- ...... i?uttres,
An externalsupportbuilt tD stabilizea
struGtursby opposingIts outwarathrusts.
II esp. a supportbuiltInto (lr
againstthe outsideof a masonrywall
A vault canstructed carbehng caurses
of stone masonry.The resultingstepped
surfacecan Pe smoothedorcurvea.but
no arch action Is Incurred.

.;----.--- flying 1?uttre"

/ An Inclineabar of m3sonlj'carriedon a
/ segmentalarch ana transmittingan
./ outwardana downwardthrust from a roof , I
.: or vault to a solid buttressthat through
Its mass transformsthe thrust Into a
verticalone. --\

••---•. -....... -.......-.....- .....

A subordlnauvertlc3lstructure
Unninztlllf In a pyramidor spire,
. used esp. In Gothicarchltectursto
add welght to a buttress pier.

pier --_ ............-......

The part of a pler that rises to take
the thrust of a flying buttress.
Jmcrttument h .. "-",_,,,,,,,,,,,,

Asloping top on a \1uttressor \ ..

projtctlngplertoshea rainwater.
A projectinged¥ of a buttress.

-, ......... -..;
AdlstJnct.slenkr. verticalmasonry
fe;ltIJreengagedIn a wan or pier and
Ashaftthat leaas tD the springerof a
rlu or groupof riPs. eitherrising from tht:
supportingorfelgnlngtD supportan grounaor from a carVelat a greater

arch or a rll1bed vault. heightIn the face of the nuSOMIj'.


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,'l x

I rrel v.ult
A VAult a semicircularcross
section.Also caRed cradle vault.
. conicalvault
A vault a circularcross section
that Is largerat one end than the other.
Ava ult from an abutment
higherat one side than at the other.
A barrel vault hJving a circularplan In
the shape of aring.
wtlMl vault, ¥Qgon vault.
groin .. -..' tripartitevault .
One of the curvea lines or edges : A compouna vault for covering a
which two vaults meet. ": triangularsp3u, formed by the
}--.- Intersectlonof three barrel vautts.

groin vault underpiUhvault stilted vault cloister vault

A compoundvault formed by the A compoundV3lJlt having a central A compoundvault having a A compoundvault formed IIyfour caves
Intersectionof two vautts. vault IntersectedPy vaults of lower vault springingfrom a meetlng along diagonalvertIcalplanes.
arched ca!ltd pitch. Also caned Welsh vault. higher SO that the rk:Iges are at Also called coved vault.
groins.Also catted V3u\1;. the same height.

weD rwvault key :---- rU:lge rib

A su:fau framtd Py the A va ult supporte.:fby or clecoratedwith The l:eystoneat the crown of an arch A horizontalriP marking the crown
ribs of a V<lutt.-', arched dlagonalribs. Also. ribPed Yauft-. or at the intersectionof two or more of a vaufUng compartment.
rips.• '"
...... q,uadrlpartrtevault
A rlu vault divided Into four parts by
dIagonal ribs.

sexpartite vault
A rll7vaultdividedInto six compartme:r.:s
by two d13gonal ribs and three tranSv'er:e
Arry of several archlikemembers suppor;ing
a vault at the groins. deflnlng tts distinct
surfacesor dlvtdlngthese 5U rfacesInto
panels. ."
, \

arc --_.. _..__ ...__.._.........•/ \

A rIl7 sp3nnlngthe Iongltualnalaxis of a rib \/ .. ogive .
vault and tt Into !rays or . ........ '---, A riP crosslng a compartmentof a rib
compartments.Also called np, /: ..... vault on a dla¥nal. Also called
tierceron •........_._ ..__ .........-. __ .. / nb. 9ro1n riP.
A rll7 springingfrom a pointof supporton
either side of the oglves or transverserik
ofa rib vault. Alsocalle.::lIlTtermedlaunp.
--.--.- .........--.- ......-.....
A rib a wall parallelto the
longitudinalaxis of a rib vault. Also ca lied
wall ril1.
-., .. lieme
An ort13mental.knoblike projection.
! An ornamentalvaulting rib other than
one springing from a pier or a rldqe rib.
as a carvea keystoneat
Intersectionof ogfve5.

hn vault pendant ,tar vault

.At Y3 wit com posed of ;a
numbuof concave A sculptured suspended A vault having ribs. !Jemes, or
cC1'1C1da1 sections,usuallyfour, springing from a roof truss. vault. or cemrTg. tlerceronsarrangedIn a star·shaped
from the cornersof the vaulting Also calltd drop. pattern.Also callea su/lar vauft-.
rut from the springinglike the
fr;;mewon:of. fan.


Downloaded by Agustin Opay (


the;let or power of
sen5ing with the eyes.
r0 pac.elvewith the eyes. The act of
seei"41sa and creativeprocess.
It 15 capaP-leof&ellveringa three-
dimensIOnalperctptlonof the II1OfIng.
changing1m3¥swhich make upourvlsual

world.There are three steps In the swift
and processingwhich
In ,t. ""'g"we see. j

I t....... reuptlon:0tJr eyes .......,- ... visu3Ifmures _................. Irtferenu: on the b1sIstlftheseextracted
klputIn form ofl!glrt. . from this Input. fe3ture5. Infcmlces made3boutour KOrld.

" ' ...

l1inocularmicn.- .. _ ......- .....-. ....... - ........ -.-- ... ""
The thru-dimenslonalstereoscopic
vision from use of both Inwara tcfocus on .. point. ....."
eyes at the tllM. .....
..... ,
The which the hUlTl3n
changesfocus for.ol1ectsat various
dlstanus. im'01v1"4ch<a"¥5In the
shape of the Cl"'jstalnoelens.
, t


,.,. I
,,/ I
./ I
,. /0 '. l
,. ,. ..

./ \ ..

dlrectlonof an ooserveaoljea C<lusea !7y

fitld of vision _.. \
The etltJref\e!a enalmt'3ssed the It Is tnlnea In arry
The portionof the ure!n-alcortexof
the In-aln that recdvesand processes
a change In the positionof the oUserver par-xulirdirection.Also caned visual Impulsesfrom the optic nerves.

that providesanew hoe of sight. fletd.
angle Acutenessof v15Ion 25 determined
to of the spatial The by 2 comparisonwfth the nonnal
relationshipsa:nong oop;tswft:hln the sulrtenasat *'e pointof oI1semtlon. abilltyto certain at a
fleklofv1slon. -_._-_ .. _.- ..... -.... ............... --_._..•

lI'IeasureJlnmlnuteschrc. g!Yen dlst.anee. IlSUaIly20 ft. (6 m).
The ability to Wxm oneselfIn one's The a17i1ityor power tc see or m3ke
environment.nth referenutc time. fine distinctions.

Yi5U4t literacy
Appeal'3ncetc the human eye or
mind. L
The to apprehendand

Appreciativeor dISCriminatingVISU31

optical - .......... - ......... ----f----r----<

A peruptlonci visualsUmuhthat
what Is perctlvedIn a way
different from tM way It Is In re3tlty.


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carr.oufu¥ perctption
The of a form or that The act or faculty of .pprehendlngby
occurs when Its pattern. means of the senses or of tr,., mind.
texture, or coIor.ItlonIs slmllar to that
of Its SlJrTOundlngfield or l1ackground. visual perception
An awarenessderived Irj the visual
system In responseto .on extern..ol
_..• figure-ground
A propertyof perceptlooIn which
there Is a tendencyto see parts of a
visual field 35 solid. welh:leflnea .
otjectsstandln9out against.. less
distinctl7ackground. .
A shape or form. as determlneat.y
OtItlllltSor exterior surf.lces.

\ ground
A Pl""Cf"!rtyof perceptionIn which the "\ The rececl1n£j part of a visual f1ekl
mind's for meaning Irj • agaJhst which a Is perceived. projectlngknown or Also called background.
familt3rl1T13geSonto the seemingly
pattern until It

flnd.s 3 m3tch whIch rrt3l:essense. This
atte:r1ptto COOIpletean Incomplete
paturn. or find a meaningfulpattern
emp.-..-dkJfn a largerone. Is In
4Iccord;;}nuwith we alre3dyknow
•• •••••
or Ct-r'"'tCtto see. Once seen and

ur.derst<xJ. it Is dlfficuIt to not see

A prcymyof perctptlonIn which there
Is 3 wokncytogroupthings which
h;we visualch3racterlstlcIn
com."roCl""l.4ISa slml13rttyof shape. slz.e.
.0 •.0.
color. or'..etTtJtIonor det3ll eoeoe

m tc¥ther. to the exclusionof

_. •e _
those which are further away.
ectrt.inurty • • • • •
A of perception In which there
Is a which
the same line or In the
same directlon.This 5e3rch for
contlr.:;ityof line and dIrectioncan also
lead to O<Jr pc:rceptlonof the simpler.

f"t4irdlessof how dIstant they

are. bJ1ng to the of a class
of as Imlng uniform slz.e ana
A phenomenonofvlSlUIperceptionIn
con stJ rrt colorand textureo
which the stlmulatlonof one coloror
value leads to the of Its

A perceptionIn which there complement.which Is projected
Is 3 t.enkncyfor an open or Incomplete Insta sly on .. Juxtaposed color

• -./
fig ure to seen as If It were a closed Of' value. Simultaneouscontrast
orcomplet.eand staVle form. Intenslfle5camp1ementarycolors"ana
shifts an.. logouscolors tcw3ra each
other'scomplementaryhue. esp. when
theJuxtaposedcolors are SimilarIn
.' :\
value.When two colors of contrasting
value areJuxtaposed.the Itgfrtercolor
successivecontrast afterirrt3ge

• e
will deepen the darkerWar while the
A phenomenonof visual perceptionIn A visual sensation darker color will lighten the lighterooe.
which Intenseexposureto one color or that persistsafter
value leads to the sensationof Its the stimulusthat
complement.which Is as an ca used tt Is no Io"¥r
afterimageon anothercolor or surface operativeor present.
viewed Immedl3telythereafter.


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Any of vari0tJ5 uprightcoostructions ,- ... - ......... - ............. exUricr wail
presenting... continuoussurfau ana A wall formIng p3rt of the envelopeof a
serving to enclose,asvide,or protect / I I\\ InJlldIng.havl"9 one face exposed to the
to earth.Also c.11ed
an area. exUmatwali.

/' ......./
,1"-"'." .•• Interior wall
Any wall withIn a InJlJalng.entirely
surroundedby exterlor W4i 115.
vearingwall .
A wall capal7leof supportingan Imposed 0/ partition
load. from a floor or roofof a InJIWlng. An Irrt:erlorwall dlvldlnga room or pa rt of 3
Also called load-bearinfwall •.. - ... -- ......... -.: PulldlngInto separateareas.

wall ! partition
Awalt no load otherthan Its An interiorwall carryinga st-ructuralload.
own weight. Also called non-toad- Also called lo.1d-bearingpartition.
W31l- ......
An Interiorwall supportingno Ioaa other
Its own weight.Also called non-load·
A or fixed device. esp. a

framed COI15trtJctlon.deslgne4to
divide. conce;al.or
- movaplepartition
A partltlcncap;a17leof I1eIng movea to
differentloC3tlons.Also called

I " A flni5hlngor protectiveC<lp orCOUr56 to
i 3n exterforW4lfl. usuallyslopedor curved
\ .......
\ ........, .. - - copIng

ca rrtc11 •...
A \ i .0-.--: . .
feature from a
cornerof a Pulta!ng.
pil4s-ur .- ........- .....-
./' A coping that slopes to eitherside of a
Also called

A rectangularfmurt projecting ............... -......... par.. pet

from, w;lll a ana a !7ase I
and as acolumn. A low. protecUve the edge of.a
term.e, balcony,or roof. esp. th4t part
.-....-.--.-......................... . of an exterior w;l1I, fire w.all or party wall
A column l1uilt SO as to truly or
ronJed to the)¥;lnbeforewhich
that rises arove the roof.
.. -.-.-- ..-..-, ...--...• gal?1e W3U
- -.. A waH or crowned by a gal1ie,
retum wan _--.-

o. _ ••••••••••• _ ••••••••• -- •• - •••• - ......... 0.· - ••••.••• ,

Ashort w;l1 perpendictJbr to the end of

a IongerwaL --.'.- .. ' .............- ... wan
A foundatlon-wan tha"t enclosesa
usa Ple area undera
A a
seaIon of wad betweentwo openIngsor one _____ - ----0----__________:
partywall --.- ...:
A wall Jointly ccnt1guous
structures, upon a line dlvIalng
supportingthe end of an arch or hntel two parcelsof I3nd. of which Is a
separatert31 estate entity.
memberto relieve Its load. Also C311ed E
rellevfn9 If'dt.
lirrtd ... --........-- .........--... -.... -.- .. L
A the :
door or window openIng.
A horizontaltimberor set In 3 wall
to receiveand distributethe pressureof plinawall
a gIrderor bam. as (Ner an opening. A wan having no WIndows.doorways,
-- or otheropen Inq s.
Also. tempkt. ..

266 f

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11 plate 1110cking ...... _ .. stud wall
A house constructeawith a skeletaI Any of various hOrizontaltlml:>erslaid A numberof small wood pieces A wan 01' partitionfr.lmeJ wtth stuas
frameworkof t1mrer. usuallysheathed flat across the headsofstuddingor Insertedto space.join. or reinforce and factd wtth sheathing.siding.
wtth siding or shingles. upon floors to supportJOists.rafters. memrersof a !rolldlngframe. fill the wallboard,or plasterworX.Also caW
or studs at or near their ends. spaces betweenthem. or provraca stud partition.
nailing surfacefor finish materials.
wall plate .'" stud
A horizontalmember built Into or laid Any of a seriesof slender.upright
along the top ofa wall to supportand memrersof wood or tne't31 fonnlng the
distributethe load from joists or structuralframe of a wall or p-artltlon.
rafters.Also called raising plate.
top plate ....---..... -....... -....-.- .......------
The uppermosthorizontalmeml:>erofa
framed wall on whichjoists or rafters

corner I7race _._...;

A dl3gonalbracelet Into studdingto -... cripple
reinforcethe cornerof a fra me Any framing member chat Is shorter
structure. chan a stud above a door
let In openingor relow a window sill
i 0 Insert Into the surfaceof a stud. .-- center--to-center €
wall Of:,thetn:e as a permanent From the centerlineof one eIe:r.ent.
addftlon. or
member. part to the centerlineof
comer post .....-.•--.---------------.----.. the next. Also callta on CCT'tu.
An ;asseml7lyof two orthru studs
.... $OkpLtu
splW togetherat the Intersection
of two frarneclwalls to providea The \:>attom htficntJ I me mper of a
nailing sumu for flnlsh materials. ftamed wall upon which a row of studs
Is erected.Also called shoe. sole.
A nJrTOW wood strip flxed to the
cornerof a frarnecl paMlon to
provlk a surfacefor flnlsh
materials. platformframe
A wooden !rolldlngfr.lIneh3vir..J studs
only one story high. rt-gardlessof the
stories each story on the
top platesof the st.ory or on the
sill plates of the four-dationwaft Also
called wc:sUrnframe.

A dwarf wall for sU Pr«t1"9 fIo?,. joists.
firestcp -------.-----.--------------'.
A rlUterialor member!roUt Into a \
fl.lme to I1lbcl:a COTlce31ed \. A wall less than a fullstor)' In hd.3ht.
hollowspace through which a flre ".
might from one part of the
!ro11.d1M§ to another.

A pleu attachedto the face of a
Deam at the bottom as a support
for the ends ofjoists. /'
M17Pon .. ________._ ------.---.----.-.__ .J'-

A thin. I;Io3rd let Into

studdlng to carry the ends of
joists.Also called ledger.rippand.
rIPPon strip. 5111
The lowesthorizontal of a
frame struGture.resting on ana
anchoredto a fourWtlonwart. Also
balloon frame ..-- --...-.. --'-' _..... anchorbolt •... --.--... called mudsill.sill ptru.
A wooden !rolldl"4frame having studs Any of various rods or rolts ". .•..• E
.-.....• l1ox,iII
that rise the fun height of the frame embeddedIn masonryor concrete A slH for a tlvlldlngframe. composeJof
from the sIR pl3te to the roof pia te_ to hold. secure.or supporta a plate resting on a foundationl'f311 and
wlthjolsts nailed to the studs and structuralmember. ajoist or headerat the outertd¥ of
supportedby sills or by ribbons let sill sealer ......-.. -.-.. -..... -...... the pl3te. as well as 3 soleplm for
Into the studs. studs resting eitherdlrectlyon :he
A reslhent,ftln-ous material placea J
a slilanda foundationwall /f"'. joists or on the rOu.,Jh flooring.

to reduce alrlnflltratlon. ,/ l,fII

.. ·4:
-' termfU ..·-·······./ A slll for a tlvllcllngfr.lme. composedof
a plate resting on a foundatlo:! and
Sheet metallnstal1edatop a
foundationwall or around pipes to . . a10lst or header at the of
- b '_.
prevent the passageof termites the plate


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!Siding rake 5huthing
A we3tMrproofmaterialas shingles. A bOard or molding placed along the Arough coveringof Poards. plywood.or
boards.or units of sheet used sloping sides of a gal7le to cover the other panel materialsappW to a frame
for sa rf.ulng the exteriorwalls of • ends of the siding.......''-: .. structure to as a base for siding.
mme !7ulldlng. flooring.or roofing.
.- 5tructur21&huthlng
comer 1?oard Sheathingcapal7leof bracing the plane of
A roard against which siding Is fIt1;ed at
the comerof a fr3 me structure. ............. _.... ;. a framed wall or roof.
A Slmfll70ardor stripof wood used for Asheathingof Doards applieddiagonally
for lateralstrength.
varloos to cover
joints mrds. supportshinglesor i10arding
rooflng tiles.Of' provide_Da5e for A structureof boards.

or su!riloorlng.
Arty of various papers.felts. or slmlbr
sheet materialused In constructionto
preventthe pass3g6of air or motsture.

l10ard3nd l1atten . I "QI"9

vertica '.1' i' OO
cl3pboard shiplap
Siding consistingof wkie boardsor Siding consistingof matched ! A long. thin board with one thlcl::erthan A flush. a ral7ret.
pljwoodsheets set verticallywtth Putt roards appliedvertically. the other.lakihorizontallyas bevel slJ1ng. Petween two boardsJoined
joints coveredby u.ttens. Also. the boardingjoinedwtth such


colonbl bevel siding Dolly Y2rden siding drop siding
5JdJil!composedof plain. square-edged Siding composedof ta perea Bevel r30reted the lower Siding composedof boards narrowed3 long
twrds bld horlzontaRyso that the clapboards.laid horizontallywith the edge to recelve the upperedge of the the upperedges to fit Into ra l*ets or
uppero.'erlapsthe one PeIow. thickerloweredge of each board board relow It. grooves In lower
O'Ierlappln!1the thinnerupperedge of the horizontallywith their uacks flat 3g3lnst
Deard uelow It. Also called lap skiing. the sheathingor studs of the w;;r/t Also
called novelty I"UstJc skiing.

flLl5h panel sunkpaMI

A seriesof pancls•. esp. decorativewood
panels.joInedIn a continuoussurface.
A panel having 3 surfaceIn tht same
plane as tfie surroundingframe.
AF'nel h3vlng a center portion thlcl:er
than the edges or projectingabove the
surroundingfume. Also called fielded
A panel h3v1ng a sumce recessedPelow
the surroundingframe Of'surface. L
An enclrclklgareaOf'borde



portion.Section.or dfvlslon r ..·_·.. - ..·....·_....·...... • flU5h
ohwa .. mlnscot.celbng or c:Ioor.esp. I . APe3dhavlngltsoutersurfaceatt:hc
ofaff'JS41rfacesunk belowor I'2tsea same level as the adjoiningsumces.
the surroundingarea. or

by a or rorder. -_ .......... !

.. - ...... - 1" ... - ........................

Abead that projectsaDove or Deyond the
facin4 atwood paneling.esp. when i ;0.... _................. C\ulrk .
:overingthe lowerportionof an Interior
..-' .' .-'
"ullion ......- ..........................
ffifu\\\\ •
Agcoov.... .cot< ""kling' !><1J ...
lng from adJmnfng'membersor L
, vertical memberdividing the panels In : ..................... Polutlon


1elolYe/'?'rtIonof an Interiorwall
. . J ./ A raised molding for framing a panel.
Oooli'r'ay.or fireplace.esp. when the
mutlng surfacesare at differentlevels.
ilenfa ced or tre3ted dlfferentty from Also.lrilectlcn.
-- 1
, with panelingor
'3ilpa Iu

Downloaded by Agustin Opay (


.-"-" curtain wall
..- ,. An exterfor wall supportedwholly by
l -
-r--- --,.-.,.-.-......,.,..,......,..··
...',.-..:.,....- .. ....,. .. "., .. t-) .
A hortzontalmember spanning welg t ana wlna aaS.
retweenexteriorcolumnsto support t----7
wall sheathingor cla-dd1ng. •.._.......... '-"-'.

mng .. .....................................
--.- ........-_
A materialplaced In an \. -.
opening to the p3SS3geofflre, .... t--}
3S uetween a curtain wan and a spandrel •

.. ... .. ..•.. ..
__ ._;. JIll
....-..····· ............ area In a multlstor:tframe
and supportingtneotIteredge ofa lnJlidlng.betweenthe sill of" window on
floor or roof. one level and the head of a wlnaow
backupwall Immediatelybelow. Also, spandril.
An assemlnyof materialsused behlna
a curtain wall to provklethe
of fire-resistance.••.•.. - .._- ...........

