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PRELIMINARY Teacher's Book Second edition BR veered exam trom 1020 atts Contents contents “The Complete Exam Journey ‘student's Book overview component line-up 181 Preliminary content and overview Any life and home Vocabulary lists Vocabulary activities 2Making choices Vocabulary ists Vocabulary activities Vocabulary and grammor review Unis and 2:Answers 3 Maving fun Vocabulary lists Vocabulary activities 4 on holiday Vocabulary lists Vocabulary activities Vocabulary and grammar review Units 3 and 4: Answers | spilferent fetings Vocabulary ists Vocabulary activities |G That's entertainment! Vocabulary lists Vocabulary activities Vocabulary and grammar review Units Sand 6: Answers 7 Getting around | Vocabulary lists Vocabulary activities Binfluencers Vocabulary lists Vocabulary activities Vocabutory and grammar review Units F and & Answers ‘9 Stay fit and healthy Vocabulary lists Vocabulary activities 10 Looks amazing! Vocabulary lists Vocabulary activities Vocabulary end grammar review Units 9 and 10: Answers 41 The natural world Vocabulary tists Vocabulary activities 12 Express yourself! Vocabulary tists Vocabulary actwities, Vocabulary and grammar review Units 11 and 12: Answers ‘Grammar reference: Answer key Phrasal verb builder: Answer key Writing bank: Answer key ‘Speaking bank: Answer key and audiescripts Photocopiable audioscripts Workbook: Answer key and audioscripts ut ns ne 120 us ne ee q home [Unit objectives Topic: My life and home Listening Part 2: mutpie-choce short chalogues: atoning for fact opinions oF teeings: Reading Part §: muticte-chaice close: understoncing vocabulary ‘Speaking Port 1: saying your name, where you live what YOU da. and if you the studying Engish | ‘Weiting Part 1: an emai. planning a Weohy | Grammar: prepositions of ime. tequency aches, [Present simple and present continuous state verbs & few 0 Bcf many much 0/6! of and tof of prepoutons of piace Vocabulary: house ond home. countable ond uncountable nouns Pronunciation: sencings fal /a/ one /uy Starting off s8 page & Lwod-in Betore students open thew books. ak them 10 think of one room in thew home Ask What's the ro0m ke? Ask shudents to wate tne acectrvon, 0.9 baght small untidy and thee objects in that room. #9 bedi desk. plants about then bedrooms Students then work 9 POirs and 1a for two rane @doUt thes room, © 1 00t.tne praos wth te scents Ect the room tnd tome te sunt con so end pt-cheds ny cannown vocabulary nthe photon eg amen, ‘moves Eich dees tom Stren pln chr tytn Giscusnd the questions inthe book Anewers: top ef to Bottom ght hen, wting rowmbang om, Dakcony, Baeroae Ustening Part 2 SB page 8 © seco time iit of one minute for each top Monitor and help with eas for prompts. OQ Ay ancrome My life and Ustening Port 2 (multiple-choice) Rood the advice with the students and aise remind them that they wil chwers hear ihe recording twice and should listo carey he second time to check their answers © rates en nar rash, sat tee ti 0 45 second for students to look at the questions and identity the key words, and tell them that this 's how long they wit have inthe exam. Elicit that, a8 wel asthe information asked for inthe questions, the key words which help them to find the answers are ogee. fet, le best, gree, think about, small shop, Better # Encourage students to undertine these words. |Anawers 2's man taking to is fend, changing joe 2. woman tating about 2 19 to the Beach 20 hserd. the town here they hw Sto rend, comparing sROwS two nerd. thee homes © wren students have stoned onc, aon them Carmpare thei mowers ond emnarapa, A ea toto change thet snwers wel tes howe tated second tne ad then decid who wan ght Aer the second ioerang. xh tents thy Changed ony ofthe arr. Ek te somes tnd eterntion hrm tna tat whch hoped rom to ‘dena oe core orm Ameer Be ae 4a “ ‘Wack? Pert 2 For each partion, Meme the comet amet | {Ral Near eat adn abet oh we Rat ey wont thn to be ‘enter be reat ew ge tthe tap of hat Dac (RA, wth woes 70 Oh ty) ce wns are fe but Fm et very hme oi Pcather be on the ground toot 4 be good tobe #8 (betting thay not tar trom a ts a0. toa, 08 on anserpound eater phot beoralinn hebeiaesiabl ave my oun Om, 50:8 Nae be 2 ae DOE soartment | don Y mand shang. 86 eo weet eh Woman: Mine's about the igh size realy, but! know what you aeeen ‘You will hear a man telling his friend about changing ‘mean, My cupboards and shelves are far too small . job. Man: Atleast mine’s got big windows, 20 | get plenty of woman; !haven"tscen you fora longtime, How do you feel now sunshin sReyourmn Maman: {doin teagh ie py eat he canta smokin net bagi ey tmtogenncie SSigacdeeamettomsteewampese || Mame Boer toni ost mya pecin peer ereles mening foes ae coacotecttes metoat eee oman; yaaa conti oe att | anyone from my previous company, but there's nothing Up too! But 'm onthe inside ofthe building so | hardly | {edacbutec worst er tet tes emeostneeune i eptae ais | Rect at 3 a Extension idea Se en eas Photocopy ouostel page 12920 hol stent ee ear con dent wy the cher we choles were wera Woman: Great! The bus lft ently on Saturday so had to get This will show them that, although alll three topics in param but that meant we gottothe beach lly the choices are mentioned, there isa clear reason early. why two of them are not correct. vane Did you gofora su? Woman: Yes, though would enjoy that but asa bit oso rehired aitle boat instead and sled round te boy. | @). Give students a minute to think alone and note down ‘That was fun, too, but nt as much as having 9 game of some ideas to share with the group and then about veleyall We're gong thee again in July ween be se neodie. Ns {oo hot for beach sports, but swimming i the sea wil fourmrinuitesto‘discuss themras.x rOUp, pedal 4 Grammar $8 page 9 trator, You wil hear two ends aking about the town where they live, Prepositions of time Woman: Its quite a good place tone, isnt Although twould | @ ack the students to try to do the exercise alone. Check | bernie if mare people lived here. : Wei eaek Rue ae oe the answers to the exercise and elicit or point out any right, actually In bigger places