Thalia Tran Stocks Assgn

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Stock Choice Chart

Thalia Tran
Stock Choice Chart

Company Stock Current Number of Total (US$): price x number

Name Code Price Shares (10 of shares
Apple APPX $189.79 24.63M $187.44 x 17 = $3,186.48

Amazon AMZN $147.73 49.04M $147.60 x 17 = $2,509.20

Tesla TSLA $236.08 125.35M $236.12 x 20 = $4,722.40

Microsoft MSFT $378.61 27.84M $379.10 x 15 = $5,686.50

Throughout this fun “game” that we played, I learned a lot, not just about stocks in itself,

but knowing how much to invest, and what to invest in. Not just learning how to invest, but

where to invest, is a skill that not only helps me with managing, but being wise with spending.

Overall, I have a few opinions on stocks, and whether or not I would do them, as well as the

stocks I invested in, and the reasoning behind it.

Although stocks is a gamble, I do find myself being able to enjoy this with my own

money, just on a smaller, less grand scale of investing. Stocks is not an EASY way to make

money, per say, but one of the easier ways to make quick cash- if you know what; and when to

invest. I wouldn’t just blow over 15k on stocks, but that being said, if I were to gain more money

throughout investing in stocks, I would increase my spendings on certain stocks, but I doubt I

would go to such a grand scale as 15,000 USD. I’d say investing in the more popular, safer

stocks is easier, as well as investing during good times (such as holiday season, or around the

times of big holiday sales.) This also includes pulling out at the right time, such as bankruptcy.

In this game, I chose Apple, Amazon, Tesla, and Microsoft, primarily all for the same

reason : Black Friday. Logically, sales would go up. It’s nearing Christmas season, and many
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Stock Choice Chart
Thalia Tran
gifts are being bought around this time. In addition, Black Friday is a good day for markets and

companies to make money, even by lowering their items by just 10%.

Overall, my stocks were a little up and down, but relatively stable. Microsoft went up the

most increasingly, but all of my stocks did well, and I did in fact get money from these stocks. I

believe that I chose good and safe choices, knowing that these companies are where people are

most likely to buy from during sales. Though it was a little “playing-it-safe” of me, I believe that

this was the best idea until I get the full grasp of stocks. Until then, I believe I made wise choices

based on the circumstances I was in.

Although I might change the amount of money I invested, and potentially invest in more

companies, I wouldn’t change the companies I’ve already picked. Bigger, successful names have

a higher chance of succeeding, and with such, playing it safe until I’ve learned to better navigate

stocks in itself is much better. In conclusion, I’ve learned a lot about stocks from this assignment,

as well as having a fun routine of checking stocks daily.

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