3r1Chor -' _...;'

Arry of V3rlous rret.ll used In
curt.;aln wan constructlonto secure a
fr.1 Of' pa ne! to bultdlng structu reo
usually for 3dJustlT'.entIn three

stlck s)"tem
Acurtainwan system In which tuuuf3r
ttnltsystem metal mullionsand ralls are assembled
A C\lf't.4lnIv.ifi system conslsUngof pJeci by pleuon-siteto frame VIsion
pre3sserrWW. wan units glass and spandrel units.
.....hlch IT!3'j be pregf3zedor glazed InstJlI.aUon.
.--.......... spandrelgl1s5
An opaque glass for conceahngthe
structuralelementsIn curtain wall
ccnstnJCtlon.proJuceabyfusJrIga ceramic
frIt to the Intenorsurf2Ceof temperedor
pand system .-._ ............. _.......... ' .................... ./
A cu-rt..ln waH system conslstlngof
pm'Dr1'I1tdmet.t cut stone, precast
con.cme.or p3ndluJ t>rlck wall units.
l'rhIch rt13Y be preglnedor gl.azeJ after
... 1tatlon.
A curtain wan systemIn which one- or
two·stor)'·hlghmullionsare Installed
l7eforepre3s5embleawall units are
loweredInto place behindthe mullions.
The framed wall units may Pe preglazed
or glazed after Installation.

column·ccver-ana-spandrel system
II curtJln w311 systaTlln which vlSlon·glass
liM units are
5wpporUd l7y 5f13nJrelbeams between
columns cI.Jd with caver sections


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Aw.n of tre3t.e.atlml1er.I!i3S0flr)'. or
for holdlngIn place a 1n35S of
earth. A w.1I C211 f.l1I by
overtumlng. or seuRng. Also
C411ea waR.

toe··---·"!' .r---__ .• ccunterfort iI

An addltlooalor excessiveload or The forwa ra. lower tip of the base of a ...- A triangular-shapedcross waU tying a J
Irorden.35 that of the earth above the footing or retainingwall extendedto give concreteret.olnlng\'(311 to Its Dase at
b<el of the top of a retalnflo.gwall..... _- .______. !?roaderPealing and greaUr regularIntervals.built on the of
-...... the I!13terialto be retainedIn to ,
stiffen the verticalslap and add weight j
W3n ----------------', to the Da se.
A rt't4lnlng of reinforced -.._------. i7atter
or re!rrforcea masonry. A l:r.ichard of the face
C4ntlievmdfrom ana securelytied to 3 of a wall as It rises.
spre3d footing th3t Is shapedto resist
overturningaM sl1J1ng.

de3dm.1n gfMty wall .-------j
A log. concret.ePlock. or similarmass A Nsonry or concret"retaining waH
uurled In ground as an al1Ghor. that resists overturningand
the sheer weight ana YOlume offts ctilss.
'--.--.--.-... -.•
A type of gravity retainingwall for.r.ed
loy stJcklng modular.interlocking
prec.astconcreteunits and filling the
voids with crushed stone or gravel.
Also called cellular wall
cn17Uing -. - ...___ .. _. ___________.__ .__ ......
A systemof
sora ..lld1ng
for ret.1lnlngearth or
;c·\HldatlonrdnJltt. Also C41ieJ
- - - ------------
- - - - - --
- - - - -- -
---. t.1rth tle17ack wall
Aretainingwaif of precast
concretepanels fastenedto long
c.r.bworl _ _ _____ gatvanlzedsteel str.lpsextendingInto
:':mbers.or or concreternemPer5
a compactedsoil UacHlll
-- =::::=::::=------
;;f $Imlbrform.. asseml:>ledIn laj'ersat
angles.often filled wtth earth or
stones ;rod used In the constroctlonof
'':lI.maatlons.nd retainingwalls.
The maxImum heightat which 3
vertlcalcut In 3 cohesivesoil will
sbna wlU,CtJtshoring.
A layer of stones thrown
togetherIrregularlyon an /

. .
The maximum sIop6. rne3sureaIn
from the whk;J,
slope to pm-cnt erosion. / . _--.--' loose solid wll remain In
..•.•-- place without slidlnq. .
/ .......
/ angle of ,ride
The minimum slope. measuredIn
from the horlzont.1lat wh!ch
loose solid materialwill begin to silk
or flow.
--- ...... ; revet ',___ • soli binder soil5ta17i1iur
p Iva nlud wire filled with fo face a sloping surfaceor A plant that preventsor Inhlplts A chemicaladmixturefor
.0f1es and used In coostructlngan
Jt ment or retaining structure.
emuankmentwIth stone or other
erosion Dy providinga ground cover
and forming a dense networkof
roots that hold the soil.
malnt3lnlngor Increasingthe
St3!1lntyof a soli mass. L
A facing of masonryor other sultaple
material for protectingan
empankmentagainst erosion. L
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An opening in the wall of a puflding
window IUIit window frame dressing for admitting light and air. usually
AlI'taC!8bctureJassem17tiof a mme. The fixed mme of a Window. consisting The ornamentaldetailof a Dulldlng. fitted with a frame In which are
S.ilsh. and necessaryhardware. oftwoJam17s.• head. and asill. ---'1 esp. the molded frameworkaround set operapIe sashes containing
wlndowopenlng. "',,_ door and wIndow openlngs_
panes of glass.
The fhe.d or I1OV3 mmeworX .....
ofa which
panes 01 are set. -----".

., .....

pane ..
One of the divisionsof a windowor door.
conSistIngof a single unit of glass set In
a frame_

---...:. muntin
A wood COt'eriIlg the g.3 p A ra DDetea It!emDerfor holding the
a or wlnao,.;f, of windowpaneswithin a sash. Also called
;and th6 mson ry reveal Into which the glazing l1ar. sash bar. '1
Is set. Also c;alled staff peaa.


CNer. window Of" a
Jna In3sonrywalL ---- .. --------- ---.-------\

Arry of vr.ious t:b1cesfor

,..fnwrtef so as to teep It from running
down a If3ll orhlllng onto the slfl of an

drip --'.-- ... -----'-'-' .. -..

A CNer an exterior
• and
A verticalrnemDer the lights
.. ---.----.- .... -------------.-- ... ---
ofa window.
A the tnm at the
top arJ skksof a dcor or window. .. --.. light
Amediumfor admIttinglight. as one·
compartmentof. window or window
sash. Also called day_

slip sill
A5111 cut to fit !1e-tweentM Jam17s of a
w:ndow or door opening.
__ .. __ ....
.r:---------------.lug sill
u_u _____ .. _______

The hor!zx;m.aimtn1Perat the 173se of a - _ _=::.. ___

__ ./ A. sill extend)n!!!1eyond a windowcrdcor
winDow esp. the \edqe for-mea Py - ./ openln!!and Irollt Into theJaml7s.
Sl.\Ch a mnboer.
r--"-"---' horn
/ That part of apmb extendinga!1ove the
SlJrf.ceof a !1ulldlng memrer. .' head of a door or window frame. or the
as a orcoplng.slopeJ to shed horizontalextensionof a wlndowslll
r.afnWlter.AJsoC2leawe.tthering.• -----.-----.--.----- .. -... ---.. ---. -'_. theJamD.

A M or fonned on the ur.derslJe -- - ---.-... --------------. 5"Wol

of a sli or otherextulor horizontJf r-_L\\\\\\\\\\,\""' ___ The Interior 5111 of a window.
rr.emberto prevent the C3plllaryflow of I
rJlnwaterto 3 wall -'---.. -... - .---. ----..... -....... -. _t/ '-- ....... -.-------.. -- -. apron
.. ----.-.---------·--·--'--···--·-"--·-"···-·---·
.-.-.-_.' '1
A flat piece of trim ImmediatelyDeneath
the stool of a window. Also called skirt.
An fttttd to 3 window
fnme to oUSt r.J1nw;rter to drip farther b4lck
3W1'jm::.n .. w;iR surface. Also C3lled sill The area of Interiorwall. usually paneled.
between a windowsilland the floor.


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r· ....·.. ·.. --_... yoke
A wfn&ow hMtf two verticallysl1t.f1ng rT'>....-r----f-,..,. A horlzontJl the t.?p of a
.. sepal'2tegrooves or,trads frame for a double·hungwindow.
ana closll\4J ciffererrt'part of the wfndow.
/ ,top
A strip of moldingalong the InslM of
I i wlndow frame for holdlll!J.1 52sh. or
which ;1 sash cioStS. Also called
sash step. window step.

hung sash ... - ......•.•. - ..- ......... _........ . . - ..
AvertlcalJ:t window S3Sh balanced
.._ ..... bead I I

by :iI or a pretenslonea Astrip of moldingalong the Inslde of a

spring on side 50 c.n Pt window fl"3me for a slld1n!J sash.
raised ex Icwertdwtt:h reb Itttfe - .._..... parting
Also called lralancea5.1s-h.
raI- .....- ..-.-- .. -.-- .. - .- .- ..
___J A strip of molding
frame of a
on euh side of.ll
window to keep tM
The r.:11 of eadI s.sIt In:il
other whe-a
n t1Ie I'2Ifof the
window r -..-- Wind
upperand lower sashes .11lr-1rtwhen raised
or Iowere4 Also c.lled strip.

Afastening011 the II1eetIng1"211 of one The of a I10x frame to which

sash which swings .cross to the meetlng trim Is secured.
rail of ancPlersashand engages with a
__ .--.-. Pox frame
A wlnaow frame h3vlng hollow'pmbs or
checl: ran mull10nsfor S3sh weights.
A meeting raM. lIgJlnsta
rad wtth a d1agon31or
overlap....-- •.---- ...•..........
.... hanging
pl.1in ran Astile In 3 window frame againstwhich a
A ral equal In thJ§:nessto the wlndow sash Also called pulley
other of the frame. stk .
.. - weight
Acylindrical of Iron (X Ie3J used 35 3
coo nterwelgfit to bala nee a vertlcafly
window sash.

""h line

- ..................... ,....
A rope cord) orch.ln (sash awn)
a verticallysnalng wlndow
sash with 3 counterweight.
A window constructedwith a I I
A strip Of or aluminumalloj used In
pocket In he3d.1rTf.owhich one or both
:;.;shescaR 1'355 to Increasethe opening
iNallaPle for
i place of a sash cord to connect.. vertlcally
sliding window sash with a counterweight. 1

A removablepart of a 113"91"9 stile

OJ or to
aCUS5 to Insert.llsash weight
the sash I1ne.

drop window - ..•- ...... - ........ - .......... ---1

A windowc.oastructeJwith a poclet
llelow the sJl.lntoMitch a sash can slide
t.? Increase ..vallablefor
L _______
.J l
A w1naow havin9 two 52shes.of wh len
whlch at
too or InOrC 53shes. of
one sI1Jes along horizontal
vertJcallysliding window
A wlndow havltlfone or more sasl;es
which move vertlc.11yand.areheld In
gl'OO'l'CS(X tracks. variousopen positionsby means of
,ltaing ........._.....
_.c ....................
A 52sh thit opens Pi' movIl1!J horizontally
alo"9 gl"OOr'csor tncl:s at the top and
--7 frictionor 3 ratchet &M;e Inste3aof
by 5.11sh 17alancesor counterweights.
rottom of wlndow A spring·loat.feJdevice used In place of
sash weights to

vertically window sash. Also
spring l1atanu.

H2 f
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extension hinge

A for an outward·swlnglng
C35tment wlnam.locatedto allow ······-···-·-··········----··-1 for ventll3Uoo.Also called fixed sa sh.
froD1 the Insrde when the
wlnaowlsopen. ... - .. oper;a\;o\ewindow
A wlrJow having a sash that rruy opened
: for vtMtllatlol1.
AV3rfor a castmentIn arry of
sevml positions. V
oper;ator ----- ................- ....----.- ..-.--. window
A gearlessdevice for operatlnga A wlndcw with at one casement,often
ca5tmentand hokllng It In an open used In comblnatlonwtth flxecll41hts.
:- .. -
handles .. - .. - ......- .....-.-. '\ / . A window sash opening on hinges gener311y
A h;an& th<at Iocl::s3 hinged sash In a
\ /
/ attachedto "the sik of Its fra me.
closeJ posftlonby wedging It against a folding casement
keeper Also called lockIng A pair of casementswith r3bbeted meeting

Stl\es,hung In a frame having roO multlon.
....--- ... -.- .... -./
1--- stile
A Cr3nk·drlYtnworm drive for opening The stlIe of a wln.:lowframe from which a
and awning windows.casement C3sementIs hung.
windows.3 nd,lJlousles.
...- meeti"9 stne
wicketscr-een _._.._.-........_ ....."'''-'''.
Oneofthrr"03 stilesIn a p3lrof
A sman or hinged portionof a
13 rg SC/Ull providingaccess for
operstl"9a wlnJew sash.
..--.- .. French winaow
.. A p3/r of windows extendingto
o the fC()r and strVing as a doorway,esp.
- from a room to outsideporch or temlce.
/ \
/ cremeI'M
\ /
I \\I A vmlcall10ttused on a French window or
'\ / / \
'\ I ,- \ the tit, of two rods moved by at
\ I / \ a bob mechanismand extendingInto
" I
/'-'\ ,\ !/
pocUtsIn the head and sill of the opening
I '\ to prcv1Je a secure fastening.Also,
/ /1
/ '\
\ cremonebolt.
I '\
\ ...-_ ....- l:Ia!conet
A r3inng or!7alvstradeprojectingslightly
pivotedwind<>w -\ IL_1J the of a window and reaching
A hJving a sash that rotates 90° \i. to the fuor. having the appe3 r.l nee of a
I t
Of vertlc31 or horizontalaxis !7alconywhe.n the window Is fully open. Also.
at or Its center, used In air·
condltlonedmultistoryor h41h·rI$e ti tj
and operaW onlyforc!eanlng.
or emergencyventll3tlon.

/\ \,
I \,
II \

window hopptrwindow
A window horizontalglass or wood A wlndcw having one or mort sashes
louverswhich pivot simultaneouslyIn a Inwardon hinges genmlly
mire. usea
co:nl!"lOf1 prlmarilyIn mild \
/ on the rottom. Also called
cnmate5 to controlventllattonand to cut \ I hospft.alwindow.
'\ /
off visibilityfrom the ootslde. '\ I
... -.. hcppt1'light
A window fl9ht hir1¥d on the bottom and
A or shutter having horizontalslats swinging Inward. Also called hospital
that can 6dJustedto admit l41ht and light.
air excluck sun and r3ln.
.- ......, hopper
shielding -- .... -- One of the triangulardraft lrarrlerson

The angle Pd.ow which somethingcan be each side of a hqpu light.
sten when viewed through a louver.


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...!.. t· I...J;! I It

:. ...... ::.J
.' :,',
picturewindow . window wall riLWn window clere5tory
It usuallyftxta slngie-panewindow. A nonbearlngwaR composedprimarilyof A horizontalb-and of wlnaaws, Aportion of 211 Interior above
to frame an aUQctlveexterior view. verticaland framing members seraraW only Py mullions. adjacentrooftopsand having Windows

containinga comPi nation of flxeJ lights admittingd;iyIlghtto the Interior;Also.
and operatingsashes. cI e.1 rstcr:t.
.r- Porrowed
Awtnaow In an Interior part-mon
It wlrWwor seriesof wlnJows allowingIlg h1 to De tra nsmlttedfrom one
OIJ'tWardfrom the main \¥;in of a building space to another.
anQ forming a Pay or alcoveIn a room
within.esp. one iuvlng Its own foundation; .- .... 1
windowseat - ...- .......-......_.. _ ......, Awlnaowill:eopening In a wall or partition
through which may be passed.'as
It se.7t built Into a recessof a window
Petween 3 kitchen and a dining room.

It bay window having cantedsides. L

-_ ...... wir.dow
A wlnaow In C(' under3 !pine.
; !
It Ir.1y window a roundea projection.

'-"-1'---' oriel
dormer window .... -.........-.............. - .. ,. A !?ay window supporteJfrom klow
A vertblwlndow In a projectionPu lit out Py co,wls or
from a roof. Also called

--_._ ...... - .......
Avertlc41 wIndow set Dele... the line of a
slopea roof.
luc.ame me,hrePu-jeh
A An Py lanluwort.

Window In a roof or spire.
through which the air rr.zy araw freely
oxeye _.... c................ _ ....... _ ............ _ ... . while the Inter'« Is COI1Ce3Ieafrom view.
A GCmparaUvely5m3" rouna or oval found along tr., streets of CaIro3nd In frieze or dormer.AlSo othertowns of UIe Levant. Also,
Aproject1ng over the arch
of window or &ocr. esp. In Inter\o!' awnin.g
A51114111 window sa low In the W311 of II
rntdIevalchu rch. pm11tt1"'9the Interior
wort. Also. hood mokJi"f. A COfer of C3 r1V3S or othermateriaI to seen fmn the outska Also callea
In front of a &oorvayor window.
or 0Vet' a decl:. to pror1de
or rain.

... - ... -.- 5Gretn
Aframe a flne of Mal
or fiberglass.pbcedIn a Window or
&oorway.or arounaa pon;h to admit.

aIr excluk l!Isects.
'" storm window
Asupplementarysash pl3cea OIJts1ae
motif an existIngwindow as additional
protectiona!pinstsevere weather.
AwIndowor door-wayIn the form of a
round·headed archwayfbnke&on
sk:le by narrowercomp3rtments.the side
compartmentsPeing with
either Also called st.cnn u5h.
ent4PIa tu res on which the arch of the
L windowpox . Awindow with'
A!;.ox ksi.3neato hold sol! for grtWlng InUrchange3rteserunand grass
centnl compartmentrests. Also calkJ
motlf.Venttlan motlf. plants at or on 3 Windowsill. sectionsfor summer ana wlnter

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Om31T'.eRtalwoti: of branchllkelines,
esp. the lacy openworkIn the upper
part of a Gothic window.


I \\\
plate tracery tncery
EJrly Gothic tracery funned of Gothic tracerycharacterizedby a pattern AdaggerllktmotH'found esp. In Gothic tracery charactertzeaby a
pierud slobs of stone set on of geometricsJ, apes. as circles 3nd foils. Gothic mcery.forrnea by elliptical p-attemof ilTegular,l1cldlycurved
the the shape and and agee curves. . forms. Also called flowingtracery.
dlsp<l$1'tlcnof the openings.Also
carted pafor3Udtracery.
par tracery ...-_ ...._--.- ..........................
Gothic meet)' tlut succeededplate
mcery. of mok!ea stone
.•- .. --.---------_.
mul110ns that divide Into variousbranching
emnts which flU the wIndow head. Atrlangu13r119ht In a
Goth1c window.fOl"11'1ed by
the arch of the Window. an
arch of a !ewer tier of
ret.icuL1td •.-.--.-_ ............- mctr)'. ana 3 mullloo of
an upper tier of tracery.
Gothic traceryconslstlngmainlyof a
nttlii:e of rtpt:ated
AlsG called net

Gothic tracery havfng
mullions rising to
curve of the arch. crossed
at Intervalsby horizontal
transolT1:S.Also cal\ed

fon .------------------. -----.-----.,,--.. --,

Arry of severalarcs or I'Oilncledspaces' '"
aMdtd by cusps and bngent to the Interior
of a largerarc.;;Isof an arch or circle.
OrTt41rnentatlonof an archway.Window. or
otheropeningwtth foils or representations
cu,p .. ---- ...... ---- .. ---- ....... ---
A poInteJ formed by two
IntersectIngarcs. used esp. to vary the
Mhnes of or to form foils.
Decoratlo11wIth cusps
trefoil q,uatrefoil cina.udoil
An amngementof three foils An orn3rr.ent of four foils. A desl<:Jn composed of five foils. clivlkd i;;t
dIvided by cusps and radIating divided by cusps and radIatingfrom a cusps and radiatingfrom acommon
from a common center. comlT1Ol1 center.
HaYi,19 more than five foils.


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The fil7rouscellular
th.-t makes up most pith r--···· xylem
of the sUms ana
l?l'3nchesof The sof';. centralcore aDout
which frst growth t3l:es piau
.... The WoMy tissue of ;I tree th4t pro;ldes
support,lI1J conductswater;lnaminerai
trees tU in a nel't)'fonned stem. nutrientsupward from the roots.
.-.. ------.------- .-----.. --.---'--"'-'--'--'-'. An organic that. wtth cenulose.
The extemal of a woody '. forms the woody cell 115 of plants ;I nd
sttm.l7ranch.or root. composedof a nvlng thecementln:3m3terull7etweenu,em.
layer caltea phloem and an outer Dan:
of corty. dead tIssue. cellulose
An inert that Is the chief
--------"-------------.---.----.-.-.-- .. - of the cell l\I2Rs of pl2nts and
A th3t C3rr1eSfood from U,e of dried woods.jute.hemp•.;andCDtt9n.
to the growing parts of a tree. Also . used In the rna nuflctu of .; wide variety
calW InMrpark. of synthetlcbu rnat:emIs. .

A_t;hln of reproductivetlssue sapwood

'..4,:..:1 phloem aM xylem. which producesnew . The portionof wood
on the outslJeand new xylem on the camrom and htartwood,
of stems.l7ranches. ana roots.. In st-re:ngthto htartw\:lodbut
usuallylighterIn color, pertne;lPte.
and less durable.Also called allXlrnum.
'\..---.-----.. ----. he3rtwocd
The older. k3rder. \n3Ctlvecore of a tree.
•.and moredural7!e
than the surroundin.g sa pwood. Also ca lrea

......... -de.. A ccncerTt<iclayer of wood produceJduring
singleJle3r'sgrowthof a temperatetree.
, called frowth "lli.

---:------ --- .•:',..• ;.-••- springwooa

The wood from .; can !fer. The term Is not
JescrfptlYeof the actual softr.essof the \ The softer. more porous portionof an
annual ring that.:kYelopse3rly In tl:,e
wood. \,;, growlr1§ sasoo. bybrge.
thin-wailedcells. A!sc called earfy wood.
Any of variouspredomlnantry evergreen. ..--. summerwooa pine. fir. hemlock. The harder.dJri:er.le-ssF,s portionof
ana spruce. an annual ring that de.-eiOpSlate In the
resin duct .---- .--.-..... -.-------
growing sasoo. cha r-;tC'terizedby compact,
A tu!xtlar.lntercellularspace In a
Having fol!a¥ that remains grun and woody stem that secretes reslns.
th ld:-walied cells. Also caltea r...te wood.
functtonalthroughoutthe ye:Jr or esp. In contfers.Also called resin
. canal. .
mort: than one .. , tracheid

resin One of the d.or43W. S<Jpportingand
crown •. --.-... -------.-.-------... --_ ..! conductivecells il1 woody tissue. luvlng
A viscous.clear to tr3nslucent.
The and living c!oseJ ends Vla walls
organic sul1stance by
Pranchesof a tree. orientedpm lid to axis of a stem or
certain pines. used In rnakl"9
tnmk vamlshes.adhesives,and plastics. branch.
The main stem of a tree vessel
apart from Its mnches
and roots.
A tubur.lrst<uctureof wooJy tissue for
conductingW7ter ana ifJlneralnutnerrts.
formed by the fusion a:1d loss of end W".i rts In
a of connectedceils. r
.", "
..... '.
.' ,:' One oftht vertlcal!:73ndsof tr.Insvers6
cells that rui!.ate ptth and 17ari: for
the storageand hortzon-talconductionof
nutrients. L
hardwood .... ----------------.---.--
The wood from a Imnd·le3veaf.owerlng
-----. pore
One of the relatively verticaicelis for
conducting54 p. esp. It\ nardwoodtrees.
as cherry,maple, or oak. The term Is

The vital fluL::l of \'ater. nftiogen.and c
t".ot of the actual h4rdnessof mineraI nUtr¢1ts thn circulatesthrough;;
tilewooQ. plant.
kckfuolf:J fiber
Sheddinglt2vesannU4/lyor n the end of a One of the s\ct1der. thW:i-walledcens whlcn
season.The term Is descriptiveof
most hardwoodsand a few sof':woods.
together to st<et1gtnenplant tlssue.

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.,. r


The timberproduct manufactured
sawing. resawlng.passing
through a ptanl":1 machine.cross-cuttingto
length. aM grading.

rough lumper dressedlumber seasoned

Luml1erthat Is sawn. edged and Lumberthat Is surfacedwith a Of or pertainingW lumberthat has
trimmed.but not surfaced. planing machine to attain a smooth been dried to reduce Its molsture
surfaceand uniform size. content and ImproveIts servICe3uiltiy.

surfacedgreen kiln·dried
Of or pertainingto dresseclluml1er Of or pertainingW lum!1er seasoneaI,n a
having a moisturecontentexceeding kiln uMer controlledconditionsof heat.
19% at the time of manufacture. .alr clrculaUon.and humidity.
equilibrium rrk)isture content point surfaceddry air-dried
The moisturecontentat which wood The stage In the or wettingof Of or pertainingto dressecllumber Of or pertainingto lumperseasonedlrj
ne!tMrgains nor 10ses moisturewhen wooclatwhich the cell walls are fully . having at a moisturecontentof 19% or exposureto the atmosphere.
surroundedf;y air 3t .. g),15.n saturatedbut the cell cavitiesare void of less at the time of manufacture.
relatlvehumidity. water. ranging from a.molsturecontent
of 25% W 32% for commonlyused species. oven·dry
Furtherdrying resultsIn shrinkageand Of or pertainingto lumberdried to a point
generallygreaterstrength.stfffness.and at which no molsturecan be extracted
densityof the wood. when exposed In a kiln to a temperaturoe of
2Wto Z21"F

The amount of wat.ercontalnedIn a wood

piece. expressedas a perunt3{Jeof the
of the wood when oven-dry.


t1 f

i .'-:" \
I .,
;f.--- shrinkage
The dimensionalcorrtractlonof 3 wood
piece occurringwhen Its moisture
contentfalls Pelow the flffl.saturatloo
point. Shrlnl:ageIs very slight a!ong the
grain, but slgnlflcarrtacross the grain.