there ae problems ike problematic areas: street crime, especially at night, but here you fel safe We use ‘in’ with parts of the day (in the morning, | ‘anywhere, really afternoon, evening) but we say ‘at night’. We say ‘in Woman: That's true, although everywhere you go, the roads are the morning’ but ‘on Saturday morning’. We sayin really busy, and isthe same here.allthat noise and | pollution is horrible early in the morning. | man: | know. wish people would walk or go by bike instead, July’ but‘on 21 July’ In British English we say ‘at the ‘weekend’ but in American English we say ‘on the weekend’ Narrator: You will hear 2 man talking toa friend about shops. ‘Woman: don’t realy know this part of town. Wheres the best place todo ait of shopping? | Man; Thelitie shop on the cornerisn’tbad. Therange of | @) Allow students to compare their answers in pairs and pees boae a ee beliebter te then work together to add extra expressions. amazingly good valve, especially you compare ito the local supermarket Woman: The ne opposite the station? | Man: Yes, youcan find almost anything you want there but it | always seems tobe realy crowded, with (ts of people Students could do Grammar reference: Prepositions of time, page 116, at this point or for homework. Answers | we saving pay bacon Eh oA ASHE) at: 5 o'clock, bedtime, haf past four, night x. Thanks = FR definitely avoid that one. ‘in: 2020, July, the afternoon, the holidays, winter . ‘on: 25 ay, my birthday, Sundays, weekdays ‘You will hear two friends talking about their homes, ike my room, though haven't ot much space for my things. | My life and home ©@ Parstudents into pairs. Seta time init oftwo Di chect oy pra on masse. ; manutes for students to discuss their eas. Papi oye ramen — Sicometmes wre wast Wand | Extension ideo 5 | don't ars tee enc bene 31m denpy sh morn sore | Students write three sentences abou! themselves {hud ore op 08 on ody maga | using prepositions of time. each of them in two 81 say bed Nate ert wanton, | Raves on two citerent sips of paper. eg foften go | Sere ‘at me weekend Students work in grouns of four They put al heir sentence beginnings n one | pie. toce down and ot their enings ine second | pte. Each student picks one card trom each pie. | reocing me sentence they moxe together Some wal make logical sentences. some comenations se sances wom other sessed thecal maw ornuings wher ies have Fetion 0° to write true sentences abou theese. student fakes one other person's cords (using students hove finished, ic some af mega the hongwating to sort them out) and puis therm | 1og0mer 1 form nat person's orignal sentences, Students could do Grammar reference, adverbs, Exercive 2, page 116, here or for eg Ihardly ever listen 19 se 08 the rig, \ > Grammar reference page 116: Prepositions of time > workbook page $ tiene limit of three or four minutes. Ec Grammar $8 page 10 from diferent pairs, Frequency adverbs > Grammar reference page 116: Frequency svete D workbook pages | Leodin } | Put students info pore. Ask ne studentsto think || | cout three activites that they do and ane cctivity | } Reading Part 5 52 pa9e 10 | tney don't do. Set a time kit of one minute, then | ask pars fo discuss. eg. 190 10 the cinema, 130 | romework. I don't cook } ‘when students have finished reading, they workin pairs to discuss their ideas. © Point out that all the answers can be found inthe text Look at the photos on page 1 with in Exercise 1. Elicit the answers and the information in ° tlicit or check the words: flock of la the text which illustrates them. yocht. [fermen nen sateessmine © © seiore students do the exercise, check that they understand occasionally, every two hours, almost ‘everyday, hardly ever. Elicit sentences from different students. © Ny on nome Reading Part § (multiple-choice cloze) Look at the advice with the students, Elicit why each point is useful © g. reading the text quickly helps them fo understand what itis about The words before oF ater the gop may form cotccations or phrases with the missing word, eg. 2needs c verb which Is followed by of For the third piece of advice, tell them thal, if they rent sure of the comect answer by reading the whole sentence aloud (or in theirheads during an exon) they ean often hear which one sounds contect © remind students about the ast plee of advice in the Exam avis box onde ny each ward inthe gp ‘to see which sounds correct if they aren't sure of the answers The reading paper const si ereres ia {Sminvtes,sosllow atime init seven minutesto fetectheime they wave Inthe exam Answers: - iY ap ac sa ec Fast finishers Tell students who finish early to look at the last paragteph and think about words which could be ‘gapped and what choices examiners might give, eg. she. always feels safe on it~ nearly, usualy. closely, hardly. © Look atthe frst point with the whole class and elicit ood and bad things about going to different places, ‘eg. experiencing different cultures, not making close {riends, and what students could say, .g, | wouldn't like to go to different ploces because | wouldn't make close friends. Allow five minutes for the students to discuss all the points. Have a class discussion of the questions when they have finished. © setatime mit of two minutes for students to discuss ideas about the things she does on a typical day Elicit ideas and write them on the board, eg, makes phone calls, takes photos, writes a diary. Monitor and help where necessary. The students then make sentences using these ideas, .g. She makes phone calls every day. She often takes photos. Elicit sentences from each pait. Extension ideo Students work in pairs ond use the information in the text ond their own imaginations to waits o short interview with Erna about her fe. Encourage them to use questions using How often do you ..? Nominate pairs to act out their interviews infront of the class Grammar s8 page 12 Present simple and present continuous Lead-in Tell students to close their eyes and imagine they are on holiday looking at a view. Give the students 30 seconds to think and then put them in pairs to describe where they are and what they can see Eliot some ideas from the class © Look at the example with the class and then ask them tocomplete the exercise alone, or in pairs if you think some need more help. When students have finished the exercise, ask them to make sentences about their ‘own lives for each of the uses (2-e). Answers 2433 4b 5c © Look at the frst sentence and elicit why Molly has used the present continuous (she is writing at the present moment - now). Check answers and for each answer, ask students to identify which use in Exercise lit corresponds to. Answers 2om/msttng 338 42ny'mlocking Slove 6stoy 70 Bisgetting/s geting Sleave Oisblowing Are/tehaving 1adon't want © Monitor and help the students where necessary. if students have problems with question 3, pint out that when vio is the subject of a present simple question, we don’t need to use the auxiliary verb do in the question. Answers 1 What does habit’ mean? 2D any buses stp in your street? 