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Online Examination

Project Report on

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of

Diploma in Computer Engineering



NAME 2:-PATEL PREM (EN: 21291341087)
NAME 4:-PATEL RADHE (EN: 21291341089)

Under the guidance of

Prof. A. A. Raval

Submitted to,
Department of Computer Engineering
B. S. Patel Polytechnic
Ganpat University, Ganpat Vidyanagar-384012.
Project Report on

Online Examination


This is to certify that Project work of course Project -1 (1CE2506) embodied in this
semester entitled “Your Topic” was carried out by following student/s studying at
B. S. Patel Polytechnic, Ganpat University for partial fulfillment of degree of
Diploma Engineering in Computer Engineering. This Project work has been carried
out under my supervision and is up to my satisfaction.

NAME 1:- PATEL PRINCE (EN:21291341088)

NAME 2:-PATEL PREM (EN: 21291341087)
NAME 4:- PATEL RADHE (EN: 21291341089)


Guide/Supervisor (s)

Head of Department

Date: ______________
Place: ______________

Online Examination


Online Examination

 Online examinations are an important method of evaluating the success potential of
students. This research effort the individuals under consideration were students who would
be enrolling in computer courses or Technologies Registrations. A prototype of a web-based
placement examination system is described from the standpoint of the research effort, end
user, and software development.
 An on-line educational system including exam processing and electronic journal features. An
instructor builds a course based questions which on-line contain in identification of
assignments. Which are compiled into an on-line exam syllabus?
 Users enrolled in the platform may access the electronic details they provided and perform
various functions with the on-line educational system in order to participate in the on-line
examinations. Users can receive an on-line exam, having multimedia content, for the course,
and they can electronically provide answers for the exam. And after Completion of their
duration of exam they are provided the grade or marks secured in their examinations

1.2. Project Profile

Project Title Online Examination

Project Description The online examination system consists a web
server with database facility. The server of this
system is mostly configured with proper security
measures. Students can connect yourself through
the internet to the server and take the exam. The
one most important thing about this system is that
examiners can also connect to the server with the
help of the internet for setting up papers and to do
other related tasks. Generally there are two main
important options available in this web server
facility. First is having an in house web browser. In
this type of the system, database and web server
both are installed for proper management. In this
database system, all types of database are present
like questions database, candidate database and
examiners database. A spate database is there for

Online Examination

the automated evaluation. This web server can on

windows platform i.e. IIS or Linux platform. The
Second option is, get a web hosting facility with
server side programming and database facility from
a web hosting service provider. In this setup, the
developers upload locally developed sever scripts to
the webserver with the help of internet and set up
the database remotely with the obtained server
facility. There is no doubt that Online Examination is
completely accurate and web based application. It is
also the fact that, this system can be changed as per
the requirement of any organization, institutes,
university and training institute. This system is
suited for any type of exam like competitive exams,
entrance exams and recruitment exams. This system
will save valuable time spent on accessing the
answer books and results can be obtained
Organization institutes, university and training institute
Development Tools Macromedia Dreamweaver 8
Technology PHP 5.6.0 (front end)
MySQL 5.0. (back end)
Programming Language PHP
Back End MySQL 5.0
Operating System Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 7
Internal Guide
Team Members
1.3. About the Organization / Company
 The Organization
 J K Enteprise is a leading solution provider for Internet based applications. Established
in 2016, The Company has been promoted by some highly experienced Professionals
dedicated to provide total IT solutions under one roof. It possesses not only the latest
technology gadgets but also the most knowledgeable and experience hands to offer
most user friendly customized solutions.
 J K Enteprise provides high quality on site services for software development and the
end users on a broad range of hardware & software platforms and latest technologies.
 Within the first year of its operations, J K Enteprise has carved a niche for itself in the
IT industry and has increased its business by acquiring some major domestic projects.
No doubt the company has been able to make a name for itself in a relatively short
span of time only because of its ability and commitments to ensure customer
satisfaction by rewarding quality work on right time and in a right manner.
 The Mission