I werking
The and shrinkageof
sasoned wood occurringwith changes In
coote1TtC3Used I1y In
-----... --------. ta"gentialshrinbge
Wood shrlrn:3!]eIn adlrectlonta "4ent to
the rings. about
radial shrlnbge.
that of

rei3tNe humtdltyof the surroundingair. -- ----. shrinbge

J.CC{jmatae Wood shrlnk3!]eperpendicularto the
To wood mlllwori:and grain. iiCross the growth rings.
f'oorlng,1nan Interiorspace until the Iongltuc::linzl
to the motstureccntent Wood shrlrbge parallelto the grain.
temper;rtureof the new environment. auout 21 of racf1al

:--- ---.. -- -- -----. The dimensionof lum!1erbefore and
• surfacl"4.usea for convenienceIn
definingsize and computing,quantity.

I 1 Nominaldimensionsare always written

wlthootlnch"""',. Also called nominal
I' , . -.--...... Thedlmenslonoflum!1eraftersalso
dressed size

l10ard foot
A unit of quantity for lumperequal to
the volume of a piece whose nominal
I ••
dlmenslonsare 12 In. (304.8 mm)
square and lin. (25.4 mm) thick. dimension.

l10ard me3sure
Lumber measurementIn board feet.


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The dlrectlon.size, alTllngement.and Arry coml?!natlonof edge'gralned
appearanceof the fibers In a piece of and ftat·gralne.::lluml>er.
flat grain end 9r2in > di.1gon.a1gr2in
Wood grain resultingfrom quartersawlng, Wood grain resultingfrom plaln·sawlng. Wood gr;;ln resultingfrom Wood grain having the annual rings at
hav/n4 annual rings formingan angle of having the annual rings forming an angle a ctIt across the gra In. .an angle to the length of a plec6.
45°Of' more wiUI the In'oadfaces of a piece. of less th.an45°wtththe In-oadfaus of resultlngfrom sawing at an angle to
Also called grain. a piece. crosscut the axJs of a og.
A cut made across the
grain of'r'lood. era" grain
Wood grain havlng the cells and fibers
running transverselyor d13gonaflyto
the length of a as a resultof
sawfng.orlrregulJrlyas a resultof a
growth ch3r3Cterlstlc.

Wooa grain characterizedl1y 1t31T'C'r\',

Inconspicuousannual rings with
dlffmnce In pore size Petween
sprlngwoodalld summerwood.

l\tUrUrsaw plaln-saw np • ___ u_n ___ ....

To logs approxllt13tefyat r0 53W a squa rea log Into !loards with To S3W IYOOd In the ..•-,..... - .. VJ(:; contrast In pore slze l
angles to the annualrings. evenly spaced parallelcuts. A!:c C4f1ed direction grain. . . l7etweensprlngwoodand sumlTlCrWo:.i
pasbra-saw. Also ripsaw. . texture
...... WooJ grain havi"4l;ugepores. Also
warp knot calledopen graIn.
Any kvlatlon from a plane or true su rface The me of a woody mnch fine Uxture
of a bo4rdor panel usua/lyc3usedUy tIlcloseJb-j a subsequent Wood grain having small,
uneven dryi/14 the se.asonlngprocess growth of wood In the stem' '1 r-""""
or by In moisturecorrtent. from wl1k:h It rises. In the portS.
cup •. -..... _._ ...................•.. -.. - ..... _.... struct.ur;;1gr;;dlngof a wood grain L
A 3C1'OS5the width or face of a
piece.knots are restricted Adressedwood surface having the
Dy sfu arJ location..... ; denser rising aDove t!;e
wood rne3sureaat the pointof
greatest deviationfrom a straight fine '-'"
drawn from edge to edge of the piece. -....... .
.. live knot
Pow _...... _.. __ .......... - ..-........... _..................... ,. . A having annual rlngslntergrown
A ;/Iong the length of a wood with those of the surroundlr.gwood.
pleu. at the point of greatest live knots are allcwal7leIn 5tructvral
devbtlon from a straight hne drawn from within CUbln size "mlts. Also
end to end of the plece. called inta-gl"OWl1knot. u

aevbtlon from a straight fine drawn from

-C-:=:=+-- SCUM knot
A knot th3t Is solid across Its face. at
least as hard as the surroundingwood.
and unJecayeJ.
end to end of the piece.
twi5t -- .. ---.... - .................. - ..................... -/ Aknot held firmly In pI.xe l1y growth or
..\ warp resultingfrom the turningof the
of a wood pleee In opposite
deaa knot
Aknot having rings not
:;hake .... - .......... - ...... - ........... " Intergr'OWnwith those of the
. \ septiratlonalong the grain of a wood
pleu. uSlUlllybetwten the annual rings.
caused stresseson a tree while standing
or dul"fn4fe/bng.
". surrounJln;wood.
rut a dead knot Is
consI&ere<Jto be .3 defeasinceIt C3!1
easilyloosen or Pc knockedout. }Jsc
pitch pocket ......_ .......-......._.. _ ...., ..... cafk:d Icnct, knot.
,J.., the annual -
of a softwood,containingor having
The kcomposltlonof wood l1y fungI
;"U containedsolid or liquidpttch.
;heck ... - ..................................... . soft.enl/14.ioss of strengthand
\ separationof wooa across the
lflnualrings, caused Iry uneven or rapId
;i1rlnkagedUrl/14 the seasoningprocess.
..!;-.. ,kip L_._ ...
anti often 2
dry rot
of iiid
Jo/it ...... -.. .................................. . _ An area on surfaceof a roard or panel A
conSume the cellulose
, 'cncd; th3t completely a missed Dy aplaning machIne.
"Jard Or wood veneer. Also called through leavIng a soft. skeletonreadily
h(!ck. m.3chiM . re.::lucedta powder.
A surfacecharringcaused Dy overheating
- ....... -......... -. -.................. - of the !1lades or abr;;slvelleIts peeky
. h(! presenu of or a!7senceof wood at
corner or along an eaqe of a pleee.
during sha or flnlshlng of a material. Having Isolatedspots of IncIpient
decay from fungi, 3S pcdy cypress or
pecky cedar. L

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lumbersawn or selectedprltn3rilyfor
use as a finish mater131ratherth3nfor
strel19th.graded accordingto natural
board, characteristicsand manufacturing
Yard lumber less than 21n. (51 mm) Imperfections.
thld and 21n. or more Wide.

joist5 and planks

Structurallumberof rectangularcross
section.from 2 to 4 In. (51 to 102 mm) thick
and more than 41n. wide. gradeclprImarily
respectto I7endlngstrengthwhen
Ioaaea on the narrowface as ajoist
yard lumber ---- ___ -+-_" dimensionlumffl -----i or on the wide face as a plank.
Softwoodwmw for generaI Yard lumperfrom 2 to 41n.
I, bulldlngpurposes.Includingroards.
dimensionlumber. and timbers.
(51 to 102 mm) thick and 21n.
or more wide. framing
DimensionIUl)1per2 to 4 In. (51 to 102 mm)
thick and 2 to 41n. wlde.lntendeclfor use
where high strengthV3luesare not

Dimensionluinper2 to4ln. (51 to 102 mm)
structural lumber thick and 41n. or more Wide. graded
Dimensionlumberand tlmWs primarilywith respectto pending strength
graded Py vlsuallnspectlon when loaded on the wide face.
or mechanlc4l11yon the basis of
strengthand IIrtenJeduse. Also
calledframln§ lumpeI".

be4lms and stringers

strocturallumberofrectangularcross least5 In. (127 mm) thick and a
wk:Ith more than 2 In. (51 mm) greater
tn:m the thickneSs.graded prlmarllywith
respect to bending strengthwhen loaded"
timbers on the narrow face.
Yard lumper 51n. (127 mm) or more
In the least dimension.
posts and timbers
Structurallumberof squareor
approxlmate/y cross section,
5 x5ln.or I3rgeranda width not more
than 2 In. (51 mm) greaterthan the
thickness,graded primarilyfor use as
columnscarryingan axial load.

I ·_ ·
The width of the face of a piece of
dressed and matchedor shlpupped
" lumber.excludingthe tongue or bp.
nutched lumber
lumperhaving edqes dressed and
shaped to form a tongue-and-
lumber -------j
groovejoint when bid edge to edge

lumberS4wn or selectedprimarilyfor
or end to end.
further Il13nufacture.graJeclaccordlng
to the amountof usable wood that will
produceclIttlngsof a specH'ledsize
and quality.AI$O called shop lumver.

patterned lumber
lumberdressed ana shaped to a
patternor molded form.


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vi$ual gnding stress grade size-adjustedvalue siufactor
The visualc:xamlnatlonarJ grading of Arry of the grades of structural A Inse valuefora specIesor group A coefficientfor modffylngthe base values
structurallumber by trainedInspectors lumberfor which a set of l7ase of speciesof structurallumber. of a speciesand graM of lumberaccardlng
accordI"4to ,\U3l1ty-reduclng values andcorresponalng adjustedfor cr05s-sectlonalsize. to the cross-sectlonalslz.eof the pIece.
ch3mt:m;t1cs affectstrength, modulusof elasticityIs
estal7l1shedfor a specieSor repetitive meml;terfactor
appe3raru,aural7l1lty.or utliity.
group of species by a grading AcM1lclentfor InCre<lslngthe slze-
nuchine rating adjustedvalues of repetitivememl7ers.
The of structurallumber by a since the of the load by the pieces
machinethat flexes a test specimen. design value base value enhances the strengthof the entire
measuresIts resls14nato l7endlng. Any of the allowableunit . Any of the allowableunit stresses assem!1iy.
calculatesIts modulusof elasticity.and
eIectronbI1y computtsthe approprt;te
stress tal:lngInto lICCOUntsuch
stressesfor a speciesand grade
of structurallumberol7talnedby
moatfylngthe base value by
for rending.compression
perpendicularand parallelto grain.
tension parallelto grain. horizontal
x repetitive member
Any of a .seriesof three Of mOre light
bctors as the effectsof knots.slope of factorsrelatedto size and she;ar.arJ corresporJlngmodulus framing Joistsor rafters.
graIn. growth rate, density,ana molstllre conditionsof use. of e/3stlclty,establishedby a spaced not more than 24 In. (6lO·mm)on
content.Also called machine stress- grading agencyfor various Species center3nd joined by sheathing.
and gradesof structuralluml7er. or other load-alstrIMI/19members.
6a.sevaluesmust be adJustedfirst durJtWnof load Deter
9rademari: for size arJ then for conditionsof A cM1lclentfor Increasingthe size-
A stam payptteato each pieceof tum Del- MACHINE RATED use. adjust&!values of a wood membersu l1ject
the asslgnedstressgrade. mill
of orIgIn,l1OIsturecontentat time of
rW) 12 to a short-termload. since wood has the
manubaure.speciesor speciesgroup. propertyof carryingsu!?stantlallygreater
maximum loadsfor short durationsthan
and the authority. 1650 Fb 1.SE

for long durationsof Ioadl"4
$ lope of grain
1M angle of grain relativeto a line
parallefto lengthof a wood piece.
A coefflclentfor Incre<lslngthe slze-
horizontalshe.irvalue ofa wood
mem!lerh3v1ng shal:es.checls.or splits
when their length Is and any
Increasein length Is not anticipated.
fln U5e factor
A coefficientfor Increasingthe 5Ize-

adjust&!pendlng value for plankIng
aface of 4 In. (102 mm) or more.

11 I
wet factor
Acoefficientfor decre3slngthe slze-
adjustedvalues for wood memperswhen
Wood that hasl:oeencoatedor impregnated
wlUI chemlc4lsto ImproveIts resIstanceto
decay.Insectinfestation.or fire.
their moisturecontent will hkelyexceed
191m use. L
wood full-cell waur-porne
with chemicals
to reduu Its reslstanu to
&eczy aM InsectInfestation.
A processfor pressure-treatingwood In
which a vacuum Is first drawn to remove
air from the wood firersand allow the
preservativeto be by the cell
An Inorg.anlc.w3Ur-solu!1\ecompound,as
ammoniacalcopperarsentte(.AtA) or
chromatedcopperarsentte(CCA). used as
a wood preservative.ACA and CCA 3fftx
walls. after which pressureIs appliedto chtmlcallyto the wood ull wans ana Is
force additionalpreservativeIntothe cell
cavities.1M full-cellprocessleaves the
maximumamount of preservatlveIn the
resistantto leaching.The copperacts as a
fungicidewhile the arsenateIs toxic to
wood-destroyingInsects.Wood tre4ted
with ACA and CCA Is odorlessand
em pty-cell
A processfor pressure-treatIngI'IO<:ld In
which the pressureof the eitterlng
preservativetntr.psair In the wood
An organicchemlc3'dlssolveaIn a
petroleum011 c3rr1er. pentachlorophenol
ft!1ers.which e:xpanaswhen the prc5sure15 or copperna phthenate. as wood
releasedto expel excess preservativefrom prescrr.rt.'vc. the Ii"105t
the ull cavities.The empty-uOprocess commonlyused oil-Domepreservattve.h3s
yieldsa drierproduct ensuringdeep. a persistentodor,ls In50IuPieIn water.arid
uniform penetrationof the preservative. Is highlytoxic not only to fungi and Jnsects
Put also to humansaM pbnts.
Wood coated.dlppea.or Impregnatedwith a
vacuum prou"
A non-pressuretreatmentIn which a
vacuum or pa rtlaI vacuumexhaustsair
from the cells 3nd pores of the wood
An oily liquidof aromatichydm:;arWns
obtained the distillationof cool tar.
as a wood preservatlYefor marine
while atmosphericpressureforces

In stallatlons odor severe exposuresto
preservativeInto the wood.
fungIand Insects.
Creosoteand creosotesolutionshave a
fire-retartbnt wood o penetratlngodor and render wood
WOO<J wlUl mineraisalts unpalnta!7le.
unkr"pressureto reduce
fummabllltyor caml1ustll7llity.The salts
react chemicallyat temperaturesl7elow
the point of wood. causlng the
coml7ustlp./evapors normallygenerated
In the wood to &own Into water
and C3Mn aloxIM.


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· ;.

femie --_._. pracket load

A ring or C4p plxed An eccentricload appl\e.dat some point A built-upcolumn having a
around end of a wooden below the upperend of a timbercolumn. hollow. squareor rectangul3r
post or h3 nd1e to preve:nt the static effect which Is assumedto cross section. --"'"' ....
be equlv3lentto the same load applied
axiallyplus an addltlonalside load
3ppl1edat - 'H


A horizon"taltimberon a
postfor enlargingthe
rearingarea and reducing
the free span of a beam.

sefid co Iu.m n taperedcolumn puilt-upcolumn 5pacedcolumn

A wood column of • A wood column having a cross section that A wood column formed Py fasteningor A wood column consistingof two or more
pI«.eof Of" luecI-b min3ted diminishesalong Its length.In determining gluing ceverpl3tes to two or more parallel parallelmembersseparated at their ends
tlmw.I.'SU311ysquareor rect3i1<jular the slendernessr.rtlofor a "taperedcolumn. pianics. or ooxlng planksarounda soIld core. and midpoints17y Plocklng.andJolned at the
In cross sectlon. the leastdlmenslonIs taken as the sum of A Pullt-upcolumn 15 never equal In strength ends by tlml?erconnectorscapaUleof
the minimumdlaineteror least dimension to a solkl column of comparablematerial developingthe reqUiredshearresistance.
and one-thirdthe difference the and overalldimensions.
minimumand ITt3Xlmumdiametersor lesser
3na greaterdimensions.
A steel plate for
reinforcinga flitch ueam./
\ '

pox beam Heam flitch

Avmlcally I3mirutd wood Pe3m rtt3ae A beam having a hollow.rec"tangul3rcross Abeam made by gluing sawn or A verticallyI1i'nlnatedbeam consisting
by togethertwo or II'lCre section. ln3ae by glUI"9 two or more laminatedveneer /umuerfbngesalong of tlmuersset on and rotted slk
smaller wtth bolts. screws. plywoodor orientedstr.lnc:lPoardwe17s to the top and Pottom edges of a SI"9le Py side to steel platesor sections.Also
or equal In strength to th.e: sum 5Jwn or I3mlnatedveneer lumberflanges. plywoodor orientedstrandooardwel7. called fUtch 5.1ndwfchl1eam.
of the strengths of the Jnd1vldu41pieces Also called
If none cf the 13 rnIrt;rt:lonsare spIlc&L

A structuralluml?erproductmade 17y
usuallywith the gr.aln of an piles being
parallel.The advantagesof glued-
are generallyhIgherallowableunit .
3Val1auilltyof various sectionalshapes.
Glue-1amlnatedtlml1ers may l?e end-joined
with scarfor flnger.JoIntsto any desired
length.or edge-glueJfor greaterwidth or
depth. Also called glulam.
One of three grades of glue·lamlnated
timber - premium.architectural.and
Industrlal- based on surfaceappearance
as affectedI7y growth en aracterlstlGs,
wooa fillers, ana aresslng operations.


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r.-· ... ·-·. group number

. -l A numberidentifyingone of flve groups cf
species used for the face ana vene,..,--s
of a plywoodpanel. the species
classifiedon the I7asls of rending
and stiffness.with Group 1contalnlf\1tr.e
./ : stiffest species artd Group 5 the least stff.
L. .._.._.....j

RATED·:SH!ATHfHG-- ..• panel grade
span rating - .... --.--- .. -.. -.-- ........ ---
Anumberspecifying maxImum
2/'16· 15/32 INCH Theidentified
graae of a wood panel product
by the face and back veneer
grades or l1y Its Intendeduse.
recommencleacenter-to-centerspacing In SIZED FOR SPACING
Inches of the supportsfora structural engineeredgrade
wood panel spanning with Its long dimension .. EXPOSURE 1 The grade of a structuralwood panel
;!Cross three 01' more supports. ,_.. , based on Its use as
, ",";. 1----- su!7flooring.or In the of I:1ox
exposureduralrility --_.,. NRB· foa l7eams lind stressed-skinpanels.
A classiflcatlonof a l\'OOci panel product e
accordingto Its abilityto wlthstar.a
exposure to weatheror moisturewithout
weakenIngor warping.
extericr ...__ ..I
A plywood of C·grade An exposuredural7i11tyclassificationfor A tr3atman:of the AmericanPlywood
vt:1UrS or ron«4 with a fully s'tnJcturalwood panels manufactureawith (APA). stampedon the of
l'r.lterprooft.Jellnefor a waterproofgluehnefor use as siding or a structuralwooJ panel productto
expo'".xJreto othercontinuouslyexposedapphcatlor:ts. identifythe panel grade. thicl:nes5.span
interior pf:Jwcod exposure1 mill numf,er.and NatIonal Research Board
A p;.-.d lnade with D-grade, An exposuredurabilityclassificationfor (NRB) report number.
vt:1UrS or ron«4 wfth an structuralwood panels rrt4f1ufacturedwith
exterbr. an exterior9 luelJnefor use In protected
constructionsul7jectto repeatedwetting.
An exposuredurabilltyclassificationfor
structuralwood panels ITUnufactureawith
an glue/lnefor use In fully

protectedconstruction subjectto a
minimum of
All exterior.ood a
overlayOft k7t:J, sldes a smooth.
lura. abrasIcn-resIst4ntsurbce. used for
concre-t.efur:-.s. C31r1nru.artd countertops. I
I .

lv,extuior ....xJpand havinga or

resln oreNy011 one or both sides
a snxth lr.lsefOr Fiintl"4.

'pecblty pJMi
Any ofV2MouS I'I'CIOd panel
for use as $ldir"! or
Uxture1--1<J ..........._..._........................-
Iv1 exUrfor
In. (6.41rt1T1)
pand havl"4 grooves
In. (9.5mm)
wide. spaced 4 IX 8 In. (102 or 203 mrrt) on


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premiumgrade decarative plywood
The highest of hardwoodveneer. Hardwood-f3cedplywood manufactured
pennlttlngonly a few small burls. pin for use as panelingor In cabinetryand
knots. and Inconspicuouspatches. fumlture.

good grade
A gnde of hardwoodveneer similarto .. -..• veneer
premium except that matching of A thin shectofwoodrotary cut. sliced.or
vencerfacesIs not requlreJ. from a log or flitch and used as a
superlarfacing to Inferiorwood or bonded
5-Ound grade to form plywood.
A sound. smooth hardwood veneer free of
opal defectsbut containingstrea(s. cro"uand
dlscolontlon.patches.and small sound A of veneer ImmediatelyadJacentto
tlght knots. and at angles to the face piles Ip a
utility grade plyNood paneL
A hardwoodvencerpennltting core
dlSGclol'3tlon.strt3ks. patches.tight The centerof a plywoodpanel conslstl"!)of
knots. sma" knotholesand splits. veneers.sawn lumber.or compositionboard..
A grade of hardwoodveneer similarto The solid wood stock extendingaround the
utliity gl'3de but permittinglarger sides of a veneered pane!. concealln!lthe
defectsnot affectingthe strengthor fi9ure COf'e and faclflt3tln9the shaping of the
durabilityof the panel. The naturalp3ttem on a sawed wood
p3nel edges.
surfaceproduced the Intersectlon
of annU31 rings. knots. rays. and
othergrowth characteristics.
Arranging shuts of veours so as to
emphasizethe wlor and figure of the wood.
book matching •............................ rotary cutting
veneers from the same The rotatl"!) of a log againstthe cuttl"!l
alternatelyface up and face down to ed:1e of a knife In a lathe. producinga
producesymmetric4lmirrorIlT13ges about continuousveneer with a bold. variegated
the.JoIntsPetl'ieenadjacentsheets. ripple figure.

fbt slicing
herringlooneITt3tching ,..................... . The longitudinalslicingof a half-logparallel
Book matching In which the figures to a fine throughIts center,producinga
In adjacentshuts slope In opposlte veneerhaving a variegatedwavy flgure.
dlrectluns. Also called plain slicing.

\ &licing
,lip matching •............... - ............. . The Iongltudlll3lslicing of a quarter log
Arrangingadjacentsheets of veneer to the annU31 rings.
from the same fl1tch side by side without producinga seriesof stra19htorval'leJ
turning so as to the flgure. stripesIn theveneer.

The slicingof a flitch mountedoff-centerIn
the lathe. across the annU3( rings.
proauclngcharacteristicsof both rotary
ctMlng and flat
di41mond m.rtchfng - ..................... .
Arrangingfour dl3gonallycut flitch
of a veneer to form A longitudinalsectionof a log to be cut Into
diamondpattem about a center. veneers.

rift cutting
random matching ........................ . The sllcln9 of oak ana similar species
Arrangingveneers to Intentionallycreate perpendicularto the conspicUOUS.ndlatlng
a casual, unmatchedappearance rays SO as to minImizetheir appearance.