3 Who watches the most TV in your house? 40 you prefer to getup early or late? Ss everyone talking to their partners at the moment” {6 what colour clothes are you wearing today? Tis anyone sitting behind usin lass right now? ‘8 What do you sometimes forget to do? | 1 Fost finishers Shudents imagine that thet fland is on holiday and they are going to phone them. They should think of some questions they could ask using the present simple and present continuous and then, in pairs, act oul their conversations. © When students have asked and answered in pairs, clict questions and answers from the class to check that they have formed the questions and answers correct © Encourage students to wite alternate questions in the present simple and present continuous so that, even if some students don’t finish the activity, they have got at least some questions in both the present ‘simple and present continuous. Monitor and correct where necessary. IPH Is}, fz] and fizf © when students have repeated the words, tell students to put theichands on their throats and say the words likes and does. When their throat vibrates, we say that the verbis voiced. Voiced endings are followed by the /2/ sound. Unvoiced endings are followed by the Js/ sound, When students have finished the exercise, drill all the words withthe lass to make sue they say ‘them correctly ‘Answers 4 {sts forgets, kes, speaks, thinks, walks, wants, works fri: does, goes ves, loves, plays, prefers, sees, studies, ial: changes, chooses, finishes, passes, practises, uses, washes Set atime limit of one minute per student, then elicit sentences and check the pronunciation of the third person -s ending, Look at the two example questions with the class before they work in pairs and then monitor and prompt students with ideas if necessary. Elicit questions and answers from different pairs. ‘Students could do Grammar reference: Present simple and present continuous, Exercise 1, page 117, either before or after exercise 8 or for homework. > Grammar reference page 117: Present simple and present continuous > Grammar reference page 118: State verbs > workbook page 6 My ife and home Vocabulary s8 page 13 House and hom: Countal uncountable nouns ble ang Put sludents into groups of four Tet {Going fo give them < leer ofthe afohapey have to wate ive things beginning with myn) that may be found in a house Give one 8 - book. bec. bedroom Botte bat eae ‘hey have ve things. hey put hor nena ooo road them out if all the words are concer pont point Use: C, M. PS. er Oe © ic snemesningsofoch word dn ay stucentsn pars todiscusswhtthene and haven't got. a © Askstudents to workin pais Askstu aman ofthe words astheren sate inow any ott wrds lentes Poa mxcanbe undinmer crete pg rows nddekthenenm ere Suggested answers a Living room: armchair, cushions, ug, sofa Bathroom: bath, cupboards, miro tos, tle, tues ‘ithen: cooker, cupboards dishwasher dg mewn, sink, taps, washing machine * Bedroom: biankets, chest of drawers, cupbeats, dort mirror, plow, wardrobe Extension idea. Draw one of the words from Exercise 2 on the boo ‘and elicit what itis. Tel the students to close hei books so they can't look at the ist of words. Inve students to take turns to draw a diferent lem onne board. The other students nave to guess what is Either allow the student who guessed to crow the next item oF invite different students who volutes: _) © discuss any words which are uncountable Eres e.g. information, advice, | ‘but countable in the students’ L1 (native languagel- Point out that the pronunciation of the plur countable nouns follows the same rules fale person -s that the students looked at one Unit. Dill tops /s, sofas /2/ and fridges M2 the difference. also ote Answer furniture ‘het ne arcs see ese ome at tne ete ce toe hath ceoenatle Bet uments 6g gas 2 ee merit gles (Cte thing yom Beth ot oP Next ip ithe ha Om yar Dom ane I) nit as ead he te ene tt en fo ae Ar Pe ‘erotents cold do Gramma reteremre: Comntabe and ncnsmnaioie none, Exercise 1, page 118, at this poset ex tor homeware @ vr 0m toe tnetene 2 tat wets sad coe be tome m the kitchen iemebe cupbnerds aihwcrhes fridge eieromene nk tap. wrth rear ire, ict that these are afl countable Hems. Set a tiene Limit of two minutes and then wicat eas Grommat SB page 13 @ few, @ bit of, many, much, a lot of and lots of © 00 ot rte 1 with the class and ask them ta find ‘the phrase o fem inthe speech bubble (ihe co inte cefew trends. | Ask whether fends s countable or uncountable and ect that the correct choice is countable = | tet students fo mink of ane more exompie for each par poeerarapeenieratenl Se eo e cron © 00k atthe first sentence with students and elicit the ‘correct answer ASk why obit ofis correct (make up ‘s uncountable) and why much is correct (make-up is uncountable and this 1s a negative) abit of much 2much, afew 3afew, alot ot tot of lots of Such, abt, tot much, many | Students could do Grammar reference: a few, a bit of, any, much, 0 lot of and lots of, Exercise 2, page 119, at this point or for homework. © vr votch Tv0n the board. Elicit possible questions to ath, 00 you watch much TV? How much TV 60 you watch? Bo you wotch many TV programmes? Monitor and help where necessary, Elicit