Online Examination

 At J K Enteprise with Technical proficiency and expertise, we cohesively integrate

graphic design with web page layout, with interactive programming, with database
driven content, to plan, build and deploy e- business and to emerge as one of the top
IT service provider.
 Philosophy
 The business philosophy of the company is to lay emphasis on Human Values and
Personal Relations. 'At J K Enteprise - Technology meets emotions and limits are
higher than the sky.' Great stress is laid on proper communication, transparency and
human relations, which forms an integral part of the corporate culture. At J K
Enteprise, we not only develop products but we develop relationships.
 We at J K Enteprise believe in teamwork. With every new day the quest for acquiring
new competencies continues. Forever searching, experimenting, innovating, learning,
moving ahead with our sincere efforts and dedication, shaping the future, and
challenging our competencies to create new opportunities, is a never-ending process
in the company.

Online Examination


Online Examination


2.1. Existing System (Drawbacks)
 Existing system is a manual one in which users are maintaining books to store the information
like Student Details, Instructor Details, Schedule Details and feedbacks about students who
attempted exam as per schedule.. It is very difficult to maintain historical data.
 The following drawbacks of existing system emphasize the need for computerization:
 A lot of copies of question papers have to be made
 A lot of correction work hence delay in giving the results
 A lot of tabulation work for each subject results

2.2. Proposed System

 This Web Application provides facility to conduct online examination world wide.
 It saves time as it allows number of students to give the exam at a time and displays the
results as the test gets over, so no need to wait for the result.It is automatically generated by
the server.
 Administrator has a privilege to create, modify and delete the test papers and its particular
 User can register, login and give the test with his specific id, and can see the results as well.
 Objective
 To provide an interface through which student can appear for examination online for
objective as well as subjective type questions.
 To provide registration for students done by themselves.
 To not provide facility of copy and paste while attempting the Subjective questions on
the web page.
 When the student starts the exam the timer will start automatically and show the
student how much time is left.
 The questions will be display randomly from question bank.
 Objective answers will be checked automatically by the system from the database
 For subjective answer manually checking by exam department will take place.
 To provided user name and password facility and credentials should be checked
properly at the time of login for student, expert, controller and Exam Dept Admin.
 To provide an interface from where controller will create new Expert and Admin for
Exam Dept.
 The authority to modify the criteria is provided to the controller of examination.
 To facilitate Experts to send a collection of questions in Question Bank.
 The Exam Dept will manage the question bank sent by experts.

 Scope
 Online Examination System is designed for Educational Institutes likeSchools,
Colleges, and Private Institutes to conduct logic tests of their students on a regular

Online Examination

basis. The system handles all the operations andgenerates reports as soon as the test is
completed which saves the precious time of faculties spent on reviewing answer sheets.
Theexisting system is weak when it comes to surprise test organizationswhereas this
system can make it possible very easily.

 Advantages / Comparison Study

 Manual Exam is sort of an assessment that is intended to measure an individuals
knowledge, skill and aptitude of a certain student or individual. This is also commonly
known to test takers as “Written Tests” and is a manual exam developer’s choice of
which style or format to use in creating and developing a written administered on a
sheet of paper. A test taker who takes a written test could respond to such specific test
items by writing it down manually within a given space of an examination paper or any
separate sheet of documenttest is usually given that there is no such standard of testing.
Be that as it may, certain exam style format have become widely used than others
 Online examination is an assesment that use network connection or internet in its
process. Individuals and students must sign in on an assessment program or web link by
entering their username and password. Then they choose the course that will be tested
and the student start answering the questions that is shown on the screen. After they
have finished the examination, the student taking the exam must click on a certain
button that would require finishing the examination process. Even though this seems
easy, online examination has its advantages and disadvantages as well.
 The students who agree that online examination is good has many advantages. Online
examination can make the student’s life easier because they don’t need any paper and
pen to do the examination. Furthermore, online examination can be effective and
efficient. The students don’t waste much time to answer the questions because they
only click on the best answer that is provided. One other advantage of online
examination is that we can know our scores just after the exam. Sometimes, instructors
can be very busy on a given day and do not have any time to check the exams. Online
examination can solve this problem. The instructor does not need to check all of the
exams. Online examination can do...
 Other Advantage
 Can be easily accessed 24/7 over the open test period
 Can be timed to allow Y minutes to answer X number of questions
 Immediate test Result when a test is submitted
 Can contain a combination of True/False, multiple choice, and in some cases
essay question
 Other Disadvantages:
 Highly dependent on honor system; hard to catch cheating. A group of students
can take turns
 taking test first to share answers with others in the group raising their overall
 Hard or difficult to ask questions or contest answers
 Can be slow responding due to connection speed (i.e., dial-up would limit the
use of graphics or media files)

 Modules (with short description)

Online Examination

 There are three sub modules in this phase.