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orientedstrandPo.1ra OP---'-'---'--"--'---',_
A wood panel product "
co:nmonlytl:Sedfor and as
scbf1ooring.maae bondingthru odlve
of thin wood stranas under
kzt 3 na pressureusing 3 waterproof
surfacestrandsare aligned
pmlllel ta the long axis oHIle panel. making L
the panel along Its length.

.--.---._.-- .... _- .. ----.-... ---- '-',

A panel productcomposedof '. ,J
b'¥. thin Ponded under heat
ar.a pressurewtth a w;;!;erproofadhesive.
The planes of the W6fers are generally
pmllel to the plane of the panel 1
Put directionsare random. J
INkingthe p-anel approxlmatefyequal In
strengthana stiffnessIn all directionsIn

A wooc:l par.el productconsistingof two '--
face Ponded ta a reconstituted
partlcle! ...-----.-.--.--.-----.---.... ' ..
A wood panel productIT13M ..... J
by Ponding $ln3n wood particlesunder heat '.
and commonlyused 35 3 core
m1teri3ffor panels and
3na 3S uMer!aymentfor
floors.Also c;; cbipboard. 1
parallelstnInd .-----.-----
A structunlluml1erproductmade I1y
Pondlng strands
hrn;ld pressureusing a
l'r7terproof Pa,..llelstrand lumDer
15 a proprle'"... ry productm3rketedunder
the Par.abm.used as \:Ieams
and columnsin post-ana-Pea",
constructlcn3nd for headers,and
Iltr"..dsIn construction.
ur.;in.aua wml1er _.-.... -.--... --.-'--'.
A lumDer productmade I1y
ronding Iaye:-sof wood veneers together
he3t ....a pressureusing a waterproof
the !r2ln of 311 veneers run
lsi the S41ne directionresultsIn
a 15 loaded
as J beam or 00 Ioadedasaplank.
umblaW lumber15 martetedunder
V4 rloIIS mnd rg meso 3S MIQ'Olam.and I I
used as heade:rsand Of' as flanges
for prtf;aln-bt.edwood I-joists.ADbr.: LYL

A or
Irtac:ieofwood other ! ,
pl.antftf,ers with alnnderInto

Avery dense, compresse.dwood fl PerWard.
-umpered Iurdl10ara ..------- -------.,. --. -.--...... .
A Jurlhoardtmpregnatedwith 3 drying
oil or otherc.da'lzlngresin 3na Daked to
Impt"Ol'eIts hardnessand moisture
M.1""nite ..
Tr-akm3rkfor. Dra na of tempered

T for 4 Drand of tempered

. W..o which I-rooI::s may Pe
of arrcles.
or display


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,'ll::,:..., ':,.'

Aa acoustic mass 232

A3ron's rod 185 acoustIcs 230
aliacus 180 acre 166
Amm'slaw 44
amslon resistance 165 acroterlum 250
ams1cn-reslstanceIndex 165 ac roterlon 250
108 acrylic resIn 192 0
al>solutehumkllty 120 192
o scale 117 act curtain 257
temperature 117 actdrop 257
zero 117 actlnk; ray 187
a!7scrt>er 124 action 58
absortnngwell 223 activeearth pressure 100
al?sorptance 143 activeleaf 62
aDsorption 18,160,165.231 active5Olar-heatlngsystem 226
absorptlanDed 201 acute 109
absorptloncoefflclent 231 acute angle 108
a!7s0rptlanfleld 201 adaptation 148
aDsorptlonrefrl¥ratlan 124 additive 43,52
absorptlantrench 201 additivecalor 38
al>sorpt1cnuntt 231 address 59
al>stract 52. 59 adheredveneer 156
al>stra:texpressionism 135 adiabaticcooling 120
A Dulb 144 adIabaticheatlng 120
abutment 13,206 adjacentspaces 218
Ab:isslnianwell 221 adjustabledoorframe 65
acanthus 181 adJustabletie 156
acceleratedagIng 165 admixture 43
acceleratedweathering 165 adobe 34
acceleratlanof gravity 167 3d50rptkln 165
acceterator 43 advancingcolor 39
ClccerTt tIghtlng 148 aerator 197
access 57 aerial perspective 72
system 93 aerodynamk;damplng 245
accklerTt 59 aerodynamIcoscillatlon,154
accnmatlu m aesthetics 10
accommodatlon 264- A-frame 104
accordlondoor 62 aggregate 43
I accouplement 179
achromatIc 39
agitator truck 46
agora 250
acorn nut 84 A-grade 282
acoostlcalana(ysIs230 agreement 54
aCOlJstlcal 31 alrromesound 230
acoostlcalcloud 230 air cha"'!.Der 198
aC01Jstlcaldesign 230 air change 127
acoustlcaldoor 65 air conditioner 124
aC01Jstlcalplaster 188 air condltlanlng 124
ac01JStical tile 3 I air curtain 62
aC01Jstlcaltreatment 230 air cushion 198
acoostlcclecklng 93 air-dried 2Tl

I 285

Downloaded by Agustin Opay (



alrdua 122 American standardchannel 172 anti-scaldfaucet 197

agent 43 Americanswith Dlsal>ilitlesAct 51 anvil 102
portlandUlTlef1t 42 amorpnous 161 apartmentvulld1ng 139
alrgap 198 amortizement 262 apartmenthouse 139
alr-h4nd11114unit 125 amperage 74 apophyge 181
alr-lnflattdstructure 168 ampere 74 apophysis 181
alrmile 166 amphlprostyk: 251 apothem 109
air-supportedstructure 168 amphitheater 256 appearancegr.lde 281
air swftch 79 amplitude 152, m appearancelumber 279
alrtermlnal n anaglyph 182 appentlce 208
alrtrap 198 analogouswlor 39 appl13nceclrcult 77
air-watersystem 126 analogy 59 appliedforce 97
airway 119 analysls 58 applique 182
aisle 35.257 ana/ytlc3/dr.lwing 66 apron 257. 271
alalr.Jster 1M ana/yttqlU! 67 apron plec8 235
189 anamorphosis T3 apse 35
175 Anato/la 128 apsis 35
'lJ6 anchor 65.206.269 aptml251
alclaa 175 anchor.lge 202.206.242 aquifer 196
a-Icove 216 anchor1lO1t 267
247 anchoredveneer 156
punch 86 ancon 186 arror27
alignment 54 ang 254 arc 00.110
nI11CITt valve 199 angel Ilght 275 al'C<lae 36
alkyd paint 187
alkyd resin 187
angle 108. m
angle !?ead ·190
arcature 36
arc-Poutant 262
aI/-airsystem 126 angle cleat 174 arc douUleau 263
allee Zl angle clip 174 arch 12
Allen he3d 83
allowaPiePearIngcapacity 100
anow.l1Iebearing pressure 100
almblehld 240
angle Iron 172
anglejoint 140
angle of Incidence 143
angle of mtectlon 143
arch 3ct:On 13
arch axis 13
archmce 210
arch cornerbead 190
allowablepile load 102 angle of refraction 143 archetype 59
allowablesoli pressure 100 angle of repose 210 arching 100
allow3!71estress 164 angle ofsflde VO architect 48
allowablestress n 240 angle t1le 214 architectonics 11
allowableunit stress 164- angle valve 199 archlt«turallmmzt 175
alloy 170
alloy stu! 170
Anglo-Saxonarchitecture 131
angstrom 142
archltecturalconcrete 47
architecturalhardware 114 L
anure 37 anhydrous 188' archlU.ctura/.terracotta 34
an-watersystem 126 anlm3tea 217 architecture 9 250

mss 175
anion 161
anIsotropic 162
anneal 169
archttrave 179. 186
archlvolt 12
arch ordu 251
alternating 75 annealed 112 arclQte 36.106

.1tern3tor 75·
almude 109.226
annual 276
annularvault 263
annulet 180
arcwelalng 00
are 166
area 166
afto..reIIevo 182 annuncl2tor 81
alumll1.3 175 anode 74
'i C•• .-

afumlnum 175
aluminum Vms 175
anodize 171
anomaly 54
area pbn 69
area source 147
aluminumPronu 175 anse de panier 14
arel13 thm:er 257

alumlnum.ox!de 175 arlta 251
alure 37 antei'lx 2...1iO arecstyle 179
3malaka 253 anteroom 216 3rt of the CO(enant 250
aml7iance 217 anthemlon 1M armature 75

aml1lentsound 231 anthropology 11 armored 78
aml>lgulty 59 anthropomlltry 57 anis 185
amro 35 anthropomorphize 57 arris flliet 214
amron 35 antic 183 arris gutter 209

35.37 antlclasttc 219 amstlle 214
amenity 58 antltorroslvepaint 187 art 10
American rona 20 antlcum 250 , . - ... .!

Amerfc.1n standard!:Ieam 172 antlmony 175 artesi3n well 196

Downloaded by Agustin Opay (


141 bacHlow valve 198 base anchor 65

artrflc131horizon 247 background 265 baseboard 186
artifk;laI sky 150 backgroundnoise 231 123
articulation 52 backgroundnoise level 231 basecoat 187.188
Art Nouveau 134- bad hearth 87 base flashing m
Arts and Crafts Movement 134- backing base 245
144 backing board 191 baseline 72.246.247
ashlar 158 backing grade 283 basement 23
ashplt 87 backlight 148 basementwall 266
ashpttdoor 87 back plaster 156 base metal 86.170
aspect 59.264- 116 Inse molding 186
aspect ratio 109 174
asphalt 215 ' ,""; splash 198"'" Inse screed 190
asphaltmastk:: 176 backstage 258 base shear 153
asphaltshingle 212 backup rod 178 Inseshearcoeff'.clent153
Assyrl3narchitecture 129 backupwall 269 basesheet 215
astr3gal 62. 185 back vent 200 baseshoe 186
110 backwatervalve 198 uase value 280
atlas 250 baff1el46 basic wind speed 154
atmosphere,167 baguette 185 basmca 35.251
atmosphericpressure 167 ualley 98 basket-handlearch 14
atom 161 193 ins-relief 182
atomic 161 balance 55 basso-rellevo lf12
atomic weight 161 balanceddoor 62 bastardpointing 155
atrium 26.35.137 balancedsash 272 bastard-saw V8
230 balanCed section 202 bastlon 98
A hmlts 225 ba Ia need step 234- bat 19
attic 23 batconet 273 bathtuu 198
Attlc base' 181 Uatcony 24.258 Uattedsurface 237
attle ventilator 127 Uakf3chln 35 214. 2fJ7. 268
audio frequency 229 ualdaquln 35 64-
auditorium 258 Uallast 145 Uatten seam 214
audltoryfatigue 229 173II-rearing hinge 115 270
aureole 183 ball cocI: 198 roard 221
Ualtfiower 183 102
automaticdoor 62 Ualloon frame 267 74.200
:wtomatlcdoor 110tt0m 114 baluster 235 !:>at't 119
automaticflre,extlngulshlngsystem 90 u<llustrade 235 Uattlement 99
autumnalequinox 226 Uand 228 Bauhaus 135
auxll13ryrafter 210" Uandage 61 bauxite 175
avant-garde 135 banderole 1M bay 24.239
average t,ransmlsslonloss 232 Uandlng 283 Bayer process 175
award 49 Uandrole 184 bayw\ndow 274
awning 274 banister 235 B 144
awning window m Uank W bead 86. V8. 185. 214
axial force 162 baptlsm 35 <lnd reel, 185
axlalload 162 Uaptlstery 35 read molding 28
axlalstress 162 Uar 172 Peak 185
axis 55 UarUacan 99 be<lm 15.149
axis of ausclss3S 108 Uargeroard 211 slau 204
axis of ordinates 108 couple 211 :;0
axis of symmetry 55 lr.lrgecourse 214
axonometrlc 71 UarJoist 173 93
axonometr\(;projection 71 UarX V6 reams and stringers 279
azimuth 246 Uarometer 167 Peam seat 85
Uarometrlcpressure 167 beam spread 149
Baroquearchitecture 133 i1earl"9 241.246
6t? Uarrel roof 208 i1earlng stiffener 173
bad,271 bearl"9 stratum 102
17acl:band 271 Uarrel vault 263 i1earln9 sUess 241
backbend 65 ba rrler-free 57 bearing wall 266
17ackched 114 Uarrow 248 be3r1ng wan 244
uadflll 222 99 beauty 10
bacHlap hinge 115 uartracery 275 Beaux Arts architecture 132
17adflow 198 base 109.153.179 155


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bedding 113 bleeder 123 rottcrnca r clea ra nee 80

Deadlng plane 2:37 bleedervalve 123 !1ottomrad 64
Peajolnt 155 !?!eedlll9 46 !?oulder 224
Pea molding 179- blind 24 round3rycalk 29
PearOO: 224 bllndarcacle 36 routel 185
lleehlvetomb 248 bltnd C3slng Zl2 row 7]8
b-ehavloralscIence 11 blind door 64 rower 99
BelfasttnJS5 261 blind floor 92 Bow's notation 260
Belgian 261 blinding glare 148 rowstringtruss 261
103,181.199 blind mortlse 141 bowtel 185
befl-and-splgot 199 bllnd-na" 82 rowwlndow 274
l>ell arch 14 blind row 257 281 -
Pell bucl::et 103 Inlndstory 24 rox column 174,281
l>elow grak 222 Inlnd wall 266 Pox cornice 213
Peltcoo rse 159 block 26 Pox culvert 223
Zl block flooring 94 boxedframe 7J2
b-enta 35,250 Inocklng 2fil box gIrder 173
Pench mart 247 !?Ioom 169 boxgutter 209 J.
b-ench terrace 222 11100mlng171111 169 !?ox-headwlnclow 272
bending 163 plow 221 boxrull 82
Pending rnem!?er 238 plower 125 !?ox office 258
Pending moment 15 I7low molding 192 PoxslU 267
Pendingstress 15 213 boxstalr 235
l>entl05 Inuestone 236 box strike 116
Pent approach 255 boara and Patten 268 6oyIe'slaw 167
203 boardfoot m In-ace 243
b-entonlte-224 boarding 268 In'aced core 245
Penn 98,22:1 board measure_ m PraceQ frame 104, 107.243
154- boards 7]9 mcedtul>e 245
Btrnoullrstheorem 154- surface 237 Prace 185
3rtr.e 202 BOCA Bulk:llngCode 51 bracket 210,235
Deton!mzt 47 body 32,111 bracketload 281
Pevef 116,141 roR 221 Prad 82
268 poiler 123 In-anch 197
B-gl'3de 282 bolectlon 268 mnch n
49 bolster 12.45.281 mnch drain 200
198 bolt 84.116 In-anch Interval 2QO
roltel 185 mnch yen t 200
rond 2fJ, 157, 161. 202 Pr3SS 175
bilateralsymmetry 55 bondl:>eam 160 - mttlce 99
268 rond-PeamblOCK 160 I1rau 86
138 bond breaker 178 lrn1kdown 78
bondcoat 33
Pim" rona course 20 fits 212 .'

i:1imeta11Jcelement 121 Ponded 4a break hM 68
107,158.187 t?onded posttenslonlng 207 107
tindlng!:>eam 107 ronaea temzzo 94 lrn1stsummer 107
binding rafter 210 t?ondertze 171 breasttlml>er 45
binocularvlslon 264 bonaface 178 7]0
&in wan ZlO bondlng a£!tnt 94. 190
bird's-l:>e4k 185 t?ondlng layer 204 1nict18 I
Dirc::l's-mouth 211 rona plaster 188 Inict,rade 18
32 !?ondstone 158 I1rId: 271
;;S<\ue 32

::t 116
rond stress 202
bonnet 87,122.199
bonnet tile 214
Pool: matching 283
brlctwort 20

215 Poot 122
7bcl: label 213

:-30\: 169
border 257
borrowedlight 274
borrow pit 222
Imghtness 38.142
Imghtnessratio 148
boss 159,263 lnillbnt 38
:>lankJamp 63 Boston hlp 213 Brine" numper 165
::'ast furnace 170 Boston rk:Ige 213 lnise-solell 27J
;ust-fumace slag 170 rottom Par 203 Britishthermalunit 117


88 Ii
i 2

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lnit't!eness 164 weJge 140 cantileverwail 270

In-tXen ped1ment 186 hinge 115 canton 266
rangewOlt 158 joint 140 cant strlp lTl
175 gl3zlng 113 cap 199
Bronze 128 83 113
Vroom flnish 47 plate 174 cap 160
188 262 cap flashing 177
pier 262 CapeCod 138
and Pounds 246 capillarity m
203 capillaryaction 177
86 capillaryattractlan lTl
l:J.Jck 63 Butyl 193 capillaryureal: 177
Ducket tra p 123 ruul?er 193 capital 179
Ductllng 40 BXcaDle 78 cap nut 84
l>uckllngload 40 By.z.antlnearchitecture 130 cap plate 1{4
Bu.1dh. 253 cap receiver lTl
Bu.1dhlsm 253 Cc cap screw 83
Buffab!1ox 196 caulnetdrawing 71 cap sealant 113
80 ca!1le 28.78 cap sheet 215
l>um 46 ca\1le loop 168 capstone 159
he3d 83 molding 185 caravansary 252
21 calXe-restralnedpneumatlcstructure 168 carl1lde 175
l>uildin.gmcl: 18 caPle-stayedstructure 29 carron 170
51 structure 28 carbon 170
drain 200 cable support 242 carframe 81
l>uIWlng afflclal.49 cal>(etray 78 cam 248
l>uikilngpaper 268 CA bulp 144 Carolingianarchitecture 131
permit 49 c.uiastralsurvey 246 CarpenterGothic 134
l>uikllng separation 153 cadmium 175 carpet 95
sewer 200 calm 248 carpetcushion 95
l>ulkilng stone 237 cals50n :30.103 carpet pad 95
D-Jlkilng storm drain 223 calcine 42 carpettlle 95
sUlrm sewer 223 C3lclnea gypsum 188 carriage 235
l:J.JilJ1ngtrap 200 calch.:m hydroxide 157 carriagel70It 84
typefactor 153 calcium oxide 157 carriageporch 25
Duilt-upream 281 calendering 192 Cartesiancoordinate 108
column 174.281 calfs tongue 184 Cartesianspace 217
rooflng 215 call1>utton 81 cartoon 67
. l:J.JID 103.144 calorie 117 cartoUGhe 183
DuI1:-actlvestructure 238 calx 157 cartriJqe 76
t<J!(head 23.45,80 cam 116 carved work 237
P,JiXlng 165 camber 15 caryatid 250
l>ul\:: modulus 162 camber bar 87 cased openlnf! 63
l>ullflo41t 47 camberpiece 12 cased 103
185 camrersllp 12 case-h4lrden 169
l>u I1nose Plock 100 cambium 2:76 casemate 98
l>u nnose comer Dead 190 C3melDacktruss 261 casement 2J3
l>ulrs nose 185 C3m 273 casementdoor 64
l>un stretcher 19 c3mouf1afJe 265 casementstay m
l:>umper 114 C4mpanl!e 36 casementwIndow m

l>unkd tures 245 30 63.103
l>u"43low 138 cancela 35 l1eati 190
138 candela 142 caslnf! nail 82
221 c3na!e 142 beam 173
canatepower 142 nut 84
c-us b3r 76 canalepowerdistributioncurve 146 castlnf! 169.192
l:J.JS duct 7PJ C3nephora 250 castlng Pea 206
DushhammereJflnlsh 47 C3rrt 109 cast-ln-pl3ceconcrete 46
l>ushlnf! 78 carrt bay wlnaow 274 cast-In-placeconcretepile 103
PtJsway 78 carrtharus 35 cast-In-sltuconcrete 46
255 cantilever 17 cast Iron 170
cantlleverream 17 castle 99
cantileveredstep 235 castle nut 84
Pt;tterfly 140 ca rrtilever 101 cast stone 2:37
P,J twfly roof 208 cantilevermhod 105 Catal Hiiyuk 128

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CJtaiyst 192 C-grade 282 chromertat.t 171

CJtcn sin 223 chain 247 chromium m
CJten2ry28 chair 45 chuda 255
C<ithe.dral 37 chalrr.all 1e6 chuman 255
C3therir.ewheel 36 chaltya 253 chut.t 46
C3thews 181 cham!?ergrave 243 clrortum 35
cathode 74 chamfer CIE 150
c3thotk rn chamferstrip 45 cinder 170
C<itlon 161 chancel '37 Clnquecento.rchltecture 133
CJulak \81 chandelier 147 cinquefoil t:l5
CJullculus 181 ch,lntry '37 circle 110
caulk 173 chaos 54 circuit 74
C<iusew;y 249 chapel '37.99 circuit 76
c;au5tlc I!rcs 157 chapter '37 circuitvent 200
C<iV311erdr.iwlng 71 cha pter house '37 clrcularmH 166
C4Vetto \85.249 charret'te 58 clrcularstair 2'34
cavettocomlce 249 122 circulation 213
cavity w.. 156 chase mortlse 141 Circumference 110 I.
chat-sawn 237 clrcuII'IV311.ite 98
C 144 chattrl 253 cistern 196
30 Chavln 129 citadel 99
C3'I'tti 149 check 7:13 city plannln§ 10 t.
Jc*st 211 cheaer 1M clvUlutlon 128
ull74 checkered 172 c!addlng m
check rail 7:12
check thr'03t 'l71
check valve 199
ct.lm 'l7
ct.pboard 268
ct.ssA 89
u{lular M 101 chee!c 209 class Aflre 90
celtularw.1 ZlO
cdhJlose Zl6
Cdslus sale 117
cheek cut 211
chemlQl bond 161
chemln-de-ronk 99
cbss6flre 90
ct.ssC 89
Wft:lccross 183 chevet '37 ct.ssCflre 90
II1OI"t3r 157
chevron 1M
ChicagoSchool 1'35
chlgl 255
classD 89
ct.ssDflre 90
class E 89
cement InOI'br 157 chlllec:fwater plant 125 C1asslc 130

chiller 125 C1assblarchJtuture130
tt:nper 188 chimney 87 ct.sslclsm 133
251 chimney arch ClassIc 133
u:tter no. 111.217 chimney l:oar 37 ctay224
12 chimney Preast 87 clay loam 224
chimneyC3p 37
chimneycheel: 87
96 chimneycomer 87 15
96 chimney 127 'l74
center or

center of risbn
chimney pot 87 ek:Jt 214
plane 237
china 32 cb1s 84
117 china clay '32
c!!:;1P!rifonn 45

CCIW3l c.on&tlonJ"4 125
Chinesearchlt«ture 128
Chinese 187
eM 82
cllnUr 18.42
cen1"nIzd5 ri vision n chino/serio 133 cllpjol'" 155


chlplmrd 284
chisel point 82
cllthral 251
clolsttr 37
cloister '37
choir 37 263
ceramic 32
chord 110.259
chorten 25'3
close 37
closedcornice 213
. 42;'_
cer.mlc JI'lOSalctIfe 33 chorus 256
Chou 129
clostdpbn 216
closedstrill9 2.35

cenmlcware 32 chrismon 183 clostdvalley 212
cercls256 Christianity 35 close §raln 'l78
49 chroma 33 closa- 20. 155
GeS5pOOf 20t chrome 171 closetbend 199