surprising, ‘things students tearned about thei partners, a . Extension sea Tet skirts thew are acing fe ekOW @ meray gam Sart by sewn my am theme ac cere Mow | sexy fm torn ene a cA ae hee ak | | | | corm okt Aah for a yoRuntont fe ape! whet YON here soit onc tet aretha tern eggs with C Contrast with cite otters of the amohabe Allow tudierts to prome! aac other they can! ramamber xh ho beer sere or Pk oF crew HO, } D Grammar reference pager 118-139) 4 0 Dt of mony ‘och tof aed ah of > workbook poge White in the mica of the booret Personal Information Around it weite family and studying: ‘Shuclonts work in paws and copy what you heave waitten and try to think of as many other topics as they can Set o time imi of one minute and elicit ideas. Now under the word family on the boards wate: Hove you got any brothers of sisters? Under studying write: What subjects ane you studying? Give students twa mare minutes fo think of one question for each of imei topics. Stucients now ask and ‘enswer the questions in © Wren students have Fined the eerie, ect more ‘sentences about the room they are in, e.g. There isa desk on the left of the board. at din Sat 4on @ Encourage student Ato speak at a natural speed and tell student 8 to note key words only. Allow three minutes for student Ato describe their home. When student Bhas described the home from their notes, the students could swap roles. Monitor and help where necessary © Licitthe answers and point out that we also don’t use an article with at home / school, Answers | Sei aisieauseennay | svwosnee When students have finished, they can work in pairs land take tin turns to ask and answer the questions as if they were Rafael. answers _ 4 SUwnere doyou ve? 3dWhat doyou din Rei? Aebooutte having Englshlesson? Sityouus Engh nthe ture? Students could do Grammar reference: Prepositions of place, Exercise 1, page 119, at this point or for homework. © depending on where the student towns located, elicit or check how they would give its location, e.g. in the middle of; in the mountains; in the southwest of ...; om the River (Thames). © wren students havefrshed the datgue lic theanswers one tinea atime and then ply the tecordingof thatline for students to check, ‘Answers 2in Sin on Sareyou Sat Tdoyouget Bin 9in odoyoulike ALin 22at Fost finishers Students look at the words in Exercise 4 and ask their partner where different things are. For each place ‘or object their partner hos to give two answers, €.9. Where's Barcelona? it's in Spain. t's on the coast Put some ideas on the board to heip students with ideas it they need them. e.g. Buckingham Palace, The Trevi Fountain, Tokyo. Tack Huge: Where do you come rom, Sara? | Sarat vein vgn acy in Gai, Thats in north-west pain. on | | the Alani coast. Do you workor ae youa student? ‘va second-year student atthe University of Vig. studying Eemomics. Now do you get therein the mornings? TReomesiyertn cysts abet at | Insummer ten ride hereon my bike And where do youth to gin the evenings? Sometimes go outwith my ind, but most evenings {stay at home studying ve got exams soon! FEE GG a — ae seetnatat ene ete reg pecenoninrm teat satan neces Mae ciromemnatnesottteacctes | Yayo ame epcen a feria ttn crs rere re at aero es @ ettthe cass that only the student asking the questions should have their books open while doing the activity. The other student should answer the questions as fully as possible while also being friendly, polite and speaking clearly. They then swap roles and repeat the activity and give each other feedback on how well they followed the exam advice. | Extension idea Students work with a diferent partner and ask each ‘other the questions from the lead:in activity so that the students answering don't know in advance what the questions willbe. If students didn't do the lead- in. elicit some ideas for new questions. e.g. Hove you got any brothers or sisters? What subjects are you studying? Students think of questions in pairs then change paits and ask and answer their new questions speaking bank page 152: Speaking Part 1 | > Workbook page 4 Writing Part 1 SB page 15 Lecdsin Ask students to think about an emai they wrote recent They should think abou! who it was fo and what i was about. they never wite emails, ask {abou he fst text they wrote. Students then work in smal groups to tell each other ther information, © Wen studens have ound athe ntormation, lick the style of writing they will use in an email to a friend (informal, friendly). Answers 22an email plus four notes that you have made 3 an email in reply 4 Alex's boss sad he/she could have some time of work very pleased. " §5 which would be the best month for herfhim to vist; when he/she can come and why that woul be the best month 6 what your home i tke 7 which things he/she should bring Whiting Part 1 (an email) Go through the exam advice with the students and point out why the fst piece of covice is important (because in the second task, students will have a choice of twe writing tasks). Re-elict that one paragraph for each point makes the email clear to read © sche answers and askstudens why paragraphs _are useful (to organise information and make it easier toread). ‘Answers four 2 Brilsnt!: first, Say when and why: second, Describe: third, ‘Suggest: fourth 2 two 4 ot my place, a three-bedroom flat, onthe fit floor, lina quiet neighbourhood, in August, at weekends, the summer; usually away in August, sometimes have barbecues, hardy ever rainsin July © before students complete the table wth thei own ideas, elicit phrases that Frankie used: Brillant =m so happy; |'m really looking forward to it; Say when and why ~ Summer is lovely; July would be the perfect time; Describe - three-bedroom fat; on the ith foot; ina quiet neighbourhood: with modern furniture; & larger balcony; Suggest ~ 'd recommend bringing... @© set.2.15-minute tie limit forthe email Explain that they get 45 minutes to write two textsin the exam but that includes planning time so fifteen minutes is only a ttle ess than they will hve in reality. Students write ‘on apiece of paper without writing their name at the tend. This is so the extension activityis anonymous, Model answer idles, ‘Thats brilliant you can come to stay with us. relly excited! You should definitely come in uly as there area lot of things happening then, There’ a big music festival during the fist ‘week of July, Would you like to. come when that's on? We ive a house about 5 km from the town centre. tis huge but i's comfortable. We have a small garden where we often have barbecues inthe summer. Don't forget to packshorts and a sun hat. 