 Candidate module.
 Examiner module.
 Administrator module.
 The functionality of each module is as follows:
 Candidate module:
 The candidate will logon to the software and take his examination.
He can also check his previous examinations marks and his
 The candidate will get result immediately after the completion of
the examination.
 Can view the different categories of Test available in their account.
 Can change password.
 Can view their marks.
 Can view the various reading material.
 Can view and modify its profile but can modify it to some limited

 Examiner module:
 The database is prepared & loaded into the software. Selection for
examination can be done language wise by the examiner.
 The results will be displayed immediately after completion of the
 Can view the different categories of Test conducted by users.
 Can change password.
 Can view their marks.
 Can view and modify Results.

 Administrator module:
 The administrator has the full fledged rights over the OES.
 Can create/delete an account.
 Can view the accounts.
 Can change the password.
 Can hide any kind of features from the both of users.
 Insert/delete/edit the information of available on OES.
 Can access all the accounts of the faculty members/students.

Online Examination


Online Examination

3.1. Minimum Hardware Requirement
 Server Side
 Processor:- 2.0GHZ
 Harddisk:- 80 GB
 RAM:- 2GB
 Client Side
 Processor:- 1.0 GHZ
 Harddisk:- 2 GB
 RAM:- 1 GB
3.2. Software Requirement
 Server Side
 Operating System:- Windows Server 2003
 Web-Technology:- PHP
 Back-End:- MySQL
 Web Server:- Apache SERVER
 Client Side
 Operating System:- Windows or or Any Compatible Operating System
 Web Browser:- Internet Explorer 6.0 or Any Compatible Browser
3.3. Programming Environment
 About Front-End(PHP 5.6.0)
 The pragmatic WordPress site builder doesn’t need to know much about these, yet.
PHP 5.5 is just beginning to take off, and is used by 4.2% of WordPress sites. That
means that if you decide to use it, then you’re no longer a “canary in the mine” – with
WordPress’s massive popularity, 4.2% equates to a gigantic amount of websites. As a
bonus, it’s likely that a majority of your plugin developers use this as their default
version too (if not 5.6).
 5.6 only just appears on the chart, at 0.4% – that’s still a lot of sites, numerically, but
you’re choosing to be very leading edge if you’re looking at that already.
 These are the official PHP group PHP releases. There are other exciting initiatives
going on, which are beginning to deliver alternative PHP setups, with the promise of
huge speed increases. These are also very leading edge, if you’re approaching them as
a WordPress site builder, and you’ll to invest in a fair amount of research and work to
get up to speed with using them, if you’re interested.
 So, now you know – PHP versions aren’t something you have to think about a lot, but
it’s the engine that runs everything else. It matters, and you can improve your speed,
security and compatibility, by making the right choice.
 David Anderson (lead developer, founder, UpdraftPlus)
 The following guides are available for Windows and Linux in the current versions:
 Backup and Restore MySQL Databases

Online Examination

 Configure FTP Access

 Configure Virtual Hosts
 Configure Wildcard-Based Subdomains
 Deploy an Application Using Git
 Get Started Quickly with WordPress
 Reset the MySQL Root Password
 Send Mail with PHP
 Troubleshoot Apache Startup Problems