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closure 20.265 comblnatlcnwindow '2:14 concretePlod: 160

cloudy sky 150 combinedfooting 101 concrete Prick 160
clusteredorganlz3tion 218 combined 22.3 concretemasonryunit 160
cluster housing 139 combinedst..esses 41.163 concretemixer 4t3
cooch screw 83 combplate 81 concrete 82
cool tar 215 88 concurrentforces 96
coarse aggregate 43 combustibltconstruction 51 condensate 176
coarse grain 278 combustlo.,.Ir 121 condensatlon 176
texture 278 comfort 120 condense 161
coaxial 78 comfortzor.e 120 condenser 124
coVble 224 com merciJI bronze 175 condominium 139
224 com mcJrty 10 conduction 118
cock bead 268 coml11OT1 alley 175 COMlJCtIvtty 74
cocking piece' 213 common rona 20 conductor 78
Code of H3mmurabi 129 common brlsS 175 condutt 78
coeffiGlentof ela stlcity 164 commonm 18 cone 45
coeffiGlentofexpanslon165 common dovetail 141 conePolt 45
coefficientof heat transfer 118 coml11OT1tap 212 cone of ,islan 72
coefficientof utilization 149 common 229 corrftguratlonlsm 265
coffer 30 coml11OT1 82 Confucl3nfsm 129
cofferdam 221 210 conge 185
coherent 54 commons 139 congruent 109
coheslonfesssoil 225 common vent 200 contQl vault 263
cohesivesoli 225 communlc.Ju 58 conic sectlon 111
coil 75.126 communiont3ble 35 conifer '2:16 109 compactfluorescentlamp 145 connectedbad 77
coI:e 170 com p<lCtlon 225 59
cold-airreturn 122 color 39 connector 79
cold-cathodelamp 145 com p!exlty 54 conok:l 220
cold-draw 169 complwlum 137 conslstency 44
cold-processroofing 215 com pontrrt5of a fexu 96 186
cold-roll 169 compositecolumn 203 con501WtIon 46. 100
cold-won:lng 169 compost".edecl:lng 93 constancy 265
coI!3ge 54 CompositeCt"aer 181 COItstant-alr-volumesystem 126
collapsemechanism 243 compositep-anel 2M constrJCtlan 48. 49. 50
collar m compositepile 102 constructlonclass 51
211 compositetrJSS 261 constructlondocunnents 50
collarJOint 155 composlte;;-zIT 156 constructlondrawings 68
collar t1e 211 com position 53 construct.lonJolnt 178
collector 226 compourJcolumn· 203 constroctlo11load 151
collegiateGothic 134- ccmpressiWrty162 constrJCtlo11managemer 48
collimate 146 162 type 51
coIllnearfo1Us 96 compressiong3sket 113 ConstructMsm 135
COOnlalarchltutJ.;re133 compressicn rralPer 238 consultant 48
colonialskiing 268 compresslo11ll1Ok1Jng 192 corrtactpre:ssurelOO
coIonn3de 25 compressionreinforcement 202 content 5:3
color M compresslon sp!lce 203 sating 257
color circle 39 compressiontest 44.162 contlnutty 54.265
colorfast 187 com forc;e 162 contlnuttyof outline 72
coloring 43 compresSNe refrlgeratlon 124 continuous 17
color renderingInJex 145 strain 162 continuousfooting 101
color scheme 39 compresslvestress 162 contlnuoushinge 115
color temperature 145 com pres:.or 124 contlnuousplate 194
color triangle 39 CO!\C.3tenzt:on 55 contlnuousslav 204
color wheel 39 concave 110 contlnuousvent 200
column 40.179 concaveprot 155 contour 66
column tr.1se 85 concealedgr.d 31 contourar.awi ng 66
column cap 85 concealed 115 contourInterval 69
column capital 205 concdYe 58 contourflne 69
coIumn-cover-and-spandrelsystem269 concentra';.tJload 151 contract 49
calumniation 179 concentric 110 contract documents 50
column strip 204 concentric 2fJ7 Wltract drawings 68
coIymbethra 28 concept 59 contractlonjoint 178
combed flnlsh 189 conception 67 con tract nmtt 221
combinatIOndoor 64 cor.crete 42 contractor 48


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contrad1ctlon 54 corrosion 171 critlcal stress 40

contr.;st 54 corrugateafastener 82 critlcaldensity 225
contrastratio 148 comJg3tea metal 172 crttlcalhelght 210
cent:r!l1utoryarea 241 corrugatedrooflng 214 crttlcalsection 202
Contrive 58 cortlle 26 criticalvoid ratio 225
centro/joint 178.190 109 crocket '37
control-jointukxk 160 cosine 109 cromlech 248
contronedflll 222 cosine law 142 cr'OOk V8
controlpanel 00 cotJ ngelrt 109 cross 183. 199
convectlon 118 coulomD 2b crossbana 65.28'3
convector 123 cou nterbore 84 cross !?raGIng 243
conven1enu outlet 79 cou ntMn-ace 259 crossl7lidglng 92
cross-corrtcurarawlng 66
convergence 73.264
converslon!1umer 121 cou nterfort 270
crosscut 218
conversiontaDkl 166 150 cross fortnee 183
convex 110 cou nterpoInt 54 115
cool :39
coolant 124
coolingdegree-day 124
coo nterpolse 55
cou ntersc3 rp 98
countersink 83
cross grain 218
cr0ssh2tch,lng 66
crossing 36
coolinglo3J 124 cou nterwelght 00 cross-lapjoint 141
coo/IItgmedium 124
cooIlng tower 125
co-op 1:39
couple 96,211

coupUng 199
crossover 199
cross sectlon 70
1:39 course 155. 2M3 cross tee 31
coursed ashlAr 158 cross 263
cooperativeapartment 139
coordinate 100 coursed ruuble 153 cross ventlbtlon 121
coordln4t« 116 court 26 crowfoot 68
copal 187 cou rty.I ra 26 crown 12. 216
copedFlirt 140 CMlent rona 161 crown gbss 112
copestone 159 CCJ.te 30. 1<55
UNe ceiling 30
crown molding 186
crown post 261 L
coping DIod 160 core 147 crown tile 214
coybnarfolUS 96 corer 202 crowstep 159

copper 175

copperroofing 214
COru3ge 187.212
corerlng pcwer 187
corer plate 173
crud: 210
crushedgnvel 224
crushedrock 224
cowl 87 crushedstone 224
COfi,eIarch 14


crypt 37
crystai 161
cube 111
carine ga!7le 159 Cr3cklng load 202 culnc me3sure 166'

cord 79
cordon 98. 159
cradle V3utt 263
cr3mp Iron 158
cra wi space 23
cuPl$ll1 1:35 .
cul-de-four 61
cuU l8
core 65.75,100.225,283 47 cult temple 249
corWo.rd 191
coreUst 44
59 t2a
Corinthianorder 181 creep 165 cup 218
cmUIe 95 m cupob 61
190 crene! 99 curb 208
comer roard 263 crenelle 99
99 crirox 196
curb cod: 196 L
cornermce 267 creosote 280 curbcut 221
COI"1'Ierbth 00 crepldoma 250 curb roof 208
coc-nerpost 267
comer reinforcement 190
cornice 179.100
crescent 139
crescenttruss 261
CriD 210
curb stop 196
current 74
cornice 147 crl!7i:llng 270 curtan 235
cornicereturn 213
corona 179
COfOf1et 186
cri1r.otOfi: 2:10
cricket 209
curt.lIs1:ep 235
curt.1n 98
curt.ln wan 269
corporationcocI: 196 Cripplepcl: 211 CUM 110
corporatlonstop 196
correctlonhne 24t;
corrkIor 216
criterion 58
critlcalangle 233
critlc.1l load 40
CurvlUnearstyle 132
curvlhne.rt:r3cery 275
cushion 102
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diversionrox 201 dovetail 115 dropW 199

diversity 77 dovetaliJoint 141 drop wiMJW 272
111 dowel 85. 178 drum 180-
doJec3style 179 dowefpln 85 drummp 198
sbir 234 downdraft 87 drumw.U 22J
dogtooth 1M downfeeddlstrllnltlonsystem 197 dry-lnlrbtemperature 120
dogtrot 138 downllght 147 dry 113
dolly 00 downspout 209 drying oil 187
Doity Varden sidi"4 26a draft dryin9 shrinkage 47 I
dolmen 248 drafted margin 237 drym!x 44- j

dolomite 236 drafting 68 dry-paa 174-

acme 60.205 draft stop 89 dry-pipesystem 90
aonJon 99 dragged ftnlsh 189 dry-pressprocess 18
·door 62 dragon 211 dryret.lJm 123
doorl;tevel 63 dragon 211 dry rot 218
Qoorbuct 63 dragon tle 211 finish 47
aoorc;haln 114 drain 200 dry Sbnaplpe 90
Qoor c;hecl: 114 drainagemzt 176 dlj'W4"
63 drainagesystem 200 dlj'W4U frame 65
door contact 81 drainageUie 201 drywe!l 2Z3
doorframe 63 draInfield 20 1 du.l-ductsystem 126
door Interiocl: 81 dralnspout 209 dUJi sys"'..en1 244
dootpmb 63 drain Ule 201 dual vt1Tt 200
dooltnob 116 draped tenaon 207 duct 78.122
door opener 62 Dravidian 130 ductllltJ' 164-
tfoorplate 114 drawrore 141 122
doorpuU 114 drawrorepi" 141 ductlr.erl22
doorsl:ln 28 99 ductwort: 122
doorstep 63.114 drawdown 196 00
Doppler 228 66
185 drawn flnlsh 169 179
Done order 180 drawn glass 112 duomo 132
donner 209 dress circle 258 duplex 133.139
donnerwindow 'lJ4 dresseddImension 277 duplex 139
dosing wmw 201 dressea lumPerm duplex 138
36 dressedsize ZJ7 durawmiil 175
00tt&l1lM 68 dressed "87 dUl'3rr.en ?:J6
dou 2!).4.
door 62
dresslng 271
dresslng room 258 Dutch
of load factor 200
20 ,
hinge 115 drift 13. e;6. 152- Dutch Colonbl. 138
angle 172 driftrolt 82 Dutch@ 64-
B6 drift Index 153 Dutch I.p 212
doul7le-cal7lestructure 29 drift lImltatbn 153 dwarf .....a 2El l
39 driftpl" 82, 00 1.57
doubte-COI'TIeI" 160 drip Z71 51

doul7fe doors 62
stnlcture 29 dripcap Z71
dripedge 212
dynllma:pi1eformula 102
doulk-egressn.ilne 65 drip molding 271 dynarnlcs 97
plpc 172 dripstoM 159 dynarnlc win.:! pres$Ure 154
doul1le-mmearoof 210 drive \;lana 102 I

doul1fe grid Z39

113 drtvescrew 82
drive shoe 102
urlyChri5tbnArchttecture 130 l
c:IoulM-hul1§window 272 driving sheave eo urly English 132

doubtejack raft« 211 drolt'105 246 132
doul7le-lstair 234 drop 122, 100.263 urly Renaissance 132
doulM overil2nglng 17 drop.arch 14- early wood 216
doul?fe-rtturnSblr 2M dropcelling 31 e; 32
doulM roof 210 46 ea rth prtssure 151

douWc Ut; 206

glass 112

weld 86
dropllght 147
drop panel 205
droppedcelbng 31
e;artho,lQl:e 152

load 152
wall 270
doul?llngcourse 212 dropped girt 1m ea rth M:ri: 221
dougo"4 254
dovetail 141
dovetailhalving 141
drop-pointslating 213
drop siding 2GB
drop stage 257
easement 140.221
e;aves 209

294 I
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eaves course 214 electricmotor 75 enthalpy 120

eaves fbshlng 212 electrode 74 entrainedair 42
tJves trough 209 electrolysIs.171 envlronmentaldesign 10
145 electrolyte 74 envision 59
eccentric 110 electrolyticprotectron 171 EroM 215
eccentric 244 electromotiveforce 74 ep1center 152
eccentricforce 162 electron 161 eplnaos 250
eccentricity 41 electroplate 171 epoxy mortar 157
ecutTtrIcload 162 electrovalentrond 161 epoxy resin 193
eccentrictendon 207 element 161 epuro 67
echlnus 100.181 elevation 70.247 equal leg angle 172
echo 230 elevator 00 equal loudnesscontour 229
eclectic 134 elevatorcar 81 equiangular 109
eclecticism 134 elevatorcar safety 00 eqUilateral 109
ecanomy 58 elevatorpit 00 arch 14
economy 19 elevatorshaft 80 equInlncint 97
ecanomywan 156 ell 26.199 equlll!mum 55.97
ectyPC 59 elhpse 110.111 equIlIPrlumdiagram 97
111.218 elnpsold 111 equIlI!mummoisturecontent m
113 elllptlcalstaJr 234 equinox 226
113 elllptlcalsurface220 equipoise 55
distance 84 enIpticp.rarolold 219 equivalentload 151
edge gr41ln Va elong3tlon 162 equivalentround 172
ed¥ joint 140 emUattlement 99 equivalentthickness 160
ec!gu 47 em!1eddedspace 218 ER 144
earflce 22 emPedmentlength 202 erect 49
effectlve of concrete 202 emPoss 182 erection 151
effectivearea of reinforcement 202 emUrasure 99, 159 emtlon stress 151
effective 202 emergencygenerator 75 ergonomics 57
effw-lveler.gth 17.41 emergencyhghtlng 91 escalator 81
effectlveler.gth factor 41 emissivity 112. 119 escarp 98
effectiveprestress 206 emphasis 54 e$C011 son 63

effectlvespan 15 Empire style 133 esc lItcheon 116

effective 120 280 esortarthex 35
efflcacy 144 enamel 32. 187 esqulS5e 67
efficiencya t 139 encasedknot 278 esthetlcs 10
efflorescence 18 enceinte 99 architecture 129
201 encl'03chmtmt 221 Eucfkk3ngeometry 108
101. end-P0e3rlngpile 102 Euctlkan space 217
and tongue 181 end distance 84' Euler Utic1:Jlngload 40
146 end grain 278 eurythmy 56
187 endJolnt 140 eustyle 179
236 endlap 212 ev3luate 58
128 end-lapjoint 141 evalmlon 58
249 end-nail 82 ev3por41U 161
rtla 82 endur.ancer41tio 165 M poratlvecoohng 120
el 26.199 enawall 223 evaporator 124
elastic 164 energy 167 evugreen 276
elastic 240 energyccd6 51 evolute 110
elasticity 164 energyeffk:ltncyrating 124 excavation 221
elastlclimit 164 enfllade 216 exulslor 119
elasticmodulus 164 engage 59 txe<b :35
elastic r.nge 164 er.gagedcolumn 266 exfol13t1on 43
elastomer 193 engawa 137 exhaustair 125
elastomerlc 215 engineer 48 exhaustfan 127
rocflr.g 215 engineered 19 exhedra :35
199 grade 282 existinggrade 222
electricalmetallic tubing 78 er.glneerlng 11 exit 91
electricarc 86 englneer'schain 247 exit access 91
electriccd! 74 English rona 20 exit corridor 91
electriccharge 74 English cross rona 20 exit court 91
electriceMtor W engrave 182 exit discharge 91
electricfurnace 121 enneastyfe 179 exltdoor 91
electricheat 123 entablature 179 exit light 91
electricity 74 elTtasls 180 exit passageway 91


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exit st31rw3)' 91 face putty 113 flllgree 182

face shell 160 flll 222
cby 43 face string 235 filler 192
exparldeaIT'Ie't.1I 172 face width 2:79 fillermetal 00
190 facing 156 fillerpbte 174
expandedpl.15tlc 119 18 fillet 181.185
expanded$h.;lle 43 factore.d load 240 flllet1ng m
expandedslJte 43 fa ctored load de$lgn 240 flliet wekl 00
expankdview 71 factor of safety 240 flllister heaa 83
expansion 197 facto!)' lumPer V9 fllm 192
expansion 84- Fahrenheitscale 117 fllter 125
expansionjo/lTt 178 fa If 200 fllterfa!nic 176
173 fafsefront 24 final prestress 206
expansionloop 197 fa lsewer.: 49 fine aggregm 43 L
screed 190 fan 127 flnegl'3ti1ng 222
84- fan-cell unit 126 fine V8
sleeve 84-.173 fancy 59 fingerjoint 140 I
expansion 124 fanlight 63 finial 37 J
expanslvtty 165 fan trus5 261 finish w.rt 187.188
71 fa n vault 263 finish floor 92
explosive 86
finish 47
fascia 181. 213
fascia Poara 213
fastening 82
flnlsh flooring 94
finish gratle 222
finish 114
exposure 212 wind speed 154 finishing 47
exposureI 2.82
exposure2 232
exposurecanditlon 154
fast-pin hinge 115
fast-trn;i: 49
finishingnail 82
finish string 2:35
Ank truss 261
exposured\I ra 282 165 12.3
expression t2.8 fatlgue rat!c 165 flre-alannsystem 90
plalum system 122 fat mix 157 flrearea 89
roende.:l-5eT'V\celamp 144 faucet 197 flre 89
178 fault 76.152 firebox 87
extenSionPoIt 116 fe-3Sllntltystudy 49 flrei1reak 89
exten$OFne" 162
m fe3ther 140
Federal style 133
flrel1rick 18
fireclay 18 J
exteror 2.82 fu,dlr.;cl: 58 flreaorbln 257
exterora:o.sle 109 fuJer 75 flrecut 93 I

exit 91 feint 177 flie d3mper 89 I

exterbr I:XIt ra \corrJ 91
exterbr p:a r.d 205
ferT'... 1e 199
fenestration 24
flrc:-ktectlonsysttm 90
flredoor 89

t:xtaior plywood 2.82 fe rrocemerrt 2fY2. 91
ext.eror n 266 ferroconcrete 202 fire h3zara 88
component 150 ferrous 170 firehose 90
oo:enulwaR 266 femJle 281 fire hydrant 90
plpe 172 FeitJleCresurrt l28 flrebU 58
extnJos 12 festoon 184- flreplace 87
extrudedpofystyrene 119 2:76 flreplug 90
roruslon 169 119.284 fireproofing 88
eye 2.64 sheathing 119 flropump 90
34 119 Be
r/'ftm:,..., 209 flPoergbss 119 flre-rcsisbncerating 88
eyelet 99 ccncrete 202 flre-reslstIvIJ88
plastic 193 p2lnt 187
Ff shingle 212 wood 28Q
faDrlc 53 point m flresaftty M
fa Drlc3te 50 APonacclseries 56 fire scrttn 87
facade 24 fleld 155 flre 89
face 98 panel 268 flrestop 20T
face urick 18 fleld of vlslon 264 firewall 89
face clearance 113 fieldstone 237 fire wln&ow 89
faced Dba 160 field tile 214 flrezone 89
faceJ wall 156 109.265,283 firing 32
fau 113 glass 112 flrmness 11
82 265 first floor 23
f3Uplate 79,116 filament 144 fish joint 140

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flshpl3te 140 floor coverfng 95 form 45.52. 53

fued arch 13 floorframlng 92 form-actlvestructure 238
fued connection 242 flooring nail 82 form deckll'19 93
fixed-enJPe3m 17 floor pl3n 69 formeret 263
fixed-endconnection 242 FIorentlnemosaic 182 Formica 193
flxed fra me 104 m
flowing tracery form liner 45
fixedjoint 242 flow pressure 197 form nail 82
m flow rate 198 form tie 45
fixedsash m flue 87 formula weight 161
fixturedrain 200 flue lining 87 formworX 45
flxture unit 197 fluid 161 fortification 98
Fl3mPoy.intstyle 132 fluid-appliedroofing 215 forum 251
fume finish 2:!J7 fluid ounce 166 foundation 100
flame retardant 88 fluorescence 145 foundationdrain 176
fume-spreadratlng 88 fluorescentI3mp 145 foundationInvestigation 225
fbnge T73 flush read 268 foundationwalt 101
funge al'.gle 173 flush bolt 116 Four Nol?leTruths 253
funk 9B flush door 65 four-pipesystem 126
flanking path 232 flush frame 65 four-wayswitch 79
115 flush girt 107 fox!lalt 84
fla rot header 20 flush glazing 113 foxtailwedge 141
flashing 18.177 flushjoint 140. 155 fox wedge 141
fush pelnt 88 flushometervalve 198 foyer 258
flat 139.187.257 flush panel 268 fractal7le 159
fut arch 14 flute 100 fracture 164
flatgraln 278 flutlng 100 frame 104
83 flutter 154. 2:!JO framed connection 174
fla t-jolrrtpolntlng 155 flux 86 framed tube 245
flat pQte 205 flux-coredarc welding 86 frame house 267
futroof 208 flyash 42 frame system 244
flat slap 205 flying Mtress 262 framewori: 106
flat sllclng 283 flying form 45 framl"9 106
flat truss 261 flying shore 221 framing anchCr 85
flat use 280 fly left 257 framing pUn 69
melle'S! fly rafter 211 FranklIn stove 121
Flemish rond 20 foamed pl3stlc 119 free-!ladydiagram 97
Flemish cross !land 20 foamed-In-placeInsulation 119 freefal! 46
Flemish dlagonalband 20 foam glass 119 freehanddrawing 60
fleur-de-Bs i84 foam (UpPer 193 freestone Z1J7
fbllTe 238 focus 217 freightelevator 00
fbll7le duct 122 focusing 2:!JO French arch 14
metal conduit 78 foil Zl5 French door 64
fbure formula 16 foll-17acW Paard 191 French drain 223
filer 234 folded plate 194 French 273
files 257 folding casementm frequency 228
flight Zj3 fotdlng &ocr 62 fresco 132
flitch 283 foliated 184- fresh air 125
flltch pe4m 281 foliation 275 fresh-airInlet 200
flitch 281 folly 'Zl Fresnellens 146
flitch plate 281 font 35 fret 1M
float 47 foot 166 frictional 245
float ftnlsh 47. 139 foot-candle 142 frictionpile 102
float stass 112 footcut 211 frieze T79.186
ca.t 138 footing 100 frlt 32
fuatlngfoundatlon 101 foot-Iamrert 142 front 'Zl
float switch 79 footlights 257 front 87
float 198 footpace 234 frontlspleu 24
fucW carpet 95 foot-pound 167 front of house 258
flood tamp 147 force 96 frost Pan 100
flood level 198 forcearm 96 frost heave 100
ht 147 forced warm-aIrheatIng 122 frostllne 100
floor 23.92 forecourt 25 frustum 111
floor anchor 85 foregrouna 265 fuel-contrll1utlonra tlng 88
floor C3vlty 149 foreshortenIng 73 fulcrum 97
114 forge 169 full-celiprocess 200


