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MATH 3024

Random Sentences for Mathematics

MATH mnnb Ex 19

Q1. A magazine is now sold. The selling price of the magazine is $904.4. The marked price of the

magazine is $804.9. Find the discount of the magazine.

Q2. A magazine is now sold. The cost of the magazine is $890. The percentage profit of the

magazine is 6%. The marked price of the magazine is $896.2. Find the discount of the magazine.

Q3. A magazine is now sold. The marked price of the magazine is $384.6. The magazine is sold at a

discount of 23% on its marked price. Find the selling price of the magazine.

Q1. 11%

Q2. 5%

Q3. $500

Page 1 MATH 3024

Q1. A book is now sold. The cost of the book is $590. The marked price of the book is $633.5. The

book is sold at a discount of 9% on its marked price. Find the percentage profit of the book.

Q2. A magazine is now sold. The cost of the magazine is $840. The marked price of the magazine is

$871.4. The magazine is sold at a discount of 9% on its marked price. Find the percentage profit of

the magazine.

Q3. A jacket is now sold. The percentage profit of the jacket is 16%. The selling price of the jacket is

$812.0. Find the cost of the jacket.

Q4. A cake is now sold. The cost of the cake is $130. The selling price of the cake is $145.6. Find

the percentage profit of the cake.

Q1. 18%

Q2. 14%

Q3. $700

Q4. 12%

Page 2 MATH 3024

Q1. A football is now sold. The selling price of the football is $22.8. The marked price of the football

is $16.87. Find the discount of the football.

Q2. A book is now sold. The cost of the book is $620. The percentage profit of the book is 15%. The

marked price of the book is $499.1. Find the discount of the book.

Q3. A jacket is now sold. The selling price of the jacket is $976.8. The marked price of the jacket is

$928.0. Find the discount of the jacket.

Q4. A cake is now sold. The cost of the cake is $640. The percentage profit of the cake is 17%. The

marked price of the cake is $644.0. Find the discount of the cake.

Q1. 26%

Q2. 30%

Q3. 5%

Q4. 14%

Page 3 MATH 3024

Q1. A football is now sold. The cost of the football is $270. The selling price of the football is $318.6.

Find the percentage profit of the football.

Q2. A bag is now sold. The cost of the bag is $790. The percentage profit of the bag is 6%. Find the

selling price of the bag.

Q3. A bag is now sold. The cost of the bag is $780. The percentage profit of the bag is 30%. Find

the selling price of the bag.

Q4. A book is now sold. The cost of the book is $80. The percentage profit of the book is 19%. The

book is sold at a discount of 27% on its marked price. Find the marked price of the book.

Q1. 18%

Q2. $837

Q3. $1010.

Q4. $69.5

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