'be hot in the day butit getscoolin the evenings, sobringa ligtacket too. See you soon! Luis Tell students to also check that they have followed the instructions in Exercise 4. Encourage them to sive positive and negative feedback to their partner if possible, e.g. You included all the information and organised it wellin paragraphs but we say ‘in August" not ‘on August’ Extonsion idea Collect in the emails and redistribute so that ‘everyone has on email written by someone else Tell students that, this time, they should reed the email no! for mistakes but fo find interesting words and phrases the other person used. Elicit some of these ‘and write them on the board > Writing bank pages 145-148: Writing Part 1: an email D Workbook page 7 > Complete Preliminary new edition Test Generator Unit 1 Mylte andhome (17 Vocabulary Parts of the hou: balcony arden bathroom halt bedroom ‘hen dlising room ting room garage stais At home: armchair microwave bath minor blankets pillow chest of drawers ‘ug cooker sink cupboards sofa cushions taps dishwasher toilet duvet towels fridge wardrobe furniture washing machine Countable and uncountable quantifiers, afew (C) alot (of) (C/U) many (C) lots (of) (C/U) abit (of) (U) much (U) Vocabulary activity 1 ‘Students choose one of the words from thelist and write {this on a small piece of paper. They then write a definition (weaker students can use a dictionary to help them). The ‘students then mingle and read each other their definitions. Ifthe other student guesses the word, the first student keeps the card. f the other student can’t think of the word, they take the card. The aim is not to have any cards when the activity finishes. Vocabulary activity 2 Divide the class into two teams. Invite one student from ‘each half to come to the front of the class and si facing the other students. Write a word on the board. The students who can see the word have to take turns to define or describe it to their team member until one of the two students in front says the word. The students can't say, spell or translate the word on the board. The students at the front cannot look at the word on the board. The student who {esses the word first wins a point for their team. After each word, repeat the process with a new word and two different students, Making choices Topic: Life choices, work Listening Part 1: picture mutiple choice’ listening fo find key information Reading Part 6: open claze: understanding grammar in ca short tox! Speaking Parl 8: collaborative task: agreeing and isogreeng, making ¢ decision Writing Part 2: on arlicle using a mind map fo plan an newer ‘Grammar: post simple pas! simple and past continuous, used to So do |and Nor/Neither do | Vocabulary: fat! ass, take, lose miss stuclyand feach, do eam make spend. take ond win Pronunciation: 2d endings fa, /Y ond fd) Starting off $8 page 16 Life choices @ se:atimetinit fone minute for students to mach the words tothe photos. Et whetishappeningin ‘each and what each phrase means. Students then Ghcue th best order. lic or pon out hat some things may happen more than once, e.g. applying for sjom enc dene and adhe event alin onthe board geil ones rere non peter Bike agapyeer Crete ety seen Epps pete oi pou trslo sautyeureo Seay © setatime mit of two minutes for students to discuss the questions then discuss them with the whole class. Reading Part 6 s8 page 16 © serindsuceces not to we ying othe gps Saraties bol coronation tassios sored th teat ond cite queen © 100k at gap number 1 with the students. Ask them what kind of word is needed (a relative pronoun} Monitor and help where necessary. relative pronoun 2 preposition verb preposition c Suggested answers S pronoun 6 linker © stents workatone and check ther answersin pairs Disuns ny these words re sed students ave problemsseg 1Weusewhathot when the relative pronoun fers toa person. 2we use the verb hove fo Total abou ules andthngs we must do. 3 This the plraform ofthe verbo aed as part of he resent Aho /that 2to are 4uwith Stheir and | Answers © Asiine students to describe the photosin pais and discuss how they may relate to the title. Elicit ideas from different pairs. Some unusual university courses [eso © etre stuseres to read the tent uit without writing anything, Set a time limit of one minute and elicit how close their ideas were to the actual information in the article. Reading Part 6 (open cloze) Read the advice and ask how it will help students in the exam, (They will understand what the text is about before: thinking about the gps: they have an idea of what kind of word is needed) © seratine tint otsixminuts Allow students to compare answers in pairs then elicit the answers and look at any problematic areas. Answers about 2are Ban 4.8 Stheir 6from @ sock athe estdea with he class and eh one of two ideas from students, e.g. modern, comfortable, computers. Allow weaker students to work in pairs. Monitor and help with ideas where necessary. © when students have discussed their ideas, invite one student from each group to share their most interesting idea with the class. Vocabulary s8 page 18 fail, pass, take, lose, miss, study and teach lead-in Write exam on the board. Elicit words related to ‘ex0M and write these around the word, e.g. pen. nervous. questions. Pul the students info small grOUPS end give them ane minute fo think of More words. Add these to the board © Allow students to discuss the vocabulary in pairs if they are unsure Elicit the answers and then elicit more examples of similar collocation, eg. pa38/ail0 driving test, miss igh, lse money Answers Zpass Fall Amiss Slose Gleam Tteach 8 study © stutertswork atone and eter Exercise 1 ecestary Check awe er asthe