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fun fr3 me 107 generaldiffuse 14S 198

full·penetnt.loaweld [;6 generalllghting 148 gradation 55
fu/l-surfau hln4e 115 generalpurposecircuit n grade 222
functlon 58 generator 75.111,124 grade ueam 101
fu nctloo2l 57 generatrlx 111 gradedaggregate 4:3
functlolUl 216 geodesicdome 60 grade line 222
Functionalism 135 geometric 52 graaemart 200
m geometricalstair 234 GradeN 160
m Geometricstyle 132 grade stake 222
fu nda:renbI periodof vfpratloa 152 geometrlctracery 275 gradestamp 282
funiculararch t3 geometry 108 grade strip 45
fu curve 2fJ Georgian archltuture 133 GraaeS 160
fu nlcut.r potygcn 23 geotechnical 225 gradln 2.56
shape 2fJ ge.otextlle 176 gradlne 2.56
funlcul.1r 28 gestalt 265 grading plan 69
funiculartruss 259 Gestalt psychology 265 graffiti 182
furnace 121 gesture 66 graffito 182
furring 190 gesturedrawing 66 grain 2:51.278
fuse 76 gfrc 202 gram 167
fus/ple alloy 76 gludoor 64 gram calorie 117
nnk 89 gingerbread 134- grandtler 258
fusll71e metal 76 girder 106 236
95 girt 107.269 granularmaterial 225
glacis 98 graphic T3
Gg glare 148 graphic scale 69
gatnon 270 glass 112 gravel 224
gal71e 20a glass Plock 112 graveldrain 176
&onrc 209 glass PrIcI: 112 gravel stop 215
93 PIe roof 200 glass door 64 gravity 167
266 glasseasurface 7:37 gravityhinge 115
wlrubw Zl4 glass mullion system 113 gravitywall 270
135 glass Size 113 gravitywater system 197
gage 172 glass wool 119 gray 39
115.141 glaze 32 gray scale 38
gal:k.e 37 glaze coat 187 grease Inte:uptor 201
93/1er1a Zl glazed wall tile 33 greaS<l ttap 201
36.216.253 glaze-flred 32 greatclrcle 60
galla 158 glazIer'spoint 113 greathan 99
166 glazing 113 GreatWall of China 129
g4lvanlccell 74 gl3zlng uar 271 Gl'ubrchltecture 129
9 Iva nle 171 gl3z1ng l7ead 113 GruI: cross 183

saies T71 glazingurad 113 Greek temple 250
171 glazingcompound 113 GruI: theater 256
nlzed Iron T71 glazingsize 113 green 157
i3 mUrtl roof 208 glazlngstep 113 GreenfteIdconduit 78

139 glazing tape 113 green room 25a
!prden-wa!ron& 20 . gloP" valve 199 grid 68.101.257
99 gloss 187 gridiron 257
prP.J'le 37 glory 183 grid organization 218
J2rret 158 glued·lamlnatedtlmw 281 grid structure 195

;;rt."t 37
f35 fu rruce 121
gneiss 236
goaroon 185
griffin 183
grillage 101
f3s1:et 199 gold In'onze 175 grille 122
i-3S weldl"4 [;6 gokfen mean 56 grisaille 66
.ltecontJct 81
3te va Ive 199
golden section 56
gong 254
groin 263
groin riP 263
122 good grade 283 groin vault 263
auge 19.95.T72. 212
gopuram 253
gorge 98
lamp 147 grommet 78
groore weld 00
gl"O$s cross-sectionalarea 160
autama Buddha 253 Gothic arch 14 grotesque 183
nero ?:l
Pulp 144
CO(!tr.1ctor 48
Gothic architecture 132
GothIc Revival 134
governmentsystem 246
ground 76.190.265
groundacceleration 152
ground be3m 101

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221 halvedjcint 141 heatofvaportz.ation161

grouncJ coot 137 ham1M'" 210 heat pump 124
grounaWar tb7 roof 210 heat-reslsbnt paint lb7
conductor 76 ham1M'" UT'3U 210 he3t sink 124
grourJ t.ult 76 hal!1li"o¢(post 210- heat-strengtheneJglass 112
grour.J.-hultInterrupter 76 1:4 . heat-treat3U1ealloy 175
grourJ roor2.3 handr.;;1 233 heat treatment 169
ground"u"1gelectrode 76 hands?S"t-and-resawnshake 213 heavy-timberconstruction 51
grolmdingoutlet 79 85 hectare 166
grour.dingplug 79 Gardensof 6a!7ylon 129 heel 259
grour.a 150 hanging gutter 209 Heial1 131
grourJ nne 72 step 235 height 109
grouna pbne 72 hangii14 stIle 64. 2:12. Zl3 heightfactor 154
grour.a $bu 101 haptic 57 hellcllne 233
groUM-Hater 22.3 HmFP 128 hel10d0n 150
grour.a wire 76 h3rd'mrd 284 hellx 110,181
group numPer 2.b2 32 Hellenic 129
grout 157 hard f.,l:sh 188 Hellenistic 129
grotMdframe 65 hard 148 hept3style 179
grotMd masonry 157 hardr.eso 165 hermetic 112
grout 157 170 herringrone 184-
157 h4rd"t'f"4H 1M herrlngronematching 283
grow-;h Zl6 hard"Ir"4r"e 114 hertz 228
grypi'.on 183 hard"Ir"3r"ecloth 172 hex,ogon 109
gud¥on 115 hard jlijJter 197 heX3!:ram 183
246 hard"...ocd Zl6 hexahedron 111
guide rag EX> hanrcr:'c 228 heX3style 179
gul/\cd-.e 1M h4r.r.x:1cmotion 152 hexhead e4J
gub 1.85 Iwnrcr.1cprog resslon 56 hiding power 187
254- h3nr... series 56 HlDbmp 145
46 54 hleT'3rchy 54
GurTt.e:r'schain 247 harpeJ teno011 207 high altJr 57
Gur..4 00 h4$hir;l 255 high chair 45
261 66 high-densityoverl3y 282
gust. mtar 154 Hat·her 249 high glass 187
gutt. 180 Hau-c:--reaaed 249 high-Intensity lamp 145
180 HatJ-:or'G 249 high key 66
gUt"".a' 209 12. 17 hlgh-Ilftgrouelng 157
9utt¢" h4"¥r 2q9 haur0.eJtenon 141 70,148
29 head 63.197.2T3 high-outputlamp 145
gypsum 188 19.92 high polymer 192
roard 191 hadab'lccl: 160 high-pressurelaminate 193
14th 190 had f'.lShing 271 high-pressuresodIum lamp 145
gyp$'Jm-perIlte 188 20 178
gyp$\m pbster 1M 155 high relief 182
she3thfng 191 212 High Retulssance 133
gyp$i::H'ermlcullteplaster 188 r.e3arocm 233 high-rise 22
hea dw3 g 22.3 high-strengthbolt 174
Hh 113 low-ailoy$teel 170
halde:1 255 229 high-tech 135
141 loss 229 I10It 174
half-byjoint 141 harP! 87 high-velocityduct 126
haff-C"«tlsehinge 115 har-....ood 276 hlgh-voltage 75
h.. ffpu Z34 heat 1f7 Hinduism 253
182 heat-.;.soruingglass 112 hinge 115
halfrwnd 185 hat C4 racity 117 hinged frame 104
haff-rotJt1dslicing 2.b3 he; t ccr.tent 120 hingejolnt 242
halfspa bndlr.g 2.34- hat 124 hInge stile 64
haff"SIJrfau 115 ugree-dJ)' 121 hip 209
haff-tlml>er 107 'cad t21 hipJack 211
haff-tlJmstair 234 medium 121 hipped g3U1e 208
hall 216 cf C011dens.aClon 161 hipped roof 208
hall·"'"j 216 ;of fus!cr. 161 hlp rafter 211
hala 183 cf hydration 47 hlp roof 208
lamp l44 cf scfldrflcatlon 161 hlp tile 214


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t2a house.djoint 140 134.212

HIUlteaniltecture 129 an In 200 fictor 151
G6 house.:!string 235 Imput class 232
C3PIe 00 251 151
NChlnel)' 80 sewer 200 noise 232
holstw.y fJO house stonn drain 223 soil 225
80 house stenn sewer 223 Implt:nent 58
hok:l<JoM e5 house tnp 200 lmplwkJm 137
hotdt.brldp 214 139 154
honow-b:t.ed 94 Howe 261 12
hoRow-c;oredoor 65 102 ImpostL>lccl: 36
hollow-coresla11 206 HP-sh3pc 172 62
hollow NSClnI}' unit 160 HPS bmp 145 ror.::! 158
door 65 Hsb 12a InC4 132
65 hue M 144
M hum;;n 57 IIIC4n.:.!escentlamp 144
hollow unitmSOl1ry 157 hum;;n scale 56 Inch 166
HoIyArt 250 humidH'ler 125 Inch-pctJr.::! 167
noIy of holes 250 humidityratio 120 Inclkr.ce 143
7:12 IncnntJlift 81
roOnaen 255
hondo 255
honed fWsII Z5l
hurr'G.lneanchor 85
hurrlc3netie 85
IncreoaStr 199

hut 136 Indla r.;pPer 193

rood 87
slating 213
!-.oneyc.criwort 252
HVAC 125
hyanm 90
hydrnedlime 157
hydrrtlon 47
Indirectgbre 148
Indlrect¥tJng 148
IndlrectW4Ste pipe 200
Individualclrcutt n
rood.-.oY 274 hyarn!lccement 42 Individualvent 200
hoct 202 hydn.ullcelevator 81 Induct1.:x1unit 126
Hoob'slaw 164 hydrcgen rond 161 lnertps 161
roOOf' force 60 hyarooicheating 123 161
hooplne 60 hygT'01l"eter 120 arc welding 86
hopper Z!3

hopperMIdow 273
273 Hypa()n 215
hyf73r 219
251 97
inertiJ Plock 232
Infllt.mlon 118
horizoa 224 c hyperPcl3 110.111 Infb;t'.on 58. 110
horl:z&.m _ 72
r.ortwnt.i 108
cIrcle 247 E:
hyperrolCpm;,olola 219

hypcthral 251
Inform 59
Infrared 142'
horizonblalaphragm243 hypocenter 152 fnfrartJ 144
horiz.onbIextt 91

hypote:1use 109
IngIenoc1: 87
Ingot l69
Initialpc-estrtss 206
2:12 hypot:xhe/lum 100

hont Z71
stress 15
torsion 153
hystere:slsd3mpfng 245

Inlay 182
Innerm ZJG
1I'1CI4n9 192
189,235 TT.3.281 Inner I\.earth 87
"-'rseJ niJ 1a9 lceaz!!'i 212 145 "
Icon 35 Il15tnJlI'Ientstztloo 247
Iconostasls 35 conum 43
fcosJr.earon 111 ibss 112

hosecoctl97 59 !iJ"Sumbth 190
Idle 80 Insulnor 78
stop 65 IES 150 Insurance 48
hospfbIwindow 273 19100 1..'7,6 1.82
hot 76 I9 neous rod; 236 IntegraWcelhng 31
hot-"'P¢nnlzlng rJ1
hot-roW 169
hot-roIIeJflnlsh 169
I9nitlonpoint Be
I-Joist 281
illuminance 142
Intensity :38
Interctptlngdr.1ln 22.3
fnterroiumnlatlon 179
not-waterheating 123 iIIuminatlon 142 fnterOome 61

house G6

Image 59,66
Imagination 59
ImPm: 214
Intergl"Ol'lnknot '1]8
. -
Downloaded by Agustin Opay ( i..-

Interiordesign 10 jamltltlock 160 kick p13te 114,235
Interiorpanel 205 jaml1stone 159 kiln 18
Interiorplywood 282 Japanesearchitecture 131 klln-dr.ea m
Interiorwall 266 Japanese 187 klloulorle 117
Interlacingarcade 36 84 _ kilo! 167
Interlocl:lngjolnt 158 jerl:inhe:.ld 208 kllogrJ" ca Iorie 117
Interlockingspaces 218 JerusalemCross 183 166
Interlockingtile 214 jlltdoor 64 kilowatt 74
Intermediatecolumn 40 joggle 140,210 kllowrtt-hotJr 74
Intermediaterilt 263 ./O!1glepiece 210 57
Intermediatestiffener 173 ./O!1glepost 210 kinetic theoryof neat 165
Internaldamping 245 Joinery 140 klngb«; 261
Internaldormer 274 jolntcompound 191 king closer 2D
Internalreflectedcomponent 150 Jointfiller 178 king fOSt 210
Internationalstyle 135 Joint mC'lemet1t 178 king rod 261
InternationalSystem of Units 166 joIntrelnforc.ement157 king trt.:ss 210
Intersectingarcade 36 Joint sealant 178 kip 167
Interstice 218 jolnttape 191 kite wlnaer 234-
Interstlt131 239 jolst 92 kiva 136
Intertrlglyph 100 jolst anchor 85 105
Interval 55 jolstl1ancl 204 243
Intonaco 189 joist girder 173 159
Intrados 12 jolsts and planks 279 knee w:ail 211
Intuition 59 Joist slalt 204 knrfe-!*lclefuse 76
Intumescentpaint 88 joule 167 knife s·...ttGh 79
Inverse-squarelaw 142 Joule'slaw 74 eJrpet 95
InverteJtee 206 judas 114 knOO-.nd-tuPewfring 79
Invlslltlehinge 115 judas hole 114 knockdownframe 65
Involute 110 Jucl9ment 58 114
Ion 161 Jugenclstll 134 knock::vt 78
ionic rond 161 jumro urick 19 knotZJ8
Ionic order 181 j unctJG.n I10x 78 knock'.e 115
IRlamp 144 Jutty 107 kodo 255
Iron 170 Juxtaposition 54 I:ondo 255
Irregulargrid 239 252
Irregularmass 244 Kk krrlt pa per 18
Irregularstructure 244 !:.a'aDa 252 kung 254-
Islam 131 kalro 255
Isf3mlGarchitecture 131 kakemono 137 LI
Isobar 102 k.lamelndoor 65- label 159
lsocephallc 73 bolln 32 IabeW 89
Isochart 146 Kasug:a-zukurl 255 labyr."t-h 37
Isolatedfooting 101 katsuogl 255 !ac 187
isolationjoint 178 K-Prace 243 1aud.,..11et 212
isolationmount 232 185 !acIng 174
lsolux line 146 I::..eene'scement 188 bcquer W7
Isometric 71 keep· 99 !acurtJr :?O
Isometricprojection 71 kelVin 117 ladder 233
Isosceles 109 Kelvin scale 117 Wych3pd 37
IsostatlGplate 194 ken 137 lag 12
lsostatlcs 194 kerf 31 lag btj-; 83
lsotroplG 162 186 221
Italian Renaissancearchitecture 132 kern 41 lag screw 83
Ivan 252 kern 3rea 41 1a1t3r.u 46
Iwan 252 kern point 41 131lycolumn 174
key,263 13massu 248
Jj 262 142
Jack 206,211 keyedjoint 141 142
Jackarch 14 116 lamell... 195
Jacking force 206 key pattern 134 lamella roof 195
Jack rafter 211 12 laminate 193
jalousie Zl3 key swttch 79 Iamln3udblock 94
jalousieWindow 273 keyway 45.116 f3mir... 'M:/ glass 112
Jamb 63 Khmer 253 Iamlna'M:/veneer lumber 284
Jamb anchor 65 klbla 252 13mp W4


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low-liftgrouting 157 mansard 208 menhir 248

low-key 66 mansard roof 208 mercurylamp 145
low-pressurelaminate 193 mantel 87 mercuryswitch 79
low-pressuresodltJm lamp 145 lI'.3ntelplece 87 mercury-vaporlamp 145
low relief 182 manteltree 87 merge 27
low-rise 22 marole 236 meridian 226
Iowsldewlnaow 274 margin 212 meridionalforce 60
low-voltage 71 lI'.3rlqoldwindow 36 meridionalline 60
LPS lamp 145 marlnevamlsh 187 merion 99
lsill 267 marquee 258 mesa 1:36
Lstalr 234- ruscaron 183 mesh 172
lucarne 61. 274 mashrereeyeh 274 274
luclte ·192 lI'.3sjld 252 Mesoamerica 130

II lug 5111 271

luml1er 271
lumen 142
mask 183
Masonite 284
masonry 155
Mesopotamia 128
metal 169
metal decking 93
lumen method 149 masonryarch 12 metal lath 190

l lumll13lre 146
lumll13lredlrt depreciation 149
lumll13lreefficiency 146
masonrycement 157
masonrynail 82
mass 67,167.217
meta",c!7and 161
metal pan 31
metamorphicrock: 236
luminance 142 massing 52 metaphor 59
luminousceiling 31 mast 29 meter 166
lumInousflux 142 mJstaUa 249 metes ana PoUl1ds 246
luminousintensity 142 Masterforrnat 50 metes-ana-roundsSUNey 246
lunette 61 mastic 95,176 methodofjoints 260
luthern 274 lI'.at 101 methodof sections 260
lux 142 matchedlumber 279 metope 100
274 matching 283 metric sarnn 231
matulal 161 metric system
I machlcolatton 99
machine beam 00
matter 161
M3urj3 129
maximum demand 77
rnetIt ton 167
mew 139
meyd3n 252
machine role 84 rr.axlmumoverall length 144 mezunlne 23,258

machineDum 278 MaX"Nelldiagram 260 mez:w-rellevo 182
machine raUng zeo M3y3n architecture 130 Mlcrolam 284-
machineroom 81 meander 184 micrometer 166
machine screw e3 IT'.t3n radl4nttemperature 120 micron 166
machine 200 ns of egress 91 mlcropascal 229
made ground 222 166 MWteAgesl30
maarasah 252 IT'.t3suringpoint 73 middle strip 204-
Magen David 28 Mt.CC3 252 mkklle-thlrdrule 41
magnesium 175 Dond 190 mid-rise 22
magnetlc north 246 drawing 68 mlhraD 252
maldan 252 mechanicalequlplMlt room 125 mil 166
mall slot 114 mechanicalequlvale11tof heat 167 mildew 176
main 122. 197 rneGhan!ca1property 162 170
main member 241 me:;ha n!cal sc.ale 56 mile 166
maIn runner 31 mechanicalsystem 121 mill CCf1 structlon 51
malntenancef.ictor149 rr.uhanlcalventilation 127 mlllflnish 169
majoraxis 110 IT'.uh3nlcs 97 milliliter 166
h 252 le3 millimeter 166
mal3chlte 236 med13tlng space 218 mlllscale 169
male 199 architecture 130 mlml>ar 252
malleap[e 170 medium-densityoverlay 282 minaret 252
malle3ulecast Iron 170 med1um-rangesealant 178 caple 78
cross 183 rr.ed1um steel 170 minerai spirits 187
manaapa 253 meeting rail 272 mineraI wool 119
manaJr.a 253 mut l"4 sUIe 64.273 Minoan architecture 128
mandorla 183 248 mlnoraxls 110
mandrel 103 1T1e931"011 250 minster 132
manganese 175 rr.ekian 252 minute 108
manganesepronze 175 resin 193 miscellaneouschannel 172
manhole 223 IT'd:." dome 252 MlsslO11 Style 134
manifold 122 rr.errbrane 168 tile 214
Mannerism 133 rt'.t:T"branestresses 219 mist coat 187


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miter 140 mopbC3rd 186 113va I "ra5s

miterdaretall 141 mortar 157 Il3ve 35
mitered 141 141 neat plaster 188
miterjolnt 140 joint 141 necessarium 99
mix design 44 hinge 115 neck 84
mlxea grain V8 Joint 141 necking 100 J
mixer 197 mortise locI: 116 neGropojls 249
Pox 126 mortuarytemple 249 needle 222
mixingbucet 197 mos.;ic 182 needier
mixing I'lltb 120 Moslem 252 need!epu carpet 95
mixing 199 252 negativefrictlon 102
mixing w.W 43 motif W4 Meg3tWe Ion 161
MIxUG architecture 131 motte 98 Meg3tlve moment fl
moat 99 motte aM 913 negaUveshear 17 1
Moche 129 mouefrlt.e Z15 Neo-6.byIonlanarchitecture 129
Mochlc2 129 moulding 185 Neoclassicism 133
mock-up 58 movablt partltlon 266 Neolithic 128
mo<JeI 58.59 movement 55.66 necn lamp 145
model code 51 moving load 151 neoprene 193
modeling 66 moving skiew3i1: 81 netcross-sectloll3larea 160
mMmllsm 135 movfng 81 net structure 168
Modernlsmo 134 moving stall'W3Y 81 Met tracery 275
modify 58 Mozar;;\?lc 131 Meuml76
moJIJlIon 181 MRbulb 144 neutnlaxis 15
19 M-shape 172 neutron 161
modul4lrcoordlnatlon50 MudeJar 132 newel 61..2.34.235
modular 50 Mudejararchitecture 132 newelQP 235
module SO. 56 mudsln 267 newel drop 235
modulusof eb5tlc1ty 164 131 newel post 235
modulusof 163 Muhamm.1danlsm 131 New 249
modulusof torsion 163 mlllllon 62. 268. 27J newtonlfi7
183 mulUlr.3yframe 105 newton-metu lfi7
Mogul architecture 133 multif:3mily 139 Newton'sflrst law of motion 97
131. 252 muftifon 275 Newton'ssecond law of motion 97
Mohs'SC41e 165 multi-OIJUetassembly 78 Newt...on'sthird law of motion 97
molsttn'tcontent m multistoryframe 105 N-graae 282
moistureexp3nslon 165 multlzonesystem 126 nlckef 175
moistureprotection 176 MunsellSystem 38 nimbus 183
mold 169. 185 muntln 64. 271 nipple 199 I
molde4lnsulatlon 199 Muntz rr.etJ1 175 noP!e gas 161 .
moldedpolystyrene 119 muqarna 252 naVle metal 171
I ,
moldll14 U)5 mural 182 node 259
moldln9 plaster 189
mushroomconstructlon 205
mU!:l1d 252
nogl07 ..

molecularweight 161 Mushm 252 231

molecule 161 Musnmarchltecture 131 noiseCl'&1iacurve 231 I
Molty 64
moment 96
mutule 1M
Mycenuanarchitecture 129
noise reduction 231
!IOIsereductioncoefflclent 231
96 Mylar 193 nominaldimension 19. m
connectlon 174 Nn
Nagarc-zul:url 255
nominalslze '07
partition 266 Il.
U w.U 266
momentc:IIstril7utJonmethod 105 1l3i1 82 I'IOfICOInl,ustlP!econstruction 51
Il1Oft1entof lnertla 16 nailing strip 82 nonconcurrentfolUs 96

Monellletal 214
104.244 Il3naalmon 255
Il3nometer 142
nonconforming 51
nonferrousmetal 175 L
monochrONtlc 39 Il30S 250 non-hQt-trc.t3u!ealloy 175
monolith 248 Nara 131 non-Ioaa-l1e3ringpartltbn 266
monolithicttrmzo 94
monomer 192
monopteron 251
narthex 35
Il3tul'lllcement 42
Il3turalgrade 222
non-loaJ-pearingwan 266
nonmetallicsheathedcable 78
nonobjectNe 52
monotony54 naturalperiodof 152 nonparallelsystem 244
Moor 131
Moorish.rch 14
Moorlsh 131
naturalrubDer 193
Il3turalventilation 127
.nautlcalmIle 1%
non-prcssure-treatedwood WO
nonrec.overaVlelight loss factor 149


