Tally - Assignment

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Question No: 1
Create the following ledger with opening balance :


Capital account

A’sCapital 2,50,000

B’sCapital 17,50,000

C’sCapital 10,00,000

Reserves & Surplus 0

GeneralReserve 25,000

SharePremium 5,00,000

Bank Accounts:
BankofBaroda(alias)BOB 50,000

Cash-in-hand :
Cash 25,000

Debtors – Local:
BeautyJewellery -BillNo.3651dt.01-Mar-17 10,000
-BillNo.3425,dt.01-Mar-17 25,000

ImageJewellery-BillNo.1111,dt.01-Mar-17 3,50,000


Creditor – Local:
XYZ Jewelers
Bill No.1245, dt.01-Mar-17 2, 50,000
Bill No.1008, dt.2-Mar-17 1, 50,000

PQR Jewelers
Bill No.965, dt.2-Mar-17 1, 25,000
Fixed Assets Depreciation

TataIndicacar 15% 3,00,000

WeighingMachine 15% 30,000

Furniture’s&Fixtures 10% 5,00,000

Land 32,60,000

Building 10% 7,50,000

Generator 15% 75,000

Un-Secured Loans:
Interestonloan12%percalendaryear(01.04.19) 7,00,000

GopiKishan 5,00,000
Interest@12%percalendaryearupto31/08/18 Interest@14%percalendaryearfrom01/09/18

Bank OD A/c :
ICICIODA/c 1,50,000

Loans & Advances :

PrepaidInsuranceMotorCar 10,000
PrepaidInsuranceStock 15,000

Question No: 2
Create the following stock groups and sub groups:

S.No Stock Main Group & Sub Groups

1 Gold

2 Silver

3 Utensils

4 Imitations

List of Unit of Measures

S.No Unit Name

1 Nos / Numbers

2 Gms / Grams

3 Kgs / Kilograms

4 Pcs / Pieces

Note: 3 Decimal place should be provided for Kgs & Gms

Stock items which has unit as Kgs should have alternate unit as Grams
Item Stock Items (op. Balance) Qty Rate Amt. GST

1 Gold Jewellery 750 gms 1000 7,50,000 3%

2 Silver Jewellery 7.5 Kgs 10,000 75,000 3%
3 Pure Gold 900 Gms 1,100 9,90,000 3%
4 Pure Silver 10 Kgs 12,000 1,20,000 3%
5 Silver Utensils 25 Kgs 10,500 2,62,500 6%

6 Imitation Jewellery 6%

Total Value 2197500

Question : 3
Create the following Cost Centers
i) Silver Products
ii) Gold Products
Note: 60% of Expenses should be allocated for Gold Products Cost centre and 40% of
Expenses should be allocated for Silver Products Cost Centre while passing the Voucher
entries for whichever ledger applicable with cost centre.

Question: 4

Create the following budgets and with value

Annual Budget from 1st April to 31st March for Rs.1, 00,000/- to be set for
Indirect Expenses

Question : 5

Do the following Entries on 1st August

1. Imitation Jewellery 10 pcs @ Rs. 750, (add 6% GST) purchased from IK Jewels for cash
2. Imitation Jewellery 100 pcs @ Rs. 700 (add 6% GST) purchased from CC Jewels for credit

Do the following Entries on 2nd August

1. Gold Jewellery 123.500 gms @ Rs.1,300 (add 3% GST) sold for cash
2. Silver Jewellery 2,5 kg @ Rs.12,000 (add 3% GST) sold to Rahim Jewellery for credit
3. Pure Gold 200 gms @ Rs.1,375 (add 3% GST) sold to Image Jewellery for credit
4. Silver Utensils 1.250 kgs @Rs.14,000 (add 6% GST) sold to Image Jewellery for credit
5. Pure Silver 2 kgs @ Rs. 13,000 (add 3% GST sold for cash
Do the following Entries on 2nd August

