RT-88 IMO Tier I (Issue 1, 19-03-2010)

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Wärtsilä low-speed engines RT-88

Services 2-stroke Issue 1, 19.03.2010

IMO Tier I At your convenience

This document informs about the revised

MARPOL annex VI protocol.
Information to all Owners and Operators of The complete MARPOL annex VI
Sulzer RTA two-stroke engines, information is a comprehensive document.
installed between 1990 and 2000 We provide herein a condensed summary
and guide how to read the MARPOL
annex VI protocol. Further more
explanations and clarifications are given
what the message means to marine diesel
engines of a certain age.

This document is addressed to Sulzer two-

stroke engines of the RTA series, installed
in the period from 1990 to 2000.

Sulzer and Wärtsilä brand two-stroke

diesel engines built after 1 January 2000
are not affected by the revised MARPOL
annex VI protocol. These engines are
already compliant with at least IMO Tier I

Wärtsilä Switzerland Ltd. Tel (24h): +41 52 262 80 10

PO Box 414 Fax: +41 52 262 07 31
CH-8401 Winterthur technicalsupport.chts@wartsila.com
Issue 1, Page 2 / 4

Revised MARPOL annex VI

The revised MARPOL Annex VI is an amendment to the annex of the protocol of
international convention for the prevention of pollution from ships.
The amendment will enter into force on 1 July 2010. Regulation 13 of the
amendment is defining lower NOX emission limits for marine diesel engines. This
new limits must be applied to all engines which are installed on ships constructed
on or after 1 January 2011.

Paragraph 7 of Regulation 13 has a special focus on installed engines. Hereafter

is the most important content quoted:
…a marine diesel engine with a power output of more than 5000 kW and a per
cylinder displacement at or above 90 litres installed on a ship constructed on or
after 1 January 1990 but prior to 1 January 2000 shall comply with the emission
limits set forth in subparagraph 7.4 of this paragraph, provided that an Approved
Method for that engine has been certified by an Administration of a Party and
notification of such certification has been submitted to the Organisation by the
certifying Administration.

Clarification to some phrases in above quoted paragraph:

…ship constructed on…
means, ships which had keel laying or which are at a similar stage of
construction at the quoted date.
…set forth in subparagraph…
The subparagraph 7.4 describes the Tier I limits.

The certification of an Approved Method requires in addition the following

By the designer of the base marine diesel engine that the effect of the
Approved Method will not decrease the engine rating by more than 1% and in
return increase the fuel consumption by more than 2%. In addition it shall not
adversely affect the engine durability and reliability.
The cost of the Approved Method shall not be excessive. This means, the cost
must not exceed the cost limit as calculated in accordance with the Cost-
Effectiveness formula, as stated in Paragraph 7.5 under regulation 13 of the
revised MARPOL Annex VI.

Wärtsilä or previously Sulzer is the designer of the base marine diesel engine
respectively the main diesel engine installed in a vessel.

Concerned engines
Basically all two-stroke engines of the Sulzer brand are concerned which were
installed during the period of 1990 to 2000. In effect, during this defined period
Sulzer RTA series low-speed engines were built.
Issue 1, Page 3 / 4

How to read the MARPOL annex VI

Approved Method
An Approved Method is a technical solution bringing the engine in compliance
with the new regulation (IMO NOX Tier I) after it was installed on a ship. The
Approved Method can be applicable for a specific engine, an engine type or a
group of engines.
Therefore different Approved Methods could be available for an engine
depending on the grouping. The scope of engines to which the Approved Method
applies will be listed by the Organisation.

Sulzer engine types are for example RTA62U, RTA84C, etc. irrespective of the
cylinder number.
Group of engines are engines within an engine type with certain common
parameters, for example similar CMCR.

Confirming the availability of an Approved Method

An Administration (flag state) has to certify an Approved Method. It can involve a
class society for the processing of the approval procedure. The Administration
will notify the International Maritime Organization (IMO) after the certification
about the availability of the Approved Method. The Approved Methods will be
listed and announced by the IMO.

The listing of Approved Methods will not be done before 1 July 2010.

Availability of Approved Method for concerned engines

Depending on the engine type, grouping of engines for a certain engine type and
the effect of the Approved Method, following scenarios are possible:
Approved Method available for all engines of a certain engine type.
Approved Method only available for some groups of a certain engine type.
Approved Method not available for the time being as the approval, certification
and notification has not been finalised. This means the Approved Method is
not yet listed.
Approved Method not available for a certain engine type or a group of engines
as no solution is available bringing these engines in compliance with the
regulation. These engines will therefore not be listed and announced by the

Deadline for applying the Approved Method to the engine

The certified Approved Method for the engine in question must be announced to
IMO by the Administration. The Approved Method shall then be applied to the
engine no later than the first renewal survey that occurs 12 months or more after
approval of an applicable method.
Therefore the time frame for operators to apply the Approved Method starts with
the notification date to IMO. The date varies from ship to ship depending on the
renewal survey date of the vessel.
Issue 1, Page 4 / 4

Required documentation
In addition to the Approved Method, Wärtsilä develops also an Approved Method
File, which has to be approved by the Administration (flag state) or by a
recognised organisation (class society) on behalf of the Administration.
The Approved Method File will be submitted to the owner by Wärtsilä after the
Approved Method is applied and completed on the engine.

Alternatives to the Approved Methods

Some Sulzer RTA engine types might already be compliant with the new
regulation. For these engines an onboard measurement can be performed,
proving the compliance with the regulation.

Wärtsilä solutions
Wärtsilä is developing solutions in the following fields:
Injection timing related
Compression ratio related

Based on the experience with engines built after 2000 which are already
complying with IMO Tier I regulation, there are several solutions available which
can be adapted to existing engines built between 1990 and 2000. All of these
solutions are well proven and have no adverse effect on the engine durability and
The solutions include some new components which either have to be installed or
exchanged, depending on the engine configuration. In addition some adjustments
need to be made for a reliable and optimised engine performance.

If you have questions about the content in this document or you need Wärtsilä
assistance, please contact your nearest Wärtsilä representative or send your
enquiry to:
or phone 24hrs Support: +41 52 262 80 10.

© 2010 Wärtsilä Switzerland Ltd. – All rights reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,
graphic, photocopying, recording, taping or other information retrieval systems) without the prior written
permission of the copyright holder. Wärtsilä Corporation makes no representation, warranty (express or implied)
in this publication and assumes no responsibility for the correctness, errors or omissions for information
contained herein. Information in this publication is subject to change without notice.
Unless otherwise expressly set forth, no recommendation contained in this document is to be construed as
provided due to a defect in the engine, but merely as an improvement of the engine and/or the maintenance
procedures relating thereto. Any actions by the owner/operator as a result of the recommendations are not
covered under any warranty provided by Wärtsilä and such actions will thus be at the owners/operators own
cost and expense.

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