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n01lstalnlngmort3r 157 open cornice 213 overhangingbeam 17

nonvltreou5 52 open 213 overheadconcealedcloser 114
nortrl3/force method 154 open-endI1locl: 160 overheaddoor 62
normal 162 open grain V8 overrelnforcedsection 202
Norman architecture 151 Ie;;f 62 overturningmoment 153
Norman 19 open mortise 141 ovalo 185
Norman Conquest 131 open plan 216 owner 48
north arrOW 69 open riser 235 oxeye 274
Norwegian 19 open-riserstair 235 oxidation 171
nosing 233,262 open 213 oxIde 171
notice to proceed 49 open 235 oyelet 99
noveltysiding 268 stair 235
nut 84 open-timbered 107 .Pp
nylon 192 open valley 212 pace 234
open-wet?steelJOist 173 pacbgedair conditioner 124
00 openwort 182 pagoda 254-
249 opera house 258 pal-Iou 254
object line 68 operal11eWindow· 273 paint 187
oblate 111 oplsthodomos 250 paint system 187
oPIate spheroid 111 opposition 54 palazzo 26
71. 108 opticalilluSion 264 pale 38,98
ol7llqueprojection 71 opticalmlxlng 58 palisade 98
obliquesection 70 opticalplummet 247 Palladlana 94
obscureglass 112 optlmum moisturecontent 225 PalladianmotH' 274
obsidian 236 opus Alexandrlnum 182 Pallava 130
obtuse 109 opus StGtile 182 palm capital 249
obtuseangle 108 opusvermlculatum 182 palmette 184
occupancyload 151 orchestra 256,258 pan 204
occupancyseparation 89 pit 257 pan-and-rolltilIng 214
occupantload 91 shell 257 pane 271
octagon 109 order 12. 54 panel SO, 64, 76.204,259,268
octahedron 111 ordinaryco"structlon 51 panelboard 76
octastyle 179 ordinate 108 panel cflp 212
octave 228 organic 52 panel grade 282
oculus 61 Organic architecture 135 paneled door 64-
oell-&e-boeuf 274 o:-ganlcsoil 224 panel l!e3tlng 123
off-center 110 organlz3tlon 53 paneling 268
offset l1end 203 orfel Z14 panel length 259
ogee 185 2J. 264- panel load 259
ogee.rch 14 orientedstrand!1oard 284 panel point 259
ogive 263 59 panel strip 204-
ohm 74 ornament 182 panel system 269
Ohm'slaw 74 orthogonalprojection 69 panel waH 156
ell-bornepreservative280 orthD9r3phlcprpjectlon 69 panhead 85
oll-c.nnlng 214 oscIllate 152 panic 116
ollfurn.u 121 osclttatlon 15 2 panic bolt 116
oUIet 99 OsIrtincolumn 249 panic hardware 116
011 of turpentine 187 Ottoman;Jrchltecture 132 pantheon 251. 255
oilpalnt 187 Ottan13narchttecture 131 pantlle 214
oilstaln 187 99 pan tre3d 255
oi/v;arnlsh 187 outerIlearth 87 paper-backedlath 190
olfactot:i 57 outlet 79 pal'2Pola 110,111
olive hinge 115 outlet rox 79 parabolicreflector 146
olive knucklehinge 115 olltnne 66 parabolicsurface 220
Olmec architecture 129 outlool: 217 paraboloid 219
on center 267 outrigger 211 paradise 37
one-pointperspective 73 outsideair 125 parallnedrawIng 71
one-sheethyperoolold 220 outwort 98 Parallam 284-
one-way 238 0'131 head 83 parallax 264
one-wayslab 204 oven-dry m parallel 74,108
onion dome 36 overourden 221 parallel-chordtruss 261
oolite 236 overcastsky 150 parallelforces 96
opaque 143 overc103k 214 parallelogram 109
opaque stain 187 overdoor 63 parallelogramlaw 96
open boarding 213 overflow 198 parallelstrand lumPer 284


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p'l'2pet 98.266 penetrationtest 225 picturewindow 274

parapetstIrtlng tTl penny 82 plend 185
parascenlum 256 pent Z08 pier 105.266
f' AR l1ul11 144 pentagon 109 pig 170
?,rga 87.176.tag pentastyle 179 pig Iron 170
:argetlng 87.189 pen thou56 00. 139. Z08 pigment 187
;;;3rgl1\4 176 pentlce 208 pigmentedstain 187
;7arli3menthinge 115 people mover 81 pigtail 79
.. 3rodos 256 percentagerelnforument 202 pilaster 266
94 perceptlon 265 pilaster 160
"rquetcircle 258 perched 223 pile 95.102
.arquetry 94 percolatlontest ZOl pilecap 103
:3rterre ZI.258 perforatedgypsum lath 190 pile density 95
"'.rthbn architecture 129 perforatedshell tube 245 pile driver 102
53 perforatedtracery 275 pile eccentrlclty 102
weld e6 pertormancespuiflcatlon 50 pilefoundatlon 102
partialprestressing 206 pergehsol 224 pile ring 102
particleboard 2M pergola 27 pile tolerance 102
parUcle-sized1str1Putlon 43 perimeterheating 122 pile weight 95
partlng Pe3d m. perimeterloop system 122 pillar 40
parttngcompound 45 perimeterradial system 122 pilot hole 83
parting strip m. period 152 pllotl 26
paM.,n 266 periodicmotion 152 pin 242
partlttonbIod: 160 periodlctable 161 plnjolnt 242
party wan 266 perlpteral 251 pinnedconnection 242
pascal 167 ptr!style 137· pint 166
passage 67 43 pinnacle 262
248 penn 176 pintle 115
00 pernufrost 224 pipe 199
pa$5Jng m permanentset 164 pipe 1r.rtten 257
passivee3rtn pres5UI'C 100 ptrmeal1l1lty 225 pipe column 174

passlw: 'lZl 176 plpeflttlng 199
Pass-through 274 perpend 158 pipe pile 102
pastlcile 183 Perpendicularstyle 132 pl53Y 34
perpendiculartracery 275 plse 34
path 21a Persbn 129 plse de terre 34-
pattna f75 Persian architecture 129 pitch
patio 26
patWn 53.265
p-atterne.Jgbss 112
personaldistance 57
personalspace 57
perspective 59.72.73
perspectiveprojection 72
pitchedroof 208
pitchedtruss 261
pitch-faced 237 .
pitchingpiece 235
115 pervioussoil 225 pitch pocket 278
pavementSOIW 47 petcock 123 pit dwelling 136
pzverUIe 33 phantom 71 plthZi6
pavlf10n 24. 27 phantomline 71 pivoteddoor 62
p;NiIIonroof 208 pharaoh 249 pIvot&:fwindow
P-deltaeffect 41 ph356 58.76.228 pI.ace 217
224 phenolicresin 193 placement 46
pllery 258 phenopl3st 193 piau of beginning 246
?e3 rIIte -43 PhillIpshead 83 p!o:fond :30
JnOIdInf 185
pebO{e 224
phloem 276
phon 229
phosphor 145
plain lap 141
pblnra" Zl2
plaln-S;iw 278
rectY Zi8 phosphorpronze 175 plain 283
photochemical 187 plan 69

103 pi 110
plano hinge 115
plane 109
pl3ne geometry 109
Peg-603rd 2M plano nolnle 26 pbne 246
post 210
xnaentlve 61
plazzOl Zl
plcl:le 171
plcUlgraph 182
plane truss 259
pl3nk-ancHeamconstruction 106
pl3nk flooring 94
;-entknUVe ma:etmg 252 pictorialspace 12 plank house 136

;-enetl'2t1ngstain 187
225 .
picture mold 186
pictureplane 72
picturerail 186
pbnt 186
plantedstop 63
plan view 69

Downloaded by Agustin Opay (


pt.ster 1t;8 polarized 79 preactlonsystem 90

plasturoara 191 pok: 100 precastconcrete 206
plasterbond 190 pote construction 106 precastconcretepile 102
plasterer'sputty 188 pote house 100 PreclassIc. 128
plasterofParls 1t;8 pole plate 210 Pre-Columl1lan 130
plastic 192 ponshed work 237 prefabricate 50
plasticdeform3tlon 164- 192 prefabricatedflue 87
plasticflow 164- potychromatlc 39 preferredang Ie 233
plastic foam 119 polyester 193 preflnlshedgypsum board 191
plastic hinge 104 potyethylene 192 preheatlamp 145
plasticitylnaex 225 polygon 109 preheater 125
plastIcizer 157,192 potygon method 96 prehistoric 128
plastic lamlM3te 193 potyhedron 111 prehungdoor 65
plastic nmlt 225 potymer 192 premiumgrade 283
plastic mix 44 potymerlzatlon 192 preparation 58
plastic ra"¥ 164- potipropylene 192 pre-posttenslon 207
plasticsoil 225 potystyrene 192 presbytery 37
plat potythene 192 presentationdrawing 67
plate 152. 02. 194, 267 potyurethane 193 preservative 200
plate action 194 potyuretnanefoam 119 pressure 167
plate cut 211 potyuretnanevarnlsh 187 pressurebult? 102
plate gIrder 173 butyral 192 pressurecoefficient 154
plate glass 112 chloride 192 pressuredrop 197
plate rail 186 resin 192 pressure-equalizeddesign lTl
plate tracel)' Zl5 pony wall 26"1 pressureforming 192
plate trt3d 235 porcelain 32 pressurehead 197
platformframe 267 porcelainenamel 32 pressure-tre3tedwood 280
P13tonJc solid 111 porch 25 prestress 206
plaza 'Zl pore 276 prestressedconcrete 206
plenum 31,122 portal 25, 105 pretension 200
plenum lr.lrrier 232 portal method 105 primaryair 126
plenum chaml1er 127 portculliS 99 primaI)'ream 106
plenum ventilation 127 porte-cochere 25 primal)'cable 29
Plexiglas 192 portico 25 primal)'color 39
plinth 159,179,100 portlandcement 42 primarycompreSSion 100
pllnth I7Iock 1(;6 portlandcementmortar 33 primaryconsolidation 100
plinth course 159 portlandcement-limestucco 189 primal)'meml>cr 241
plot 69 portlandcement stucco 189 prime coat 187
plug 79.199 posltlveIon 161 primer 178.187
p{ug fuse 76 posItIvemomen't '0 principal 210
plump 211 posltlveshear 17 principalpeam 106
plumlnng 1% post 40 principalmerk:I1an 246
plumbingfixture 198 post-and-l1eamconstruction 106 prinCipalrafter 210
plumbingwaD 199 post-,lMd-lIntelconstruction 100 principalreinforcement 204
plywood 282 85 princlpalstres5es 16
pneumatic pl3cement 46 postcap 85 ' principle 59
pneumaticriVeter 86 P05tclasslc 132 prism 111
poeu matlc strocture 168 postern 25.99 prismaticlens 146
pneumaticwater supply 197 postformlng 193 process 5t;
pqche 69 postlche 183 profile 66.185.247
door 62 postlcum 250 program 58
podet piece 2:12 post-modernism 135 pro%t 59
podlum 250,256 postoccupancyevaluation 49 proJeG"tedarea method 154
point 54, lOO.155 posts ana timbers 279 projectedwindow m
pile 102 posttenslon 207 projection 69.265
poInted arch 14 potable water 196 proJet 59
pointMnoa 149 potential 74 prolate 111
point of refusal 102 pountlaldifference 74 prolatespheroid 111
point of resistance 102 pouna 167 promenade 27
polnt of support 242 power 74.167 promenadetile 33
point source 147 power trowel 47 pronaos 250
Poisson'sratio 162 ponolan 42 proof stress 164
potar angle 108 practice 59 property 162
potar axis 108 Prairie School 138 propertyline 221
polar coordinatesystem 108 Pratt 261 proportion 56


Downloaded by Agustin Opay (



proport:onalhmlt 164 queen post 210 ravenn 9b

prop0s41 58 queen truss 210 1%
propriet4ry speclflc3t1on 50 quench 169 r.l'j 216
249 QuetzalcMl 13t st)Joe: 132
proscenium 256 qulcldlme 157 144
prosceniumarch 256 qUIri: 140.268 react1ve force 97
prospect 2fl quoin 158 ready-mb:t.dconcrete 46
prosty\e 251 re3dy-lnlxtdpl3ster 188
protected roof 215 Rr real 59
protectednoncomPustlVleconstructlon 51 r.l\7tlet 140 re350n59
protectedopenl"4 89 ra*aeastep 63
protectedordinal)'constructlon 51 140 140
protectedright mme
construction 51 racew7j 78 cob- 39
prothes15 35 243 receptor 198
proton 1-61 radial dome 60 recessedgrid 31
proton 161 radialorgini:z3Uon 213 rech3rge 223
prototype 59 rad131 shrinbge m Ilght loss factor 149
proxemlcs 57 radial symmry 55 rect.; 109
proximity 54.265 radlan 108 rectJr.gubr 109
PS pulp 144 radla ITt rat 120 coordinatesystem 108
pseudodlr..eral 251 radIant t23 system 2%
251 radlatlon 113 rectllirar 109
psychrorr.ettr 120 radIator lZ3 132
psychl'O"lT"oe:trlcch3rt 120 radius 110;nc.ery275
ptef'OlT\3 251 radius of gyration 40 red Pr:3SS fl5
pteron 251 radius vector' 108 red 213
raft 101 reducu 199
puUl1c WZ'j 91
puckfle wda 86 rafter 211 reducU?!l 175
puc!7lo 130 rafW tail 213 reductk:xl 162
puR u;;r 1'4 rail 64- redurWrGy X)5
p(;lley 2J2 ralflng 235 ru&ng 185
pump 125 rainbow roof runtnnt109
ralnSCree:l lTl runtnnt 244
purfte 184
srar 205
ralnscreenprinciple m reevalu.rcn 58 I
puriln 210 truss 261 reference 50 I
purpose 5.3 system 93 dr.lwing 67
push Ft.te 114 m rtflne 50
putty 113

pybn 2Ag
raised grain 2:78
ra lsed pa 268_
ralslng plate 267
r:flectJnee 143
refb;t.e.d pl3n 69 L
f'ytnagor-=:;;ntheorem 109
rake 209.26a

raker 221
155 .' reflecteds!a re 148
refoecWpb n 69
reflecUdsovrJ 230 b
G£l tile 214 230
ql!7la 252 riser 233
Qln 129 rak 1"4 shore 22T 112
qUJdrangle 27 138 119
qUJd1"3nt 110 34- rtftect.or
ramp 233, Z35 refractloll 143
263 ardl 14 refrW,uy
rau/t 263
33 rampart 98 refuge 2f7
166 random ashbr 158 style 133
234 rant..lom maunl"4 283 reglstert22
quarter l"01.lnJ tb5 random row':: 158 registered 48
1U3rtersaW 2Jf) random shingles 213 reglet m
283 rarubn 213 regula 100
a,u3rtersp1Celanding234 range 155,246 regular 54,109, III
'F3rter-t.umst3lr 234 range I1ne 246 regularPe't'cl 116
:l.u3rtZ heater 123 ra"¥, 45 regular!rid 239
Q,:':3rtzlte Z36 rapld-st4rt I3mp 145 reguIa r stroct<Jre 244

lamp 144 life 144 nne 66
q:J3tref0l1 Z75 rath 253 rehat coli 126
architecture 132 ratio 56 reinfOtUJconert'U 202
a.u'een ctosa- 20 Rationalism 134 reinfOtUJconcrete 203

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I reinforcedconcretecolumn 203
reinforcedconcretesb1:J 204
rhythm 55
riP 263
rollersupport 242
reinforcedgroutedmaSOl1fj1 157 ril+.ind 261 rollocl: 19

I reinforced'!allow-untt1T135Oflfjl 157
reinforument 202
reinforcingpar 202
roll roofing 215
roll se<am 214
Roman arch 14
reinforcingedge 168 ricwn 267 Roman architecture 130
relativehumidity 120 267 19
release agent 45 212 Romanesquearchitecture 131
relief 70. 182 ZJ4 Roman theater 256
reliefvalve 123 too Rome 130
reliefvent 200 263 Romex caule 78
relievingarch 266 rich mix 157 rood 37
Renaissance 132 Ricft3rdsonlanRom3nesque 134 rood screen 37
Renaissanc.-.architecture 132 209 roof 208
rendering 67 rid¥ ream 211 roof drain 209
I renderingcoat 189
repetttlon 55
r.:l.Jeboard 211 roof flange m
roof framing 211
repetltlve 280 212 212
repetitivememuerfactor 280 I73ff!e 140 rond 215
I repose 54.217
reproductNeimagination 59 rid¥pole 211
211 felt 215
nail 82
reservoir 196 paper 215
residualstress 169 214 tile 214
resilientchannel 232 214 roofplan 69
resilientclip 232 cutting 2b3 room 216
resilientflooring 95 right angle 108 room acoustics 230
resilient 232 ro:1htclrcularroM 111 room cavity 149
resin 192. 'lJ6 111 room cavity ratio 149
resin canal ZJ6 114 room surfacedirt depreclatlon 149
resin duct 'lJ6 reverse 114 root 86.141
resinousIT13trlx 94 morr.e:rt 153 116.184
resistance 74 triangle 109 rose wlnaow 37
resistanceweldIng 86 r'..:l'J 238 rosette 184
resistingmoment 15 arch 13 rotafjl 283
resistivity 74 mrd 119 rotation 97
resonance 152. 2.30 r# connectlcn 242 rotationalsurface 220
respond 36 104- rota operator 273
restoringmoment 15;3 r-!J Joint 242 rotunda 26
covenant 51 r,!?J rnetatcondurt 78 rough !rod: 63
resultant 96 rtmjc1st 92 roughcast 189
retainingwall 'lJ0 116 rough coat 189
retlrder 43 rtr.;-shanknail (';2 rough floor 92
reticulate l34 rip 'Zle rough grading 222
retlcubteJ Zl5 'lJ0 rough hardware 114
retrocholr 37 'lJ8 roughing-In 199
return 186 roughluml:Jerm
return air 125 197.233 rough 63
return 199 rise;--treadratio 233 rough 235
retUrM-COfMrplock 160 115 round arch 14
return grille 122 rou nd head 83
return pipe 126 86 round point 82
return wan 266 252 rout 140
reveal 63 roc!: 236 row house 139
revent 200 rca caisson 103 rowlocl: 19
revem:ratlon 230 rca-cut tomb 249 row spacing 84
revem:ratlonClme 230 rca-faceJ 237 rul7Ver 193
reverse \:level 116 rca 190 paint 187
reverse return 123 Rc.dwell numb>er 165 ruul1ertile 95
reverse-trap 198 rca wool 119 rubule 158
reversll1teuk 116 Roccco 133 rulea surface 220
revet VO rcJ 166.247 run 208.233
revetment 270 rr-...Jdinq 46 Rundrogenstll 134-
revolving door 62 gL-Jss 112 rung 2.33
rheostat 79 r.;-:·ujoint 242 running Mnd 2J)


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J10kj 109 sash fast 272 secondarystresses 259

runoff 223 sash fastener 712 secret dovet.1I I4l
runW2Y 253 sash line 272 sectlon 70,246
rustle 158 sash ribPon 2J2 sectionhne 70
rust:btlon 158 sash stop m sectlon modulus 16
rustbtlon 45 sash 272 sector 110
ru stlcJoint 158 5aS53nianarchitecture 130 secular 243
rustic 268 satIn flnlsh 187 securityglass 112
rustic slates 213 satur3teaair 176 sed1ment.ryrock 236
rus tic temzzo 94- satur3tlon 3a see 264-
paint 187 satUr3tloncoefflclent 18 seepage pit 201
R-valut 118 saucerdome 60 arch 14 I
sawtoothroof 208 46
55 S hrfb 144- seismic 152
S3!:r1n 231 saffold 49 seismiccoefficient 153
sack +4 saffold nail 82 seismicfOfU 152
248 scagliola 189 seismicjoint 244
sacrtfd3l;mode m scale seismiczone factor 153 j
sacristy 35 scalene 109 select 58
63.a?9 47 selectlYeaPsorytIon 38
266 scallop 184 setf-centQInglath 190
sadk copInt 266 sca!'Cement 159 se!f""iosIngfire assemPty 89
sada'1ejoint 159 sca rf joint 140 self-furrh'9lath 100
S3dd\e sW"fxe 219 scarp 00 self-t3pplngscrew 83
safety 251 scheme 59 SellUK archlttcture 132
s.fe-ty 240 5chl¥ed1trdome 60 116.215
s.fay §lass n2 science 11 semicircularGlome 60
s.fe-ty 235 sds.sors truss 261 semlJetacheadwe!!lng 133
235 sconce 147 143
s.fety vm 123 sccncheon 63 semldome 61
scored17'.od 160 semigloss 187
S34 28 scotb 181 seml-lnJ1rectlighting 143
sahli 252 SCR PrIck 19 semlvltreous 32
sailor 19 senteh coat 188 117
salient 54.109 47.190 septle t3nk 201
sally port 96 scrun 266.714 249
saltbox t:3a screen block 160 serendipity 59
sanctu3ry scrt.en door 64 serial 201
sanctJ..m 250 screw 83 series 74
sand 224 scrt\It' eye 83
sanJ clay 224 5CrewnaU 82 236
sand--cushlontemzzo 94-
s.nd 201
ftnlsn 189
scrWPbng 66
saWedjoint 140
scrim 190
serviceconductor 75
ser«.Adrop 75
sand-lime 160 scroI 184 seMce entranceconductor 75
sanJ 103
sandstone Z36
sand-strud:IIttl 18
scum 201
scum clear
scuncheon 63
serviceIatml 75
serviceIoa.:l 240
S3ndw1ch!:om 28 t scupper 209 servIupipe 196

ry I7Jss
cross 199
se31er 187
116 servicerac,ew3'J 78
servicesink 100
servlceswfUh 76
sanitarysewer 200 se350neaW 5m'Icettnlpmture 193
stop 65
ry tt.c 199
WlIr'e 198
se3t 199
seat angle 174
seatcut 211
set 47.82

setscrew 83
sap Zl6 se3te.aconnutlon 174 settingPlod: 113

sapwood Zl6 se.tlng 257 shrinkage 47
sarcophagus :;s secant 109 settlement 100
sash 271 second 108 settlementload 151
sash !:talance z/2 secondarybeam 106 set-up 247

sash !:tar Zl1 secor.darycaMe 29 S¢lery 262
160 St:COndary color :39 sewage 200
sash chain 'Elf. St:COndaryconsolllitlon 100 treatmentplant 201
s3sh cord m secondarymember 241 se;;er 200