1. Imitation Jewellery 20 pcs @ Rs.1,000 (add 6% GST) sold for cash

Do the following Entries on 2nd August

1. Pure Gold 500 gms issued to Goldsmith for converting into Gold Jewellery, and
received 550 gms of Gold Jewellery

Do the following Entries on 2nd August

1. Silver Jewellery 5 kgs @ Rs. 12,000 sent on approval to Rahim Jewellery
2. Gold Jewellery 250 gms @ Rs. 1,000 received on approval from IK Jewellery

Do the following Entries on 31st August

1. Silver Jewellery sent on approval to Rahim Jewellery which was on 2nd Aug, out of which 2 kg is
received back and balance was sold for credit – make the necessary entry

2. Gold Jewellery received on approval from IK Jewellery which was on 2nd Aug, out of which
100 gms is returned and balance is purchased – make the necessary entry

Do the following Entries on 31st August

1. Pure Gold purchased 500 gms @ Rs. 1225 from Praveen Jewellery for credit
2. Same day 100 gms pure gold is returned to Praveen Jewellery for quality problem
3. Silver Jewellery 1.5 kg received back from Rahim Jewellery which was sold on 311st Aug,
for a quality problem

Do the following Entries

1. On 1st April, bill raised for Rs.3,00,000 to Rupa Jewellery for Consultancy Fees
2. On 1st Sept, Rs.50,000 cash deposited into BOB A/c
3. On 1st Sept Gold Jewellery 12.500 gms @ Rs. 1225 purchased from Surbhi Jewellery
for cash

4. On 2nd Sept Pass a journal entry for Labour charges for Rs.1,00,000 to Goldsmith along with

5. On 2nd Sept, labour charges paid to Goldsmith through BOB A/c

6. On 2nd Sept purchased issued to Praveen Jewellery for Pure Gold 200 gms @ Rs. 1250
7. On 2nd April, bill raised for Rs. 5,00,000 to Suresh Jewellery for Consultancy Fees
8. On 2nd April, consultancy fees received from Rupa Jewellery by cheque
9. On 2nd Sept, Sales Order received from Rahim Jewellery for Silver Jewellery 10kg @ Rs.13,000
10. On 1st April consultancy fees received from Suresh Jewellery after giving discount of Rs.20,000
11. On 2nd Oct, amount paid to Praveen Jewellery through BOB A/c
12. On 1st Oct, amount received by cheque from Beauty Jewellery for Bill Nos. 3651 & 3425
13. On 1st Oct, Rs.5000 cash paid for Telephone Expenses 14.On 1st
Oct, Rs.15000 cash paid for Conveyance Expenses 15.On 1st Oct,
amount paid to PQR Jewellery by BOB A/c

16. On 1st Oct, Rs.1,40,000 paid to XYZ Jewellery for bill no. 1008 by ICICI Bank, balance
amount discount
17. On 1st Oct, Rs.20000 cash paid for Electricity charges 18.On 1st
Oct, make the payment entry for both TDS liability

19. On 1st Oct Pass a journal entry for Audit Fees for Rs.2,00,000 to PWC along with TDS
20. On 1st Oct, Rent paid Rs.10,000 by BOB A/c
21. On 1st Oct, pass Journal entry for Depreciation of all Assets with respective % (pass an
individual entry for every assets)

Question: 6

The following reports should be exported from tally.

1. One voucher entry from every type of voucher screen should be attached as screen shot
in Word Document

2. Trial Balance – Detailed

3. Profit & Loss – Detailed
4. Balance Sheet – Detailed
5. Outstanding – Payable & Receivable Report
6. Bank Book with BRS (before & after reconcile)
7. Budget Variance report
8. Day book for A to Z
9. Stock summary report for Gold Jewellery
10. Stock Movement Analysis Report for Gold Jewellery
11.Stock Query report for Silver Jewellery

12.Purchased Order pending list

13. Sales Order pending list

14. Goods delivered but bill not made report

15. 15.Bill raised but goods not delivered

16.Cash flow & Funds flow report for the month of August

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