 About Back-End(Mysql)
 What is MySQL?
 MySQL, the most popular Open Source SQL database management system, is
developed, distributed, and supported by Oracle Corporation.
 The MySQL Web site ( provides the latest information
about MySQL software.
 MySQL is a database management system.
 MySQL databases are relational.
 MySQL software is Open Source.
 The MySQL Database Server is very fast, reliable, scalable, and easy to use.
 MySQL Server works in client/server or embedded systems.
 A large amount of contributed MySQL software is available.
 The Main Features of MySQL
 Internals and Portability
 Written in C and C++.
 Tested with a broad range of different compilers.
 Uses multi-layered server design with independent modules.
 Designed to be fully multi-threaded using kernel threads, to easily use
multiple CPUs if they are available.
 Provides transactional and nontransactional storage engines.
 Uses very fast B-tree disk tables (MyISAM) with index compression.
 Designed to make it relatively easy to add other storage engines. This is
useful if you want to provide an SQL interface for an in-house database.
 Uses a very fast thread-based memory allocation system.
 Executes very fast joins using an optimized nested-loop join.
 Implements in-memory hash tables, which are used as temporary
 Implements SQL functions using a highly optimized class library that
should be as fast as possible. Usually there is no memory allocation at
all after query initialization.
 Provides the server as a separate program for use in a client/server
networked environment, and as a library that can be embedded
(linked) into standalone applications. Such applications can be used in
isolation or in environments where no network is available.

Online Examination

 Data Types
 Many data types: signed/unsigned integers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 bytes long,
spatial types
 Fixed-length and variable-length string types.
 Statements and Functions
 Full operator and function support in the SELECT list and WHERE clause
of queries.
 Full support for SQL GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses. Support for
group functions (COUNT(), AVG(), STD(), SUM(), MAX(), MIN(), and
 Support for LEFT OUTER JOIN and RIGHT OUTER JOIN with both
standard SQL and ODBC syntax.
 Support for aliases on tables and columns as required by standard SQL.
 Support for DELETE, INSERT, REPLACE, and UPDATE to return the
number of rows that were changed (affected), or to return the number
of rows matched instead by setting a flag when connecting to the
 Support for MySQL-specific SHOW statements that retrieve information
about databases, storage engines, tables, and indexes. Support for the
INFORMATION_SCHEMA database, implemented according to standard
 An EXPLAIN statement to show how the optimizer resolves a query.
 Independence of function names from table or column names. For
example, ABS is a valid column name. The only restriction is that for a
function call, no spaces are permitted between the function name and
the “(” that follows it. See Section 10.3, “Keywords and Reserved
 You can refer to tables from different databases in the same statement.
 Security
 A privilege and password system that is very flexible and secure, and
that enables host-based verification.
 Password security by encryption of all password traffic when you
connect to a server.
 Scalability and Limits
 Support for large databases. We use MySQL Server with databases that
contain 50 million records. We also know of users who use MySQL
Server with 200,000 tables and about 5,000,000,000 rows.
 Support for up to 64 indexes per table. Each index may consist of 1 to
16 columns or parts of columns. The maximum index width for InnoDB
tables is either 767 bytes or 3072 bytes. See Section 15.8.8, “Limits on
InnoDB Tables”. The maximum index width for MyISAM tables is 1000

Online Examination

System Design And Development

Online Examination

4. System Design And Development

4.1. Time Line Chart

Online Examination

4.2. Data dictionary

 Table Name: Adminlogin
 Description:- This Table Store Adminlogin Information.

Sr.No Field Name Datatype Size Constraints

1 admname varchar 32 PrimaryKey
2 admpassword varchar 32 -

 Table Name: Question

 Description:- This Table Store Question Information.

Sr.No Field Name Datatype Size Constraints

1 Testid Bigint 20 ForginKey
2 Quid Int 11 PrimaryKey
3 Question Varchar 500 Null
4 QuestionA Varchar 100 Null
5 QuestionB Varchar 100 Null
6 QuestionC Varchar 100 Null
7 QuestionD Varchar 100 Null
8 CorrectAnswer Enum(“OptionA”,OptionB”, - Null
9 Marks Int 11 Null
 Table Name: Student
 Description:- This Table Store Student Information.

Sr.No Field Name Datatype Size Constraints

1 Stdid Bigint 20 Primarykey
2 Stdname Varchar 40 Null
3 Stdpassword Varchar 40 Null
4 Emailid Varchar 40 Null
5 Contactno Varchar 40 Null
6 Address Varchar 40 Null
7 City Varchar 40 Null
8 Pincode varchar 20 Null

Online Examination

 Table Name: Student Quesion

 Description:- This Table Store Student Question Information.