questions to the lar Dont askformere eas at hs stage as the student wil do this in Entei. Answers ~ [FET eee eta sees oxedy ranch 08 © students take turns to ask the questions from Exercise 2 and try to remember the answers Elicit the ‘most interesting things the students found out. Extension idea Put students into small groups to make a group presentation. Give the students a choice of three: topics. how fo pass exams: how fo leam a new language: how fo stop lasing things \ > workbook Grammar s8 page 18 Past simple © rit some heading ideas for possible differences that Emily found before students start, e.g. weather, food, language, things to do. Lien St. Andrews is very quit ~ ita very small town and there fant much t.d0, while Merico Cty an enermous city ‘with many people and there isa lotto see and do. © weroonen ey © Encourage students to write one oF two words fo each topic only, so that they don’t miss the next answer, Allow students to discuss their ideas in pag ‘and elicit the differences that they remember Answers Te city: Menio City ~ a very large city, ‘Shops and entertainment: shopping centres, museums ‘imemas with a choice of ms; restaurants with ood og ‘over the world Track 4 erg | taterviewer_EnityCale ishing het depen chemist, now She's her with today tak aout hy months she spent abrowd when she schon Meo, Emi emi, Hi Interviewers So, where id you Bo? I went to Mexico fr nine months an works na laboratory Interviewer: Young people on go straight to university ther ‘am country when they leave school Why yoo decide to work abroad? ‘When et school, wanted to gt some work txpevence tobe sue tha realy ware tosh chemistry wanted to mprove my spans and Meco Cys the capital, ofcourse, and aa the largest Sponsh speaking ty the wr Interviewer: How did you find place inthe laboratory? Hy dad contacted an agency and they ound mea place to do work experience maeseohcene Interviewers where did you stay? | stayed with Alia and her fry Mes Aiga's around my age and we gt oneal we Interviewer: Did you speak Spanish before you went Yes, i! tude French and Spanish t schol ané "thought was good at languages: But when tte exc couldn't say anything twas aw Interviewer: How did you fee when ou fist ave? Tell you the truth, when anv was scared Meso Citys 30 iflerent Hom myhome ow 5 enormous! Ando course gt knew anore Interviewer: Did you tke the cy? ‘ike it lot. You see, there's so much ose nt <0 unlike Saint Andrews, my hometown. Ther are shopping centres, museums arg cinemas wth ‘choice of fms and then there are restaurants wi) {ood trom all over the world Iterviewer: Did you enjoy the experience? (Oh yes, did. Noved working inthe laboratory MY | ‘Spanish also got better and | even began 10 orem, im Spanish. made so many realy good trends 24 Alicia's coming to stay with me very s0o%- r_ Thank you, Emily ..and fyou'd tke to know not about geting work experience abrond, conta © sicehow efor aestons nthe past spe nd write the structure on the board: (question word) + “EF aunprnoun + bse form ofthe ve check thesents qustins blr they ten tothe recording again. Answers 22 Why did you decide to work abroad? 3 How dic you finda place in the laboratory? ‘a Where did you stay? '5 Did you speak Spanish betore you went? { How di you feel when you first artved? "Did you tke the city? 8 Did you enjoy the experience? | © rovragestersto read he ansrrsbfore they listen again and to discuss in pairs what they think the issng verbs might be Answers wanted 3 contacted; found Astayed Studied Garrved: was Tliked Bloved © creck regutr an regu Ethane past simple, regular verb forms are formed by adding -ed tothe base form ofthe ver, eg stayed finished. regular verbs have diferent forms, lc the verbs Emily used andthe base forms the irregular verbs went- go, was~ be, left leave, found - find. answers Regular verbs: wanted, contacted, stayed, studied, arrived, liked loved Irregular verbs: went, found, was 1P/ fal {tf and Ads © kemind students ofthe pronunciation ofthe third person -s in the present simple. Model and drill the verbs in the examples, emphasising the sound of the -ed endings. ‘answers Afnd) 2/8) 3,80 Emily: | wanted to improve my Spanish. 2 Emily: stayed with Alicia and er family 3 Emily: hed the cy alot @ Ask students to say the verbs aloud in pairs. they aren't sure which sound to use, they should try saying the verbs with afferent sounds and try to hear which cone sounds correct. Elct the answers. answers = ‘i awed enope, ove, studied /itlped ke, watched, worked (i contacted deeded ited, needed, wanted | racks FA aived roy, ove, stayed sted ed ed ache, worked ind enacted, decide, ted, needed antes © ren stadentshave practnedin pairs, sk pairs to ‘rout tne datoguer chekthe ronan athe verb endings © Wen students have finished, point out what problems the errors illustrate ‘Answers 1 My trends and plied played football yesterday 2 In ou ist English lesson our teacher teached taught us some new words for sports. 3 When I went to university, | studyed studied very hard 4A Last weekend, founded found 3 very good restaurant in my town. '5 When | aribed arrived at work, my colleagues weren't there. {6 Hy triend Sara brine brought her dog o class one day ‘T1'm reading a book that my English teacher recommend recommended to me {8 We puted put al our things in the car and we set off on holiday. © erind students thatthe should quickly ead the text to see what it is about before they try to complete the verb forms. Elicit the answers and make sure students pronounce the regular -ed endings and any new irregular verbs propery. Answers Zspent Ichose Awanted Sieft Gwas Tfelt 8 said looked after 10ate 11 saw 12made ® Elicitpossibie answers to the questions, e.g. !went to... wanted to... When students have finished, elicit any interesting information that students found out. > Grammar reference page 120: Past simple > workbook page 9 Grammar s8 page 20 Past simple and past continuous © ivit what ne students can seein the picture. Seta tie tnt forthe dsusslon and help with vocabulary where necessary. When students have listened, elicit what happened and how the story ended. Elicit ideas