Downloaded by Agustin Opay (




sexpartitevault 263 sr,ae 221 site coeffl<;lent 153

Sezesslon 134- sh«ing 221 site drainage 2Z3
sgrafflto 182 shcro 2.55 site plan 69
shade 39.70 shcrl 76 sitewon: 221
shades and shadows 70 shcrl circuit 76 51 unit 166
66 shcrtcolumn 40 slxteenpennynail 82
shadingcoefficient 112 shcrt ton 167 stze-adJustedvalue 200
shaclow 70 shatcrete 46 sized slates 213
shaclowplock 160 shct-S3wn 231 size factor 21)0
shaft 179.262 shctJkler 98.141 size puspectlve 72
shaft grave 248 shc1Jlder miter 140· skeleton constructlon 106
shake 213.278 shcvedJoint 155 SkeM 256
shallowfounaatlon 100 shcwer 198 sketch 67
Shang 128 shre:3dhead 208 skew 159
shank 82 shrino¥ 7J7 ske'.... arch 12
shape 52 shrfnbge hmtt 225 skewi?ad 14
shear 163 shr!nbgerelnfcrcement 204- skew corbel 159
shearcenter 16 shrink-mixedconcrete 46 skewgrk:l 195
shear dlagram 17 sh iP'.offva Ive 196 skew lines 108
shearforce 163 m skim coat 188
shear Mad 205 sh pa roe! m skin friction 102
force 163 stlle 64- skip 218
shearing resistance 225 90 $l:lp sheathing 213
shearing strain 163 s:k cut 211 skirt 186.271
strength 225 212 sl:y component 150
shearing stress 163 siddlght 63.148 sl:yltght 150.209
shear modulus 163 sldesway104 s(yscraper 22
shear pl3"te 85.173 sta:r.g 268 26
shdr stratn 163 72. 258 101
shear stress 163 52 slag 170
shear stud 93 s1(hm 253 slaWlime 157
shearwall 243 253 slat 94
sheath 207 siraous 42 slate 236
sheathing 212. 268 siliCOl'l 175 siatlng nail 213
e sheath pile 221 175 sleeper 94
shel101t 45 siilc.cne 1.93 slendemessratlo 40
shed &ormer 209 slrCCfle 193 sr01ng 154-
shed roof 208 sin 63.267 door 62
sheet Slass 112 silt ,ncnor 85 sndlng S3sr 272
sheetlng 192 160 snp 37
sheet metal 172 197 snp form 45
sheet-metalscrew 83 siR pl.4te 267 sOp rT13tchlng 283
sheet pile 221 sift :a!er 267 sap mortlse 141
Sheetrock 191 silt 224 grid 239
shdl 21. 161. 219 109 snp slll 211
shellac W7 s;1!'liUrtty 54. 265 slope of gratn 2W
shellac V<imlsh 187,ePeam 17 slopslnl: 198
shelter 136 sl:r:u13t.e 58 slot dIffuser 31
shieldedcable 78 s}rro..;!t3r.wJS 265 slot mortlse 141
shieldedmetalarc wekllng 86 109 head 83
a"91e 146.273 doo!- 62 slud¥ 201
Shlmmel-zukurl 255 105 clear space 201
shiner 19 weld 86 slump 44
shingle 212 structure 29 slump bloc!: 160
Shingle style 134-¢-dllCtsystem 126 slump cone 44
I shingle 214 window 272 slumpkst 44
Shinto 255 76 slurry wall 221

I shiplap 268 glass 112 slype 37

shlp's ladder 233 206 srT13I1c.alorie 117
76 86 smafta 182
shoe 102. 186. 209. 259. 267 sir-\: 198 smelt 170
shain 137 115 srr.ol:e chamber 87

I sholn-zul:url 137
shOJI 137
sIF"cn-Jet 198
srr«e detector 90
smol::e-developedrating 88
shop lumber 279 221 smc.l:dome 87

I 311

Downloaded by Agustin Opay (



smokeprodenclosure 91 sollar 107 sphinx 249

smoke sid 1)7 solvent 187 197. 199
smokesta2 1)7 sone 229 spike 1)2
Sonotul1e 45 splke-and-ferru1e 209
snaptle 45 sorln 255 splke grid 1)5
snowloa-l 151 sound m splll 147
S03p 19 sound-al1sorDlngmasonryunit 160 spill hght 147
S03 pstce 236 sound grade 283 spindle 116
society tW sound-Insulatingdoor 65 splral 110
sociology n sound Insulation 232 spiral column 203
socket 79 sound Intensity 229 spiral reinforcement 203
SOCketedC4lsson 103 sound-Intensitylevel 229 spiral stair 234
sodhousc 00
sodium bItp 145'
sodlum-GpOrt.lmp 145
sound Isolation 232
sound knot 271)
sou nd level meter 229
splre :36
splrlt level 247
spiritsofturpent1M 187
soffit leO sound power 229 spiritstain 187
soft;-UurItA 32
softenl",point 193
soft;JoI'" 156
sound-powerlevel 229
sound pressult 229
sound-pressultlevel 229
spiritva mIsh 187
splay 63.185
209 l
soft; hgItt 148 soundproof 230 splayedcoping 266
soft;-mudprocess 18
soft; sted 170
soft stofy 244
sound transmissionclass 232
sound wave 22b
space 217
spaced column 281
spl1ce plate 174
sp"ne 31.140
spilt V8
spilt 39
soft;wood V6

soil 224 spaced sheathing 213 spllt-face!rlock 160
soil./lalysis 224 spaced slatlng 213 spllt-facecJ 237
soU PinJa VO space frame 195 spilt-level 138
sail class 224 space heater 123 spilt-ring e5
225 space heating 121 spot 147.257
soli pressure 100
soil profIe 224
space planning 10
spacer 45.113
spaCtl truss 195
spot elMtlon 247
spray-onflreprooflng 88
soli stMzer VO spacing crlterl3 149 spre3d 122
soil stact 200
sOil str.;:t.ure 225
soiIytg 200
spading 46
spailing 47
span 15
spreader 45
spread foot!ng 101
sprig 113
sob.. m spandrel 12. 269 spring 12
sobr coht.or 226
solarCOIIStJnt 226
soIa.. 226
spandrel!?eam 269
spandrelglass 112. 269
spandril 12.269
spring V2
spring equinox 226
springer 12 .
I. L
solar-hatingsystem 226 Spanish tHe 214 spring hinge 115

span rating 282
span:: arrester 87
span::gap 77
springing 12
spring steel 170
springwood V6
sobr sc;n:en 2Zl vamlsh 187 sprinklerhe3d 90
saYer e6
soldier 19
soCdIerD1 221
spat 65
spatialedge 72
spatteraash 11)9
sprinklersystem 90
sprink1ered 90
sprocket 213
soYIc:rcorse 20
soYIc:rpie 221
specialtypanel 282
specifications 50
spur 183
sqU2re 109. 212
sole 2JU specificconductance 74
specific91'3vIty 167
soCepfate 267 specificheat 117 squaremeasure 166
soY tt1.161 specifichumicllty 120 square splice 140
sana•• 142
soIt.d Woct flooring 94
specificresistance 74
specificvolume 167
spectraldlstriPutloncurve 145
squinch 61
. $-shape 172
stalnhty 243
soIld coImn 281 spectrum 38 staPil1zer 192
sona-an000r 65
soIld flg sIa!1 206
specular 143
speculation 59
speculativebuilder 48
staPillzlngmoment 153
stack 122, 200
stack rond 20
solidify 161 speed of sound 228 stack partltlon 199
soIld masonry 156
solid masonryunit 160
soIld-tDpPIocl: 160
sphere 111
sphericalsurface 220
spheroicl 111
stack vent 200
stadia 247
stadia rod 247

Downloaded by Agustin Opay ( f



staff Pead 271 steppingoff 211 stress relieving 169

stage 2!57 step-up transformer 75 stress reversal 259
stagehouse 2!57 steradian 142 stress-strain diagram 164
staggtredCOtJI'Se 212 250 stress trajectories 16
staggeredjoints 212 Stk;k style 1:34 stretcher 19
staggered-studpartition 232 stick system 269 stretcher block 160
staging 49 stlffVack 45 stretcher bond 20
stain 187 stiffener 173 stretchingcourse 20
stainedgl3ss 37 stfffmlx 44 stria 180
stainlesssteel t70 sttff-mudprocess 18 strike 116
stair 233 stiffness 164 strike plate 116
staircase 235 stile 64 string 235
stalrhead 233 Stile Uberty 1:34 stringboard 235
stair headroom stilt 106 string course 159
stair lift 81 stilted arch 14 stringer 92. 235
stair rod 235 stilted vault 263 strip 83

I stairway 233
stairwell 233
stalactite 2!52·
stipple-troweledflnish 189
stippling 66
strip flooring 94
strip footing 101
stirrup 203 strip lath 190
253 stoa 250 strongl7ack 45
starIChlon 235 stone 236 struckJoint 155
standlng leaf 62 128 structural analysis 240
standardatmosphere·167 Stonehenge 248 structural clay tile 34-
StandardBUildingCode 51 stoneware 32 structural design 240
standardcandle 142 stool 271 structural dimension 57
standard hook ·202 stoop 25 structural facing tlle :34-
standardpipe 172 stop 63, 186, 272 structural failure 240
standardterrazzo 94 stop bead 272 structural gria 239
standbygenerator 75 stop clurnfer 140 structurallnsulatlngroof decI: 215
standing seam 214 stoppeddado 140 structural lightweightconcrete 43
standingwave 231 stopped mortise 141 structural lumber Zl9
standpipe 90 storm cellar 23 structural member 238
staple 82 storm door 64 structural pattern 239
star 183 storm drain 223 structural rating 240
Star of David 183 storm sewer 223 structural sealant 113
starter 145 storm window 274 structural sheathing 268
starter tile 214 story 22.24 structural steel 173
startlr.gcourse 2i2 story drift 153 structural tee 172
star vault 263 story shear 153 structural tul7ing 172
equivalent· 97 84 structural unit 239
statlc fit 57 stovepipe 121 structure 53,238
statk; load 151 Str.llghtflight 234 structure-rome sound transmission 232
static load test 102 straight-runstair 234- strut 238
statk;s 97 stralghtspflt 213 stub tenon 141
statlon 247 strain 162 stucco 189
I station polrrt 72
statute mile 166
str;lin 162
strain-hardeningrange 164
stud 267
studiO apartment 139
stave church 36 strainingveam 210 stud partition 267
Steaml70atGothic 1:34- strainingpiece 210 stud wall 267
steam heaUng 123 straining5111 210 study 67
steam trap 123 strain-rateeffect 165 StUp3 253
Ste.llttte 236 strand 206 styfe 128
steel 170 strap footing 101 Style Modeme 135

I 173
steel column 174
strap hinge 115
strapwon: 184
5tylolr.ite 250
Styrofoam 119
steeple 36 strattflcatlon 46 sul7uasement 23
Steinertunnel test 88 stratum 224 5uDc3slng 63
stele 250 strength 162 sul7contractor 48
stellar vault 263 strengthof materials 162 sul7dlagonal 261
step 233 stress 162 suDfloor 92
step-down transformer 75 stressconcentration 163 sUDgrade 222
step flashing 177 stress design 240 submergedarc welding 86
steppedflashing 177 stressea-sklnpanel 50 subpurlin 210
stepfW footing 101 stress grade 280 sUDs'" 271
ramp 233 stress relaxation 165 subsoil 224

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sut?sbtlon 75 switch 79 tempmtureeffect 165

sut?stractlvecolor M 75 temper3turerelnforcement 204
sul1str.lte 101. r78 swltchge3r 75 temperedglass 112
sul1strnum t)1 switchgearroom 75 tempmJ h2rdPoard 284-
21 symbol 52 temp13te 266
dr.linage 223 symmetry 55 templ1tehinge 115
sul1surfaceinvestlgatlon 225 SJ'I13gogue 250 temple 24a filter 201 syncl3stic 220 Temple of Solomon 250
sul7tmtlve 52 SJl1ectlcs 59 templet 266
suction 18. 190 S)'Tlthesls 58 tendon 206
suite 216 S)'Tlthetlcrul?Der 193 ten14 100
sulfate3Ctlon 42 syrinx 249 tenon 141
Sumerianarchitecture 128 system 21 tensilefofU 162
summer 'tCJl systemsbuilding 50 tensrlestrain 162
summersolstice 226 systyle 179 tensilestrength 162
'{J] tensilestress 162
sumll'lel"WOOd 216 Tt tensiletest 162
sump 200 taremacle 36.250 tel\$lo!1 54,162
sump pump 200 ta remacIe fr3 me 186 tension-controlDolt 174
sun control 227 table 159.183 tens1o!1 member 238
sun ded: ZZl ta\:1lero 252 tenslo:lreinforcement 202
sunkdraft Z!J7 tal7let 183 ring 60
sunk panel 268 tactile texture 52 tent str.Jcture168
sunk relief 182 taenia 100 teree 136
sunlight 150
sun parlor 2ZJ
tag In
tall 213
tal1cut 213
termin41 79
term!n41unit 126
system 126 ,
sun porch 2ZJ
SUTlI'OOll'l 2Zl tail!n 159 termin41velocity 122
sunsfWe 2ZI tall!ng 159 termIt.e shield 267
supercolumnlatlon 256 92.211 Mal 175
superpbstlclzer43 talud 252 temepbte 175
supet"Structure 21 tamrour 61 terra cotta 34
supply:.Ilr 125 tana 137 terrace 25.139
supplypIpe 126 Tang 254 terrace house 139
supportcondition 242 tange11t 109.110 terrazzo 94
surbaStd:.lrcl1 14 ta"¥ntlal 2n terrepldn 98
surch3rge 210 tangentlalstre5s 163 terrltc:xi3!1ty 57
surface 111 T:.Io 129 tert13ryDeal!! 100
surface-actlveagent 43 Ta.:lism 129 tertJ4rycolor 39 Li
surface-activestructure 238 .tap 83.197 ter1!..orymemkr 241
surfaceI10ndlng 160 taperedcolumn 2.81 tessm 182
sumce conaensatlon 176 ta pered end form 204 test 53
surf.lct c:Jr.Ilnage 223 tapersplltshake 213 test cylinder 44 U
surbc&:fdry m ta pplng screw 83
surfaced m bract 247 111
surf.lct structure 238 b5l; lightIng 148
surfacetension 177 taste 10 texture 52. 53 U
surfactarrt 43 tataml 137 texturel-M 282
surround '0. 268 T-Uar 172 textureperspective 72
sum:rur.dthtoiteo 257 T8 lnJlP 144 thM m
survey 246 T-Peam 203 the4ter 256 U
SUl"'t'eyOr"schaln 247 TUuII1 145 the4ter-ln-the-rouna257
survr;yplat 246 te3ser 257 theodolite 247
sU5pendedcelllng 31 technics 11 I
suspended-span r7 technique 66 tMrm 117
suspensionbridge 29 technology 11 thertT14lllr.lnier118
suspensionstl"1JCtUre 29 tectonIcs 11 therm31 brt3t 118
5W31c223 tee 172. 199.253 thermalccmfort 120
swan's neck pedlmtnt 186
sway In-ace 243
tupu 136
tegula 214
thernulconductance 118
thernulconductivity 118
176 telaman 250 therm31contraction 165

62 128 thernulexpansion 165
fitting 199 temenos 250 thernulfinish 237
door 62 temper 169 therm.;llnsulatlon 119
swirl finish 47 117 thtrtnalresistance 118


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thermalshock 165 tin roofing 214 transformer 75

thermalstress 165 tint 39 transformervault 75
thermaltransmittance 118 glass 112 tr;lnslt 247
thermocouple 121 to 255 transltlon 218
thermoformIng 192 toe 86.270 transltlcnalstructure 239
thermometer 117 tc-enall 82 transit-mixedconcrete 46
thermoplastIc 192 togg!ebolt M translation 97
thermoset 193 toggle swltGh 79 translationalsurface 219
thermosettlngplastic 193 toilet 198 translucent 143
thermostat 121 toilet partition 198 transmissionloss 232
thick-setprocess 33 tcl:mshlra 137 transmIttance 143
thlmtne 121 tc-l:011orna 137 transom 63
process 33 Toltec archItecture 131 transom light 63
thin-coatplaster 188 to11 167 transcm window 63
T-hlnge 115 tone 39 transparent 143
thinner 187 tongue-ana-gl'OOle 140 transversearch 262
thln-set terrazzo 94 tongued miter 140 transverseforce 163
thin shell 219 tonne 167 transverseload 163
61 ton of refrigeraUon 124 transverserib 263
tholos 248 tooledjolnt 155 transversesection 70
thre3d 83 t..."Oledsurface 237 transverseshear 15
three-coatplaster 188 toothedpl3te 85 trap 198
three-hingedarch 13 203 trapezIum 109
three-hingedframe 104 top carclearanu 50 trapezoid 109
three-phase 76 tcpcoat 187 trave 107
three-pointperspective T3 topcut 211 travel 00
three-'luarter-tumstaIr 234- tope 253 travehngC3Ule 00
three-waylamp 144 topiary ZI traverse 246
three-wayswitch 79 topup 212 travert1ne 2.36
threshold 63.218 topout 49 tread 233
thresholdof hearl"9 m toppl"9 94.204.206 tl"e3d retum 235
threshokJof pain 229 top plate 267 tre3tea wood 200
throat 65.00.87 top rail 64 tl"efoll Z75
th rough check 278 topsail 224 tl-efollarch 14
through stone 158 torana 253 trelliS Z7
through tenon 141 t.crchlere 147 tremle 221
through-wallflashing m toril 255 triad 39
th row 122. 149 257 tn41"gle 109
thrust 13 torque 163 tri3ngle method 96
thrustst3ge 257 - torsion 163 tNngular arch 14
thuml:mut 84 torsloll3llrregularJty244 triangulation 247
thumbscrew 83 torus W1.220 triDunal 251
Tlanuan3co 130 totem 136 triDuM 35.251
tie 156.238 totem pole 136 triMary 241
tlelncl: 221 tou 254 tributary are;! 241
tie 103,210 toughness 164 triWtary leW 241
t1e.:J column 203 tou-kung 254 tricalclumaluminate 42
tier 258 toure!1e 99 tricalclumslnc.te 42
tlerceron 263 t..."'Wer 26 trtforlum 37
tie rod 13 Tower of 63 Del 248 triglyph 100
tlghtflt 216 toWTI planning 10 tri4Or.orr.etrlcfunction 109
278 township 246 tri4Onometry 109
tlle acussory 33 106 tri!aten tlon 247
tlle grout 33 trace 66 triflth 248
tlletle 214 traetry Zl5 trlflthan 248
tilting fillet 214 tracheld ZIG trim 186
tllt-up construction 50 tracheflum 180 trlmetric projectlon 71
1 timber 277 tracl lighting 147 trimmer 33.92
timberconnector 85 tr3<:t house 138 trimmerarch 87
J tlm!1erpIle 102 tnctlon elevator 00 tripartlte vault 263
I tlmbers Zl9 tnnsept 36 trlphasphor 145
tlme-klay fuse 76 tl":lnsfercolumn 105 triple point 117
time of haul 46 transferglrkr 105 triplex 138

tin 171 tnnsfer molding 192 tristyle 09
tinplate 171 transformation 58 triumphalarch 251


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rllngwd 240
rllng stress 164- l
)f'\:lng 5tressdesl9n 240
)f'\: pbne 149
)\len valley 212
l'r'en-wiref.iUr!c 202
-eathe 184.234
-eathepiece 234
"Ought Iron flO
Ie 199
{the \55

axis 108
mclng 243
coordinate 108
i 12a

!em 2:76

Ing-shao 128
ra 166
, I

axis 107

:;.ooralll3te 107
point 102, 164
Sf'.rell§th 164-
, 128
I:e 45.Z72
modulus 162


architecture 130
I xis 108 i
172 i
:oordlnate i
: T72 i
11th 150
'O-foru 259
)U 129
248 I
ilda 252
Ia IC3Vftyr.ethod 149
ln9 or&ntaru 51
horus 100
133 ,


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Architecture Is an art for.h to learn pecauseall are concernedwith It. -John Ruskin • Architecture depenason

Order. Arrangement.Eurythmy.Symmetry.Propriety.ana Economy.All of these must l:>e pullt with due referenceto

duraplhty.convenience.and Peauty.Duraplhtywllll>eassuredwhen four.datlonsare c.rrled down to the solid ground

and materialswisely and liberallyselected:COfwenlence.when the arrangementof the apartmentsIs faultlessand

presentsno hindranceto use. and when each classof buildingIs assignedto Its sultableandapproprl3teexposure:and

beauty. when the appearanceof the wort Is pleasingartd In good taste, and when Its meml:>ersare In due proportion

accordingto correctprinciplesof symmetry.-VItruvlus • Archtucture is the masterly.correctand ntflcentplay

of masses!7roughttogetherIn light.-leCorilusler • Arryoneenteringan the studyof archlUcture must

that even though a plan mdy have abstract beautyon paper. the four f3C3deS may seem balancedand the total
volume well proportioned.the pulldlngItself may tum out to l:>e poor a rchttecture.1 rrtemalspace.that space which

cannot \;Ie completelyrepresentedIn'anyform. which c.n De grasped ana felt only through direct experience.Is the know howto see It. Is the key to the understandingofpulldlng.-Bruno

arts. They ap'pealto the eye as music does to the ear.

levi • Architecture.painting.and sculptureareC3l!edtheflne

But architecture Is notjudged byvisuafappealalone. Buildingsaffect.1I of the hult13n senses- sound. smeR. touch.

taste.• ndvlslon.-ForrestWIlson • It b¢::ameapparentto us thatarchructure a highly

speclal1:zedsystem with a set of prescribedtechnicalgoals ratherth3n a sensualsccl3lart responsiveto real human

deslres.nd This hmltatlonIs mastfrlghtenlnglyIt13nlfestedIn the relianceon two-dlmenslonaldl3granns


lay mare stresson the quantlfulDie featuresof Irolldingorganizationrun on the polychromatlcand three-dimensional

-Kent Bloomer&CharlesMoore • The only wayyoucanpulld. theonfy

quahtlesofthewhole architectural.experience.

way you can get buUdlng Into being. Is through the rneasural7le.You must follow the laws of ana use
quantftlesofPrick. methodsof construction.and engineering.But In the e:'1d. when the Dulldl"9 p3rtof living.

tt unmeasura!11equalltles.and the spirit of Its existencetakes or'er. -louis Kahn • Built environmentshlYe

various p1Jrposes:to sher-..erpeaple ana their 0ICt1v1tlesand possesslor.sfrom the elements.from human and animal

enemies. and from supematural powers; to estaDllsh place; to ;; humantzed. s3fe area In a profane and

I potenttillfydangerousworld; to stresssocialk:lentltyand Indlc.te statJJs;and soan.Thus thearlglnsofardIlUcture

\;lest un.derstoodIf one a view.ndconsiderssocioculturalfactors.In the In-oaQestsense. to !;Ie rr.ore

Importantth3n climate.technolcgy.materials.and economy. In arry stt.uatIon. It Is the Interplayof all these f.Jctors

that l>est thefonnof buildings.No singleexplanatlonwillsufflc.e.M:3useDulldlng.s- even apparerrtlyhuml:>le

dwelhngs- art material They.rt Instttutk:>ns.pasJc culturalphenomena.Peoplethink

envil'O!'lmerTts!lefore they l7ultd them. Thought orders space. tlme. actMty. status. roles. and Pdl3V1or. But gMng

physicalexpressionto Ideas Is va 1U3 Die. Encodingideas them usefuI mnemanlcs;Ideashelp behavlarbyreminding

peopleof how to act. how to and what Is expectedof them. It Is 1m portant to stress that aD builtenvironments

-i:lulldings.settlements.and landscapes- are one way of orderingthe world I:Iy making orderingsystemsvIsIi:lle.The

essentblstep. therefort.1sthe ordering or organizingof the envlronment.-ArnosRapaport • Ruskin

nationswritetheir.uto!1lographlesIn three manuscripts.the l7ookofthelraeeas.the 0001.: af theirwords and the Pock

of their .rt. Not one of these Pocks C3n pe understoodunless we read the two others. Put of the the only

trustworthyone Is the last.'On the whale I think this Is true. If I had to say which was tellingthe truth about society.

aspeechby aministerof housingortheactualbUildingsput up In his time. I should the I7ultdlngs.-KennethClart

• We of any It act well. and do the things It was IntertJedto do In the Pest way: that It speak well.

and say the It waslnte1'ldedto say In the best words; that It lool: well. and please us I1y Its presence. wnatevu

It has to do or say. -John Ruskin' Architecture also exists without r.ue5saryassistancefrom an architect;and

architectssometimes buildingswhich are nat architecture. -Norval White' Architecture Is producedby

ordinary people. for ordinary people: thereforeIt should be easily comprehensibleto all. -Steen Eller R3smussen


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