Sr.No Field Datatype Size Constraints

1 Stdid Bigint 20 PrimaryKey
2 Testid Bigint 40 Null
3 Qnid Int 40 Null
4 Answered Enum(“Answered”,”Unanswered”) 40 Null
5 Student Enum(“optinA”,”optionB”,”optionC”, 40 Null
Answer “OptionD”)

 Table Name: Student Test

 Description:- This Table Store Student Test Information.

Sr.No Field Datatype Size Constraints

1 Stdid Bigint 20 Primarykey
2 Testid Bigint 20 ForginKey
3 Startime TimeStamp - Not null
4 EndTime TimeStamp - NotNull
5 Correctly Int 11 Null
6 Status Enum(“over”,inprogress”) - Null
 Table Name: Subject
 Description:- This Table Store Subject Information.

Sr.No Field Name Datatype Size Constraints

1 Subid Int 11 Primarykey
2 SunName varchar 40 Null
3 SabDesc Varchar 100 Null
4 Tcid Bigint 20 Null

Online Examination

 Table Name: Test

 Description:- This Table Store Test Information.

Sr.No Field Name Datatype Size Constraints

1 Testid Bigint 20 Primarykey
2 Testname Varchar 30 Not null
3 TestDesc Varchar 100 Not null
4 TestDate Date - Null
5 TestTime Time - Null
6 Sunid Int 11 Null
7 Testfrom TimeStamp - Not Null
8 Testto TimeStamp - Not Null
9 Durection Int 11 Null
10 Total Question Int 11 Null
11 Attemptedstudent Bigint 20 Null
12 Testcode Varchar 40 Not Null
13 Tcid Bigint 20 Null

Online Examination

 Table Name: Test Conductor

 Description:- This Table Store Test Conductor Information.

Sr.No Field Name Datatype Size Constraints

1 Tcid Bigint 20 PrimaryKey
2 Tcname Varchar 40 Null
3 Tcpassword Varchar 40 Null
4 EmailId Varchar 40 Null
5 Contactno Varchar 20 Null
6 Address Varchar 40 Null
7 City Varchar 40 Null
8 Pincode Varchar 20 Null

Online Examination

4.3. E-R Diagram

 Entity-relationship analysis uses three major abstractions to describe data.
 Entity
 Attribute
 Relationship
 Entity : Which are distinct things in the enterprise?
 Symbol :

 Attribute : Which are meaningful interactions between the objects?

 Symbol :

 Relationship : Which are the properties of the entities and relationship?

 Symbol :

 Entity relationship is described by their dependence on each other, as well as by the extent of
 Entity Dependency:
 Two types of dependency are common, in the first, existence dependency: one
entity is unable to exist in the database unless the other is first present.
 The existence of the second depends on the existence of the first.
 In the other of dependency, identification dependency, an entity cannot be
uniquely identified by its own attributes. Identification is possible only through an
entity relationship with other entities.
 Extent of Dependency:
 The extent of the dependency includes two interrelated concerns. The direction of
the relationship and the of association between them. Both can be represented

Online Examination

4.4 User Modeling language diagrams

 Actor:
A coherent set of roles that users of use cases play when interacting with the use `cases.

 Use case: A description of sequence of actions, including variants, that a system performs
that yields an observable result of value of an actor.

 UML stands for Unified Modeling Language. UML is a language for specifying, visualizing and
documenting the system. This is the step while developing any product after analysis. The

Online Examination

goal from this is to produce a model of the entities involved in the project which later need to
be built. The representation of the entities that are to be used in the product being developed
need to be designed.
 There are various kinds of methods in software design:
 They are as follows:
 Use case diagram

Online Examination

 Activity diagrams

Online Examination

 Sequence Diagrams

Online Examination

 Collaboration diagrams

Online Examination

Class diagrams

Online Examination


Tools and software used Frontend:-

Css 3

Html 5

Bootstrap 4






Online Examination

Online Examination


Online Examination



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