about what might happen next. answer She saw a group of dogs Track? Emily: it wasin my second woek, The sun was shining and ! was ‘eeling good. ! was walking to work with Alicia when we Sawa groupes dogs We were ghened and we dnt teow wattage, © nrwrinsses inte ratocnsiecat ly happened and which ending they prefer; their own or the one in the listening, ossible answer ‘They started shouting fr help. Track 8 Emily: Suddenly a woman appeared from nowhere and she started screaming atthe dogs. The dogs ran off We said "Gracia! and went to work © Elicitthe answers and point out that in 1 the verbs describe short, single actions. n 2, the verbs are setting the scene for the story. Thisis a useful way of starting their own story-writing,In3 there is a longer activity in progress when a single action happens. Answers 1 No, they were three separate actions which happened one after the other. The dogs ran of last. 2 We don't know when the sun started shining or fit stopped shining 3 No, they didn't. They saw the dogs during their walk to work Go through the rules with the students and point out that we can reverse the order of the sentences when, we use past continuous and past simple together: | saw a group of dogs as/while/when | wos walking to work Answers 2 past continuous 3 past simple ‘4 past continuous (or3 past continuous /4 past simple) S past simple 6 past continuous G) roreceen @ 00k at the example and ah yin the simple (itis single action, not longer yee Students compare answers in pairs ang"? their answer, using the rules in Exercise) listening, elicit why each verb form, has beennee Answers went 3wastalking Astopped $34 6 ua, fenraumes ee y Students could do Grammar reference: Past sm Past continuous Exercises 1 and 2, page 121, at point or for homework. - | Fast finishers _——— | Students tll the story from Alicia's point of vow: Cre | morning. | woke up earty aa eee Track Emily: One morning, Alicia woke upeaty and she ments the kitchen where was talking loudly omy fate Wie stopped talking and | sai, ‘Look outice!Thows 20 centimetres of snow on the ground Well have ‘the town centre: Alicia was feeling excited and reno atthe sametime. Snow in Mexia City is very oe ma he {idn't know how to ski. helped her to puton thes we were setting off one ofthe neighbours shouted tix "Everything s closed even the shape” We took of ata, and we stated throwing snowballs. @ Encourage students to strtby sting ese et ftwasroning cd wes ung inca nat oe park. Allw five minutes fr studenstopiner Stories. Monitor and hlp students where ney © Monitor and note down any mistakes with verb ems When students have swapped stories, write some ‘mistakes on the board and elicit correc sentences Extension idea In smal groups, students choose a tile from sees 8 that they didn't write about. Students work alone to write @ sentence containing the past simple o™ Past continuous that could appear in that stor" Students shore sentences and work together 10 make @ story which can naturally nckxde them > Grammar reference pages 120-121: Past simple and? ‘continuous DP Workbook page 9 a) Listening Part 1 $8 page 2 © Tetistudents that they should write only one or two words for each picture or they may miss the next part lead-in ofthe answer. When students have listened once, dent think of @ question fo ask het : In pairs, students thin they share ideas with a partner before listening again Ina's our kovoutle spor? Students poner, ©, Whats your favour spor? Shen to cocete teh pyap questions, hen have one minute to draw three Srople pictures, one of which shows the cone Suggested answers ofimportant words the 1 Adoring any ge tems, cameras ach Graver Students show each other their pictures onc pronded and don forgets water bote ask the question, nd thelr partner has fo guess a Rent usb Stuart shoud be at work and Stuart aries which picture is correct. :1 Asawimming poo! later, B a great pizza place next door to sand the cinema where used ve a hinthe tog oveter, to ry and ot thee © ict tney word and synonyms, bring mate Sfoeteape temas esonea sre you've ot dont orget. This wl help students to TS hiarke eh miatackbat | identity the information they need the recording. Suleg snd book about is ovourte Band i = Thalldey toy, b doesnt Ihe playngwnenotand¢ | answers ‘loudy but ry | time does Stuart need get to wor? oon | 3 Whee does Jock ve? “A ihere did the man find his football boots? PoE 5G GA 56:0) 78 J itd Jl cota she came ome? a Et Sethe wo ends pomgt Pau fori mr bendy? eater lovecat fr imate tortor Pat fren co coe ne © sointoutttthisstagewihepthemto predict the | taraton_ what pol een bin rte ing? trords they wll ear Fer question 2elicittwo ways.of | Woman: Just before you leave. Ssh Listen carey Dont ; ieretit so anal dy outtomorrow andthe ocr Sayingeach time, og 2.30, hal{pasteigt feet ew ene doa onereind ea patna Sere necingotsce he acs ee - — provided so you don't have Aa large camera, 8 2 packed lunch for a trip, C a water foreet a water bot. crea charcoal bette | bang his ight tity orhal past ight, Bits ght yo ten arylagrtenta hey bgsoranet ayo tin, ctsnine one dock an atouenerttothesuirming pool Batousenesttos | |2 ica retauront,c aoe nerttoa cinema ee ee wae eas oa hStporste Batches cipboed Gwe Skeburge, Bosondwch, Ca chocolate cake eee thle Ba bok about suring C9 Bok about mus Stuart: thnow late asin. You seein odie atheme ee faacaiam eee / so_went back fort Then mises te Su ane tenet Aran B unc couds ne was at hal pst eit There was tere trafic wn Clouds jams otofthe bus dan the rest ofthe way Woman Yesbutthe shop opensat nie cant manage eveything tn ban You sha rely ehere by enone stuart rmsory. 3 Listening Part 1 (multiple-choice with pictures) Go through the box with the students. Remind students that they should ‘lways listen carefully the second time ¥en i they think their answer is correct. Narrator: Where does Jack live? Jack: Hi i's Jack Do you stil fancy going tothe srimming ‘ool ater? George lives near the pool so he might ‘want to come too. Shall we meet outside the cinems? ‘You know, the ane where | used tive. And if you tke we can get a take-auay afterwards and haveit at my house. They've opened a great pizza place next door to ‘us Let me know what you think Bye! | ave you seen my fot bot aryatere brought ‘hem home rom wainng yesterday They wer wet lethomn the htchento ry an now cat der We ere dying up tvs morning Have you oes in ‘the cupboard the hall? ‘cat Yes but they werent there Walt amine Wham that bag over thre O, they must be my Boots. ‘What did Julia eat bore she came home? |W. Julia, How was your day? rm just having 2 cheese sandwich Would you like one? No thanks. 'm not hungry You know Nigel at work, ‘don"t you" was hs birthday today and he brovght it ‘homemade chocolate ake twas delicious | guess you don’ want dinner then. ‘Oh yes, do! What are you making? It'smy special burgers tonight. They shouldbe racy byabout ert “what ae the two friends going to buy Paul for his birthday? ty Pauls barthday neat weekend We should get Me something We got ham a book about hs favour Band last year (Oh yeah, that's ght but ha sister had bought ham the same one 2 he took back tothe shop He gota book about surfing instead, id? Ne ‘Yes, thats ght. |hnow’ My brother’ reading ew 309 alle W's etn tay nde say 1 realy ening, ‘Let's get hi that ox _ymat athe weather forecan for tomar ‘best of luck withthe tenant competion, eh I'S tomorrow. nt A? ‘Thanks, Joe! They maght awe to cance Rann stopped ramng a day today and weve playing, utdoors ‘Mave you looked it up on the internet ayo thes ‘page that i gong to be cloudy But dry went be sunny though ‘Thats OX {don't playing when i hot but take ys cream st cane. ee ETRTTe iy monte Put the students into seven groups. Photocopy tne auctoscrpt on page 123 and give each group one part of the listening fask Ask students 1o say why the other two options were wrong. © wre When students have identified the form, point out that used to has a similar meaning to using the past Go through the rules and point out the similarities between used to in questions and negatives to regular past forms (we use did/didn’t + the base form of the Answers {To 2 We write ido? use fo (NOT didn se to and you se t> NOT cid you wsed 9.2) Bthe infinite © Remind students not to use used to for actions that ‘only happened once. Tell students to use some ofthe {ideas from the lead-in. When they have finished, put ‘students in pairs to read thes texts to each other sodel answer = ony be was easier ten years ago because used to vt [tinome and det use to Jo any hewarwork | wan 0 a seroclsa sed tee my tends at schoo! every on and me wand tomate plas for the weekend | nt wae to Nave {S phane them to meet them Noweve, wed Wo db 41t 3! Homework and we ised 16 do tsa emma wach ener ‘Students could do the Grammar reference: used to, Exercise 1, page 121, at this point or for homework. > workbook page Vocabulary 58 page 22 do, eam, make, spend, take and win Ser | Wim Dooks closed. put students into smatl groups Gove mem a munate 1 troxnstorm what motes 3 00d je Stop he activity and eécit ideas from | eacn gous re oe ‘ask the students if the verb collocations are the fame in theit language. When students have finished, point out or elicit other useful collocations with the same verbs, €.8. spend money, make on effort, do experiments, Answers srry take Aspend Stake Gtakeldo Tdo 8 win Set a time limit of two to three minutes for students todiscuss the question. Elicit ideas from each group. Speaking Part 3 S8 poge 22 lead-in Put students into small groups and ask them to think ‘about social activities that companies organise for their employees. Set a time limit of two minutes and elicit ideas Ifstudents didn't mention any of the activities in the fead-in, elicit what happens on them and which the ‘students think are a good idea. Elicit guesses about which activity Gareth and Tanya will choose before they listen, Answers aut night, weekend trips, cooking classes 29 team meal a running group, yoga and relaxation 3.2 team meal ‘Track 11 Tanya: ove you got a moment Gareth? Gareth: wah, goon! Tanye: Wel you know our boss wants ust voteon anew social | [xii at work Can we ak about the choices first? ‘caret Sve! Tanyas Shaliwe start the qui ight? Gareth: Of, 5800. | Tanye Don you think t would be peat ea? Quazes are such | | tumandtiove competitors, you trom {Gareth Um don thnk may of out colleagues would agree [-—-wahyou vw about a tam coal! in ey san’ Comper tach department has unch together once a month 50 that “sag, Bnmnetoinon ech ote beter “Tampa: Good pont Let's tk about ancthe one Then we can | decide. Perhaps we could go on 2 weekend trip and try. ‘new sports or ates together ‘Gareth: Do you realty think that’s a good idea? Some of our colleagues have ames ar they can go aay 3 De Tanya: That's o good point. often go round: foe parka eases Gareth: | think itd be better to start something ke 2 running ‘group where we meet at lunchtime tice 3 week and g9 for arun together for about forty minutes, ‘Tanya:_ don't agree Some of us hate running. What's tet on the list? Let’ see . What about cooking classes? Did you see Masterchef on TV lastnight? Gareth: m not sure about that one Tanya: Nor am. Gareth: Yeah prefer todo yous and relation, tobe quite honest. Then we would al fee less stressed, ‘Tanya: That's true but! stil think a team meas the best option. Gareth: So do | Let's gofor that © Elicit the answers and ask what Tanya means when she says Nor om (she isn't sure either) and what Gareth means when he says Sodo/(he thinks 3 team meal isthe best option). Answers Nor am I Sedo! We use'so' to agree with postive sentences and nor’ to agree with negative sentences. Students could do the Grammar reference: So (do) !and nor/neither (do) 1, Exercise 1, page 121, at this point or for homework. © eine out at. wen king suggestion or decison, we use: shall + we + base form of the verb, Let's + base. form of the verb, How about + -ing form of the verb. Answers, 7 IT soot apt dager Sime tats | eek 1 | tampa: Sale start wth the qu ght? 2 [poem naomi 2 Tanya: Good pout. Lets ah about another one, ‘ Tanya: dort apes Some of us hate runing s Gareth: not sue sbost that one ‘ Gareth: Lets goto tat

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